WELLINGTON EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOLS REGULAR SESSION Westwood Cafeteria Tuesday, February 24, 2015 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - PRESIDENT A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Calling of the Roll – Treasurer Roll Call: Mr. Calfo__________, Mrs. Dovin_________, Mr. Ratliff _________, Mrs. Stewart __________, Mrs. Wulfhoop________ C. This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the school district’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation as indicated on the agenda. Those wishing to speak during the public participation portion of the meeting are asked to sign in using the sheet at the back of the room. D. It is recommended that this agenda be approved as presented or approved as amended. Moved by: _________________________________________ Seconded by: ___________________________________________ Roll Call: Mr. Calfo__________, Mrs. Dovin_________, Mr. Ratliff _________, Mrs. Stewart __________, Mrs. Wulfhoop_________ E. Waive the reading of the prior minutes and approve the Minutes of the Organizational and Regular Sessions conducted on Tuesday, January 13, 2014 and the Special Session conducted on January 20, 2015. Moved by: _________________________________________ Seconded by: ___________________________________________ Roll Call: Mr. Calfo__________, Mrs. Dovin_________, Mr. Ratliff _________, Mrs. Stewart __________, Mrs. Wulfhoop_________ F. Presentations 1. Recognition of Westwood and McCormick Student Bell Ringers for the Salvation Army 2. Mike Sunderman and Bill Brumfield – Auditorium Status G. Hearing of the Public The Hearing of the Public will last sixty minutes with each person having five minutes to speak. A Wellington School District Citizen should sign in to be recognized by the chair, may speak relative to any current school related issue at this time but the chair may limit remarks pursuant to the debate regulations of Robert’s Rules of Order. Persons wishing to speak should rise. When recognized by the Board President, the individual recognized will be asked to first state his/her name and address so WELLINGTON EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOLS Regular Board Meeting – February 24, 2015 – 6:00 P.M. that the Board may respond to questions or concerns presented. The individual may then make a statement to the Board. At no time may any person make slanderous, libelous, demeaning, or derogatory remarks about an individual. Such remarks would be out of order and clearly unacceptable. H. Reports 1. Legislative – Mrs. Dovin 2. Student Liaison – Mrs. Wulfhoop 3. J.V.S. – Mr. Ratliff 4. Endowment – Mrs. Wulfhoop 5. Business – Tim Wulfhoop 6. Athletics – Dennis Ziegler 7. Special Education – Laura Groboske 8. Curriculum – Sally Roth 9. Principals’ Reports * * * * * * * * * * * * * * II. TREASURER'S REPORT AND BUSINESS (See Attachment A) A. It is recommended that the following financial items be approved: 1. January Financial Reports; 2. FY15 Amended Appropriations. Moved by: _________________________________________ Seconded by: ___________________________________________ Roll Call: Mr. Calfo__________, Mrs. Dovin_________, Mr. Ratliff _________, Mrs. Stewart __________, Mrs. Wulfhoop_________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * III. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT AND BUSINESS (See Attachments B & C) A. It is recommended that the following personnel items be approved: 1. Retirement: a. Richard Maybaugh as Head Custodian at the High School effective June 30, 2015; 2. Resignations: a. Phaidra Cox as Deaf Educator for the District effective June 30, 2015; b. Rosalyn Harrell as Bus Aide effective January 26, 2015; c. Alec Hyde as Varsity Boys Soccer Head Coach effective January 13, 2015; Page - 2 WELLINGTON EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOLS Regular Board Meeting – February 24, 2015 – 6:00 P.M. 3. Leaves Without Pay: a. Rosemaria Daniels – Leave without pay for four (4) days on December 29, 30, & 31, 2014 and January 2, 2015; b. Rosemaria Daniels – Leave without pay for five (5) days on January 26, 27, 28, 29 & 30, 2015; 4. Leaves of Absence: a. Tara Gallagher – Family Medical Leave beginning January 27, 2015 for approximately 12 weeks. Sick leave to run concurrently with FMLA; b. Tracey Beam – Family Medical Leave beginning February 6, 2015 for approximately 12 weeks. Sick leave to run concurrently with FMLA; 5. Employment: a. Hire Rosalyn Harrell as Shuttle Bus Driver for 3.75 hours per day effective January 26, 2015 (EL 5); b. Hire Holly Sommerville O’Daley as Home Instruction Tutor at $15.00 per hour for a Wellington High School student who is not on an IEP and has been placed on home instruction for one (1) hour per school day missed or one-half (1/2) hour for each half day missed beginning January 5, 2015 for approximately six (6) weeks until permitted to return to school by a doctor’s release; c. Hire Jennifer Garrett as Home Instruction Tutor at $15.00 per hour for a McCormick Middle School student who is not on an IEP and has been placed on home instruction for one (1) hour per school day missed or onehalf (1/2) hour for each half day missed beginning December 3, 2014 until permitted to return to school full days by a doctor’s release; d. Increase hours for Kelsey Smith as Bus Driver from 3.75 hours per day to 4.5 hours per day due to change of bus routes effective January 26, 2015; e. Payment of $500.00 stipend to Bruce Novotny, substitute Spanish teacher at the High School, for completing the long-term assignment; f. Supplemental Contracts for the 2014/2015 school year: SUPPLEMENTAL NAME DIFFERENTIAL Head Varsity Track Jeff Braden EL 0 Assistant Varsity Track Tina Drake EL 0 Junior Varsity Baseball Matthew Wilkosz EL 3 Head Varsity Boys Soccer Andrew Lara EL 0 Assistant Varsity Boys Soccer Jeff Bartolovich EL 0 Assistant Varsity Softball Steven Sunagel EL 4 Head Junior Varsity Softball Shelby Lantsberry EL 0 Moved by: _________________________________________ Seconded by: ___________________________________________ Roll Call: Mr. Calfo__________, Mrs. Dovin_________, Mr. Ratliff _________, Mrs. Stewart __________, Mrs. Wulfhoop_________ Page - 3 WELLINGTON EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOLS Regular Board Meeting – February 24, 2015 – 6:00 P.M. g. Approve the following as volunteer coaches for the 2014/2015 school year: Varsity Softball -Jennifer Short and Jeff Bartolovich; Junior Varsity Softball – Tim Wulfhoop. Moved by: _________________________________________ Seconded by: ___________________________________________ Roll Call: Mr. Calfo__________, Mrs. Dovin_________, Mr. Ratliff _________, Mrs. Stewart __________, Mrs. Wulfhoop_________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. It is recommended that the Wellington Exempted Village School District Board of Education approve the following items: 1. Reduction In Force: a. The positions per Exhibit A will be reduced and not filled during the 2015/2016 school year. These reductions are being made due to financial reasons and decreasing enrollment and will take effect on July 1, 2015. Implementation of the reduction in force will take place on or after March 27, 2015. Moved by: _________________________________________ Seconded by: ___________________________________________ Roll Call: Mr. Calfo__________, Mrs. Dovin_________, Mr. Ratliff _________, Mrs. Stewart __________, Mrs. Wulfhoop_________ 2. Request Resolutions: a. Designation by the Wellington Exempted Village School District Board of Education of February 27, 2015 as “Kiwanis Pancake Day” from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm at the Wellington Habilitation Center. We encourage and support the efforts of the Wellington Kiwanis Club as they hold their annual Pancake Day; b. Open Enrollment Guidelines and Application for the 2015/2016 school year (continuance of current policies); c. Approve tentative Class of 2015 Graduation List; d. Approve the purchase of SAN storage device, rack and accessories from Starfish Computer per quote # 7662 - $15,774.25 (Permanent Improvement Fund); e. Approve the purchase of servers and software to replace existing servers from Starfish Computer per quote # 7673 - $14,313.99 (Permanent Improvement Fund); f. Approve the purchase of 40 engineer hours from Starfish Computer per quote # 7692 - $6,000.00 (Permanent Improvement Fund); 3. Field Trips: a. Off Campus Overnight/Extended Educational Experience for WHS Band students to attend the Music in the Parks Festival in Cincinnati, Ohio leaving May 8, 2015 and returning May 9, 2015. This is at no cost to the Board of Education; b. Off Campus Overnight/Extended Educational Experience for FFA students to attend the State FFA Convention in Columbus, Ohio leaving April 29, 2015 and returning May 1, 2015. This is at no cost to the Board of Education; Page - 4 WELLINGTON EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOLS Regular Board Meeting – February 24, 2015 – 6:00 P.M. 4. Contracts: a. Memorandum of Understanding and Interagency/Transition Agreement with Local Education Agencies in Huron County, Huron County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Huron County Help Me Grow/Early Intervention, Community Action Commission of Erie, Huron & Richland Counties, Inc., Head Start Program and Teaching & Mentoring Communities Head Start Program effective January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016; b. Contract Agreement with German’s Villa for the 2015 Wellington High School Prom to be held on May 2, 2015; c. Shelter Agreement with American National Red Cross to permit that agency to use the Wellington High School as an emergency shelter during a disaster; d. Contract Agreement with Dave & Busters for rental of facility for the Student Council Year-end party on Sunday, April 26, 2015; e. Agreement for Educational Services from the Lorain County Board of Developmental Disabilities for the 2015/2016 school year; 5. Memorandums of Understanding: a. Approve the M.O.U. between the Wellington Ex. Village School District and the Patricia Lindley Center for the Performing Arts Board of Trustees regarding the terms and understanding to maintain and administer the community auditorium. Moved by: _________________________________________ Seconded by: ___________________________________________ Roll Call: Mr. Calfo__________, Mrs. Dovin_________, Mr. Ratliff _________, Mrs. Stewart __________, Mrs. Wulfhoop_________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C. It is recommended that the following sales projects/donations/grants be approved and if necessary the establishment of fund, appropriation, budget, and revenue accounts: 1. Grants: a. Air Force One Community Foundation of the Columbus Foundation to Wellington School District - $500.00; 2. Sales Projects: a. WHS Spanish Club – Chipotle; b. WHS Student Council – Selling Old Basketball Jerseys; c. Westwood Elementary – Butter Braids Sale; 2. Donations: a. Dennis P. Will, Prosecuting Attorney, to Westwood K-Kids - $100.00; b. Querin, Inc. to Westwood K-Kids - $50.00; c. Dr. Jack Coates to Westwood K-Kids - $50.00; Page - 5 WELLINGTON EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOLS Regular Board Meeting – February 24, 2015 – 6:00 P.M. d. Alecia Vidika, Attorney-at-Law to Westwood K-Kids - $50.00; e. Alice Harrison to Westwood K-Kids - $250.00; f. Anonymous donation to Westwood for partial funding of the Endowment Grant for the Leveled Literacy Intervention Grant - $5,000.00; g. Mike Sunderman for Westwood Field Day - $350.00; h. Wellington Implement for Westwood Field Day - $350.00; i. Murner Law Firm for Westwood Field Day - $250.00; j. Elyria Charities for Westwood Field Day - $1,000.00; k. Gossman Allstate Insurance for Westwood Field Day - $250.00; l. Band Boosters to the WHS Band - $579.53 from Malley’s Candy Sale; m. Andrew Lara to WHS Student Council – DJ Services for the dance on January 16, 2015 (value of $100.00) and the Winter Dance on March 6, 2015 (value of $300.00); n. Ohio State Eagles to WHS Drama Club - $300.00 for Talent Show; o. Wellington Ohio Girls Softball Organization to WHS Softball - $148.83 from concession stand items; p. Dan Gossman to WHS Athletic Dept. - $600.00 for Boys Basketball Holiday Tournament T-shirts. Total Donations = $9,728.36 Year-to-Date Total of Donations for 2013/2014 School Year = $301,417.13 Moved by: _________________________________________ Seconded by: ___________________________________________ Roll Call: Mr. Calfo__________, Mrs. Dovin_________, Mr. Ratliff _________, Mrs. Stewart __________, Mrs. Wulfhoop_________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * IV. OLD BUSINESS V. NEW BUSINESS VI. FUTURE MEETINGS A. March 17, 2015, Regular Session, 6:00 p.m., Westwood Elementary School B. April 21, 2015, Regular Session, 6:00 p.m., Westwood Elementary School VII. MOTION TO MOVE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION OR ADJOURN Moved by: _________________________________________ Seconded by: ___________________________________________ Roll Call: Mr. Calfo__________, Mrs. Dovin_________, Mr. Ratliff _________, Mrs. Stewart __________, Mrs. Wulfhoop_________ ******************************************************************************************* Page - 6 WELLINGTON EXEMPTED VILLAGE SCHOOLS Regular Board Meeting – February 24, 2015 – 6:00 P.M. ADDRESSING THE BOARD School patrons are reminded when addressing the Board, statements about school employees, students, or parents must be accurate and that all remarks made at a public board meeting are subject to the libel and slander laws of the State of Ohio. Patrons wishing to meet privately with the school board are asked to contact the Superintendent prior to the Board Meeting so that the agenda may be adjusted and a time can be arranged. MEETINGS AND EXECUTIVE SESSIONS This meeting and notices of all meetings are in compliance with O.R.C. 121.22. This Board of Education shall discuss in Executive Session only those items allowed in O.R.C. 121.22. Board of Education members receive their copies of the agenda 72 hours prior to each meeting. This provides them with time to review all items, request additional information, if needed, and establish a position prior to the call for a vote. Page - 7
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