The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers ) Issue 95 o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e February 17, 2015 2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 Australian High Commissioner to Malta H.E. Ms Jane Lambert addressing the audience at the commemoration of Australia Day in the presence of Malta President H.E. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr George Vella Australian High Commissioner to Malta on the occasion of Australia Day in Malta, says... Diversifying population helps to A build Australia’s future tese community has made its mark in the business, professional, cultural, political, academic and sporting spheres. “These strong people-to-people links have underpinned the depth and real warmth between Australia and Malta. We continue to build on the relationship, and it was very pleasing to reflect on the past year’s developments in expanding links in the areas of culture, arts and education”. ‘ Strong people-to-people links have underpinned the depth and real warmth between Australia and Malta ‘ ustralia Day 2015 in Malta was celebrated on February 2 with a celebration hosted at her residence by High Commissioner to Malta, H.E. Ms. Jane Lambert in the presence, among other distinguished guests and friends, of H.E. the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and her husband, a number of local Ministers, members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps and fellow Australians. The HC also delivered a speech in which she explained that Australia Day is a day for all Australians, either in Australia or around the world, to celebrate their nation, and to reflect on their history, on contemporary Australia, on their achievements as a nation and people, their disappointments, how they improve, on the core values of their liberal democratic society, and to reflect also on what they want for their future. She said that this year on this Day Australia welcomed 16,000 new Australian citizens. Ms. Lambert added that on such a day Australia honours members of the community who have stood out through their personal endeavours and experiences. She mentioned in this regard Mr Virgil Bugeja from the Friends of Australia in Malta who was a recipient of the Medal for the Order of Australia. She said that this year, for the first time, the recipients of the Australian of the Year, the Young Australian of the Year, the Senior Australian of the Year and Australia’s Local Hero, are all women. She was also pleased to point out that The Maltese community in Australia has been and continues to be one of the major success stories in the evolution of multicultural Australia. She said: “Over 164,000 people in Australia identify themselves as having Maltese heritage, and more than 50,000 people left the shores of Malta and Gozo from the 1950s and onwards to seek a new life for themselves and their families in Australia.” She acknowledged that the Australia-Mal- She said that Australia would continue to have an ever evolving and ever diversifying population. “This helps to build a resilient society, create a strong economy, drives prosperity and builds Australia’s future.” The Australian High Commissioner said that Australia and Malta have also stood together in the dark times too. She said: “Malta and the Maltese people have been there for us during the wars and social and political upheavals of the 20th century, the nursemaid of the Mediterranean and safe haven for those in need.” She added that Malta also provided safe haven for the thousands of people evacuating Libya in 2011, which included a number of Australians, and again in July and August of 2014. Ms. Lambert went on to point out that an important event this year will be the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign and the story of the Anzacs, the Australian and New Zealand soldiers, who fought beside so many soldiers in that terrible and costly campaign. Many of the sick and wounded were brought to Malta for care, over 55,000 troops and 2,500 officers. She announced that Australia would be holding the Anzac Day ceremony in Malta on April 25 at the Pieta Military Cemetery. In order to mark the occasion of the 100th anniversary the Australian High Commission has worked in collaboration with a range of Maltese cultural and heritage organisations to create over more than two weeks a range of Anzac activities that look in particular at the impact on Malta and the Maltese people. She confirmed that during the commemoration, there would also be visits by the Young Endeavour Sailing ship, a replica of Captain Cook’s ship that discovered Australia in 1788, and HMAS Anzac. The Australian High Commissioner to Malta said that Australia and Malta share a commitment to the upholding of democratic values, to human rights and equal opportunity, the rule of law, and to the promotion of peace and security. “We look forward to working together with our Maltese friends and colleagues here, and in international forums such as the UN and the Commonwealth, to promote a better and safer world for our peoples and the people of other countries,” she said. She concluded saying that while working with the Maltese government on its preparations for its hosting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, CHOGM, which will be held later this year, Australia strongly supports Malta’s objectives for moving the Commonwealth forward and looks forward to being an active participant. The Voice of the Maltese 3 Tuesday February 17, 2015 Looking forward to future with optimism O n the occasion commemorating brated their 50th anniversary since estabAustralia Day in Malta, H.E. Marie lishing diplomatic relations. The President revealed that in the period Louise Coleiro-Preca, the President of Malta, the most distinguished guest at the between 2011 and 2013, exports from reception hosted by Jane Lambert, the Aus- Malta to Australia more than doubled, tralian High Commissioner to Malta, re- “which augurs well to the future of our quested the HC to convey the heartfelt commercial cooperation,” she said. She also mentioned Malta’s strategic pogreetings to the Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove on behalf of the people of Malta. sition in the middle of the Mediterranean Delivering an address on this occasion, the Sea and its connection to three major conPresident said that Australia’s national day connects seamlessly past and present convocations, as beyond any historical event, it is mainly through change and openness to new cultures that Australia managed to become a successful example of multiculturalism at its best. She reiterated that Australia hosts the largest Maltese community of migrants, who more than half a decade ago sailed all the way to Australia in search for a better future. She was proud that albeit the difficulties encountered at the time, the Maltese managed Malta President Marie Louise Coleto establish themselves and rio-Preca delivering her address integrate very well in Ausflanked by Australian High Comtralia, which is mostly evimissier Jane Lambert and Malta Fordenced in the respect they eign Affairs Minister George Vella enjoy wherever they go and their steadfast willingness to contribute to the well-being of the country which adopted them as her loyal citizens. The President said: “On this day of celebration, I wish to convey to them in particular my best wishes, even because, what Australia managed to achieve through the tinents that makes it a lucrative location years, is in part also thanks to their hard from where business activity could perform work and dedication in raising up good and flourish. She delved on another occasion very dear families which as we know constitute a cornerstone in the successful development of to Australia, ANZAC Day, saying that during this year Malta as ‘the Nurse of the every society.” Mrs Coleiro-Preca went on to say that al- Mediterranean’ would jointly commemothough geographically distant from one an- rate with Australia the 100th anniversary other, the two countries nurtured close since the Gallipoli Campaign in 1915. relations through their shared membership At the time, Malta served as a hub for reof the Commonwealth, good governance covery to hundreds of wounded soldiers, inand social connection devoted to migration. cluding Australian servicemen, by convert“While remaining faithful to their com- ing big edifices into hospitals, to ensure that mon mission towards democracy, the rule the best assistance to the wounded is given. of law and shared values, our common viShe believed that the 100th anniversary of sion of the present and the future resolve to ANZAC Day would bring both nations togive added impetus to the already excellent gether to give homage to the fallen soldiers, relations enjoyed by the two sides, prompt- as well as commit us against war and for ing, further cooperation and exchanges of peace. She said that several Maltese-Ausin the form of investment and connectivity tralians fought side by side with the Auswhich are conducive to economic growth tralian troops. and social well-being.” In her view, the ANZAC Day commemoShe said that Malta is encouraged by the ration could serve as an opportunity for the evolution of the trade flows taking place be- thousands of Australians residing in the tween the two countries that last year cele- UK, to visit Malta during the time of the Malta President on bilateral relations Malta-Australia commemoration, and join in the service and ancillary events taking place to mark the day. Furthermore, was looking look forward to welcome Australia’s Prime Minister to Malta, in November of this year when the island will be hosting the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting for the second time in a decade. She said our countries are not only members of this important organisation, but also promoters to its wellbeing and development, adding that Malta believes that the remarkable progress which has taken place since the setting up of the Commonwealth is testimony to the need to continue building on the success of this important collaboration. The Maltese President went on to describe the meeting in Malta in November as an occasion that would provide a time-ly opportunity for all members of the Commonwealth to devise a road-map that would render its efforts, a more resourceful reality, and an important voice that advocates cha-nge. “There is the need to develop the Commonwealth into a modern organisation, which will give further impetus to its members to participate in a productive and successful manner. We need to enhance the Commonwealth into a stronger voice that reflects the diverse yet enriching realities of its members,” she said. The President believed that Malta and Australia could play a major role in this. “We believe that the Commonwealth will continue to be a major player in the global scene and hope that the high-level participation at the Malta CHOGM will secure the necessary vision and commitment by Commonwealth leaders” She concluded by saying: “As we gather here today to celebrate the achievements of Australia, I have every reason to look forward to the future of our bilateral relations with optimism, confident that as has been the case in the past, both sides will resume with their pledge to strengthen their already excellent rapport in the direction of discovering new avenues of cooperation. “ In the spirit of mutual friendship and steadfast support towards common goals, Malta President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca then proposed a toast “to the people of the Commonwealth of Australia and to the two countries’ common pursuit of peace and security for all mankind.” 4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 Il-Mitt sena tal-ANZAC u l-importanza tal-Australia Hall D in hi sena speçjali g˙all-Awstralja. PajjiΩ Ωag˙Ωug˙ fl-istorja iΩda li g˙andu fama ta’ qlubija u ˙e©©a kumbattiva fejn jid˙lu l-Gwerer. Dak mag˙ruf b˙ala l-Jum ANZAC, li ji©i ççelebrat fil-25 ta’ April, hu jum mhux biss g˙aΩiΩ iΩda mfakkar b’qima kbira ma’ kull rokna tal-Awstralja. F’dan il-jum, jitfakkru dawk lAwstraljani kollha li ˙adu parti attiva fil-gwerer, f’konflitti u ˙idmiet g˙aΩ-Ωamma tal-paçi madwar id-dinja. Dis-sena titfakkar ukoll ilmitt sena minn meta l-ANZACs ji©ifieri (Australian & New Zealand Army Corps) i©©ieldu f’Gallipoli fit-Turkija, fl-ewwel gwerra dinjija, mag˙rufa a˙jar b˙ala l-Gwerra l-Kbira. Kien fl-ewwel ta’ Novembru 1914 li l-ewwel konvoj ta’ vapuri Awstraljani u New Zealand salpaw mill-port ta’ Albany f’Western Australia biex ©arrew suldati lejn l-Ewropa fl-ewwel gwerra dinjija. Ma jistax jonqos g˙alhekk li kif insemmu l-ANZACs niftakru direttament fil-infamuΩa Ωbarkatura fl-ixtut ta’ Gallipoli mitt sena ilu, fil-25 ta’ Kitba ta’ Lawrence Dimech Ta˙t: Il-monument tal-ANZAC flArgotti l-Furjana f’Malta. Hu luniku monument tax-xorta tieg˙u barra dak li hemm f’Gallipoli. ng˙aqdet f’Federazzjoni u l-ewwel konflitt internazzjonali li fih ˙adu sehem is-suldati Awstraljani. L-ewwel gwerra dinjija bdiet f’Awwissu 1914 meta l-IngliΩi u l-GermaniΩi ddikjaraw gwerra kontra xulxin. Fl-istess sena l-Prim Ministru Awstraljan Andrew Fisher iddikkjara l-appo©© tieg˙u lejn l-Imperu IngliΩ. Madwar 416,809 ra©el da˙lu fisservizz biex ji©©ieldu g˙all-Awstralja, fil-ma©©oranza barra minn xtuthom. minnhom kien hemm 8,700 li sfaw mejta. B’tant ©lied u qtil fl-Ewropa, pajjiΩna Malta, li hu ©eografikament idejali f’nofs il-Mediterran, sar il-post ta’ kalma, mistrie˙ u fejqan g˙al dawk leluf li sfaw vittmi tal-˙ruxijiet li kienu qed jitwettqu fl-Ewropa u fit-Turkija, l-aktar f’Gallipoli. Malta fet˙et mhux biss qalbha iΩda diversi sptarijiet u skejjel biex tikkura lil dawn l-imsejkna vittmi. Ma setax jonqos li waqt moviment b˙al dan, in˙asset il-˙tiega li jigi mibni post addattat fejn dawn is-suldati talImperu, li kienu Malta g˙all-mistrie˙, ikollhom fejn jiltaqg˙u u jiddevertu. F’Novembru 1915 inbniet g˙alhekk lAustralian Hall f’Pembroke, bini distint f’dawk in-na˙at, tant li fuq id-da˙la mnaqqxa fuq il-˙ajt g˙ad hemm il-kitba: This building was erected in November 1915 by the Australian Branch of the British Red Cross Society for the benefit of the soldiers of the Empire. G˙alhekk, fil-mitt sena tal-iΩbarkar tat-truppi f’Gallipoli, dan il-bini Ωgur li se jerga’ jissemma. Il-bini, li wara ttluq tat-truppi IngliΩi f’Malta kien fi stat mitluq u mhux iktar uΩat ©ie impartat ma’ bini ie˙or fil-Marsa li l-Partit Laburista kien juΩa b˙ala l-kwartieri ©enerali tieg˙u. Il-gvern ta’ Malta kien jin˙tie© il-bini tal-Marsa g˙aliex qiesu ideali biex juzah b˙ala l-post fejn setg˙u jinbnew il-vapuri. G˙alhekk sar neguzjar, tpartit tal-bini tal-Marsa biex jintuΩa b˙ala l-Malta Shipbuilding mal-propjetà li lGvern kellu fi Pembroke, inkluΩa lAustralia Hall. L-Australia Hall f’Pembroke, b˙alissa bini mitluq April 1915. Se ssir tifkira xierqa fidDawn Service f’Gallipoli meta 8,000 Awstraljan u 2,000 minn New Zealand flimkien ma’ 500 rappreΩentant uffiçjali minn nazzjonijiet o˙ra jingabru filPeninsula ta’ Gallipoli fit-Turkija g˙attifkira storika. Ma’ dawn jiΩdiedu wkoll madwar 10,500 spettatur ie˙or. L-ewwel gwerra dinjija kien Ωmien sinifikanti fl-istorja tal-Awstralja. Kien biss 13-il sena wara li l-Awstralja Minn dawn 60,000 mietu, filwaqt li 152,00 indarbu. LiΩ-Ωbarkar tat-truppi ANZAC filpeninΩula ta’ Gallipoli kien diΩastru militari; it-truppi niΩlu f’na˙a ˙aΩina minflok fi xtajta li minnha setg˙u jil˙qu a˙jar lill-g˙edewwa. Fil-20 ta’ Diçembru 1915, ji©ifieri wara tmien xhur ta’ diΩastru s˙i˙, l-ANZACs bdew jevakwaw iΩda sadanittant ˙allew warajhom 25,000 vittma u G˙al pagna 5 The Voice of the Maltese 5 Tuesday February 17, 2015 Obbligu morali li l-bini storiku tal-Australia Hall ji©i ppriservat minn pagna 4 Il-Partit Laburista xejn ma ˙a ˙sieb il-manutenzjoni talAustralia Hall u dan il-bini baqa’ jigi vvandalizzat. Sa anke ©arrab ˙ruq kbir li ˙alla l-post sempliçement qafas. Il-Partit Laburista dejjem ried ibieg˙ il-propjetà lill-privat. Kien hemm kwestjonijiet dwar kif sar in-negozju u t-tpartit iΩda tul il-˙akma Nazzjonalista qatt ma sar xejn biex jigi regolizzat dak li kienu jg˙idu li kien sar ˙aΩin. Ftit xhur ilu l-Partit Laburista, issa fil-gvern, irnexxilu jsolvi l-problemi legali li seta’ kien hemm fuq din il-propjetà, mhux biss l-Australia Hall u sar il-bejg˙ lil ditta privata. Mill-ewwel g˙alhekk jispikka l-argument, x’se tag˙mel din id-ditta privata bl-Australia Hall? Barra l-istorja, hemm l-obbligu morali li l-Australia Hall tigi ppriservata u dan ˙add ma jinnegah. Il-Gvern Awstraljan, li permezz tal-Kummissjoni G˙olja Awstraljana f’Malta jidher li qed juri interess, specjalment f’din is-sena tal-mitt anniversarju tal-ANZAC, qatt qabel ma wera nteressa dwar Australia Hall, anzi ddikjaraw li din m’g˙andhiex valur storiku assoçjat mal-Awstralja. Niftakar sewwa li kemm-il darba kien hemm interess minn diversi sorsi tal-komunità Maltija fl-Awstralja dwar ir-riabilitaΩΩjoni tal-Australia Hall biex idawru dan il-bini f’çentru jew muΩew Malti-Awstraljan, iΩda min˙abba lkomplikazzjonijiet legali li kien hemm qatt ma seta’ jwassal g˙al xi progress. Huwa xieraq li f’dawn iΩ-Ωmienijiet meta l-Awstralja qed tfakkar il-mitt sena mill-iΩbarkar tat-truppi f’Galliopli u lkefrija li rriΩultat minn din il-battalja stupida, ti©i mfakkra fuq kollox il-binja f’Malta li tant offriet solliev u mistrie˙ Dan hu l-bini tal-Kummissjoni G˙olja Awstraljana f’Malta f’Ta’Xbiex lil dawk li rnexxilhom je˙ilsu mill-mewt iΩda li gew feruti u daqu l-ospitalità tan-Nurse tal-Meditterran, kif Malta saret mag˙rufa g˙all-˙niena, konvalixxenΩa u l-g˙ajnuna medika li offriet. L-Awstralja toffri l-biljuni biex iΩΩomm il-memorja tal-ANZACs f’Gallipoli u pajjiΩi o˙ra fl-Ewropa ˙ajja; 50,000 suldat Awstraljan/New Zealander minn Gallipoli ©ew ikkurati f’Malta. Madwar 800 voluntiera Malti ˙adu sehem mal-qawwiet tal-Imperu f’Gallipoli u fuq kollox madwar 300 ANZACs jinsabu midfuna f’Malta. Fl-Argotti l-Furjana g˙andna wkoll l-uniku monument iddedikat lil ANZAC barra dak li hemm f’Gallipoli. Na˙seb li wasal iΩ-Ωmien li l-Awstraljani jifhmu a˙jar dak li tassew jg˙aqqad ukoll liΩ-Ωewg pajjiΩi b’riΩultat li ©abet mag˙ha l-g˙aqda bejn iΩ-Ωew© ©nus, kawΩa tal-emigrazzjoni. Virgil Bugeja, il-Malti li dis-sena ng˙ata l-OAM F ost dawk li ng˙ataw l-unuri mill-Gvern Awstraljan fil-jum nazzjonali mag˙ruf b˙ala Australia Day fis-26 ta’ Jannar li g˙adda kien hemm il-Malti, Virgil Bugeja ta’ 79 sena, imwieled ir-Rabat u li llum jg˙ix flimkien ma’ martu f’San Ìiljan. Virgil ing˙ata l-OAM (Order of Australia) unur mog˙ti lil çittadini Awstraljan u o˙rajn b˙ala g˙arfien g˙as-servizz li taw u g˙adhom jag˙tu, u li g˙al ˙idmiethom ikun jist˙oqq li ji©u onorat. Virgil qatta’ 31 sena jg˙ix l-Awstralja, 1954-1982. Wara ©ie g˙al ftit Malta u re©a’ lura g˙al-sena u nofs o˙ra l-Awstralja. Huwa kien ja˙dem b˙ala uffiçjal tal-immigrazzjoni f’Melbourne u wara anke fl-Air Force u b˙ala mani©er f’kumpanija privata. Wara li rtira u ©ie jg˙ix Malta kien hemm okkaΩjonijiet o˙ra li rritorna l-Awstralja imma biss fuq btala, ˙alli jΩur lil ˙utu, bniet Virgil Bugeja OAM u subien, li llum huma mejtin. Lura Malta baqa’ attiv u g˙al seba’ snin anke kien fit-tmexxija tal-gazzetta Le˙en is- Sewwa, mag˙rufa b˙ala tal-knisja, jew talAzzjoni Kattolika, organizzazzjoni li kien anke membru tag˙ha f’Ωog˙Ωitu, qabel emigra lejn l-Awstralja. Huwa wkoll imda˙˙al sew f’Dar l-Emigrant fejn jattendi darba fil-©img˙a biex jg˙in bil-pariri lil dawk emigranti l-aktar li jkunu jin˙tie©u l-g˙ajnuna f’xi problema li jkollhom wara li ji©u lura Malta. Virgil huwa wkoll membru tal-g˙aqda mag˙rufa b˙ala l-Friends of Australia Association ta’ Dar l-Emigrant imwaqqfa minn Dun Philip Calleja. Huwa qal lil The Voice of the Maltese li kien kuntent ˙afna bl-OAM li ng˙atalu b˙ala g˙arfien g˙al ˙idmietu fl-oqsma li kien u g˙adu fihom. Ja˙seb li ©ie nnominat g˙all-unur kemm mill-president tal-g˙aqda Maltija, miç-çentru ta’ Canberra, u anke minn o˙rajn li ˙assew li ta servizz. A proud sponsor of The Voice of the Maltese website: Breakaway Travel 94 corner of Main & Campbell Streets, Blacktown NSW for all your travel needs. Tel (02) 9622 7799 [email protected] 6 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 Family sues psychiatric hospital over Malta-born man's suicide T Holding back the tears, Lena reportedly said that she never got to say goodbye to her husband. “He was such a gentleman. It's so unfair. This was meant to be the holiday time that we never got to do,” she told the media The newspapers reported that hospital records have since revealed that without seeking permission from the psychiatrist who had repeatedly ordered 15-minute checks, nursing staff inexplicably scaled back the frequency of their observations to hourly ones. At a coronial inquest into his death, a lawyer for Eastern Health said he did not know why this had occurred, but acknowledged that the hospital had let Mr Falzon and his family down. In further investigations into the death, Coroner John Olle became one of at least four coroners in three years to have raised c o n cerns about the safety of Victorian psychiatric wards by calling for all hoshopitals to ensure they were free of hanging points and other dangers for suicidal people. Mrs Falzon said she was amazed that when her husband asked her to bring in some razors to shave with, she could walk in with the blades and If you are considering a property in Malta or Gozo, be it as a holiday not be stopped. At home, to relocate to, or as investment, you need someone who the time, staff had not informed her will guide you throughout the whole process, a local partner with that Mr Falzon was extensive experience in dealing with Australian-Maltese nationals, suicidal. "There making the whole process as simple and efficient as possible. That is was no care," she exactly what we have been doing for the last four decades, earning says. a solid reputation as Malta and Gozo’s finest estate agents. The family is now suing the hospital DISCOVER OUR SPECIALISED SERVICE FOR OVERSEAS CLIENTS for negligence. Allison, one of Mr Falzon's daughters, a former psychiatric nurse, said her father's death had devastated her famt. +356 23 794 794 [email protected] ily in many ways. It has also shattered he family of Maltese-Australian Jimmy Falzon of Templestowe is suing Easter Health, one of Melbourne’s largest public hospital services that runs Peter James Centre, a psychiatric hospital in Burwood East, in the Supreme Court of Victoria for failing to protect the suicidal father of three from taking his own life while under its care. Two of the most influential newapers in Australia, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, owned and published by the Fairfax Media group, reported that in 2010, Jimmy, a respected salesman, fell rapidly ill with depression and psychosis over a few months. After living 65 years without any sign of mental illness, Jimmy became delusional and paranoid about mysterious things. At the hospital a psychiatrist diagnosed the patient as a high suicide risk and ordered 15-minute visual observations, giving his family the impression that he was in safe hands. But five days later, and just hours after visiting him for the last time on September 11, at 2.00 a.m. his wife Lena, 44, was informed by the police, that Mr Falzon had taken his own life in the hospital. Lena Falzon with a photo of her husband, Jimmy, who died at a psychiatric hospital, with her three children her faith in the mental health system, which, she said, she is no longer able to work in. “Grief from a suicide death is unlike any other grief. There's the shock of the sudden death, the unanswered questions that will never get answered, the negative stigma that surrounds suicide and the silence and lack of comforting support from family and friends because no one knows what to say," she said. Anne Shortall, the family's lawyer said the hospital had failed in its duty of care. “My clients hope that lessons can be learnt and policies changed so that this doesn't happen to any other family," she said. Meanwhile, a spokesman for Eastern Health said that it had taken Mr Falzon's death very seriously and had changed its practices and the safety of its wards. The media said that 2010-11, Mr Falzon was one of nine people to end their own life in a Victorian hospital. In the following two years there were another 17 such suicides reported to the Dept. of Health. Organisations wishing to publish notices intended for the Maltese community are advised to stick to the magazine’s deadline and submit material at least a week prior to publication. Tuesday February 17, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 7 For helping the less fortunate in the NSW community... Lana Borg of MLCF nominated for 2015 Woman of the Year Award W hen asked to cook a Christmas Eve banquet for Penrith's homeless in November 2013, Australian-born-Maltese Husband and wife duo Lana Borg and her husband Roger realised that there was a great need to help the less fortunate in their local community. Mama Lana's Community Foundation was born, and has been serving hot home-cooked meals for homeless people in Penrith, four nights a week, ever since. Lana does most of the cooking herself, making more than 400 meals a week in her little kitchen. Lana has now been nominated by the judges as one of four finalists in the 2015 NSW Women of the year Awards in A.H. Beard's Community Hero category that showcases women who are local heroes or volunteers who have made an outstanding contribution to the NSW community. As the award recognises the outstanding contributions of women and celebrates their significant achievements, it is already a great honour for Lana to be named for such a prestigious from among an extremely competitive field of hundreds of women. Now readers and particularly Maltese-Australians living in the NSW are being urged to cast their vote in order to help Lana win it. Voting has already started and closes at 11.59 pm Friday, 20 February. But why Lana? When the bushfires ravaged Winmalee in October 2013, Mama Lana pitched in by feeding the firefighters. With the help of friends, she cooked 350 meals a day over a 12-day period as well as cooking BBQ breakfasts and dinners for the volunteers. Then in November they were asked to cook a banquet Christmas Eve dinner under the bridge for the homeless and underprivileged. After contacting Vinnies, Roger and Lana organised to go down under the bridge to “check it out”. From here they realised there was Lana Borg (with husband a great need in Roger) chosen as finalist for their local commua 2015 top award nity to help feed the homeless and underprivileged and in just over 14 months they basically turned a quick volunteer situation into a large, Non-Profit Community Foundation delivering meals four nights a week supply food and toiletry packs, and clothing and blankets to keep them warm during the colder months ever since. The Foundation also assists Torton Place Penrith and the Ross Hutchison Foundation, as well as other local charities, hostels and drop in centres. More reway she could care for them. cently, they have been assisting with Lana says that one of her life goals crisis calls from people who need a and an objective of her foundation is to hand up with food, clothing, furniture, let people know that there are others and in some cases, financial issues. Lana says, “We want to let these beau- out there who truly care, and want to help them get back on their feet. tiful patrons know that there are peoAs a result, not only does the foundaple out there that truly care and help tion assist those in need of food, Lana them get back their self-respect and dignity so they can eventually get back also takes crisis calls for families that can't afford to buy food, supplies bedon their feet.” We believe in kindness ding, blankets and clothing and rewith no strings attached, and, with cently furnished a room for a baby. love and commitment, Mama Lana’s is It was going through some hard times doing everything we can to achieve herself, including an abusive father, a this. failed first marriage and business, and Lana's love of cooking began at an early age. Her oldest memory is stand- Lupus diagnosis which inspired Lana to start Mama Lana's Authentic Italian ing on a chair, stirring the big pot of Meals with her new husband Roger. porridge on a timber-fuelled stove for Her childhood love of cooking, which her three siblings. Making their breakgot her through many of her life chalfast and school lunches were the best lenges, has led to the success of Lana's business and most importantly outHOW TO VOTE FOR LANA ONLINE standing contribution to her local comGo to: women_of_the_ munity through the Foundation. year_awards/vote_now_for_your_community_hero_winner, Lana and Roger Borg work full time find Lana’s photo and click on the sign “vote”. jobs, have seven children aged 7-28 Then fill in the particulars as requested and years old, one grandchild, six dogs, one hopefully, when the awards are announced in cat, and two strays that have taken up March, she would be the one to win. residence. 8 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ... Maltese immigrant is part of Australian mainstream society The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: [email protected] Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to: [email protected]. Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese Mary Mills from Wales, UK writes: find the content in the Voice of the Maltese always invariably interesting, varied and balanced and would like to thank the editors and all contributors to the newsletter. I especially enjoyed reading the latest MV issue. The February 3 issue highlighted the extent to which the one-time Maltese immigrant is now part of Australian mainstream society; that is strongly conveyed in the reporting of the celebrations on Australia Day, a touchstone for all immigrants. As an immigrant myself, I understand that certain process whereby, over time, the new country takes you to itself; it is on looking back that one can appreciate that, we have, indeed, come a long way. And, whilst proper regard is due to the fate of indigenous Australians during the early settlements, there is pride in knowing that, this now twenty-first century nation of immigrants has also 'gone native' - amongst them, the Maltese! I Abbott’s days as party leader are numbered Paul Debono, Fairfield, NSW writes: O bservers of the Australian political scene believe that despite the fact that Prime Minister Tony Abbott managed to win the vote for Liberal Party leadership in his party, it won’t take long before he is replaced, and certainly before his term of office. Abbott’s popularity among his own supporters is in decline and I am sure that the 61-39 vote in his favour to retain the leadership is a great blow for him. It was far closer than he could have anticipated. To have twothirds of your party against you does not inspire the confidence and trust of voters, particularly in his own party that is too divided for comfort. There’s not much time for him to arrest his government's slumping electoral fortunes, and I agree with what the media said, about him surviving the vote because of the combined vote of his ministry “bound by cabinet solidarity, loyalty and personal circumstances to support their leader. Australia needs a strong hand to lead it and Abbott does not seem to have that right now. CHOGM will be good for Malta Lawrence Scerri from Warrawong, NSW writes: I t was great to read in the last issue of The Voice of the Maltese that the heads of State and of government (CHOGM) retreat in November in Malta will be held at Fort St Angelo, in Vittoriosa. The CHOGM which is held every two years is the Commonwealth’s highest consultative and policymaking body, bringing together the representatives of 53 countries. The CHOGM will bring much needed publicity to Malta particularly to the Three Cities, or Cottonera, as it is known. This year also marks the 450th anniversary of the Great Siege of Malta, the battle against the Ottoman Turkish Empire of 1565. It was in the very same place in Fort St Angelo that Malta fought so bravely and emerge victorious in defeating the enemy. I hope that more people can appreciate the cultural heritage of Malta putting it on a global audience and that more restoration will occur in this area with Fort Ricasoli and the Cottonera line fortifications surrounding Birgu, Senglea and Cospicua. The Voice of the Maltese 9 Tuesday February 17, 2015 Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Feeding the homeless, P less fortunate in NSW /2 Congratulations! Victor Cassar, from Marsden Park, NSW writes: lease allow me to congratulate the MCC in NSW for the excellent organisation of the Australia Day celebrations and the Maltese-Australian community for helping to make such a successive of the event. Joe Borg from London, Ontario, Canada writes: W ith so much sadness and negative news in our media these days, I feel I should bring to the notice of the readers about an Australian-born-Maltese couple who, at least four nights a week are voluntarily helping to feed the homeless and less fortunate members of the NSW community. Roger Borg, and his wife Lana are the senior directors of the Mama Lana's Community Foundation, based in Penrith N.S.W. They do all the cooking themselves. I am not talking about a hot-dog or hamburger, but of a full meal, with, on most, if not all, nights, fresh fruit and desserts. I would also wish to point out that Mrs. Lana Borg has been nominated as one of the four finalists in the NSW Woman-ofthe Year awards for which. Meanwhile, I look forward to receiving The Voice of the Maltese, which I do as part of the Maltese Canadian community in London, Ontario, through my good friend Mr. Dan Brock, who produces our newsletters here for the Maltese-Canadian Club Members of London Ontario Canada. Wishing you continued success and good years ahead with the magazine, and the services that you provide. (See story: “Lana Borg of MLCF nominated for 2015 Woman of the Year Award”...on page 7) Fighting to preserve Australia Hall in Malta Michael and Joan Cutajar from Springvale, Victoria write: W e are very pleased to see the fight to keep Australia Hall in Pembroke is still on. Before Christmas, we were reading about it, googled a lot of information on it, and emailed Malta HC Charles Muscat, the British High Commission, Red Cross of Australia and Australian Heritage. We heard nothing from Charles Muscat, or the British High Commission. The Red Cross replied and promised to pass it on to the relevant authorities. They were aware of the history. The Australian heritage said it had nothing to do with them as Australia Hall was overseas. We mentioned that Mr Whitlam’s house was listed as heritage but this was more important than that and more relevant to ANZAC history. Perhaps something will be done. Lets hope and pray someone comes to their senses soon and realises the importance of this site. Do we need a petition to raise awareness and funds to do this? Dan il-progett hu sponsorjat mill- CABRA-Vale Diggers club Servizzi ta’ kura multikulturali u komunitarji Anthony Sciberras (Psychologist) SEM I NA R bil-lingwa Maltija T˙ossok iddisprat u bla g˙ajnuna? Imdejjaq? T˙ossok iΩolat jew eskludit? T˙ossok wa˙dek u ma tistax tikkumbatti l-˙ajja? G˙andek bΩonn min jg˙inek jew titkellem ma’ xi ˙add? Nhar it-Tlieta, 3 ta’ Marzu 2015 Bejn l-10 a.m. u nofsinhar fis-Sala tal-Knisja Santa Tereza Kantuniera Stella St u Boulevarde St Fairfield 10 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 Perspettiva Id-Dritt tal-Vot tal-Emigranti A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://www.ivancauchi. F l-Awstralja dan l-a˙˙ar kellna xi votazzjonijiet f'elezzjonijiet importanti f'qasir Ωmien - Victoria f'Novembru li g˙adda, u Queensland fejn il-voti g˙adhom jing˙addu. F'dan lartiklu, se nitkellem dwar proposta li çittadini Maltin li jg˙ixu barra minn Malta jkunu jistg˙u jivvutaw f'elezzjonijiet Maltin. Din mhix xi ideja ©dida, u ©ieli kien hemm min qajjimha pubblikament1. Hija separata mill-ideja l-o˙ra li immigranti, rifu©jati u nies mill-UE li jg˙ixu f'Malta jing˙ataw id-dritt tal-vot2. In ©enerali, f'Malta ma jidhirx li hemm Kaxxa li fiha jinkunsens li xi wa˙da minn dawn il-postefg˙u l-voti f’kull sibiltajiet ise˙˙u.3 4 elezzjoni f’Malta Jien hawn se nitratta biss il-kwestjoni tal-vot g˙all-emigranti Maltin. Illum, il-Kostituzzjoni ta' Malta tg˙id li trid tkun residenti f'Malta g˙al total ta' sitt xhur f'perjodu ta' tmintax il-xahar, biex tkun tista’ tkun imniΩΩel fir-Re©istru Elettorali.5 Dan awtomatikament jaqta' 'l barra liç-çittadini Maltin li jg˙ixu permanentement barra minn Malta (b˙ali). Ta' min jg˙id ukoll li riçentement, il-Kummissjoni Ewropeja sostniet li dawk il-pajjiΩi li qed jillimitaw dan id-dritt lill-emigranti tag˙hom, g˙andhom ine˙˙u din ir-restrizzjoni, li sej˙itilha b˙ala anakronistika f'dawn iΩ-Ωminijiet.6 Qalet dan g˙ar-Renju Unit, li jillimita dan id-dritt wara 15-il sena nieqes mill-pajjiΩ ara kemm iktar japplika g˙al Malta! Fl-Awstralja, tista’ tibqa' irre©istrat b˙ala votant basta tiddikjara li be˙siebek tirritorna fil-pajjiΩ fi Ωmien sitt snin.7 Hija xi ˙a©a komuni li emigranti jitilfu d-dritt li jipparteçipaw fil-proçess demokratiku ta' pajjiΩhom? Il-gazzetta IngliΩa The Guardian tg˙id li hemm 110 pajjiΩ li j˙allu lil min g˙andu passaport u jg˙ix barra mill-pajjiΩ li jivvota, g˙alkemm hemm varjazzjoni kbira dwar il-kuntest fejn jistg˙u jeΩerçitaw dan id-dritt, u g˙al liema tul ta' Ωmien.8 Dawn ji©u lma©©oranza tal-193 pajjiΩi membri tal-Ìnus Mag˙quda. L-Istitut fuq is-Si©urtà, DifiΩa u Studji Internazzjonali jg˙id li diversi pajjiΩi Ewropej qed jag˙mluha aktar façli biex iç-çittadini tag˙hom li jg˙ixu barra jivvutaw, u jsemmi lil Spanja, l-Italja, Franza u l-Ungerija, u wkoll pajjiΩi tat-tramuntana tal-Afrika b˙at-TuneΩija u l-Al©erija li qed jag˙mlu dan.9 X'inhu l-argument bil-kontra? F'Malta, hemm popolazzjoni ta' ftit 'il fuq minn erba' mitt elf, u jing˙ad li hemm daqstant ie˙or Maltin jew dixxendenti tag˙hom, tal-inqas eli©©ibli g˙aç-çittadinanza Maltija, li jg˙ixu permanentement f'pajjiΩi o˙ra. Meta wie˙ed jinnota li l-elezzjonijiet f'Malta ©eneralment, bl-eççezzjoni tal-a˙˙ar wa˙da fl-2013, jintreb˙u b'differenza minima ta' inqas minn wie˙ed fil-mija, hemm il-biΩa' li l-vot tal-emigranti aktarx kien jibdel radikalment ir-riΩultat. Min hu Malti u jg˙ix f'Malta, u jg˙addi mit-tensjoni u l-©lieda qalila ta' kull elezzjoni, speçjalment jekk il-partit tieg˙u 'reba˙', ma jkunx irid xi riskju li “forsi kieku vvutaw l-emigranti konna nitilfu”! Din il-biΩa' hija ta' min jifhimha, imma aktarx ukoll li hija esa©erata. Fir-Renju Unit, fejn l-emigranti jistg˙u jivvutaw sa' ˙mistax-il sena wara li jkunu telqu, ©ie rrappurtat mill-Kummissjoni elettorali li minn ˙ames miljun çittadini Brittaniçi li jg˙ixu barra, ftit eluf biss kienu rre©istraw biex jivvutaw fil-2009.10 Din il-biΩa' tista' tisparixxi jekk ji©i kkunsidrat li mhux bilfors kitba ta’ IVAN CAUCHI li min jirrappreΩenta lill-emigranti jittella bi proçess proporzjonali. Fi kliem ie˙or, jista' jkun hemm distrett li jirrappreΩenta lill-emigranti kollha, bil-kwota tiddependi fuq l-ammont ta' emigranti re©istrati u l-membri li jistg˙u jitilg˙u, li jistg˙u ikunu wie˙ed biss jew tnejn. Ukoll dawn il-membri jista' jkollhom limitu tal-poteri tag˙hom, p.e. li ma jistg˙ux iwaqqg˙u l-gvern. Wie˙ed ukoll spiss jisma' li ladarba lemigranti m'g˙adhomx i˙allsu t-taxxa, u li aktarx m'g˙adhomx infurmati dwar is-sitwazzjoni tal-pajjiΩ, m'g˙andhomx jipparteçipaw. Fuq it-taxxa, g˙alkemm dan huwa veru, irid jing˙ad ukoll li ˙afna emigranti, speçjalment a˙na tal-ewwel ©enerazzjoni, ˙allasna taxxi fil-passat, ikkontribwejna g˙as-servizzi soçjali u g˙all-pensjoni bil-bolla, fuq medda ta' diversi snin, anke g˙exieren ta' snin. Barra dan, hemm ˙afna Maltin li g˙ad baqag˙lhom interessi konkreti qawwija fil-pajjiΩ, mhux biss ta' familjari li g˙adhom joqog˙du hemm, imma anke proprjetà jew attivitajiet kummerçjali. Ukoll wie˙ed ma jridx jinsa l-kontribuzzjoni finanzjarja li ntbag˙tet matul iΩ-Ωmien, mill-Maltin emigranti lura lejn il-familjari tag˙hom, b˙ala sostenn fiΩ-Ωminijiet iebsa b˙al ta' wara ttieni gwerra dinjija u anke meta l-baΩi tal-IngliΩi kienet qed tag˙laq, u Malta kien jin˙ti©ilha tg˙addi minn perjodu ta' transizzjoni ekonomika. Min kien involut jg˙id li din il-kontribuzzjoni kienet sostanzjali. Jekk l-emigranti humiex infurmati tajjeb dwar dak li qed ji©ri Malta huwa diskutibbli. Jien na˙seb li qeg˙din infettqu hawnhekk. Jien irrid ng˙id li minkejja li nitkellem ma' Maltin li jg˙ixu Malta, ma’ ˙afna minnhom ma tantx nie˙u impressjoni li g˙andhom informazzjoni tajba, g˙ax ˙lief jirrepetu il-linja uffiçjali talpartit tag˙hom ma jag˙mlux. Dawn ji©u kkunsidrati iktar infurmati? Kull min g˙andu d-dritt tal-vot g˙andu jinforma ru˙u, joqg˙od fejn joqg˙od. Min se jeΩamina jekk min jivvotu hux infurmat sew? U min se jeΩamina lil min jeΩamina? Referenzi Ikompli fil-˙ar©a li jmiss 1, retrieved 23/1/2015 2 ationals_and_refugees_be_allowed_to_vote#.VML_qDXRKPQ, retrieved 23/1/2015 3, retrieved 23/1/2015 4, retrieved 23/1/2015 5Kostituzzjoni ta' Malta, Sezzjoni 57 (6, retrieved 9/2/2014 7, retrieved 9/2/2015 8, retrieved 26/1/2014 9, retrieved 26/1/2014 10House of Commons Library, Standard Note SN/PC/05923, 2014, p4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 11 Qala-born Charlie Mizzi named Kingston’s Citizen of the Year ozitan-born 68-year-old AusG tralian citizen Charlie Mizzi, who lives in Clarinda, Kingston was one of bourhood Watch, Agricultural Society of Australia, parks 16 recipients residents of Kingston to maintenance and receive an award on Australia Day spends at least two 2015 for his contribution to the city days doing whatover the year. Charlie received the ever needs to be Citizen of the Year Award at the city done at Ronald Mccouncil’s Australia Day Breakfast Donald House. held at Kingston Hall. Presenting the Kingston is a small town in rural Awards, Mayor Shire of Hepburn in Victoria. It was Geoff Gledhill said once a thriving gold mining town dureach of the award ing the Victorian Gold Rush. winners had tireCharles was born in the small Gozilessly served the tan village of Qala and came to AusKingston commutralia in 1968 on board the Achille nity. He thanked Lauro. For a time he lived close to them for their efMelbourne and soon integrated himforts in the commusel into the Maltese community. He nity and has been a member of the Australian commended them Labor Party for the past 38 years. for their good work. For over 20 years, Charlie Mizzi has When it comes to inspired others in the community with Charlie, the Mayor his leadership and energy for involve- said: “Charlie Mizzi ment in a diverse group of commiepitomises the selftees. less attitude of so Charlie Mizzi pictured aafter receiving Charlie Mizzi has given his time and many of our active the award from Mayor Geoff Gledhill energy to anyone who asked for his community volunhelp for more than 40 years. teers. He does a fabulous job volved in a number of community Every week he does work for Neigh- year in, year out and is actively ingroups in Kingston, and in the wider community. He is truly a person to admire and is a worthy recipient of the 2015 Citizen of the Year,” Charlie Mizzi’s voluntary involvement: *Ronald McDonald House Committee for 21 years *Oakleigh and Clar-inda Village Committee for 20 years *Neighbourhood Watch for 20 years *Parks maintnance *Strengthening Clayton and Clarinda Committee *Senior Citizens *Aviary Culture Society of Australia for 40 years After the award Clare O’Neil Labor MP for Hotham in Melbourne's southeast, twitted: “So terrific to see my mate Charlie Mizzi honoured today Charlie Mizzi (in dark suit) celebrates as Kings-ton Citizen of the year. A award with well wishers great Aussie!” MALTA TRAVEL Incorporating Pendle Hill Travel A division of Felice Travel Pty Ltd ABN 71 073 235 408 Licensed Travel Agent Lic. No 2TA4425 Join Charlie Felice on a Tour of USA West! Its all inclusive - flight, top hotels, breakfast and dinner daily, transfers and insurance! Only 4 couples left! Looking for a single lady. First come first served! Call Charlie on 9631 2689 165 Dunmore St., Wentworthville NSW 2145 Phone: (02) 9631 2689 Fax: (02) 9636 5949 Email: [email protected] Website: 12 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 Roundup of News About Malta Government, Opposition disagree on Court ruling giving PN two more seats A Constitutional Court judge ruled that the Nationalist Party had been deprived of two parliamentary seats as a result of a procedural error during the counting of votes in the last general election two years ago. According to the presiding judge the mistake by the Electoral Commission that had been set up by the previous administration and ran the general election, led to lack of proportionality, as prescribed by law, in that the difference in parliamentary seats belonging to the government and the Opposition should have been seven and not nine. The ruling dominated the front pages of the newspapers and reported the Opposition as welcoming the decision, and the government saying it would contest the ruling. Opposition leader Dr Simon Busuttil said that the PN had immediately said that the result of the last election was not reflected in parliament and now the court had upheld the party's position. He added that the Electoral commission was duty bound to respect the court decision and to implement the decision without further delay. In its reply the government said the seats in parliament allocated to the Opposition after the general election was proportional to the number of votes given to the Nationalist Party. It said it had a right to appeal the ruling because it concerned the way the Constitution was implemented. Furthermore, in terms of the law and the right to a fair hearing, no court sentence could become effective pending appeal or the expiry of the period within which an appeal could be filed. Dr Simon Busuttil reiterated that the government’s decision to appeal the Constitutional court sentence was ‘an insult to democracy, an insult to the people, and an insult to the voters of the eighth and the 13th districts’. He said the government should be setting the example by accepting the court sentence. Nationalist Party MP Claudette Buttigieg had failed to get elected on her own steam by a mere eight votes at the 2013 general election and was beaten to the post at the last count by Labour candidate Edward Scicluna. The same happened in Gozo with regard to Frederick Azzopardi losing out by a mere nine votes to LP's Justyn Caruana. Both Buttigieg and Azzopardi still got through short of a few votes. Announcing it would appeal the decision; the government said the Labour Party had garnered a total of 167,533 first count votes while the Nationalist Party obtained a total of 132,246 first count votes. “Mathematically this translates into a clear nine-seat majority according to the principle of proportionality. This is the main principle of the Maltese electoral system,” the government said. It is for this reason that it felt that the court’s decision removes the proportionality in the first court of votes that reflected the results obtained by the two parties during the 2013 general election. Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat said the Constitution was amended some years ago to ensure that the number of seats in parliament was proportional to the number of votes, and had this case occurred in the last legislature, when the PN won by 1,000 votes, the government would have collapsed as the PN would have had a one seat deficit. Private sector to be involved Malta marks centenary of aviation in new strategic areas, PM M ithout going into specifics, Dr Muscat said there are W strategic sectors in the country that needed reform in order to become more efficient and to save jobs, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said, adding that there is need to introduce public sector involvement in a number of strategic sectors. He said that the government would safeguard the national interest while the private sector would introduce new management and efficiency. In his speech underlining the 'optimism’ which he said the people in general, businesses and the country were feeling, he said that prices and inflation were at a historic low, salaries were rising and there were more jobs, while the deficit and the debt were going down, as were taxes. He went on to say that the country was performing an economic miracle, in contrast to what was happening in many other countries, and the European Commission had praised Malta. He also reiterated that next month the government would also be cutting the electricity tariffs for businesses by a quarter, leaving €50 million in the country every year. The same power cuts were given to families as of last year, leaving a further €30m in the country. “These were results which made Malta the best in Europe,” he said. Referring to a visit he made earlier to Berlin, he said Germany would give technical help to Malta to set up a development bank to ease access to finance for businesses, and that the Development Bank would also assist the government in major infrastructural projects that would also utilise EU funds. alta is celebrating 100 years of aviation and commemorating the first flight that took place in Grand Harbour during World War 1. The flight was made on February 13, 1915 by Captain (Flight Cdr) Cecil Francis Kilner of the Royal Marines Light Infantry at the controls of a Short Admiralty 135 biplane. The plane took off from Ark Royal had stopped at Malta en route to the Dardanelles. To mark the event a low-altitude flypast of small aircraft was held Sunday when started from Luqa and followed a route over all sites that in the past served as airfields, ending up over the Sliema front. Malta Airort with connections to over 50 countries A n in-depth study of all airports’ schedule analysis from CAPA shows that Malta International Airport (MIA) has the third most international connections among 136 airports in its class, with over 50 destinations served in its winter schedule. Last year, the airport hosting just over 4 million passengers, an increase of 6.4% on 2013. Valletta 4th among Europe’s Best Destinations V alletta has placed fourth among 20 European destinations nominated for the 2015 European Best Destinations. The overall winner was Bordeaux in France. Over 21,000 people voted for Valletta from an overall 250,000 votes that were cast. Malta also received a number of positive comments from overseas voters. In 2013 Valletta placed seventh and in 2014 it was not even nominated Closure of Tank facilities at BirΩebbu©a T he residents welcomed the government’s decision to close down the fuel tank facilities at Birzebbuga and transfer them to the isolated site at Has-Saptan. This is being regarded as a major milestone achieved for the South of Malta by this government after the previous administration failed to deliver on its promises. The Voice of the Maltese 13 Tuesday February 17, 2015 Roundup of News About Malta EU Commission Winter Forecast for 2015 Malta economy maintains healthy momentum - Dynamic growth and low unemployment I n its Winter Forecast for 2015, the European Commission has ranked Malta with the second highest rate of projected economic growth and expects its economy to continue to grow driven by the improvements in the labour market activity of women. Job creation is forecast to moderate somewhat compared to 2013-14 but to remain robust at around 2% per annum, while unemployment is seen to remain below 6%. The Commission also confirms that general government debt ratio will decrease to 68.6% of GDP in 2014, and is expected to decrease further to 68.0% in 2015, reaching 66.8% by 2016, thus confirming its confidence in the Government’s fiscal plan. “The favourable macroeconomic climate should help the budget deficit fall below 2% of GDP,” it was said. Commenting on the publication of the forecast, Malta’s Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna said it projects a sustained fall in both the deficit and debt ratios, thus boding well for the upcoming Excessive Deficit Procedure decision. The Commission’s report said that real GDP growth rose in the third quarter of 2014 to reach 3.8% in annual terms, up from 3.4% in the second quarter. This reflected strong domestic demand, underpinned by dynamic investment in the energy sector and favourable labour market developments, and to a lesser extent exports, which, albeit weak, continue to outpace imports. It acknowledges that Malta is experiencing “dynamic [economic] growth” and “low employment” in 2014, underpinned by “dynamic investment ... and favourable labour market developments”. This amidst the sluggish economic recovery in the EU and the euro area, with annual GDP expected to increase by 1.3% and 0.8% respectively in 2014. The Commission also remarks that these positive devel- opments will persist. Increased exports are also expected to be reflected in Malta’s international trade position, where the Commission remarks that Malta’s current account balance is projected to remain in surplus. The government’s 2015 budget includes mostly revenue-increasing measures, such as increases in indirect taxation, fees and measures to fight tax evasion. On the expenditure side, the budget envisages several social measures that are only partly compensated by some restraint on public wages. Finance Minister Prof Edward Scicluna HSBC (Switzerland) helped Maltese evade taxes on accounts totalling €607 million R eacting to the information released publicly worldwide by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) in collaboration with various news outlets, and which pertains to HSBC Swiss accounts as associated to account holders from various countries, including Malta, the Minister for Finance immediately initiated a process by means of which he has asked the Commissioner for Revenue to request the information from the relevant sources. ICIJ revealed that over €607 million is kept by Maltese account holders in HSBC’s Swiss banking arm, to help them evade taxes at home. The amount was made public through an international collaboration of news outlets, including The Guardian, the French daily Le Monde, BBC Panorama and the Washington-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. The HSBC files have been described as the biggest banking leak in history, revealing the full scale of malpractice at HSBC’s Swiss subsidiary. Although the €607 million is kept in 139 bank accounts that are held by 71 clients, the maximum amount of money associated with a client connected to Malta was €555 million. Of the 71 clients, 34% have a Maltese passport or nationality; 82 client accounts were opened between 1982 and 2006 and linked to 139 bank accounts. Most of them were opened between 1994 and 1996, and spiked greatly in 2003, when Malta became an EU member. The files feature people who figure in legal proceedings, like Tancred Tabone, the former chairman of state oil company Enemalta, who is facing prosecution for allegedly demanding bribes. In a statement to the ICIJ, Tabone’s lawyer said his client denies all charges and added that he “has formally authorised the Swiss authorities to provide all that information. … His fiscal affairs in that respect are in order.” With respect to specific instances of suspected tax evasion, the Maltese Revenue Authorities are empowered to obtain further information from the Swiss Government, or from the government of any EU Member State, on the basis of the agreement related to the Savings Tax Directive. The penalties related to tax evasion are established according to law. Isle of MTV in Malta July 7 T he Malta Tourism Authority and Viacom have announced that the next edition (the ninth) of the Isle of MTV is to be held in Malta on July 7on the Granaries in Floriana. The line-up will be announced closer to the date. This event that attracts around 50,000 people, most of them youths to the Granaries has become an annual event that also attracts a good number of foreigners and the Tourist Authority has recognised that thanks to it, youths travelling to Malta as tourists during the year has grown by at lest 20% Last year the main performers for the event that is transmitted on Music TV station worldwide, last year were Nicole Scherzinger, Dizzee Rascal, Kiesza, Enrique Iglesias and DJ Hardwell. SUNNY’S CONFECTIONERY The Maltese Confectionery Specialist FIGOLLI - 100% ALMONDS Figolli ta’ kwalita tajba Please phone: (02) 9671 1863 14 The Voice of the Maltese Il-Monti ta’ b˙alissa fi Triq il-Merkanti l-belt Valletta.. se jiççaqlaq Tuesday February 17, 2015 F ejn il-Monti? M Dwar il-Libja Malta t˙e©©eg g˙al ˙idma mmexxija mill-GM I s-sitwazzjoni fil-Libja Ωiedet te˙zien fi tmiem il-©img˙a. Wara li kienu di©a’ ikkapparraw il-belt Ωg˙ira ta’ Derna, l-ISIS ˙adu ta˙t idejhom ukoll Sirte, u fi tmiem il-©img˙a dawn l-estremisti qatlu 21 E©izzjan Kopti li kienu ja˙dmu fil-Libja bir-riΩultat li bi tpattija, lE©ittu attakkaw il-qag˙diet ta’ dan il-grupp mibg˙ud mid-dinja kollha. Wara dawn l-a˙˙ar Ωviluppi, f’kummenti li ta, il-Prim Ministru Dr Joseph Muscat filwaqt li sa˙aq dwar s-sehem li qed ikollha Malta ma’ g˙add ta’ gvernijiet ˙alli ssir ˙idma li tista’ twassal g˙as-sliem fir-re©jun, spjega li dak li qed ji©ri b˙alissa juri dejjem aktar li l-affarijiet m’g˙andhomx isiru minn pajjiΩi individwali imma kollettivament u ta˙t il-kappa tal-Ìnus Mag˙quda. Sa˙aq li kull azzjoni g˙andha tittie˙ed bla dewmien. Il-Prim Ministru Malti qal li g˙alkemm Malta m’g˙andiex irriΩorsi f’dawk li huma suldati u tag˙mir biex jie˙du parti f’˙idma mill-Ìnus Mag˙quda, xorta tista’ tkun il-˙olqa mal-©ens Libjan g˙aliex Malta hi l-aktar pajjiΩ fost l-imsie˙ba tal-Unjoni Ewropeja li l-Libjani jafdaw. Mhux biss, imma jekk ikun me˙tie©, Malta tista’ anke tg˙in lo©istikament. Dr Muscat svela li minbarra lItalja, li fl-a˙˙ar jiem qalet li lesta tid˙ol fil-Libja tipprova ©©ib issliem, issa huma interessati li jing˙aqdu wkoll Ωew© pajjiΩi o˙ra Ewropej, u g˙add ta’ pajjiΩi o˙ra G˙arab u mil-Lvant Nofsani f’koalizzjoni. Qal li mhemmx tag˙rif li hemm xi theddida g˙al Malta imma s-sitwazzjoni hija ta’ t˙assib min˙abba li hemm ©emg˙at estemisti fuq lg˙atba u li ˙adu ta˙t idejhom partijiet mil-Libja li mhumiex ikkontrol- lati miΩ-Ωew© “gvernijiet” Libjani. Filwaqt li tenna li jin˙tie© li lÌnus Mag˙quda tie˙u passi, qal li kieku l-komunita’ internazzjonali laqg˙et l-appelli ta’ Malta u lItalja, is-sitwazzjoni ma kientx tkun daqshekk ˙aΩina. eta tara dwar xiex hi mitlufa l-aktar ilmidja Maltija b˙alissa, kultant tie˙u ftit tar-ru˙. G˙ax ng˙iduha, li tag˙mel ©imag˙tejn titkellem dwar fejn se jitpo©©a l-monti (open market) tibda tg˙id li f’Malta b˙alissa m’hawnx dawk il-problemi ekonomiçi, ta’ qg˙ad, eçç li g˙andhom il-pajjiΩi ta’ madwarna u dawk aktar bog˙od minna. Mhux g˙ax f’dan il-kaΩ partikulari l-kwestjoni talMonti mhix wa˙da mportanti meta wie˙ed iqis li bil-proposta tal-Gvern preΩenti dan is-suq se jispiçça fi Triq l-Ordinanza – ji©ifieri l-ewwel triq li hemm hekk kif tid˙ol minn Bieb-il Belt (ma nafx a˙niex ser nibqg˙u nsej˙ulu hekk wara l-bidla li saret f’dan idd˙ul). Óafna jsostnu li l-Monti fi triq hekk qrib id-d˙ul tal-Belt u tal-Parlament il-©did, aktar u aktar jekk sa˙ansitra dan jokkupa anke dik il-parti ta’ Triq l-Ordinanza li hemm bejn il-Parlament-il ©did u t-Teatru ta’ bla saqaf huwa sagrile©©, tal-mist˙ija..eçç. Sa˙ansitra kien hemm min qal li Alla jaf kemm hemm Maltin li qed ixerrdu d-dmug˙ min˙abba din il-proposta. IΩda mhux l-istess jg˙idu l-bejjieg˙a’ tal-Monti. Óafna minnhom dawk li j˙obbu s-swieq miftu˙a. Il-bejjieg˙a ilhom Ωmien jilmentaw li fejn huma tilfu ˙afna bejg˙. Sa˙ansitra kien hemm min minnhom li sostna li mhux ilmonti kien se ikerrah d-d˙ul tal-Belt, imma propju l-Parlament, li ddisinja l-Arkitett Piano, li qed jag˙mel dan. Sintendi mal-kor ta’ g˙aqdiet ambjentali, tal-kummerç u o˙rajna, ing˙aqdet ukoll l-OppoΩizzjoni, bil-kap tag˙ha, Simon Busuttil jg˙id li meta jkun fil-Gvern kien ine˙˙i dan is-Suq minn hemm. Busuttil qal li l-OppoΩizzjoni se ti©©ieled kontra il-Gvern biex ma jinsultax il-kultura tag˙na u jg˙atti l-bini ta’ wie˙ed mill-a˙jar arkitetti tad-dinja. Sostna li dan it-transferiment “.... huwa Ωball, u qed ninsistu mal-Gvern biex ma jag˙milx dan l-iΩball. Ûball li issa kul˙add jaf li sar g˙al sempliçi ra©uni, li Joseph Muscat ftiehem minn wara dahar kul˙add qabel l-elezzjoni ©enerali li jie˙u lill-bejjieg˙a tal-monti hemm, jekk jivvutawlu. Ji©ifieri bejn ilkultura tag˙na u x-xiri tal-voti, u l-poter u li jirba˙ l-elezzjoni, Joseph Muscat g˙aΩel il-voti fuq il-kultura tag˙na. G˙alija, l-kultura ti©i l-ewwel, ti©i qabel il-vot.” IΩda bilkemm la˙aq g˙amel din l-istqarrija, li l-Partit Laburista ma xandarx itttra fejn kixef kif, propju lejlet la˙˙ar elezzjoni, eks Ministru Nazzjonalista, li llum jifforma parti mill-Kabinett ‘Dell,’ ikkonferma li jekk ji©i elett mill-©did kien Gvern Nazzjonalista kien se jie˙u l-Monti Triq l-Ordinanza. Iffaççjat b’din l-ittra Busuttil ma ça˙adx li l-PN kien iddiskuta dan mal-bejjieg˙a tal-Monti, iΩda sostna li l-proposta ma dda˙litx fil-Programm Elettorali tal-PN. Fuq kollox issa hu l-Kap u hu ma jaqbilx ma dan it-trasferiment. Allura jekk dan isir kien ine˙˙i kollox minn Triq l-Ordinanza. Sintendi l-polemika fil-©urnali hi fl-aqwa tag˙ha b’min imaqdar il-pro©ett u min jaqbel mat-trasferiment u jg˙idu li fuq kollox f’pajjiz Ewropej wie˙ed isib g˙add ta’ Swieq fi pjazzez fejn hemm binjiet storiçi. Minkejja l-protesti jidher li l-Gvern se jibqa’ sejjer bil-pjan tieg˙u. Nistennew u naraw! While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema Email: [email protected] Tel: (00356) 23497000 The Voice of the Maltese 15 Tuesday February 17, 2015 Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2 Isiru 71 l-MPs? Ma jistax jindifen f’qabru ’Malta g˙andna sitwazzjoni fejn F il-problema tal-Housing tolqot anke lill-mejtin, g˙ax illum trid t˙allas tajjeb biex jirnexxielek tikseb qabar fejn tindifen jekk trid tindifen f’qabar tieg˙ek jew talfamilja. Min˙abba dan in-nuqqas ˙afna jkunu b’g˙ajnejhom miftu˙in biex malli jitfaçça xi qabar g˙all-bejg˙ jaraw kif jag˙mlu u jixtruh. Hekk g˙amlu Carmelo u Josephine Abela malli semg˙u li kien hemm g˙all-bejg˙ il-qabar ta’ Antonio Brincat li miet fl-1958. Li ma kienux jafu kien li dan Brincat fittestment tieg˙u kien niΩΩel li wara li fih jindifnu l-eredi tieg˙u, il-qabar kellu ji©i ssi©©illat u ˙add aktar ma jindifen fih. G˙alkemm il-familja Abela ma kienetx taf dan, l-Awtoritajiet tas-Sa˙˙a, li jie˙du ˙sieb iç-Çimieterju tal-Addolorata, kienu jafu, allura nsistew li kellhom jimxu mattestment ta’ Brincat u ma j˙allu lil ˙add aktar jindifen f’dan il-qabar. Is-Sinjuri Abela marru l-Qorti u g˙alkemm iddeçidiet li l-qabar kien issa tag˙hom, xorta tat ra©un lill-Awtoritajiet li ma setax isir dfin fih. Is-sabi˙a hi li dan Brincat kien g˙amel it-testment g˙ax ma riedx li l-qabar tieg˙u jitnaddaf (g˙al min ma jafx kultant Ωmien meta qabar jimtela’ u jg˙addi çertu Ωmien dan jitnaddaf billi l-fdalijiet jitne˙˙ew milqabar u jitpo©©ew f’post mag˙ruf b˙ala lkennirja. B’hekk ikun jista’ isir aktar dfin fl-istess qabar) u l-g˙adam tieg˙u jispiççaw filkennerja. IΩda xi ˙add ma li ma kienx jaf bit-testment ˙alla li dan il-qabar attwament jitnaddaf. Ma na˙sibx li g˙adkom ma smajtux jew qrajtu dwar is-sentenza li ng˙atat millQrati Maltin dwar kawΩa li feta˙ il-Partit Nazzzjonalista kontra l-Kummissjoni elettorali dwar xi Ωbalji fil-g˙add tal-voti fla˙˙ar Elezzjoni ta’ senejn ilu. Il-Qorti ddeçidiet li ΩΩid Ωew© si©©ijiet (MPs) o˙ra lill-OppoΩizzjoni biex l-g˙add ta’ membri fil-Parlamaent jitla’ g˙al 71. IlPN irid li Ω-Ωieda ti©i implimentata immedjatament imma l-Gvern deçiΩ li dan ma jsse˙˙x qabel ma ting˙ata sentenza wara l-appell li g˙amel. (Aqraw aktar fir-rapport tal-pa©na 12) Arçipriet boxer? S kont rapport fil-midja, g˙andna Arçipriet li donnu jidelitta bil-boxing, g˙ax waqt argument li kellu ma’ parruççana xarbilha daqqa ta’ ponn. Din immedjatament marret il-klinika fejn ©iet iççertifikata li we©©g˙et ˙afif. Imma ma waqfitx hemm g˙ax biç-çertifikat marret l-G˙assa u g˙amlet rapport lill-Pulizija. B’riΩultat ta’ dan, tlieta min-nies spiççaw il-Qorti: l-Arçipriet min˙abba d-daqqa ta’ ponn, il-mara g˙ax l-Arçipriet allega li kienet qed idejjqu (harassing him) u PROFESSIONAL FREIGHT SERVICES PTY. LTD. anke l-viçi-arçipriet. Melbourne: (03) 9335 2499 Tal-a˙har da˙al flUnit 6, 4-6 Commercial Crt, Tullamarine, Vic., Australia, 3043 istorja min˙abba li [email protected] waqt il-kwestjoni, SYDNEY, BRISBANE & ADELAIDE TEL: 1300 360 703 minflok ipprova jikkwieta l-kwestjoni - PARCEL SERVICE TO MALTA g˙ajjar u nsulenta lill-mara meta qalilha “itilqu lill-Arçipriet, - NO WEIGHT LIMIT m’hawnx qassis li - FULL CONTAINERS TO OR FROM MALTA AT ma tisfratta˙x .......... COMPETITIVE RATES ma tistax tara qassis” Id-differenza hemm g˙adha! - AIRFREIGHT SERVICES ALSO AVAILABLE S - NITKELLMU BIL-MALTI kont st˙arri© mid-ditta InsightPolls, li jekk issir elezzjoni b˙alissa: 44% ta’ dawk li wie©bu g˙al dan l-ist˙arri© qalu li jivvutaw g˙all- Partit Laburista, 35% lill-Partit Nazzjonalista, u 4% lill-Alternattiva Demokratika. Kien hemm 17% li ma qalux kif jivvutaw jew qalu li ma jivvutawx. L-ist˙arri© ma llimitax ru˙u g˙all-politika biss imma ttratta wkoll il-qag˙da ekonomika talpajjiΩ, b’ 64% jg˙idu li j˙ossuhom sodisfatti ˙afna, jew sodisfatti; 34% ma tantx jew m’huma sodisfatti m’huma sodisfatti xejn. Dwar dak li jinkwieta lil Maltin: 27% qalu d-d˙ul per- sonali, 17% l-immigrazzjoni; 12% l-ispejjeΩ tal-g˙ajxien, 11% l-ambjent u 8% ss-sigurtá personali. Hemm 7% li jinkwetaw dwar impjieg stabli g˙alihom u g˙all-familja, 4% ledukazzjoni, 3% is-sa˙˙a, 2% dwar il-kontijiet tad-dawl u lilma filwaqt li 1% jinkwetaw dwar it-traffiku u l-prezz talfjuwil. Hemm 39% li j˙ossu li l-akbar problema tal-pajjiΩ hija l-immigrazzjoni illegali; 17% issa˙˙a, 10% l-ispejjeΩ tal-g˙ajxien u l-ambjent. Hemm ukoll 7% li l-problema ghall-pajjiΩ ja˙sbu li hi l-li©i u l-ordni pubblika, 5% l-ekonomija, 4% ledukazzjoni A$ 55.00 A$ 85.00 1 Carton A$120 2 Cartons A$180 3 Cartons A$220 25 x 30 x 25cm 40 x 30 x 45cm 40 x 30 x 45cm *Prices quoted are from receival at our depot to arrival port Malta *Destination Port fees will apply. Storage or duties, if any, may also apply. FOR YOUR FREIGHT REQUIREMENTS FROM MALTA CONTACT AGENTS:- TRISTAR FREIGHT SERVICES LTD AIRWAYS HOUSE 22 TOWER STREET MSIDA MSD 06 MALTA TEL: 21338161 FAX: 21334188 16 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 A quick glimpse at Australia A near death experience A n attempt for a spill in the leadership of the Australian Liberal Party was not successful however the Prime Minister Tony Abbott (above) described the ordeal as a “near death experience”. The PM was put on notice by 40 per cent of his party room. He did not expect the numbers to be that high. It is tough medicine to take. The PM said it’s like “looking over the precipice”. The Liberals in coalition with the Nationals where elected just 18-mothns ago by a significant majority but they are enduring dismal polling figures. A chastened Mr. Abbott declared, “I’ve listened. I’ve learned and I’ve changed” after the spill motion that was brought on by two rebel West Australian backbenchers, failed 61 to 39 – leaving only 12 MPs to change to topple him. The vote showed the PM had lost the support of almost two-thirds of his backbench. Many are predicting this will buy Mr. Abbott some time until the NSW election in March and the federal budget in June. The Prime Minister said, “We want to end the disunity and the uncertainty which destroyed two Labor governments and gave you a good government that you deserve” Like him or loathe him, Tony Abbott has always made an impression. Through various stages of his high-profile career, he has been known as a staunch monarchist, parliament's “captain Catholic”, John Howard's “headkicker” and dubbed “people skills” for his sometimes questionable way with words. He once dubbed himself “the ideological love-child” of Bronwyn Bishop and John Howard. As a political warrior, he has been a high-profile combatant for more than 20 years. But even before entering the political fray, Palaszczuk confirmed Q Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott... came very close to losing party leadership Anthony John Abbott was a young ideologue, a boxer, a Rhodes scholar, a Catholic seminarian and a journalist. ueensland Labor leader Annastacia Palaszczuk has been confirmed as the state's next Premier. In a brief statement outside Government House in Brisbane following a meeting with Governor Paul de Jersey, she said the Governor invited her to form office and she has accepted. An interim ministry was sworn in, a day later “It's an extremely humbling experience,” she said. The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) finished declaring the 89 seats that make up Queensland Parliament at 2:15pm on Friday, 13 days after the election. It is a long wait for a modern day election to be declared. Labor won 44 electorates and will have the crucial 45 to form a minority government with the support of independent Peter Wellington. Huge payout - Black Saturday T he Murrindindi-Marysville better known as Victoria’s Black Saturday bushfire killed 40 people and razed at least 500 properties in February 2009. It was blamed on a faulty powerline. Power company, AustNet Services and the state government agreed to a pay out of $300 million, one of Australia’s largest for damages and personal injury claims over the bush fires without admitting liabilities. The weather conditions on the day were some of the worst bushfire weather conditions ever recorded. Temperatures reached 46 degrees celsius with winds in excess of 100km per hour. Leading up to the disastrous conditions was two months of extremely low rainfall and hot dry conditions. The fire started at about 2.45pm on Black Saturday along Wilhelminia Falls Road in Murrindindi near a disused sawmill, before rapidly becoming an out-of-control inferno racing through the Toolangi State Forest and Marysville. Approximately 400 fires started during the day of the Black Saturday Bushfires, in the evening a cool change came from the south west, although this did lower the temperature, it brought winds in excess of 120km per hour. These winds turned the long flanks of the Black Saturday Bushfires into large fire fronts. The average speed of the Black Saturday Bushfires was 12km per hour, however in some circumstances the fires travelled up to 600m per 30 seconds A police task force spent two years investigating the blaze as an act of arson before a review of the case deemed otherwise. It was alleged the break in an electrical conductor sparked the file, which was the result of deficiencies in the power pole however; AustNet denied the powerline was responsible. The Voice of the Maltese 17 Tuesday February 17, 2015 A quick glimpse at Australia MP thanks NSW’s Maltese Community in Parliament for celebrating Australia Day T he Maltese community of NSW was mentioned during the Monday, February 9 sitting of Parliament in Canberra when Julie Owens MP, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Small Business, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Education & Federal Member for Parramatta NSW declared: “This year I had the pleasure of celebrating Australia Day with the Maltese Community Council of New South Wales. The Maltese community celebrated the day in Merrylands at the Holroyd Centre with the theme 'We are one but we are many', a fitting tribute to Parramatta and Western Sydney's multiculturalism. Dr Barry York, OAM, a Maltese historian, delivered the keynote address, giving a fine illustration of his family's experience migrating to Australia 60 years ago. The Maltese choir, directed by Marisa Previtera, with 15-year old Maltese Australian soloist A-Lee, delivered a fantastic performance. Charmaine Cassar delivered a speech on behalf of the Maltese Australia Youth Committee. The future of the Maltese Australian community is in good hands with young adults like Charmaine. There were also a number of Maltese Australian recipients of the Order of Australia in attendance: Mr Sam Vella, Mr Lino Vella, Mrs Doris Athanasio, Mr Lawrence Dimech and Mrs Nancy Borg Serg. Thank you to the hard work of the Maltese Community Council of New South Wales who organised the day - in particular, Lawrence Dimech, the president - and the Maltese Community Council Australia Day Celebration Organising Julie Owens MP praises MCC NSW after joining them for Australia Day celebration Committee, including Emanuel Camilleri, Marlene Dimech, Frances Montesin, Charmaine Cassar and Marisa Previtera. Well done and thank you”. Govt overruled on boat arrival’s refugee visa The High Court has ruled unanimously in favour of a Pakistani asylum-seeker, saying the minister’s decision to refuse him a refugee visa “was not made according to law”. It ordered Immigration Minister Peter Dutton to award permanent protection to the man, known as “S297”, ruling the government could not reject the refugee, who arrived on Christmas Island in May 2012 solely because he arrived by boat. The case was not dealt with until July 2014 when Liberal immigration minister Scott Morrison refused to grant a visa, claiming he did not believe it was “in the national interest” to protect an unauthorised boat arrival. The court found the Migration Act stated, “exhaustively” what consequences flowed for asylum-seekers who arrive by boat, and Mr Morrison “could not refuse an application for a visa 400 days in prison A fter enduring 400 days in Egypt’s Tora Prison, experienced journalist Peter Creste was released and returned home to Australia. He was working for Al-Jazeera when he was arrested December 2013. Two other journalists were also arrested following a trial that was widely criticised as a farce by legal experts and human rights commentators. The trio was found guilty of aiding a terrorist organisation belonging to the banned Muslim Brotherhood opposition group and making false news that damaged Egypt’s reputation. The three Al-Jazera journalists were among at least 16 journalists imprisoned in Egypt, along with at least 16,000 political prisoners including activists, students, unionists, academics and lawyers. only because the applicant was an authorised maritime arrival”. It added: “It was not necessary for the Court to address the validity of the ‘national interest’ criterion upon which the Minister relied in refusing the plaintiff’s application”. I t was the asylum-seeker’s second time before the High Court, having won a judgment last June preventing the government from sitting on his case without making a decision. Greens senator Sarah HansonYoung blamed the government’s “arrogance” for its breach of the law, saying: “This man is a refugee, he came to Australia asking for help and it’s only after being dragged through the courts that the government will recognise its duty and offer him protection.” “There was no need for this. It was only the government’s own hubris that brought them to this loss,” she said MICHELLE ROWLAND MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREENWAY Proudly serving the areas of: Acacia Gardens, Blacktown*, Girraween, Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley, Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Pendle Hill, Prospect*, Quakers Hill*, Riverstone, Rouse Hill*, Schofields, Seven Hills, Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds, Toongabbie*, Vineyard *Parts of 230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @mrowlandmp 18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 Fr Edwin Agius, ir-Rettur tasSoçjeta f’Parkville jiççelebra lquddiesa fil-festa ta’ San Pawl L-istatwa artistika ta’ San Pawl f’Parkville Il-Festa tan-Nawfra©ju ta’ missierna San Pawl Iççelebrata f’Parkville I s-Soçjeta` Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl flimkien mall-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria organizzaw il-Festa tan-Nawfra©ju ta’ San Pawl fil-Kappella ta’ San Pawl, f’Parkville, nhar it-Tnejn, 9 ta’ Frar, jum qabel il-festa proprja. Il-festa ©iet iççelebrata b’Quddiesa mir-Rettur tas-Soçjeta` f’Parkville, Fr Edwin Agius, mssp fil-preΩenza ta’ g˙add ta’ devoti. Il-qari sar minn Paul Borg u George Saliba, filwaqt li Fr Agius g˙amel ukoll l-omelija u tkellem dwar il-vja©© ta’ San Pawl lejn Ruma fuq ©ifen li nkalja b’276 ru˙ fuqu ma’ skoll f’Malta, u kif San Pawl wassal ilfidi ta’ Kristu lill-©ens Malti. Fil-kappella issa hemm statwa mdaqqsa artistika ta’ San Pawl li g˙andha storja sabi˙a. Fr Edwin Agius u Freddie Asciak spjegawli kif l-istatwa waslet f’dil-kappella. Qaluli li originarjament din waslet f’Melbourne minn Malta u tpo©©iet fil-Knisja ta’ St. Bernadette, f’North Sunshine. Qaluli li lMaltin kienu ˙adu gost bl-istatwa, filwaqt li l-parruççani IrlandiΩi kienu ja˙sbuh San Patrizju g˙ax ma ndunawx mill-ewwel bis-sejf u l-lifa`. Aktar tard l-istatwa ttie˙det fil-parroçça ta’ Norlane, qrib Geelong, li kienet titmexxa mill-kappillan Fr Gambin. Meta sar kappillan Fr Ray Zammit, ˙aseb li min˙abba li l-parroçça ta’ Norlane ma kienetx tas-Soçjeta`, jkun a˙jar li l-istatwa tittie˙ed fil-kappella tal-mssp, f’Parkville. Freddie Asciak ˙a ˙sieb li jir- restawraha u jirrran©a s-sejf u l-lifa` li ˙tie©u xi tiswijiet. Issa l-istatwa ta’ San Pawl g˙andha postha fil-Kappella ta’ San Pawl, f’Parkville. Qaluli wkoll li x-xemg˙a ta’ quddiem l-istatwa ng˙atat b˙ala rigal meta “dDrieg˙ ta’ San Pawl” in©ieb wara çÇentinarju tal-1960 li kien imfakkar f’Malta Paul Vella (Melbourne) Young singer Kayla Piscopo wins Star Search 2015 K ayla Jo Piscopo (right), the 15-year-old singer from Cecil Hills has won The Star Search 2015 at Warringah Mall Star Search. Her prize included a cheque for $1500 and a Trophy. Kayla had to go through the heats in January before qualifying for the final on January 24. Last year Kayla was also featured in The Voice of the Maltese (No. 84) when she qualified for the final round of the Sydney Eisteddfod Junior Contemporary Singer of the Year title at the Petersham RSL Club. Those knowKayla (fourth from left) with her sister Chloe (third left) ing Kayla dethe judges who voted her The Star Search for 2015 scribe her as a quiet and reserved girl, who has always struggled with her confidence. That is, until she sings. Having had singing lessons since she was nine, Kayla Jo is now a regular in singing competitions around Sydney, and has won her fair share of trophies. She also plays bass guitar and piano and is often encouraged by her mother to sing with her sisters who would eventually love to start their own group. Aside of her singing and music, young Kayla has inherited her father's love for 1960's muscle cars and plans to buy one of her own once she earns her first million dollars, along with a beach house and a horse. The Voice of the Maltese 19 Tuesday February 17, 2015 Don Bosco bi-centenary year (1815-2015) commemoration A feast day with a difference at St Mary’s O n February 1, the Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco NSW organised a successful feast day for the saint at St Marys Parish. It was a feast day with a difference as for the first time the Association moved the statue of Don Bosco from Horsley Park to St Marys to commemorate the 200 years since the birth of Don Bosco. There is a strong Salesian presence at St Marys. Besides the parish, since 1990 the Salesians have been running a Don Bosco Youth Centre. There is also a primary school and a community hall, all located at Swanston Street, St Marys The feast day started with a Mass in the morning concelebrated by the rector of the Salesian community, Fr. Shane Reade. He was also the homilist. Frs. Brendan Murphy, John Walenciej, Jerry Breen and Carmelo Sciberras, our spiritual director concelebrated with Shane Reade. Fr Guy Riolo joined in the youth choir. Among the parishioners were past pupils from the Philippines, Vietnam, Samoa and South Sudan. After Mass, there was a short procession around the grounds of the church, a task that took careful planning and co-ordination by two of veteran mem- hall for a light lunch, tea and cofbers of the association, Emanuel Zam- fee. Retiring Fr Jerry Breen SDB, mit and Sam Gatt. an octogenarian, will be moving The statue bearers were Emanuel Za- to Melbourne and he was fare mmit, Sam Gatt, Lino Cini and Terry welled with a large cake and conFenech while the forcina bearers were, gratulations from all present. He Charlie Muscat, Sam Zammit, George thanked those present for making Grech, Joe White and George Grech. his time among them very enjoyThe flag bearers, co-ordinated by Vic- able. tor Grech, marched in front of the The NSW association has thus statue. They were Doris Spiteri (Asso- made the first step of liaising ciation flag), Josephine Gatt (Australian more closely with the Salesian flag), Antonia Galea (Maltese flag), community at St Marys. The feast Christine Sapienza (Papal flag) and Vic- day was shared with a wider tor Fenech (Bandalora). Parishioners number of parishioners and past followed. Hymns were sung thus mak- pupils of other nationalities, for ing the procession a devout festive oc- the greater glory of Don Bosco. casion. Afterwards, all gathered in the Parish Mark Caruana The procession with the statute of Don Bosco MCC Oral history project - Maltese Personalities I n order to preserve our Maltese-Australian heritage for posterity, the MCC of NSW has embarked on videorecording the settlement experiences of Maltese personalities. The oral history interviews are con- ducted in English on Wednesdays mornings. The time taken varies from 60-90 minutes and are done by Mark Caruana, who has been doing such interviews since 1982. At the end of the interview, the person interviewed is asked to do any necessary editing and to furnish four photos to be included in the DVD cover. The MCC will produce seven DVDs, five of which go to the family, one to the MCC Archives and one to the National Library in Canberra. A donation of $50 to cover costs would be appreciated. Anybody wishing to have his settlement history recorded, is requested to contact Emanuel Camilleri on 9822 0228. 20 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 Il-Makkjetta Maltija: Û L-istorja tag˙ha fil-qosor u minn fejn ©iet gur li xi darba jew o˙ra forsi smajtu xi makkjetta waqt xi il-muΩika, x’aktarx ipprovduta minn lejla tal-g˙ana, xi programm varjat teatrali, jew fuq irorkestra Ωg˙ira. Il-makkjettist kien radju, u kantajtu mag˙ha. Imma forsi ma kontux tafu li kwaΩi jitkellem, imma fl-istess ˙in din it-tip ta’ kanzunetta / g˙anja jsej˙ulha b’dan l-isem. FiliΩomm ritmu kostanti mal-muΩika li kuntest Malti jidher li l-makkejtta hija l-wild tal-ewwel attivi- qed tikkompanjah. tajiet teatrali popolari (it-teatrin) li kienu jsiru fl-ir˙ula u L-aktar ˙a©a importanti ma kinitx fl-ibliet madwar Malta u G˙awdex. Aktar tard din kompliet il-muΩika imma fil-mod kif l-attur ting˙ata spinta fl-ewwel diski li ©ew irrekordjati f’Malta fliwassal il-messa©© tieg˙u, li xi drabi Ettore Petrolini ewwel snin tat-tletinijiet u mbag˙ad min-nofs il-˙amsinijiet mhux biss kien ikun umoristiku imma ’il quddiem. anke ironiku, u b’hekk dan kien jinvolvi ˙afna mossi b’idejh u Qabelxejn ejjew naraw daqsxejn minn fejn ˙adna din ilbil-fattizzi ta’ wiççu. Wie˙ed mill-aktar popolari g˙al dan ixkelma. xog˙ol kien il-bravu Ettore Petrolini. Il-kelma makkjetta mal-ewwel tfakkarna filF’Malta, aktar lejn Ωmienna, x’aktarx li l-aktar kelma macchietta bit-Taljan li tfisser tebg˙a bniedem mag˙ruf ghall-makkjetti kien l-attur Ωg˙ira. Madanakollu fil-qasam teatrali Taljan ilkomiku u ©urnalist Charles Clews, li jibqa’ kelma macchietta, li n˙olqot lejn l-a˙˙ar tasmagħruf għall-umoriżmu nadif tiegħu kemm filseklu dsatax u s-seklu g˙oxrin, tfisser ġurnali kif ukoll fuq il-palk. il-˙olqien ta’ karikatura minn attur komiku li Kien wieħed mill-kontributuri ewlenin tar-radju, x’aktarx dejjem tiffoka fuq xi karattru partikokarriera li beda permezz tar-Rediffusion. Huwa lari, ng˙idu a˙na xi politikant jew qassis. kiseb fama nazzjonali bir-Radio Muskettieri u lDin il-karikatura dejjem kienet tie˙u xe˙ta iStage Commandos Variety Company li tagħhom komika, differenti min-norma tas-soltu u sikwit kien ko-fundatur u li bihom fl-1945 il-kummiedja lesta biex ta˙sad u tkun sarkastika. M’g˙andħadet xejra ġdida u nfirxet fit-teatri ewlenin talniex xi ng˙idu li din il-karikatura kienet tkun ibgżejjer. baΩata fuq persuna veru u kien xog˙ol tal-attur Charles twieled fis-27 ta’ Settembru 1919 fl-Isla komiku li jirreçtaha b’mod umoristiku. u miet fid-29 ta’ Jannar 2009. Il-makkjetta Taljana dejjem kienet tinqeda bilHemm ˙afna xi tg˙id dwar Charles Clews u aktar Charles Clews kant u l-parlant u b˙ala sfond kien ikollha bΩonn ‘l quddiem nag˙mlu wkoll il-profil tieg˙u. L-Alfabet: Kont taf?... l-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a semmejna li fil-Malti Fa) l-konsonanti jistg˙u jkunu: Xemxin jew Qamrin; b) S˙a˙ jew Dg˙ajfin; ç) Rotob jew Qawwija, u d) Likwidi Tajna wkoll xi eΩempji dwar ixXemxin u l-Qamrin. Illum se naraw se nittrattaw xi eΩempji ta’ dawk mag˙rufa b˙ala S˙a˙ jew Dg˙ajfin, Rotob jew Qawwija, u Likwidi. Is-S˙a˙ huma 22, ji©ifieri l-konsonanti kollha minbarra l-j u l-w. Dawn jissej˙u hekk min˙aba li ma jinbidlux. EΩ. Ωfin mhux sfin; kbar mhux gbar (kliem semitiku biss) Id-Dg˙ajfin huma tnejn: j, w. Jissej˙u hekk g˙ax jistg˙u jinbidlu.EΩ.: hu j˙obb iΩda kien i˙obb; inti Ωint iΩda kif uΩint. Ir-Rotob huma tmienja: p, t, ç, x, l, ˙, f u s. l-konsonanti dg˙ajfin huma tnejn:il- j, u l-w. Jissej˙u hekk g˙ax jitlissnu bil-˙lewwa. EΩ.: pupa, tieqa, çerva, xita, Kejk, ˙elu, festa, Sid. Il-Qawwija huma wkoll tmienja; b, d, ©, g, g˙, h, v, u Ω. Jissej˙u hekk g˙ax jitlissnu bil-qawwa. EΩ.: ba˙ri, darsa, ©ebla, gawwi, qieg˙, fih, vit, Ωejt. Il-Likwidi huma ˙amsa: l, m, n, r, g˙. Jissej˙u hekk min˙abba li jitolbu lvokali tal-le˙en meta jkunu sejrin jit˙axknu bejn Ωew© konsonanti o˙ra. Ez.” itlaq iΩda itilqu mhux itlqu bhal ift˙u. Aktar dwar l-ittri tal-alfabet fil-˙ar©a li jmiss. U˙ud mit-tag˙rif ta’ fuq hu me˙ud minn le˙˙ il-Malti tad-Dipartiment tal-Malti fi ˙dan il-Kulle©© San Injazju, Malta biex l-ilsien Malti jing˙ata l-valur li jist˙oqqlu. Ix-xhur tas-sena fil-qwiel Maltin (2) ˙alissa ninsabu fit-tieni B xahar tas-sena, Frar, qasir filkitba u wkoll fil-jiem g˙aliex skont is-sena jvarja bejn 28 u 29 jum. Dis-sena Frar fih 28 jum. Ikkun b’29 fis-snin biΩestili (leap years). Meta konna Ωg˙ar konna nitg˙allmu li dawn huma s-snin li tivvidihom eΩatt b’erbg˙a. B˙al f’Jannar, Frar ukoll hu marbut ma’ aktar bard u aktar xita. Imma l-konsolazzjoni hi li jqarribna lejn ix-xahar ta’ Marzu, li fih jibda l-ista©un tarRebbieg˙a. Fejn g˙andhom x’jaqsmu lqwiel hawn ukoll ˙afna konnessi mal-maltemp. Forsi l-aktar qawl mag˙ruf dwar ix-xahar u li jag˙ti prova dwar kemm tinΩel xita huwa: “Frar ifawwar (jimla) il-bjar”. Hu fatt ukoll li Frar jista’ jkun ferm aktar qalil minn Jannar fejn hi l-kes˙a, u hekk insibu lqawl: “Jannar kiefer imma Frar g˙andu d-dwiefer”. Jing˙ad ukoll li fl-ewwel xhur Illum: Frar tas-sena l-qtates iqattg˙uhom barra, ji©©errew u anke jinnamraw, g˙alhekk fil-qawl jing˙ad; “Jannar u Frar ma j˙allux qattusa d-dar.” Min˙abba li fil-kes˙a ˙afna jippruvaw jiskansaw il-bard billi jmorru g˙all-irdoss, u jibqg˙u ˙afna d-dar, jing˙ad: “Frar ji©bor lil kul˙add id-dar” Dan ix-xahar huwa wkoll mag˙ruf g˙an-nafra©ju ta’ San Pawl (10 ta’ Frar) u li minn xi daqqiet it-temp jag˙mel ˙afna tibdil, g˙alhekk: “Nhar San Pawl (10 ta’ Frar) it-temp ibiddel (iqalleb) seba’ darbiet” Insibu wkoll: “Fellus ta' Frar, brodu u fran”. Frar hu wkoll mag˙ruf b˙ala xxahar tal-Karnival, g˙alhekk ukoll kienu jassoçjaw kemm ixxahar u l-attivita’ f’qawl, hekk li nsibu: “Óadd il-Blu˙, ix-xita tibda tfu˙”. Fl-a˙˙arnett, “Meta ji©i San Mattija, iΩra' t-Tomnija, la mwa˙˙ra lanqas bikrija”. The Voice of the Maltese 21 Tuesday February 17, 2015 Community News Tune In to Radio and Television Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merhba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM 89.3, or on demand: In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Maltese Programmes on TV and Web The GDAY MALTAUSSIE SHOW on TVS is broadcast in Sydney Every Saturday at 2pm; Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am Watch direct via HYPERLINK:; The SBS MALTESE NEWS Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Fi programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil-11.00 ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙allMaltin On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS. Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is the present FMwavelength. Digital radio can also be accessed by a smart phone and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:, VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on Central Coast Radio: March 12th and 26th, and April 9th and 23rd - from 6 pm -7 pm on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford NSW. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on: L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2 Follow The Voice of the Maltese online magazine every fortnight and lso join us on our facebook page. Meetings of Day Care Maltese Groups in NSW Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights. Daceyville Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Come and join us and make new friends.. Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am Llandillo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm. Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of the month n the George Preca Centre of Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street (cr with Young Street) Mays Hill NSW. Phone: 02 98220228 Maltese living at the Central Coast Group Meetings are held every second Monday of each month at Wyong RSL, cnr Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong from 10 am to 12 noon. For more information Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 You can have full access The Voice of the Maltese online anytime by logging to: and click on The Voice sign The Maltese Language School of NSW The Maltese Language School of NSW invites applications for Maltese language classes at the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre located at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young Street) Mays Hill (next to Parramatta West Public School). Both young and adult students may apply. For more information contact Mary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189 or email: [email protected] OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining. Come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298 *(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School) 22 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 C Co om mm mu un niit ty y N Ne ew ws s THE MALTESE GUILD OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC. G˙arfien lill-Voluntiera asal iΩ-Ωmien li nag˙tu ©ie˙ u W rispett lill-anzjani tag˙na fis-Seniors Week 2015. Óu din l-opportunita’ biex tipproponi lil xi ˙add li ja˙dem ta’ voluntier fil-komunita’ u ˙aqqu ringrazzjament. Il-Maltese Welfare (NSW) qed jirçievi applikazzjonijiet minn individwi ta’ dixxendenza Maltij li ghandhom ‘l fuq minn sittin sena u residenti fi NSW biex ikunu parti mill-Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition li din is-sena se jsir nhar l-Erbg˙a, 18 ta’ Marzu 2015 fis-St Dominics’ Annunciation Hall, Walters Rd, Blacktown NSW. Biex tinnominaw lil xi ˙add jin˙tie© tiksbu formola tal-applikazzjoni billi ççemplu lis-segretarju tal-Maltese Welfare (NSW), Emanuel Camilleri 9822 0228 0409 744 376 inkella ΩΩuru l-website: tniΩΩluha minn hemm u tibag˙tuha mhux iktar tard mis-27 ta’ Frar 2015. Nominate a Volunteer t’s that time of year again when we direct a spotlight Iportunity on our seniors during Seniors Week. Take this opto nominate someone who in your view is a genuine volunteer within our general community and deserves to be recognised. The Maltese Welfare (NSW) is seeking nominations for people of Maltese descent over 60 years old, residents of NSW to take part in its annual Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition to be held at St Dominics’ Blacktown, on Wednesday March 18, 2015. Nominations are to be made on an application form that can be obtained by phoning the Maltese Welfare secretry, Emanuel Camilleri on: 9822 0228 - 0409 744 376, or visit the website: Applicatons have to be submitted by not later than February 27, 2015. Maltese Cultural Centre 6, Jeanes Street Beverley S A 5009 Phone Tuesday’s only: 8243 0868. AH: 8254 6988/0421 791 327 Forthcoming Functions: Tuesday February 17: ASH WEDNESDAY MASS Ashes Mass to be celebrated by Fr Gabriel Micallef. Confession at 10 am followed by the Mass at 10.30 am at Maltese Cultural Centre. After Mass Lunch as usual, followed with games of Bingo and other Games. Saturday February 28: 38th ANNIVERSARY DINNER DANCE Admission from 6.30 pm for 7 pm start Dinner is included: Complimentary glass of champagne with orange, nuts and crisps, bread roll and butter on tables. Main course to be advised later, with platers of fresh fruit for Dessert. From 10.45 pm help yourself to Coffee or Tea with Cakes. Beer - wine - soft drinks available from the Licensed Bar Entertainment by The Godfathers Band Admission: Members $20.00; Non Members $25 Children $10.00. Book from: Joseph Briffa (Phone: 8254 6988 Mob. 0421 791 327l Mary Craus (Phone 8281 2329 or 0420 699 617); Rita Bornhoeft 8248 1008 or 0401 860 632) or from any committee members February 27/28, March 1: WEEKEND GRAPE PICKING Grape Picking g˙all-Griffith. Nitilqu l-Ìimg˙a fis-6.00 a.m. InΩuri fabbrika tal©obon, salami u wine tasting. Lura l-Óadd (6.00 p.m.) Prezz (twin share) inkluΩ breakfast tas-Sibt u l-Óadd u dinner tas-Sibt, $380. G˙al tag˙rif u biljetti ikkuntattjaw lil: Mary Said: 0421 285 698 jew lil Christ Sciberras: 9627 5356 St Nicholas Festa Committee (NSW) 2015 Calendar of events March 22: Autumn Fiera; July 5: Lejla fil-Buskett; October 18: Spring Fiera; December 6: Festa ta’ San Nikola Malta Society of New Zealand We now have a Facebook page that former members are invited to join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland: /Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland/ 396193070527203?ref=hl. It is open to all who have an interest in the Maltese culture. L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta) G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lu fil-website: u jsegwu la˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u. Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiet tal-jum ta' qabel. FRIENDS OF PROVIDENCE HOUSE NSW (Formed in November 2011) ANNOUNCES 18 Day Fly – Cruise – Stay – Tour Commencing September 19, 2015 Visiting Perth – Bali – Thailand – Malaysia – Singapore. Fantastic Tour – Great value – All inclusive from $3650 p/p Proceeds to be donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta. For brochure or bookings call Jim Borg on (02) 9636 7767. Note: Donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza can now be made in Australia at any Commonwealth Bank. A/C Name: Friends of Providence House NSW BSB: 062 416 A/C No. 10199448 This will save you the normal bank fees. Please supply name and address so an acknowledgement can be issued. Proudly supported by: Cnr Main & Campbell Sts, Blacktown. Contact George Vella Tel (02) 9622 7799 The Voice of the Maltese 23 Tuesday February 17, 2015 Community News GEORGE CROSS FALCONS CLUB Inc. (25-27 Lake Ave Cringila NSW 2502, (02) 4273 0906 [email protected]) Monday Seniors’ Day Every Monday Home-made cooked twocourse meal, tea and coffee Bingo and dancing lessons, computers available for usage. Cost only $5.00. Sponsored by MCCI Illawarra. Phone 42 746121 and leave message St John Sydney Xewkija Ass. [email protected] Maltese-Australians’ Youth Committee (NSW) Presents: Easter Dinner Dance Saturday March 14 at 6.30 p.m. at Mandavilla Function Centre 1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park 5-COURSE MEAL (including beer, wine, soft drinks, tea, coffee) Fuq Radju Malta ( kull nhar ta’ Ìimg˙a fis-2.30 p.m. TippreΩenta Josephine Zammit Cordina Tinteressak il-kitba? Id-direzzjoni ta’ The Voice t˙e©©e© lill-qarrejja li j˙ossu li jew g˙andhom talent g˙all-kitba, l-aktar bl-Ilsien Malti, imma mhux biss, inkella li ja˙sbu li bi ftit g˙ajnuna jistg˙u jrabbu l-kunfidenza g˙all-kitba, biex jekk iridu, jew jitolbu l-g˙ajnuna, inkella jistg˙u jibag˙tu xxog˙ol tag˙hom lil: The Voice of the Maltese. Email address: [email protected] Lesti nippublikaw i-kitbiet tag˙kom f’dan il-magazine. Music provided by Charlie Camilleri and the Mustangs Band Price: Adults $55.00 Children (Under 12) $30 For further info contact: Sam: 46841617; Rose: 96285424; Elija: 96226047; Martin: 0417237524 Coach trip to Australian War Museum & Memorial in Canberra As part of the 100th Anniversary of the Anzac’s Commemoration, the Sutherland & St.George Maltese Group will be visiting the Australian War Museum & Memorial in Canberra on Wednesday April 8. It will be an official guided tour, but those who decline to participate in the guided tour are free to do so. This War Museum is the Fifth largest of its kind in the World, therefore it would be a very interesting and informative visit. The Museum also has a small section dedicated to Malta. We will be travelling in a modern and luxurious 5 Star Coach that will leave from Miranda at 8:00am sharp. Another pick-up point will be Liverpool Bus Terminal at Bigge St Liverpool at 8.30 a.m. Then we travel to Canberra stopping on the way for morning tea, etc, at Goulburn. We will then have Lunch and visit the Museum. We plan to leave Canberra to return home at approximately 4:00pm, again stopping at Goulburn for Afternoon Tea or a meal. We expect to get back to Liverpool at around 7:30pm, and Miranda by 8:00pm. We aim to stick to these times as much as is possible. However, some variances may occur. The Coach is equipped with a toilet and a TV monitor, allowing us to watch a feature film on the return trip. In order to ensure that passengers enjoy maximum comfort, we are restricting the number of passengers to 48. The total cost for the coach trip is $42 per person. Anybody interested is advised to contact Charles Mifsud on his mobile: 0421 662 298 A.S.A.P. 24 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday February 17, 2015 Sports Tough year ahead for Parramatta FC on return to top flight football in NSW P arramatta FC coach Franco Consentino admits that after returning to the PS4 NSW NPL Men’s 1 competition for the 2015 season, it would be a tough year for the former Melita Eagles club and they would have to do their best in what would be a competitive season. He concedes that Parramatta are a relatively young team with a low budget and their aim is to do their best, to hopefully survive and build on that the following year. Despite getting knocked out by Victorian outfit St Albans Saints in Round 32 last season, Parramatta FC did well in the inaugural Westfield FFA Cup, and coach Consentino claims they can use the Westfield FFA Cup to learn from the experience as it was certainly one that really captivated the squad, he told old Nikola Pozder. “It was fabulous to have been part of the first ever Cup especially with the healthy crowd that turned up at Melita Stadium.” In order to face the new season, Parramatta have strengthened their squad by signing nine new players, and the coach is Australia A-League Victory narrow gap wo matches stand out among all others in the T last two rounds of the A-League. The top of table clash between Adelaide U. and Perth Glory that ended in a 1-1 draw, and the Melbourne derby in the previous round between the Victory and the City. The Victory avenged their first round loss and beat their rivals 3-0. After the latest results Perth Glory held on to first place but Melbourne Victory leaprogged over Adealide to calim the runer up position and narrow the gap with Perth to just one point. RESULTS Round 17 Adelaide Utd v Perth Glory Sydney FC v Melbourne V. Wellington Ph v Melbourne C. Central Coast v Brisbane Roar Newcastle Jets v Western Syd. W Round 16 Newcastle Jets v Brisbane Roar Central Coast v Adelaide Utd Melbourne V. v Melbourne C Perth Glory v Sydney FC Western Syd. W V Wellington Ph. Standings Perth Glory Melbourne V Adelaide U Wellington Ph Sydney FC Brisbane R Melbourne C. Central Coast Newcastle J. West.Sydney P 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 17 17 15 W 10 9 9 9 6 3 5 3 1 1 D 4 6 3 2 8 3 5 6 6 5 L 3 2 5 6 3 7 6 8 10 9 F 30 37 31 30 26 14 22 15 14 11 1-1 3-3 0-0 0-2 1-1 1-2 2-1 3-0 1-3 2-0 A 22 21 17 19 20 19 28 29 38 21 Pts 34 33 30 29 26 21 20 15 9 4 pleased with the recruitment process. Among the new arrivals is former St George FC striker Juan Chavez, David Gullo and Marco Sama. Nikodin Matic makes a return to the Men’s 1 league and should provide stern competition to Luke Turnbull for the number one spot. Another handy addition will be the return of Luke Grima from injury, and the Parramatta boss believes he has a good group of players that will work for each other. “We have good youngsters in David Gullo, Josh Symons and Marco Sama who can change a game on their own which can very useful.” He also heaped praise on the club stalwarts Patrick Gatt and Matthew Clowes, major reason behind Parramatta getting promoted. Both would still be there. Consentino also spoke about who he believes will pose a surprise in the competition. He named South Coast Wolves and Naz (Nahuel Arrate) in particular, saying that they would “fly under the radar.” Parramatta’s new signings this season are: Marco Sama, David Gullo, Nikodin Matic, Juan Chavez, Aram Tayebi-Derazkala, Steven Wright, Roberto Speranza, Andrew Vais, and Tommy Cirjak. Patrick Gatt: he will again captain Parramatta FC in the championship Preseason Cup Result Sydney Olympic v Parramatta 4-0 Next game on Feb. 22 at 7.30 p.m. Manly v Parramatta Hibernians wrap up Stage 1 unbeaten so start Stage 2 with eight-point advantage Malta Premier League football Hibernians beat neighbours Tarxien 4-1 in their final match to finish Stage 1 in the Premier League 16 points ahead of nearest challengers Valletta and Birkirkara. As such, when the Second stage of the championship kicks off at the weekend, and the points tally acquired in the first stage are halved, they will start the Championship Pool with an eight-point advangtage Hibernians set a points record and rounded up the first part of the campaign unbeaten. They only dropped six points from three draws throughout the campaign. In the final round, Valletta and Birkirkara drew 1-1 their direct encounter, therefore the reigning champions finished a point ahead of third-placed Birkirkara though both will start the second phase equal on points. After a most satisfying campaign, Balzan finished with a disappointing loss against relegation-threatened Pieta, but still claim their best ever standing in the championship, in fourth. Floriana finished fifth, while Sliema claimed the final position for the Championship Pool by beating Mosta who now join Naxxar, Tarxien, Pieta, Qormi and Zebbug in the Relegation Pool in the battle for survival. Table right shows the standings at end of the end of the first stage. Final row is their points tally (halved) forstage 2. The top six teams will now feature in the fight for the title, and the bottom six to avoid the drop Last weekend, HIBERNIANS, were made to fight hard to quaify to the semi-finals of the FA Tro- Round 22 - end of First stage Birkirkara v Valletta 1-1 Nikola Vukanac (B); Roderick Briffa (V)) Hibernians v Tarxien R. 4-1 Jorge P. da Silva, Luis AM Lima, Edison L Santos, Clayton Failla (H); Mouhamed Soly (T) Piweta H. v Balzan Christian Grech, Claudio Frances (P); Samir Arab (B) Floriana v Qormi 2-1 2-2 Gary Muir, Matteo Piciollo (F); Marcelo RM Lima, Clifford Gauci (Q) Sliema W v Mosta 2-1 Aidan Friggieri, Junior Obagbemiro (S); Haruna Babangida (M) Naxxar L. v Ûebbu© R 4-0 Gilmar S. Ribeiro 2 (1 pen), Jorge S, Silva 2 Standings Hibernians Valletta Birkirkara Balzan Floriana Sliema W Mosta Naxxar L. Tarxien R Pieta H. Ûebbu© R. Qormi phy. They beat Balzan 4-3 on penalties after 1-1 (aet). The other semi-finalists are, VALLETTA v P 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 W 19 14 13 9 7 7 7 5 4 5 4 4 D 3 2 4 7 8 6 4 7 9 6 6 6 L 0 6 5 6 7 9 11 10 9 11 12 12 pts 60 44 43 34 29 27 25 22 21 21 18 18 Stage 2 (30) (22) (22) (17) (15) (14) (13) (11) (11) (11) (9) (9) Mosta 3-1, BIRKIRKARA v Pieta 3-0, and QORMi v Sirens 7-0. Semis to be played in May.
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