Examen 2nd Sunday of Lent – Year B 1st March 2015 1. Give Thanks. I thank God for this day, for my life, for all I am and have, and for His Word. 2. Pray for Light. I ask the Father to let me see my day as the Holy Spirit sees it, and to show me what I need to see. 3. Find God. I look at my day in the light of the Spirit. What I have done? Did I do what I had planned? What happened that wasn’t planned? How did I respond? What did my heart tell me? 4. Anything Wrong? Have I been anxious? Sad? Focused on myself? Does something in a relationship need to be addressed? Have I been ungrateful? 5. What Now? What do I need from God today? What do I need to do today? Tomorrow? See more at: http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/15340/an-examen-for-ash-wednesday/#sthash.M9rbsjRe.dpuf As we celebrate, we acknowledge the Indigenous owners of the land on which The Church of The Immaculate Conception is built, the Tjapwurong people, and we respect the presence of the spirits of their ancestors among us. FIRST READING Gn 22:1-2. 9-13. 15-18 The sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith. Mass of the Oils - The Mass of the Oils will be celebrated in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Ballarat at 6.30 p.m. on Monday, March 30. All welcome RESPONSORIAL PSALM Ps 115:10. 15-19. R. 114:9 Ministers of the Eucharist Training (R.) I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living. Thankyou to those who have volunteered to become new Ministers of the Eucharist. ALL Ministers of the Eucharist (new and old) are asked to attend a training session. The same session will be offered four times in the hope that most people can attend a session. Especially for those who take communion to the hospital and its residential care centres, attendance is necessary so that you will comply with the hospital’s legal obligations. The one hour session will be offered at the following times: 1. I trusted, even when I said: ‘I am sorely afflicted.’ Friday March 13, 9.15am Friday March 13, 4pm Saturday March 14, 5pm Sunday March 15, after 10.30 Mass Promenade of Sacred Music—Thursday April 16 – Sunday April 19 Hamilton Venues – info: www.promenadeofsacredmusic.com.au Alcoholics Anonymous - Open community meeting – Meeting Room at Rear of Bank of Bendigo, Saturday March 21 2pm. Info: [email protected] Family Mass - The next Family Mass will be on Sunday March 8, 5pm. Anointing of the Sick – Available after all Masses 1st Rite Reconciliation – Available after all Masses. Please bring your bulletin with you to discuss the Examen. Library - Feel welcome to borrow from the bookshelf in the foyer in Ararat. Prayers for the Sick - Names will be taken for yourself or your next of kin and published on the bulletin for a month. Children and the Toilet - Please accompany all children who need the toilet during Mass. O precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his faithful. (R.) 2. Your servant, Lord, your servant am I; you have loosened my bonds. A thanksgiving sacrifice I make: I will call on the Lord’s name. (R.) 3. My vows to the Lord I will fulfil before all his people, in the courts of the house of the Lord, in your midst, O Jerusalem. (R.) SECOND READING Rom 8:31-34 God did not spare his own Son. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION See Mt 17:5 Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! From the shining cloud, the Father’s voice is heard: this is my beloved Son, hear him. Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! GOSPEL Mk 9:2-10 This is my Son, the beloved; listen to him. Copyright ICEL. Used with permission PARISH PRAYER Loving God, Good Shepherd of us all, gather us and form us into a welcoming Parish family. Touch our hearts with your love so that we, in turn, may reach out in love to one another, In a neighbourly community. We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, ARARAT, ST. BERNARD’S, LAKE BOLAC, THISWEEK WEEK 12th/13th 28th/1st THIS SAINT PATRICK'S, WILLAURA PARISH PRIEST: Fr Andrew Hayes 304a Barkly Street, Ararat Vic 3377 , PO Box 92, Ararat Vic 3377 FACILITATOR: FACILITATOR: FACILITATOR: SAT: SUN: Greg Carroll SAT: Angela Carmel Reynolds Brennan SUN: Margaret Olle SAT: Geoff White SUN: Peter Brennan READERS: READERS: READERS: SAT: Gleynce North SUN: John Brennan EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: [email protected] www.ballarat.catholic.org.au PRINCIPAL ST. MARY'S SCHOOL: Mr Tom Hogan SAT: Joyce SUN:Vin Terry Arnold SAT:Anne-Maree Glenyce North SUN: Hooper Mr John Crowley EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: PRINCIPAL MARIAN COLLEGE: NEXT WEEK 7th/8th EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Events at Willaura March 22nd - Closing Mass 12 Noon Bring lunch to Share SAT: R. Jerram, G. North, H. Collins OFFICE HOURS: ST. MARY’S PARISH OFFICE: Ph: 5352 5460 Wednesday: 8.30 am - 4.30 pm ARARAT MASS PROGRAMME FOR THIS WEEK TUESDAY 3rd 11.30 am Funeral of Hazel Gleeson WEDNESDAY 4th 5.00 pm Ararat THURSDAY 5th 9.30 am Ararat FRIDAY 6th 6.00 pm Hopkins Correctional Centre SAT: M. Stapleton, Sr. Maree, P. Davis SAT: T. Gemmola, R. Jerram, H. Collins SUN : B. Stoneman, G. O’Loughlan, N. Billings- SUN : M. Olle, C. Bulger SUN ley : B. Stoneman, G. Oloughlan COUNTERS: COUNTERS: COUNTERS: A & V Joyce SUN: Jerram Family G.Carmichael, B. Holland, P.McAloon 28th Feb/1st March 2015 RECENT DEATHS: Hazel Gleeson MON: Ron Jerram, Ted Lane Harry & Anna GOLDEN GATE COMMUNION GOLDEN GATE COMMUNION GOLDEN GATE COMMUNION Elizabeth FLOWERS: LENT Derek & Maureen FLOWERS: No Flowers for lent CHURCH CLEANING:- FLOWERS: LENT Shirley Pickering, Kaye Chamings CHURCH CLEANING: Shirley Pickering Kaye CHURCH CLEANING:- Margaret Olle Chamings WELCOMERS WELCOMERS WELCOMERS SAT: Duane & Mary Stapleton SAT: Duane & Mary Stapleton SAT: Marg Jerram SUN: Lupe&&Ron David Anderson SUN: Lupe & David Anderson SUN: Brian & Margaret Joyce SATURDAY 7th SUNDAY 8th 6.00 pm 8.30 am 10.30 am 5.00 pm Ararat Lake Bolac Assembly of the Word and Communion Ararat Family Mass Ararat ANNIVERSARIES: Julie O'Brien, Brian Toner, Bill Campigli, William Kneebone, Gwen Clark, Teresa Cairns, Fr. Matt McGloin , Jason Bond, Fr. Gerard Gasper CSsR, Fr. Gerard Gasper CSsR, Margaret Sinnott, Fr. Wladyslali Ziolkos, Pat Kenny LAKE BOLAC READER: R. Phillips PRAYERS: V. Reid LAKE BOLAC—Assembly of the Word & Communion READER: T. Higgins EUCHARISTIC MINISTER: R. Liston PRAYERS: J. Aldous CLEANING: J. Aldous EUCHARISTIC MINISTER: I. Meek CLEANING: MEETINGS & EVENTS A VOCATION VIEW If you need an example of a person responding to a vocational call, look at Abraham - called in old age to leave his country, father a child, then asked to sacrifice the child. What faith! Vocation is a risky response to a unique call from God. SICK: Parish Offering envelopes. -Collection money to support the running and care of the Parish comes from those Parishioners who belong to the Planned Giving programme. Barry Wilson, Shirley Billet, Bernard Joyce For those who don’t belong to the PGP there isn’t any means by which you are able to support the running of the parish via the collection at Mass. Hence the Parish Finance and Admin Committee have produced specific envelopes marked “Parish Offering “ to give those who don’t belong to the PGP the opportunity to support the Parish. The envelopes are in bundles of 15 and we urge you to take a bundle or two to help us meet the Parish needs. We thought if a number of Parishioners took up the offer whether it be weekly, fortnightly, monthly, six monthly or one off, it would certainly help meet the shortfall we are facing this financial year. Lenten Groups Lenten Discussion groups will be held this week on Wednesday evening at 5.30 pm mass. The Discussion groups will be held in the Parish Community Centre. The latest issue of Kairos in now available at the back of the church. $2 each. Featuring “Time Out with Sculptor Leopoldine Mimovich” Envelopes are available in the church or by contacting Emma in the Parish Office. Support of our Parish Priest and the Presbytery will still be via envelopes attached to the PG envelopes and all the loose collection collected at Mass. Planned Giving -The Planned Giving (which supports the Parish) is currently $7000.00 behind in the gifted amount anticipated at the end of February this year. We would be most grateful if those who are behind could catch up. World Day of Prayer– Uniting Church Willaura will be holding a service for the World Day of Prayer on Friday March 6th beginning with morning tea at 10 am. ALL MOST WELCOME. Salvation Army Ararat will be holding a World Day of Prayer service at 1.30 pm on Friday March 6th. Next meeting of St. Vincent De Paul Society will be held on Tuesday the 3rd March at 7.00pm.
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