Mass TIMES Sunday Eucharist: Saturday Vigil - 5:00 pm Sunday - 8:00, 10:00 am Weekday Masses: Monday—Friday 6:30 am Reconciliation: Fifteen minutes before morning Mass on Tuesday. Saturday from 4:00 to 4:45 pm. You may also call a priest for an appointment for Confession. Eucharistic Adoration: The Adoration Chapel, located in the South Sacristy, is open Mon-Thur 9:00 am - 7:00 pm and Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 p.m. Please come and spend some time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Peter Blake, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Andrew Sigmund, In Residence Permanent Deacons— Rev. Mr. Dan Skillman Director of Music— Mr. Greg Schweizer Parish Nurse— Mrs. Mary Ann Eggleston Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE) — Dr. Christina Sanders Our Lady of Sorrows Rectory: 5020 Rhodes Avenue, 63109-3589 Phone: 351-1600 Fax: 351-1602 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Our Lady of Sorrows School: 5831 South Kingshighway, 63109 Phone: 353-1451 Fax: 351-8464 Mrs. Kath Liermann, Principal E-mail: [email protected] Website: Parish Pastoral Council Members Ray Bockskopf Tom Brennan Dan Cline Don Franke Dominic Grana Krista Grueninger Paul Kappel Julie Temme Megan Temme Diana Wagner Larry Wilson Kathy Winston 752-1425 645-7976 352-2595 353-5528 724-4692 541-1168 353-5875 809-9577 809-2603 330-9275 488-6560 832-9688 Prayer Chain 330-9275 Parish Helpers: 351-4673 FOR MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CALL 752-4660 Martha Ministry (funeral luncheons) School Board President— 351-4673 John Darmody Bulletin articles Should be submitted by 9am Monday morning prior to the weekend the article is to run. Articles may be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 314.351.1602, or drop them off at the Rectory office. Infant Baptism: Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 11:15 pm in Church. Parents are expected to participate in a Baptismal Preparation Program. Please call the rectory to arrange for an infant baptism. Adult Initiation: Adults normally join the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) celebrated at the Easter Vigil, after participating in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Please call the rectory for more information. Anointing of the Sick: If you are homebound, entering the hospital, or otherwise wish to be anointed, please call the rectory to arrange a visit with a priest. Christian Marriage: Couples contemplating Marriage at Our Lady of Sorrows Church should contact a parish priest as soon as possible after engagement and at least six months prior to the wedding date. At least one of the couple should be an active Catholic registered and living in the parish. A program of Marriage Preparation is required. Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life: Any young man contemplating a call to the Priesthood or any young person interested in the Religious Life is encouraged to call one of the parish priests or the Archdiocesan Vocation Office at 792-6460. All parishioners and all Catholics are reminded to pray for religious vocations. [email protected] Parish Mission Statement We, the Catholic community of Our Lady of Sorrows, are disciples of Jesus Christ through our Baptism. Nourished by Word and Sacrament we seek to form adults, teens and children in the ways of the Gospel, while welcoming new members to our parish and our Catholic faith. As a Eucharistic people, guided by the Holy Spirit, we minister to all, especially the ill, elderly and those in need, through works of fellowship, charity and justice. We strive to continue the mission of our parish begun a century ago through the prayerful intercession of Mary, Our Mother. Pastor’s Column: Today we celebrate the First Sunday of Lent. Just a few days ago we began this annual time of repentance and renewal with ashes marking us as sinners in need of turning away from sin to believe in the Gospel. For the past few days we have heard the three disciplines suggested by the Church’s tradition to accomplish this goal; prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Today we are invited to return to the faithfulness of the covenant God has made with us in baptism. Our first reading this weekend tells us the story of God establishing His covenant with Noah after the flood. The rainbow becomes the sign of God’s mercy and love. In the Gospel, Jesus spends 40 days in the desert preparing for ministry where He is tempted by Satan. As He begins, His message is the one we began Lent with, “Repent and believe in the Gospel.” As we journey the path of repentance this year, may God open our hearts to this time of grace to experience the gift of His divine mercy and forgiveness. May the Spirit lead us all to renewal and new birth as disciples of Jesus. Photos for the new Photo Directory begin this week on Tuesday, Feb. 24th, in the Stolte/Schuermann Room. Thank you to all who have signed up and will be part of this great tool for communication and getting to know each other. It is not too late to be included. There are many slots available in April still open. Please go online to the parish website,, and click the link to the sign-up page. Please try to be on time for your appointment as this keeps the process moving as scheduled. Thank you, God Bless you. With Lent each year comes several opportunities and various ways of almsgiving. I am especially grateful to our parish Social Justice Commission for promoting the annual Catholic Relief Service Rice Bowl program. Both our school children and parishioners are encouraged to use this simple program to help those in need around the world and in our local community. Each weekend we will also be collecting canned goods around the cross near the Perpetual Help shrine for our St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Food Pantry. Each week we encourage parishioners to remember the poor by bringing canned goods and placing them by the cross. Throughout Lent the canned goods rise higher and higher as a sign of our solidarity with those in need. Throughout Lent there are also opportunities for more intense prayer, (one of the four signs of a ‘Dynamic Catholic.’) Maybe plan on attending daily Mass one or more times a week, especially on Fridays. Eucharistic Adoration is another opportunity to hear Jesus invite us to “watch one hour with me,” as He did to Peter, James, and John in the Garden before His Passion. Each week, there will be Stations of the Cross at 7pm for the community, and most weeks the School children will pray this devotion at 2:10pm. When we think of fasting during Lent, let’s make it doable! What can I offer up to the Lord as a sacrifice to show my love and priority I want to give to my God? The simpler, the better, as long as it helps us enter the season with a goal to allow God to change our hearts. Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving are three great ways to repent and believe in the Gospel. Finally today, as we have experienced a taste of winter this past week, please remember in your prayers the people of New England who are being hammered with more and more snow than we could possibly imagine. Many are growing ‘Winter Weary’ after receiving, not inches, but several feet of snow. God Bless! Happy Lent! Remember those 3 Hail Marys. (Fr. Pete ) UPCOMING WORKSHOP: Wednesday March 18, 2015 at 7pm In the Stolte-Schuermann Room Speech Meet News Our Lady of Sorrows did a wonderful job at the most recent Speech Meet at St. Joan of Arc. We received 3 blue and 3 gold ribbons. In the Humorous category, Matilda W., received a blue ribbon and in the Serious category, Faith K. and Kaitlyn W., also received blue ribbons. Francesca D. and Anna S. each received gold ribbons for their Humorous speech. Amy D. and Maggie M. received gold ribbons for their Duet. Way to go OLS! Our Lady of Sorrows is now on Facebook! “Like” us at: Space is Limited so Registration is Required To register, go to click on Safe Environment Program, and “Register for a Workshop” MANDATORY SAFE ENVIRONMENT COMPLIANCE Any adults who want to volunteer in parish activities or ministries that include children or vulnerable adults must be in full compliance with the Safe Environment Program of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Compliance requires: 1) attendance at one Protecting God’s Children workshop; 2) a signed Code of Ethical Conduct; and 3) submitting to a background check which will be updated in even numbered years. For more information contact the parish child safety coordinator, Ann Garavaglia at 351-1600. Monday, Feb 23, Lenten Weekday 6:30 a.m. † Mary Ann Murphy Tuesday, Feb 24, Lenten Weekday 6:30 a.m. † Laura Riganti Wednesday Feb 25, Lenten Weekday 6:30 a.m. † James E. Callahan Family 8:15 a.m. † Charles Tichacek Sr. Thursday, Feb 26, Lenten Weekday 6:30 a.m.. † Linda Piasecki Friday, Feb 27, Lenten Weekday 6:30 a.m. † Olga McKenna 8:15 a.m. † Frances M. Grana Saturday, Feb 28, Lenten Weekday 5:00 p.m. Spec Int (RA) celebrant: Fr Peter Blake servers: M McGrath, B Granadillo, G Corzine lectors: E Zesch & C Sykora Sunday Mar 1st, 2nd Sunday of Lent 8:00 a.m. People of OLS celebrant: Fr Peter Blake servers: S Russo, C Capriglione, A Donald lectors: T Thompson 10:00 a.m † Xander Wohlstadter celebrant: Fr Andrew Sigmund servers: B Klevorn, R Kremer, M McManemin lectors: A Garavaglia & M Heisohn •8:15 .am. Mass is determined by the school’s schedule… Will only occur when listed above. Monday, Feb 23 Exercise Class Basketball Practice Gr 6 Parent mtg Adult Faith Formation 9:30 am 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm S/S Rm Faenger Hall Classroom S/S Rm Tuesday, Feb 24 Grade 7 10:30-3pm LIFETOUCH PHOTO SESSIONS 2-9pm Basketball Practice 4:00 pm Chancel Choir 7:00 pm St Vincent De Paul Mtg 7:00 pm Parish Council Mtg 7:00 pm 1st Communion parent mtg 7;)0 pm Faenger Hall S/S Rm Faenger Hall Church Holland Rm CAFETERIA Church Wednesday, Feb 25 LIFETOUCH PHOTO SESSIONS 2-9pm Quilting 9:00 am Basketball Practice 4:00 pm Quilting 5:00 pm GS Troop 647 6:30 pm BS Troop 51 7:00 pm S/S Rm Quilting Rm Faenger Hall Quilting room Fr Brennell Rm Cafeteria Thursday, Feb 26 Legion of Mary 8:45 am NO Exercise Class today LIFETOUCH PHOTO SESSIONS 2-9pm Over 50 Club 9:30 am Basketball Practice 4:00 pm Fish Fry Prep 6:00 pm Holland Rm S/S Rm Faenger Hall Faenger Hall Cafeteria Friday, Feb 27 LIFETOUCH PHOTO SESSIONS 2-9pm Stations of the Cross (school) 2:00 pm Basketball games 4:00 pm Fish Fry 4:30 pm Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm S/S Rm Church Faenger Hall Cafeteria Church Saturday, Feb 28 Lenten Morning of Reflection Basketball League Play 8:00 am LIFETOUCH PHOTO SESSIONS 10am-5pm Cafeteria, Church Faenger Hall S/S Rm Sunday, Mar 1 Remember in your prayers all deceased members of Our Lady of Sorrows Coffee & Donuts Instructional Basketball Men’s Basketball after Masses 11:00 am 8:00 pm Cafeteria Faenger Hall Faenger Hall READINGS FOR THE WEEK 2/23/2015—2/29/2015 Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10 Pray for the Sick Please Remember the following people in your prayers: Ron Toth Becky Blaha Kenneth Miller Tom Davis Virginia McDermott Fr John Dempsey Beatrice Reymer Emma Bullock Alexander MacDonald Eleanor Rimkus (please contact the office when an individual can be removed from this list) 2015 Lenten Fish Fries Join us for our next Fish Fry Friday 2/27 from 4:30—7:00 pm in the school cafeteria. For delivery, call Nancy at 314-258-3144 the evening before. The fish fry committee is still in need of volunteers to help with the serving of meals to our patrons on Fridays during lent. If you are able to donate a few hours of your time during any of the next 6 Fridays please contact Maureen at [email protected]. OLS School families still interested in helping and being eligible for the OLS Men's Club $500 scholarship can still volunteer as well. We need help, a fish fry is a big undertaking and can only happen with community support. Please consider volunteering! FISH FRY MENU SERVING FRIED COD FILLET, FRIED SHRIMP AND BAKED COD ADULT PLATE: $8.50 (Includes 2 Sides) CHOICE OF FISH (2 PIECES) or 6 SHRIMP SENIOR’S OR CHILD’S PLATE: $5.50 (Includes 2 Sides) CHOICE OF FISH (1 PIECE) or 3 SHRIMP DINNERS INCLUDE BREAD, CONDIMENTS, LEMONADE, ICED TEA & COFFEE Cole Slaw SIDE ITEMS Green Beans Hush Puppies Applesauce Potato Salad Spaghetti Mac & Cheese ALA CARTE Fish Fillet Sandwich ... $4.00 Shrimp ......................... $1.00 ea. Baked Cod (1) .............. $3.00 Grilled Cheese ............. $2.00 Side Items .................... $1.25 “Special” ...................... $3.00 Dessert ......................... $ .50 Soda ............................. $1.00 Bottled Water............... $1.00 Lemonade .................... $1.00 Iced Tea ....................... $1.00 Coffee ........................... $1.00 Beer .............................. $2.00 Faith Formation Opportunities BAPTISMAL PREPARATION The next Baptismal Preparation Evening is Monday, March 2nd from 7-8 p.m. in the Rectory. If you need to have your child (under 7) baptized, please call 351-1600, to sign up for our next preparation opportunity. Dynamic Catholic, Alive! – What is Lent? Lent is a 40 day season of repentance in anticipation of the Crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday. It is a time for us to grow in spiritual maturity, through acts of penance, prayer, almsgiving, abstinence, and fasting. This Lent, take time to go to Confession and participate in the Stations of the Cross. There are also many excellent Lenten reflection books available. Do you know why Lent is forty days long? Do you want a sign from God? Take this as your sign from God! JOIN The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic Book Study and Discussion Group! Groups will meet for about an hour each week, and for 6 consecutive weeks: Beginning on Tuesday, February 17th, Sue Dunn will host a group at 1 p.m. Beginning on Tuesday, February 17th, Ev and John Corich will host a group at 7 p.m. Beginning on Thursday, February 19th, Christina Sanders will host a group at 8 a.m. Cost: Free. Just bring your The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic book. For more information and/or to register, contact Christina Sanders at 351.1600 or [email protected]. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH + Beginning @ 9:00 a.m. with light continental breakfast. + Continuing with guest speaker Lou Conroy (Our Lady of Sorrows Parishioner). + Ending @ Noon after Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction. Morning of PRAYER during this Season of Lent: Jesus HELP me! … THANK you Jesus! … WOW, Jesus, you are amazing! Experience a time of prayer & contemplation as we explore the power of prayer in our daily efforts to become the-best-version-of-myself … a Dynamic Catholic. OUR LADY OF SORROWS SCHOOL CAFETERIA 5020 Rhodes Ave. St. Louis, MO 63109 For more info or to let us know you are coming, contact Christina Sanders: 314.351.1600 or [email protected] Registration encouraged, but are not necessary. Winter Centering Prayer introductory workshops Do you seek the small, still voice of God? These workshops will help you find the God within and hear with the ear of the heart. At these introductions to Centering Prayer, you'll learn about prayer as relationship, the simple method of Centering Prayer, how to deal with thoughts during prayer and how to deepen your relationship with God. You'll experience two periods of Centering Prayer. Choose between two locations and dates: Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Grace Episcopal Church 514 East Argonne Drive Kirkwood MO 63122 Forty Days for Life Members of Our Lady of Sorrows will picket the Planned Parenthood abortion facility on Tuesday, March 3 from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm. Please reserve your hour and call soon. Call Audrey Mehan at 481-5712. Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Thank you to all who responded to our appeal for adorers in the Chapel. The Eucharistic Adoration Chapel has one hour open: Saturday, March 7, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. St. Monica Church Hall 12136 Olive Blvd. (at I-270) Follow up (optional) Saturday, March 14, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. St. Louis MO 63141 Grace Episcopal Church Registration & continental breakfast at 8:30am Lunch: Bring your own; refrigeration provided Cost: $25 covers the workshop and optional follow-up session For more information or to register contact Dianne Mees at 832-1376 or [email protected] or Tuesday 2:00 pm Please consider giving your name as a substitute or full time adorer. call Terri, 771-1984 or Audrey at 481-5712. Permanent Diaconate Are you feeling a call to grow in your service to the Gospel and our Church? Consider a Vocation to the Permanent Diaconate. Please consider attending one of the upcoming Information Nights on Tuesday, March 3 or Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the Cardinal Rigali Center – St. Louis. For more information, or to reserve a pace, call the Office of the Diaconate at (314) 792-7431. You may also contact Deacon Dan Skillman at (314) 353-4148. Attention Ushers, Lectors, and Eucharistic Ministers! The Archdiocese of St Louis is offering a Parish Ministry Day on Saturday, March 7th from 9am-noon at the Cathedral Basilica on Lindell. This day will provide information and training for parish ministers. There will be two tracks offered, so you would be free to attend training for two different ministries. Cost is $10 a person (which will be paid by the parish). Please contact the office if you are interested in attending. Pro Life Square Dance Thank You Thanks to the OLS parishioners and friends of OLS who came to the Square Dance and enjoyed a great evening of fun, fellowship, and dancing. We certainly celebrated life – with guests from 90 years of age to an infant, and every age in between!!!! Thanks to those whose contributions of time, talent, and treasure helped us raise over $1200 for Pro Life: Grant Villhard and the OLS Athletic Association Linda Carter and the Women’s Guild Mary Gerau Mary Lou Goedeker Bill & Rosemary Kuhn Carol Christy Ann Garavaglia Phillip and Ben Klevorn John Corich The Sykora Family Brianna Schutzenhofer 2015 Our Lady of Sorrows Picnic This year’s picnic will be held on June 2 starting with the Parade at 9 am, followed by bingo, raffles, games, food, carnival rides and plenty of entertainment! Our committees include Parade, Food, Booths, Entertainment, and Financial. There are various volunteer opportunities if you are interested in helping. We are prayerfully seeking a person or two to head up the Food Committee. We have several people with years of experience that are willing to help you! This year we are also expanding the opportunity for you or a business to sponsor one of our 22 booths or the Entertainment Stage. If you are interested in helping out or sponsoring a booth, please contact Tom Skillman at 7074148 or email [email protected]. Please join us for the fun and help make this the best Picnic ever. What:OLS TRIVIA NIGHT Who: You & your friends From the Parish Nurse: Alzheimer’s - Know the 10 Signs When: Saturday, March 21st Time: Doors open at 6:00 Trivia night starts at 6:30 Why: IT IS FUN! Table of 8 $160 Lets make this the biggest one yet! Reserve your table, donate a basket or gift card or volunteer your time. We will be have a silent auction for First Communion reserved seats, VIP parking spot and lots more. If you have any questions contact Anne Kromer 314-306-1236 or Jon Lober 636-299-6414 Thank you! It may be hard to know the difference between age-related changes and the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Some people may recognize changes in themselves before anyone else notices. Other times, friends and family will be the first to observe changes in memory, behavior or abilities. To help identify problems early, the Alzheimer’s Association has created a list of warning signs for Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Individuals may experience one or more of these in different degrees. 1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life. One of the most common signs of Alzheimer's especially in the early stages, is forgetting recently learned information. Others include forgetting important dates or events; asking of the same information over and over and increasingly needing to rely on memory aids (e.g. reminder notes or electronic devices) or family members for things they used to handle on their own. What’s a typical age-related change? Sometimes forgetting names or appointments but remembering them later. 2. Challenges in planning or solving problems. Some people may experience changes in their ability to develop and follow a plan or work with numbers. They may have trouble following a familiar recipe or keeping track of monthly bills. They may have difficulty concentrating and take much longer to do things than they did before. What’s a typical age-related change? Making occasional errors when balancing a checkbook. 3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure. People with Alzheimer’s often find it hard to complete daily tasks. Sometimes, people may have trouble driving to a familiar location, managing a budget at work or remembering the rules of a favorite game. What’s a typical age-related change? Occasionally needing help to use the settings on a microwave or to record a television show. 4. Confusion with time or place. People with Alzheimer’s can lose track of dates, seasons and the passage of time. They may have trouble understanding something if it is not happening immediately. Sometimes they may forget where they are or how they got there. What’s a typical age-related change? Getting confused about the day of the week but figuring it out later. 5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships. For some people, having vision problems is a sign of Alzheimer’s they may have difficulty reading, judging distance and determining color or contrast, which may cause problems with driving. What’s a typical age-related change? Vision changes related to cataracts. We would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to the kind person who donated over 100 of the most beautiful, handmade greeting cards! They are works of art! We will enjoy sending them as much as the recipients will enjoy receiving them. We truly appreciate your generosity! OLS Card Ministry Want to play CYC baseball/ softball this season? OLS Pre-K through 8th grade Baseball/Softball registration is currently open, and will close on February 20. Please register through the EZroster website before February 20 to avoid a $25 late fee. Contact Paul Schulze at [email protected] with any questions. OUR LADY OF SORROWS SCHOOL WALKATHON PRIZES NEEDED: A Walkathon will be held on April 9th to raise money for the special programs in our school. The first phase of this fund raiser is under way which is acquiring prizes to award to each student who brings in money from pledges. We are in need of 110 prizes. If you or anyone you know would like to donate something for this purpose, we would be most appreciative. All donors will be acknowledged in our Spring Concert Program book. The types of items we need are those appropriate for grades all grades, especially grades 5-8. Popular prizes are toys, games, electronic games, CD players, IPods, MP3 Players, radios, stereos, watches, jewelry, cameras, sports equipment, gift certificates (restaurants, movie theaters, movie rentals, department stores etc.) We need lots of $10 and $20 items. We are also in need of a Boy’s 24 or 26 inch bicycle. The pledge drive will begin March 19 at which time our list of prizes will be published. For information about making your prize donation please contact Mark Hasenstab at : 314 302 5419 or email at [email protected] . We will continue with signs 6-10 in next week’s bulletin (this information courtesy of the Alzheimer’s Association) Hungering for A Better Life Our journey with CRS Rice bowl begins in Tanzania, where a simple soybean is changing lives! What actions can you take this Lent to change lives – at home and around the world? Night of Jazz Fundraiser Rice Bowl Meal 40 years ago, Catholics in the United States wanted to respond to famine in Africa. Could we feed the hungry through Lenten prayers, fasting and almsgiving? The answer was yes--and the CRS Rice Bowl was born! This year, as in the past, CRS is highlighting 5 countries: Nicaragua, Tanzania, Niger, Lebanon, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Please join us for a simple meal prepared from a recipe from Nicaragua, gallo pinto (red beans and rice), on Sunday, March 8, in the cafeteria. The meal will be served from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. with a presentation on the good work of CRS by Dominican Brother Lorenzo Laorden and Brother Nicholas Reynolds, following the meal. All are reservations required! Free will offerings will be accepted with all money collected sent to CRS. Fair Trade coffee, tea and chocolate will also be available for purchase. For more information contact Dianne Mees, 832-1376. OVER 50 CLUB Our meeting will be Thursday February 26, 2015 The meeting will begin at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be served at noon Followed by bingo featuring the Bishop DuBourg High School Jazz Band with Special Guests The Gateway City Big Band Saturday, March 14th 7:30pm – 9:30pm Faenger Hall at Our Lady of Sorrows School Join the Bishop DuBourg High School Jazz Band, with very special guests The Gateway City Big Band, for an unforgettable night of live jazz music! The evening starts with a 50-minute set by the Bishop DuBourg High School Jazz Band, one of the premier high school jazz ensembles in the St. Louis area. Immediately following this will be an hour-long set by the Gateway City Big Band, one of the finest and most notable professional big bands in the St. Louis area. You can read more about the Gateway City Big Band at General Admission is $12, and VIP Admission is $20. Patrons who purchase VIP Admission will be waited on by servers who will offer an assortment of desserts and drinks. Beer and wine will be served to VIP patrons of legal age. Tickets may be purchased by visiting 100% of all proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the Bishop DuBourg High School Music Department. Invite your friends and family to attend this all-star event and help keep music alive in our schools! OLS Bowling Event! Come join the OLS parish family for an afternoon of bowling at Epiphany Lanes on Sunday March 15th from 2:00 until 4:00 PM. The event is sponsored by the Parish Council and will be a great opportunity for Fellowship, Rejoicing, and Fun! Non-bowlers are welcome too! Cost per bowler: $5 (includes shoe rental and unlimited bowling) No charge for non-bowlers Due to limited space, reservations are encouraged and will be on a first come, first serve basis. You can submit a team or individual reservation. 6 people per team. Any partial team registrations will be combined with other individuals. Please return registration form below to the Rectory or via the Sunday collection. Money will be collected the day of the event. You are welcome to bring a dessert to share at the event. All other food and all beverage must be purchased from the concession stand. Epiphany Lanes is a CASH ONLY establishment. Bowling at Epiphany Lanes—March 15, 2015 Name: Number of people registering:_______ Phone: CLEANING FOR THE NEW YEAR? Catholic Families Tuition Assistance Well, while you’re at it, grab all those dusty books you no longer have room for and consider donating them to the Women’s Guild for our long awaited Book Fair (which will be held this July!). We have boxes at the doors of Church marked “Books for W.G” and we’ll be accepting all books with the exception of text (school) books and encyclopedias. Any money we make on any and all of our endeavors gets turned in for repairs, replacements and items for our beautiful Church and School, or things the Pastor deems necessary so please help!. You can also drop books off at 5635 Milentz. If you are unable to get to Church or to Milentz but have books you’d like to donate, please call 752-4660. We appreciate your kind and generous help! Any Catholic family wishing to apply for tuition assistance through the Archdiocese for the 2015-2016 school year must submit a “FACTS” application. You may apply online at Students must attend an Archdiocesan or Parochial Elementary School or an Archdiocesan or Parochial High School to be eligible. The due date for the application is March 15, 2015 and must include a copy of your 2013 Income Tax Return and 2014 W2’s. The Catholic Education Center appreciates the support of the ACA and all of its donors. OLS LADIES, FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS & ACQUAINTANCES You are cordially invited to join us Housewives of “Hysteria Lane” as we take a break from cleaning and ironing and have us a TEA PARTY! Given by: Hysterical Housewives (OLS Women’s Guild) Date and Time: March 14, 10:00 am—12:00 pm Place: Our Kitchen (school cafeteria) Cost: $5.00 For tea, sweets and a dust-free morning! Dress: Casual Bring your favorite tea-cup if you have one (don’t worry—we have plenty), relax and help solve a mystery! ———————————————————————Fill out below, return with your $5.00 to “OLS WG c/o Housewife Dee” no late than March 6th. Drop in collection basket or send to Linda Carter 5635 MIlentz 63109 NAME: ______________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________________________________ $5.00 Enclosed
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