February 20, 2015 1 Adar 5775 Volume 18, Issue 24 Dates to Remember: W Mar 3 – Taanis Esther, Friday Schedule Th Mar 4 – Purim, NO SESSIONS F Mar 5 – Shushan Purim, NO SESSIONS In the Bnos Malka Family ☺ Mazel Tov to Ms. Nava Kaniel and her family on her recent engagement. Candle Lighting 5:18 Mrs. Rivky Babad Assistant Principal, Kindergarten – 4th grade In פרשת תרומה, the Jewish nation is commanded to build the ארון הקדש. The Torah says, ועשו ארון עצי שטים. The midrash points out that in the making of the ארון, the תורהuses the word, ועשו, whereas with the rest of the כליםfor the משכן, the word used is ועשית. Why does the Torah use the word, ועשו, and they will make, instead of the word ועשית, and you will make, as is used for the constructing of the remainder of the ?כליםThe midrash answers that Hashem wanted all the members of כלל ישראלto be involved in the making of the Aron, so that all would have a חלקin the Torah. רמב''ןexpounds that because the לוחותwere kept inside the ארון, and the ארוןtherefore had enormous קדושה, all of כלל ישראלshould find a way to help with the construction, either through donating gold, or assisting בצלאל, or even in just thinking about the holiness of the endeavor. The אור החייםtakes the message even a step further and states that the fulfillment of all the 613 מצוותcannot be completed by one person alone. For example, a כהןcannot do the mitzvah of פדיון הבן, and a ישראלcannot carry out the מצוות עשהrelated to the bringing of קרבנות that the כהניםare responsible for. For all of the מצוותto be fulfilled, the entire צבור must come together and do their share. The Torah therefore uses the word they, in the plural form, “and they shall make the ark” because it is only through our collective efforts as a unified nation that we can fulfill our obligations as 'עובדי ה. This is a very timely message as we enter the month of Adar. When the Jewish nation was facing extinction at the merciless hands of Haman and his sidekick אחשורוש, what was it that saved the Jewish nation? The שפת אמתsays it was their act of coming together of their own volition, לך כנוס את כל היהודים. It was the collective gathering together to stand as one that saved us generations ago. And it is this very same מידהthat will always help us to withstand the outside forces that seek to destroy us. Coming together need not be on as grand a scale as the making of the Aron that took place in the time of Moshe, or the collective fasting and davening for three days that took place during the time of Mordechai and Esther. Being unified Shabbos Ends 6:27 can occur in our small daily interactions, such as helping our children see a social situation from the other person’s perspective; reminding our children and ourselves that ‘the other person’ has feelings too that we must be sensitive to; and overlooking the small infractions in our interactions with one another. Remembering that we are all part of the same whole, and that this outlook is our strength, is what connects us and strengthens us. We cannot, as individuals, accomplish our תפקידwithout each other’s help. Let us put this message to practice as we guide our children and teach them about what is truly important. Let us all work together to help our children understand that it’s okay to overlook the small things so that we can focus on the bigger picture. I look forward to joining with you in this tremendously important endeavor. Wishing you a Chodesh Tov and a good Shabbos. Class Milestones Kindergarten - Mrs. Eileen Cohen Our Kindergarten class continues to be a group of extremely sweet, delightful and intelligent children. Their growth on an individual and group basis remains extremely impressive and outstanding. We are so proud of them! We are up to letter P in the alphabet. The class was so excited to glue pennies and pictures of President Washington and Lincoln on their letter P which is part of their alphabet book. This book will be sent home at the end of the school year. We have been discussing both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. The children were quite interested in learning and talking about the many similarities and differences between these two great presidents. The class is also very aware that February is National Children’s Dental Health Month and we spend part of our daily circle reviewing ways to take care of our teeth. Star was this week’s shape. The class did an excellent job at tracing, cutting and collaging many different types of stars which strengthen their fine motor skills. Our shape unit will soon be over and we will start learning all about numbers. It’s hard to believe that the school year is more than halfway over. We look forward to a wonderful, productive and very successful remainder of the year. Best wishes for a good Shabbos. – Mrs. Bracha Yanni With the Chumash Play coming up this Sunday, we are singing, dancing, practicing and getting really excited for this special milestone in our lives. We are so excited to greet all of our family and friends to join us in the celebration. We are coming to a close on the next perek of chumash and are moving along so beautifully. Every part of Avram's life teaches us so many important life lessons: working things out like he did with Lot, being honest and truthful as he made his sheep wear muzzles so they wouldn't steal, and caring for other Jews when he welcomed them into his tent. These are relevant and important lessons that help us grow. We have had very real conversations discussing ways we can apply these lessons to our actions. Our chumash skills are growing and we are becoming experts at breaking apart words, finding key shorashim, and answering questions in Hebrew. We really love learning chumash! We are excited to see you all this Sunday so that you can celebrate this special occasion with us. 3rd Grade – Mrs. Zahava Jeff Is Africa a country? Ask any third grader and she will tell you that it is NOT! It is one of our seven continents. Ask your daughter how many countries are part of this continent and you might be surprised. The girls are having such a good time working in small groups researching information. It’s truly a nachas to see how nicely the girls work together. We are just about ready to hang up our memory quilt. The students are having fun sewing it together. Each girl wrote about a special memory in her life and made a cover for her writing exercise. We are excited about putting it all together on our hallway bulletin board. The girls have mastered their multiplication tables and, by so doing, are truly excelling in division. Learning fractions is right around the corner. I am very proud of how much the girls’ reading skills have improved. We are all looking forward to our Biography DressUp Day when each girl will read her report to the class dressed up as the person about whom she read. Teaching the girls is truly a joy! Have a wonderful Shabbos! 4th Grade – Mrs. Beverly Fruchter It's just like the domino effect: one event causes another event to occur, which then causes another event to occur, and so on. We are now learning about reptiles. This week we learned about a worrisome snake problem in Florida, and the chain of events that happened as a result. We concluded that one seemingly small event can lead to unfortunate consequences in our ecosystem. What point are we trying to make? It will become very clear to you when you read our persuasive essays. Each student's thesis statement is thoughtfully worded to express her stand regarding a specific topic that she feels passionate about. Our Author's Share was eagerly anticipated and a definite highlight of our busy week. Speaking of the "point", we've moved from fractions to geometry! It's a new world of points, lines and angles, to name a few of the new terms we are learning to identify and draw. The girls were able to "point" out so many examples of parallel lines in our classroom alone! Have a wonderful Shabbos! 5th & 6th Math – Ms. Yocheved Weiner The fifth graders have been busy learning about decimals. They looked at how to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals. They also looked at different strategies used to solve problems involving decimals. After finishing their unit on decimals, the students are now turning to another kind of number: fractions. They are working on developing fraction sense, finding equivalent fractions in greater and simplest forms and rewriting improper fractions and mixed numbers. The students will also look at how to compare and order fractions. They are applying those concepts to adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. The students discovered that you need to have the same denominator to add or subtract fractions because you cannot combine or subtract fractions if the pieces are different sizes. They used fraction strips to illustrate this concept. Next, the students will continue their study of fractions by learning how to multiply and divide fractions. In 6th grade, the students recently finished their unit on rational numbers. They looked at different types of rational numbers including integers, fractions and decimals. The students explored the meaning of integers, both in math and in real life. They looked at situations where you would use positive and negative numbers. They also learned how to find distances, use a number line and absolute value and how to graph points on the coordinate plane. The students are now turning towards algebra. They will develop their understanding of expressions, equations and inequalities. Have a great Shabbos! 6th Grade ELA – Ms. Sara Lieberman "We each have a voice that cannot be silenced, unless we simply do not speak." The sixth graders have been busy exploring mentor texts in persuasive writing. They are currently generating ideas for their own pieces using current events, global and local issues. I am looking forward to reading their writing! We finished reading The Egypt Game and the girls wrote excellent pieces on the different themes that were discussed in the book. We are looking forward to continuing our reading with literature circles. Have a good Shabbos! – Mrs. Leya Thurm With Purim right around the corner, the 6th grade has been very busy engrossed in the details and lessons of the Purim story. The girls are working hard to refresh their memories of the various perakim and delving deeper into what the mefarshim teach us. In Navi, we are focusing on Shaul Hamelech's kingship and how he rose to greatness and started out so close to Hashem. There are so many lessons to be learned from both Shaul and Esther! – Mrs. Chana Lederman When it comes to assessment it is always exciting to combine academic skills, assessment of knowledge, creativity and a good time. The 8th grade is working on a hilchos Purim project that encompasses all of these things. Instead of learning the information from the teacher, the students were broken up into groups where they discovered the different halachos on their own from the Kitzur Shulchan Orach. There are many halachos of Purim, so each group got a different topic to focus on. After answering the guided questions, the groups will compose a song that highlights all of the halachos that they learned and present it to the class. We are all looking forward to great presentations.
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