february 2015 M ETAMORA GRADE S C H OO L MGS Messenger In This Issue Superintendent’s Segment 2-3 Principal’s Perspectives 4-7 School Information 8-11 PTO 12 School News 13-18 Community News 19 Activity Calendar 20 Menus 21-22 Emergency School Closing Information In the event that school cannot be held because of weather or emergency conditions, the following radio and television stations will be notified in time for the 10:00 p.m. and/or the 7:00 a.m. news broadcasts. AM Radio WOAM 1350 WPEO 1020 WIRL 1290 FM Radio WCBU 89.9 WCIC 91.5 WZPW 92.3 WPBG 93.3 WPMJ 94. WWCT 96.5 WDQX 102.3 WXCL 104.9 WXMP 105.7 WSWT 106.9 TV Stations WHOI CH 19 WEEK CH 25 WMBD CH 31 Our school website will also advertise the closing, mgs.metamora.k12.il.us. PLEASE DISCUSS PLANS WITH YOUR CHILDREN IN THE EVENT OF AN EARLY DISMISSAL. M GS Messen ger Superintendent’s Segment P age 2 The month of February is the last full month of winter. What may seem like a long time until spring finally arrives, March and April will quickly be here. Winter Weather Reminder As a reminder, I will continue to use our all-call system in the event that school will need to be closed due to weather. It’s the fastest way that I can get the message to all of our families. From Mr. Payne the time I enter the data into the phone system it takes roughly ten to twelve minutes to reach all Superintendent our families – at least this is the design of the program. There may be times when it may take a few more minutes. Still, it’s a solid, quick way to reach everyone as fast as possible. School closings will also be posted on both TV and radio stations. On days when there is the potential for school to close, please do not call the school. Asking if school is going to be closed is an excellent question. However, so that we can use the all-call system and make phone calls to the media, we need to keep our phone lines open. Thanks for understanding this request. I’ve had several inquiries this winter regarding the decision making process for closing school for inclement weather. The obvious times to close school come with dangerous wind chills, or when the roads (typically in our rural areas) are simply too dangerous for transportation. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) provides a wind chill chart and is often what is followed to determine wind chill advisories and warnings. The chart can be found at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/windchill/. Questionable weather days begin at 4:00 a.m. MGS Transportation Director, Rick Pope, and I are driving rural roads to check conditions. The four Metamora area superintendents (Riverview, Germantown-Hills, Metamora High School, and MGS) communicate early and often on these mornings, and County road commissioners, as well as neighboring superintendents are also consulted. We often find days during our early morning drives that the roads aren’t as bad as anticipated. There are days as well when the conditions make it easy to cancel. A few years ago we received over a foot of snow during the first week of February. This made the decision to cancel school very easy. Unfortunately, we have days that the decision is difficult to make. These types of mornings are stressful and not taken lightly. The goal is to be in school, and if we believe we can transport students, school will be open. If we can’t, school will be closed. Please know as well, that as the school calendar is developed, the district builds five emergency days. With each snow day up to five, we add days on to the end of the school year. Above all, I truly appreciate the support I’ve had over the past few years during the winter months. I’ll finish my comments regarding bad weather days with a note of appreciation. During the cold winter months, Mr. Pope and one of our bus drivers, Doug Wilbur, are here very early, getting buses running. By the time students are picked up each morning, the buses are warm. I want to thank our head custodian, Mike Uzelac, and janitor Dan Smock, who are here on bad weather mornings clearing snow and spreading salt on our sidewalks. It may sound like a routine task, but we have quite a bit of sidewalk area, and they work hard to be certain that our kids have a cleared safe place to walk once they get to school. School Carnival The Foundation for Educational Excellence Spring Carnival is right around the corner. Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21, 2015! This event is vitally impor tant to our classrooms and technology at MGS. We have raised over $10,000 each year to help fund educational items for our students that would otherwise not be funded. One of the many things we do is have a silent auction. Each grade level selects a theme and then builds raffle baskets to be bid on the day of the carnival. We usually have at least 2 or 3 volunteers per grade level to help secure donations and put your baskets together. We do ask for a $2-$5 donation. This money is used to supplement the baskets or offset the cost of building them. Please have your donation turned into your teacher by January 30th. Please let Elisha Bachman know ASAP if you would like to help or would like to cochair this event. She can be reached at [email protected] or 208-8133. Superintendent’s Segment M GS Messen ger P age 3 CHANGES TO THE SCHOOL CALENDAR The change to call to your attention is minor, but one that I need to make you aware. The last day of school is always determined by the number of “snow” days that we need to use. Our calendar currently has five snow days built into it, and each time we use a snow day, we add a day to the end of the school year. The last two days on our school calendar include a full-day teacher institute, with the last day being a day of student attendance. As the calendar stands now, the last day of school is a full-day of student attendance. The change to call to your attention is that this last day now has an 11:30 dismissal for students. Again, the change is minor, but one that you need to be made aware. Looking ahead into the last few months of school, our scheduled early dismissals and holiday time off are as follows: February Friday February 13th – 11:30 a.m. dismissal for a School Improvement Day Monday, February 16th – School Closed for Presidents’ Day March – April Friday, March 20th – 11:30 a.m. dismissal for a School Improvement Day Friday March 27th – full day of school/last day of school before Spring Break Tuesday, April 7 – first day back from Spring Break May Monday, May 25th – School Closed for Memorial Day End of the School Year To date, we have used two snow days. Currently, our last day of school is Monday, June 1st, with an 11:30 dismis- sal. With several weeks of winter ahead of us, this may easily change. I will continue to provide an update with my monthly Newsletter articles. M GS Messen ger Principal’s Perspective P age 4 PARCC Testing Mrs. Costello K-8 Principal PARCC (Performance Based Test) testing is fast approaching. It’s hard to believe that this test will be taking place from March 9 –April 3, 2015. Please do not set up a vacation or make sure that any appointments are before or after school. All testing will take place throughout the day. Check with your homeroom teacher for specific dates and times. Also, it is required by the STATE that students take another PARCC test (End of the Year) from April 27 through May 22, 2015. Additional information concerning this test will be shared. Additional information concerning PARCC testing is found below: The Spring 2015 Administration of the PARCC assessment includes two separate test administration windows: the Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) and the End-of-Year (EOY), both of which will be administered in paper-based and computer-based formats. The first window will be for administration of the PBA, and the second window will be for the administration of the EOY. A student must participate in both windows for a complete PARCC score. The PBA administration occurs after approximately 75 percent of instructional time is complete. The ELA/ Literacy PBA will focus on writing effectively when analyzing text. The Mathematics PBA will focus on applying skills and concepts, and understanding multistep problems that require abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools. The EOY administration occurs after approximately 90 percent of instructional time is complete. For the EOY, students will demonstrate their acquired skills and knowledge by answering selected-response questions. Each test administration is comprised of multiple units, and with certain Mathematics units there are separate sections. For example, there are 2 Math PBA Units and the testing units (Grades 3-8) range from 50-60 minutes in length. There are 3 ELA PBA Units (Literary Analysis, Research Simulation and Narrative Writing) and Grades 3-8 time limits Range from 50-60 minutes. ***Headphones or earbuds will be used during the ELA sessions of the testing: Students may bring their own headphones or earbuds if parent/s prefer they use their own. We do have enough of the headphones or earbuds for their grade level to use during the testing sessions. Please note: PARCC preparation is a continuous daily process at MGS and your child’s attendance is extremely important. It's flu and fever season!! Here is a quick reminder of the “Fever Free” handbook policy. It states: Fever Free: Students should not come to school if they have had a fever (>100 degrees) within the last 23 hours. Students should remain home for 24 hours after developing the fever, however students are welcome to come to school mid-day if the 24 hours expires mid-day as well. Students should not be sent to school medicated to reduce a fever. 8th Grade News We are coming upon a very busy time of year for the 8th graders. They are in the process of raising money for their class trip which they will take in May, 2015. The high school guidance counselor was here at MGS in January to share their Explore Test results and to discuss registration. In February, parent meetings will be scheduled with the high school for registration as well. In February, Jostens will be coming so that 8th graders can place their orders for their graduation gowns as well as other various items. Tuesday, March 3, 2015 is 8th grade placement retest date. MTHS teacher, Jennifer Murphy, will be retesting. And finally, 8th graders will graduate in May. It all seemed so far away for all of us, but is really just around the corner. Information has been emailed and sent home. Should you have further questions, please contact the jr. high office. M GS Messen ger Principal’s Perspective P age 5 PARCC ASSESSMENTS FACT SHEET January 2015, ISBE Division of Public Information Illinois schools will administer new assessments created through the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) in spring 2015. These assessments are fully aligned to the K-12 Illinois Learning Standards in English language arts and mathematics and emphasize academic rigor, critical thinking, problem solving and college and career readiness for all students. Third- through eighth-graders will take the PARCC in both English language arts and math. At the high school level, districts have been given the flexibility this year to choose one of the following three combinations: (1) ELA/Literacy 1 and Algebra 1/Integrated Math 1 (2) ELA/Literacy 2 and Geometry/ Integrated Math 2 (3) ELA/Literacy 3 and Algebra 2/Integrated Math 3 The PARCC replaces the state’s former tests, the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) and the Prairie State Achievement Exam (PSAE). Districts may also administer the ACT+Writing and WorkKeys on a state test administration date at no cost to students or the district. See the related “High School Transition to PARCC” fact sheet for more details about state testing in grades 9-12. This year, we will be using the PARCC summative assessments which are designed to measure overall curriculum and program effectiveness. These assessments are standardized to allow comparison across student groups. The PARCC summative assessments consist of two required components: a Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) and an End of Year assessment (EOY). The PBA component of the PARCC requires that students demonstrate their knowledge and skills through extended tasks and take the PBA when approximately 75 percent of instruction has been completed. Students take the second part, or EOY, at approximately the point when 90 percent of instruction has been completed. The EOY is composed of shorter, machine-scored questions. Note these are not two separate tests but two parts (PBA and EOY) of one summative assessment and are not intended to measure the growth or academic progress gained from one part to the next. Instead, growth can be measured when compared to prior years and when other PARCC assessments become available. The PARCC system includes interim and formative assessments and those are still in development and expected to be available next year (2015-2016). Budget allocations will determine what we can provide to districts. Formative assessments are designed to provide feedback to teachers on a regular basis so they can adjust instruction and improve student learning. Interim assessments are designed to identify strengths and weaknesses in curriculum and instruction. Third- through eighth-graders will take the summative grade level assessment in both English language arts and math. The high school summative assessments, called “End of Course (EOC),” will be given at the completion of courses that contain the corresponding standards rather than at the end of a specific grade year. That means students would take one of the math exams and the ELA course at any grade, dependent on when they’re taking the course that aligns with the standards and the test. These two assessments might not necessarily be taken in the same year. M GS Messen ger Principal’s Perspective P age 6 The Illinois PARCC Testing Windows for 2014-15 will be: The PARCC differs from Illinois’ former assessment system in a number of ways: The PARCC system aligns college and career readiness expectations from kindergarten through grade 12 for the first time in Illinois. The assessments measure whether or not students have the academic knowledge and skills necessary to succeed after high school. Using technology-enhanced items and various other innovations, students will get a chance to better showcase their skills and results will become available for use more quickly. Students must analyze information and explain their answers. The PARCC assessments take advantage of technology to include questions and other tasks that emulate the type of work that students will encounter in their classrooms on a regular basis and after high school. These assessments help to encourage schools to use technology as a day-to-day tool to enhance learning. Educators from K-12 and higher education helped to develop the PARCC assessments, which are grounded in evidence to support college and career readiness. Representatives from higher education will continue to be involved in PARCC development and implementation. The multistate test offers a common metric for both educators and policymakers to gauge student performance on a level playing field. The state and local districts will continue to monitor other metrics, such as student and school progress, attendance and graduation rates, school climate and learning conditions. About 500 districts, 1,200 schools and 110,888 students in Illinois took part in PARCC field testing in spring 2014. The field test was a “practice run” to gather input from teachers and students and to identify and correct problems with this assessment system before its first official administration in spring 2015. As a result, students did not receive individual test scores. Students and test administrators completed a survey about the field test experience with preliminary results showing: Two-thirds of students taking the ELA and Math assessments reported that they prefer taking the tests on the computer. percent of students taking the ELA test and 88 percent of students taking the Math test finished within the allotted time or early. M GS Messen ger Principal’s Perspective P age 7 More than half of all Illinois schools will administer the PARCC online in spring 2015. The ultimate goal is that all schools will eventually administer the PARCC online. Realistically, this goal will take a few more years. As schools continue to update their equipment and infrastructure, PARCC will be available as a paper-based test for schools that lack the capacity needed to test online. Implementation of computer-based testing may not occur all at one time across a district, or even within a building. Additional information about the PARCC assessments, including resources for parents, students and teachers, can be found at the following websites: The PARCC website: http://www.parcconline.org/ ISBE Student Assessments website: http://www.isbe.state.il.us/assessment/parcc.htm PARCC Practice Tests and sample questions: http://www.parcconline.org/practice-tests SCHOOL INFORMATION M GS Messen ger P age 8 Recess News This is the time of year that the temperatures are so unpredictable! Please make sure your students have a coat to keep them warm from the chilly, winter winds. Students go outside for recess after lunch as long as it is 10 degrees or above. They must wear snow pants and boots to play in the snow. They are not allowed to stay indoors if they do not have a coat. Make sure students have tennis shoes for recess. Boots with heels are not allowed on climbing equipment or in running games for safety. Can we count on you to help??? The STATE requires 30% of parents to fill out their survey. Dear Parents, Please complete the STATE survey which is called 5Essentials. Parents have until March 13th to complete this survey and it will provide an opportunity to give feedback on how our school is doing. By responding, you can bring attention to educational issues that are working well; as well, as issues and concerns about our school anonymously If you go to the MGS website you can read a more detailed description of the purpose for this STATE survey. Also, at MGS, our teachers and 6th through 8th grade students will take a STATE survey, too. Parents can complete the survey by visiting: https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ When beginning the survey you will need to input your county (Woodford); and school (Metamora Grade School). The STATE reported that the parent survey should take 10- 15 minutes. One parent per family should complete the survey. Thank you for completing this survey and for being an educational partner with Metamora Grade School. Mrs. Costello, Principal M GS Messen ger SCHOOL INFORMATION P age 9 Metamora Grade School Honor Roll 2014-2015 School Year – Quarter 2 High Honors Allen, Liam S. Armstrong, Audrey L. Asbury, Ava J. Bates, Bryn M. Bernitt, Connor J. Blackburn, Kathryn D. Blunier, Emma R. Bonk, Samantha D. Bryning, Bridget H. Caldwell, Olivia L. Colantoni, Connor D. Dean, Margaret C. Devore, Victoria S. Drawe, Presley P. Farquer, Owen C. Fletcher, Eliza N. Forney, Payton J. Greenhalgh, Zachariah D. Guede, Kate E. Guth, Andrew J. Hackett, Kiara R. Hinshaw, Alannah J. Ingold, Isaac C. Keenan, Owen P. Krei, Klaudia M. Leeper, Blake M. Marchand, Garrett W. Marshall, Brooklyn N. Matthews, Caden C. Matthews, Evan M. Morgan, Riley D. Nolte, Abbigail M. Noorullah, Shazain Olsen, Anja M. Porch, Keaton D. Reising, Anthony S. Roley, Brianne M. Roth, Eliana G. Samp, Kiersen L. Schaffer, Karli E. Schaffer, Madeline N. Schwarzentraub, Tessa L. Simpson, Grace E. Strehlow, Ashley A. Udell, Sophia E. Webster, Emma E. Wolfe, Phenix R. Woodruff, Grant T. Honors Abbey, Angel M. Bachman, Laura L. Bates, Scott L. Baumann, Molli N. Beltramea, Olivia G. Bennett, Caleb C. Bishel, Lydia B. Blackburn, Kenneth A. Blunier, Steven H. Iii Bonk, Ian P. Bowald, Willow G. Brock, Lillian G. Campbell, Clarisse J. Carney, Leo A. Iii Carrico, Sophia N. Charlier, Evan S. Chen, Eric G. Coates, Olivia R. Cole, Logan W. Cole, Shelby M. Cull, Kevin J. Dean, Simon J. Desjardins, Drew M. Dominy, Danielle G. Dorcy, Emma R. Drawe, Macey M. Duffy, Sophie A. Dvizac, Tea A. Ehlers, Olivia P. Engstrom, Hannah M. Fandel, Madisyn C. Fitz, Logan J. Forsythe, Brody J. Fosdick, Wesley J. Honors Foster, Jesse C. Gardner, Breanne R. Garrison, Ezekiel T. Gilles, Lindsey N. Glueck, Jeanai S. Gorrell, Walker R. Grantham, Peyton R. Guerrero, Gillian R. Hassinger, Haleigh K. Haun, Morgan R. Heffernan, Karissa A. Heiden, Hannah M. Hickman, Ryleigh P. Hill, Brandon E. Howard, Molly G. Hunt, Cole R. Hurn, Cody A. Hurn, Jared M. Hyde, Kylie M. Imhoff, Camille A. Jacobs, Matthew A. Johnston, Jenna N. Kauffman, Sara E. Klescewski, Ava M. Klescewski, Braden C. Kough, Allison L. Kough, Amanda N. Krumwiede, Jacob A. Lambert, Taylor R. Lelm, Brian A. Ludolph, Clayton W. Mccormick, Brooke A. Mcdonald, Payton L. Meier, Joseph M. Messacar, Dylan T. Honors Michna, Cole C. Olsen, Hugo R. Pearson, Carter A. Porch, Brendan N. Poston, Zachary M. Rego, Michael R. Reinertsen, Eric D. Rich, Cole M. Richards, Nicholas J. Rickard, Skyler L. Roach-King, Zoie P. Schaer, Rylan D. Schirer, Jordan J. Segroves, Olivia S. Shaff, Alexander C. Shoemaker, Ethan J. Sparks, River V. Springer, Emma R. Springer, Nicholas A. Stoecker, Zoe E. Symmonds, Isabella M. Taylor, Garrett M. Timerman, Holland A. Tipton, Morgan J. Tucker, Carly D. Vancil, Brody A. Vogel, Samuel J. Wagner, Adriana R. Ward, Cade L. Wilson, Cheyenne R. Wipfler, Elizabeth A. Wolfe, Aurora W. Wood, Kaitlyn S. Wright, Olivia G. Zobrist, Nicholas A. SCHOOL INFORMATION M GS Messen ger Metamora Grade School Perfect Attendance 2014-2015 School Year - Quarter 2 Abernathie, Ciara Adami, Avery Adams, Jordan Adams, Nathanial Allen, Kara Allen, Liam Bachman, Laura Barker, Zachary Bates, Bailey Bates, Jersey Bevard, Ezekial Blackburn, Francis Blumenshine, Chloe Born, Margaret Brown, Zachary Bryning, Bridget Caldwell, Olivia Carrico, Anthony Carrico, Sophia Charlier, Evan Christianson, Dakota Cook, Jordyn Courtway, Tristan Cox, Boston Cullen, Alexander Droege, Jackson Dubois, Samuel Duhon, Cameron Duhon, Jaeden Duncan, Ainsley Duncan, Beau Duncan, Caylee Duncan, Maya Egli, Kailani Elwell, Benjamin Fandel, Molly Farquer, Mackenzie Farquer, Owen Fitz, Logan Fosdick, Liam Franklin, Sean Gilles, Andrew Gilles, Lindsey Greenhalgh, Zachariah Gregait, Noah Gregory, Bella Grove, Ethan Harrison, Kody Haun, Morgan Hawkins, Brady Heffernan, Karissa Hess, Delaine Hess, Josephine Hessing, Jackson Hickman, Ryleigh Hooper, Anthony Hyde, Kara Ice, Rebecca Irvin, Makenna Ketcherside, Alexander Kiesewetter, Emily Kiesewetter, Kaleb Kough, Amanda Krei, Ethan Krumwiede, Jacob Krumwiede, Josephine Lampe, Anna Lelm, Jessica Logan, Dalton Love, Braden Marchand, Garrett Markovich, Keona Matthews, Caden Maxwell, Erin Maxwell, Michael Merritt, Ava Mischler, Andrew Mischler, William Montgomery, Ethan Morgan, Riley Morgan, Ryan Morrison, Peyton Nolte, Abbigail Nuest, Landon O Steen, Kayli Offenback, Rhayne Olsen, Anja Palmisano, Haley Patrick, Emily Patrick, Joshua Patrick, Ryan Reeves, Makenna Reynolds, Dathan Rich, Cole Riddle, Tyler Riggert, William Ronna, Afton Roth, Naomi Royer, Kayleigh Samp, Kallen Schertz, Jacob Segroves, Olivia Shoff, Katherine Shuda, Hunter Sickinger, Aiden Smith, Jedediah Snyder, Brandon Sorrentino, Brooklyn Stamm, Ruthie Stanley, Nathan Stevens, Champ Stevens, Tripp Stoecker, Merrick Strehlow, Ashley Timerman, Holland Trentman, Sydney Tucker, Easton Udell, Sophia Viggers, Jacob Vogel, Samuel Wagner, Adriana Ward, Cade Whitby, Carmen Wilbur, Carolyn Williams, Brianna Williams, Brooklyn Wood, Addisyn Woodruff, Garyn Woodruff, Grant Yoder, Hannah P age 1 0 M GS Messen ger SCHOOL INFORMATION P age 1 1 REMEMBER….. If your child is absent or going to be late to school PLEASE call the office. Junior High student call 367-2377. Kindergarten - 5th grade call 367-2361 Reminder Kindergarten, 2nd and 6th graders are required to have a dental examination. Make sure that you have scheduled your appointment. Just a reminder to all parents that by law, a courthouse copy of each child's birth certificate must be on file at the school. Letters have been sent to all parents who need to provide birth certificates. If you received a letter, please provide the school with a copy of the birth certificate as soon as possible. 5th-8th Grade MGS Website Information—http://mgs.metamora.k12.il.us/ All 5th-8th grade parents using Skyward: If you have lost your access information, please email [email protected] to let him know. He will send you further information regarding access. There is a new Junior High homework page. You can access that using our school website under JH Home- work. Hopefully, this page is a little more streamlined and you know what work will be coming home to complete. Our Daily Announcements can also be found on our school website. 8th Grade Activities for graduation, class trip, and MTHS registration information has a new website as well. All the information you need can be found at that website. It will be updated as new information becomes available. Check us out on the web! ATTN: ALL PARENTS OF STUDENTS IN GRADES 6th - 8th Immunization: Beginning with school year 2011-12 the Illinois Department of Public Health mandates that any child entering sixth grade shall show proof (see Section 665.250(b) of receiving one dose of Tdap (defined as tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) vaccine regardless of the interval since the last DTaP, DT or Td dose. The HPV immunization is highly recommended at this time, also, but is not required. Students entering grades 6th through 12th who have not already received Tdap are required to receive 1 Tdap dose regardless of the interval since the last DTaP, DT or Td dose. School Physicals and Immunizations The Illinois Department of Public Health mandates that all students entering sixth grade must have proof of a physical done after August 18, 2013, on file in the school office. Students moving from another state must also provide a physical and eye exam after August 18, 2013. Please remember to fill out and sign the health history portion of the physical or it will be returned to you. All fifth grade students must have proof of the Hepatitis B immunization series on file in the school office. Due to the fact that this is a 3 series immunization, it is imperative that you start these immediately. Immunizations may be obtained at the health department in Eureka on Wednesdays from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 and 1:00-3:30 p.m. If your child had the Hepatitis series as a baby, it is not necessary to have it repeated. All 2014-2015 incoming kindergarten students must have a physical and vision exam that was done after August 19, 2013. It is imperative that we have these on file in the school office by October 15, 2014, or your M GS Messen ger PTO NOTES P age 1 2 Join us Friday, February 27th, for Open Gym. A great way to burn off all that WINTER energy!!! This is a Family Event: NO DROP-OFFS PLEASE. One night USBORNE Book Fair, in the Library. Our next meeting will be: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 At 7:00 pm. In the JH Conference Room. M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 3 ATTN: ALL PARENTS OF MGS KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS FOR FALL 2015 In order to plan for next year, it is imperative that all students eligible for kindergarten in the fall of 2015 register as soon as possible. If you or any of your friends/ neighbors have children who will be five by September 1, 2015*, please encourage them to register at Metamora Grade School the week of _February 23-27, 2015 Please stop in the school office during the week of February 23-27, 2015 and register in person between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please call the office at 367-2361. We understand the number of working parents is ever increasing; therefore, we have made all the registration papers available on the school’s website. You can print the forms, complete them by hand, and return them to the school office. Our webmaster has even included the dental, physical, and vision forms that will need to be taken to the medical professionals. Kindergarten screenings will be held at the school on May 5 & 6, 2015. Information and sign-up will be available in the school office during registration week. *Please note: A copy of the child’s certified birth certificate and proof of residency must be presented at the time of registration. By the first day of school, each child entering kindergarten must have a physical with a record of immunizations, a dental exam, and a vision exam turned in to the school office. M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 4 My name is Miss Michelle Lacy and I will be in Mrs. Peterson’s third grade classroom to fulfill my student teaching experience. This is the last step I will take in receiving my Bachelor’s Degree from Eureka College. I am from Peoria, Illinois and I attended Woodruff High School and Peoria High. During my time at Eureka College I was a member of the Eureka College Chorale and Chambers singers. I am now a member of Morton Civic Chorus and am continuing to play my violin, which I have played for twelve years. Music is my hobby however, teaching is my passion. I chose this profession because I have always had a passion for education and I want to make a positive impact on student’s lives. I am looking forward to getting to know the students, parents and staff of Metamora Grade School. I know I will have many amazing opportunities and experiences to grow and learn in the days and months ahead. I am very appreciative for this wonderful opportunity. Hello Parents! My name is Kaitlyn Early and I am so excited to be working with Mrs. Ernenputsch’s 7th and 8th grade math classes this semester as a student teacher. I will be graduating from Illinois State University in May with a degree in Mathematics Teacher Education, and will be certified to teach 6th-12th grade math. At Illinois State, I was a member of the women’s volleyball team for the past 4 years. Other than volleyball, I enjoy listening to music, being with friends and family, and relaxing! My family lives in Missouri just outside of St. Louis in a town called Wildwood, so I am a huge Cardinals Baseball fan (sorry if you like the Cubs)! I am so thankful to be at Metamora Grade School and I am looking forward to a wonderful semester and getting to know your students! Sarah Gavin is a senior at Eureka College and is student teaching with Erin Foster in the Art room this semester. She is from Brimfield, IL, and went to Peoria Christian High School. She has gone to Eureka College for all four years and will finish this spring with her degree in Elementary Education, with an Art specialization. She likes painting, photography, and spending time with friends and family. She is excited to get to know the students and looks forward to a fun semester! My name is Andrea Kidd and I am the new 3rd and 4th grade Special Education teacher at Metamora Grade School. In the past, I worked in the Latchkey program at MGS and also completed field experience in several classrooms. I attended Illinois State University and received my Bachelors degree in Special Education. After college I had the opportunity of teaching at a private daytreatment program called the Academy for Autism. I am very excited to get started at MGS! M GS Messen ger Ms. Trotter Band Director SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 5 Fifth Grade Band-What a Band! They will be playing February 19 at 7:00 in the new gym. Please plan on having your student in the band room at 6:30. Please be on time. We will not have very much time to tune or repair any problems that may occur. I look forward to seeing you at the concert. We are beginning to work with a new CD this week. If you would like to purchase a CD I do have some available. This is a huge help to the kids and is well worth the money. It follows along with their book. The correct pitches and rhythms are given so that there is little question left as to how the tune sounds. The cost of the CD is $13. I have already ordered several of these and have them in stock. If you are interested in purchasing a CD please send the money as soon as possible. Recorders-Our first concert is just around the corner! We will be making our premiere performance on February 19 at 7:00 in the new gym. Please plan on having your student in their cafeteria at 6:45. Please make sure your student is on time. We will not have very much time to prepare for the concert. I look forward to seeing you there. Keep working with your student One last reminder, I still have tapes and CDs for your student to practice with. The tapes are $10 and CDs are $15. Beginner’s Jazz Ensemble-Due to a great deal of interest in this area we are forming a new jazz ensemble. I am very excited about this group. This band will meet either during PE or study hall once a week. Students need to purchase a jazz book from me as soon as possible. The cost is $15 for brass/woodwinds and $18 for percussion/keyboard. This is not a required ensemble. It is strictly voluntary. Thank you for your cooperation. Booster Club - The Music Booster Officer s and myself would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to Mr s. Sherwood for her coordination of this year’s Annual Fruit Sale! We also extend a BIG THANK YOU to the Band and Chorus students for their outstanding participation in this event! MGS BAND SCHEDULE February 19 4th/5th Grade Winter Concert April 17 6th Grade Band to Symphony April 30 Jr. High Band Spring Concert May 7 May 14 May 15 4th/5th Spring Concert Jazz Bands at Arts in Education Spring Celebration MGS Jazz Night Jazz Fest 2015 Metamora Township High School Proudly Presents Jazz Fest 2015 Saturday, February 7th 7:00 pm Featuring the Northern Illinois University Jazz Ensemble with Donald Harrison For Tickets contact Mrs. Luann DeBolt [email protected] or (309)367-4151 ext. # 574 The award-winning Northern Illinois University Jazz Ensemble makes it yearly trek to Metamora Township High School for Jazz Fest 2015 on Saturday, February 7th, 7:00 p.m. With a roster of students from Miami to Milwaukee, the NIU Jazz Ensemble, with Donald Harrison, has long been considered one of the best college jazz bands in the world. M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 6 Our smiling MGS singers are seated in the balcony before their performance in the Peoria Area Civic Chorale's "American Family Christmas" program at Five Points Washington. Snapshot of our MGS Jr. High Chorus members at their Christmas Concert. They sang an outstanding program which included some crowd favs: All is Calm, All is Bright, Celebremos Las Navidades, Slow dancing in the Snow among other wonderful seasonal songs. Anthony Jenkins, Olivia Beltramea, Anja Olsen, Faith Adams, Dillon Wernsman, Franchesca Fosdyck and Mrs. Markle pose in the rec room of Snyder Village after their awesome performance for the residents at Christmastime. Some of our snappy singers of the 6th Grade Prep Chorus captured before their Christmas concert. Their smiles say it all! M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 7 Back Row (L to R) : Phenix Wolfe, Audrey Armstrong, Brianne Roley, Hannah Engstrom, Gillian Guerrero, Carly Tucker, Abbi Nolte Front Row (L to R) : Bre Gardner, Olivia Segroves, Madalyn Wyss, Emmie Brockhouse, Shelby Cole The MGS Cheerleaders would like to congratulate the 7th grade boys basketball team on their fantastic season. We would also like to wish the 8th grade boys basketball team good luck at regionals. Let’s Go Birds!! 2015 Spring Fever Event The Metamora Baseball Parents Association is pleased to present the 4th annual “Spring Fever” dinner and fundraiser to help kick off the 2015 Redbird baseball season. We invite you to join us for an evening of fun, as we recognize the players & coaches, and help raise money for player apparel, field improvements, and activities for the upcoming season. The event will be hosted by Metamora Fields on Thursday, February 19th from 5:30-9:00 and will include a buffet dinner, silent auction, and program with the Coaches and team. Please see the “2015 Spring Fever Dinner and Fundraiser” form in the Team Files for additional information and ticket order forms. BPA thanks you for your support!! ON DISPLAY @ THE MUSEUM!!! Congratulations to 8 Metamora Grade school students for submitting items for the upcoming Stuff exhibit at the Peoria Riverfront Museum! Connor Bernitt, Ryliegh Hickman, Emma Springer, Mackenzie Farquer, Emma Dorcy, Morgan Tipton, and Maddie Howard! Connor, Maddie, and Mackenzie had pieces they created in Art class. Emma S, Morgan, Ryleigh and Emma D let the museum borrow thier atom models, each very different from the others! M GS Messen ger SCHOOL NEWS P age 1 8 Annual Spelling Bee Metamora Grade School held the annual Spelling Bee on Friday, January 16, 2015. All of the students performed phenomenally. 8th Grader, Wesley Fosdick, competed in tough final rounds with Madeline Howard and Owen Farquer to become the Spelling Bee Champion! Congratulations Wesley on becoming the Metamora Grade School Spelling Bee Champion. Madeline Howard earned the First Runner-Up position, while Owen Farquer won the Second Runner-Up position. Our top two winners will represent MGS at the Woodford County Spelling Bee on February 5th and the TazWood Conference Spelling Bee on February 18th. Best of luck to our top spellers! Also, congratulations to all of the MGS Spelling Bee Participants5th Grade Connor Colantoni Ashely Strehlow Payton Forney Alissa Goodman Taylor Klescewski Dylan Messacar Cheyenne Wilson Brody Vancil 6th Grade Tea Dviziak Maya Peplow Sophie Carrico Belle Symmonds Will Bachman Molly Howard Zachariah Greenhalgh Ethan Shoemaker Bri Williams Ashlyn Seth 7th Grade Eric Chen Ashton Roe Anja Olsen Jadah Graham Owen Farquer Nick Sprout Abby Wettstein Cade Matthews Kiersten Samp Keaton Porch 8th Grade Madisyn Fandel Wesley Fosdick Madeline Howard Samuel Vogel Haleigh Hassinger Shelby Cole Alexia Mata Noah Berkshier M GS Messen ger COMMUNITY NEWS 2014-2015 School Directories Cost: $3.00 each Please purchase one in the office. Profits go directly for the purchase School Equipment! P age 1 9 M GS Messen ger FEBRUARY 2015 MGS ACTIVITIES P age 2 0 VIP 2015 activities to mark on the calendar for Chorus members February 27 (Fri.) 2015 IGSMA Organization Contest: Metamora Jr. High Chorus @ Germantown Hills MS March 14 (Sat.) 2015 IGSMA Solo & Ensemble Contest @ Illinois Central College: 6th, 7th & 8th grade Chorus members who signed up for small ensembles and solos. May 12 (Tue.) 2015 Spring Choral Contest Redbird Coupon Store Special thanks should be extended to the individuals for contributing items to our Redbird Store, Supply Closet or Clothing Donations: Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cantwell and Family, Mrs. and Mrs. Brian Palmisano and Family; Erin Foster and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nolte and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wood and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hess and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cantwell and Family; Dianna Long and Family. Tessa Schwarzentraub and Kenzie England were our wonderful Student Council babysitters during the January PTO meeting. M GS Messen ger Monday FEBRUARY 2015 MGS BREAKFAST MENU Tuesday Wednesday Thursday P age 2 1 Friday 2 Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 3 WG Cinnamon Roll Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 4 Donut or Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 5 Strawberry Mini Pancakes or Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 6 Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 9 Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 10 Eggs & Bacon or Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 11 Blueberry French Toast or Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 12 Waffles & Sausage Or Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 13 Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 16 17 WG Cinnamon Roll Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 18 Donut or Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 19 Strawberry Mini Pancakes or Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 20 Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 24 Eggs & Bacon or Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 25 Blueberry French Toast or Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 26 Waffles & Sausage Or Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk 27 Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk Presidents’ Day No School 23 Choice of Cereal WG Toast 100% Juice Milk Breakfast News in the cafeteria Breakfast is $2.00 per day or $10.00 for 5 days or $40.00 for the month. Extra milk is 50¢ Extra juice is 30¢. When your child's balance reaches -$7.50, they will be served toast & water for breakfast. All Cereal and Breads are at least 51% WG and Fruit Juice is 100%, Milk is 1% Menu is subject to change without notice M GS Messen ger Monday FEBRUARY 2015 MGS LUNCH MENU Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5 Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Cinnamon Apples WG Roll Ketchup 2 pkt. /BBQ Sauce cup Milk 12 Chili Cornbread Celery & Dip Pears Milk 6 A. Cheese Pizza B. Pepperoni Pizza Carrots/Ranch Mandarin Oranges Ch. Chip Cookie Milk 18 A. Fish Sticks B. Double Cheeseburger Green Beans Pears Chocolate Pudding Milk 19 Chicken Tenders French Fries Cinnamon Apples WG Roll Ketchup 2 pkt. Milk 20 A. Shrimp Poppers B. Bosco Pizza Sticks Carrots/Ranch Mandarin Oranges Ch. Chip Cookie Milk 25 A. Chicken Wrap B. Double Cheeseburger Green Beans Pears Chocolate Pudding Milk 26 Chicken & Noodles Cheesy Breadstick Pears Green Beans Brownie cookie Milk 27 A. Grilled Cheese B. Cheese Quesadilla Tomato Soup Goldfish Crackers Peaches Milk 2 A. Cheeseburger B .Mini Corndogs Baked Beans Peaches Milk Ketchup & Mustard 2 pkt. 3 Spaghetti Romaine Salad Ranch dressing Pineapple Garlic Bread Milk 4 A. Chicken Wrap B. Chef Salad/bread Green Beans Pears Chocolate Pudding Milk 9 Pancake Sausage Stick/syrup Ch Chip Muffin Tater Tots Apple Sauce Milk Ketchup Pkt 2 10 Walking Tacos Romaine Lettuce/Cheese Pineapple Rice Crispy treat Milk 11 A. Grilled Cheese B. Cheese Quesadilla Tomato Soup Goldfish Crackers Peaches Milk 16 17 Spaghetti Romaine Salad Ranch dressing Pineapple Garlic Bread Milk 24 Super Nachos Romaine Lettuce/Cheese Pineapple Rice Crispy treat Milk Presidents’ Day No School 23 Pancake Sausage Stick/syrup Ch. Chip Muffin Tater Tots Apple Sauce Milk Ketchup Pkt 2 Lunch P age 2 2 Please note that “B” lunch is available only to 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grades & adults News in the cafeteria Lunch is $2.75 per day or $13.75 for 5 days or $55.00 for the month. Children will have a choice of 3 items this year must include a fruit or vegetable. A/B entrée will be choice for grades 5th-8th. Your child may purchase a hungry man for $1.00. This is extra entrée only and will come out of your account. When your child's balance reaches -$7.50 they will be served peanut butter & jelly sandwich and water. Condiments include (2 pkt ketchup,2 pkt mustard,1 pkt mayo, BBQ sauce cup, dressing 2 Tbsp.), Ants on log celery & SF Butter. Menu is subject to change without notice. 13 11:30 Dismissal No Lunch Metamora Grade School Faculty K-5 Faculty Mrs. Jane Boulton (Kindergarten) Mrs. Tara Ott (Kindergarten) Mrs. Debbie Springer (Kindergarten) Ms. Wendy Vogel (Kindergarten) Mrs. Jennifer Duncan(Kindergarten) Mrs. Kathy Nolte (First) Mrs. Jamie Rutherford (First) Mrs Jenera Call (First) Ms. Becky Rhodes (First) Ms. Megan Bernitt (First) Mrs. Jean Stine Ratliffe (Second) Mrs. Heather King (Second) Mrs. Amber Johns (Second) Mrs. Jane Fehr (Second) Mrs. Krissy Peterson (Third) Mrs. Diane Grebner (Third) Mrs. Megan Domenighini (Third) Mrs. Jeanine Hess (Third) Mrs. Kim Phillips (Fourth) Mrs. Kathy Steele (Fourth) Mrs. Marsha Brown (Fourth) Mrs. Teri Biernat (Fourth) Mrs. Beth Anglin (Fifth) Mrs. Jana Southerland (Fifth) Mrs. Amanda Peck (Fifth) Mrs. Tara Wilson (Fifth) Special Education Mrs. Jessica Karch (Sp. Ed) Ms. Andrea Kidd (Sp. Ed) Mrs. Cheryl Oplt (Sp. Ed.) Mrs. Sandra Freitag (Junior High Sp. Ed.) Bright Beginnings Mrs. Teresa Fandel Mrs. Wendy Schierer Ms. Jennifer Drake Administration Mr. Martin Payne (Superintendent) Mrs. Cathy Costello (K-8 Principal) Mr. Tim Damery (Dean of Students) Ms. Wendy Vogel (Athletic Director KA KB KC KD KE 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D 3A 3B 3C 3D 4A 4B 4C 4D 5A 5B 5C 5D K-2 3&4 5&6 7&8 Junior High Faculty Mrs. Laura Anglin Mr. Thomas Koonce Mrs. Molly Gualandri Mrs. Cathy Hawley Mrs. Galyn Cansino Ms. Liz Charlton Mrs. Melanie Koppenhoefer Mrs. Paulette Stalter Mrs. Megan Huss Mrs. Julie LeMasters Mrs. Danielle Buerkett Mr. Mark Dotterer Mrs. Amy Ernenputsch Mrs. Elizabeth Vancil Ms. Brittany Uhlman (Physical Education) Mr. Chris Dalberg (Physical Education) Mr. Tom Benjamin (Health) Mrs. Megan Huss (Computers) Mrs. Heather Brown (Speech) Mrs. Marcy Short (Speech) Mrs. Ann Marie Markle (Vocal Music/Chorus) Ms. Dawn Trotter (Instrumental Music) Mrs. Erin Foster (Art) Mrs. Geni Jacobs (Librarian) Mr. Paul Weber (Technology Coordinator) Ms. Lindsey Larson (Reading Specialist) Mrs Connie Barber (RTI) Mrs. Melanie Wallace (RTI) Mrs. Paulette Stalter (Jr.High Reading Specialist) Office Staff Mrs. Jan Holman (Bookkeeper) Mrs. Hollie Richards (Secretary) Mrs. Val Huser (Secretary) Mrs. Elisha Bachman (Secretary) Web Address: mgs.metamora.k12.il.us The MGS Messenger Metamora CCSD #1 815 E. Chatham Street Metamora, IL 61548 A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence!
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