Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Parish March 1, 2015 Second Sunday of Lent Most Rev. William E. Lori Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a high mountain, and he was transfigured before them. - Mark 9:2-10 Archbishop of Baltimore Msgr. Richard W. Woy Rector Fr. Andrew T. DeFusco Associate Pastor MASS TIMES Weekdays: 7am, 8:15am, and 5:30pm Saturday: 8:15am and 5pm Confessions: 4pm Sunday: 8:30am & 11am Next Sunday Third Sunday of Lent Exodus 20:1-17 Psalm 19:8-11 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 John 2:13-25 Image from our windows, South Bay 4 5200 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21210–2098 410-464-4000 111 Amberly Way Baltimore, Maryland 21210 410-464-4100 Monsignor’s Message for the Week Dear Friends, Thank God it’s March! February has been a difficult month with low temps and winter precipitation. Hope we have turned the corner and will now begin our transition into spring. So let me catch you up on several things happening at our parish this month. We will now begin to advertise for a new Youth Minister & Director of Faith Formation. This time of year is prime time to advertise for professional church ministers and I hope our ads will bring a good cadre of qualified ministers to serve our parish. My plan is to collect resumes and applicants up to Easter and then begin the interview process shortly afterwards. If all goes well, I hope the new staff members will be on board July 1st. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will bring good ministers to serve our parish. As you know, Archbishop Lori has graciously agreed that we may keep all contributions by Cathedral parishioners to this year’s Archbishop’s Annual Appeal in order to support the compensation for these new positions. To date you have pledged over $108K to the Appeal! THANK YOU! If you have yet to pledge a gift, please consider doing so. You can make a gift on the Archdiocesan web page at March 22nd will be a busy Sunday. After the 11AM Mass in the Parish Center, we will launch our new welcomeorientation program for new parishioners. Over 125 new families register with the parish each year. Recently, there has been no formal program to reach out and welcome them to the Cathedral. My thanks go to Elizabeth Stoops in our development office who is spearheading this effort. If you are new to the parish, please give her a call at the parish office and consider yourself invited to the welcome reception on the 22nd. That same Sunday, Glenn Osborne our new Director of Music will perform an organ concert at 5PM as part of the Cathedral Music Series. If you happen to go into the Cathedral during any weekday, you may well come across Glenn practicing. He’s a great musician on a wonderful instrument that we are so blessed to have in our parish church. Fr. DeFusco and I would be pleased if people sat regularly in the lower sanctuary. With last Sunday’s low Mass attendance due to wintry weather, we encouraged people to sit in the lower sanctuary and it was enjoyable having parishioners close to us as we celebrated Mass. I want to especially invite First Communion Families to sit in the lower sanctuary so the children can see the celebration of Mass much closer than from the nave. So consider yourselves – everyone – invited to sit up front. As I mentioned in previous letters, it is my hope to develop a weekly family Mass where young families feel welcome and comfortable attending Mass at the Cathedral. Next Sunday (March 8th) after the 8:30AM Mass, Fr. Andrew, Glenn Osborne, and I would like to invite families to meet with us to discuss creating a “family Mass.” We want to hear your thoughts, concerns, suggestions and how you can help in this important project. Plan to meet us in the Adult Ed Conference Room in the Undercroft. I think we can get a lot done in 30-45 minutes. As we continue our Lenten journey, don’t forget the service opportunities sponsored by our Service Commission on Friday evenings this Lent. You will find more information in this bulletin. Have a Good Week! Msgr. Woy Through your support of the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, our parish community follows Pope Francis’ encouragement to become missionary disciples as we support ministries at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen that bring to life the Gospel message across our community. If you have yet to make a pledge to the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, please complete a pledge form available in the back of the Church or visit Thank you for your prayers and support. STEWARDSHIP February 21st & 22nd Offertory Pres. Trust Poor Box Food Program Attendance $2,756.11 $287.00 $368.10 $12.00 370 Faith Direct Parishioners who participated in the Fall Stewardship program Our Parish – Our People should consider our Faith Direct program as it provides a convenient way to support the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen by electing to use direct debit for your offertory giving. Thank you to our parishioners who are already using Faith Direct. As a reminder, to our parishioners who elected to increase their offertory gift (or to enroll) you must personally go online to adjust your contribution: EVANGELIZATION Catholic Q&A (from the Baltimore Catechism) 149. Who assists the bishops in the care of souls? The priests, especially parish priests, assist the bishops in the care of souls. And when they had appointed presbyters for them in each church, with prayer and fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed. (Acts 14:22) 150. Who are the laity of the Church? The laity of the Church are all its members who do not belong to the clerical or to the religious state. Fellowship Sunday Social Service Commission will host Sunday's social after the 8:30AM Mass in the Undercroft. Music Notes While a certain level of skill and practice is required to be a music director, I find the most difficult part of my job to be choosing the music we sing each week. Once I’ve decided what the music will be, practicing it becomes the easy part. Before Vatican II, most of the music was dictated by the church (at least the lyrics). With the celebration of Mass now in the vernacular, the music choices multiplied and continue to become more numerous as composers continue to create new works. Choice can be overwhelming and stressful. Just imagine going to the store to buy some jelly. If there are only two or three choices, it’s easy to make a decision, but if you have to pick between forty or fifty varieties, you might just take a little more time. If you think of every song in the two hymnals that we have in the Cathedral as a flavor of jelly, you begin to get an idea of how many choices I have to make every week! Because “the role of music is to serve the needs of the Liturgy” (Sing to the Lord, #125), I can’t simply choose my favorite songs for us to sing every week. That would only serve my needs. Likewise, while I am happy to hear requests for specific songs, I have to find a place and time during the year when a requested song will fulfill the needs of the liturgy. At the same time however, Sing to the Lord urges a pastoral evaluation of the music: “Does a musical composition promote the sanctification of the members of the liturgical assembly by drawing them closer to the holy mysteries being celebrated? Does it strengthen their formation in faith by opening their hearts to the mystery being celebrated on this occasion or in this season? Is it capable of expressing the faith that God has planted in their hearts and summoned them to celebrate?” (#130) So, in the end, the music must serve both the people and the liturgy. I know the music and the liturgy, but I am still getting acquainted with everyone here. So that I can make better choices and do the best job possible, help me get to know you better by saying hello and sharing any thoughts you might have about the music here. Stop me after Mass, email ([email protected]), or call (410-464-4020) if you have any feedback to share. Glenn Mass Intentions for March 1-7, 2015 Sun, Mar. 1 Mon, Mar. 2 Tues, Mar. 3 Wed, Mar. 4 Thurs, Mar. 5 Fri, Mar. 6 W O R S H I P Sat, Mar. 7 8:30AM 11:00AM 7:00AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 7:00AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 7:00AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 7:00AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 7:00AM 8:15AM 5:30PM 8:15AM 5:00PM (*) Living The Perez Family Russell Miller G. Richard Greaves Margaret & Earle Wolfe Dorothy Janet Cadigan R. David Tarbert William Usher Danny Beckenholdt Leo & Mary Saldo Dorothy Clayton P.O. 3 Rae Anne Schneider* Carl Hessler Holy Souls in Purgatory Restitino “Resty” Sambruno Marty Barthelme* Bette Smith Reynaldo & Narcisa Gregorio Peter Lee For the Parish Sacrament of Baptism Baptismal Prep is celebrated the first Sunday of every month (check if it is a holiday) at 12:30PM in the Baptistery. You do not need to register, open door policy. Little People’s Church Little People’s Church (LPCH) has started but we are still accepting registrations. All sessions are held Sunday mornings during the 8:30 AM Mass. Children (ages 3-5) are invited to join in our Religious Education program. For more information on LPCH, contact Sherri at 410-464-4010 or [email protected]. Sacred Oils [Chrism Mass] Volunteers ("Oilers") On Monday, March 30th, for the 32nd consecutive year, the Sacred Oils [Chrism Mass] Volunteers ("Oilers") will gather in the large Conference Room in the Cathedral's Undercroft at 6:30PM to receive & empty the sacred oil containers in the kits & cases brought by priests & parish/ institutional representatives from all regions of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The Chrism Mass begins at 7:30PM and, after the oils presented with the Offertory Gifts are blessed, the "Oilers" whirl into action to fill the containers with the new stocks for pick-up after Mass (at about 9PM). Last year, we filled 175 kits & cases! We need 40 Oilers. If you are available on March 30th (Monday of Holy Week) and have steady hands, skid-free soled shoes, and an apron (to protect clothes from oil splashes), we can use your help!. To volunteer, please contact Gail Fennessey at 410-542-5425 or [email protected]. Thank you. First Friday Parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament Chapel—March 6, 2015 Schedule 8:45AM 9:00AM 11:30AM 12:00 PM 12:30PM 5:15PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Private Adoration Catholic Evidence League Rosary Catholic Evidence League Mass Private Adoration Benediction & Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament Sign-Up If you would like to serve as a Eucharistic visitor for one (or more) of the Private Adoration halfhour slots on March 6th, please print your name and telephone number on the sign-up sheet at the entrance to the Chapel. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Healthcare Ministers are especially encouraged to sign up. Thank you. (Note: The Adoration Chapel in the Cathedral Parish Center will be closed during the First Friday Devotions in the Cathedral.) EDUCATION School of the Cathedral “A nationally designated Blue Ribbon School” This Week * Tuesday, Mar 3—Our Daily Bread casseroles (must be frozen) may be dropped off in the School Circle from 7:45 to 8AM. Please do NOT leave casseroles if there is no one there to receive them. * Wednesday, Mar 4—School is CLOSED for AOB North Collaborative Professional Day. * Thursday, Mar 5—Grade 5 Class Mass, 8:15AM. * Friday, Mar 6—End of second trimester. * Saturday, Mar 7—First Communion Learning Mass Workshop, 9AM. Next Week * Sunday, Mar 8—Grade 1 Class Mass, 8:30AM. * Monday, Mar 9—Reconciliation for students in Grades 2-4. * Tuesday, Mar 10—School Board meeting, 8AM. * Wednesday, Mar 11—CASPA Board meeting, 7PM. * Thursday, Mar 12—Grade 6 Class Mass, 8:15AM. * Friday, Mar 13—Grade 7 Class Mass, 8:15AM. Graduation portraits will be taken of all 8th graders. Be sure to check the school website for any calendar updates: Follow us on Facebook! pages/School-of-the-Cathedral-of-Mary-OurQueen/167702048042 Youth and Family Ministry Confirmation Classes Confirmation classes are Thursdays, March 12th & March 26th. Happy Helpers Sunday, Mar. 1st at 1PM in the Parish Center Please sign up with Sherri ([email protected]) and let her know what two or more items you will donate for the 100 bags for Our Daily Bread. Items Needed: lunch bags; juice box, napkins; small box of cereal or packet of oatmeal w/cup & spoon; pop tart; nutrigrain bar; or granola bar; piece of fruit; fruit cup; or box of raisins. Confirmation Service Opportunities Little People’s Church - 8:30-9:30AM (1hr) Look for Lenten opportunities under the Service Page. Sunday School of Religion SSR Grades 3-8 - Lenten Reconciliation Service We will be having a Lenten Reconciliation Service for grades 6-8 on Sunday, Mar 1st and reschedule for grades 3-5 on Sunday, March 8th. We ask the students to come immediately to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel following the 8:30AM Mass. We will need to start promptly at 9:30AM so we can get through all of the students. Please pick up your child in the front of church at 10:45AM. Family Life We will be teaching Family Life on the following dates: March 8th and April 26th. Lenten Collection We will be helping the parish with collecting the toiletries for the Lent Event on Friday, March 13th. We are asking for donated toiletries: soap, shampoo, toothpaste, tooth brushes, hand sanitizer, lotions, mouthwash, deodorant, etc. They can be full or travel size. We will assemble toiletry bags on March 13th for our brothers and sisters in need at several organizations and our front door assistance. Please bring your donations to Sunday School on March 1st and/or March 8th. First Communion Learning Mass & Workshop Our 2nd graders will gather in the church & undercroft for their Learning Mass/Workshop on Saturday, Mar. 7th from 9AM to noon. Boy Scouts Troop 1000 Cathedral’s Troop 1000 offers one of the best all-around scouting programs in the area and no other troop can top our high adventure activities! BOYS - If you want to be self-sufficient, confident, a leader, a teacher, help others, learn outdoor skills, have outdoor adventures, travel to wondrous places, and have FUN, then you should consider joining Troop 1000. PARENTS – If you want your sons to Be Prepared for Life, then there is no better activity for boys than scouting. Scouting teaches boys leadership, responsibility, independence, and skills they will use for a lifetime. And it’s a great activity for DADS too. If you are interested in learning more about what Troop 1000 scouting is all about, talk to any of our scouts or their parents or call Membership Chairman Andy Fish (410-3661491) or Scoutmaster Alastair Mackay (410-321-8894) or visit our web site at Poor Box The Poor Box for this Sunday will be used at Monsignor Woy’s discretion to support the Parish’s general funding to help the poorest and most vulnerable individuals in our extended community. All donations are greatly appreciated. S E R V I C E CARES The needs of our homeless neighbors persist particularly in the harsh months of winter like this March. Please consider donating to CARES. Donations of tuna, canned meat, peanut butter, pasta, and rice are most appreciated! Food donations may be placed in the basket in the Cathedral narthex. If preferred, please call Keith at 410-532-6286 to pick up your donations. CMOQ Lent Events FRIDAYS IN LENT…Be sure to put on your calendar the following soup and bread suppers with prayers and almsgiving. To volunteer at any of these events, please contact the email following each event. Friday, Mar. 6th 5:30-7:30 PM Prayer, Film (The Butler), and Supper [Carol Gould [email protected]] Friday, Mar. 13th 5:30-7:30 PM Preparing Toiletries Bags, Prayer & Supper [Lori Brooks [email protected]] Friday, Mar. 20th 5:30-7:30 PM Prayer, Film (Paper Clips), and Supper [Carol Gould [email protected]] Friday, Mar. 27th 5:30-7:30 PM Prepare ODB Casseroles, Prayer & Supper [Carol Gould [email protected]] April Date and Time to be Determined Meal Packaging event with prayer [Paddy Morton [email protected]] These will be wonderful opportunities to bring our Parish together on Fridays in Lent. Keep an eye out for details in bulletin inserts and the website over the coming weeks! Please feel free to call Carol Gould, at 443-956-9431 with any general questions. Cathedral Knits Please remembers as the chills of winter really set in, we are calling on all Knitters, Crocheters, and Weavers to join our "CathedralKnits" and let your craft serve our neighbors in need! We have an initiative, Nursery Rhymes, for which we'll collect handknit or crocheted newborn caps and/or handknit or crocheted baby blankets for our Gabriel Program or Pregnancy North Center families. There is a year-round need for these items! To receive emailings, or if you need yarn, a pattern, or ideas, please email [email protected]. Maryland March For Life Join over 1,000 Marylanders on Monday evening, March 9th for the Maryland March for Life. Beginning at St. Mary’s Church in Annapolis (111 Duke of Gloucester) 4:30PM Youth Rally 5:15PM Non-denominational Service and Catholic Mass 6:30PM March through Annapolis (shuttle available) 7PM Rally on Lawyers Mall 8PM Mixer with fellowship & free Chick-fil-A back at St. Mary’s. All are welcome. More details on the website.
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