Saints Peter & Paul C AT H O L I C C H U R C H 902 East Ninth Street • Hopkinsville, KY 42240 Established 1872 OUR MISSION STATEMENT We are a Roman Catholic Community of Christians called to be a priestly people, a household of faith, a temple of the Holy Spirit, a beacon of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church shining for Jesus Christ in the heart of Christian County. Rev. Fr. Richard Meredith, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Fr. Julio Barrera, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Permanent Deacon, Mr. Tim Barnes [email protected] Permanent Deacon, Dr. Bill Sweet [email protected] PARISH OFFICE PHONE: (270) 885-8522 PARISH FAX: (270) 885-5296 PARISH WEBSITE: OFFICE HOURS: 8 AM - 5 PM Monday -Thursday (Closed Noon-1:00 pm Daily) SCHOOL TELEPHONE: (270) 886-0172 SCHOOL FAX: (270) 887-9924 SCHOOL WEBSITE: Tru†h Radio WSPP 93.5FM Saints Peter and Paul Assistance: 270-886-6027 Saints Peter and Paul Thrift Store: 270-962-7008 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday evening ....................................5:00 PM Sunday ...................................8:00 AM, 10:30 AM Misa en Español............... 2:00 PM, 10:30 PM Monday - Saturday ................................ 8:00 AM Wednesday ......................................... 5:30 PM Thursday Misa en Español ............... 5:30 PM MEMBERSHIP IN THE PARISH We give a sincere welcome to all new families moving into our Parish. Please register in the Parish Office as soon as possible. Families who plan to move from our parish community are asked to inform us. Bulletin material deadline: Monday at noon in writing or email. February 22, 2015 • First Sunday Of Lent SS PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH, HOPKINSVILLE, KY 2 PARISH STAFF MINISTRY TO THE SICK Rich Barnett ([email protected])....................Music Director Tom Buehrle ([email protected])...............Director Of Stewardship Brenda Chaudoin ([email protected]) Dir. of Ext. Care Libby Downs ([email protected])............Pastoral Associate Judy Folz ([email protected]).........................Office Manager PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Leigh Ann Johnson ……………….Parish Assistance Coordinator This is a devotion whereby members of the parish unite in taking hours of Adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament dur- Steve Kinnard ([email protected])...Maintenance Foreman Vicki Kinnard ([email protected])............School Secretary ing the day and throughout the night, seven days a week. Sarah Kranz ([email protected])....................School Principal (Code required for evenings.) There is a regular schedule of Donna Pfeufer ([email protected])……...Thrift Store Gen. Mgr. adorers but all are welcome to stop in for a visit. Parishioners Angie Phillips ([email protected])……...Thrift Store Mgr. are encouraged to sign up for a scheduled weekly adoration time. Please contact Bill & Jenny Rush at 270-885-2888, if you Alma Reeder ([email protected])…Hispanic Ministry Asst. are interested in adopting an hour or if you can be a substitute Sue Wassmer ([email protected])............Parish Secretary or prayer partner. These hours are available– 3 am & 4 am The Catholic Church teaches that the sexual abuse of any person is a Mondays, 3 am & 4 am Wednesdays, 11 pm Tuesdays, 12 am grave moral evil. To report any instance of sexual abuse by any employFriday’s. Please notify the Parish Office upon admission of a family member into any hospital or nursing home. Any parishioner who is ill or infirmed may request anointing by calling the Parish Office. Parish Pastoral Council Tim Barnes, Vice Chair/Spiritual Life [email protected] Family Life ………………………………………...…………... Franco Cincotti, Worship….…….... [email protected] Libby Downs, Pastoral Assoc. …………[email protected] Social Concerns……………………………………………... Victor Hernandez, Hispanic Liaison…[email protected] Dr. Pam Koob, Chair/Education………… [email protected] Sarah Kranz, Principal…………………[email protected] Fran Marko, [email protected] Joe Mezzoni, Administration…….….…[email protected] ee of the Catholic Church please call the Office of the Bishop in Owensboro at (270) 683-1545. The Safe Environment Program is now available at the Diocesan website † SACRAMENTS † † Reconciliation: Confessions will be heard Saturday from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM and Wednesday at 4:30 PM. Confessions will be heard any time by appointment. Confessions for Spanish speaking are 2nd, 4th & 5th Saturdays at 3 PM. † Baptism: Baptismal Preparation Class is usually held the first Sunday of each month. Please call the Parish Office. Registration for the class is required. The next Baptismal Class is March 8, 2015 at 4:00 pm. † Marriage: Contact the office six months prior to the desired date. YOUTH NEWS DIOCESAN NEWS Our Middle School and High School Youth return to class this Wednesday, February 25th beginning with Mass at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner and class and ending at 8:00 p.m. February/March Schedule: Dinner Wednesday, February 25th – Classes – 5th and 6th Graders Wednesday, March 4th – Classes – High School Youth Wednesday, March 11th Classes – 7th and 8th Graders Wednesday, March 18th – Classes – 5th and 6th Graders Wednesday, March 25th – Classes – High School Youth WHAT WILL A CURSILLO WEEKEND OFFER ME? It will offer me a friendship with God. It will offer me a better prayer life. It will offer me a stronger community. WHAT IS GREAT ABOUT MAKING A CURSILLO? It gave me direction and purpose for my life. It gave me the ability to connect myself with God on a higher level. It helped me put my trust in God. It helped me learn that God depends on me to bring others to Him. It provided me with the means to improve all areas of my life. MEN’S CURSILLO WEEKEND Thursday, March 26, 2015 – Sunday, March 29, 2015 WOMEN’S CURSILLO WEEKEND Thursday, June 11, 2015 – Sunday, June 14, 2015 If you are interested in learning more about Cursillo or participating in the weekend, please contact: Parents: If you can assist with dinner, please call: Lois Guajardo - 270-839-2969 or Anita Schroeder - 270348-0839. Gasper River Retreat Center has a number of camp opportunities this summer. Next week, we will include a list of each of the camps. Brochures are available. CLI – Christian Leadership Institute: This leadership opportunity is for young people ages 15-19 (who have completed their freshman year or who just graduated). Would you like to learn how to be a BETTER LEADER? CLI will held June 2126, 2015 (Sunday thru Friday) at Mount St. Joseph Retreat Center. You will learn and use skills in leadership, communication, planning, and decision-making. For registration information contact Libby. Registration deadline is May 25th. Cost is $275 and registration is limited to 40 participants. Julie Crawford -270-498-7564, [email protected] Mary Lee - 270-886-5504 [email protected] Mary Hagan - 270-240-4778 [email protected] FEBRUARY 22, 2015 • FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT OUR BEING TESTED AND TEMPTATION The individual human being is known and loved by God from all eternity and God desires eternal salvation for each. Each, however, has an indispensable part in that salvation which may be freely chosen and embraced or freely refused and rejected. The intricacies of this are a great mystery. And there are other spiritual forces at work, those in alliance with the love of God for us and evil forces which seek our eternal destruction and misery. We know in Jesus Christ that God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, joined by the communion of all the holy saints and angels, are acting in support of our salvation. But in the fallenness of our human race, the devil and its fallen angels are battling to overthrow grace and win humanity for hell. God stands by the created goodness of his human creatures, even though we are not consulted in the testing and proving we must undergo. It has been revealed to us, however, that Jesus Christ, our Savior, has himself been tested through what he suffered, tested in every way that we are yet without sin [see Hebrews 2.18; 4.15]. “So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help [Hebrews 4.16].” It is sobering, nevertheless, how God, for reasons known only to the mystery of Divine Love, allows the Devil access to our testing. Consider the following. JOB 1.6-12 – One day, when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, the satan also came among them. The LORD said to the satan, “Where have you been?” The satan answered the LORD and said, “Roaming the earth and patrolling it.” The LORD said to the satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? There is no one like him, blameless and upright, fearing God and avoiding evil.” The satan answered the LORD and said, “Is it for nothing that Job is God-fearing? Have you not surrounded him and his family and all that he has with your protection? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his livestock are spread over the land. But now put forth your hand and touch all that he has, and surely he will curse you to your face.” The LORD said to the satan, “Very well, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on him.” So the satan went forth from the presence of the LORD. Later .... JOB 2.1-6 – One day, when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, the satan also came among them. The LORD said to the satan, “Where have you been?” The satan answered the LORD and said, “Roaming the earth and patrolling it.” The LORD said to the satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? There is no one like him, blameless and upright, fearing God and avoiding evil. He still holds fast to his innocence although you incited me against him to ruin him for nothing.” The satan answered the LORD and said, “Skin for skin! All that a man has he will give for his life. But put forth your hand and touch his bone and his flesh. Then surely he will curse you to your face.” And the LORD said to the satan, “He is in your power; only spare his life.” Then see JOB 38-42 for God testing and proving Job in person. Then, LUKE 22.31-34 – At the Last Supper, Jesus tells this to Simon Peter: “Simon, Simon, behold Satan has de- 3 manded to sift all of you like wheat, but I have prayed that your own faith may not fail; and once you have turned back, you must strengthen your brothers.” He said to him, “Lord, I am prepared to go to prison and to die with you.” But [Jesus] replied, “I tell you, Peter, before the cock crows this day, you will deny three times that you know me.” The experience of a temptation is that of an attraction or a desire that is accompanied by warnings of conscience. To countermand conscience and choose something evil is to fall, to sin. Now, God never tempts us, but God does test us and often. God’s objective, though, is our victory through the power of his grace in us. By that route, through positive moral choice, we grow and excel in virtue. To strive for victory while being tested by God, even if the ultimate goal is not achieved, one grows in grace and virtue. This is why, I believe, God allows us to be tempted and to suffer the evil effects of our own and of others’ sins. Every temptation and all suffering can be transformed by grace into a victory. It is also true that no sin is beyond the power of God to redeem, but the price is awful indeed. The price paid in love by God to redeem us from sin is the blood of Christ. To suffer, even to the point of dying, as a witness to God’s victory in the Resurrection is to praise God’s ultimate and eternal Glory, that for which we have been made to share. Just as no one should ever sin, presuming on the abundant redemption of God’s grace (God will forgive me anyway, so why not go ahead?), so also no one should ever seek or entertain a temptation with the presumption of turning it into a test for victory’s sake. For example, it would be foolishness of a sinful sort to tell oneself: “I’ll look at this pornography so that I will exercise and get stronger in the practice of chaste self-control.” All that is going on in that case is self-deception and pursuit of an unchaste, sexual appetite. Normal life offers plenty of opportunity to practice chastity of mind and action. To go channel surfing or internet questing just to prove or to see if one cannot pass the test of virtue is recklessness, placing oneself deliberately in harm’s way. This is one reason why a formal act of contrition includes the intention to avoid the proximate or near occasions of sin. As Christian tradition understands it, demons are like flies buzzing around sores on cattle, they seek out the injuries and/or weaknesses of human beings, to attack us. Think about it. When someone causes another pain or loss, the injured is tempted to hate, to seek vengeance, to return injury for injury, or worse. This is one of the oldest of formulae for the up-welling of evil. Human needs, in themselves natural and innocent (as distinguished from desires), are points of weaknesses. Consider how our hungers for food, rest, shelter, affection, belonging, excitement, self-direction, beauty, knowledge, etc., can be corrupted into gluttonies and addictions. C.S. Lewis, who studied temptations in several of his books including The Screwtape Letters and The Problem of Pain, found it remarkable how humans go to such bizarre extremes in pursuit of the sexual appetite—far in excess of the needs of affection, marital bonding, and reproduction. A major area of temptation is the demonic and passionate inflammation of the appetites. Another area (Continued on page 4) 4 SS PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH, HOPKINSVILLE, KY PARISH NEWS (Continued from page 3) targeted by temptation is that of the will to power and the will to Self. In fact, the stakes are no higher than in this area of human injury, weakness and fallenness. The corruption of the human will is the most devastating area of sin and evil. It is this which is the serpent’s target as told in Genesis 3. The seduction here, not trusting the Creator and the Creator’s will, is the desire to be one’s own god. By various means, it is the Devil’s end-game plan. Consider this. Sins of the flesh, whether intemperance, gluttony, or unchastity, have the indirect but ultimate object of inducing a sin of the spirit, of getting the human person so hooked, injured, corrupted, blind, and calloused that she or he despairs of ever being either free or forgiven. This self-pitying and self-defeating attitude approaches the same spiritual end as an ultimate arrogance. Very different than depression, willful despair sets oneself up as a god, making the absolute self-determination of being beyond the mercy of the one, true God. What appears to the guilty to be an act of ultimate power, is in fact an act of self-defeat and self-condemnation. Both ultimate arrogance (which would include the “unforgivable sin” against the Holy Spirit) and despair view the self as the final determiner of reality, as an act of anti-power they refuse to let the true God be God. The ultimate spiritual sins desire also the collusion or company of others. They will the failure of God’s good creation. They form a defiance and tyranny intent on diminishing God (as if that were possible), thus the core evil of Satan. The gospel accounts of Jesus’ temptations (from after his baptism in the Jordan until his death on the Cross) illustrate the wiles of the Devil in their whole array. They also illuminate the path of freedom which he walks with us from the desert through Galilee and Judea to Calvary and the Resurrection. Christ, in his obedience of the Father, thwarted Satan’s temptation and passed the Father gracious test for us, that the victory could be ours in love. Fr. Richard PARISH NEWS The Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion: Catholic Bishops around the country this weekend (First weekend of Lent) will welcome those catechumens (unbaptized) sent by the parish to gather together with their godparents and sponsors in what is known as the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion. To send a catechumen to the Bishop means that a parish has discerned that the person is ready to enter the Catholic Church. In Sacred Scripture, the Book of Revelation makes reference to a “Book of Life” in which are written the names of those who have chosen to follow the Lord Jesus and be baptized. Those who are already baptized, as Catholics or in other denominations, had our names written in the Book of Life at our Baptism. In The Rite of Election, those preparing for Baptism are invited to come forward and sign a book, which we call the “Book of the Elect,” as a sign of their desire to be numbered among the chosen of God. Following the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion, our catechu- mens will be called our elect. Our candidates (baptized) in RCIA, recognize their call to continue their journey of conversion to Jesus Christ at this rite and seek to deepen their faith and trust in this third period of the process, called the Period of Purification and Enlightenment. A Big Thank You: We give thanks to the Garnett Family for clearing our parking lot from all the snow. What a blessing! Catholic Men’s Conference: We give thanks to several men from our parish who took part in the 4th Annual Catholic Men’s Conference of Western Kentucky on Saturday, February 7th at St. Stephen Cathedral in Owensboro. Over 320 men participated in the conference and listened to nationally recognized lay leaders, Matt Fradd and Hector Molina, who passionately spoke about The Call of Men to be Spiritual Leaders, the Lure of Pornography, Biblical Wisdom for Husbands and Fathers, and Seven Habits of Highly Effective Catholics and more. We give thanks to Tom Buehrle, David Dobbins, Tony Esposito, Fred Foltz, Frank Raber, Dr. Bill Sweet, Johnny Tilley and Tommy Wagner. Sacrament of Reconciliation: It is easy to NOT go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and there are plenty of excuses. The time is not convenient, I haven’t really done anything that serious, I tell God that I am sorry I don’t need to tell the priest, I don’t want the priest to think less of me, etc… And yet there are plenty of reasons to go: we hear God’s great love for us as we receive his mercy and are forgiven of our sins, it is healing to name our sinfulness to another person, our sinfulness effects not only our relationship with God but with the community, the priests do not look down on you for your sins but admire your courage and faith in the mercy of God. So we invite you to leave the excuses behind and allow this Sacrament be a part of your renewal for Lent. If you have forgotten what to say or do, simply tell the priest and he will assist you. Remember, the Act of Contrition is there printed on the wall for you to see and pray. Estate: Several of you have been asking us about the estate auction you attended in Madisonville. Bernice Sisk was a long time parishioner at Christ the King Catholic Church in Madisonville. Bernice died on September 15th of 2014 at the age of 94. Her husband preceded her in death and there were no children. In her will, Christ the King Catholic Church was listed as a beneficiary. It was Ms. Sisk’s intent that her household items be auctioned off and that the moneys be divided evenly between the parish and the school. Bernice loved antiques and had many special items. On Saturday January 17th an auction was held and based on information given to us by Christ the King, checks totaling almost $60,000.00 has been received from that sale. May her good example inspire others of us to make such a noble profession of faith in our “last will and testament.” FEBRUARY 22, 2015 • FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 5 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH FEBRUARY 23-MARCH 1 Tues: MOMS Group-Stations of The Cross-7 pm Wed: Rosary Makers 8:45 am, HFR Choirs: Youth 4 pm/Adults 6:30 pm HS & MS Youth Ministry-5:30 pm Thur: Finance Comm.- Noon OA, (rescheduled) Stations of The Cross (Spanish) 6:15 pm Pastoral Council-6:30 pm, OA RCIA-7:00 pm, Gym Fri: MOMS Group-9:30 am-OA Knights Fish Fry-5 pm-7 pm Stations of The Cross-6 pm Sun: St. Mary’s Bookstore at all Sunday Masses Readings for the Week of February 22, 2015 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15 Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 Next Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/ Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10 ©Liturgical Publications Inc St. Mary’s Bookstore will be here at Saints Peter and Paul on Sunday, March 1st after all Masses in the narthex. This would be a great time to get a spiritual book for Lent to read or items for Easter, First Communion, Confirmation and RCIA gifts. St. Mary’s Catholic Bookstore is operated in Nashville and is open on Saturdays for regular business hours; therefore, they cannot be here on Saturday night for us. Let us be thankful for their willingness to come to provide us an opportunity to purchase Catholic literature, books, gifts and much more. *We need help! If you can be here at the church on Sunday morning, March 1st around 7:00 a.m. to help Julie unload the truck, please let Libby know. Due to the weather conditions this past week we are unable to provide last weekend’s budget information. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE.... The waters of Baptism make us part of the new covenant in Christ. But the bishops’ pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us that “there is a fundamental obligation arising from the Sacrament of Baptism. . . that people place their gifts, their resources — their selves —at God’s service in and through the Church.” BUDGET NEWS Weekly Parish Collection....................................................... $ Weekly Parish Budget Needs ................................. $15,414.56 Unpaid 2014-15 Diocesan Assessment .................... $38,762.54 Unpaid Operational Bills ....................................... $12,512.94 Weekly Capital Improvement Donations .............................. $0 Capital Improvement Fund Balance ........................ $32,194.07 Weekly A Legacy of Faith Fund Pledge Payments ................... $0 A Legacy of Faith Fund Balance ............................. $487,100.06 Stained Glass Window Donations ........................................ $0 Stained Glass Window Fund Balance .................... $414,721.75 Monday, February 23 8:00 AM Tuesday, February 24 8:00 AM Wednesday, February 25 8:00 AM 5:30 PM Thursday, February 26 8:00 AM 5:30 PM Spanish Friday, February 27 8:00 AM Saturday, February 28 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Sunday, March 1 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 2:00 PM Spanish 10:30 PM Spanish RYAN GOODE † MARVIN MAHONEY † † SANDY WHITE ROGER LING MARGE MEANS & FAMILY KRYSTAL LAUDERDALE TERESA CHONG † † DON PELLETIER JERRY & BERNIE THOMAS Second Sunday of Lent BONNIE HANEY PETE MILBAUER ALMA & JORGE VALDEZ FOR ALL PARISHIONERS † Indicates Requiem Mass SANCTUARY LAMP For Those Suffering The Effects of Severe Weather Don’t Give up Chocolate for Lent: Instead, do something life-changing. Sign up for the BEST LENT EVER e-mail program. Each day, you will receive spiritual coaching from Matthew Kelly, Catholic author and speaker. It’s simple and free. The only cost is your commitment to live better each day this Lent. Learn more at Saints Peter and Paul Mom’s Group: Our Saints Peter and Paul Mom’s Group will be leading the “Mary’s Way of the Cross” on Tuesday evening, February 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. All are welcome to join them. Silver Streaks: Our Silver Streaks next activity will be held on Tuesday, February 24th. They will depart from Saints Peter and Paul Parking lot at 9:00 a.m. They will visit St. Mary’s Bookstore in Nashville and then travel together to a nearby restaurant for lunch. If you need more information or want to join them, please let Julia Borders know by calling her at (270) 886-6061. You will enjoy this day for wherever the Silver Streaks go, fun follows. Please Pray for our Deployed Scott Donohue, Richelle Goodin, Olin Harrington, Rogelio Nicanor-Martinez, Tobe Wilkins. 6 SS PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH, HOPKINSVILLE, KY In Need of Prayers… Covington Convalescent-Pat Chesnut, Elizabeth Jones, Karen Logsdon, Jean Soyars Western State Nursing Facility -Debbie Dickerson, Rose Vincent Christian Health Center – Norma Downs, Jeanette Elliott, Barbara Holubecki, Frank Rogers Friendship House- Christine Mills, Ernie Tuggle Others. Andy & Fran Belland, Julie Buehrle, Jane Brockman, Ken & Jan Buckner, Janson Cahill, Pierce Canfield, Gladys Capiro, Don Carrico, Sandy Carlton, Phil Carsone, Sam Chesnut, Lidia Cincotti, Janet Coe, Coleman Family, Pam Cox, Dean Families, Gene Durbin, Dorothy Edson, Connie Fowler, Martha Fowler, Gant Golladay, Jance Godot, Ginger & Bob Chasteen, Joe Greenan, Bonnie Haney, Dottie Happe, Jerry Happe, Amanda Harden, Bonnie Harris, Betty Johnston, Anita Jones, Sharon Kusnierz, Bob Labor, Krystal Lauderdale, MaryJo Lauren, Pat Lombard, Larry Meacham, Rochelle Mendoza, Margie Meredith, Carlo & Lucia Mereu, Joe Mezzoni, Sr., Barbara Moseley, Mike Moseley, Sandy Mueller, Amber Olson, Ricky Powell, Larry Puckett, Justina Roman, Bill Rush, Bob & Cele Schade, MaryAnn Schurmann, Ron Shafer, David Ray Shirley, Bobby Sholar, Kristian Shouse, Gina Simpson, Jim Smith, Dennis Sunderhaus, MaryAnn Stahr, Stocker Family, Betty Sutton, Georgiann Svestka, Laura Svestka, Ken Swicicki, Curtis Stigall, Jerry Thomas, Rose Ann Tobin, Bridget Todd, Hannelore Vanderklok, Lucy Vandrell, Mildred Weeks, Helen Winstead, James Wittschack. Congratulations: We have a number of Saints Peter & Paul high school youth to be recognized: We congratulate members of the University Heights Academy Varsity Academic Team who competed in the 7th District District Governor’s Cup competitions: Those students placing in written assessments from Saints Peter and Paul include: Arts/Humanities: Second place: Christian Barefield; Composition: Fourth place Winter Nicholson. Others participating in written assessment were Christopher Pape, Jordan Kelly and Jonathan Kinnard. Other awards include Quick Recall – Second place – Christopher Pape, Christian Barefield, and Jonathan Kinnard. At Heritage Christian Academy we congratulate Sarah Foltz who was crowned as 2015 Basketball Homecoming Queen. The Girls Swim Team at Hopkinsville High School finished fourth overall at the Region 1 meet this past weekend. We congratulate Lady Tiger swimmers from Saints Peter and Paul: Michaela Langhi finished second in the girls’ 100 yard butterfly event and third in the 200 yard individual medley and will compete at state competitions scheduled for February 26th thru 28th at the University of Louisville. Other girls on the 200 yard freestyle team from Saints Peter and Paul include: Michaela Langhi, Meredith Pace and Lauren Langhi. Michaela was named First Team All Region. Lauren Langhi took sixth place in the 100 yard breaststroke event and seventh in the 200 yard individual medley. Meredith Pace, in addition to contributing to the 200 yard freestyle relay team, also took 11th in the 50 yard freestyle and 12th in the 100 yard backstroke. Congratulations girls. LAY MINISTERS SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT FEB 28/MARCH 1 Saturday, 5:00 pm Altar Servers: ............... Joey Chaudoin, Karenna Chaudoin Cross Bearer:......................................................... Grace Pape Commentator: ................................................. Imelda Gorman Lectors: ..........................................Robin Bilan, Vicky Barnes, Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: ..........Mary Moehlman, ............................. Dot Cherry, Jeannie Combs, Earl Combs Choir Loft .................................. Tony Esposito, Jane Irwin Ushers ...................................... Joe Mezzoni, Laura Waldron .................................................... Joe Chaudoin, Bill Chaudoin Vocational Cross.................................. Shannon Pape Family Sunday, 8:00 am Altar Servers: ...............................Kylee Spurr, Colleen Allen Cross Bearer:..................................................... Branson White Commentator: .................................................LaDonna Downs Lectors: ...................................... Chuck Puckett, Ann Williams Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: .............. Carolyn Spurr, ....................................... Marilyn White, Tom Folz, Julie Folz Choir Loft ............................ Frank Raber, David Dobbins Ushers ........................................ Chuck Spurr, David Cotthoff .....................................................Dirk Downs, Richard Dymek Vocational Cross.................................... Dan Gardner Family Sunday, 10:30 am Altar Servers: ..................... Matthew Ramos, Sara Whitman Cross Bearer:................................................... Scribbe Goode Commentator: ................................................. Marlene Castro Lectors: ...................................... Russell Malone, Paula Furne Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: ....... Wendy Anderson, ....................... Rossella Cincotti, Kelly King, Donna Dunham Choir Loft ...................... Charles Fiscella, Nathan Tillman Ushers ....................................... Billy Garnett, Franco Cincotti ............................................................. Kelly King, James Long Vocational Cross....................................... James Long Family Spanish Mass, 2:00 pm Comentarista:……….…..……..……….Guadalupe Rosas 1-2 Lectura:.…….....................Tomasa Montiel, Aisha Cruz Ministro E:.Maria Soriano, Trinidad Soriano (si no hay diacono) Hospitalidad:…….…Rogaciano Vieyra, Víctor Hernández Monaguillos:………. Mayelin Juárez, Irvin Juárez-Montiel Guadalupana:……………............Familia Magaña Huerta Monte Carlo: I would like to give a special thank-you to our PTO officers and those who chaired and volunteered to see that our Monte Carlo was successful. Their countless hours of volunteer work not only brought in a great deal of money, but fun was had by all who attended. We especially appreciated the support of the parishioners who have no children in school but made donations and/or came out for a night of enjoyment. God bless all of you! FEBRUARY 22, 2015 • FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Soup Suppers: are scheduled for two more Friday nights during Lent and take place immediately after we pray the Stations of the Cross at 6:00 p.m. The dates are: Friday, March 6th and Friday, March 20th KC’s Annual Lenten Fish Fries: Join the Monsignor James Willett Council #7847 of the Knights of Columbus for three Friday evenings during Lent for terrific food and fellowship – February 27th, March 13th and March 27th. Serving each night from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. with the menu including: Fried Catfish, Slaw, Hush Puppies, French Fries, Drink and Dessert. This Week at Saints Peter and Paul Parish Sunday, February 22nd - Saturday, February 28th “Preparing your Soul for Lent” OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRAYER The Eucharist is celebrated daily, Monday thru Saturday at 8:00 a.m. as well as 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays and 5:30 p.m. on Thursday in Spanish. Our Weekend Mass Schedule is Saturday - Vigil Mass at 5:00 p.m. Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. in English And 2:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. in Spanish Stations of the Cross will be prayed this week on Thursday, February 26th in Spanish after the 5:30 p.m. Mass and on Friday, February 27th at 6:00 p.m. in English (We adore you O Christ and we praise you! Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world!) Our “Little Black Books” – 6 minutes of reading and reflection for each day of Lent Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Maybe this is the time for you and your family to be involved in this special time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. On Sunday, February 22nd at 4:00 pm - Eucharistic Holy Hour We begin this hour with Liturgy of the Hours – Evening Prayer, continued with a time for personal prayer then concluding praying communally the rosary. All are welcome to come and join us OPPORTUNITIES FOR CONVERSION The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., Saturdays from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and on Sundays during the Eucharistic Holy Hour from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALMSGIVING Weekly food donations to Aaron McNeil Center – food items this week are: Chicken & dumplings or Ramen noodles. 7 Operation Rice Bowl February 22 – Diocesan Administration (Diocesan Collection) Regarding Special Diocesan Collections: I ask this of you. Would you please consider for the foreseeable future earmarking whatever you intend to contribute to Diocesan Special Collections to pay down instead our parish’s Diocesan Assessments? Just write “Assessment” across the envelope and/or check notation each time. Such contributions will be used only for paying down the assessment. Fr. Richard OPPORTUNITIES FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH “Some Arise Groups are Reconnecting” Weekly Faith Sharing Session Available. Check with your leader. Saints Peter and Paul Mom’s Group gathers each Friday at 9:30 a.m. at the parish Conversion – Robert Barron Video Series – Sundays, February 22nd at 9:15 a.m. – Office Annex Priest, Prophet and King – Robert Barron Video Series – Sunday, February 22nd at 11:45 a.m. – Office Annex Conversion – Robert Barron Video Series – Tuesday, February 24th at 6:00 p.m. – Office Annex Seven Deadly Sins – Robert Barron Video Series – Friday, February 27th at 9:00 a.m. – Holy Family Room Untold Blessings – Robert Barron Video Series – Saturday, February 28th at 10:00 a.m. – Office Annex Read a Spiritual Book – 19 suggestions were given in a recent bulletin. RCIA 2014-2015 Our RCIA Process continues THIS Thursday evening, February 26th at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to come. PSR (Parish School of Religion) – Pre-School thru 4th Grade Religious Education classes return to class this Sunday, February 22nd immediately after the 8:00 a.m. Mass in the school building. March Schedule Sunday, March 1 – Class Sunday March 8 – Class Sunday, March 15 – Class Sunday, March 22 – Class Sunday, March 29 - Class Important Dates Confirmation Rehearsal: Wednesday, April 1st at 6:30 p.m. Confirmation Celebration: Wednesday, April 15th at 6:00 p.m. First Holy Communion Prayer Day: Saturday, April 25th beginning at 9:00 a.m. First Communion Celebration: Sunday, April 26th at 4:00 p.m.
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