r Ch tte hrist the + C G C G S L an + n I Life Wire Facets of God’s love, together in Unity! Shephe rd ther Lu March 2015 d oo rist You Ma command of our Lord Jesus Christ I forgive thee thy sins, in the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. De- I would like to draw some attention to these 7 Marks of the Church over the months ahead. The 7 Marks are: Confession & Absolution Baptism Worship Communion God’s Word Cross Ministry A MESSAGE FROM PASTOR KARL Jesus has given to the church the responsibility to reprove and forgive sins (see Matthew 18:15-20). When we encounter sin in ourselves and in others it should be addressed. We take this mark of the church seriously and begin our worship services with a time of confession and absolution. Sin that is untended and unaddressed binds us up and hinders our worship and our walk with God. Assurance of forgiveness frees us up and releases us to worship and live more freely. Sins between others, who are also fashioned in the image of God, breaks down relationships and disregards the value and the beauty of all involved. God wants for us to be restored. Sometimes being restored involves confronting another directly (with witnesses if necessary) with hopes of addressing the sin and getting to a place of forgiveness. Sometimes being restored involves going to someone who can assure you of God’s love and forgiveness as you confess your sins privately (pastors sometimes fill this role for those in 12-step programs and for others who need personal and private assurance). Sometimes sins need to be handled by putting the unrepentant one out of the assembly for a time. God wants for all of us to be restored into right relationship with God (loving God with all our hearts, souls, strengths and minds). God Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Martin Luther wrote about the 7 Marks of the Church in 1539 in an essay entitled “On the Councils and the Church”. We have it preserved in Luther’s Works, Volume 41: Church and Ministry III (Fortress Press). Luther summarizes the 7 marks as follows: These are the true seven principal parts of the great holy possession whereby the Holy Spirit effects in us a daily sanctification and vivification in Christ, according to the first table of Moses. By this we obey it, albeit never as perfectly as Christ. But we constantly strive to attain the goal, under his redemption or remission of sin, until we too shall one day become perfectly holy and no longer stand in need of forgiveness. Everything is directed toward that goal. I would even call these seven parts the seven sacraments, but since that term has been misused by the papists and is used in a different sense in Scripture, I shall let them stand as the seven principal parts of Christian sanctification or the seven holy possessions of the church. Mark 1: Confession and Absolution Continued on p. 2 Aquamarine, the birthstone for March. A stone representing unity. Unity in one another and Christ. Pastor continued from p. 1 wants for all of us to be restored in right relationships with each other (loving neighbor as ourselves; have our sins forgiven just as we forgive those who trespass against us). As we make our way through Lent we are particularly mindful of our fallen nature, our sinful ways and our broken relationships. You are invited to seek and offer forgiveness in Jesus’ name as we remember we are dusty and dustbound people. You are welcome to make an appointment with me if you would like to have a time of private confession and forgiveness. If we are truly a church that serves and experiences God then Confession and Absolution must be one of our defining marks. Peace and Forgiveness to you, Pastor + r S L tte hrist the G C + C G ran + New Member class after Lenten service at 7:35 PM Shephe r In Office Manager: Michele Wallace [email protected] Pastor: Karl Hester [email protected] 503.953.5164 Nursery Volunteer: Penny Culp [email protected] 503.269.2698 Choir & Praise Band Director: Erica Hall [email protected] 541.971.7798 Organist: d oo he Lut Website address: www.christthegoodshep.org Custodian: Jeani Bockelman-McInnis 503.585.4608 [email protected] d Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran 4440 State Street Salem, OR 97301-5457 Office Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30-3:00 Fax us at: Call us at: 503.363.3726 503.378.7411 Ch rist You Ma anks Giving th My family and I wish to thank all of the people of CGSLC for the lovely cards, comforting prayers , generous memorial gifts, and the preparing and serving of delicious food during the celebration of Ken’s life with us. Thank you too, for the kind words and shared hugs, and just being you. May the Lord bless our CGS community as we go forth continuing to be His messengers and hands in doing His will in our daily lives right here. Thanks and praise to God our Father, God–Jesus, his son, and God–the Holy Spirit for all the blessings we have shared through the life and love of Kenneth Michener. His loving wife, Mary Michener. WANTED:: LEGOS, LEGOS, WANTED and more LEGOS. Our Parish education committee is in need of your donations of your kid’s or grand kid's old LEGOS that they no longer play with. They have some very creative ideas for them, but need supplies. Any amount will help. Contact Gwen Carr if you can help. Thank you. We are hosting a spaghetti dinner as a fundraiser for the ELCA Detroit Youth Gathering. Here’s what you need to know: § Dinner will be served at 5:30 (free-will offering, pay what you want to) § There will be a silent auction going on during meal § Food donations towards this event will help our efforts § We are applying for Thrivent matching funds so your generous gifts will make an even larger impact § Pastor Leah Stolte-Doerfler will be our guest of honor sharing about her sabbatical and walk of the Camino de Santiago § Dessert will be served after the presentation Detroit bound– Help our youth Rise Up! Portland Detroit Sign up today for a table or seat at the spaghetti dinner. Contact Kelsey Hallin, Michelle Shepherd or Pastor Karl for more information. 3 HEAR and THEIR By Joan Mathias KELSEY HALLIN attended the ELCA Extravaganza in Detroit, Michigan, from January 28 to February 2nd. She joined 1100 others from all over the U.S. The event was to prepare for the ELCA Youth Gathering in July. She got to meet Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and take a picture with her. She came back with information to share with the parents and youth attending in July. The city of Detroit is ready for the 30,000 youth and leaders. Kelsey was part of the 25 Northwest attendees, including her boyfriend Dave Nelson from Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Seaside, OR. Pentacle Theater's production of Dr. Doolittle, featuring the doctor who can talk to animals, was enjoyed by PAULA DAVIS, LINDA WILLIAMS, ILENE WHELDEN, ANNA CHRISTIE, ANN CLEMENS, SANDY ELIAS and SHARON KEMNITZ in early January. The ladies found it to be a "cute" production. Regis High School students presented the musical "Once On This Island" with ETHAN ANDERSON in the cast and having a solo. There were two evening performances and a Saturday matinee. PAUL and/or JANIS ANDERSON were in attendance for all but one performance, including the dress rehearsal. The new musical at the Pentacle Theater, "Young Frankenstein" opens March 6 with TYLER PALMBLAD in the cast. The production is based on the 1974 movie written by Mel Brooks, which opened on Broadway in 2007, closing in 2009 after 500 performances. It continued on a national tour with mad scientist Dr. Victor von Frankenstein. The Travelers included SHARON KEMNITZ who flew to Sierra Vista, AZ, spending a week visiting her step-son and Shirley Kemnitz. The visit included her granddaughter, Nicole Gabe Chavea and three great grandchildren ages 7, 5, and 3 years. The next week she visited her cousins Roberta Walter and Kathleen Brooks in Maricopa, AZ. Florida was the next stop for a visit with her daughter, Colleen Blume, in Bradenton. It was a week of sunshine and warmth, with the exception of a torrential downpour of 4" of rain that poured off the roof tops since they have no (eaves) gutters. 4 It was a long trip for those, including NADINE HEIDELBERG, on the bus to Lincoln City when due to an accident they were routed around through McMinnville and back to the coast. That weekend was a very stormy one with lots of rain, wind, thunder and lightening. Regis High students in the English class had the assignment to impersonate characters in the Great Gatsby novel and see if those in the class could guess who they were. ETHAN ANDERSON drew the character of Tom Buchanan. If you check out the Regis High School Facebook page you'll see a clip of ETHAN ANDERSON's impersonation of Tom Buchanan, the cheating, racist, bad guy in the story. Caught looking cute with a plate of Tator Tots, four year old Adelaide Anderson, with her grandmother TWILA ANDERSON, was pictured in the February 18 Statesman Journal at Holding Court, their favorite lunch location. The Red Hats took a trip February 18 to the Turnaround cafe in downtown Turner, for lunch. Eleven ladies reported the food was wonderful and very kind on their budget. It was a good choice for a lunch. Thank You to WANDA WENDT for letting them know about the cafe. It was a family reunion in Kellogg, Idaho, that brought Kathy Rhode's family together. One brother lives in Nova Scotia with his family. Another brother lives in Idaho. The families, including a three year old, six and eight year olds, had several days and three nights to enjoy each other. FUNNY BUSINESS! d out …use your tablet and sen ur a mass email to all yo forward it m the e friends, then hav to all their … Oh, wait, of myself… I’m getting way ahead Mose s th oug wha t ki n h t t o h i m d of self, t ab l e t s ar t h es e e? God has not called you to be successful. He called you to be faithful. ~JM What are your Treasures? God gave you gifts and talents. Share them and your time with your church and community today! ELCA Luth eran You might be a Lutheran if... ...during the entire service you hold your hymnal open but never look down at it. ...you think a meeting isn't legitimate unless it's at least three hours long. ...the pastor skips the last hymn to make sure church lasts exactly 60 minutes. ...the church is on fire, and you rush in to save the coffee pot. ...you don't know what was sooo funny about dat movie "Fargo" den? News flash: The east coast requests that the west coast stop praying for snow, they have enough! …and in related news: CGSLC The west coast requests that the east coast stop praying for sun... No, keep praying we’re enjoying it!! 5 WELCA meetings and Bible + In Chris study are on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:00. All women of the church are welcome and encouraged to join. If you don't have a copy of Gather, we will provide a copy of the lesson for you. March 17 is the next meeting. Hostess: Eileen Boswell, Study Leader: TBD, Stewardship: Food Bank, Lord’s Cupboard. HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE ou ty M +W ter at Look and see what our amazing hospitality committee is up to. Invite a S L friend to church and welcome them to a cup of coffee and a goodie after w elc o m service. It’s a great place to show everyone “In Christ You Matter”. You can be part of the action by taking a turn hosting one coffee hours after each service. Look for the sign-up sheet on the serving table and pick your day and your partner. New ideas for fun ways to spend time with each other are always welcome. See Anne Clemens or Marti Vreeland if interested. Want to be involved even more, become a part of the process and planning by joining us on All-committee night the first Tuesday of every month. e e +W yo u + C G Prayer Shawl is a tangible reminder that prayers are being offered for those in difficult circumstances. As we knit and crochet these shawls we pray for the peace and comfort for those who receive them. As they put them around their shoulders, it is like a hug from God. The next Prayer Shall meeting will be Thursday, March 19, at 1:00 PM. The Lord’s Cupboard Needs you! Looking for a coordinator to help with the running of the cupboard. Hours would be between 11:30 - 4:00 M,W,F on weeks assigned. Never the first week of the month. If you would like to help or give, please call Eileen Boswell, 505 585 9556. We are always grateful for all your donations. All non-perishable foods and personal care products are accepted and appreciated. 6 PINTS FOR A CAUSE March 11, 4-9 PM at Santiam Brewing off of McGilchrist Rd in Salem. $1 for every pint or growler fill will go to Habitat for Humanity. Humanity Food hosted by Black Sheep Catering. Special edition glassware available, along with prizes and more. LOVING THE ARRIVAL OF SPRING MARCH 20 LOVING YOU THROUGH CHRIST ALL YEAR LONG All church clean-up April 18, 11:30Bring lunch to share, and then we will get to work cleaning our Lord’s house. Contact the office if you see or Know of something that needs to be done, prior to the day. CGSLC happenings… ● ● ● 6:00 PM Wednesday soup suppers all during Lent 7:00 PM Lenten Worship every Wednesday this month New members class after Lenten Worship ● March 8th Daylight Savings Time begins; Spring forward one hour. ● March 28th at 5:30 Youth Spaghetti feed with good-will offering ● March 29th Palm Sunday and beginning of Holy week Those giving of time and talents– 8:45 AM 3/1/2015 3/08/2015 3/15/2015 3/22/2015 3/29/2015 Greeters Laura Drager AJ DeLaRosa Jack Johnson, Wendy Cody-Johnson Virgil Anderson Jeff & Lorraine Bock Reader Michael Dupuis Ashley DeLaRosa Twila Anderson Kelsey Hallin Communion Asst. Paul & Janis Anderson, Michael Dupuis Ashley DeLaRosa, Virgil Anderson, Rachel Bock Wendy Cody-Johnson Jack & Wendy Johnson, Dean Hatzenbihler 3/01/2015 3/08/2015 3/15/2015 3/22/2015 3/29/2015 Ilene Whelden, Mary Ann Kniss Donna Sandstrom, Sharon Kemnitz Anna Christie, Paula Davis Dwayne & Colleen Aas Dale & Billie Tweed Michelle Shepherd Corinne Elms Paula Davis Heidi Pramuk Chuck Palmquist Chuck & Sara Palmquist Corinne & Alyssa Elms 11:00:00 AM Worship: Greeters Reader Communion Assistant Worship/ communion Assistant David Shultz, Paula Davis Ben & Heidi Pramuk Jack, Michael Dupuis Caleb Stratemeyer, Jeff & Lorraine Bock, Virgil Anderson, Kelsey Hallin Laura Drager Carlene Shultz Heidi Dupuis Andrea Johnson Marti Vreeland Carlene Shultz 3/1/2015 3/08/2015 3/15/2015 3/22/2015 3/29/2015 8:45 Ushers Team 5: Dean Hatzenbihler, Jack Johnson, Wendy Cody-Johnson, Caleb Stratemeyer 11:00 Ushers Team 4: Virgil Anderson, Dwayne Aas Van Drivers Virgil Anderson Tyler Palmblad Chuck Palmquist Jack Johnson Jack Johnson Flowers Lent Lent Lent Lent Palm Sunday Organist Zita Jefferson Counters *If you are unable to fulfill your duties for a particular Sunday, you are solely responsible to find a replacement as soon as possible and then notify the office by phone or e-mail so that the information can be accurately printed for the Sunday bulletin. 7 tte r Ch hrist the G + C eran + C G S L r NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE h Lut I n Shephe d d oo rist You Ma PAID SALEM, OREGON PERMIT # 112 4440 State Street Salem, OR 97301-5457 TIME VALUE MATERIAL PLEASE DO NOT HOLD We are a congregation of the Sunday Worship Schedule: Bible Study Schedule: 8:45 AM Contemporary Worship w/ Communion 10:00 AM Sunday School [for all ages] 11:00 AM Traditional Worship w/ Communion ** 7:00 PM Lenten Worship (Wednesdays all month) 7:00 PM Mondays in Gathering room 9:30 AM Wednesday at Christ house 10:30 AM Thursdays at Lancaster Village 7:00 PM Thursdays resuming after Easter Soup Suppers Wednesdays at 6:00 PM all through Lent
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