to see the current bulletin. - Canyon Lake Church of Christ

Please sign a visitor card and drop in the collection plate.
An unattended nursery is available at the back next to the ladies room.
Family News
Our hearts are saddened with the passing of our dear Margaret Snow. She
passed away Wednesday night at her home with her daughters by her side.
Her funeral was yesterday in Canyon Lake. Burial will be in Houston.
~Pamela Cone had successful cataract surgery Wednesday.
~Mike Dwight had successful hernia surgery last Monday and is
recuperating at home. Peyton was sick with strep throat.
~Jerry Blevins was moved to Eden Hill for rehab Wednesday afternoon.
~Glynn Talbert, former member, has been diagnosed with liver cancer. He
is in Room 613 at Kirkwood Manor in New Braunfels. Keep both Glynn and
Patsy in your prayers.
~Tommi Amundsen is in Sundance Rehab room 201, with good and bad
~Bill Babb is going to have cataract surgery soon.
~Bill Dudley will have skin cancer surgery Tuesday in San Antonio.
~Nelda Carter's mother-in-law has been in the hospital in San Antonio. She
is 101 years old!
~Jim and Pat Haessler attended Joe Majors' funeral last Saturday in
Garland. They made it back before the bad weather hit.
~We are glad that Mac and Sue McCollum are feeling better.
~Ken and Adele McCoy attended a friend's funeral in Brownsville Friday.
~Keep Gary Wilson’s family in your prayers; they are having health issues.
~Len and Connie Nuckols are in new living quarters next to Larry and
Beverly's home in New Braunfels. Daughter Lynette visited last week-end.
~Joe and Lisa Culfa braved the weather to go to Iowa to pick up their
brand new fifth wheel this past week. They stayed in an RV park at Ft. Sill,
Oklahoma a few days to give it a trial run. We're glad they had a safe trip!
Happenings and Notes
Tuesday: Ladies Bible Class luncheon; please bring a salad or sandwiches.
Next Sunday, March 8: Time change. Move clocks up 1 hour. Also
remember that will be Pot Luck Sunday with song service to follow.
Saturday, March 14: Men’s Business Meeting, 8 AM.
May 3: Friends and Family Day (No May 10th pot luck)
Prayer List
Members: Bill Babb, Mike Dwight, Connie Nuckols, Fred Tallmadge, Marlene
Blevins, Michael Dove, John and Davida Hollingsworth, Lori Spencer.
Relatives and Friends: Roland Korte (family friend of Jackie Ort, cancer),
Vernon Arnold (brother of Shirley Tallmadge), Jennifer Goodwin (Linda
Bliss’ daughter), Joshua Horn (son of former members, autoimmune limbic
encephalitis), Frank Smith (friend of Sam & Carol Ann Collette), Arthur
Faulkner (back and neck surgery), Sid Beauman (Mike’s father, cancer),
Glenn Talbert (former member, liver cancer).
March 1, 2015
Privileged to Serve
Would you consider yourself a curious person? Is having a
curious mind a good thing to have? There is a Biblical story
recorded for us in Luke 19 about a “wee little man” called
Zacchaeus. Other than in Vacation Bible School, or our weekly
Bible classes, we probably don’t spend much time thinking of
Zacchaeus, BUT, that would be a mistake. Zacchaeus may have
been a wee little man in stature, but don’t sell him SHORT. There’s
a lot of good things we can learn from this man, one of which was
his curiosity. That curiosity, you recall, caused him to run ahead of
Jesus, climb that sycamore tree so that he could see his Lord.
Friend, that curiosity of his brought salvation to his house. Yes,
curiosity can certainly be a good thing.
What about your curiosity? Does it spill over into your
Christianity? You see, it is good to be curious about spiritual things.
Remember the words of the Apostle Paul?: “Prove all things; hold
fast to that which is good.” I Thessalonians 5:21. Jesus told the
Jews to “Search the scriptures” John 5:39. He urged them to also
be “Fruit inspectors” Matthew 7:15-20. What we learn here is
that the Lord gave us eyes, ears, and brains for a reason. Curiosity
leads to investigation, and truth is never hurt by investigation.
Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make
your free.” John 8:32.
When we become curious enough about Bible questions,
we will search for Bible answers. We will become more like the
Bereans we read of in Acts 17… “for they received the message
with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to
see if what Paul said was true.” Curiosity is not something to be
discouraged…it is a good quality to have.
Copies of sermons are available on CD upon request.
Song Leader:
Opening Prayer:
Closing Prayer:
Jim Haessler
Joe Friant
Ken McCoy
J D Woods
Joe Culfa
Zack Bennett
Ken Morris
Ron Cone
Charles Boren
Bill Babb
Joe Friant
Ken McCoy
Ron Cone
Charles Boren
Bill Babb
(If you cannot serve, please notify Ron Cone at 964-4041)
Others Who Serve
Business Chairman (2015):
Visitor Bags (March):
Communion prep (March):
Visitor Cards (1st Sunday):
Ken McCoy
Ron Cone
Wanita Faulkner, Adele McCoy,
Gary Wilson
Wanita Faulkner
Nelda Carter, Wanita Faulkner
Last Week's Record:
Sunday Morning Bible Class
Sunday Morning Attendance
Sunday Evening Attendance
Wednesday Night Attendance
Contribution Last Sunday:
In Search of the Lord’s Way: Mack Lyon and Phil Sanders
FOX Station KABB 29- GVTC Channel 11, 7:00 AM
WGN: DirecTV 307 and Dish 239 at 6:00 AM