Bible Hill Junior High School Husky News February 2015 Be the Change You want to See in the World. Gandhi Scent Free Environment We are reminding parents and students that we are a scent free school. We have had too many instances of students having to leave school due to students wearing perfume/cologne, etc. Students who are continuing to wear these scents will be asked to leave so others have an opportunity to learn without becoming sick. Student-ParentPortal Our school is offering you real-time access to your child(ren)'s grades, assignments, attendance, teacher's Comments, and school bulletins through the Internet using the Student-Parent Portal website. If you need assistance in accessing your account, please contact Mr. MacLean or Mr. Hazelton at the office. Students can access their information using their computer log-in information from the school. The grades portion of the ParentPortal will be turned off prior to the end of the term. This is necessary for the final grades to be established. E-cigarettes/Vapours There has been an influx of usage of these devices over the past few months. They are considered a tobacco product and therefore the school will follow the guidelines of the School Board’s Code of Conduct for tobacco use. These devices are not to be at school. We appreciate your support in this matter. Follow US On Twitter You can now follow us on Twitter at Get the up-to-date news and Tweets immediately. CEC Follow-Up Visit On Thursday Feb. 5 at 6:30, Staff from CEC and BHJH will be available at BHJH for parents and students of grade 9 who would like to clarify anything with regards to grade 10 registration. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions, clarify thinking and the process of registering in the High School Credit System. Congratulations Congratulations to Mrs. MacNutt for being awarded the 2014 TAPHE Health Educator Award! The award honours an individual for their work to further the importance of health education in NS and/or who has served as a champion in promoting the importance of Health Promoting Schools at the local level, regional, provincial or federal level. FST/IAT Both our Family Studies and Technology Education classes are scheduled to switch over the next week or so. Final marks for these two courses will be on the March Report Card. Students who need extra time for whatever reason to complete their projects have had numerous opportunities and occasions to stay in at lunch and after school. Announcements and posters have been evident throughout the past month for students to take advantage of. For FST, order forms for sewing projects will be given out soon after the new semester begins. Prompt ordering and payment would be appreciated. Mrs. Savage is off due to a slip and fall. Accident. Ms. Bagnell will be in for her until she returns. We wish her a speedy recovery! Family Holiday in February As you may know, February 16th is the first family holiday in NS. To celebrate this, our Husky Spirit Team has rented the ice at the RECC from 1 pm to 1:50 pm. All students and staff, along with their immediate family members are invited to come out for a skate. RECC expectations is that all participants will wear a helmet. We look forward to seeing you there! Attention Parents!! It’s not too late to order your child’s school pictures. If you did not order school pictures in the fall and wish to do so, call Pridham’s Studio for details, 895-1694 Wellness Week Our Grade 9 Healthy Living teachers are very excited to be able to offer our students a "Wellness Week" the first week in February. Each day has a theme with guest speakers, presentations, student activities and booths set up by a variety of community organizations. The themes are Career Exploration, Mental Health, Sexual Health, Addictions, and Healthy Active Living. On Friday we have a number of volunteers offering fun, active events - ringette, pickleball, curling, zumba, hiking, yoga, fitness, tennis, golf, boxing, soccer, and track. Special thanks to the Cougar Dome, MacFIT/BSYS, and BH Rec Department for offering their services! Students will receive a passport for participating throughout the week and we will draw two per class on Friday for a special swag bag full of goodies! Students must be present and have a completed passport to win! Guidance Counselling Practicum Intern We are happy to have Jeff Purchase join us from Pugwash. H e is completing a counselling practicum with Ms. MacNutt until the end of April. Mr. Purchase has been a wonderful support and is very busy meeting with individual students and is also offering several groups to meet a variety of needs at our school. Grade 10 Registration CEC met with all Grade 9 students during the month of January and held a Parent/Guardian Information session at CEC. They will also be presenting a session here at BHJH Feb 5th at 6:30. Students have been given opportunities to meet with our Guidance Counsellors to discuss their choices and ask questions. Teachers have made recommendations for English, Math, and French courses. Students must complete the long, green sheets with their course selections and return them to their Homeroom Teachers by Wednesday, February 4th. These will be returned to students when they register on-line with us. A copy of their selected courses will be printed off to share with parents/ guardians. Winter Carnival Our staff and Husky Spirit Crew have been busy planning some special activities for the week of Feb. 16 -20th for our Winter Carnival. On our 1st Family Holiday (16th), we will celebrate by inviting all of our BHJH families to an open skate at the RECC Centre from 1-2pm. We will have a Photo Booth each day at lunch where students can have pics taken with their friends and our Snowman made by Mr. McNutt and his Life Skills students. We will also have different dress-up days with donations being made to our Water of Life Project. Below is the schedule for the week: Feb 17 - Hat Day, Teachers vs Students Badminton Match (lunch) Feb 18 - Lazy Day, Growl Group Challenges (lunch) Feb 19 - Sports Day, Art Battle (lunch) Feb 20 - Neon Day, Hypnotist (afternoon) FaceBook and Other Social Media There has been an increase in the number of issues brought to our attention about behaviours and posts on FaceBook and other Social Media sites. We are asking your support in monitoring your child’s social media activity. People in general but students at the junior high level in particular, seem to be more susceptible to saying things over social networks they normally would not say. We are dealing with more and more issues/conflicts relating to social media that originates at home and are brought into the school. Here are a few things your teen needs to understand about the consequences of their actions dealing with social networking. ises to be no different. - Do not post any pictures that you would not want your parents, teachers, grandparents, or other significant others in your life to see. If they would find it questionable then so would others. 7:00pm - Watch the language you use on your Facebook or other social networking site. Again, if you would not be proud to show others this language then you do not want it on your page. - Do not talk about behaviors that you know are harmful, illegal, or dangerous. - Do not gossip, pick on, or otherwise slander others on your page or anyone else’s. - Do not pick fights, threaten, or allow yourself to be baited into an altercation online. - Do not share your passwords We thank you in advance for your diligence to this matter. Self-Identification There are many students who have self-identified to the school while others may have chosen not to. There may be many advantages to self-identification such as but not limited to: - Supports and services from my community - Supports and guidance to enhance my education - Financial supports to participate in community and school activities - financial supports for my college and university education To learn more, contact the office You Never Know Who is Checking on You. Everyone from family, friends, potential colleges, universities, authorities and potential future employers are using social media sites as a reference to a person’s character. Once on the internet, it said that nothing is truly deleted. School Musical Bible Hill Junior High once again this year will be offering its Spring Musical for the general public. This year's edition is "Fiddler on the Roof Jr.". The school has a long standing tradition of putting on high quality productions and this year prom- Show times are April 27, 29, 30, 2015 Yearbooks Attention students and parents!! The Yearbook for 2014-2015 will cost $30.00 for a soft cover and $35 for hard cover. Sales have begun! Parents who want a personal message for a 2015 Grad can purchase one for $5 (message to run at bottom of page) and business can purchase ads for $25.00 for a logo/name at bottom of page or $40 for a larger ad included on a page layout. (Order form attached) Cheques can be made out to Bible Hill Junior High and receipts will be issued. Ski Club For the most part we have had great ski conditions so far this year. Students who are interested in going are required to sign–up at the office by Wednesday of each week and payment will be required by Thursday. The busses leave the school at 3:30 pm and return at 10:15 pm. Please note that the ski club is an extra curricular activity that the school organizes. All students who participate must be in good academic and behavioral standing with all of their teachers each week in order to go skiing. BHJH Athletic Update Badminton Badminton Club began on Sunday January 11th and will continue each Sunday from 9-11 am now through to March Break. Anyone, no matter your skill level is welcome to attend. However, any players interested in potentially playing on one of the school teams should make an effort to attend regularly or communicate your absence with Mr. Baird. Truro Badminton Club Again this year, the Truro Badminton Club is in full swing under the direction of Richard Bennick. The club is open to all interested players from grade 6 through to adults and meets Tuesday and Thursday evenings at CEC from 7:30-9:30 pm. Truro Badminton Club—Cont’d The cost is $25 per person or $50 for an entire family. Anyone looking for more information can speak to Mr. Baird. Basketball January has been a very busy month with league play and tournament action. All four BHJH teams have been experiencing a great deal of success at the mid-way point of the season. Players and coaches alike are gearing up for the second half and already have their sights set on the playoffs. Best of luck to all! Snowshoeing (Outdoor Phys. Ed.) Although our winters are a true mix of snow and rain, we currently have a little of the white stuff. Providing the temperatures remain cool and the snow stays with us, students are reminded to come prepared for some outdoor activity as a part of their physical education classes. Upcoming Dates for your Calendar Feb. 2-6 Wellness Week. Feb. 5 CEC to visit BHJH at 6:30 pm for clarifying questions on gr. School Advisory Council BHJH Web Portal Our next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, February 23rd at 6:30 p.m. A copy of each month’s SAC agenda, principal’s report and previous month’s minutes are available at the office. Our Bible Hill Junior High School web portal is up and running. Please check us out at School Dance We have scheduled our next school dance for Wednesday, February 18th (7:00 - 9:00). We are always looking for chaperones. If you are able to chaperone, please give the school a call. If we do not have an adequate number of chaperones, the dance will be canceled. Students and parents are reminded though the school dress code is relaxed slightly for dances, there has been an issue of students arriving in inappropriate dress for Junior High (some changing in the washrooms and changing back prior to leaving). Students will be asked to call home and be picked up as they will not be allowed into the dance if this occurs. As always, positive classroom behaviour, attitude and work ethic are prerequisites for being permitted into a dance. Parents, you can log into the homework section of the web portal by using the login: parent and the password: parent. If you are experiencing any difficulties, please contact the school. Grade 9 French Trip Students from BHJH will be leaving for their Quebec Winter Carnival Educational Tour on Wednesday, Feb. 11 at 6:00 a.m. The students will be spending five days enjoying the history of Quebec and the many activities associated with the Quebec Winter Carnival. Mrs. Melanie Morrisey-Pictou, Mrs. Lorraine MacPherson, Ms. Rachel Buchholz, Ms. Claudette Lanteigne, Mrs. Evelyn Jackson and Mr. Gilles Boudreau are the chaperones for the trip. The students are due to arrive back in Truro on Sunday, Feb. 15 at approximately 10:00 p.m. 10 registration (gymnasium) Feb. 6 Ski Club (Weather permitting) In Good Standing (IGS) Feb 11 – 15 Grade 9 Fr. Imm./ The IGS program has had a positive impact on student learning at BHJH. Parents are encouraged to keep tabs on their child’s assignment schedule and support them in meeting deadlines. Int.. Trip to Quebec Feb. 13 Ski Club (Weather permitting) Feb. 13 5-Week Deadline for passing Assignments in Feb. 16 Family Day—RECC Skate at 1 -2pm Feb. 17—20 Winter Carnival Feb. 18 School Dance 7:00–9:00 pm (chaperones needed) Feb. 20 Hypnotist Ian Stewart Feb. 20 Ski Club (Weather permitting) Feb. 23 SAC Meeting 6:00 pm School Cancellation Just a reminder to everyone that when school is cancelled all events/ extra-curricular activities scheduled for that day are also cancelled. i.e. Ski club, basketball games, etc. We do not skip a day in the cycle. If a storm day was Day 2, the next day will be Day 2. Feb. 25 BHJH Science Fair Feb. 26 BHJH Storm Date for Science Fair Feb. 27 Ski Club (Weather permitting) March 2-3 Digital Planetarium visits BHJH March 3 Report Cards sent home March 4 Parent/Teacher Interviews (6-8) Please call in Student Absences While anytime a student is absent from school, we would appreciate a call from the parents or guardians excusing the student from school. This time of year it is especially important to report school absenteeism. Bring Your Own Technology—BYOT Students are reminded that the use of cell phones and other electronic devices are a privilege to be used for educational purposes at the teacher’s discretion. They may be used as a musical device at break or lunch as long as they are used outside. There are no restrictions on them after school as long as they are used outside. Failure to comply with these expectations may result in the confiscation of the device and a parent or guardian picking them up at the office. Repeated requests to adhere to these expectations may result in the student not allowed on the premises with the device or a suspension. 24 Shaken Bake Chicken & Mashed Potatoes & Veggies 16 23 Grilled Cheese & Bag of Plain Chips & fruit 22 FAMILY DAY NO SCHOOL 17 Pancakes & Sausage Chicken Quesadillas 15 Chicken Strips & Tators 10 9 Meatloaf, Mashed potatoes & Veggies 8 Soup & Subs 3 Tue 2 Mon 1 Sun 25 Chicken Wings & Rice Mac & Cheese with breadstick 18 Lasagna & Breadstick Hamburger mac & Breadstick 11 4 Wed 26 19 Chili & Breadstick Pizza Sub Chicken Caesar Salad Egg McMuffin & Hashbrown 12 5 Thu Daily Specials only $3.75 February 2015 27 20 13 6 Pizza Day Sheppards Pie Hamburger Chicken Burger Fri 28 21 14 7 Sat Bible Hill Junior High Yearbook Order Form 2014-2015 STUDENT NAME:____________________________ CLASS: _____________________ Students have the option to order hardcover or soft cover full color yearbooks. Yearbooks must be pre-ordered as there are a limited of extras available. A minimum order of 50 books for each soft and hard cover is required to offer the two options. Soft Cover Yearbook Cost $30.00 Hard Cover Yearbook Cost $35.00 Name Stamp $5.00 Parent Message * $5.00 TOTAL *Parents are invited to write a special message for their student which will be included at the bottom of a page. The message is a way of congratulating them or telling your student how proud you are of their hard work. This message is limited to one line. Please us the line below to clearly write your message.
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