Visions March 2015 Our Mission: Minister to people where they are; Equip disciples on the journey; Glorify God in all things Church Staff: Ellis Conley, Senior Pastor [email protected] (304) 614-5922—cell Jonathan Dierdorff, Associate Pastor jonathan.dierdorff@ Jayné Kirk, Children’s Minister [email protected] Beth Savageot, Pianist [email protected] Jean Kirk, Choir Director [email protected] Karen White, Admin. Assistant [email protected] Mia Ferguson, Treasurer [email protected] Connie Smith, Custodian Sam Sentelle, Web-master [email protected] COM Staff: Traci Dunmire, COM Director [email protected] Vicki Jacobs, Assistant Latchkey Director [email protected] The newsletter of Forrest Burdette Memorial United Methodist Church Take A Lenten Journey of Love I invite you to take a spiritual adventure with me during the remaining weeks of Lent. You won’t need any extra clothes, there won’t be much travel involved, nor will you have to spend a lot of money. The preparation will be mostly in your spirit, and a pen, paper (or computer), and Bible are recommended for the journey. Week of March 1 (Second Sunday in Lent) – The Hand of Love Write a note or e-mail each day to a friend (not a relative), near or far away, and tell them how much you appreciate them. Week of March 8 (Third Sunday in Lent) – The Voice of Love Telephone two or three people each day for a short chat just to say what they mean to you or to say “Thank You” or “I’m sorry”. Call people you’ve intended to phone but somehow never have. Week of March 15 (Fourth Sunday in Lent) – The Deed of Love Take something you have made or bought to two or three friends who mean much to you, but to whom you rarely express your friendship… such as a pie, a plant, a book, some candy… some small remembrance that has your Love as a wrapping. Week of March 22 (Fifth Sunday in Lent) – The Heart of Love Make a list of at least 10 people for whom you will pray daily. Include your friends, your enemies, those you don’t like. Forgive them if they have wronged you. Week of March 29 (Palm/Passion Sunday) – The Mind of Love Use this week to look inward reflecting of the last days of Jesus. Read again the Gospel of John. Plan to attend church on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Invite someone to come with you. I hope you accept this invitation to this Lenten Journey. You’ll be glad you went. Grace & Freedom, Ellis Mission Fair 2848 Putnam Avenue Hurricane WV 25526 (304) 562-5903 (304) 562-6654—fax [email protected] March 1st, after the 8:30 a.m. worship and before and after the 11:00 a.m. worship. Discover different ways for you to connect with the mission and outreach of FBMUMC. Learn also about Spring Heights, our Conference Summer Camp near Spencer. Where do your talents fit? Visions, March 2015 We will use our spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities to serve God within and beyond this community. Jonathan Dierdorff, Associate Pastor Near the end of March the confirmation students will be taking membership vows in order to join the church. During our time of preparation we are trying to help the students understand the seriousness of making a vow and living out their commitment to Christ and his church; thus, we are already encouraging them to be loyal to the United Methodist Church in the following areas: Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness. During this Lenten season I would encourage you to evaluate your commitment to membership at Forrest Burdette UMC. Sometimes it is difficult to reflect upon how we might be able to live out our membership vows in concrete ways on a daily basis; thus, I have provided a list below taken from a book entitled, Longing for Spring: A New Vision for Wesleyan Community, written by Elaine Heath and Scott Kisker. In my own experience, I have found church membership to be most fulfilling when I consider it as belonging to a community that is focused on intentionally living out the Christian faith together, rather than focusing upon the church meeting my individual needs. Therefore, as you read the list provided below, I want to encourage you to consider church membership as something we do together (notice how it repeatedly says “we” instead of “I”), and reflect upon how we might be able to re-affirm our membership vows through commitment to daily and communal practices. Prayers We will pray daily. We will use a variety of forms of prayer such as the reflective reading of Scripture and other spiritual texts, confession, the prayer of examen, intercession, journaling, and contemplation. We will regularly fast. Presence We will practice a contemplative stance in order to be present to God, the world, and ourselves. We will be hospitable to our neighbors in our families, neighborhoods, and workplaces. We will be hospitable to our faith community through participation in our worship, fellowship, and mission. Gifts We will honor and care for the gift of the earth and its resources, practicing ecologically responsible living, striving for simplicity rather than excessive consumption. We will practice generosity in sharing our material resources, including money, within and beyond this community. Service We will serve God and neighbor out of gratitude for the love of God. We will practice mutual accountability with a covenant group within the community, for how we serve God and neighbor. We will practice regular Sabbath as a means of renewal so that we can lovingly serve God and neighbor. Witness We will practice racial and gender reconciliation. We will resist evil and injustice. We will pursue peace with justice. We will share the redeeming, healing, creative love of God in word, deed, and presence in order to invite others to Christian discipleship. Growing Church Leaders You are invited to attend the Annual Conference Training Event Growing Church Leaders, Friday, March 13, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday, March 14, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Dunbar United Methodist Church, 1401 Myers Ave, Dunbar, WV. A group registration fee has been paid by the church. Please contact the church office if you will be attending this event (304-562-5903 or [email protected]). March Worship 8:30 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. March 1, Second Sunday in Lent Mark 8:31-38 “Discipleship 101” March 8, Third Sunday in Lent, Girl Scout Sunday (Daylight Saving Time begins) John 2:13-22 “When Jesus Gets Mad” March 15, Fourth Sunday in Lent One Great Hour of Sharing (offering for UMCOR) John 3:14-21 “The Little Gospel” March 22, Fifth Sunday in Lent Youth Confirmation/Membership Class Received John 12:20-33 “When You Lose, You Win” March 29, Palm/Passion Sunday Jonathan Dierdorff preaching Mark 11:1-11 "Bystanders Shout Blessings Near Bethany" Page 2 Visions, March 2015 Jayné Kirk, Director of Children’s Ministry Uth Ministry Put these dates in your calendar! Uth: Students between 6 th-12th grades unite from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesdays in the basement of the church to hang out, bond with friends, eat snacks, play games, and worship God through music, God’s Word, and small groups. Don’t miss out! March 29 Reach Work Camp (July 19-25): You can still register. Contact Mary Beth Stewart (304-562-6362). th Palm Sunday, the Children’s Choir will be singing during BOTH services! April 1 st Easter Egg Hunt! The Children’s Ministry and COM will be having our annual Egg Hunt and Party! Do you want to help? We need volunteers! We will need a lot of extra hands on April 1 st for the party! We are starting to plan for Vacation Bible School; please let me know if you are interested in helping! Our evening program will run June 28-July 2. Our day program for COM will run June 29-July 3. Traci Dunmire, Director of Children’s Outreach Ministry “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:16 Greetings to the Church Family of Forrest Burdette! February was a busy month for our preschoolers and afterschool students as we celebrated with Valentine’s activities and our winter themes. Looking ahead to March, COM is getting ready to talk about our F.R.O.G. theme which is teaching our children to Fully Rely On God! With several fun activities planned and our classroom focus on literacy, we are excited to jump right in! COM is now open for fall registration to church members and families currently enrolled in the COM programs. If you are interested in registering please call the office at 304-5629170, or email Traci Dunmire at [email protected]. COM will open registration to the public on March 5th. If you know of a family looking for a preschool, afterschool, or childcare center, please pass the word. Thank you. and have a Blessed March! March 8, John Marra’s Famous Spaghetti Dinner: The Stewards of Fellowship Sunday School Class will be sponsoring a Youth REACH fundraiser featuring John Marra’s Famous Spaghetti on Sunday, March 8, beginning @ 11:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. The menu includes: homemade spaghetti with meatballs; Clarksburg Italian bread; salad with special Italian dressing; ice cream; and drinks. Tickets may be purchased on Sundays in the Narthex, now through March 1. Prices are $12 for adults, $6 for children age 412, less than 4 years of age free or $30 per family. Attention All High School Seniors: Lil’ Lambs is offering a $1,000 scholarship in memory of Charles & Alma Thompson. Seniors must either be a member of Forrest Burdette or attend worship here. For information and applications please call Ann Hinshaw at 304-7575209 or email [email protected]. All applications must be completed by April 6, 2015. Soup Kitchen: The soup kitchen takes place every 3rd Saturday of every month. This is open to all ages; anybody can go, but we highly encourage our Uth to go and serve West Virginia! We meet at the church, leave at 10 a.m., and head down to Huntington to a local Salvation Army and serve food, sing songs, and get personal with those who extremely need love. Wednesday Night Live for All! Dinner is served each Wednesday from 5:00-6:00 p.m., before Uth, COOL Kids, and small groups. Make your reservation by signing up at the Reception Desk, or call the church office at 304-5625903 by noon on MONDAYS. Cost is $7 adults, $5 children under 12. No family pays more than $20. March Menus 3/4: Baked steak, mashed potatoes, garden salad, dessert 3/11: Chicken stir fry, fried rice, salad, brownies 3/18: Meatloaf, baked potatoes, corn, dessert 3/25: No Dinner because of the Easter Egg Factory, but small groups will still be held at 6:30 p.m. Page 3 Visions, March 2015 "Blessed to be a Blessing" Celebrating 100 Years at Forrest Burdette United Methodist Women Annual Easter Egg Project 2015 It’s Easter Egg Season again! All women of Forrest Burdette are invited to join in the fellowship of this project. Please check the schedule below and come by at your convenience to assist. We need YOU! Last year, volunteers assisted to construct, mold, dip, decorate, and package 2,601 eggs! We sold OUT!!! More VOLUNTEERS will be needed this year to work shifts throughout the week of March 23-26. The goal is 3,000! Monday, March 23, 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. Batching & molding eggs Tuesday, March 24, 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Batching, molding, & dipping eggs Wednesday, March 25, 9:00 a.m. to7:00/8:00 p.m. Dipping & decorating Thursday, March 26, 9:00 a.m. to finishing Dipping, decorating, & filling orders. Workers may bring a dish to share for the evening meal Monday through Wednesday. Saturday, March 28, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., there will be a book and craft sale (local crafters are invited to participate/$10 fee) with hot dogs and country store goodies available. Easter Egg orders will be ready for pick-up. Willing volunteers are also needed to take orders in your workplace. Forms will be available for large orders and posters, advertising the event, at the reception desk. You have the option to deliver your ordered eggs or encourage customer pick-up here at the church. Please pray for all the volunteers and mission outreach of this project. For more information, please call Karen Lilly, 304-562-9241. Lenten Giving Form In Memory of: _________________________________ In Honor of: ___________________________________ I wish my gift of $15.00 to go to: (Circle One) Vision Building Fund–No Lily Easter Service. _____Pots of Lilies, $15.00 each _____3 Blooms, $15.00 Given by: _____________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Please place this form along with your check payable to Forrest Burdette Memorial UMC in an envelope and return to the church office by Monday, March 30th. UMW Easter Eggs Order The UMW are taking Easter Egg orders! These halfpound eggs cost $3.50 each. Please fill out the form below, and return it to the church office by Wednesday, March 18th. Eggs may be picked up at the Spring Fest on Saturday, March 28th. Make checks payable to Name: ________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________ Maple Nut Coconut Peanut Butter Eggs Cherry Nut # of Vanilla Page 4 Type The PipeSounds Board invites you to celebrate the 100th Anniversary at a "Pops" Concert on March 22, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Famed Rodney Barbour, performer and entertainer from Cincinnati, will present "BROADWAY AND BEYOND". The audience will experience Broadway and Radio City Music Hall with tunes from "Westside Story, Sound of Music, and Phantom of the Opera". Rodney has planned music venues which will include "ballpark organ", "pop organ", "organ stop pizza" styled restaurant music with a "hoe down" and some West Virginia favorites. Barbour began his performances on the Harrah Symphonic Organ in 2008 with a Patriotic Concert, and he has returned four times for Christmas Concerts. He will bring passion and a sense of humor to the "Pops" event. Lily for Sanctuary If you choose the pot of lilies, please take home after the United Methodist Women. 100th Anniversary Pops Concert or Visions, March 2015 Sunday 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lent II 8:30am-Worship 9:45am-Sun. School/Mission 11:00am-Worship 12:00pm-Mission 12:30pmConfirmation 5:00pm-Handbells 6:00pm-Worship 6:00pm-Men’s Grp 7:00pm-SPRC 2 3 4 5 9:30amPreventicare 6:00pm-Emmaus 6:00pm-Emmaus Reunion 6:30pm-Boy Scouts 7:00pm-Cub Scouts 8:00pm-AA 10:00am-CCC 1:00pm-Daniel Plan 6:30pm-Girl Scouts 6:30pm-Hooks & Needles 7:00pm-Adult Uth Team 7:00pm-UMW 9:30amPreventicare 12:00pm-We Care 5:00pm-Dinner 6:00pm-FBUth 6:30pm-COOL Club 6:30pm-Small Groups 9:45am-Circle of 9:30amFriends Preventicare 4:00pm-Girl Scouts 10:00am-CCC 6:00pm-COM Open House 7:00pm-Choir 7:30am-Emmaus Prayer Group 7:30am-SONrise Saturday 10am-Ruth Byrd Quilters Spaghetti Dinner Set Up 8 Lent III 8:30am-Worship 9:45am-Sun. School 11:00am-Worship 11:00am-Spaghetti Dinner Begins 12:30pmConfirmation 5:00pm-Handbells 5:00pm-Finance 6:00pm-Worship 6:00pm-Men’s Grp 7:00pm-Ch. Council 9 10 11 12 13 14 9:30amPreventicare 6:00pm-Emmaus 6:00pm-Emmaus Reunion 6:00pm-Scouts Blue & Gold Dinner 8:00pm-AA 9:00am-YAH Quilt 10:00am-CCC 1:00pm-Daniel Plan 6:30pm-Girl Scouts 6:30pm-Hooks & Needles 7:00pm-Civic Chorus 9:30amPreventicare 12:00pm-Wesley Circle 5:00pm-Dinner 6:00pm-FBUth 6:30pm-COOL Club 6:30pm-Small Groups 9:45am-Circle of Friends 4:00pm-Girl Scouts 7:00pm-Choir 9:30amPreventicare 10:00am-CCC 7:00-9:00pmGrowing Church Leaders Workshop, Dunbar UMC 7:30am-Emmaus Prayer Group 7:30am-SONrise Saturday 9:00am-4:00pmGrowing Church Leaders Workshop, Dunbar UMC 15 Lent IV 8:30am-Worship 9:45am-Sun. School 11:00am-Worship 12:30pmConfirmation 5:00pm-Handbells 6:00pm-Worship 6:00pm-Men’s Grp 16 17 18 19 20 21 9:30amPreventicare 6:00pm-Emmaus 6:00pm-Emmaus Reunion 6:30pm-Boy Scouts 7:00pm-Cub Scouts 8:00pm-AA 10:00am-CCC 1:00pm-Daniel Plan 6:30pm-Girl Scouts 6:30pm-Hooks & Needles 9:30amPreventicare 5:00pm-Dinner 6:00pm-FBUth 6:30pm-COOL Club 6:30pm-Small Groups 9:45am-Circle of Friends 12:00pm-Joy Fellowship 4:00pm-Girl Scouts 7:00pm-Choir 9:30amPreventicare 10:00am-CCC 7:30am-Emmaus Prayer Group 7:30am-SONrise Saturday 10:00am-Leave for Soup Kitchen 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1:00-7:00pm-Egg Factory 6:00pm-Emmaus 6:00pm-Emmaus Reunion 6:30pm-Boy Scouts 6:30pm-Putnam Piece Makers 7:00pm-Cub Scouts 8:00pm-AA 9:00am-7:00pmEgg Factory 10:00am-CCC 1:00pm-Daniel Plan 6:30pm-Hooks & Needles 7:00pm-Civic Chorus 9:00am-8:00pmEgg Factory 6:00pm-FBUth 6:30pm-COOL Club 6:30pm-Small Groups 9:00am-???-Egg Factory 9:45am-Circle of Friends 4:00pm-Girl Scouts 7:00pm-Choir 9:30amPreventicare 10:00am-CCC 7:30am-Emmaus Prayer Group 7:30am-SONrise Saturday 9:00am-UMW Spring Fling Lent V 8:30am-Worship 9:45am-Sun. School 11:00am-Worship 3:00pmPipeSounds Pops Concert 5:00pm-Handbells 6:00pm-Worship 6:00pm-Men’s Grp 29 Palm/Passion 30 31 Sunday 8:30am-Worship 9:45am-Sun. School 11:00am-Worship 5:00pm-Handbells 6:00pm-Worship 6:00pm-Men’s Grp 10:00am-CCC 6:30pm-Hooks & Needles 7:00pm-Civic Chorus 9:30amPreventicare 6:00pm-Emmaus 6:00pm-Emmaus Reunion 6:30pm-Boy Scouts 7:00pm-Cub Scouts 8:00pm-AA 6 Saturday 2015 at Forrest Burdette Memorial United Methodist Church Page 5 7 Visions, March 2015 March Birthdays: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 Natasha Keaton, Dory Philyaw, Hannah Totten, Kelli Totten Brad Dixon Glen Keaton, Addley Marinacci Bridget Bradley, Jim Cunningham, Richard Roda Jennifer Billups Tene Barcroft, Tim Landin Jennifer Marinacci Carrie Parsons, Jan Ramey Jill Gilbert, Samuel Holdren, Cameron Kimble Scott Ramey Shannon Dean, Bryan Larch Linda Anders, Jim Swan, Lisa Vance Marvin Lively Ramona Erwin, Nellie Scott, Sandee Simms Lilian Haught, Olivia Haught, Reece James Caleb Bowers, Jason Haught, Lindsay Jones Everette Carter, Emily Hall Christopher Clark II, Caroline Harris, Ezra Scott Warren Faulknier Sue Bennett, Dustin Fisher, Skip Nitardy Morgan Jackson Judy Clendenin, Butch Shoub, Terri Stull Miranda Kimble, Penny Nelson, Deanne Parsons Trevor Cunningham, Frank Davis, Jeff Given, John Marra, Cathy Ray The Newsletter of Forrest Burdette Memorial United Methodist Church 2848 Putnam Avenue Hurricane, WV 25526 304-562-5903 [email protected] Address Service Requested Date mailed: 02/26/2015 27 28 29 30 Rick Caldwell, Emily Cartwright, Shawn Sette Dean Huffman, Ed Smith Ellis Conley, Sam Sentelle Jessica Jarvis, Elizabeth Lawhon ** Birthdays are generated from our church database. Please call the office if your birthday is not listed (304-562-5903). VOLUNTEER RECEPTIONISTS: Monday Morning—Rosemary Cook, Afternoon—Joanne Sovine Tuesday Morning—Priscilla Simmons, Afternoon—Debbie Romine Wednesday Morning—Karen Lilly, Afternoon—Linda Wagner Thursday Morning—Hilda Mynes, Afternoon—Maxine Hunt Friday Morning—Donna Varian From the Church Record: Christian sympathy is extended to Lois Brewer and family upon the death of husband Paul Richard “Dick” Brewer. Received into membership: Chris & Jane Bogan, Gene & Traci Brown, and Ben Veit. Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Hurricane, WV Permit No. 3
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