Asbury United Methodist Church Loving...Serving...Transforming Lives February 22, 2015 ~ 8:30 am and 10:30 am Services MISSION STATEMENT Love God and one another, serve our community, and transform lives. VISION A radically inclusive community, empowered to spread God’s love throughout the world. BELIEFS We believe we are created in the image of God. We believe God loves everyone and through Christ saves‐revives‐renews the world. We believe God through the Holy Spirit changes lives. We believe the church is the body of Christ with a mission. We believe the Bible is the word of God. We believe that God has gifted everyone and the church for the purposes of God. We believe discipleship is a continuing journey. ASBURY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH First Sunday in Lent 8:30 am and 10:30 am Worship †† = Those who are able may stand AAHH = African American Heritage Hymnal ‐ Yellow Hymnal UMH = United Methodist Hymnal ‐ Red Hymnal Please use this time for prayer and meditation as we prepare for Worship. PRELUDE INTROIT 8:30 am—God So Loved the World...Curry 10:30 am—Jesus, Lover of My Soul ††CALL TO WORSHIP 10:30 am—Take Time to Be Holy...Stebbins THE CHURCH GATHERS Leader: God has set his rainbow in the skies, as a reminder of his steadfast love. People: God’s love endures forever. Leader: God has promised to measure his justice with his grace. People: Grant us grace to believe in your goodness. Leader: The Lord spoke, the earth shook and the skies were ripped open. People: Grant us faith to trust you, even in your anger. Leader: The Lord is King. The Lord is Judge. The Lord is good. People: God’s faithful love endures forever. Leader: Come, let us worship the Lord! People: God’s faithful love endures forever. PROCESSIONAL HYMN 10:30 am—Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (127 UMH) WELCOME AND WORDS OF HOSPITALITY PASSING OF THE PEACE Koinonia (579 AAHH) ►►►►►►(Congregants may now enter the Sanctuary) ††HYMN OF PRAISE When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (298 UMH) PRAYER OF CONFESSION God of all the colors, we confess to you that our lives are too often monochromatic. You present us with all the opportunities of the rainbow, and we restrict ourselves to safe neutrals. We do not risk bright yellow love, or deep purple justice. We keep our choices to a minimum, preferring to stick with what we know. Wrap your rainbow around us, O God, and liberate us. Your covenant reminds us that we do not need to be afraid to take risks. Let us be a rainbow people for you. WORDS OF ASSURANCE God has set a bow in the clouds, to be a sign of the covenant between God and the earth. God is faithful and remembers God’s promises, so be not afraid! Live as a forgiven and color‐full people. ►►►►►(Congregants may now enter the Sanctuary 10:30 am—Kisha Woolen CHILDREN’S MESSAGE MINISTRY OF MUSIC 8:30 am—This Little Light of Mine...John Work** Robert Brown, Tenor 10:30 am—Cornerstone...Goss/Swaim CALL TO PRAYER 10:30 am—Just A Little Talk with Jesus...Derricks MORNING PRAYER Rev. Adam Briddell, Associate Pastor PRAYER RESPONSE 8:30 am—What a Friend We Have in Jesus...Converse 10:30 am—Thy Way, O Lord...Deas WE HEAR THE WORD SCRIPTURE LESSON Genesis 9:8‐17 (OT—Pg. 7) Liturgist: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. ††HYMN OF PREPARATION SERMON Jesus is All the World to Me (469 UMH) “A New Start” Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills, Senior Pastor WE RESPOND IN FAITH ††HYMN OF INVITATION O Love, That Wilt Not Let Me Go (443 UMH) Worshipers are invited to pray at the altar in private or signal to an Intercessory Prayer member to pray with you. Also at this time, you may come down to join Asbury in Christian Fellowship. PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERING OFFERTORY WE RESPOND IN FAITH 8:30 am—Ride On, King Jesus...Hall Johnson** Robert Brown, Tenor 10:30 am—Is There Anybody Here...arr. R. Nathaniel Dett** ††OFFERTORY RESPONSE Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. OFFERTORY PRAYER WE SCATTER TO BE THE CHURCH IN THE WORLD ††HYMN OF RECESSION I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (521 UMH) BENEDICTION Go forth as signs of God’s love. We go as rainbows of compassion and hope. Go forth as children of God’s promise. We go as signs of God’s love and mercy! Go forth as heirs of God’s covenant of grace. We go as pools of baptismal water, blessing all we touch. 8:30 am—A Mighty Fortress...Whitsett POSTLUDE 10:30 am—Lead Me, Guide Me...Doris Akers** **African‐American composers and arrangers. The congregation is asked to remain seated for the closing voluntary. WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Minister of Music & Liturgical Arts and Wesleyan Choir Director: Everett P. Williams, Jr. Organist: Earl Hargrove (8:30 am) Choir: Wesleyan Choir Soloist: Robert Brown, Tenor (8:30 am) Children’s Message: Kisha Woolen (10:30 am) Liturgists: Angelique Bradford & Stephanie Myers (8:30 am) Kisha Woolen & Ruth Scarbrough (10:30 am) Ushers: Men Greeters: Rebecca Ross, Lorraine Thompson & Terri Thompson (8:30 am) Marian Lewis, Elizabeth Saunders & Carol Travis (10:30 am) Acolytes: DuVal Harrell (8:30 am) & Danielle McEaddy (10:30 am) Trustees on Duty: Darryl Wyles (8:30 am) & James Nero (10:30 am) Welcome to Asbury United Methodist Church. We are so glad you joined us today for worship! We hope that through word, music, fellowship and prayer you will experience the presence of God today. Please make sure you sign the Attendance Register as it is passed so that we can share with you about what is happening in the life of this church. NURSERY Our nursery is available for infants through four-year-olds on Sundays from 10:30 am–12:15 pm. The nursery is located on the third floor of the Education Building in room 2-5. SUNDAYSCHOOL 8:30 am Neighbor Bible School 9:30 am Nursery and Kindergarten—Room 2‐5 Adult School—Room 1‐9, 1‐12 Parents Class—Room 2‐3 Young Adults—Room 1‐11 Youth—Rooms 2‐8 & 2‐9 Asbury’s Week At‐A‐Glance Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:30 & 10:30 am—Worship, Sanctuary 8:30 am—Neighbor Bible Study, Library 9:30 am—Neighbor‐to‐Neighbor Breakfast, G‐1 9:30 am—Sunday School, 1‐9/1‐11/1‐12/2‐3/2‐5/2‐8/ 2‐9 9:30 am—Mission Team (undergarment & toiletry distribution), Old Social Hall 12:00 pm—Higher Ed & Campus Ministries, 1‐11/1‐12 12:30 pm—UMW Candace Group Meeting, 2‐8/2‐9 Monday, February 23, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/1‐11/ 1‐12/Old Social Hall 12:00 pm—Lent: Worship and Prayer, Sanctuary 3:00 pm—Deadline: Asburyan Bulletin & Ads 6:00 pm—DC Stop Modern Slavery, G‐1 6:45 pm—APAT, Sanctuary 7:00 pm—DC Wado‐Ryu Martial Arts, 2‐8/2‐9 Tuesday, February 24, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/1‐11/ 1‐12/Old Social Hall 10:00 am—Covenant Bible Study II (1st UMC of Hyattsville, 6201 Belcrest Rd., MD) 7:00 pm—Changing Hearts & Systems for Racial Justice & Reconciliation, G‐1 & Old Social Hall 7:00 pm—Covenant Bible Study II, 1‐11/1‐12 From the Senior Pastor’s Desk February 2015 Word for the Month: “REMEMBER” Scripture of the Month: I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. Psalm 118:13-14 Thought for the Month: Celebrate African American History Month with this annual collection of devotions to increase a sense of knowledge and awareness of African American history, foster pride in that history, and strengthen personal and communal faith, hope, and commitment to a rich heritage and future. Emphasis for the Month: Spiritual Formation Pastor’s Book of the Month: African American History Wednesday, February 25, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/1‐11/ 1‐12/Old Social Hall 6:30 pm—Church Council Meeting, 2‐8/2‐9 6:45 pm—APAT, Sanctuary 7:30 pm—Wesley Seminary—PMM 1, 1‐9 Thursday, February 26, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/ 1‐11/1‐12/Old Social Hall Friday, February 27, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G‐1/1‐11/ 1‐12/Old Social Hall 12:00 pm—Neighbor‐to‐Neighbor Debriefing, Chapel THIS LENT, DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR LUNCH…. Saturday, February 28, 2015 10:00 am—Handbell Choir Rehearsal, G‐13 10:30 am—Food Pantry, Food Pantry Area 11:00 am—APAT, Sanctuary 11:00 am—Wesleyan Choir Rehearsal, Old Social Hall 11:30 am—Dance Ministry Rehearsal, 1‐11/1‐12 12:00 pm—VBS Planning Meeting, 1‐9 12:30 pm—Male Chorus Rehearsal, Old Social Hall 12:30 pm—UMM Meeting (Groups 1,6,9,12), G‐1 2:00 pm—Higher Praise Choir, Old Social Hall 5:00 pm—InspireDC 2015 Lent Small Groups, G‐1 WORSHIP AND PRAYER MONDAYS @ NOON IN THE ASBURY SANCTUARY Asbury Vacation Bible School Planning Meeting Sat., Feb. 28 at 12pm Room 1-9 We need you to be a part of the team!!!! Questions? Contact Kisha Woolen 202-841-5310 Church Women United Prayer Requests Prayer requests may be made on prayer cards located in the pew envelope holders. Place cards in the prayer boxes in the narthex or at the entrance to the prayer chapel. You may also send prayer requests to [email protected]. Weekly prayer partners will respond to your requests. We are grateful to God for the opportunity to serve you through intercession. Yours in Christ, Barbara & Phillip Collins Prayer Ministry Coordinators Please join us as we celebrate WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday, March 6 at 10am Union Wesley AME Zion Church 1860 Michigan Ave., NE, Washington, DC Refreshments will be served. RSVP by Feb. 28 to B. Fortenberry, 202‐584‐3786 or C. McDaniel, 301‐420‐2540 Asbury UMC Scholarships for High School Graduates & Continuing College Students! In June 2015 we will have a large number of students graduating from high school who will matriculate to college. We're asking for donations that will go directly to the Higher Education and Campus Ministries 2015 Scholarship fund. Please make your tax deductible donation: Payable to: Asbury UMC Memo: 2015 HECM Scholarship Fun Movies@Asbury: Sat., March 21 at 2pm Invite your friends and family to watch "The LEGO Movie" in Room G-1. There will be refreshments and a discussion afterwards. Admission is free. Parking is available. Make this donation a part of your weekly offering and place it in the offering plate. We truly appreciate your gifts! Give now and give frequently! God bless our fantastic students at Asbury UMC. Giving Cards ASBURY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION We are celebrating 70 years of service this year!!! You can get in on the celebration by joining the Asbury Federal Credit Union and enjoying all the benefits. We are offering share loans as low as 5% and short term loans as low as 10%. Our Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, May 3. Mark your calendar. Please come and join the celebration. Good food and door prizes. We are still accepting your completed Estimate of Giving Cards from Consecration Sunday. You can pick one up from the Narthex or from outside the church office. Please drop them in the offering basket, or mail them to the finance office. Asbury’s ministries are counting on your financial support! ~~Stewardship Committee The credit union will be traveling to see Joseph this year on Friday, June 19 in Strasburg, Pa. and Toby's Dinner Theatre of Columbia on Sunday, October 18. DAILYWORD Sunday, February 22 Exodus 3:1-14 Thursday, February 26 Jeremiah 1:4-10 Monday, February 23 Genesis 33:1-4 Friday, February 27 Philippians 2:12-18 Tuesday, February 24 Matthew 26:36-46 Saturday, February 28 Isaiah 43:1-7 Wednesday, February 25 Mark 2:23-3:6 HOUSEKEEPING There is an elevator in the Education Building that accesses all levels of the church—the sanctuary, the fellowship hall, and all the Sunday School rooms. Free parking is available Sundays in the garage adjacent to our 11th Street entrance. You may pick up a parking pass from the 11th Street reception desk. Restrooms are on the lower level on either side of the narthex. There is also a family restroom on the main level in the Education Building. Asbury United Methodist Church Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills, Senior Pastor Rev. Adam Briddell, Associate Pastor Bishop Forrest Stith, Retired Bishop in Residence Mr. Robert Mallett and Ms. Rene Carter, Lay Leaders Rev. Dr. Joseph Daniels, Jr., District Superintendent Bishop Marcus Matthews, Baltimore‐Washington Annual Conference Visit for information about our ministries. Find us on Facebook and Twitter. 926 11th St., NW, Washington, DC 20001 202‐628‐0009 (office) and 202‐783‐0519 (fax) [email protected] Monday‐Friday ~ 9:30 am‐5:00 pm “God of Second Chances” Lenten Sermon Series Sunday, February 22 “A New Start” Genesis 9:8-17 Sunday, March 1 “A New Name” Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Sunday, March 8 “Unnecessary Roughness?” Exodus 20:1-17; John 2:13-22 Sunday, March 15 “A New Path" Ephesians 2:1-10 Sunday, March 22 “A New Heart” Jeremiah 31:31-34 Lent and Holy Week Calendar Worship and Prayer – Mondays at 12pm – Asbury Sanctuary February 23 March 16 March 2 March 23 March 9 March 30 Palm Sunday: March 29 8:30am 10:30 am Maundy Thursday: April 2 Drama—Judas: What Was He Thinking 7:30 pm—Asbury Sanctuary Good Friday: April 3 Seven Last Words—Sanctuary—12:00-3:00 pm Community Good Friday Meal—G-1—1:00-5:00 pm Easter: April 5 6:30 am 8:30 am 10:30 am BLACK HISTORY LOCAL LEGEND - ANOTHER BLACK MASTER SCUBA DIVER WORLD WIDE Terron E. Whitehead – AKA Mr. Tee, has been around water activities most of his life. He is a swimmer, CPR/FA/defibrillator, lifeguard, water safety, and scuba diver Instructor. Over 25 + years, Terron has been teaching water training to hundreds of students. Terron has taught students at the early age of 6 months to 91 years old. Terron has been certified as a Scuba Driver for over 40 years. Terron has travel around the world diving and teaching students as far as Israel and Indonesia. Terron formed a youth snorkeling program with hopes that they will become future scuba divers. Terron has several charter memberships throughout the diving community which is worldwide. For 40 years, Terron has been a charter member of the oldest “Black Driving Club” (UAS). For 40 year, Terron has been a charter member with the “Professional Association of Diving Instructors” (PADI). For 25 years, Terron has been a charter member with the “National Association of Black Scuba Divers” (NABS). Terron has received many certifications from the associations for his diving, teaching and other achievements as a scuba diver. Terron is a trained video and still shot underwater photographer. He has seen and dove with just about every predator down under except the Great White and the Killer Whale. His best dives are shark dives and he is an underwater hunter. I enjoy the nature of the Seas and Oceans that God has created and invite you to be educated of the third world below.(from Terron) Come join us and take a scuba diving class and witness the wonders below… TERRON “ MASTER DIVER” WHITEHEAD 2015
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