THE MESSENGER St. John's Lutheran Church Pastor Dee Emmert is Coming! Volume 2015, Issue 2 March 2015 Inside this issue: Thoughts from Pastor 2 Tricia Thanksgiving at Easter 3 Journey of Holy Week 4 Celebrating Holy Communion 5 Pre-School News 6 Change in Feast of Justice Program 8 Baptisms Scheduled 12 Special points of interest: Walkers and Sponsors needed for annual Walk Against Hunger N.E. Conference Annual Meeting & Luncheon will feature “Salad Cookoff” & will be held at St. John’s. Could you feed a family of 5 on $60 a week? Learn more at the Hunger Simulation Event. Pastor Dee will begin her ministry at St. John’s on the weekend of March 7th and 8th. We want to welcome her with our famous potlucks. There will be a potluck meal after the 5:00 P.M service on Saturday, March 7th and again after the 11:00 A.M. service on Sunday, March 8th. A coffee hour will follow the 8:00 A.M. service on Sunday morning. You are asked to bring your favorite dish to share. More importantly, please make every effort to attend at least one service to meet with Pastor Dee and show her your support. Also, we are asking everyone to wear nametags for the first few weeks in March to help Pastor Dee learn our names. It Come and welcome our new Pastor with a delicious potluck meal. will also be a great opportunity for everyone to learn the names of the people around us. Walk Against Hunger Feast of Justice will again be sponsoring a team in the Greater Philadelphia’s Walk Against Hunger on April 11th. We are trying to make this the biggest year yet—trying to get all the conference churches to participate, trying to get our partners to participate, and trying to get YOU to participate. Our goal is 30 walkers, each with a fundraising goal of at least $30. Can you be one of the walkers? Can you sponsor a walker? Sign up outside of the church office, or in the worship kiosk area starting mid-March Page 2 The Messenger Some Thoughts from Pastor Tricia Whether we’re awake with the living or asleep with the dead, we’re alive with him! So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it. 1 Thess. 5:10-11 In mid-January, I was blessed to be a representative of Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod at the ELCA World Hunger Leaders bi-annual meeting entitled “Congregations for Change: We are Church Together.” At this 4-day event in San Francisco, 137 people gathered from 49 different synods to discuss, plan, and network around hunger ministries in our church. It was intense, but well worth it. One highlight was hearing from Rev. Dr. Stephen Bouman, director of ELCA Congregational and Synodical Mission. He spoke about the church changing to become a public church, and about ways to engage our community to make sure we are meeting the needs of the community. Another was going to different mission sites in the area. I visited St. Mary and St. Martha church in the mission district. It was a tiny, unbelievably faith-filled and hospitable bi-lingual congregation who focused on a family atmosphere to counter the hi-paced culture located around the church. But most significant was the time spent with the other 136 attendees—learning about ministries that have succeeded and those that have failed, sharing stories about recruiting and about fledgling finances, praying for one another, and gaining ideas together. For, although we were representing our own synods, it became clear that, around issues of hunger especially, we are church together. This translates back to my ministry here at St. John’s. First of all, I am filled with ideas for ministry in and with our community. But, perhaps more importantly, I am reminded of how we are to be church by supporting one another and supporting the community at large, and partnering to find ways to do that. For instance, how can the computer drop-in center that Feast of Justice is establishing be of benefit to the greater St. John’s community? Or, can the commercial kitchen that St. John’s is completing be a blessing to those beyond the St. John’s community? I am thrilled to be on this journey of faith—and hope that you will join me so that we can together build one another up, and together be alive in Him! Peace, Volume 2015, Issue 2 Page 3 Council Notes At the February Council Meeting we welcomed new members to Council: Ellan Faust, Doreen Kinzler, and Susan McPherson. Our meeting began with a visioning process to discuss our responsibilities as Council Members .Other business included obtaining child abuse clearances for the staff and others who work with our youth. Dave Speece visited our meeting to conduct elections and also to update us on property issues. The following have been elected as part of the Executive team. President: Mary Jones Vice President: Kristin Youngdahl: Secretary: Rochelle New Treasurer: To be Determined as we are still in need of someone for this position In property issues, Dave discussed with us the need for a cleanup of the building. A team will be put together to look at the rooms and how we can make better use of the space we have. All of our L&I issues have been cleared except for the food prep license and the health clearance. As far as collaboration, the team continues to meet. There is subgroup looking at finances. Remember we are still in a developmental stage. New members elected to the Church Council Some up-coming events are : March 7 and 8: Potluck April 5: Easter breakfast April 11: Northeast Conference luncheon at St. John’s April 12: Celebrate the Pre-School Thanksgiving Once Again! It is that time of year, when St. John’s and Feast of Justice partners together to offer Thanksgiving at Easter— a thanksgiving-style dinner for the whole community on Tuesday, March 31st at 6:00pm, followed by worship with Holy Communion led by our Praise band. We are in need of support for this meal, as we usually have over 150 people present. While we need a few servers, we mostly need people to help cook and prepare the food, as well as clean-up support. Feast of Justice will be coordinating the volunteers; please call 215-2683510 or email feast- [email protected] if you’d like to participate. In the midst of a very busy Holy Week, we always find this meal to be very centering and special. We invite you to observe this celebration time in the midst of our community. Time for the Annual Thanksgiving at Easter Dinner. Can your help? Page 4 The Messenger Journey of Holy Week Sunday, March 29—Palm Sunday (and Saturday) A celebration and remembrance of the week—from the Hosanna parade to the crucifixion. Saturday at 5:00 P. M. Sunday 8:00 & 11:00 A.M. Tuesday, March 31—Thanksgiving at Easter A celebration of the collaboration between St. John’s and Feast of Justice. Thanksgiving meal begins at 6:00 P.M. in the Parish Hall. Thursday, April 2—Maundy Thursday Noon worship with hand washing and Holy Communion 6:30 P.M. in Room A. Supper in the Upper Room. A family style meal recalling Jesus’ last meal with his friends. First Holy Communion is celebrated. Friday, April 3– Good Friday Family Stations of the Cross at 12:00 Noon in the Sanctuary. 7:00 P.M.—Tenebrae Service of light and shadows in the Sanctuary. Saturday, April 4– Easter Vigil 5:00 P.M.—Return of the light and Alleluia’s and Holy Communion. Sunday, April 5—Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 A.M. Continental Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt at 9:30 A.M. Resurrection Celebration with Special Music at 8 & 11 A.M. Please join us and bring a friend Volume 2015, Issue 2 Page 5 Celebrating Holy Communion Over time, the Church has come to recognize that Holy Communion is the meal of the baptized and that all baptized Christians are welcome at the table, knowing that we can do nothing to earn the gift of God’s grace. Therefore, at St. John’s we follow Jesus’ instruction, inviting all to come and eat. Still, just as we are continually learning about the gifts of God’s grace, we invite children to celebrate this sacrament through intentional in- struction and recognition at the Maundy Thursday Worship service on April 2 at 6:30. At this time, we will reenact The Upper Room, when Jesus first served communion with his friends. In order to prepare, we will be offering a First Communion Workshop for children and their parents on March 15 from 1-3 pm. At this workshop, we’ll be talking about how we are made God’s children in baptism and how God comes to us in Holy Communion. This is a great opportunity to instruct children on the sacrament— whether this would be the first time they are receiving or if they just need a refresher. Register by calling the church office or by talking with Pr. Tricia. First Communion Workshop will be held on Sunday, March 15th. Then, we invite you all to join us for this special meal of remembrance. Midweek Lenten Soup & Salad Suppers & Worship Wednesdays 6-8 P.M. Wednesday, March 4 Faith L.C.—4150 Woodhaven Road Phila. PA 19154 Pastor Deb Wolfe, preaching Wednesday, March 11 St. Timothy’s L.C. (co-hosted with Prince of Peace L.C) 7965 Filmore Street Phila. PA 19111 Pastor Dwight Mason, preaching Wednesday, March 18 Redemption L.C.—8001 Bustleton Avenue Phila. PA 19152 Pastor Dana Heiserer, preaching Wednesday, March 25 Saints United L.C. (co –hosted with St. Petri-Hope L.C.) 3200 Ryan Avenue Phila. PA 19136 Page 6 Our 5 Day Class Spring is ready to bloom here in the 5 Day Classroom! We will celebrate Sr. Seuss’s birthday by reading his stories and making up some silly rhymes, just like him! The 5 Day will be wearing green and learning about St. Patrick as we celebrate this day with a classroom party. We will also be learning about Jesus’ life and miracles as we prepare for the best miracle of all on Easter Sunday, His glorious resurrection. Our class is busy working on our creative Easter Hats, which we will proudly wear for our Easter Hat Parade and Egg Hunt at the end of this month. We will be singing a few songs for our families that day too. Because the season is changing, we will be exploring the change in season and look for The Messenger signs of new life, flowers, and mothers and their baby animals. In Social Studies and Math, we will be learning about the concept and value of money. Our burgeoning readers are still busy practicing their letters. This month we are working on reviewing all of the ones, especially Vv, Ww, Xx, and Yy. On behalf of the teachers and children, we wish you all a joyous Easter season! Mrs. Donna Conway Mrs. Gabrielle Gaun Our 3 Day Class We are so excited to “Spring” into March and more learning! We will start the month off celebrating Dr. Seuss Birthday by making green eggs and ham and reviewing some of the great books he wrote. Our class will be focusing on letters Tt, Uu, Vv and Ww along with rhyming words, and numbers 11,12 & 13. We will be having fun making a class mural to celebrate National Art Month, making rain sticks for Music in our Schools Month, digging for Dino’s during Dino Week and Diving into National Ocean Week where we will explore under the sea! The kids will also perform many science experiments including: making a volcano explode and wave bottles. As St. Patrick’s Day approaches we will be going on a hunt and setting traps for that silly leprechaun. My 3 day friends are VERY excited for some of our celebrations this month as well! We will be celebrating St. Patty’s Day, of course, but also having BaCkWaRdS DaY and having our annual Easter Hat Parade and Party. Lent is a very special time where we will reflect on the miracles and life of Jesus. We will learn why Christians celebrate Easter and learn the Lord’s Prayer. As you can see, March is another busy month for our 3 Day friends, and as it winds down, we prepare for Easter! What a fun and exciting time! Mrs. LaRaine Oliveira Ms. Liz Wachtman Our 2 Day Class During the month of March, the 2 Day Class will be full of activity. The Children will be learning the letters T-X and the colors green and purple. The focus for math will be the number 10, diamonds and ovals. The children will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a classroom party filled with fun, traditional Irish music and many green treats. We hope the weather will be getting better and we can get out to stretch our legs and run around. We have definitely waited a while to get out and play in the fresh air. We will also begin our preparations for Easter. We will talk about the special ways that Jesus shows his love for us and the sacrifices he made for all mankind. Mrs. Katie Gallen Mrs. Melissa Elmore Volume 2015, Issue 2 Page 7 Saturday, April 18, 2015 8:00 A.M.—2:00 P.M. St. John’s Lutheran Church Parish Hall and Outside Grounds Bring your family and friends and check out the great bargains as well as the goodies at the bake table. Hot dogs, soft pretzels and snacks available too. Volunteers are also needed to help with set up, clean up, kitchen sales, St. John’s table and bakers for the bake table. If you are interested in renting a space, the cost is $25 for an inside round table or $20 for an outside space without a table. If you have items to donate for St. John’s table or you would like to rent a table, contact Bette Pittman at (267) 3248814 or Julie Henderson at (267) 324-1685. Page 8 The Messenger Hunger Simulation Event “Step into the shoes and experience the struggles of one of your neighbors who is at risk of being hungry” “You’ve lost your job, have dwindling savings, and $60 to feed your family of 5 for a week. What is in your grocery bag?” Join us for SEPA’s Hunger Task Force Hunger Simulation event, “Food for a Week”—held at St. John’s on April 12 from 2-4:30. Step into the shoes and experience the struggles of one of your neighbors who is at risk of being hungry. St. John’s is hosting this because of our strong link to hunger programs, but it has something for everyone to learn—whether you have yourself found yourself in need at one time or if you have been blessed by abundance throughout your life. ALL are welcome for this very powerful experience. Volunteers will be needed to conduct this simulation. See Pr. Tricia if you are interested. Change in Feast of Justice Programs Feast of Justice will no longer receive weekly produce deliveries. Due to cutbacks from our supplier, Feast of Justice is being forced to change our Thursday Produce program effective immediately. We no longer will be receiving a weekly shipment of fresh produce. Since we do have partnerships with grocery stores, we will be distributing some of our produce on Thursdays for the time being. We are hoping to find a way to fund the program so it might continue. However, this does mean changes in the process. While the original produce Thursdays were open to anyone who desired fresh produce (as per the donor’s stipulations), we are asking now that the Thursday produce go only to members of our food cupboard, as we simply won’t have enough supply to handle it otherwise. Thank you for your understanding. Pre–School Celebration in Worship Join us on April 12 at the 11:00 service when we will celebrate our preschool program at St. John’s. The chil- dren will share songs with us, their families will be blessed, and all will be invited to a sim- ple fellowship time afterwards. Volume 2015, Issue 2 Page 9 Order Your Easter Flowers This Easter we look forward to decorating our altar and sanctuary with a gorgeous variety of Spring plants. To order plants as Memorials or in Honor of someone, fill in the form below, place it in an envelope with cash or check made out to “St. John’s Lutheran Church,” and mark the envelope “Easter Plants.” Place the envelope in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. The deadline for orders is Sunday, March 22, 2015. I/We want to order: ______ Single (5-6 bloom) Lilies @ $13.50 each = ___________ ______ Double (10-12 bloom) Lilies @ $21.50 each = ___________ ______ 6” Tulips @ $8.75 each = ___________ ______ 8” Tulips @ $14.00 each = ___________ ______ 6” Daffodils @ $8.75 each = ___________ ______ 8” Daffodils @ $ 14.00 each = ___________ Total Amount Enclosed $_____________ Easter Plant Dedication Given to the Glory of God and In Memory of : ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ In Honor of: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Given By: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________ ______ I will take my plant (s) home. _____ Please give to a homebound member Page 10 The Messenger You’re Invited Come join us for a salad cook-off and baked goods contest! Enter your very best “salad” (pasta, potato, warm, cold, veggie or meat!) Be creative! Or enter your famous baked goods for a chance to win prizes! OR come and enjoy some delicious food and vote for your favorites! *Bread/rolls will also be available When: Saturday, April 11th Time: 11 a.m. –eating & voting begins Noon—Annual meeting/presentations Where: St. John’s Lutheran Church Parish Hall No charge for lunch! If you wish to vote on your favorite salads or baked goods—tickets will be on sale to vote—which will offset the cost of the meeting and other events hosted by the Northeast Conference. Donations welcome Make sure to sign up on the sheet outside of the church office. Sign up to attend and to enter your cooking talent! Questions? Contact Carolyn Edwards ([email protected]) or 215-6374210 Volume 2015, Issue 2 Page 11 Faith in Action Team Are you a person who likes to live out your faith through social ministry? Are you a person who enjoys service projects or even servant trips? Are you a person who has a heart for mercy and for justice for ALL of God’s chil- dren? Then you would be GREAT for our Faith in Action team. We are trying to build up our team again to start brainstorming where God might be calling and leading us as a congregation. Stay tuned in the What’s Happening pages for chances to engage and live out your faith with us! bound members, please call the church office. desserts are also appreciated. Watch the “What’s Happening” for more details. You might be the right person to join our Faith in Action Team Save the Date! On April 22nd we will be holding a worship service for homebound members during the morning, followed by lunch in Room A. If you would like to help with the worship service or providing transportation for our home- This is a chance for our homebound members to experience some fellowship with the members of St. John’s. They always enjoy it. Donations of food and Monthly Fellowship Everyone is invited to join us on Saturday, March 21st following the 5 P.M. worship service for our monthly fellowship event. We had to cancel last month due to the snow and ice but will try again in March for “Trivia Night.” Come for some fun, fellow- ship, coffee and snacks. We will meet in Room A. See you there! Come to our monthly Saturday Fellowship! Page 12 The Messenger New Bible Study Series Consider attending one of our Adult Bible Study Groups Starting Monday, March 2, 2015, the Monday Night Bible Study will start a study of the Book of Philippians. All are welcome to join us as we learn some of the teachings of Paul and the beginning of the Christian Church. We meet each Monday at 7:00 P.M. in Room A. these Bible Study groups. Other adult education opportunities include, Sundays at 9:30 A.M , Wednesdays at 10 A.M. and 7 P.M. and Fridays at 10 A.M. No experience is necessary to attend any of Baptism Scheduled The next date for Baptisms will be Sunday, April 19th. If you have a child that you would like baptized, plan to attend one class on Saturday, April 11th at 2 p.m. in Room A. week if you are interested. Please contact the church office during the Homebound Member Celebrates Birthday One of our homebound members, Diane Ivone, will be celebrating her birthday on March 23. If you would like to send her a card the address is: 4039 Aldine Street Philadelphia PA 19136 Due to Susan’s upcoming vacation, the deadline for the April Messenger will be March 9th! Volume 2015, Issue 2 Page 13 Congregation Council Members 2015 Name Contact information Term Ending John Arthin 215-338-6082 [email protected] 2016 Ellan Faust 215-407-7007 [email protected] 2018 *Mary Jones 215-745-0992 [email protected] 2017 Offices and Team Leaders President, Communication Marge Hauptman 215-333-2686 2017 Doreen Kinzler 215-288-6416 [email protected] 2018 *Marie Kinzler-Hand 215 280-4631 [email protected] 2017 Sue MacPherson 856-685-9720 2018 *Rochelle New 215- 342-3940 [email protected] 2018 Secretary, Global Missions William Rose 215- 638-4739 [email protected] 2016 Call committee Joyce Snowden 215-331-3681 [email protected] 2016 Invitation Barry Spindler 215- 744-7642 2016 Kristin Youngdahl 215- 605-3186 [email protected] [email protected] 2017 Invitation team Vice President Tanzania Partnership * = Second term - cannot be re-elected. TEAM LEADERS: Worship and Music Vicki Schempp 215-333-0428 No direct email Faith in Action David Speece 215-338-4496 [email protected] Congregational care, Property Doreen Kinzler 215-288-6416 [email protected] Christian Education Judith Rose 215 - 638-4739 [email protected] Mutual Ministry Miranda Zazulak 215 -335-9235 [email protected] Preschool Rev. Patricia Neale 215-279-0269 [email protected] Vicar Alexa Kvande Pr. Sandra Brown [email protected] [email protected] When the church office is closed you can reach the pastor in case of emergency at this number. 267- 414-4489 St. John’s Lutheran Church 3101 Tyson Avenue Philadelphia PA 19149 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Phila. PA Permit No. 2245 Address Service Requested S T . J OHN ' S L UTHERAN C HURCH Our Staff Rev. Dee Emmert, Pastor Rev. Patricia Neale, Associate Pastor & Director of Feast of Justice 3101 Tyson Avenue Philadelphia PA 19149 Phone:215-624-5505 Fax: 215-624-2938 E-mail:[email protected] Rev. Sandra Brown, Visitation Pastor Vicar Alexa Kvande, Seminarian Lisa Thomas, Director of Music Susan Black Thomas, Administrative Assistant OUR MISSION IS TO PLANT THE SEEDS OF G OD’S LOVE THROUGH W ITNESS, O UTREACH AND THE W ORD. Jimmy Schultz, Sexton Our Worship Schedule 5:00 P.M. Saturday Evenings Companion Church 8:00 & 11:00 Sunday Mornings Kana Lutheran Parish, Tanzania 9:30 A.M. Sunday School for All Holy Communion is celebrated every week.
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