Tuesday, February 10, 2015 NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS th Attention All Students: Today, Tues., Feb. 10 during Period 9, all 11th grade students will be called to the Theatre to listen to a presentation on the Korean War. Pega Crimbchin was a teenage civilian living in Korea when the Korean War took place where she observed the conflict first hand. During the war she fell in love with an American GI who struggled against immigration laws to bring her to the United States. Listen to this amazing story presented by Pega and her daughter Katie Schell, author of the book “Love Beyond Measure.” Congratulations Students of the Month for January. The theme was “Most Resilient”: th 9 Grade – Kiley Simpronio and Michael Harcarik th 10 Grade – Rocio Munoz and Joe Milteer th 11 Grade – Hanna Kuklinski and Brett Willner th 12 Grade – Joey Blum and Kristina Fowler Attention Health Students: Did you attend the STEM field trip with Mrs. Quirk? Make up health unit tests will be given in the Library at 2:10 PM today and Wednesday. Attention French Club Members: French Club will be celebrating Mardi Gras on Tues., Feb. 17th in Room AA203 until 3:15 PM. Sign up outside of Room AA203 to bring something. Bring $1.00 if you haven’t joined French Club for the year. We will also be having a Mardi Gras mask competition, so make your best mask and come and masquerade for a prize! Attention All Students: The Data Match Surveys are back! They can be purchased this week outside the Commons during all lunches. Surveys are $2.00 a piece. Please see Mr. McArdle with any questions. OLD ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention Criminal Science Club Members: Field Trip permission forms are due ASAP and must be turned in th BEFORE Fri., Feb. 20 . See Mr. McGowan with any questions. th Attention All Students: There will be a ski trip to Seven Springs this Thurs., Feb. 12 . Please see Mr. Sekelik for necessary forms and to submit payment. h. Attention All Cast Members of Fiddler on the Roof: All ticket order forms are due by noon this Fri., Feb. 13 There is a ticket order collection box in the Main Office. th Attention Media Club Members: Today’s Media Club meeting has been moved to Wed., Feb. 11 after school in Mr. Caprio’s room. th Attention All Students: Student Government will be having its next meeting this year on Wed., Feb. 11 , after school in the Conference Center. We are looking for new members from all grades, so if you are interested in joining Student Government, please attend the meeting. Student Government holds meetings every Wednesday after school in the Conference Center, so even if you cannot attend this meeting, please try to attend another upcoming meeting. Please see Mr. Yerace, Mrs. Clonan, Mr. Flannery, or Mr. McArdle for more information. Attention All Students & Parents: Sponsored by the members of the National Honors Society, a veteran’s collection th drive is currently being held. This drive benefits the VA Hospital of Pittsburgh and will run from February 9 to March th 6 . The items the NHS is looking to donate to the hospital include: new adult size t-shirts, adult socks, combs, hair brushes, toothbrushes, etc. These donations can be placed in the boxes located by the Main Office in the High School. Attention All Students and Parents: Are you considering taking an AP class next year? All are invited to attend AP Information Night at the HS Conference Center this Wed., Feb. 11th from 7:00-8:30 PM. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the Advanced Placement courses that are offered at the high school. The evening will begin with a general information session regarding all AP courses, and culminate with the opportunity for students and parents to talk with the individual AP teachers regarding specific courses. Attendees will leave ready to make informed decisions in scheduling courses for the upcoming year! The Guidance Counselors will also be available for consultation. 1 Attention Circle of Friends Members: Circle of Friends is working hard to put on the February 13th Mardi Gras dance. Circle of Friends meet Wednesday after school in AB224. You will be making goody bags and assigning duties for the dance. Members, please get your registration forms in. Attention All Students: Our SF SADD Chapter (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is looking for members! Sign up for this club in the Student Center and see Sergeant Sgro for more information on meetings and issues the club will address. Attention All Students: Spring sports signups are going on now! Sign up in the Athletic Office by Wed., Feb. 25th. Sports include: softball, baseball, boys tennis, and track. See Mrs. Demynan in the Athletic Office for the appropriate forms. THE SPRING SPORT SEASON BEGINS MONDAY, MARCH 2, 2015. Attention all Students: If you are interested in signing up for the Mini-THON in April, please go to Mr. Flannery’s room to get your signup forms. All money raised from the event will go to support the Four Diamonds Fund to fight childhood cancer. Last year we had thirty teams and over 250 students participate and raised over $21,000, and we hope to see you at this year’s event! A reminder to all team captains that you should be getting your team members signed up on DonorDrive as soon as possible. Attention All Students and Parents: Donate to the “Blizzard Bag Food Drive”. Many times when it snows, Meals on Wheels has to close down, leaving recipients with little to eat. Food donations are requested to make “Blizzard Bags” for local Meals on Wheels to deliver during the winter months. Students can bring in food items to their English classes. Please contact Mrs. Martin with any questions. Here’s what each grade level can bring: th 9 Graders: th 10 Graders: th 11 Graders: th 12 Graders: Single serve box cereals Granola bars and crackers (NutriGrain, Quaker, etc) Canned Soup Ready-to-serve pasta and rice (Minute Rice, Spaghettios, etc) Attention All Students: Interested in learning Python programming language? Now is your chance. This six-week course, designed and taught by high school students, is a great introduction to Python. You will learn basic concepts of coding while building games like Tetris. During the course, you will be introduced to game designers and visit a game design studio to learn more about the gaming industry. Space is limited. Apply today using this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JPX3G6W Session I for South Fayette students runs each Tuesday beginning February 10 through March 17 from 2:15 – 3:45 PM in the High School Library Computer Lab. Session II occurs on the same dates from 3:45 – 5:00 PM and is provided for students from regional schools. This course was designed and will be led by Mark Babatunde. Coteachers are Brooke Ley and Connor Battershall. They designed this course with you in mind! You won’t want to miss it. Feel free to contact Aileen Owens at [email protected] with any questions you may have. Attention All Parents and Students: The South Fayette Girls Softball Team is hosting a Pasta Dinner Fundraiser! nd This event will take place on Sun., Feb. 22 , 2015 at the South Fayette Intermediate School. Come enjoy delicious pasta, breadsticks, desserts, and coffee. There will also be a 50/50 raffle. Please contact Gina Kormick for tickets @ 412-498-6893 or [email protected]. You can also contact Coach Vic Iagnemma for tickets. Attention All Students: Not able to stay after school for math tutoring? If you need to get help on a homework assignment, review for a test, or just simply receive additional practice, you now have the option to do so before school. The math department is now offering AM tutoring 3 days a week. Mrs. Palmer and Ms. Roche will be available for math tutoring on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 6:30 – 7:05 AM in Mrs. Ullom's Room AB 111. Hope to see you there! South Fayette 2014-2015 “Engage·Design·Inspire·Create” 2 3
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