March 2015 News & Previews of Upcoming Attractions in Kings Point Superstar Jim Stafford Entertains Kings Point! Critically acclaimed as the "Victor Borge of the Guitar,", Jim creates hilarious antics from everyday life – out of his mind and into your heart! Appearing March 16 in the Kings Point Borini Theatre. Please see pp. 16-17 for more information about the Series, a Kings Point tradition. THE POINTER Send submissions to: [email protected] March 2015 Published by ‘here for you!’ Editor: Michael Crook 387-3446 Federation Office 633-2083 COA Office 633-1710 Box Office 387-3447 Front Gate 634-2063 South Gate 645-9355 Main Club 634-9229 South Club 387-3483 Palm Court Café 387-3482 / Orders 387-3463 Spa Serenity 387-3475 Main Club Fitness 387-3457 South Club Fitness 387-3476 Le Perk Café 387-3450 Lost & Found 387-3471 Master Association 633-6291 First Service 642-8990 Transportation Office 387-3470 Front Gate Visitor Access [email protected] Free Tax Preparation By IRS Trained Counselors At the Kings Point Main Clubhouse. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ke appointments during OPEN hours at 938-8959. Walk-Ins welcome. Bring photo I.D., your Social Security Card and last year’s tax return, if available.. RFEC Vacancies There are three (3) unit ownerresident vacant positions with each serving a two (2) year term on the Recreational Facilities Executive Committee beginning April 1, 2015. If you are interested, you may apply for the resident seat vacancy in Regions III, IV or V by submitting a cover letter and resume to Liz Argott, Federation Secretary, and put it in the Federation Mailbox in the President’s mailroom or email [email protected] by February 27, 2015. Federation Update Events Affecting Kings Point JUST A THOUGHT…. The World is Changed By Your Example— Not Your Opinion…. -Paulo Coelho Jim Haggerty, President Federation Board of Directors Elections…. The 2015 Federation of Kings Point Annual Meeting and Election of Directors will be held on Friday, March 27, 2015 at 9:30 am in the Kings Point North Clubhouse, Borini Theatre. There are a total of five (5) vacancies, four are for a two (2) year term and one is for a (1) year term. Elections will be held in District II, III, IV, V, and VI. The Directors will be elected by a plurality vote according to the ballots tallied at the annual meeting. Qualification for the position of Federation Director is that the candidate must be an Owner within a Kings Point Member Association within the District for which they are applying at the time of nomination and during the entire duration of the term of office. To place a name in nomination or to declare your own intention to run, you must complete and sign a Nomination and Certification Form and submit the form no later than 4:00 pm on Wednesday, February 18, 2015. District II District III District IV District V District VI Maureen Hamilton Gitano “Tom” Barba James Haggerty Marty O’Neill Wayne Musholt Eligible to Run Again Term Limited Term Limited Eligible to Run Again Eligible to Run Again ELECTION DISTRICT II (1-Year Term): Cambridge A, B, C, E, F, H, I, J, K, L and M, Canton Court D, Dorchester A, B, C and D, Gloucester A, B, C and D, Knolls I, II and III. ELECTION DISTRICT III (2-Year Term): Gloucester E, F,G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Highgate A, B, C, D, E, F, Idlewood, Princeton, Quail Pass. ELECTION DISTRICT IV (2-Year Term) Highgate II, III,IV, Lancaster I, III. ELECTION DISTRICT V (2-Year Term) Lancaster II, IV, Radison I, II, Southampton I, II, Tremont I, II, Worthington, Yorkshire. ELECTION DISTRICT VI (2-Year Term) Manchester I, II, III, IV, Nantucket I, II, III. Incumbents not up for election in 2015: Bill Piper (District I), Mike Bardell (District VII), Liz Argott (District VIII), and Mary Ann Meeker (District IX) 3 Safety & Security K ings Point’s Security Department constantly strives to maintain the duty and honor of securing the safest community in Hillsborough County. Throughout the years, the Kings Point Security Department has implemented many changes and has faced numerous challenges to continue to keep Kings Point residents out of harm’s way. The growing number of homes and increasing resident and visitor counts has added an additional factor that generates even another level to the challenges facing security. In an effort to provide the best community safety, various security methods will be added and/or updated during the next six months. As these changes are put into service we ask for your patience, support and appreciation in helping us to create the safest environment for all residents. The combined efforts of Kings Point’s Security and Kings Point residents will provide the community with the best outcome at meeting our goal: staying the safest community in Hillsborough County. One concern I have is the over use of the 30-day passes. When a resident requests a 30-day pass, they are giving their visitor complete access to Kings Point for 30 days. These passes are helpful for residents to avoid multiple calls to the gates and are appropriate for family, close friends and medical personnel, etc., who frequently visit the designated resident’s location throughout the month. Not all visitors have the same concern for the community’s safety as your family. We have found 30-day passes that have been issued to visitors on the ground outside of the Kings 4 Point Community. When a 30-day pass is issued to cleaning services, handyman services, taxi services, landscape companies and other services,that are not exclusively intended for the resident’s call-in location, cause a possible security threat to all residents. Residents who call in the visitor 30-day pass request are ultimately responsible for the community access for that visitor. Visitors who ask residents to issue a 30-day pass based on “our other visits” are placing the call-in resident in a difficult and responsible position. Residents are asked to be conservative with all 30-day pass requests. If any questionable situations do occur, please contact the security department. You can call in any visitor request 7 days in advance (634-2063) or use our e-mail address at [email protected]. Joe Burt is Kings Point’s Director of Security Clubs & Organizations Feb. 11: Kings Point’s new ‘Fan Club,’ meets monthly from noon to 3 p.m. in the KPCH Banquet Room, an opportunity to spend time with neighbors while making new friends. Bring your own brown bag lunch and a beverage to the meetings, where there will be games, themed programs, and donated magazines, books and coupons available for members to take home. Information: Jean Becker, 813-633-2615 or Jo-Ellen Bromberg, 813-922-4984. February 12: Eagle Audubon Society invites members and non-members to its monthly meeting. Speaker George Ingram, Herpetologist, presents “Snakes of Hillsborough County and Sun City Center”. Refreshments, social time and trip sign-up begin at 1:20 in the Banquet Room and the meeting follows at 2:00 PM. Feb. 14: KP Pennsylvania Club holds its Valentine Party from 5-9 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. Bill Stabile will entertain with the Sounds of Sinatra. Menu by Banquet Masters. Tickets on sale at Main Clubhouse Jan. 21 & 28, Feb. 4 and 9, from 10-noon. Members $25, non-members $30. Feb 15: KP Baby Boomers’ Valentine Dance – Enjoy an evening with us in the Borini Theater 6:30-9:30 pm, and dance to the music of Flashback. Members $10/Guests $12. Tickets will be sold in the KPCH lobby Noon until 2 pm: Jan 28 (Wed), Jan 31 (Sat), Feb 4 (Wed), Feb 7 (Sat). Members $10/Guests $12. BYOB, Set-ups & Snacks. Questions: 813-634-0792 Feb. 17: Jameson Greens Drive Mardi Gras Golf Cart Parade. Leaving Jameson promptly at 1 p.m. Decorated Golf Carts will parade through these associations: Lyndhurst-Maplewoood-Nottingham-Oakley-PortsmithGrantham-Inverness-Corinth-Acadia-South Club HouseKensington. Feb. 17: The Jewish Club presents A Tribute to President’s Day with ‘Shows to Go’, a fantastic group of talented dancers, singers and comedians. KPCH Banquet Room, 6:30 p.m. Desserts will be served. For details on reservations and payment, please call Simone Shaw, 813.922.4191. Reservations must be received by Feb. 12. Feb. 19-20: The 2015 KPAL Annual Art Show, “Homage Aux Artistes” – (tribute to the artists) is coming up on Thursday, February 19th and Friday, February 20th. Mark your calendars to stop by the Banquet Room in the North Clubhouse from 10am until 4pm to view the KPAL Artist's accomplishments, talents, techniques, and passions. We will have raffle tickets available for charity, with a chance to win 3 outstanding paintings. Also, be sure to vote for YOUR favorite painting for People’s Choice Award and Peer Award. Our Judge this year is Laura Avery from Ringling Museum of Art. Feb. 20: Samaritan Services Benefit at 6 p.m. in the SCC Community Hall. 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Featuring Riverview High School Vision Show Chorus and more! Desserts, Coffee, BYOB. $12 to benefit Samaritan Services. February 21: Eagle Audubon Society presents the second in the series of adventure films “America’s Parklands” narrated by its distinguished photographer Gray Warriner. 7:30 PM in the Borini Theater. Tickets are available at the Kings Point Clubhouse Box Office. Individual tickets $8.00. Feb. 22: The Canadian Club sponsors a Golf Day. It will be a shotgun start at Kings Point Golf Club at 9 a.m. There will be a $10 golf charge for non-ClubLink players and $10 charge to everyone for the dinner to be held at 5 p.m. in the Borini Theater. Dinner participants are asked to bring a dessert for 4 to 6 people, a plate, cutlery, BOYB. Tickets in the Borini Theater on Jan. 12th at 2-4 p.m. or contact Ed at 260-3195. Feb. 23: Michigan Club Pizza Party, (pizza, beer, pop and salad provided) 5-10 p.m. in the KPCH Borini Theatre. Tickets sold Tuesdays 9-noon in the KPCH Lobby. $10 members, $12 non-members. March 3: The New York Club will be having their St. Patrick’s Day party at 5:00 PM in the Kings Point Borini Room. Food catered by Banquet Masters. Music by Gari. Cost $18.50 for members $22.50 for guests. For further information please contact Frank Gatto at 633-8942. March 8: Rockin' Thru the Years Dance Club dance, 7-10 p.m. in the Kings Point Borini Theater. Music by The New Travelers Band. Tickets are $5. Buy your tickets Feb. 10th, 17th, and 24th and March 3rd in the Kings Point South Clubhouse Palm Court Cafe 11 am to 2 pm. You may bring your own snacks and the dance is BYOB. Cups, Napkins, Water and Ice are provided. More information: Sandi at [email protected]. Continued on next page 5 Continued from previous page March 10: The Jewish Club presents ‘Mystery Game Night.” 6:30 p.m., KPCH Banquet Room. Deli sandwiches, sides and desserts served. Contact Simone Shaw for information on reservations and payment, 922-4191. March 10: The Italian Club will have an free ice cream social for it’s Election Night. This is for 2015 paid up members ONLY. 6 p.m., KPCH Borini. Elections at 6:30 PM. Reservations needed. To reserve your place, please call Tom Barba at 633-0264. March 17: The Michigan Club presents its annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance, 5-10 p.m. in the KPCH Borini Theatre. March 19: Eagle Audubon presents “Loving and Living With Animals — Saving Endangered Species” with Kay Rosaire, owner of Big Cat Habitat and Gulf Coast Sanctuary in Sarasota. March 20: Jazz Lovers Group will be listening to the development of jazz as cool jazz gives rise to many new styles and rhythms with Latin and Cuban leading the way. We will be meeting in the KPCH Ripple Room 2-4 PM Contact Bill Ferron 938-3571, [email protected] March 22: KP Baby Boomers’ Caribbean Night. Dress for the “Islands” and dance to Alpha Steel in true Caribbean “style”. KPCH Borini Theater 6:30-9:30 pm. Tickets will be sold in the KPCH lobby Noon to 2 pm: Mar 4 (Wed), Mar 7 (Sat), Mar 11 (Wed). Members $10/ Guests $12. BYOB, Set-ups & Snacks. Contact KarenJean 813-634-0792 for info. March 25: KP Pennsylvania Club presents ‘Back to the Dean Martin Show,’ 5-9 p.m., KPCH Borini. BYOB. Catering by Suncoast Caterers. March 25: Krafters Spring Sale to be held in the Kraft Room from 9 a.m. to noon. March 28: The Heartland Club hosts a Pot-Luck dinner at 5 p.m., KPCH Banquet Room. Former or current residents of Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas are all invited. Members free; $2 for non-members. Meat and coffee or tea provided. Guestsasked to BYOB and a salad, side dish or dessert for 8-10. Reservations must be made by March 25 by e-mailing Sylvia at [email protected]. March 30: Kings Point Tennis Club Luau, 6-10 p.m. in the KPCH Banquet Room. Music by “ELLA and TJ” who specialize in luau entertainment. Dinner includes bbq pork, cole slaw, appetizers, dessert and more. BYOB, door prizes, 50/50, and leis! All welcome. Tickets $20; $25 nonmembers, sold at the courts. 6 The Billiard Club has three regular 8-Ball Tournaments each month open to everyone interested. One is a competitive 8-Ball Tournament held each 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm (next two are February 11th and March 11th). The next 8-Ball Tournament is held on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 9:00 am (next two will be on February 24th and March 24th). The new one is the Dutch Mixed Doubles 8-Ball tournament to be held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 6 pm (next two will be Feb. 19 and March 19). Canadian Social Evenings will be held in the Loft at the South Club, from 7 to 9 pm, each 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Enjoy a beverage, chat, and meet other Canadians. Starts January 5th and goes to April 20th. Contact Nancy Morton for further details, 938-1498. Kings Point Ceramic Club has reinstated Friday classes for the season from 8:30 to 11:00am. Thursday classes remain the same from 9-3 pm. Classes are in the craft room and are open to all Kings Point and Sun City Center residents and their guests. Call Florence, 634-7320, or Mary Anne, 6438747. Kings Point Bingo: Doors open at 11 a.m. Thursdays, with papers on sale from 11:30-12:30. First game starts at 12:45 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays, doors open at 4 p.m. with papers on sale from 5-6:30 p.m. First game starts at 6:45 p.m. The TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Florida 845 club meets every Thursday from 8:15 a.m.-10:00 a.m. in the Kings Point South Club Jubilee 3 Room. Join us for weightloss support and wellness education. First meeting free, then join with annual membership. Taoist Tai Chi: Classes offered Mon. and Fri., 9:30-11:00 a.m.; Saturdays 10:30-12:00 p.m., KPCH Studio. Feline Folks Feline Folks is in great need of feeders. We feed daily. If you would like to take a test ride to learn more about the process, contact us at 813-545-7611. Economic Information Club meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 3:30 PM in the Atrium room, Kings Point North Clubhouse. Speakers provide education on the types of market activities which will help members manage their investments. Don Fletchal, 813-938-3215 The Diversity Group meets the third Thursday at 10 a.m. in the KPCH Atrium room. All walks of life are welcome! [email protected] KP SCC Travel Club meets the 2nd Sunday of every month at 2:00 p.m. in the KPCH Card Room. All welcome! The Kings Point Pickleball Club plays 7 days a week at the south club courts from 3 pm to dark. Club dues are $10 annually to be paid at the annual meeting in January. If interested in participating come to the courts, we have paddles and balls for new players to use. Kings Point Events South Club & Palm Court Surf & Turf Dinner Friday, March 6th 6:00 pm - Seating Upscale dining with Tables of 4 The Loft $26.00 all inclusive Tickets @ Box Office or KPSC Prime Rib Dinner Friday, March 27th 6:00 p.m. - Seating Full Bar Service Jubilee Hall $16.50 all inclusive Tickets @ KPSC or Box Office Mixed Greens and Gorgonzola Salad (Gorgonzola, Dried Cherries, Raisins, Grapes, Toasted Walnuts, Apples Julienne and Honey Cider Vinaigrette) Grilled Flat Iron Steak and Shrimp Scampi Baked Apple Crisp Coffee or Iced Tea Choice of a glass of House Wine or Draft Beer Menu Caesar Salad Roast Prime Rib of Beef, Au Jus Twice Baked Potato, Steamed Vegetable New York Style Cheesecake Coffee or Iced Tea (Prime Rib cooked to “Medium Doneness”) Lunch - 11:00 am - 3:30 pm Dinner - 4:00 pm - 10 pm Palm Court Menu Soups & Salads Pizza & Wings Sandwiches & Daily Specials Steaks & Seafood Wines, Cocktails, Craft Beer... Talk of the Town Palm Court Restaurant Heart Healthy Menu ♥ Every Wednesday Eat in or Take out. Call 813-387-3463 to order How to Order Food in the Palm Court From dine-in to take out, it's easy to get your favorite Palm Court menu selections anytime. 1. Place your food order & pay at the order counter. 2. Vesta Chefs will prepare your food fresh per your request. 3. Our food runners will deliver the prepared order to your table. 4. Fresh food is worth the wait of about 30-35 minutes during peak lunch and dinner service, 11 to 1 pm & 5-8pm 5. Bartenders will take food orders for residents seated at the PC Bar. Singles Table available at each special dinner. Reservations closed 72 hours prior to the event. Fat Tuesday Fete March 3rd, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 pm Music by Al Foreman Palm Court Menu Specials Seafood Gumbo Jambalaya Bourbon Bread Pudding Jubilee Hall St. Patrick’s Weekend Celebration Saturday through Tuesday March 14th to Tuesday 17th Palm Court Bar & Jubilee Hall Traditional Irish Fare Black & Tan, Irish Whiskey... Guinness Table numbers pre-assigned by the South Club. Events subject to cancellation based on participation. 7 T Monthly Dinner Tues., March 24 5:15 p.m. KPCH Banquet Room March Menu: Tossed Salad, Pork Loin and Gravy, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Vegetable, Dessert Iced Tea and Coffee $10.50 (includes tax) Available at KPCH Box Office Palm Court Bar March 14th, 15th, 16th & 17th A weekend of Irish Flavor Guinness, Black & Tan, Irish Whisky Palm Court Restaurant & Bar All Day Traditional Irish Fare March 17th Karaoke Irish Style 8 Fat Tuesday Fete March 3rd, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 pm Music by Al Foreman Palm Court Specials Seafood Gumbo Jambalaya Bourbon Bread Pudding Jubilee Hall Borini Theatre Presents: Showtimes: 2:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. **2:00 p.m. show will have Closed Captioning** Tickets: $1.50 –Available at the KPCH Box Office Monday, March 23 The Judge Big city lawyer Hank Palmer returns to his childhood home where his father, the town's judge, is suspected of murder. Hank sets out to discover the truth and, along the way, reconnects with his estranged family. Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall Rated: R Runtime: 141 minutes 9 It’s time to In conjunction with the annual “Ring in the S we will hold an Open House Celeb Friday, M 10 a.m. -2 KPCH Front Lawn an Food Trucks Farmer’s Market Live Music Visit with Local Businesses KP Clubs, Groups and Orgs (Club leaders, if you would like to register for a table, please see either business office.) 10 Celebrate! Spring 2015” Kings Point Community Festival, bration for your new 2020 Centre! March 20 2 p.m. nd the 2020 Centre Join us as we celebrate a project 10 years in the making! 11 a.m.-Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Followed by small group tours of the building And much more! 11 The Federation Board has approved an increase in the daily guest pass fee to $2.50 for the guests of Kings Point residents. When does it go into effect? April 6, 2015 Who needs to purchase a guest pass? Guests of residents who are invited to enjoy the Kings Point amenities will need to purchase the appropriate guest pass at either Clubhouse. The Amenities include the Main Clubhouse, South Club and future 2020 Centre, as well as, the outdoor recreational facilities like lawn bowling, pools, pickle ball, tennis and shuffleboard. Who does not need to purchase a guest pass? Guests do not need a pass while dining in one of the clubhouse cafes, when receiving spa services or while attending a ticketed event in the theatre. Non-resident dues paying members of Kings Point Clubs and Organizations do not need a pass to attend club meetings and events. Where can I purchase a guest pass? Guest passes may be purchased during regular business hours, M-F 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at the KPCH Box Office or South Club Concierge, or with Clubhouse Security during evening and weekend hours. The Security staff will be checking in all areas for guest pass compliance so please remind your guests to have the pass available and if possible, visible at all times while enjoying the amenities. If you have any questions, please contact General Manager Matt Permuth at 387-3485. Kings Point Friends and Neighbors Club (The FAN Club) Presents a Concert & Dance Party with Tom & Michelle, ‘Latitude’ Wednesday, April 22, 7-10 p.m. In the Borini Theatre Music of their Concert Series Popular Dance Music Original ‘Coastal’ Party Music BYOB & Snacks Setups Provided Reserved Tables Tickets $15 plus tax Kings Point Clubhouse Box Office 12 1st & 3rd Tuesday Each Month March 3 & 17 8 a.m.-2 p.m. in the KPCH Parking Lot 2015 Kings Point “This show ROCKS!” Lip Sync Show Tickets on sale NOW for 2 p.m. show ONLY! Fri., Feb. 20 2 & 6 p.m. “Cant miss event of the year!” $7.50 at KPCH Box Office 13 For the latest updates, visit kin Sunday Monday *NOTE: “KPCH” is the 1 main clubhouse; “KPSC” is Pool Deck Cookout, the South Club. All out11 events, a.m. toincluding 4 p.m., door KPSC* pool cookouts, will be canceled in bad weather. Some may be canceled due to lack of interest. Tuesday 2 Newcomers Coffee, 9 a.m., KPCH Banquet 8 Pool Deck Cookout, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., KPSC* Series Show: Dulap and Pennington, 7:30 p.m., KPCH Borini Theatre 15 Pool Deck Cookout, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., KPSC* St. Patrick’s Weekend Celebration, KPSC Pool Deck Cookout, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., KPSC* Pool Deck Cookout, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., KPSC* Movie: ‘The Judge,’ 2 & 7:30 p.m., KPCH Borini 24 Karaoke & Tacos, KPSC, 5 p.m. Monthly Dinner, 5:15 p.m., KPCH Banquet Series Show: The Ditchfield Family Singers, 7:30 p.m., KPCH Borini Theatre Federation B a.m., KPCH 17 30 Farmer’s Market, 8-2 RFEC meetin p.m., KPCH Parking Lot a.m., KPCH St. Patrick’s Day Line Dance P Celebration, all day, p.m., KPCH KPSC Palm Court 23 29 10 Security Awareness, 1 p.m. KPCH Fiber Arts Karaoke & Tacos, KPSC, 5 p.m. 16 Series Show: The Jim Stafford Show, 7:30 p.m., KPCH Borini Theatre St. Patrick’s Weekend Celebration, KPSC 22 3 Farmer’s Market, 8-2 COA meets a p.m., KPCH Parking Lot KPCH Banqu Fat Tuesday Fete, KPSC Queen’s Lun Jubilee, 6-9 p.m. Noon, KPCH 9 Wedne 31 Karaoke & Tacos, KPSC, 5 p.m. esday Thursday 4 at 7 p.m., uet Room ncheon, H Borini Friday 5 Rock’n Rendezvous, 5 p.m., KPSC Jubilee 11 6 April Pointer available Kings Point Follies, 7 p.m., KPCH Borini Surf & Turf dinner, 6 p.m., KPSC Jubilee 12 Board, 9:30 Rockin Rendezvous, Card Room 5 p.m., KPSC Jubilee 18 ng, 9:30 Card Room Party, 7 Borini Saturday 13 19 Series Show: Joey Dee & The Starliters, 7:30 p.m., KPCH Borini Theatre 25 Rockin Rendezvous, 5 p.m., KPSC Jubilee Country Night Dance, KPSC Jubilee, 5 p.m. 14 Pool Deck Cookout, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., KPSC* St. Patrick’s Weekend Celebration, KPSC 20 21 Community Festival Pool Deck Cookout, and Open House for 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., the 2020 Centre, KPCH KPSC* lawn, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday Night Fever, 610 p.m., KPSC 26 7 Pool Deck Cookout, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., KPSC* Kings Point Follies, 1:30 & 7 p.m., KPSC Borini 27 Fed. Membership Mtg., 9:30 a.m., KPCH Borini Prime Rib Dinner, KPSC, 6 p.m. Jubilee Hall Florida Lottery Is Now Available at the KPCH BOX OFFICE! Drop by during Box Office hours and enjoy the convenience! 28 Pool Deck Cookout, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., KPSC* * Note: ‘KPCH’ is the Main Florida Lottery Is Now Clubhouse; ‘KPSC’ is the Available at All theoutdoor KPCH South Club. BOXincluding OFFICE! pool events, cookouts, may be Drop by during Box canceled due to weather Office hours and enjoy or the lackconvenience! of interest. Kings Point Follies Journey back to the 50s and 60s as your friends and neighbors perform some of the era’s greatest hits! 16 Fri., March 6 at 7 p.m. Sat., March 7 at 1:30 & 7:00 p.m. KPCH Borini Theatre Tickets: $14 KPCH Box Office Main Clubhouse Residents Only: Friday, February 27 from 4-6 p.m. Shop an t goods, c iques, sporting lothes, fu kitchen ware, bo rniture, much m oks, and ore! Open to KP & SCC Residents: Saturday, February 28 9-1 p.m. EXPLORE 4 ROOMS! Borini Theatre E/W Room Banquet Room Craft Room Learn what’s happening in Kings Point right from your inbox! Sign up for Vesta eVents e-blasts! Signing up is easy! Email [email protected] to submit your email address Visit and sign up from our home page Fill out the form below and drop it off at either Business Office Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes! Please send me e-blasts from Vesta Property Services about Kings Point news, events and emergency notifications. Terms of service: Our email marketing is permission based. If you receive an email from us, our records indicate you have expressly shared this address for the purpose of receiving information in the future. We respect your time and attention by controlling the frequency of our mailings. We will never share, sell or rent individual personal information with anyone for their promotional use without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to us is only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request for information. Please Support Pointer Advertisers … They Fund Your #1 News Source 18 In the KPCH Lobby from 10 a.m.-NOON $25 Members/$30 Guests 19 Line Dance Everyone is welcome at a FREE line dance social party Wednesday, March 18, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Borini Theatre This month’s theme is: ‘St. Patrick’s Day’ No ticket needed! Open to Kings Point and SCC residents and guests! BYOB & SETUPS Instructor & D.J. Jan Ulics 20 Get them answered every Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m.—2 p.m. in the KPCH Lobby We’re Going Places A Free Ride All Kings Point residents are eligible to ride Hart Line Bus Route 53 LX free of charge just by showing your Kings Point badge. Hart Line Bus Service Kings Point Tram services to every resident and house guest! KP Tram Services REMINDER! If using the tram from the clubhouse, transportation office MUST be notified before quarter-past the hour and you must be present in the foyer by 25 minutes past the hour. Internal Tram Service: Mon-Fri on the half hour Shuttles residents, lessees and their guests to ALL locations within the community. If you want to attend an event at the North Clubhouse, South Clubhouse, visit Minto’s new model homes, Nantucket Pool or you simply want to visit a friend, call 387-3470. External Tram Service: Mon-Fri on the hour There are over 20 local stops our drivers take residents, lessees and their guests outside of Kings Point. They include shopping centers, doctors offices and hospitals. These routes occur on an hourly basis Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Just call 387-3470 to schedule your pick-up! Saturday Transportation “The Lunch Bunch/Shopping Service” travels between 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. to different restaurants and shopping centers. Sunday Services: Local Church Service routes are available. NOTE ON NEW BINGO SCHEDULE: A Special Tram runs between 5 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., to and from the Main Clubhouse, for Bingo. Please note that the tram will now be departing the Main Clubhouse at 5 p.m. for Bingo. Upcoming Active Adult Field Trips Feb. 11 Feb. 13 March 13 March 18 Big Bend Goodson’s Strawberry Farm Goodson’s Strawberry Farm Big Bend 11 a.m. departure from KPCH 1 p.m. departure from KPCH 1 p.m. departure from KPCH 11 a.m. departure from KPCH 21 ry nta se by e lim ee mp d Ch ouse o C an t H h ine W Brig ry nta e by e m pli hees Comand C ouse e H Win Bright 22 y ntar ime eese by l p Com nd Ch use ea Ho Win right B 23 Fitness & Wellness 24 25 Resident Services Vesta offers Resident Services to Kings Point residents & guests. Call Nanette Leggett, 387-3449. Menu of Services Referral suggestions for services. Hearing specialist to check ears and hearing aids every 1st & 3rd Friday, 1011 a.m., in the KPCH Professional Services Center. Free notary services are available at the Kings Point South Club. Blood pressure screening in Kings Point clubhouses. Faxing is available in both the Main and South clubhouse Cyberspace computer lounges. 26 The ‘ASK A NURSE’ PROGRAM is now being provided by Comfort Keepers 10-11 a.m. Fridays Stop by to see them in the Kings Point Main Clubhouse lobby Professional Services Center . Are You At Risk? In less than 1 hour you can avoid disease. Schedule with a company your peers know and trust. Friday, March 13th Sun City Center Inn 809 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. $40 $40 $40 THYROID ULTRASOUND $40 $95 179 $ With this 27
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