Our Mission “...one body and one Spirit, as you were also called to

(904) 859-3539
(904) 353-2700
P.O.Box 10854 • Jacksonville, FL 32247
[email protected]
March 1, 2015 ~ 2nd Sunday of Lent (B)
LakeShore Bicycle and Fitness
Proprietor: Charlie & Mark Fetzer
2108 Blanding Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 388-0612
Tune in to
Queen of Peace Radio
Radio For Your Soul!
~ Daily Mass and Devotions ~
~ Live Q & A Call-In Programs ~
~ Area Parish Event Announcements ~
Info & schedule online at www.qopradio.com
~ When you tune in, listen for your fellow parishioners n our new ads! ~
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“...one body and one Spirit,
as you were also called to
the one hope of your call;
one Lord, one faith, one
one God and Father of all,
who is over all and through
all and in all.”
~Ephesians 4:4-6
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Our Mission
We are the temple of the living God, transformed by the Spirit into sacred
vessels for the treasure of Christ. Like the monstrance, we present the love and light
of Christ for all to see. Together, we become the dwelling place of God.
2609 Park Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32204
Phone: 904-387-2554 • Fax: 904-388-6871
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Web: www.stpauls-jax.org
Stay up-to-date ~ join us on facebook:
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 9:30 AM-4:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM-2:00 PM
Phone: 904-387-2841
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.spsjax.org
Ministries and
To schedule a Baptism,
Wedding, or Funeral at
St. Paul’s, please contact
the Church Office.
From the Desk of the Pastor
Church Office
Brandy French 387-2554
Hello everyone,
School Principal
Kim Repper 387-2841
Sandra Sapinsky
Altar & Rosary Society
Theresa Fiore 772-7060
Religious Education
Sandra Hull-Richardson
[email protected]
Finance Council
:: Shirley Burns
Knights of Columbus
Mike Lyons
Dr. Helen Garrity 264-0007
Parents Aux. President
Beate Rinaman 859-5096
Parish Council
Buster French 422-0904
School Board Chair
Chris Hutto
Parish Nurse
Suzanne Murphy 387-1583
St. Paul’s Guild
June McAdams 387-4905
Monday, March 2nd
No Mass
God’s love chose to take no reprieve from the sacrifice of the beloved
Son, for the cost of reprieve would have been the loss of all those
others who would become God’s children by adoption. Yet even here,
in this relentless story of love’s ultimate sacrifice, the promise of
Easter shines through the clouds.
In the Gospel today, the stories of God speaking on the desert
mountaintop to Moses from a cloud of fire and to Elijah in profound
silence, commanding each of them to go to the people with the word
of life, come together here to identify Jesus as the one in whom the
fire dwells unseen and of whom the voice says, “This is my beloved
Son.” We are charged to listen and to follow through the twisting
desert paths before us to the final fulfillment of the promise of life
made again and again to God’s wandering people.
Thursday, March 5th
6:00 p.m.: †Mario Di Fazio
By: Fr. Sal
Friday, March 6th
6:00 p.m.: †Christina Louisa Stauter
By: Ann Staley
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Bill O’Brien, Caroline Narramore, Kate Starr
Minister of the Word: Anita Thompson, Ed Sicotte
Altar Servers: Robert Dizor, Jayme Marquez, Jack Pease
Sunday Mass – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 7th
4:00 p.m.: †Carlos Medina Corrales
Sunday, March 8th
9:00 a.m.: †Vollie Dunlap
By: St. Paul’s Parish
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Theresa Fiore, Laura Montagano, Susan Hamilton
Ministers of the Word: Paul Sulzbacher
Altar Servers: Joanna Michelowski, Lucas Figlietti
11:00 a.m.: †Christine Maranto-Kinne
By: Mr. & Mrs. Donoher & Family
7:00 p.m.: For the People
Father Sal
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Air Conditioning • Heating • Refrigeration • Clean Air Professionals
Your Comfort is Our Success
Readings for March 8th, 2015 – Third Sunday of Lent
J. Daniel Griffin
2nd Reading: Corinthians 1:22-25
Gospel: John 2:13-25
Sunday Mass – 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass – 11:00 a.m.
Your Pastor,
1st Reading: Exodus 20:1-17 or 20:1-3,
7-8, 12-17
Psalm: 19:8-11
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Christa Feely, Tony Feely, Maria Andreu
Ministers of the Word: Brandy French
Altar Servers: Amber Ryals, Alexus Forshee
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Midge Daniell-Hutto, Mary Long, Rodney Brown
Ministers of the Word: Annette Page, John Hale
Altar Servers: Aaron McAdams, Riley Rogers, Francis
Wednesday, March 4th
8:00 a.m.: †Phyllis Van de Ryt
By: Ann Staley
May God bless you and all the ones you love!
Bereavement Luncheons
Debra Capley 384-8882
Baptismal Classes
Vigil Mass – 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 3rd
6:00 p.m.:†Norbert & Mary Louise
By: Denise Watson
Lent is a journey in faith through dark places toward the promised
light. We see this in today’s first reading, when Abraham’s faithful
obedience takes him to the brink of his son’s death by his own hand as
he prepared to sacrifice to God the very gift God had given to fulfill
the promise of countless descendants. In Abraham’s story, faith and
obedience are rewarded by reprieve.
St. Vincent de Paul
Ministry Schedule
Weekend of March 7th & March 8th
Mass Intentions
Second Sunday of Lent
1000 Edison Avenue • Jacksonville, FL 32204
P.O. Box 37068 • 32236-7068
904/356-3963 • Fax 904/356-4969
[email protected]
GA LIC# CN208112
FL LIC# CMC056755
FL LIC# CAC041190
Your Ad Here
Saint Paul’s Parish Notices
40 Days for Life Jacksonville
February 18-March 29, 2015
The vigil site is:
A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville
4131 University Blvd S
Jacksonville, FL 32216
From 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. daily
40 days for Life features three components:
1. Prayer & Fasting: Join together with
other believers for 40 days of fervent prayer
and fasting for an end to abortion.
2. Peaceful Vigil: Stand for life during a 40day peaceful public witness outside A
Women’s Choice of Jacksonville (see above).
3. Community Outreach: Bring positive
pro-life message to every corner of our city
through media efforts, advocacy, and public
For more information visit:
Weekend of February 22, 2015
Offertory for All Masses: $ 8,398.50
The budget to support both the
church and school is $12,000.00 in
offertory each week. Please pray for
St. Paul’s that this goal is met.
Renovation Fund: $ 2,620.00
Thank you for your
generous contributions
Don’t forget!
Daylight Savings Time begins on March 8. Make
sure to set your clocks ahead so you don’t miss next
weekend’s Masses!
Diocesan and Parish Announcements
The Knights of
# 15132
Stations of the Cross
Fridays during Lent
5:30 p.m. in the main church
Due to the Women’s CRHP
Weekend, there will be no
coffee & bagels this Sunday.
Interested in becoming a Knight?
Contact Eric Tatum at 904-607-6260 or
[email protected]
Two-Week India Experience
Fr. Augustin will be leading a group of interested
people on a two-week trip to explore India in
October 2015. Below are the highlights of the
October 1 – Arrive in Delhi
October 2-3 – Explore Delhi
October 4 – Travel to Agra (Taj Mahal)
October 5 – Travel to Jaipur
October 6 – Explore Jaipur
October 7 – Travel to Mumbai
October 8 – Beach day at Marari Resort
October 9 – Travel to Munnar
October 10 – Explore Munnar
October 11 – Travel to Periyar
October 12-13 – Explore Periyar
October 14 – Travel to Cochin
October 15 – Explore Cochin
October 16 – Depart Cochin to return home
For more information or to reserve your spot on
this tour, call or email the St. Paul’s parish office
(387-2554 or [email protected])
and we will forward your information to Fr.
Augustin. Anyone interested in reserving a spot
should let us know no later than February 28.
Happy traveling!
Please Join Us!
Every Sunday
The Exposition and Benediction of
The Holy Sacrament
And Singing
The Divine Mercy Chaplet
3:00 p.m.
St. Paul’s School and Parish Notices
St. Paul’s Important
St. Vincent de Paul
Recurring Events
• Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Baptismal
Classes (registration required)
• Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. RCIA in the library
• First Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. St. Paul’s
• Second Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus
•Thursdays, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Solemn Adoration in Mary’s Chapel
• First Friday, 5:30 p.m. Divine Mercy
Chaplet; 6:00 p.m. Mass followed by
Family Night Pot Luck Supper
• Saturdays, 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Solemn Adoration in Mary’s Chapel
• Third Saturdays, 12:30 p.m. The
Secular Franciscan Fraternity, rectory
Dining room
• Third Sunday, after 9:00 a.m. Mass,
Knights of Columbus Big Breakfast
• Sundays, 10:00 a.m. CCD classes in
the school
• First & Last Sunday of the month,
10:00 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Gift Shop open
March 8: Daylight Savings Time
begins; make sure to set your
clocks ahead one hour
March 13-14: Eucharistic
Congress at the Prime Osborn
Convention Center
March 21: Knights of Columbus
Annual St. Patty’s Day Party in
the Auditorium
March 22: St. Paul’s Guild
Annual Parish Picnic & Easter
Egg Hunt at Boone Park
Want to look further ahead on the
church calendar? Visit our website at
www.stpauls-jax.org to access the
entire church calendar and check for
We are thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ for allowing us
to be part of such a caring parish. It is only with your
help that we can continue to provide assistance to the
needy families in our parish and community. During
these very cold weeks, your contributions are very
appreciated. Donations can always be made via the Poor
Box in the back of the church or with St. Vincent de Paul
envelopes during the collection at Mass. The staff for the
church office will also be glad to accept your donations.
Thank you for your support!
Lenten Holy Hours
“He said to them, “Come, and you will see.” John 1:39
Rather than hosting a parish-wide Lenten retreat this year,
Fr. Sal will instead be offering Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament and Confession in the main church one evening
per week for two hours each. All are welcome. The dates
Wednesday, Mar. 11, 7-9 p.m.
Tuesday, Mar. 17, 7-9 p.m.
Thursday, Mar. 26, 7-9 p.m.
Tuesday, Mar. 31, 7-9 p.m.
Make plans to come to this
year’s Eucharistic Congress,
to be held March 13th & 14th,
at the Prime Osborn Convention
Center! Visit www.floridaeucharist.org
St. Paul’s Family Choir
Choir practice is held on Mondays at
6:30 P.M. and will continue until 8:00
Sunday Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 P.M.
Sunday: 9:00 A.M. ~ 11:00 A.M. ~ 7:00 P.M.
Weekday Mass Schedule:
(Held in Mary’s Chapel unless noted)
Tuesday: 6:00 P.M.
Marriage Preparation
Wednesday: 8:00 A.M.
In the church ~ schoolchildren attend
Thursday & Friday: 6:00 P.M.
To schedule a wedding, an engaged couple must
meet with their parish priest or deacon at least 8
months before their proposed wedding date.
Preparation for the sacrament includes attending
a diocesan program, such as Engaged Encounter
or Pre-Cana, and completing the FOCCUS
inventory. All couples of child-bearing age will
also need to take a full course of Natural Family
Planning. Pre-registration for each of these
programs is mandatory. The next Engaged
Encounter program will be held March 20th-22nd
at Marywood Retreat and Conference Center. The
next Pre-Cana program will be May 9 at St.
Matthew’s. For more information about the
diocesan requirements or to register for any of
the diocesan programs, please visit www.dcfl.org
or call 308-7474.
Baptismal Classes
The next baptismal class will be held
March 24th at 7:30 p.m. Registration is
required to attend. Call the Parish Office
at 387-2554 for more information or to
register for class.
The Secular Franciscan Fraternity
Do you feel called by St Francis of Assisi? The
Secular Franciscan Fraternity meets the third
Saturday of the month at St. Paul’s Rectory
Dining Room at 12:30pm. We invite all visitors
to "Come, Look ... and See". You may be a
Secular Franciscan and not know it yet! For
additional information you can contact Linda
@ 704-7282 or Marie @ 276-2993.
Saturday: 3:15 – 3:55 P.M.
Sunday: 8:15 – 8:55 A.M. & 10:30-10:55 A.M.
By Appointment ~ schedule with the office.
First Friday Each Month
5:30 P.M. Divine Mercy Chaplet; 6:00 P.M.
(both in the church)
Divine Mercy:
Sundays at 3:00 P.M. in the main church.
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament for 25
minutes following most daily Masses.
Solemn Adoration available in Mary’s
Chapel on Thursdays 8:30 A.M. – 5:30 P.M.
and on Saturdays 8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
Contact Patsy or Bill O’Brien to sign up! Call 904-3433259 or email [email protected]
The Diocese of Saint Augustine treats all
allegations of sexual misconduct seriously
and deals with all allegations in a prompt,
confidential, and thorough manner. To
Report Abuse: Diocesan Victim Assistance
Coordinator (904) 262-3200, ext. 129, or
Department of Children and Families, 1800-96ABUSE.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for our loved ones that may be ill in the
hospital, hospice, or at home.
Oscar Andal
Alfred Angilello
Tammy Baggett
Stanley Baron
Debbie Beaulieu
Joanne Beerma
David Brooks
Ed Brown
Ruth Brown
Barbara Burns
Kate Burns
Evelyn Capan
Christina Cassara
Flora J. Chesbrough
Harold Aaron Chesbrough
Harold AlonzoChesbrough
Justin E. Chesbrough
Lauren Clark
Bryan Collinsworth
Sarah Connor
Janet Cook
Nancy Couse
Debbie Curtis-Maury
Sue Dunlap
Betty Donnelly
James Eduards
Jolene Flynn
Tom Fry
Timothy Geinosky
Ed Gorey
Emma Haywood
Violetta Hankle
Mariel Rose Henn
Margaret Hinckley
Robert Hoag
Andrew Holt
Arlene Hudgins
Hunter M. Hudgins
Brenda Jackson
Rachel Kasiska
Gary Kein
Bernice Kelly
Sawyer J. Kennedy
Dr. Vincent Kerr
Sheryl La Davia
Louis Lamb
Richard Lester
Paula Luke
Tara Lundy
Adeline Lyons
Ron Masucci
Joe McCarthy
J.T. McGuire
Kaz Milewski
Maria Milewski
Janet Misora
Abigail Monteith
David Myers
Jola Myslek
Jesse Suzanne C.
Cecile A. C. Newcomer
Joe Newcomer
Frank Ondrejko
Sherry Ondrejko
Jason Ott
Landun Parino
Stephen Pearson
Gary Pettigrew
Jennifer Lobrano Pluff
Elizabeth Rauze
Marta Reidel
Rita J. Roberts
John Roemer
Dorothy Rountree
Tommy Ryan
Mary Sanford
Mary Schmitt
Robert Sena
James Simonelli
Robert Skipper
Jeannette C. Sowers
Pete Starling
Aline Stomfay-Stitz
Ronnie George Tanner
James Taylor
John Taylor
Dr. Joe Tepas
Roland Triozzi
Michael Valarinos
Joan Waller
William Bret Warren
Janice Watkins
Gladys White
John Whittaker
Doris Wiggins
David Wilkins
Janice R. Williams
Tommy Willis
Michael Wilson
Brett Wingard
Paul Zuke
Please pray for the protection of these
men and women who courageously serve
our nation.
Bernard D. Aulage, USA
Mark Barton, USA
Martin Basham, USNG
Todd Bonham, USN
Christopher Brinkley,
Kevin Brown, USA
Stephan Brown, USMC
Michael Burnett, USNG
Miriam Craft, USAF
Van Cumming, USMC
Michael DeStefano, USA
Alex Deveney, USA
Jessica Dostie, USA
Betsy Evans, USA
Brian Flick, USN
Rodney Grant, USA
Johnny Griffiths, USAF
Julianna Howe, Civ.
John Jacobs, USN
Thomas Ian Kennedy,
Chris Mannion, USN
Mike Maynard, USN
Justin Lee Moredock,
USAF Reserves
Noah Owens, USMC
Larry Patrick, USN
James Pimentel, USA
Donald Roberts, USA
Princess Russell, USN
Michael Schmidt, USN
Michael Steels, USMC
Kyle Strickland, USN
William J. Staley, USAF
Charles Totten, USCG
Daniel Weaver, USA
Brian Zwicker, USAF
Please pray for our loved ones who have gone
to sleep in Christ this year.
March 2014
Vollie Dunlap
April 2014
Dorothy Macher
Col. John Lippincott
Phil Melancon
May 2014
Lois McNally
Gloria Pelletier
Dennis Pearson
September 2014
Chris Burke
Carl Skidmore
Dan Balogh
November 2014
Diane Verney
Marguerite Terrell
December 2014
Renata Di Fazio
June 2014
Maria Torres
Judith S. Stemmer
January 2015
Estrella Estévez
July 2014
Robert Wagner
Peggy Ayers
February 2015
Anne Ujano
If you have family or friends who are active military, are sick or homebound, or who have gone home to be with the Lord,
please call the Parish Office at 387-2554 to have their names added to the lists.
Prayer for the Year of
Consecrated Life
Do you shop on Amazon.com for books,
electronics, or other gifts? Want to support St.
Paul’s while you shop?
Through the Amazon Smile program, Amazon.com
will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases
toward the charitable organization of your choice.
The only thing you have to do is visit
smile.amazon.com when you shop instead of
amazon.com. The website is the same—the only
difference is that smile.amazon.com lets you
support St. Paul’s each time you make a purchase.
Your first time using it, you can search for the
charity you want to support. Type in “St Pauls
Catholic Church” and we should pop up (make
sure it says Jacksonville, FL for the location). Then
click “select” and you’re done!
O God, throughout the ages you have called
women and men to pursue lives of perfect
charity through the evangelical counsels of
poverty, chastity, and obedience.
During this Year of Consecrated Life, we
give you thanks for these courageous
witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration.
Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a
more perfect offering of ourselves to you.
Continue to enrich your Church by calling
forth sons and daughters who, having found the
pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom
of Heaven above all things. Through our
Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives
and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Thank you for supporting us and happy shopping!
Indulgences for the Year of Consecrated Life
The Holy Father, on the occasion of the Year of Consecrated Life, will concede plenary indulgences, with the customary
conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer in keeping with the intentions of the Supreme
Pontiff) to all members of the institutes of consecrated life and other truly repentant faithful moved by a spirit of
charity, starting from the first Sunday of Advent this year until 2 February 2016, the day of the closure of the Year of
Consecrated Life. The indulgence may also be offered for departed souls in Purgatory. Indulgence may be obtained:
In Rome, in participation in the international meetings and celebrations established in the calendar of the Congregation
for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies
of Apostolic Life, and pious reflection on for a suitable period of time, concluding with the Lord's Prayer, the Profession
of Faith in any legitimate approved form, and invocations of the Virgin Mary;
In all the particular Churches, during the days devoted to consecrated life in the diocese, and during diocesan
celebrations organized for the Year of Consecrated Life, by visiting the cathedral or another sacred place designated
with the consent of the Ordinary of the place, or a convent church or oratory of a cloistered monastery, and publicly
reciting the Liturgy of the Hours or through a suitable period of time of devout reflection, concluding with the Lord's
Prayer, the Profession of Faith in any legitimate approved form, and pious invocations of the Virgin Mary. Members of
the Institutes of Consecrated Life who, on account of ill health or other serious reasons are prevented from visiting
these sacred places, may nonetheless receive Plenary Indulgence if, completely detached from any type of sin and with
the intention of being able to fulfill the three usual conditions as soon as possible, devoutly carry out the spiritual visit
and offer their illness and the hardships of their life to God the merciful through Mary, with the addition of the prayers
as above. To facilitate this access to divine grace by means of pastoral charity, the Apostolic Penitentiary Cardinal Mauro
Piacenza, who signed the decree, asks that the canons, members of the Chapter, the priests of the Institutes of
Consecrated Life and all others able to hear confessions offer themselves willingly and generously to the celebration of
the Sacrament of Reconciliation and regularly administer Holy Communion to the sick.
Second Sunday of Lent
Ministries and
To schedule a Baptism,
Wedding, or Funeral at
St. Paul’s, please contact
the Church Office.
From the Desk of the Pastor
Church Office
Brandy French 387-2554
Hello everyone,
School Principal
Kim Repper 387-2841
Sandra Sapinsky
Altar & Rosary Society
Theresa Fiore 772-7060
Religious Education
Sandra Hull-Richardson
[email protected]
Finance Council
:: Shirley Burns
Knights of Columbus
Mike Lyons
Dr. Helen Garrity 264-0007
Parents Aux. President
Beate Rinaman 859-5096
Parish Council
Buster French 422-0904
School Board Chair
Chris Hutto
Parish Nurse
Suzanne Murphy 387-1583
St. Paul’s Guild
June McAdams 387-4905
Monday, March 2nd
No Mass
God’s love chose to take no reprieve from the sacrifice of the beloved
Son, for the cost of reprieve would have been the loss of all those
others who would become God’s children by adoption. Yet even here,
in this relentless story of love’s ultimate sacrifice, the promise of
Easter shines through the clouds.
In the Gospel today, the stories of God speaking on the desert
mountaintop to Moses from a cloud of fire and to Elijah in profound
silence, commanding each of them to go to the people with the word
of life, come together here to identify Jesus as the one in whom the
fire dwells unseen and of whom the voice says, “This is my beloved
Son.” We are charged to listen and to follow through the twisting
desert paths before us to the final fulfillment of the promise of life
made again and again to God’s wandering people.
Thursday, March 5th
6:00 p.m.: †Mario Di Fazio
By: Fr. Sal
Friday, March 6th
6:00 p.m.: †Christina Louisa Stauter
By: Ann Staley
Saturday, March 7th
4:00 p.m.: †Carlos Medina Corrales
Sunday, March 8th
9:00 a.m.: †Vollie Dunlap
By: St. Paul’s Parish
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Bill O’Brien, Caroline Narramore, Kate Starr
Minister of the Word: Anita Thompson, Ed Sicotte
Altar Servers: Robert Dizor, Jayme Marquez, Jack Pease
Sunday Mass – 7:00 p.m.
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Theresa Fiore, Laura Montagano, Susan Hamilton
Ministers of the Word: Paul Sulzbacher
Altar Servers: Joanna Michelowski, Lucas Figlietti
11:00 a.m.: †Christine Maranto-Kinne
By: Mr. & Mrs. Donoher & Family
7:00 p.m.: For the People
Father Sal
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Readings for March 8th, 2015 – Third Sunday of Lent
J. Daniel Griffin
2nd Reading: Corinthians 1:22-25
Gospel: John 2:13-25
Sunday Mass – 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass – 11:00 a.m.
Your Pastor,
1st Reading: Exodus 20:1-17 or 20:1-3,
7-8, 12-17
Psalm: 19:8-11
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Christa Feely, Tony Feely, Maria Andreu
Ministers of the Word: Brandy French
Altar Servers: Amber Ryals, Alexus Forshee
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Midge Daniell-Hutto, Mary Long, Rodney Brown
Ministers of the Word: Annette Page, John Hale
Altar Servers: Aaron McAdams, Riley Rogers, Francis
Wednesday, March 4th
8:00 a.m.: †Phyllis Van de Ryt
By: Ann Staley
May God bless you and all the ones you love!
Bereavement Luncheons
Debra Capley 384-8882
Baptismal Classes
Vigil Mass – 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 3rd
6:00 p.m.:†Norbert & Mary Louise
By: Denise Watson
Lent is a journey in faith through dark places toward the promised
light. We see this in today’s first reading, when Abraham’s faithful
obedience takes him to the brink of his son’s death by his own hand as
he prepared to sacrifice to God the very gift God had given to fulfill
the promise of countless descendants. In Abraham’s story, faith and
obedience are rewarded by reprieve.
St. Vincent de Paul
Ministry Schedule
Weekend of March 7th & March 8th
Mass Intentions
1000 Edison Avenue • Jacksonville, FL 32204
P.O. Box 37068 • 32236-7068
904/356-3963 • Fax 904/356-4969
[email protected]
GA LIC# CN208112
FL LIC# CMC056755
FL LIC# CAC041190
Your Ad Here
(904) 859-3539
(904) 353-2700
P.O.Box 10854 • Jacksonville, FL 32247
[email protected]
March 1, 2015 ~ 2nd Sunday of Lent (B)
LakeShore Bicycle and Fitness
Proprietor: Charlie & Mark Fetzer
2108 Blanding Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 388-0612
Tune in to
Queen of Peace Radio
Radio For Your Soul!
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“...one body and one Spirit,
as you were also called to
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one Lord, one faith, one
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who is over all and through
all and in all.”
~Ephesians 4:4-6
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Our Mission
We are the temple of the living God, transformed by the Spirit into sacred
vessels for the treasure of Christ. Like the monstrance, we present the love and light
of Christ for all to see. Together, we become the dwelling place of God.
2609 Park Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32204
Phone: 904-387-2554 • Fax: 904-388-6871
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Web: www.stpauls-jax.org
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Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 9:30 AM-4:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM-2:00 PM
Phone: 904-387-2841
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.spsjax.org
Second Sunday of Lent
Ministries and
To schedule a Baptism,
Wedding, or Funeral at
St. Paul’s, please contact
the Church Office.
From the Desk of the Pastor
Church Office
Brandy French 387-2554
Hello everyone,
School Principal
Kim Repper 387-2841
Sandra Sapinsky
Altar & Rosary Society
Theresa Fiore 772-7060
Religious Education
Sandra Hull-Richardson
[email protected]
Finance Council
:: Shirley Burns
Knights of Columbus
Mike Lyons
Dr. Helen Garrity 264-0007
Parents Aux. President
Beate Rinaman 859-5096
Parish Council
Buster French 422-0904
School Board Chair
Chris Hutto
Parish Nurse
Suzanne Murphy 387-1583
St. Paul’s Guild
June McAdams 387-4905
Monday, March 2nd
No Mass
God’s love chose to take no reprieve from the sacrifice of the beloved
Son, for the cost of reprieve would have been the loss of all those
others who would become God’s children by adoption. Yet even here,
in this relentless story of love’s ultimate sacrifice, the promise of
Easter shines through the clouds.
In the Gospel today, the stories of God speaking on the desert
mountaintop to Moses from a cloud of fire and to Elijah in profound
silence, commanding each of them to go to the people with the word
of life, come together here to identify Jesus as the one in whom the
fire dwells unseen and of whom the voice says, “This is my beloved
Son.” We are charged to listen and to follow through the twisting
desert paths before us to the final fulfillment of the promise of life
made again and again to God’s wandering people.
Thursday, March 5th
6:00 p.m.: †Mario Di Fazio
By: Fr. Sal
Friday, March 6th
6:00 p.m.: †Christina Louisa Stauter
By: Ann Staley
Saturday, March 7th
4:00 p.m.: †Carlos Medina Corrales
Sunday, March 8th
9:00 a.m.: †Vollie Dunlap
By: St. Paul’s Parish
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Bill O’Brien, Caroline Narramore, Kate Starr
Minister of the Word: Anita Thompson, Ed Sicotte
Altar Servers: Robert Dizor, Jayme Marquez, Jack Pease
Sunday Mass – 7:00 p.m.
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Theresa Fiore, Laura Montagano, Susan Hamilton
Ministers of the Word: Paul Sulzbacher
Altar Servers: Joanna Michelowski, Lucas Figlietti
11:00 a.m.: †Christine Maranto-Kinne
By: Mr. & Mrs. Donoher & Family
7:00 p.m.: For the People
Father Sal
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Readings for March 8th, 2015 – Third Sunday of Lent
J. Daniel Griffin
2nd Reading: Corinthians 1:22-25
Gospel: John 2:13-25
Sunday Mass – 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass – 11:00 a.m.
Your Pastor,
1st Reading: Exodus 20:1-17 or 20:1-3,
7-8, 12-17
Psalm: 19:8-11
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Christa Feely, Tony Feely, Maria Andreu
Ministers of the Word: Brandy French
Altar Servers: Amber Ryals, Alexus Forshee
Celebrant: Fr. John Reynolds
EMs: Midge Daniell-Hutto, Mary Long, Rodney Brown
Ministers of the Word: Annette Page, John Hale
Altar Servers: Aaron McAdams, Riley Rogers, Francis
Wednesday, March 4th
8:00 a.m.: †Phyllis Van de Ryt
By: Ann Staley
May God bless you and all the ones you love!
Bereavement Luncheons
Debra Capley 384-8882
Baptismal Classes
Vigil Mass – 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 3rd
6:00 p.m.:†Norbert & Mary Louise
By: Denise Watson
Lent is a journey in faith through dark places toward the promised
light. We see this in today’s first reading, when Abraham’s faithful
obedience takes him to the brink of his son’s death by his own hand as
he prepared to sacrifice to God the very gift God had given to fulfill
the promise of countless descendants. In Abraham’s story, faith and
obedience are rewarded by reprieve.
St. Vincent de Paul
Ministry Schedule
Weekend of March 7th & March 8th
Mass Intentions
1000 Edison Avenue • Jacksonville, FL 32204
P.O. Box 37068 • 32236-7068
904/356-3963 • Fax 904/356-4969
[email protected]
GA LIC# CN208112
FL LIC# CMC056755
FL LIC# CAC041190
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