FEBRUARY 15, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME UPCOMING EVENTS FINANCE COUNCIL February 18 at 7:45 am LENTEN BIBLE STUDY February 22 at 5:00 pm YOUTH GATHERED NIGHT February 25 at 6:00 pm LENT Seeing with new eyes. THE PRAYER OF THE CHURCH Join the Norbertine Community of Saint Joseph Priory for the Liturgy of the Hours, celebrated in the Oratory Morning Prayer: 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday Evening Prayer: 5:00 p.m. Sunday through Friday SUNDAY MASS 10:00 am 7:00 pm Proclaiming the Gospel in a Changing World Lent is a journey to Easter. We begin on Ash Wednesday and each day during the 40-day Lenten season, we are getting ready for Easter by praying, reading the Scriptures, helping others, and thinking about how God wants us to live. This Lent how will I learn to see the ordinary in an extraordinary way? In what ways will I fast other than from food? How will I pray in a new way? Does almsgiving mean that I only share my treasure? How can I see with new eyes this Lenten season? ASH WEDNESDAY MASS TIMES February 18, 2015 6:45am 6:30pm “Dedicated to maintaining a welcoming, caring and nurturing faith community grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ” SNC Parish Mission Statement 12:20pm 9:00pm ^ƚ͘EŽƌďĞƌƚŽůůĞŐĞWĂƌŝƐŚͻ ϭϬϬ'ƌĂŶƚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕ĞWĞƌĞ͕t/ϱϰϭϭϱͻ ƉĂƌŝƐŚΛƐŶĐ͘ĞĚƵͻǁǁǁ͘ƐŶĐ͘ĞĚƵͬƉĂƌŝƐŚ ϵϮϬͲϰϬϯͲϯϬϭϬ LITURGICAL SCHEDULE &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJϮϮ Cross: Greeter: MA: PB: MASS INTENTIONS February 16 to February 22 Monday 12:20 p.m.— Norbertine Intention BB: CB: Tuesday, The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order 12:20 p.m.— +Marge Barrette MW 1: MW 2: Sacristan: Usher: Wednesday, Ash Wednesday 6:45 a.m.— SNC Parish 12:20 p.m.—Deceased Members of SNC Community 6:30 p.m.— Deceased Members of SNC Parish 9:00 p.m.— SNC Students Thursday 12:20 p.m.— +Ruth Zajkowski Friday 12:20 p.m.— Norbertine Intention John Hendricks Becky Erdmann Thomas Guyette Presider Kerry Guyette Christopher Hendricks Richard Porior Joseph Schinkten Sue Schinkten Keven Ress Carole Guyette Theresa Bies Doris Francken Mike Francken Spencer Julian Thomas Tengowski Please remember to find a substitute if you are unable to minister at your assigned time. SUNDAY, First Sunday of Lent 10:00 a.m.— +Norma Jane Kolb 7:00 p.m.—SNC Students **Schedules are all available on the Parish website** THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION The Sacrament will be celebrated in the Reconciliation Chapel on Wednesdays from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm or by appointment. DURING COLD AND FLU SEASON, WE WILL NOT USE THE CUP EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesdays at 8:00 pm in the Oratory. ST. PAT’S PANTRY Cereal Hamburger Helper SUNDAY COLLECTIONS 2/8/2015 $4,788.48 KEEP OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN PRAYER Readings for the Week of February 16, 2015 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Gn 4:1-15, 25/Mk 8:11-13 Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10/Mk 8:14-21 Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20--6:2/Mt 6:1 -6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32 SUNDAY: Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:1215 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Erin Culbertson, Carol Marcinkowski Vacation Bible School July 20-23, 2015 LOOKING FOR A WEEKEND AWAY, FOR JUST THE TWO OF YOU? A Marriage Encounter Weekend offers you this experience. It's a time to renew your relationship, away from the everyday distraction of life. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your communication and promote greater intimacy in your life together. You don't need a Marriage Encounter Weekend, but you DESERVE one. “Discover Each Other Again”, more deeply, honestly and warmly. The weekend retreat options are: February 6-8 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De Pere, March 21-22 at Saint Pius Parish in Appleton, April 17-19 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De Pere, and May 16-17 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De Pere. For more information, contact Sue & Dennis Amtmann (920-544-5166 / [email protected]) or visit www.gbme.org. LENTEN BIBLE STUDY BULLETIN ADVERTISING The great adventure series introduces one to Scripture and makes the Bible approachable by explaining the overarching story and showing how the books of the Bible fir together to get the story across. The program focuses on the narrative approach to Scripture. UNDERSTANDABLE FOR EVERYONE. Each session will consist of a DVD of a 1/2 hour talk, discussion based on a workbook and a small group discussion. The cost is $10.00 which includes the workbook and materials. To register, call or email the Parish office. Ted Sibilsky was with us this past week in securing advertisers for our weekly bulletin. We would like to thank all the advertisers who have renewed their ads for the upcoming year and also thank all the new advertisers who have generously committed to the bulletin for this year. Because of this advertising, we are able to receive the bulletin at little or no cost to our Parish. If you’re interested in sponsoring an as for your business or on behalf of your favorite charity/ organization, there is still time. Please contact Ted Siblisky at (800) 9509952, ext. 2540. PARISHIONER INPUT IS NEEDED The 14th General Assembly of Bishops will be taking place October 4-25, 2015 in Vatican City. In our preparation , an online survey has been developed and your input is needed. You can find a link on our parish website, [email protected] or the diocesan website, www.gbdioc.org. The Survey will be live from February 1-28. No print version is available. Is you have questions, please contact the Department of Living Justice at 920272-8291. ECUMENICAL HOUSING PARTNERSHIP VOLUNTEER MEETING We will be holding a short meeting for ALL those who signed up for the EPH project house on Sunday, Feb. 22 after the 10:00 am Mass. Young Neighbor's in Action (YNIA) July 5-11, 2015 NORBERTINE CENTER FOR SPIRITUALITY CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES Lent is a Life-long Journey-Rice Bowls Join our SNC parish community - and more that 13,000 other Catholic communities across the Unites States - in a life-changing Lenten journey with the Catholic Relief Services annual Rice Bowl project. Check out the amazing resources at www.crsricebowl.org and check out downloading the app --something for every household of faith interested in strengthening your Catholic identity. BLOOD DRIVE Give the life-saving gift of a blood donation at SNC Winter Blood Drive! The drive will held February 18-19 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Michels Ballroom. Walk-in or schedule appointment at www.redcrossblood.org or emailing [email protected]. Thank you advance to all volunteers and donors! the be the an by in FAITH FORMATION Youth Gathered Night will not meet on Ash Wednesday the 18th. We will gather again on February 25th. Confirmation Candidates: a gentle reminder to follow up with your paperwork as well as scheduling your one-on-one conversation with either Sr. Laura or Father John. Touch base with Susan and together we can stay on top of the details. Sunday Morning Children's Liturgy of the Word has two sectionals (K4-K5-K6) and (grades 1-2-34) which meet weekly during the 10:00 a.m. mass. The program is growing and we are looking for additional assistance. See Susan for more details - consider observing a session to check it out first hand. LENTEN SERIES: LIFE LESSONS FROM THE GOSPEL Sunday readings for the Lenten season are powerful Gospel stories. The Significance of these passages and their relevance to us today are explored in this much-appreciated annual Saturday series. What a perfect way to enter into the depth and meaning of Lent. Saturdays, 9:15 – 10:45 a.m. (Optional Mass at 8:30 a.m. with the Norbertine Community) February 28 Mark 9:2-10 The Transfiguration of Jesus Fr. John Bostwick, O. Praem. March 7 John 2:13-25 Jesus Drives the Money Changers from the Temple Fr. David Komatz, O. Praem. March 21 John 12:20-33 The Son of Man is to be Glorified Fr. Andy Cribben, O. Praem. Cost: Free will offering (suggested donation $5 per session) Registration appreciated COFFEE AND CONVERSATION with Fr. Steven Vanden Boogard, O. Praem. Fr. Vanden Boogard has “seen the world” and more. As priest, teacher, military chaplain, and hospital corpsman, he has cared for the spiritual needs of our troops in countries such as Kuwait, Iraq, Cuba, and Haiti. Hear his fascinating stories of faith, courage, and perseverance amidst challenges at home and abroad. Wednesday, March 4 10 – 11 a.m. Cost: Free will offering (suggested donation $5) Registration appreciated
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