University Presbyterian Church Chapel Hill, North Carolina March 1, 2015 Second Sunday in Lent 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. THE GATHERING The congregation is asked to use the time of the Voluntary as a period of silent prayer and preparation. THE ORGAN VOLUNTARY Praeludium in D minor Johann Pachelbel 1653-1706 SILENT PRAYER OF PREPARATION Holy God, Your Word, Jesus Christ, spoke peace to a sinful world and brought humanity the gift of reconciliation. Teach us who bear his name to follow where he leads us. May our faith, hope, and compassion turn hatred to love, conflict to peace, and death to eternal life, through Christ our Lord. Amen. WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please sign the Worship Register and pass it on to your neighbor.) CONCERNS AND CELEBRATIONS *OPENING SENTENCES One: Lead me in Your truth, and teach me, All: for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all day long. Psalm 25:5 *HYMN 13 “The Mighty God with Power Speaks” Kingsfold *PRAYER OF CONFESSION Almighty and gracious God, You give us every reason to have confidence in You. Still, we are burdened by questions: Where are You calling us to go? From whence will our help come? How can Your promises be fulfilled? Patient God, we confess our fear and lack of faith. We admit our confusion and resistance to Your teachings. Open our minds, O God, and open our hearts, that we may know You are faithful and trust Your gracious care for us. Amen. *Silent Confession Arr. David N. Johnson *Kyrie Eleison *Declaration of Pardon *The Peace Leader: The peace of Christ be with you. People: And also with you. (The congregation is invited to exchange the peace of Christ with one another, greeting each other with the words, “The peace of Christ be with you,” or simply, “Peace.” The response is, “And also with you.”) *Response of Praise (Kingsfold, Hymnal, 13) The grace of God is offered to all those whose grace is spent, Both prodigals and righteous ones in all their discontent; So, turn toward home and graciousness, and let our hearts bring praise To God whose love is merciful in this and all our days. Text ©R.E. Dunham, 2003 THE WORD TIME WITH CHILDREN (Children, three-years old through third-graders, are invited to join the minister on the steps for Time With Children.) PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION GOSPEL READING Mark 8:31-38 p. 44 (Children’s Bible, pp. 1164-1165) One: All: The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SERMON “Faithfulness: The Nutshell Version” Robert E. Dunham *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed (Ecumenical) I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen. *HYMN 320 “The Church of Christ in Every Age” Wareham THE GREAT THANKSGIVING OFFERING OF SUBSTANCE AND LIFE Offertory Sentence At the Offering, Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein (8:30) Johann Sebastian Bach (When in the hour of utmost need) An Anthem (11:00) 1685-1750 Felix Mendelssohn Grant us Thy peace, Almighty Lord, Thou source of every blessing! Feeble and frail, trust we Thy word, All things in Thee possessing. In Thee is our hope and safety. 1809-1847 Original German text by Martin Luther, 1483-1546 English translation Anonymous *Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Invitation to the Table The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. One: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them up to the Lord. One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All: It is right to give our thanks and praise. Eternal God, holy and mighty, it is truly right and our greatest joy to give You thanks and praise; for You are the One who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who divided the sea and the dry land, who created the vast universe and called it good. You made us in Your image to live with one another in love, and though we have failed many times to live up to Your expectations, through long generations You have been faithful and gracious to all Your children. Therefore we praise You, joining our voices with the heavenly choirs and with all the faithful of every time and place, who forever sing to the glory of Your name: You are holy, O God of majesty, and blessed is Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord. Baptized as Your own, he went willingly to his death and by Your power was raised to new life. In his dying and rising, You gave birth to Your church. So, remembering such extravagant grace, we take now this bread and this wine from the gifts You have given us, and celebrate with joy the redemption won for us in Jesus Christ. Accept this, our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving as a living and holy offering of ourselves, that our lives may proclaim the One crucified and risen. Gracious God, pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these Your gifts of bread and wine, that the bread we break and the cup we bless may be the communion of the body Christ, given for us as a compelling measure of Your love. By Your Spirit unite us with the living Christ, and with all who are baptized in His name, that we may be one in ministry in a world of deep hurts and hungers. As this bread is Christ’s body for us, send us out to be the body of Christ in the world: a world of tensions and turmoil, a world in which violence begets only more violence, and where each passing day people and nations carelessly scar and impoverish Your world’s rich resources a bit more. Help us, O God, to be messengers of peace, ambassadors of hope, and a people of deeper compassion. Send us forth from this table to love all Your children, to do justice and show mercy, to live in harmony with the earth and in peace with all Your children. Give us strength to serve You faithfully. Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, all glory and honor are Yours, eternal God, now and forever. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. The Words of Institution The Communion of the People (As you pass the elements to your neighbor, please say “The Body of Christ” and “The Cup of Salvation.” The response is “Amen.” The congregation then is asked to hold each of the elements until all have been served, and to commune together at the leading of the ministers. All of the elements are gluten-free.) Prayer of Response THE SENDING *HYMN 727 “Will You Let Me Be Your Servant” The Servant Song *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION *CHORAL AMEN (11:00) Charles Villiers Stanford 1852-1924 *ORGAN POSTLUDE *Those who are able, please stand. THE WORSHIP BULLETIN, along with the weekly calendar, announcements and church newsletter, are posted on the church Website at Welcome to the Fellowship of University Presbyterian Church SUNDAY MORNING CARE is available during both worship services for infants, toddlers and preschool children, who will be welcomed by our trained nursery staff and parent volunteers. Infants are welcome in the Sanctuary, but the parlor is a wonderful place to calm an anxious baby. A special part of our service is the Time with Children, when they are invited to join the pastor on the chancel steps for a message that connects the worship of the day with their unique understanding. DURING THE 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE, UPC offers Godly Play for kindergarteners and four-year-olds. This is a time of storytelling and creative play. If your child is about to turn four, we invite you to contact Nancy Myer at [email protected] or Leslie Moye at [email protected] to see if your child may be ready for Godly Play. WE WELCOME AND EMBRACE ALL CHILDREN and strive to provide skilled caregivers to accommodate any special needs. Please contact the Staff Associate for Children’s Ministries, Nancy Myer, at [email protected] or (919) 929-2102 if there is anything we can do to enhance the Sunday morning experience for your entire family. Worship Notes WORSHIP LEADERSHIP TODAY: Preacher: Bob Dunham, Pastor. Liturgists: Anna Pinckney Straight, Associate Pastor; Kate Fiedler Boswell, Associate Pastor for Adult Ministries; John Rogers, Associate Pastor for Campus Ministry. Choir Director and Organist: Thomas Brown, Minister of Music. ASSISTING IN WORSHIP TODAY: At 8:30: Elder in the Narthex: Br ian Curran. Greeters: Jen, Matt and Josh Singleton. Ushers: Walter and Linda Plunkett (captains), David and Linda Lane. Communion Servers: Gwen Lamb, Scott and Lee Ann Buck, Reid Chisholm, Annette Munson, Jason Dell, Betty Hutton, Bill Schwab. At 11:00: Deacon in the Narthex: Lou Pons. Greeter: Becky Smith. Ushers: Bill (captain) and Amy Whitley, Glenn McFarland, Chelsey McElwee, Jim and Melinda Evans. Communion Servers: Anne Scaff, Porter Alexander, Megan Crunkleton, Christie Osborne, Chip Sudderth, Nancy Oates, Jeffrey Hart, Gail Nottingham, Marc Hudson, Kirsten Barker, Sandy Alexander, Matt Marvin, Brian Curran, Mary Ellen Olson . Handicapped Parking A ssistant: Ken Krzyzewski. THIS MORNING’S ORGAN VOLUNTARY celebrates the life of Johann Pachelbel, who died 309 years ago this coming Tuesday, March 3, in 1706. Pachelbel was born in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1653, and would develop to become one of the leading progressive German composers of his time. As a Lutheran, he was also a leading composer of Protestant church music. He was also godfather to J.S. Bach’s sister Johanna. One of his sons, Carl Theodore, brought his father’s influence to America and is buried in Charleston, South Carolina. NEW MEMBERS WILL BE RECEIVED next Sunday, March 8. If you are interested in becoming a part of our faith community, please contact Kate Fiedler Boswell, Bob Dunham or Anna Pinckney Straight at (919) 929-2102. TODAY’S CHURCH SCHOOL LESSON for Grades 1-12 will be based on Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16. We encourage you to talk with your children about this passage. THE SESSION HAS CALLED A CONGREGATIONAL MEETING on March 22 after the 11:00 a.m. worship service to receive the 2014 Annual Report to the Congregation and hear the pastor’s State of the Church address. The report will be made available to church members through the UPC Website and through the W eekly ENews. To sign up for E-News, click “Subscribe to E-News” from the bottom of the Website ( Printed copies will be available in the narthex a few Sundays before the meeting. If you would like a copy mailed to you, call (919) 929-2102. LARGE PRINT BULLETINS AND HYMNALS and portable hearing devices are available every Sunday in the narthex. LECTIONARY READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY: Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22. 209 E. Franklin St P.O. Box 509 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 929-2102 | | [email protected] Welcome to University Presbyterian Church News and Opportunities March 1, 2015 Volunteers Needed! PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING for one or two shifts a month to help out the church office staff, and share this information with any church members who may be interested. Shifts need to be filled ASAP! Monthly shifts we need filled: 1st and 3rd Friday afternoon (12:30-4:30); 3rd Thursday afternoon (12:30-4:30); and 2nd and 4th Wednesday morning (9:00-12:15). You may volunteer for a few shifts per month or just one. Responsibilities include welcoming visitors, answering the phone and simple clerical tasks. If you’re available, or if you’d like to volunteer as a substitute instead, please call Shelley Adams at (919) 942-2525, or you may email Jennifer in the church office at [email protected]. Thank you! UPC Book Drive TODAY IS THE LAST DAY for the UPC book drive. The books we collect will be donated to Book Harvest ( Book collection bins are located at the Henderson St. entrance, in Room 228 and in the Parlor. To volunteer or to lear n mor e, please contact UPC Local Outreach Committee Chair Bart Phillips at [email protected] or Kaarin Huffman of the Adult Education Committee at [email protected]. Easter Egg Hunt: Save the Date SAVE THE DATE for the UPC Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by Parents of Young Presbyterians (PYPs). Children (walkers - 5th grade) are invited to join us on Sunday afternoon, March 22. Age-specific egg hunts will be scheduled around rehearsals for the Children’s and Junior Choirs. Children should bring their own baskets or bags to gather eggs. We hope you can join us! Children’s, Junior and Youth Choirs THE YOUTH CHOIR (grades 6-12) will rehearse today in Vance Barron Hall from 5 - 6 p.m. The High School Ensemble will rehearse in the new Choir Robing Room from 4:45 - 5 p.m. with Grace. We are currently preparing for Youth Sunday, March 15, and the coming Sundays when the Youth Choir leads the music in worship this spring. We have lots of music to learn. See you at rehearsal! Please contact Beth at [email protected] for more information. THE JUNIOR CHOIR (grades 2-6) will rehearse today in Vance Barron Hall from 4:15 - 4:55 p.m. Now is a great time to join this choir! We are beginning to work on the Junior and Children’s Choirs’ spring musical, The Sailor’s Bible, by Tom Long and Allen Pote. Performance dates are May 1 and 3. The Junior Choir sings next in worship on March 22 and 29. Please contact Beth at [email protected] for more information. THE CHILDREN’S CHOIR (grades K-2) will rehearse today in Vance Barron Hall from 3:45 - 4:10 p.m. and sings in worship next Sunday, March 8, at 11 a.m. Now is a great time to join this choir! We are beginning to work on the Junior and Children’s Choirs’ spring musical, The Sailor’s Bible, by Tom Long and Allen Pote. Performance dates are May 1 and 3. See you at rehearsal! Please contact Beth at [email protected] for more information. Haiti Trip: Donation Request THIS YEAR OUR MISSION TRIP TO HAITI (March 27) to train about 100 Haitian teachers will include a gift bag for each teacher. Along with supplies needed for teaching, we plan to include some personal items in each bag, such as jewelry, scarves and ties. Specifically, we are looking for jewelry pins or necklaces in good shape, preferably in a small gift box. In addition, small neck scarves and ties (for men) are needed. And lastly, we are collecting new, blank journals, hoping to give each teacher this gift for personal reflection. Collection boxes will be in the Parlor on today and Sundays, March 8 and 15. If you wish to suppor t the tr ip in other ways, please call Lisa Lord at (919) 490-8635 or Annette Munson at (919) 929-4501 for suggestions. Daily Lenten Text SIGN UP FOR UPC’S daily Lenten text messages (service only works with smartphones). Each day of Lent, you’ll receive a text picture that presents a question designed to generate a lively discussion about faith and the role faith plays in our lives. Each picture contains a Lent related vocabulary word or phrase, its definition, a scripture reference and a question for further reflection. This is an easy way to bring meaningful Lenten practices into our busy lives and can provide a daily focus for children, youth and adults. To sign up, text the message “@upcch” to the number 81010. Following the welcoming messages, you will receive one message per day during Lent. Your text message rates will apply. Adult Education Classes: Today, 9:45-10:45 Feasting on the Word: This class expands our understanding of the lectionary scripture for each Sunday. This curriculum is coordinated with the children’s ministry planning. Today: Genesis 17:1-7, 1516. Facilitators: Bob Dunham and Anna Pinckney Straight. Location: Terrace Room. Faith Issues in Literature: Featuring the poetry of Mary Oliver found in New and Selected Poems, Volume One. Facilitators: Nancy Benjamin, Ruth Moose and Kelly Ross. Location: Stephen Ministry Room. Connections: Dementia and Alzheimer’s - Finding Comfort in Knowledge, Faith and Hope: This class will explore brain changes associated with normal aging, Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Each class will have a specific focus and will be led by an expert in the field. Today: “Alzheimer’s Family Care: What Happens? What Helps?” Panel Discussion. Facilitators: UPC Mental Health Taskforce. Location: Vance Barron Hall. Presbyterian Women ALL WOMEN OF UPC are invited to attend PW Circles: Circle 1: Wed., Mar ch 18, 7 p.m., CH Countr y Club, Hostess: Tracy Woody, (828) 713- 6251 Circle 2: Mon., March 2, 10 a.m. Hostess: Jeanne Harper, 306 Carolina Meadows Villa, 27517, (919) 942-2471 Circle 3: Tues., March 3, 10 a.m. Hostess: Judy Taft, 115 Morgan Bend Ct., 27517 (919) 967-6750 Circle 4: Tues., March 3, 10 a.m. Hostess: Barbara Tremblay, 259 Clover Thatch, Fearrington, 27312, (919) 542-3213 Circle 5: Wed., March 4, 7 p.m. Hostess: Myrah Scott, 105 Sheffield Circle, 27517, (919) 933-9463 Women’s Retreat Registration JOIN US FOR THE fifth Annual Women’s Retreat, Pray, Eat, Love (April 24 - 26) in Ocean Isle Beach, NC. Our leader, Deb Guess, is a full-time jewelry and mixed media artist, producing artwork for galleries and teaching in the Soul Whispers Arts studio. Go to to register online (find paper forms in the church office). Scholarships are available. Please contact Kate Fiedler Boswell at [email protected] or (919) 929-2102, ext. 130. Vacation Bible School Registration REGISTER NOW FOR Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme for VBS (June 29 - July 2) will be Message Received: Hearing God’s Call. You may register and pay online. The registration forms for participants and volunteers are on the UPC Website ( Click the “Education” tab and then “Vacation Bible School.” VBS is open to all children ages 3 years - rising 5th grade and is held at New Hope Camp and Conference Center (9 a.m. - 12 p.m.). Cost is $40 per child ($80 maximum per family). Scholarships are available. Please contact Nancy Myer at [email protected] or Tracy Lovelady at [email protected]. Presbyterian Youth Connection ALL 6TH-12TH GRADERS are encouraged to attend PYC tonight from 6 - 8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll discuss spiritual practices for Lent. What are ways we can fully live into the season of Lent? We’ll work through some specific things to do that can help youth explore Lent and have a more meaningful Easter. For more information, contact Kim McNeill at [email protected]. THE HIGH SCHOOL BEACH RETREAT (April 17-19) registration fee of $150 is due today! For more details and to pay online, please see Friday’s edition of the Weekly E-News, linked under the “ Publications” tab of the UPC Website ( Church Directory Photo Shoot OUR CHURCH DIRECTORY is missing too many photos! If you are a member or member family whose photo is not in our online directory (, or if you would like to update your photo, please mark your calendar and plan to come to the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, March 15, between services or before and after Sunday School (9:30 - 9:45, 10:45 - 11:00 or 12:00 12:15) to have your picture taken. It will only take a few minutes. No appointment necessary. We want YOU to be included! If you are unable to come, but want to send a digital photo instead, please email it as an attachment to Kaitlin Dunn at [email protected]. Second Sunday Lunch THE CONGREGATION IS INVITED to Second Sunday Lunch next Sunday, March 8, following the 11 a.m. service in the Fellowship Hall. Stephen Ministry will host and provide the main course and drinks. Those who attend are asked to bring a vegetable dish, a salad or a dessert for approximately 12 people. Please be generous! All new members, visitors and students are welcome without contribution. If possible, please add a label to your dish specifying allergens to help UPC show hospitality to those with food allergies. Labels such as “gluten free,” “contains peanuts/tree nuts” or “vegetarian” are helpful for those with allergies and other dietary needs wishing to enjoy food and fellowship at church. All are welcome! This Week and Next at University Presbyterian Church Sunday, March 1 8:30 & 11:00 Worship Services (nursery care provided in Room 134) 9:45-10:45 Sunday School for all ages 12:00-1:00 Membership Committee: Stephen Ministry Room 3:45-4:10 Children’s Choir: Vance Barron Hall 4:15-4:55 Junior Choir: Vance Barron Hall 5:00-6:00 Youth Choir: Vance Barron Hall 6:00-8:00 PYC: Fellowship Hall Monday, March 2 6:00-7:00 7:00-8:30 Global Outreach: Room 139 Stephen Ministry: Stephen Ministry Room Tuesday, March 3 4:30 4:30-6:30 Bulletin announcement deadline Building Committee: Room 139 Wednesday, March 4 1:00-2:15 7:15-9:15 Stephen Leaders: Stephen Ministry Room Chancel Choir: Vance Barron Hall Thursday, March 5 5:30-8:00 7:00-8:00 PCM Dinner and Program: Terrace Room Stewardship Committee: Vance Barron Hall Friday, March 6 11:00 Materials for Session Packets due Sunday, March 8 8:30 & 11:00 Worship Services (nursery care provided in Room 134) 9:45-10:45 Sunday School for all ages 9:45-10:45 New members received: Room 228 12:00-1:00 Second Sunday Lunch: Fellowship Hall 3:45-4:10 Children’s Choir: Vance Barron Hall 4:00-5:00 UPC worship service: Carolina Meadows 4:15-5:45 Junior Choir: Vance Barron Hall 5:00-6:00 Youth Choir: Vance Barron Hall 6:00-8:00 PYC: Fellowship Hall Monday, March 9 4:30-6:00 6:00-7:00 6:00-7:00 6:30-7:30 Local Outreach: Vance Barron Hall Outreach: Vance Barron Hall Administration Committee: Room 139 Deacons meeting: Youth Center Remember, there is FREE parking at the Rosemary Street parking deck on Sundays until 2:00 p.m. 919) 929-2102 | | [email protected]
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