2nd Sunday of Lent HOLY CROSS CHURCH 503 Clothier St. W. P.O. Box 224 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 web: www.holycrossng.com E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (613) 258-3377 Fax: (613) 258-2433 Parish Hall: (613) 258-4660 Pastor Rev. Andrew B. Shim Holy Cross Church Caretaker Liz MacEachern 613-258-7894 Holy Cross Cemetery Al MacEachern 613-913-2104 Parish Hall Co-ordinator Marg Arcand 613-794-6776 Masses Weekend Masses Saturday: 5:00 pm Sundays: 9:00 & 11:00 am Weekday Masses (See Mass Intentions & Liturgy Schedule) Sacraments Baptism: Contact the Parish Office to register in the program. Confession: Friday 6:00 pm — 7:00 pm is the primary time scheduled for confessions. Confessions are being heard in the new open arch area at the front (old sacristy area). Also, sometimes 30 minutes before Weekend Masses or upon request. Matrimony: Contact the Pastor 9 months in advance. New Parishioners Welcome To register and/or to request contribution envelopes, please fill in a registration form, available on the table in the Parish Hall, and deposit it in the collection basket. 1 March 2015 SPRING AHEAD NEXT WEEKEND Clock changes 1 hour forward March 8, 2015 at 2:00 am WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The service of World Day of Prayer in Kemptville is being transformed this year into a prayer vigil for unity in the world with a main service at 7 pm where there will be scripture reading, songs, offertory and a guest speaker - Beverly Illauq. The vigil will begin at 6:00 am Friday March 6th at St. James Anglican church in Kemptville and will con&nue un&l midnight. People are welcome to come and go as it suits their schedule and to offer prayers throughout the day. At the top of every hour there will be a brief medita&ons or musical offerings. Lunch will be available next door at the Friendship Lunch being held at Leslie Hall, hosted by the Salva&on Army that day. Vacation Bible Camp Please join us after the 11am mass on Sunday as Bible Camp provides refreshments and has a video with highlights from last year's fun at Bible Camp. Registration forms for this year's camp will be available. Aid to the poor in the Diocese of Aba, Nigeria On one of Fr. Stephen Chilaka’s visits to our parish of Holy Cross, he made us aware of some of the needs of the people in the poorest parishes within his diocese in South-Eastern Nigeria, the diocese of Aba. A proposal by Jim and Simona Heppell was made to the pastoral council of gathering items that we take for granted and making a shipment to the diocese of Aba with the Bishop and priests being the stewards of the distribu&on. The pastoral council thought that this might be an outreach project to the poor for our parish to par&cipate. FASTING AND ABSTAINING FROM MEAT ON FRIDAYS During Lent, Catholics abstain from meat on all the Fridays of Lent. They fast on Good Friday. To abstain from meat on all the Fridays of Lent means to not eat meat on those days. It does not intend the omission of eggs or dairy products. "All Catholics who have completed their fourteenth year are bound by the law of abstinence; all adults are bound by the law of fast up to the beginning of their sixtieth year. Holy Cross Parish - Aid to the Diocese of Aba in Nigeria The following are items that we would like to gather to ship to the poorest parish within Fr. Stephen’s diocese in SouthEastern Nigeria, the diocese of Aba. The following are sugges/ons only, feel free to donate other items as appropriate. We ask everyone to be mindful of shipping costs and to provide items that are in good condi/on. Also, there will be no opportunity in Nigeria to repair items. 1. Health and Hygiene: • Soap (bar soap only) • Toothbrushes (so4 bristle – children and adults) • Toothpaste • Pain control medica&on (various, e.g. Tylenol, arthri&s relief, decongestants, etc.) • Bandaids, Polysporin, gauze pads, bandages and tapes • Reading glasses • Vitamin supplements (children, men, women, the elderly) • Note to doctors and nurses: any other medical supplies, whether medica&on or other, that you would consider useful. Trained doctors and nurses are available on site, but supplies are insufficient to meet the need. 2. Tools and Hardware: • Tools of all types (hammers, screwdrivers, saws, measuring tools, wrenches etc.) • Nails, screws • Sewing machines • Sewing machine needles and related accessories including sewing machine oil. • Sewing aids (The Nigerian diocese can provide small electrical transformers) • Scissors, hand sewing needles, straight pins and safety pins • Gardening tools • Storage containers 3. Kitchen: • Cooking pots and frying pans (no non-s ck, please) • Freezer bags (e.g., ziplock), all sizes • Kitchen towels, mixing bowls • Cooking utensils (cooking spoons, spatulas, turners, can openers, bo<le cap openers, kitchen knives) • Cu=ng boards (plas&c preferred) • Cutlery: Knives, forks, spoons • Plas&c or &n food containers 4. Food • Rice, pasta, dried beans, Dried soup mixes • Powdered baby formula, Powdered milk • Granola or Nutra-Grain bars • Oval&ne, chocolate drink mix, iced tea mix, tea bags, drink crystals (no coffee) • Food grade plas&c containers. • Boil-in-the-bag dry food. • Empty &ns, to help ship food stuffs. 5. Linens • Sheets and pillow cases • Pillows (new pillows only, please) • Towels • Kitchen towels and cloths • Blankets 6. Clothing, All Ages: • Footwear (summer grade, e.g., sandals, sneakers, light footwear) • Jeans, T-shirts • Underwear (shorts mainly – all sizes) • Socks • Sewing fabric (co<on or high-co<on content (Nigeria is a very hot equatorial country) 7. Various School and Household supplies • Pens, pencils, pencil cases and pencil sharpeners • Rulers • School books • Books for children (English, all ages) • Scissors (including dressmaking scissors) • Notebooks (no loose-leaf) 8. Clothing (Babies and Children) • Baby clothes, Blankets • Baby blankets • Anything for baby and children 9. Toys (Safety a primary considera/on) • Balls of all types; • Building blocks • Baby toys No ba ery operated toys, please. Thank you in advance for your generosity. EMMAUS COURSE National March for Life 2015 th The 18 Annual National March for Life events will be held in Ottawa from Wednesday May 13 to Friday May 15, 2015. Each year, thousands of Canadians gather in Ottawa to challenge our government to protect its most vulnerable citizens, the children in the womb. The candlelight vigil is the official start to this three-day event. Once again, Campaign Life Coalition is providing an opportunity for those unable to attend the National March for Life, to symbolically be part of this candlelight vigil. Candles can be pledged for a minimum offer of $2.00. Pledge forms are enclosed in the bulletin and so I am inviting you this Lent to pledge and encourage your family, friends, co-workers to join us in spirit. The candles will be placed at the Canadian Tribute to Human Rights Monument and lit on Wednesday May 13 at 8:45pm. Please - fill in this pledge form and join in spirit with us during this major pro-life event. Your pledges also help defray the substantial costs of organizing and promoting this event. Please participate so that there will soon be a new day when Canada will no longer forsake its children who are not yet born. The National Organizing Committee is requesting all pro-life people in Canada to join us in prayer at 8:45 pm, Ottawa time, on May 13 and again at 12:00 noon on May 14. St. Andrew School of Evangelization 14 & 15 March 2015 Perth, ON Registration forms are available on the table in the Parish Hall. Emmaus is the second course of the St. Andrew School of Evangelization and a further stepping-stone toward a solid foundation for all future courses. Testimonies: “Thiscourseopenedmyheart tofallinginlovewith theWordofGod.” “TheWordofGodcamealive tomeinawholenewway. ThebookbecameaPerson!” Formoreinformationcontact:JaneNitschmann [email protected] CourseLocation:St.JohnCatholicHighSchool 2066ScotchLineRd.Perth,ONK7H3C5 Mass Schedule Date Day Time Feb 28 Sat 5:00 pm Deceased Members of the MacEachern family Mar 1 Sun 9:00 am For the People 11:00 am James Francis Foster Mar 2 Mon PARISH LENTEN CONFESSIONS Mar 3 Tue Mar 4 Wed 8:15 am Laurie Matheson Sunday March 15, 2015 3:00 pm Holy Cross Church Mar 5 Thur 8:15 am James McGovern 10:00 am Bayfield Nursing Home - George Shim 6:00 pm Adoration & Divine Mercy 7:00 pm Percy Stinson & Doris Gordon 7:30 am Rosary 8:15 am 1st Saturday Mass - Francoise Gardell 5:00 pm Sylvia Thomson 9:00 am For the People Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Fri Sat Sun 8:15 am Mass Intentions Souls in Purgatory No Mass Scheduled 11:00 am Norma Hillis Pray For Those In Need Of Healing: Holly Billow, Andrew Boyles, Eleanor Charlebois, Anita Cheslock, Clare & Jenny Cooke, Bruce Davis Debbie Dillon, Glenna Dool, Braeden Gallop, May Gauthier, Nathan Livingstone, Rita Lofland, Jack Lynch Dwain MacAlister, Donna & Paul Mahabir, Georgina Mahusky, Becky McNaughton, Jackie Noonan, Sylvia Norman Rita Roach, Liz O'Rourke, Dorothy Ryan, Alexandra Skolska, Ryan Tanguay, Bertha Tenbult, Aleine Wright MINISTRY SCHEDULE EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF THE EUCHA- DATE TIME LECTOR 7 Mar 5 PM Angela Vanveen Karen Grandy 9 AM Doreen O’Sullivan Anthony O’Sullivan 11 AM Steve Wright Bev Illauq, Nick & Lynne Ward RISTIC USHER / GREETER SERVERS Steve MacPhee, Hugh O’Neill ALL WELCOME Dermid O’Farrell, Claire Morin Trinity Piette, Aby and Samantha Naphan 8 Mar Ben Hart, Monica McGahey Mairi and Emily Hallman, Alex Hart HOLY CROSS BIBLE CAMP We are pleased to announce our 2015 Catholic Bible Camp PARADE AROUND THE OUR FATHER which will be held July 20-24th in the Parsh Hall. The year's program focuses on God listens, God provides, God forgives and God guides. The mornings are filled with the faith programming and the afternoons are filled with fun community activities. Set aside the dates now for a week of fun, faith and friendship. Mornings $60, full days $120. Camp is open to kids 4-10. We also have a leaders in training program for 11/12 year olds and junior leaders 13+ - more details to follow. Contact Mary-Anne Leang if you have any questions or are interested in helping this year at [email protected]
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