United Presbyterian Church of Plainfield, New Jersey February 22, 2015 10:00 AM First Sunday in Lent _________________________________________________________ THE GATHERING PRELUDE Jesus Walk This Lonesome Valley (Lent) *OPENING HYMN Spiritual 293 This Is My Father’s World CALL TO WORSHIP People of the covenant, give thanks. The Lord is our salvation. Children of the living God, draw near. Jesus Christ is with us. Let us worship God. UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION God our Redeemer, we confess that we are people of ashes and dust. You have claimed us in your covenant, yet we forget your steadfast love. You seek us out in the wilderness, yet we continue to wander in our sin. Forgive us, God of grace. Wash us clean, once again, so that we may return to you Pastor Dottie and follow your holy way; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. PERSONAL PRAYER OF CONFESSION ASSURANCE OF PARDON Pastor Dottie WELCOME / ANNOUNCEMENTS Seminarian Stephanie Merryfield PASSING THE PEACE CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Seminarian Michelle Wildridge THE WORD NEW TESTMENT READING Mark 9:2-9 Page 54 *GLORIA PATRIA SERMON “A Faith that Can Move Mountains” Seminarian Michelle Wildridge THE RESPONSE PRAYER REQUESTS PRAYERS OF THE PASTOR AND PEOPLE THE LORD’S PRAYER BRINGING OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Pastor Aloyo OFFERTORY Just a Little Talk with Jesus (Gospel) C. Derricks *DOXOLOGY (Hymn 592) *PRAYER OF DEDICATION We give Thee but Thine own, What e’er the gift may be; All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, O Lord from Thee. THE SENDING *PARTING HYMN 324 Open My Eyes That I May See *CHARGE & BENEDICTION Pastor Aloyo POSTLUDE We Shall Overcome Traditional ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Assisting in Today’s Worship Service: Liturgist: George Hansen Greeters/Ushers: Wanda Breitenbach, Michael Church Maggie Anglin and Avril Lecky ********************************************************************* WE WELCOME YOU IN JESUS’ NAME! Let us come before the Lord our maker. And may God grant us the humility to be receptive to God’s life changing grace. Nursery Care is provided for infants and toddlers. Again, thanks for coming out today!!! Hearing Aid Units, Large Print Bibles, and Large Print Bulletins are available from an usher. If you are interested in becoming a member of United Church, please see the pastor or an usher. You are invited to the Fellowship Room after worship for refreshments and conversation. ********************************************************************* REMEMBER WITH YOUR PRAYERS, CARDS, AND CALLS: At Home: Joe & Thelma Barnes, Sue Chase, Ronn Daniels, Laurel Grant, Meril Neil, Byron & Shirley Pelan, Jamie Sweeney, JoAnn Edwards, Wilson Family, Crystal Ruth, Chuck Sass, Roger Sadler, Lyn Crawford, Helen Foerster, Pastor Aloyo, and Izaiyah Stokes. Esperanza Aloyo: pastor Victor’s mother Eneida Concepcion: Jennie Rodriquez’s mother Freda Lenzo: friend of Jeanne Ashanky Marty & Nelson Ernest: former members Loni Smith: James Plummer’s daughter Barbara Plummer: James Plummer’s wife Leon Sikanowicz: United’s Plumber Stanton White: Morena White’s husband Steven Mack: former Interfaith assistant Eric LeGrand: paralyzed Rutgers football player Yvonne Alston: Lozelle Whiting’s daughter Allette Bell: Jean Scott’s niece Cynthia Noonan: Bruce Pereyra’s daughter Barbara Pereyra: Bruce Pereyra’s wife Melba Nixon: Joe & Thelma Barnes friend Ernesto Badillo: pastor Victor’s friend Jeanne Norrie: wife of former pastor Rev. Jack Norrie Bob Neumann: Helen Forester’s nephew Virginia Martinez: Gail Stokes mother Patricia Wyzenski: Gail Stokes In-law Larry Brown: Gail Stokes brother In-law Paige Black: daughter of Steve Gray - our Florist Joshua Perry: Pat Robinson’s uncle Helen Pridgen: Audrey Smith’s mother Prayers for our students: Alyssa Aloyo, Sira Semambya, Kiwana Semambya, Macy Robinson, Christopher Awobue Jr., Beatrice Awobue, Bentley Awobue, Stanley Awobue, Izaiyah Stokes and Avery Breitenbach-Allen. Prayers for peace and an end to gun violence throughout our country. U.S. Armed Forces in Afghanistan and citizens of these places. People of Syria. ********************************************************************* FROM OUR PRESBYTERY’S CALENDAR OF PRAYER: First Presbyterian Church, Cranford Rev. John C. Kile Ministers-at-Large Rev. Liz Alexander and Rev. Charles Brackbill ********************************************************************* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 2/27 Kayode Falowo 2/28 Joey Wilson ********************************************************************* TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY 12:15pm. Please bring your lunch, dessert and beverage will be provided. ******************************************************************** Crawford/Walton Memorial Fund The Board of Deacons of United Presbyterian Church Plainfield is accepting applications for the Crawford/Walton Memorial Fund for higher Education. This fund may be used by any member pursuing an undergraduate degree or working in an undergraduate program which will lead to a specific degree. It may also be used by anyone pursuing a seminary degree. Applications are available at the church office or from the Deacons. Donations can be made by members of the church to this fund at any time. PER CAPITA APPORTIONMENT IS DUE MARCH 1, 2015, is as follows: General Assembly $7.07, The Synod of the Northeast $4.00, The Presbytery of Elizabeth $25.80. Total Per Capita is $36.87. Per Capita is a member assessment used to fund the operating expenses of governing bodies. (Book of Order; G-9.0404 d). ********************************************************************* START THE NEW YEAR OFF with Aerobics/Toning class. Zumba Dancing every Saturday 10:00-11:00am. Classes are held in Friendship Hall. Please join us. ************************************************************* ALTAR FLOWERS MINISTRY Once again it is time to think about the Altar Flowers which beautify our Sanctuary each Sunday. The bouquet also brings cheer to members of the congregation who cannot attend worship and are delivered by a visiting Deacon. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please put your name on the flower chart which is hanging in the Narthex. Also, if you wish your flowers to be in memory or celebration of someone, please note it on the chart. Let’s try to fill the chart for the entire year of 2015. Contribution is $30.00. Please see Deacon, Zorina Bowers concerning flowers. Thank you. ********************************************************************* BINGO NIGHT PRIZES NEEDED Boy Scout Troop 5 is running the bingo night at Arista Care at Norwood Terrace the first Monday night of the month. They are looking for prizes for the residents. They can use toiletries, jewelry, lotions, shampoo, razors, to give as gifts to their loved ones. There is a box in the Narthex for any Donations. Any questions contact: Carl or Wanda. THE UPPER ROOM Booklets for January/February/March/April 2015 are available on the literature rack in the Narthex. If you wish to make a donation, please place $1.00 in a pew envelope mark “literature” and place it in the offering plate. Thank you. SCHEDULE FOR February 22 – March 1, 2015 Sunday 10:00am Worship Service, Friendship Hall 11:15 am Communion/Agape Meal, FH 7:30pm A/A Meeting, Friendship Hall Monday 7:30pm Boy Scouts, Friendship Hall Tuesday 12:15pm Lunch/Bible Study 7-8pm Handbell Choir Practice Wednesday 7:00pm A/A Meeting, Friendship Hall Thursday Friday 7:00pm Family Night Saturday 10-11am Wellness class/Zumba exercise, FH 7:00pm A/A Meeting, Hansen Room Sunday 10:00am Holy Communion Service 11:15am Refreshments, Lind Room 7:30pm A/A Friendship Hall __________________________________________________________ THE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 525 East Front Street Plainfield, NJ 07060 908-756-2666 FAX 908-756-4212 Website:http://www.upcplainfield.org Pastor: Rev. Victor Aloyo, Jr. Parish Associate: Rev. Dottie Morris Director of Music: Ronn Daniels Executive Assistant: Pat Robinson Custodian: Sue Terry Church Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm
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