The Bull Horn February 27, 2015 Volume II, Issue II “WELCOME TO THE PASTURE” The Bull Horn newsletter is for the reading enjoyment of Bull Net Members (BNM) and all interested amateur radio operators. For more information on The Bull Net, please visit In this month’s issue: Happenings: Pages 1 and 2 Thoughts: Pages 3 - 6 17: Page 6 The Bull Sheet: Pages 7 - 11 Happenings: The Augusta Winter-Fest. On Saturday, February 7, 2015 many BNM were at the Augusta winter-fest. I started to keep track of who was there but soon found out I had lost count so I won’t try and come up with all the call signs, I think it is safe to say, if you were there you know it. This is more of that brilliant writing mentioned last month. W1JFF, Jeff won a door prize. AA1DX, Gene had a couple of tables full of stuff to sell, he told me that he had sold a whole lot of stuff. I rode up with Den, KA1KPA, both the up and home trips were a piece of cake. No snow falling either way. Seems Den can control the WX. Thanks for the ride Den. It was good to see old friends and make a few new ones. The Maine State Convention and Andy Hamfest are just around the corner, March 27-28, Lewiston, Maine. Throw on your best go to meeting garbs we take pictures of the gang at this one. Remember last year’s picture we had a nonmember get in the picture, this year we will police the area for those people as they don’t know how special we BNM are. Make no room for an impostor. Happenings Two: New BNM, 121 Strong Please welcome our new BNM. BNM# 127, N1CJL, Jim Faughnan of Norwich, VT. Nickname: Jim. BNM# 128, AA1US, Mike Grenier of Oxford, Me. Nickname: Mikey. BNM# 129, K1NMF, Dennis Lavertu of Chichester, NH. Nickname: Chichester. Happenings Three: The February PC. PC 021915: A real good showing for the February PC, 44 BNM and one nonmember, W1PFS, Paul, Clinton, Ma. We had four emails from BNM saying they could not make it, thanks for thinking of us. Good to hear some lost BNM too. We had some good news reported. N1NJB, Cliff reported he has been offered and accepted a job with Pleasant Pine lumber, good news for sure. N1LAW, John has also been out of work for a while and he is going to work at the Portsmouth Naval shipyard. It not fun being unemployed, this is good news all around. Ernie, N1GTY, told us he had talked with Adolf, W1ALS. Adolf has been released from the hospital after a bout with pneumonia. Adolf is in good spirts and on the road to recovery. Hope to hear you soon Adolf. Eric, W1FUU told us he had been down with an intestinal bleeding problem, he said the doctors gave him a couple of pints of blood he was feeling much better. He sounded good and was full of energy, I’m thinking the Doctors might have given him high test. Joe, K1JEK was having a problem with the weather conditions of late, seems he did not want to talk about snow. Problem was, every station that checked in was talking about snow, shoveling it, cleaning off the roof and alike. This was really beating Joe up, so we told him we would spell it S-N-O-W and not say snow. This approach seemed to make him feel better and it was S-N-O-W and not snow for the remainder of the PC. We BNM are so considerate. The subject of the planet Mars came up, we will have more on this later, it’s the subject of the next PC. Want to go to Mars? One way trip! Never see you later! Many thanks to all who stopped by. I hope you enjoyed the PC. Our next PC is March 19, 2015 starting on or about 16:00. Thoughts: K2FIB tells us how! Complements of Bill, K9NCO. NEW YORK CITY — some amateur radio operators are questioning claims by NBC News anchor Brian Williams that he is a newly licensed ham radio operator. Branching out from the “professional” broadcasting ranks into the “amateur” radio hobby is something Williams said he has wanted to do “since interviewing Hiram Percy Maxim in 2009.” “I was thrilled to take and pass the Advanced license class exam earlier this week,” said Williams. “I ordered my first Heathkit straight from the factory on Tuesday.” The newsman said he passed the exam in his hometown of Ridgewood, New Jersey. “In addition, it was only a few minutes after receiving my vanity call sign K2FIB that I earned my DXCC certificate,” said Williams. Williams announced that he had his license in an amateur radio online forum, when he posted in the “Wanted To Buy” section, looking for “one of those cheap handheld Chinese radios.” “I don’t recall you being in my test session,” said Renee Spangledorf in reply to the forum post. He is the Volunteer Examiner in charge of testing for the Ridgewood Radio Rangers. Williams posted a reply saying he may have misremembered some of the facts. “I might be a no-code Tech. I’m not sure,” he said. Seems Mr. Brian Williams misremembers often and has made news doing it. Now it’s Mr. Brian Williams turn in Stomper’s pasture. Just in case you didn’t know: Hiram Percy Maxim (September 2, 1869 – February 17, 1936). K2FIB earned his DXCC in a few minutes and he did it with a Chinese handheld. As there is no call sign of K2FIB in FCC data base, it’s open season on K2FIB! So that’s how it’s done! We are going about this DXCC thing all wrong. Work DXCC with your brand new Chinese handheld. You won’t hear: Split, split”, learn to use your split button, must be a no coder, what is it you don’t understand about split? Up, up, up! The LID dx station won’t tell you what he is working for split, you are supposed to know. K2FIB you are a prime example of a LID. Hey station K2FIB, they spell LID, using your call sign! This is K2FIB, what’s a LID? For those who already have a Chinese uhf/vhf handheld, what are you waiting for? Get her done! I’m ordering mine today. “CQ, CQ, CQ, DX”! Man it is quiet on the band, keep trying Cup Cake, “CQ, CQ, CQ, DX”! I wonder if the Ridgewood Radio Rangers is as much fun as The Bull Net. Thoughts Two: Stomper says! Complements of N1RPH. Mick told me he found this write up on a DX web site. These DX stations have heard it all. Do you want that DX contact confirmed? How to have more FUN DXing on the Bands: 1. If you come upon a pileup, find the exact DX frequency and slowly tune up your KW right on his frequency. Take your time doing this as it has maximum effect this way. The longer you take, the better. It lets others know that YOU are going to call the DX. 2. If you cannot wait to find out the DX call sign, ask, "What is the DX call sign?" On CW send DX?? Call?" Do NOT listen, this takes time. DO this repeatedly until someone gives you the DX call. This will show all others on frequency that you are serious about wanting to work this DX. This is called sharing. 3. When you find out the DX call, repeat your call over and over again on the DX frequency. Even if he is working split there is a chance he may be listening on his transmit frequency. 4. When the DX says "ABC only"- Don't believe him. If he says "Europe only" - Don't believe him. If he says, "2's only" - Don't believe him. Keep giving your call "XYZ? !!.XYZ !! .XYZ !! How Copy MARIO?" Make sure you use his name when you call him, he may think you are someone he knows. It must work as we hear it on bands all the time so it has to be effective. Don't pay attention to directional calls. When did any DX know what they wanted? What matters most is what YOU want. 5. To get the DX to work other modes tell him you want to set up a schedule later which is convenient to you. You should wait until the pileup has built up to several hundred and just before the band is about to go out, then ask him to meet you on CW, PSK31, RTTY or SSB at a set time and frequency. Above all, make sure you tell him that YOU need him on these modes. This will endear you in the hearts of all on frequency, it shows that you can work more than one mode and are a well-rounded amateur. 6. If you have worked the DX previously make sure you call him and tell him that he is stronger than the last 6 times you worked him this week. The DX station will want to know this. Others on frequency will respect you more, you will be recognized as a Big Gun DXer. Thoughts Two Continued: 7. If and when you find a DX pileup, to bring your operating skills to a higher level and impress all those on frequency - Zero beat the DX send "QRL? Is this frequency in use?" This shows character and that you are truly a caring person. 8. When finally making the DX contact, give the DX some background about yourself, TX, RX, ANT, WX, how many children and grandchildren you have, where they went to college, what size bedroom slipper you wear, or any other items of interest to the DX. This shows that you are not just a 59 kind of guy. This is most effective when the band is just about to fold. 9. After you have worked the DX you will need the QSL route. Although this will be listed on the DX packet cluster, in ARRL & DX News Letters, and on the Internet, there is no reason for you to go to all the bother of reading these sources. You can just keep calling on the DX frequency. "What is the QSL Information?" If you don't get a reply with the information after 8 or 10 calls, keep it up, your persistence will pay off. There are plenty of other stations on frequency who are waiting to work the DX who have read these publications and they will be willing and ready to help you. Rules for THE FUN MODE (CW) or the hard easy way for Mick’s benefit. 1. For a split operation, spend most of your day listening and transmitting on the DX sending frequency. If someone calls on the DX transmitting frequency, right away using your J-38 at 4 WPM, send VP,UG,NP (UP). until you get it right. If the station continues to call on the DX frequency, then send LSD, LIB, LED, (LID) until you get it right. This has three benefits. A. Others waiting to work the DX will be forever indebted to you for informing the offending station that the DX is working split. B. The offending station will be grateful. C. You will get some needed code practice to get you over that 5 WPM hump. 2. For those with CW and voice memory keyer this will be easy. All you have to do is program in "UP" and "LID". For the more advanced operators you can add "Split, Split " "You Idiot, Working Split" .Using the memory keyer for your day's activity will save your voice and keying hand. Plus, the QRM you’re creating will be sent correctly even if it is at 4 wpm and impress all those on frequency. Thoughts Two Continued: DX operators who don’t ID often and give good clear instructions, like listening up 2 to 6 or whatever they are doing, helps create much of the QRM. CW DX operators who send instructions at 35 plus wpm one time don’t help much either. On the whole, most hams are trying to do it right, but 35 plus wpm sent one time with all the QRM is just too much, so they guess and if they guess wrong, we all pay for the DX operator’s misunderstanding of controlling the pile up with QRM and frustration. When you hear a DX station controlling the pile up with understandable instructions. The fun comes back to radio and you have a chance to make that contact with enjoymaent. Today I worked a DX station who told all the callers if you transmit while I’m in QSO with a another station and I get your call sign, I won’t work you. The frequency became so quiet, you could hear the DX stations instructions each and every time. When I worked him, I told him I liked what he was doing. His response, “it’s not fun when you have no control, it’s supposed to be fun”. I listened to him work stations for a few minutes, he was having fun. 17: A tribute to Bad Joke, K1GAR, BNM# 14 Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper? He sold his soul to Santa. Why don’t you ever see a Hippopotamus hiding in trees? Because they’re really, really good at it. How does NASA organize their company parties? They planet. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus. It takes a lot of balls to golf like me. Pobodys Nerfect 73 THE BULL SHEET February 27, 2015 Call AA1BQ AA1LO AA1QT AA1US AA1XD AB1MC AB1RA AI1O K1ADM K1APM K1CGZ K1DES K1EMW K1GAR K1HZR K1JEK K1LLR K1NMF Name Tom Dave Whit Dave QTH Holly Hill, FL. Wells, Me. Harry Harry Mikey Brownville, Me. Oxford, Me. 81 128 Who? Fayette, Me. 58 Scott Joe Scott Harpswell Joe Northport, Me. Harpswell, Me. 69 119 Pete Al Bill Paul Dean E. Shorty Don John N. Mac Innes, III Joe Joe Pete Al Willy Peaks Island Paul Dino Don Bad Joke Winnipesaukee Joe Joe Bangor, Me. Augusta, Me. Standish, Me. West Bath, Me. Silent Key Turner, Me. Silent Key Center Harbour, NH Northwood, NH 105 28 2 64 84 10 14 87 35 Paul Paul Chichester Exeter, NH Chichester, NH 45 129 Roger Stratham, NH 109 Mike Gene Nickname BNM# 19 30 K1PV Dennis Roger K1RVA Bob Flick Rochester, NH 78 K1YOT K2ANG Al Captain Twang Sunapee, NH 101 Art Jay Angus Jay Averill Park, NY Clifton Park, NY 41 126 Curt John Curt John Syracuse, NY Harvard, Ma. 34 122 K2QNU K2WOP K4LSX Bill K9 Waterville, Me. 50 KA1BNE Rick Mark Rick Mark Searsport, Me. Farmington, Me. 106 117 KA1EPT Nick Nick 79 KA1FKC KA1GJU KA1JWM KA1KLO Russ Kriss Dave John Dennis Walter Kriss Scotch Pie John Den Cary Plantation, Me. New Sharon, Me. Kensington, NH Biddeford, Me. Watertown, Ct. Lyman, Me. KB1IXI Dick George Mike Pete Sidney Brian Dexter Dick George Cobby Pete Sidney Izzy Dexter, Me. Camden, Me. South Berwick, Me. Gales Ferry, Ct. South Paris, Me. Cohasset, Ma. 74 91 51 67 42 57 KB1JXU Matt Matt Chester, Vt. 82 KB1JZU KB1LUO Bob Sugar Loaf Bob Lunenburg, Ma. 36 Ed Arnold Ed Dunkin Clifton, Me. New Sweden, Me. 93 70 Peter Pete Wells, Me. 114 Travis Ralph Bud Larry Mark Steve Travis Ralph Bud Jackman Larry Mark Thorn Saint Albans, Me. Skowhegan, Me. Searsport, Me. Jackman, Me. Dexter, Me. Chesterville, Me. 80 47 73 61 76 95 Josh Don Jim Josh D.P. Jim Pembroke, Me. Barrington, NH Fort Plain, NY 112 121 94 K9NCO KA1AIL KA1KPA KA1PFD KA1QJK KB1CJG KB1CRB KB1EJI KB1MGY KB1MVP KB1NJB KB1OCZ KB1OF KB1OWO KB1PDZ KB1TUR KB1VDX KB1ZHU KB2RSK 11 124 18 16 86 KC2VWN KD1KE KD1PT KE1LG KJ1Z KY1C KY1E N1BOK N1CJL Kayla Tom Mark Kayla Tom Mark Queensbury, NY Freedom, Me. Machiasport, Me 75 118 90 Steve Mike Paul Steve Mike Paul Pittsfield, Me. North Anson, Me. Wells, Me. 103 26 46 Thomas Rusty W. Farmington, Me. 100 Leo Leo Jim N. Berwick, Me. Norwich, VT 31 127 Steve EQ Ernie Biddeford, Me. Lunenburg, Ma. Monson, Me. 27 39 102 N1GTY Jim Steve Ed Ernie N1IEJ Alan Alan Waldoboro, Me. 116 N1IRB N1KRX Scott Mickey Enfield, Ct. 53 Alan John Brutal Uncle John Topsham, Me. Waterboro, Me. 8 4 N1MLF Delmare Jon Del Jon Houlton, Me. Whiting, Me. 77 96 N1NJB Cliff Capon Orland, Me. 12 N1RPH N1RXE N1SDR Mick Legend Farmington, Me. 3 N1SGL Paul Chad Rick Paul Chad Over Biddeford, Me. Oakland, Me. Skowhegan, Me. 33 29 99 N1UB Barton Bart Sidney, Me. 89 N1UED N1UFU N1ULV N1ULY N1VFU Bob Bob New Haven, Ct. 49 Ed Jim Lloyd Gary Ed Jim Lloyd The Poet Brownville, Me. Lisbon Falls, Me. New Portland, Me. Claremont, NH 48 32 92 21 N1DOW N1EJH N1LAW N1MCL N1VVM N1XW N1YDP N1YFL N1YMM N1YPZ N1YQU N1ZUC N2IFJ N4KSQ NG1P VE1NIK VE1TOT W1ALS W1BON W1FRA W1FUU W1GRM W1GWU W1HYH W1JFF W1LGX W1MEX W1MWB W1NOV W1PNR W1REN W1RLB W1RUO W1XER Ray Fast Ray Lewiston, Me. 23 Mike Ken Pat Larry Tim Don Darrell Chris Dave Bill Rick Irene Adolph Bump Mike Ken Pat Larry Jabba Don Dad Chris Dave Bill Rick Tired old teacher Friday Bump Rochester, NH Mechanic Falls, Me. Hampton, NH Plymouth, Me. N. Sutton, NH Washburn, Me. Starks, Me. Boynton Beach, FL Winter Haven, FL Topsham, Me. South Alton, NS South Alton, NS Milo, Me. Norton, Ma. 123 55 37 52 25 104 60 108 38 88 63 72 9 83 Frank Eric Frank Eric N. Waterboro, Me. Kensington, NH 97 107 George Bob Puffalump Bob Averill Park, NY Alton, NH 22 111 Richard H. MacGown (Dick) Jeff Dale Kevin Mike Tom William D. Beal Jr. Ren Hold your Horses Bangor Jeff Liquid Gold Express Kevin Vox-2 Tom Mack Renster Silent Key Bangor, Me. Baileyville, Me. Wayland, Ma. Wells, Me. Plymouth, Me. Silent Key Northwood, NH 62 66 59 44 20 68 110 120 Bob Dick Scott Berwick Bob Dick Scott N. Berwick, Me. Farmington, Me. Barrington, NH 85 43 24 W2EO Bill Ken Bull Nixon Shiny St. Cloud, FL Patchogue, NY 65 98 Howard Steve Hans Larry Ed Howard Steve Space Junk Radio Larry Cape Cod Ed West Roxbury, Ma. Kensington, NH Conway, NH Waterboro, Me. East Falmouth, Ma. 54 125 7 6 115 Gil Tom Gil Tommy Six Months Littleton, NH Kingston, Ma. 40 5 WS1D Francis Warren Francis Windy Norfolk, NY Springvale, Me. 56 17 WZ1Z Dick Figment Windsor, Me. 71 W2KS WA1CFX WA1STH WA1UFO WB1CIM WB1DSG WB1DVD WB1FLA WF2H Notes: The following BNM numbers are not used: 1, 13, 15 and 113. February Pasture Call check in. New member.
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