Visions THE NEWSLETTER OF FORREST BURDETTE MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH VOLUME 2015, NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY 2015 Our Call Minister to People where they are; Equip Disciples on the Journey; and to Glorify God in all things Elsewhere in this newsletter, you will find a report of Forrest Burdette mission giving for 2014. It is only a summary of money that flowed through the church treasury and does in no way reflect what individuals or groups gave directly to mission and outreach ministries. You will note that the total is over $200,000. I was amazed as I received these figures. You can be proud of your church for the many and varied ministries that are supported. We certainly have been “blessed to be a blessing”. Folks have found ways to serve in hands-on ministry in many ways. My hope is that we can increase opportunities for persons to serve the Lord in ways that utilize the gifts and talents that have been given them. If you have not done so I encourage you to complete one of the “He Leadeth Me – Invitation to Stewardship for 2015” forms to indicate where you might be willing to serve. You will find them at the Connection Center. In Matthew 16:24-26 Jesus challenges us to be “self-giving” instead of “self-seeking”. To answer the call of discipleship, we must continually make that choice and journey on that road with Jesus. Congregations likewise are challenged, as are pastors. It is a choice that becomes apparent in the lifestyle of one who claims to be a disciple of Jesus. It is clear that many in the congregation have accepted that challenge. I have witnessed it already. I pray that each week more and more will accept that challenge. You have been “blessed to be a blessing”. On another note, Lent, the 40 day season of preparation culminating with Easter, begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18, with a 7:00 p.m. worship service of the imposition of ashes and communion. I invite you to be present as we begin our Lenten journey with Jesus. Grace & freedom, Ellis February Worship 8:30 A.M. Traditional 11:00 A.M. Leaning Toward Contemporary February 1 – John 13: 1-17 “The Real Superbowl” February 8 – Mark 1:29-39 “Beyond the Borders” Boy Scout Sunday February 15 – Transfiguration Sunday 1 Peter 3:18-22 “A Hitchhiker's Guide to Following Jesus” Rev. Jonathan Dierdorff preaching February 22 – Mark 1: 9-13 “Brain Buckets” Worship February 18 7:00 p.m. Imposition of Ashes and Communion Child Care Provided. VISIONS Associate Pastor: Jonathan Dierdorff Lent is a season in the church that begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th, and ends on Holy Saturday, April 4th. It is a time of reflection and repentance as we look forward to the resurrection of Jesus on Easter; and because each Sunday leading up to Lent is understood as a “mini-Easter”, Sundays are not counted as a part of the forty days of Lent. Lent is usually thought of as a season of fasting in order to prepare our hearts and lives for a new beginning in the season of Easter. Although I think it is a good time to fast, I also think it is an important time to invest in our spiritual lives through Scripture reading in addition to prayer and reflection. During our Advent season we had a lovely devotional that was written by various persons within the church. I was encouraged to hear of so many using the Advent devotional during their journey and thought I would offer a Scripture reading schedule that might help chart a path of selected Scriptures to read for each day of Lent. I cannot emphasize the importance of our church being unified in every way possible, which includes reading Scripture together during a holy season. If you happen to miss a day or two it will not throw you out of the loop; you can either pick up where you left off or go on to the next day’s reading. Each suggested passage is selected from the Revised Common Lectionary with an attempt to capture the focus of Lent as a season of holy reflection. I pray this reading plan will be a blessing to you this season as we journey together toward resurrection Sunday. Grace and Peace Monday 1) Joel 2:1-2, 1217 Tuesday 2) Psalm 51:1-17 7) 1 Peter 3:18-22 8) Mark 1:9-15 13) Exodus 20:1-17 14) Psalm 19 Wednesday 3) 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 9) Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 15) 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 21) Jeremiah 31:3134 27) Hebrews 10:410 Thursday Friday Saturday 4) Matthew 6:1-6, 5) Genesis 9:8-17 6) Psalm 25:1-10 16-21 11) Romans 4:1310) Psalm 22:23-31 12) Mark 8:31-38 25 18) Psalm 107:1-3, 16) John 2:13-22 17) Numbers 21:4-9 17-22 19) Ephesians 2:110 20) John 3:14-21 25) Isaiah 7:10-14 26) Psalm 45 31) Isaiah 50:4-9a 32) Psalm 31:9-16 33) Philippians 2:5- 34) Mark 14:111 15:47 37) John 13:21-32 38) John 13:1-17, 31b-35 39) John 18:1-19:42 40) John 19:38-42 22) Psalm 51:1-12 23) Hebrews 5:5-10 24) John 12:20-33 28) Luke 1:26-38 29) Psalm 118:1-2, 30) Mark 11:1-11 19-29 35) John 12:1-11 36) John 12:20-36 Children’s Minister: Jayné Kirk We are already planning for Vacation Bible School (VBS)! We will run the church VBS from Sunday—Thursday. Our Dates are June 28th—July 2nd! Mark your calendars! If you have any ideas or want to help let me know. COM will still run Monday—Friday. If you missed the acolyte training please let me know ([email protected]). February 11th is our Valentine’s Day party. Come out on Wednesday evening and share in the fun! We will have snacks and then make cards for our homebound members. PAGE 2 VOLUME 2015, NUMBER 2 Uth Ministry Uth: Students between 6 th-12th grades unite from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesdays in the basement of the church to hang out, bond with friends, eat snacks, play games, and worship God through music, God’s Word, and small groups. Don’t miss out! Sunday Night Group (S.N.G.): Sunday Night Group is a time for Uth to grow deeper with God. We have 4 groups from 4:30-6 p.m. that meet in the basement: G.L.A.M. – High School Girls (Sister freaks) Dusty Men – High School Boys S.W.A.G. – Middle School Boys (Old Testament) L.O.L. – Middle School Girls (Talk sheets) We have incredible leaders that will give each of these students an opportunity to connect with God and to feel comfortable to ask questions. February 1: Chili Cook Off - Start off your Super Bowl Sunday by enjoying a warm bowl of chili, some fun competition, and good fellowship. Join this Uth fundraiser Sunday, Feb. 1, after the 11:00 a.m. service. To-go chili will be available starting after Sunday school. Sr. High Super Bowl Party - Sr. High youth are having a Super Bowl Party at Ellis & Julie Conley's home (110 Mulberry Dr.) on Sunday, February 1. The party begins at the 6:30 p.m. kick-off. Please bring a snack or pop to share. Soup Kitchen - The soup kitchen takes place every 3rd Saturday of every month. This is open to all ages; anybody can go, but we highly encourage our Uth to go and serve West Virginia! We meet at the church, leave at 10 a.m., and head down to Huntington to a local salvation army and serve food, sing songs, and get personal with those who extremely need love. Uth Ski Trip, Friday, February 20—Sunday, February 22, 2015 Location: Snowshoe MTN & Timberline Four Seasons Resort Time: Leaving from the church Friday at 4:45 p.m.; returning to the church Sunday around 11:00 p.m. Cost: $170 (with rentals), $150 (without rentals), or $60 (Snowshoe season pass holder) Housing: Hampton Inn, Elkins WV (breakfast included) See the registration form at the Connections Center for more information, or contact Jim Fawcett (304-562-7313). Children’s Outreac h Ministry: Traci Dunmire, COM Director “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 Greetings to the Church Family of Forrest Burdette! COM celebrated our 100th day of school on Wednesday, January 21st with posters and fun during devotion. Each class participated by counting and sharing 100 items brought from home. COM is thankful to be 100 days smarter with lessons about Jesus and learned classroom instruction. COM will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with a valentine exchange and a chance to create a card for troops overseas. If you would like to join in the fun, please stop by at 11:30 a.m. on the 12th or 13th for crafting and a sweet treat! Zac Doss, one of our Latchkey counselors, will be our special guest that day as he talks about his service in the National Guard. Mr. Christopherson will also be stopping by to speak to our students about the Coast Guard and his service. COM would like to thank our special guests for taking time out of their busy schedules and for their service. COM will be wrapping up the end of February by thinking spring and learning about the weather (we hope the groundhog does not see his shadow). COM would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day! PAGE 3 VISIONS 2014 For rest Burdette Mission Giving I am proud of the way that, because of your generosity, Forrest Burdette was able to provide mission and ministry in so many ways. Here is a recap of the congregation’s mission giving in 2014. (This does not include projects of the United Methodist Women [see below], Sunday School Classes, undies or school supplies collected, Thanksgiving/Christmas baskets, or Angel Tree gifts.) You have certainly been “blessed to be a blessing”. Annual Conference Apportionments Midland South District Promotional Fund Community Development Outreach Ministries UMCOR Golden Cross Day of Remembrance Human Relations Day Native American Awareness One Great Hour of Sharing World Communion Sunday Peace With Justice Community Cupboard Kairos Habitat for Humanity Thanksgiving Baskets Haiti Mission Items Angel Tree Backpack Buddies REACH Youth Mission Trip Gabriel Project Good Samaritan Fund (emergency assistance) Other Total $143,445 1,659 4,994 1,509 10 11 381 55 98 100 35 14,043 1,500 250 550 200 150 13,402 15,736 460 3,091 597 $202,276 Adult Membership Class February 15 and 22 9:45 a.m.—Pastor’s Study If you are interested in uniting with Forrest Burdette by either profession of faith or transfer of membership, you are invited. No registration needed. SOUP-ER BOWL SUNDAY You are asked to bring cans of soup for the Community Cupboard on February 1 and place them in the Sanctuary under the sign of the team you think will win the Super Bowl—the Seahawks or the Patriots! United Methodist Women Mission Outreach in 2014 5 Thank you to all of the congregation for your support, contributions, and volunteerism to assist with the mission projects around the world in the conference, community, and within the church. A total of $11,250 has been contributed including: $4,800 as a District Pledge, $1,000 for the Backpack Ministry, $1,000 for the Haiti trip, $2,000 for family assistance, $650 to support the quilting, knitting, and crocheting outreach from Forrest Burdette, $500 for the local "Be Fit" mission event, and $1,130 for other projects including Campus Crusade for Christ, Burlington UM Family Services, House of the Carpenter, Scotts Run Settlement House, Ebenezer Community Outreach, Heart & Hand, Tyrand, Sweet Julia Grace Fund, and support for bereavement and recognitions within the local church. The UMW extends an invitation to the women and men of our Church family to be involved in 2015 with the projects and activities that will support this year's giving! Any questions may be directed to Ruth Blankenship, President. PAGE 4 VOLUME 2015, NUMBER 2 Anniver sary Team Celebrating 100 Years In 1918, the congregation of the Forrest Burdette church was growing. Revivals were popular in the community. A guest Evangelist would bring a choir director and lead services for a week at a time in the evenings. Members of other sister churches would attend, and at one such event in 1918 there were one hundred and thirty conversions. The Methodist Episcopal Church North worshipped in a building on Main Street and later relocated one mile east in Teays Valley and became known as the Rock Cut Church. The Liberty Methodist Episcopal Church was located on upper Cow Creek. In 1936, the Rock Cut Church united with Forrest Burdette, and the country church building was moved, repaired, and joined to the main building of the Hurricane church to provide Sunday School classrooms and a small kitchen for church dinners. In 1940, that building was again moved to a location on Virginia Avenue, making room for a more permanent addition for Forrest Burdette. The new addition included classrooms and a choir loft on the west side of the church. Ladies made and sold doughnuts to purchase an organ for the church. In 1938, the Rock Cut Church was destroyed by a severe storm and not rebuilt. The congregation members joined the Hurricane Church. In keeping with a rich tradition, today the church family continues to recognize the role of Forrest Burdette UMC to provide programs and outreach, for the glory of God, in the community. Forrest Burdette is "Blessed to be a Blessing". Save the Date! Forrest Burdette Memorial United Methodist Church 100th Anniversary May 17, 2015 Worship, Luncheon, & PipeSounds Anniversary Concert Special Guests: Bishop Tom Bickerton Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball Purchase an Anniversary License Plate, $12, in the office, to advertise the 100th Anniversary, “Blessed to be a Blessing” in 2015! District Mission Trip: You are invited to take part in an upcoming trip to New Jersey to assist with Hurricane Sandy Relief, April 26-May 2. The participants will be repairing homes damaged from the hurricane. All levels of talent/skill are needed. The trip is open to anyone over 18. Lodging will be at a local church. Meals will be eaten at the church as well. The cost of the trip is $350 and includes room/board with the exception of meals while traveling. For more information, please contact Kathy Chaney at 304-546-8513 or [email protected]. PAGE 5 VISIONS Things to Note…Don’t Miss Out! Dear Church Family, Thanks to all of you for the calls, cards, visit, thoughts, and most of all your prayers. I continue to recover at home and continue to receive many of God’s blessings. Thanks again, Tim Stinespring Thank you to my Forrest Burdette Family. The cards, calls, and flowers were great. But the prayers and well wishes meant so much more. Yours in Christian Love, Marvin Lively Welcome new members: Ed & Betsy Byus! December 2014 at the Cupboard: 291 families were served, composed of 990 people. 18 persons were new to the Cupboard. Youth Membership/ Confirmation Class 6th Grade & Up Led by Dr. Ellis Conley and Jonathan Dierdorff Begins February 1, 2015 Call the church office to register: (304) 562-5903 Mission Fair As we celebrate our 100 year anniversary of being in ministry and mission, we will be providing a church-wide Mission Fair on Sunday, March 1. We invite the congregation to come to church a little earlier and browse through the mission tables that will be located in the Narthex. You will have the opportunity to see the many ways that Forrest Burdette Memorial UMC reaches out in mission locally, within our state, nationally, and throughout the world. We ask that you prayerfully consider how God is calling you to join in the mission activities here at Forrest Burdette. Rags for CDOM Start saving your rags! In February we will begin collecting rags for Community Development Outreach Ministry. This is a great opportunity for our church to help support CDOM by donating old t-shirts and rags. These rags will be sold, and the funds will be used for the various ministries of CDOM. Be on the lookout for the “Rags to Riches” container coming in February. Silent Movie 2015 PipeSounds Hosts John Schwandt Invite a friend or loved one and come see the classic silent movie, “The Cameraman”, starring Buster Keaton with the music score performed by John Schwandt from the University of Oklahoma School of Music, on Friday, Feb. 6, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Admission: adults, $10.00; students and children FREE. To learn more about the event or the artist, check the web site, There will be a reception following the event hosted by the United Methodist Women. The PipeSounds Board celebrates the 100th Anniversary of Forrest Burdette UMC, "Blessed to be a Blessing". PAGE 6 Easter Eggs 2015 United Methodist Women Forrest Burdette is celebrating 100 years, "Blessed to be a Blessing", and the United Methodist Women are planning the 45th year of Easter Egg construction! You will have an opportunity to begin placing orders on February 22 (order forms will be available in the bulletin beginning that Sunday), with Easter Egg week beginning March 23. Volunteers are needed to take orders in the workplace for delivery ready by Saturday, March 28. Forms will be available for large orders at the reception desk on Feb. 22. Last year, volunteers assisted to construct, mold, dip, decorate, and package 2,599 eggs! We sold OUT!!! More VOLUNTEERS will be needed this year to work shifts throughout the week of March 23-26. On Saturday, March 28, Easter Eggs will be ready for pick-up at the annual Spring Festival also featuring a book sale, limited crafts, baked goodies, and the UMW "famous" hot dogs. Please place these dates on your calendar! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2015 at Forrest Burdette Memorial United Methodist Church 1 8:30am-Worship 9:45am-Sun. School 11:00am-Worship Chili Cook Off 1:00pm-Confirmation 4:30pm-Youth SNG 5:00pm-Handbells 6:00pm-Worship 6:30pm-Sr. High Party at Parsonage 2 3 4 9:30am-Preventicare 6:00pm-Emmaus 6:00pm-Emmaus Reunion 6:30pm-Boy Scouts 7:00pm-Cub Scouts 7:00pm-Trustees 8:00pm-AA 10:00am-CCC 1:00pm-Daniel Plan 6:30pm-Girl Scouts 6:30pm-Hooks & Needles 7:00pm-Adult Uth Team 7:00pm-UMW 9:30am-Preventicare 9:45am-Circle of Friends 12:00pm-We Care 8 8:30am-Worship 9:45am-Sun. School 11:00am-Worship 1:00pm-Confirmation 4:30pm-Youth SNG 5:00pm-Handbells 5:00pm-Finance 6:00pm-Men’s Group 6:00pm-Worship 7:00pm-Staff Parish 9 10 11 9:30am-Preventicare 6:00pm-Emmaus 6:00pm-Emmaus Reunion 6:30pm-Boy Scouts 7:00pm-Cub Scouts 7:00pm-Mission Outreach 8:00pm-AA 9:00am-Y.A.H. Quilters 10:00am-CCC 1:00pm-Daniel Plan 6:30pm-Hooks & Needles 7:00pm-Civic Chorus 9:30am-Preventicare 9:45am-Circle of Friends 12:00pm-Wesley 15 16 17 18 8:30am-Worship 9:45am-Sun. School 9:45am-Adult Membership Class 11:00am-Worship 1:00pm-Confirmation 4:30pm-Youth SNG 5:00pm-Handbells 6:00pm-Men’s Group 6:00pm-Worship 22 8:30am-Worship 9:45am-Sun. School 9:45am-Adult Membership Class 11:00am-Worship 1:00pm-Confirmation 5:00pm-Handbells 6:00pm-Men’s Group 6:00pm-Worship 9:30am-Preventicare 6:00pm-Emmaus 6:00pm-Emmaus Reunion 6:30pm-Boy Scouts 7:00pm-Cub Scouts 8:00pm-AA 5 5:00pm-Dinner 4:00pm-Girl Scouts 6:00pm-FBUth 7:00pm-Choir 6:30pm-Girl Scouts 6:30pm-Hooks & Needles 7 9:30am-Preventicare 7:30am-Emmaus Prayer Group 10:00am-CCC 7:00pm-PipeSounds Silent Movie Concert 7:30am-SONrise Saturday 10:00am-Ruth Byrd Quilters 6:30pm-COOL Club 6:30pm-Small Groups 12 Circle 4:00pm-Girl Scouts 5:00pm-Dinner 7:00pm-Choir 13 14 9:30am-Preventicare 7:30am-Emmaus Prayer Group 10:00am-CCC 7:30am-SONrise Saturday 6:00pm-FBUth 6:30pm-COOL Club 6:30pm-Small Groups 19 9:00am-The Quilters 9:30am-Preventicare 9:45am-Circle of Friends 10:00am-CCC 6:00pm-FBUth 1:00pm-Daniel Plan 6 7:00pm-Ash Wednesday Worship 20 21 9:30am-Preventicare 7:30am-Emmaus Prayer Group 10:00am-CCC 12:00pm-JOY Fellowship 7:30am-SONrise Saturday 4:00pm-Girl Scouts 10:00am-Soup 7:00pm-Choir Kitchen (Huntington) Uth Ski Trip, Feb. 20-22, Snowshoe 23 24 25 9:30am-Preventicare 9:00am-Y.A.H. Quilters 9:30am-Preventicare 9:45am-Circle of Friends 5:00pm-Dinner 6:00pm-Emmaus Reunion 10:00am-CCC 6:00pm-FBUth 4:00pm-Girl Scouts 1:00pm-Daniel Plan 6:30pm-COOL Club 7:00pm-Choir 6:30pm-Boy Scouts 6:30pm-Putnam Piece Makers 7:00pm-Cub Scouts 8:00pm-AA 6:30pm-Hooks & Needles 6:30pm-Small Groups 6:00pm-Emmaus 7:00pm-Civic Chorus 26 27 28 9:30am-Preventicare 7:30am-Emmaus Prayer Group 10:00am-CCC 7:30am-SONrise Saturday 8:00am-2:00pmScouts Pinewood Derby Uth 30-Hour Famine Febr uary Bir thdays: 1 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 Alex Dorsey, Tom Hankins, John Lawman, Melissa Schamp Darrell Allen, James Larch, Steve Wandling Herb Nutter Colin Copeland, David Garland, John Stewart Robert Clatworthy, Kim Dunlap, Shawn Lawman, David Westfall Asher Larch Janet Fisher, Donnie Sauvageot, Connie Stover Bill Alexander, Andrew Marinacci, Gary Vargo Mea Billups, Tony Hill Ruth Alford, Kelly McFadden Pat Burlingame, Matt Jarvis Jennifer Sette Jake McKinney Nathan Daly Carla Akers, Malinda Shanklin Scott Harris, Debby Pannell, Tracy Shanklin, Kris Weaver Diana Stone Patrick Gross Jody Ogle, Mark Stewart Dale Duespohl Cameron Bird, Gale Thompson Sandy Burns, Chuck Donovan, Jonathan Howat Suzy Richardson ** Birthdays are generated from our church database. Please call the office if your birthday is not listed (304-562-5903). Contact Our Staff Pastor: Ellis Conley [email protected]; cell 304-614-5922 Associate Pastor: Jonathan Dierdorff ...................................................... [email protected] Children’s Minister: Jayné Kirk ................... [email protected] Pianist: Beth Sauvageot ............................................ [email protected] Choir Director: Jean Kirk .......................... [email protected] Secretary: Karen White ................................ [email protected] Treasurer: Mia Ferguson ................................ [email protected] COM Director: Traci Dunmire ...................... [email protected] Assistant Latchkey Director: Vicki [email protected] Custodian: Connie Smith Web-Master: Sam Sentelle ............................... [email protected] VOLUNTEER RECEPTIONISTS: Monday Morning—Rosemary Cook, Afternoon—Joanne Sovine Tuesday Morning—Priscilla Simmons, Afternoon—Debbie Romine Wednesday Morning—Karen Lilly, Afternoon—Linda Wagner Thursday Morning—Hilda Mynes, Afternoon—Maxine Hunt Friday Morning—Donna Varian THE NEWSLETTER OF FORREST BURDETTE MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2848 Putnam Avenue Hurricane, WV 25526 304-562-5903 [email protected] Address Service Requested Date mailed: 01/29/2015 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Hurricane, WV Permit No. 3
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