Children & Youth @ 3C Community Church Epic Sundays Every Sunday during the morning service at church (0-11yr olds) Lots of fun Contact: Jan Herbert Refresh Sunday Youth Group 3C community church Contact: Saul White Epic Supertroopers Friday 6pm-7.30pm at the 3C building (ages 5-9, Reception to Yr 5) Contact: Christine Sawyer Epic Supertroopers normally meet during term-time only. For further details please contact the leaders. Newsletter - March 2015 Welcome, we’re glad to see you. Keeping our children safe: get a banksman! To avoid accidents, please follow this advice: if you are reversing in our car park, make sure you have someone outside the car to guide you. If you’re arriving on your own, this means you will need to stop the car, find somebody and ask them to act as your ‘banksman’ – a construction industry term for someone on the ground who guides vehicles. Thank you. Marriage matters Next month sees the start of a new Marriage Course at 3C. Based on the tried-and-tested course developed by Holy Trinity Brompton (the Alpha course founders), our seven-week course will be led by our senior elder, Noel. The evenings are designed for any married couple wishing to build a strong and lasting relationship. Each couple’s privacy is respected as there is no group discussion and no requirement to disclose anything about their relationship to anyone else. The evening is based around a meal, so there is no need to eat before you come! When and where: 7.00pm, every Tuesday from 7th April – 19th May at the 3C building. Serving us this month on coffee duty on the following Sunday morning services are: Bryce & Judy’s Group Steve & Karen’s Group Paul & Jan’s Group Steve & Karen’s Group - Catalyst - Latest After an extensive period of consideration and consultation, 3C’s eldership team believe the time is now right for our church to begin the process of integrating fully into the Catalyst network of churches over the next couple of months. If you're in any of the above groups, please speak to your community group leaders in advance about how you can help. Visitors are of course welcome to stay with their children for a while to help them settle. Epic Sundays take place in the hall adjoining the chapel. Parents can meet up with their children again at the end of the adults' meeting (except on Sundays when there is Holy Communion towards the end of the adults' meeting; on those days, we make an announcement asking parents to go and fetch their children and bring them back into the chapel). Feeling lost? Look out for somebody wearing a Welcome Team badge - they’ll be happy to help. Sunday 1st March Sunday 8th March Sunday 15th March Sunday 5th April 3C Community Church Church Road Upper Cam, Dursley GLOS GL11 5PG Tel: 01453 546 775 (office) find us on Facebook: Epic Sundays, our special meeting for children aged 0-11, usually takes place during all our Sunday morning 3C adults' meetings. The children meet with the adults initially in the chapel and then leave with their Epic Sundays children's workers part-way through the service. There is also a varied programme of activities throughout the week for adults, young people and children. Hospitality crew: Coffee duty Welcome to 3C Community Church. We hope you enjoy being with us today and want to come again. Hot drinks are served both before and after the meeting. (continued inside) Catalyst Festival details inside If you are a visitor here today, please make sure you pick up a Welcome Pack from a member of the Welcome Team Scan with your smart phone ‘Come with us and we will do you good!’ - Num 10 : 29 Dates for your Diary - Special Events Sunday service at 10.30am each week unless otherwise stated March 1st Guest speaker: Matt Partridge 10.30am 3C building 8th Guest speaker: Rev. Dave Cave 10.30am 3C building 18th A 3C day of Prayer & Fasting, 7.45pm 3C building 22nd Short Morning gather + 3C AGM 10.30am 3C building 29th Community Group Sunday April also (no main service at 3C today) 3rd 5th Good Friday (details on special Easter flyer) Easter Sunday celebration (details on special Easter flyer) 22nd A 3C day of Prayer & Fasting, 26th Community Group Sunday May also 7.45pm 3C building (no main service at 3C today) 3rd Special Family Service 10.30am 3C building 10th Tearfund Sunday 10.30am 3C building 20th A 3C day of Prayer & Fasting, 7.45pm 3C building 23-26th Catalyst Festival at Stoneleigh 24th Community Group Sunday also Catalyst - Update (continued from front page) Catalyst is a network of around 70-80 churches in the UK, plus many more overseas, ‘working together to make disciples in the nations of the world’. It is part of Newfrontiers, a long-established international family of churches committed to building the Church according to New Testament principles. 3C will be able to draw on the experience, resources, inspiration and wisdom available within Catalyst, as well as benefiting from training and from the network’s wide experience of evangelism and church-planting. See for more details. It’s also not too late to sign up for the Catalyst Festival and join the 3C group who are already going. It’s a great opportunity to meet, worship and learn with thousands of other Christians in the Catalyst network, and there are great activities for children and young people too. The festival runs over the Spring Bank Holiday from Saturday 23rd to Tuesday 26th May at Stoneleigh Park near Coventry. Full details and booking: or pick up a copy of the festival booklet from the 3C Info Table. Matt’s back! 3C welcomes back Matt Partridge, senior leader in the Catalyst network of churches, on Sunday 1st March. His visit follows 3C’s successful autumn away-day together at Emmanuel Church Oxford, where Matt is Lead Elder. Good Friday 2015, 3rd April Good Friday at 3C will begin this year with prayer and communion from 8.45am – 9.30am. Those who wish will then be able to join the Cam & Dursley Walk of Witness, which is expected to pass the 3C building at around 9.45. Details of the rest of 3C’s Easter programme are available on our Easter flyer. (no main service at 3C today) 3C AGM 4U: Sunday 22nd March 3C’s annual review meeting takes place on Sunday 22nd March. It’s an opportunity for us to review the past year and look at plans and budgets for the rest of 2015 together. This year’s meeting will begin immediately after a shorter-than-normal morning service. (Children will have their own Epic activities during the AGM). If you’re a 3C regular, this is a must! Please make a note of the date and do your best to be there. 3C Women 3C Women’s March meeting is on Monday 9th, starting at 7.45pm. All women are welcome. It’s an opportunity to exercise your giftings, so why not seek God for pictures or words of encouragements, prophecies etc. Welcoming Dave Cave Rev. Dave Cave, who speaks at 3C on Sunday 8th March, is a well-known speaker and author with decades of experience of evangelism and church-planting. Dave, a Baptist minister, has led churches in Bradford, Wales and Georgia USA – but mostly in Liverpool. He’s now back in his beloved Anfield – just a stone’s throw from Liverpool FC, which he supports – where he and his wife Tina work as chaplains at Liverpool Lighthouse Centre (aka Temple of Praise). Dave was one of the founders of Jesus in The City, the Evangelical Alliance theology unit (ACUTE) and the Evangelical Coalition on Drugs. He and Tina have been married for 43 years, and have two grown-up sons. An Epic meeting! Everyone on the Epic Sunday and Supertroopers rotas is invited to a team meeting on Thursday 12th March, 7.30pm, at the 3C building. Please be there.
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