The Parkway Community Church 95 Stewart Avenue Hicksville, NY 11801 516-938-1233 First Sunday in Lent March 1, 2015 Welcome to worship this morning here at The Parkway Community Church. We are glad that you have joined us to praise God. We ask everyone to sign an attendance sheet and hand it to an usher as you leave the sanctuary at the conclusion of worship. Today is the Second Sunday in the Season of Lent. We the church have begun our journey to the cross and empty tomb of Jesus. Along the way we will hear Jesus teach us how to live on the journey. Today he explains to us the deep meaning of God’s commandments. He encourages us to say with the psalmist: “I have made up my mind to obey your laws forever.” Guided by the Spirit of Jesus, the laws of God lead us to life and peace. Today we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. All who seek Jesus are invited to receive. You will find a Request for Prayer card in the pew rack. Feel free to fill it out and give it to an usher at the time of the offering. Your concern will be included in our morning prayers. May God be with you this day and always. We look forward to your return. March 1 2015 WE MEET WITH GOD Organ Prelude Michael Zeiger Choir Introit # 486 “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” Welcome Pastor Lay * Responsive Call to Worship L: P: L: P: “Draw near to God's statutes,” the Psalmist writes, “So that we may observe them to the end.” Let us be led in the paths of God's commandments, So that we may delight in the richness of God's life. L: Worship God in honesty and forthrightness, P: So that Christ's Spirit may perfect us for the Kingdom of God! * Hymn # 695 “As We Gather at Your Table” Call to Confession of Sin Prayer of Confession of Sin (in unison) God our Source and Christ our foundation, we confess to you that we have often been careless in our construction of community. Even in the church, we do not live as if we are the temple of your Spirit, much less conform our individual lives to the wisdom of the cross. Yet you are still faithful in your love for us, calling us to be more than we because of Christ, and filling us with the grace of your Spirit so that we may yet embody your holiness and peace. Bless us, we pray, with the gift of love, that we may see you at all times, in all people. Amen. (Worship Ways) Choir - “Lord, Have Mercy upon Us” Words of Divine Love and Mercy Words with our Children - Random Acts of Kindness The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Children Dismissed to Church School WE HEAR GOD'S GOOD NEWS Prayer for Divine Guidance Scripture Lesson: Matthew 5: 17-48 (excerpts) (Pew Bible, p. 1143) Sung Response #664 Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. (sung twice) * Sermon Hymn # 665 “Break Now the Bread of Life” Sermon Pastor Lay “Words that Lead to Life” Prayer for God’s blessing The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (see insert) Passing of the Peace of Christ WE RESPOND TO GOD'S GOODNESS Offering for the Whole Work of Christ’s Church (Please hand in Prayer Requests to an usher) Offertory Music Adult Choir “There Is a Green Hill Far Away” by Dana Mengel * Doxology Sung to Hymn Tune # 34 Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise God, all creatures here below! Praise God above, you heavenly host! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Prayer of Dedication (in unison) Generous God, in grace you freely give, and in love you joyfully command us to imitate you. Let these gifts bear witness to the justice for which you long and offer a faithful response to the loving care that you have first given us in your law, your prophets, and your Son. Amen. (Worship Ways) Choir Response “O Bless the Gifts” Sharing of our Prayer Concerns Prayers for Ourselves and Our World “Hear our Prayer, O Lord” Choir Response #490 Community Church News * Hymn # 453 “Christ Be My Leader” * Benediction * Unison Response # 499 He leadeth me, he leadeth me, by his own hand he leadeth me; his faithful follower I would be, for by his hand he leadeth me. Organ Postlude News and Views Among Our Pews Email: [email protected] MARCH .......................... 2 Craft Group will NOT meet until April 3 10:00 am Bereavement Group meets 6:00 pm Ladies Night Out 4 10:30 am Lenten Devotional Noon - Retirees Lunch 7:30 pm Lenten Devotional 5 2:00 pm Thursday Devotional Group 7 9:00 am Men’s Communion Breakfast 8 10:00 am Worship. Preteen youth group meets following worship 11:30 am Membership Class CHURCH SCHOOL In addition to reviewing the children's "Acts of Kindness" done during the week, they will be making bagel bird seed feeders. Next week, March 8, we will begin our March Mentor Month. Look for many exciting events to take place that morning in the church school. MEMBERSHIP CLASS There are people who worship here at The Parkway Church who know little of our history and the beliefs and practices of the Reformed Church in America. Any interested persons are invited to attend our Membership Class next Sunday after worship. It is an opportunity to ask questions, learn, and perhaps decide to join this church call Parkway. See Pastor Lay for information. LADIES NIGHT OUT ~ GAME NIGHT ~ March 3 Rescheduled from last month due to snow storm, a buffet dinner from Chicken Sensation will be served. The menu will include zucchini sticks, battered broccoli, chicken, ribs, shrimp and salads. Dessert and beverages will be available. The cost is $12.00. Feel free to bring your own dinner and beverage. We will be enjoying an evening playing BINGO! Please see Gladys for your envelope. A RESERVATION AND PAYMENT IS REQUESTED BY TODAY so that the order may be placed tomorrow. Please sign up. FOOD DRIVE CONTINUES United Methodist Church food pantry collections continue. March’s requested donation is instant oatmeal. “Souper” Bowl Sunday collection results are in, totaled $214. Thanks to all. MEN’S COMMUNION BREAKFAST Saturday, March 7 at 9 am here at Parkway. Please sign up on the attendance sheet. FIRST STEP NURSERY SCHOOL EARLY ENROLLMENT DISCOUNT Our own First Step Nursery School is offering a tuition discount of 5% to families who enroll their children by March 31. Members of Parkway Community Church receive an additional 10% off tuition. For further information, please call Miss Jo at 516-938-4080 or visit CHURCH CLEAN UP Saturday, March 21 @ 9 am. Helpers will be needed to spruce up the church for the coming Easter holiday. Please volunteer. Sign up on the attendance sheet. Thank you. LENTEN DEVOTIONAL STUDY WEDNESDAYS 10:30 AM and 7:30 PM CONTINUES THRU MARCH 25 MESSAGE FROM PROPERTY The property committee is looking for volunteers to join. Interested, please sign up on the attendance sheet. There are many projects that we need help with. ANNUAL FLEA MARKET START SAVING YOUR “TREASURES” Our Annual Flea Market will be held on Saturday, May 9, 2015 If you are interested in helping on the committee, please see Kelly Pedone. TRIP TO NYC’S 911 MEMORIAL MUSEUM Plans are being made to visit the 911 Memorial Museum in NYC on Saturday, June 6, 2015. The cost is $105 per person ($99 Seniors 65+) and includes bus, museum tour and an early dinner at LaNonna’s in Little Italy. Medical cancellation insurance is available for an additional $8.00 per person. Checks should be made payable to the Parkway Community Church and are due ASAP to reserve your seat. We must sell 40 seats in order to book the trip. Please sign up using the attendance sheet or see Kelly Pedone if you are interested in attending. SUMMER CAMP WARWICK “A Love that Never Ends” is this year’s camp theme. For children grades 2-12, brochures can be found on the table in the hall. For more information call 845-986-1164 or visit on the website at: PARKWAY “BOOK CLUB” Parkway’s next Book Club meeting will be held on Thursday, March 19 at 7:00 p.m. in the church coffee room. March’s book is “A Place at the Table” by Susan Rebecca White. Contact Kelly Pedone with any questions. THANK YOU’s A special Thank You is extended to all that added so much enthusiasm and fun to our Lenten Luncheon last Sunday. Special thanks also to Figarelly’s Deli in East Meadow for the great food. Palm Sunday March 29 Children’s Parade —————————– Holy Thursday April 2 Communion Service 7:30 pm. ————– Good Friday April 3 Candlelight Service 7:30 pm ——— EASTER SUNDAY April 5 PRESENTATION BY PASTOR HANK LAY Jesus is viewed by Islam as a most honored prophet, second to the Prophet Muhammad himself. Jesus is viewed by Jews as a rabbi whose views about how to love God and love one's neighbor were in harmony with what became rabbinic Judaism in the Christian Era. Christians differ from both these religions in that they see God present in Jesus acting in a decisive way to save the world from its sinful, destructive pathway. Though using diverse and multi-faceted theological explanations, most Christians see Jesus as in some way "divine" and therefore embodying the true understanding of God and life. With this understanding both Islam and Judaism disagree. Pastor Hank Lay will speak at the Multifaith Gathering at 8:00 pm on March 27 at the Brookville Reformed Church in Brookville. He will share his studies into how Jesus is viewed by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He will share common understandings as well as differences and suggest possible ways that the followers of these three key world religions might find a common future regarding Jesus and their interactions in the world. LENTEN SEASON STEWARDSHIP Reminder, if you have not pick up your envelopes for 2015, please do so now. It will enable us to keep an accurate record of your giving for your end of year statement. Thank You!!! ~ WORSHIP ASSISTANTS ~ Reader: Scripture: Organist: Bell Ringers: Acolytes: Greeters: Ushers: Servers: Host: Marilyn Lay Howard Applegate Michael Zeiger Jack and Nathaniel Thomas Molly Baer, Paul Bodkin, Melanie Hock Gail Bucci, Caden McDaniel Richard Gruber, Ruth and Joe Leuci, Johnny Schroter Anna Bishop, Bob Hampson, Kelly Pedone, Bob Schroter Martine Hackett The Rev. Harold Lay + Pastor The Late Rev. Douglas R. MacDonald+Founding Pastor The Late Rev. Theodore S. Grant+Pastor Emeritus The Rev. Dr. Joseph Cusack+Retired Pastor This is the most blessed Sabbath on which Christ sleeps, but on the third day he shall rise again. Therefore, O Lord our God, we sing to you a hymn
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