The Christian Window Volume 56 Number 4 March 2015 First Christian Church of Kent (Disciples of Christ) 335 West Main St., Kent, OH 44240-2416 Phone: 330-673-6634 Website: Email: [email protected] WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY A new 7-week series begins on Monday, March 2 at 9:30 a.m. in Rm. 2. Our topic is taming the tongue, presented partially by Karen Ehman on DVD titled Keep It Shut. During the rest of the time we will be discussing what heard on the DVD and read in our study book and related scripture readings. Ladies, if you are available for the next 7 Monday mornings, join us for this time of Bible Study and spiritual growth. You will learn a lot and have fun while you're doing it. Louise Neubert, Coordinator The SPAGHETTI DINNER & BAKE SALE— March 6th from 4:30 to 6:30pm.The Bake Sale for March will be for Miller House. We served 157 people in February and made $1290 and $207 for UCM Bake Sale. The April Spaghetti dinner is April 10 due to Good Friday. Church Women United 2015 World Day of Prayer Friday, March 6, 2015 10AM Jesus Said, “Do You Understand What I Have Done For You” Program written by the women of the Bahamas United Church of Christ, 1427 Horning Road, Kent All Women are invited. Kent Lion’s PANCAKE FESTIVAL Sunday, MARCH 1, 2015 8AM TO 2PM Stanton Middle School Cafeteria $6.00 Adults / $2.00 Children 10 & under Presale Tickets $5.00 Bring old eyeglasses and hearing aids. UCM SPRING Fundraising Dinner United Christian Ministries at Kent State University will host their Spring Italian Feast on Friday, March 13th at 6:00 pm in Pierson Hall of the Kent United Methodist Church. Adult tickets are $20 and children 12 and under eat free. Childcare will be available in the gym after the kids eat. The Italian themed menu includes salad and bread, Chicken Parmesan with pasta and a vegetable. The dessert is an Andes Grasshopper Cake. Vegetarian eggplant option is available upon request at time of reservation. Reservations are required and can be made on our website at, by calling the office at 330-6735687, or by email [email protected]. Tickets for purchase will also be available from a UCM student in local churches on March 8th. If you are unable to attend, but would like to support our campus ministry, please consider purchasing a patron ticket or making an online donation. Proceeds from the dinner support UCM's student programs. Thank you for your continued support of campus ministry! God Bless, The UCM Staff BOOK DISCUSSION We meet in the parlor at 2:00 on Monday, March 2 to discuss The Light Between the Oceans by M. L. Stedman. Newcomers are always welcome. What’s Inside: Page 2: Interim Minister Notebook Page 3: Interim Minister Notebook continued, Youth Thanks, Pastor Class, Thank You, Young Men’s Fellowship Page 4: Easter Flower Order, Euchre Night, Lord’s Lunch, Prayer Requests, Deadline Page 5: Search Committee, 2 cent a meal, Daylight Savings Time Page 6: Serving Schedule, Birthday & Anniversaries Page 7: March Calendar Page 8: Worship Times, General Assembly THE INTERIM PASTOR’S NOTEBOOK: And, because Jesus was inconvenienced for us… everywhere else Paul worked. And as we attempt to live out this same Gospel right here, today, the Christians at Kent also obviously and unavoidably face some level of inconvenience and discomfort. So how will we respond? Dear sisters and brothers in Christ: How much inconvenience should we be prepared to accept for Jesus Christ and for the cause of his Gospel? None? Some? A lot? I’d like to somewhat delicately suggest that— even though all of us sometimes live as though the first answer is the right one—we should instead be prepared to embrace at least some inconvenience for the sake of our Savior and for his work at First Christian Church of Kent (Disciples of Christ). After all, when we attempt to be and to do the kind of ministry described in the New Testament, there is bound to be some inconvenience. This response could involve the challenges of welcoming unfamiliar people and cultural preferences. Really embracing “them” as a part of “us” is the big hurdle for Christians everywhere. This is the practical love-thy-neighbor test. Add to this the uncertainty of not knowing exactly what is going to happen next—even though we do know how it will all turn out in the end. But these are also clearly all the same kinds of challenges and adjustments and uncertainties that faced the earliest Christians. In verse 9, (emphasis mine) Paul boldly referred to this novel Christian unity within diversity: “to make everyone see the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things; so that through the church the wisdom of God in its rich variety might now be made known…” (The Lord’s Prayer does not say: “And lead us not into inconvenience…”) In Paul’s letters, but especially in Colossians and Ephesians, he boils down his ministry and even the very “mystery of Christ” to the creation of a new, multicultural, universal church that bridges the insolvable human hostilities of social class, race, gender, language and culture. Really. I’m not making this up. In the past, Paul said, this mystery (which is that Jesus bridges the chasm between “us” and “them”) was hidden. But no more. In Ephesians 3:4-7 (NRSV, with my emphasis), Paul speaks of “the mystery of Christ”… that is, the Gentiles have become fellow heirs, members of the same body, and sharers in the promise of Christ Jesus through the gospel. Of this gospel I have become a servant…” As we now consider not shrinking back from the small inconveniences Jesus lays upon us for his sake and the sake of his Gospel, it is not inappropriate to focus our attention on the great inconveniences that Jesus took upon himself for us. Jesus is our great example. This is one of the great themes of the Book of Hebrews. It was written to encourage Christians who were paying significant economic and social penalties for their new faith in Jesus not to shrink back despite these significant inconveniences. Hebrews 10:32-39 reminds us: “But recall those earlier days when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a hard struggle with suffering… You cheerfully This multicultural church of “us” and “them” together obviously meant some level of inconvenience and discomfort for the Christians in Ephesus and CONTINUED PAGE 3 2 The Interim Minister Continued accepted the plundering of your possessions, knowing that you yourselves possessed something better and more lasting. Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. For you need endurance, so that when have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised… But we are not among those who shrink back and so are lost, but among those who have faith and so are saved.” Finally, Hebrews 12: 1b-4 urges us to fix our eyes on Jesus himself and what he endured for us: “And let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God. “Considering him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners, so that you may not grow weary or lose heart. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.” Jesus joyfully disregarded great inconveniences to serve and save all of us. Let us therefore imitate him. Let us not grow weary of accepting a few small inconveniences to properly serve him and his people and the cause of his Gospel. Pastor's Class We are very excited to announce our plans for Pastor's Class this spring! All youth currently in grades 5-12 who ar e inter ested in baptism/ membership into the Body of Christ and First Christian Church of Kent are invited to join Pastors Bill, Dennis and Jodi in a very intentional time of learning and faith discovery. The class will meet on the following Sundays at 9:30 am in Bethany Hall. 3-1-15 Pastor’s Class Session 1: Let’s Get Acquainted 3-8-15 Pastor’s Class Session 2: Hear and Believe 4-12-15 Pastor’s Class Session 3: Repent and Confess 4-19-15 Pastor’s Class Session 4: Be Baptized 4-26-15 Pastor’s Class Session 5: Receive Forgiveness 5-3-15 Pastor’s Class Session 6: Receive the Holy Spirit We are also planning a field trip to Bethany, WV for some Disciples History, site-seeing, and lots of fun! Details TBA. Our hope is to help support and educate the young people of our congregation who are considering confessing their faith, being baptized, and becoming members of our congregation. We will celebrate the sacrament of baptism for those who feel they are ready on Pentecost Sunday, May 24. Please see Jodi Stillisano to register your child for Pastor's class by Feb. 8th. To My Dearest Church Family, Thank you all for the very generous gifts this past Christmas. It is a pleasure, each week, to serve you all and our Lord God. Thank You All… And May the Peace of Christ Be with You! Love, Donna Oberlin and Family Thank You Card posted on 2nd floor bulletin board. Fraternally, Bill Meyer The youth "Souper" Bowl and Snack Sale raised almost $200! Thank you to everyone who supported the sale. $150 was sent to Chrissy Stonebraker Martinez and The InterReligious Task Force. The remaining money will be used to purchase ingredients for a future fundraiser. If you have extra quart or pint size mason jars, the youth will gladly accept your donation. Young Men’s Fellowship Group beginning on Feb. 27th at 7pm at the church. Join us for cards and organizing activities! Contact Dave Adolphson at 330-554-2512 for more information. Watch for more information about upcoming happenings and events. 3 2015 EASTER FLOWER ORDER FORM Euchre Night Friday, March 13 at 7pm Sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Please select the type and amount of plants that you’d like placed in the church on Easter on the form below. Checks are to be made payable to First Christian Church, and can be placed in the offering plate (along with this form), dropped off at the church office (8:30am –1:30pm Monday Thursday), or mailed to the church (335 W Main Street, Kent, OH 44240). Lord’s Lunch Serving at Trinity Lutheran Church March 21st. See Marilyn Holloway if you would like to help with this outreach ministry. Volunteer Gardeners of all Levels needed for the Hospice of VNS Garden Club. The 16 acres at Akron General Hospice at 3358 Ridgewood Road in Copley requires year-round maintenance. Call 330-6684650 to sign up for Orientation Classes. Last Day to ORDER: Thursday, March 12, 2015 NAME: ___________________________________________ PHONE NO: ______________________________ 6 in. pot 6 in. pot Remember in our Prayers: Azaleas $11.00 (green foil) Lilies, Tulips, Mums $ 8.00 (green foil) Healing: Bonnie Mozingo, Jane Baxter, Michael Viets, David Echenroad, A. J. Spaulding, Rick Phillips, Joe Zurzola, Kay Wise, Marian and Don Horner, Dan Wilt, DeAnna Tenney, Arnett Noble, The Discernment Team and the Search Committee. Mums: Pink, White Tulips- Red, Pink, & Bi-color No. Ordered: ________ White Lilies ________ Mums ________ Tulips ________ Azaleas Sympathy: The family of Lisa Morris, Joan Chamberlain’s daughter, who passed away. The family of Lois Simpson who passed away ~ Specific Color____________________ The family of Larry Fisher, brother of Susan Lanning, who passed away 2/23 _________Total Amount Enclosed Special Prayers: Those serving in our armed forces and their families. Ryan Oberlin, Afghanistan in Sept. 2014. Heather and Jose Mendez. Please update us on our armed forces and families needing prayers. Please print the dedication below exactly how you’d like it to appear in the worship bulletin: (more can be added to the back of this form) In honor of ___________________________________________ T.H.I.N.K. first British evangelist Alan Redpath suggested these 5 helpful questions to ask yourself before you speak: T—Is it True? H – Is it Helpful? I – Is it Inspiriting? N – Is it Necessary? K– Is it Kind? In memory of ___________________________________________ Your generosity will beautify the church on Easter morning. Plants can be taken home after the 10:45am worship service. Next Newsletter Deadline: March 2 & 16. Thank you to "secret Santa" Erica Bordonaro who purchased colorful new cushions for the chairs in all the adult Sunday School rooms. All our "sitters" thank you! 4 Our Search Committee is moving forward in the search for a Called, Full-time Pastor. We have been prayerfully preparing, learning and listening as we collect information to submit Our Church Profile. Rev. Meyer and the Discernment Team are helping us with the section on “Congregational Discernment”, but it is very important that ALL of you help us! We will be having an Informational Brunch on Sunday, March 15th @ 9:30 (between services). The Search Committee will use this time to gather information and share ideas. We realize that we are all very busy people, so we have been working on how to collect the information we need in the most effective way… Wait for it…we have a Survey! (After all, why reinvent the wheel? We’ll just improve it!) We spent time making sure that we ask the correct questions so we get responses that are meaningful to our search process. We will be distributing the surveys beginning March 1st and hope to have them returned to us by March 15th or 22nd. WE NEED EVERY PERSON to complete a survey. We will be sending our out-of-town members a survey by email, or if necessary we can mail a survey to them. Our goal is to have a completed Profile for Sunday April 12th. Thank You in advance for your Help. Please continue to pray for our congregation as we move forward. In Christian Love and Service, The Search Committee With the beginning of Lent, we have an opportunity to take part in the 2 Cent-A-Meal Program. One way we can respond is by participating in the 2 Cent-A-Meal Program at home. Select a container and put it in the center of your table, each person puts 2 pennies at each meal. That is ½ of the program, the other ½ is to say a prayer for those in need. We will take part in this program during Lent beginning with Ash Wednesday, February 18th. Each Sunday there will be a collection of your pennies. Special Thanks to our wonderful “elves” for the newly painted & redecorated Sunday School Room. Wonderful job! REMEMBER TO CHANGE YOUR CLOCKS FOR DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ON MARCH 8TH 5 March 2015 Serving Schedule Worship Leader Deacons Prep/Serve/ Clean March 1 8:30 am Ed Mozingo 10:45 Portia Gregory 10:45am Ruthann Freeman Vicki Eberhart, Paulette Cortnik Linda Beal Zach Stillisano 10:45am Bob Palmer, Ruthann Freeman March 22 Art Putt 8:30am Michelle Lantz Marilyn Holloway David Adolphson Laura Adolphson Iris Palmer, Bob Palmer 10:45am March 29 8:30am Acolytes Zach Dylan Redman Stillisano, & Jenna Neri David & Laura Adolphson, Portia Gregory Portia Will Stillisano Gregory, & Josh Ruthann David & Laura Freeman, Bordonaro Adolphson, Vicki Eberhart Zach Stillisano Iris Palmer March 15 8:30am Deacons-Serve Greeters Louise Neubert 10:45am Laura Adolphson Dennis Wendling Art Putt, Iris Palmer Attendance Zach Stillisano Theresa Bennett & Maya Gregory Bob Palmer March 8 8:30 am Elders Bob Beal Portia Gregory Laura & David Dylan Redman Adolphson, & Ben Susan Portia Bordonaro Gregory, Zach Buckbee Stillisano Laura Adolphson David & Laura Reilly Curtis & Adolphson, Emilia Neri Portia Gregory, Zach Stillisano David Adolphson Susan Buckbee Laura & David Adolphson, Jenna Neri & Susan Portia Gregory, Zach Maya Gregory Buckbee Stillisano David Adolphson PALM SUNDAY Children’s Wonder and Worship Story Teller/Greeters March 1: March 8: March 15: March 22: March 29: “Jesus and the Children” “Jesus and Bartimaeus” “Jesus Zaccheus” “Jesus the King” “ Jesus Last Passover” Sarah Neri, Susan Buckbee Aireane Curtis, Max Stillisano Jodi Stillisano, Theresa Bennett Laura Adolphson, Portia Gregory David Adolphson, Susan Buckbee March 16 March 17 Birthdays and Anniversaries March 2 March 5 March 6 March 10 March 13 March 15 Rebecca Putt Sarah Neri Brendan Redman Reilly Curtis, Ben Secaur Brittany Mozingo Emilia Neri March 19 March 21 March 24 March 25 6 Vicki Lynn Phillips Alex Thomas, Tom & Erica Bordonaro (2001) Zach Stillisano, Noah Dunlap Carie Wright, Cathy Steele Martha Michael, David Adolphson Maya Gregory March 2015 Sun Mon Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Lord’s 2 Deadline 3 Pantry Newsletter Pastor’s Class Bible Study* 9:30am * Book Club 2pm Worship Mt. Elders Meeting 7pm 4 5 6 World Day of Prayer* 7 8 11 Pastor’s Class 9:30am Daylight Savings Time * 9 15 16 Bible Study* Informational Brunch* 9:30am 22 Tue 10 Deadline Newsletter 30 13 14 Euchre Night *7pm Discernment Team 9am UCM Dinner *6pm 17 18 St. Patrick’s Day 18 Board Meeting 7pm 19 20 First Day of 21 27 28 Sarah Circle 7pm @ B. Brown 24 Bible Study* SUNDAY 12 Last Date Easter Flower Orders * Bible Study* Outreach Mt. 7pm 23 29 PALM Spaghetti Dinner & Bake Sale *4:306:30pm 25 Asenath 26 Circle 7pm Michelle Lantz Lord’s Lunch @ Trinity Lutheran Church* 31 Bible Study* “Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” Maya Angelou Weekly Meetings: Tuesday ~ AA 7-8:30pm (Room 2) Thursday ~ Quilters 10:00am—2:00pm AA 7:00-8:00pm (Room 2) Thursday Choir 7:30pm ~ 8:30pm Saturday ~ Exercise Group 10:30 am to 12:00 pm * Articles in newsletter 7 email: [email protected] Website: 2015 General Assembly July 18—22, 2015 Columbus, Ohio Office Hours 8:30am to 1:30pm Monday through Thursday. The office is closed on Fridays. CHURCH STAFF: Ministers All members of First Christian Church Interim Minister Rev. William D. Meyer Minister of Christian Education Jodi Stillisano Church Secretary Vicki Lynn Phillips Organist Cathy Steele Chancel Choir Director Patricia Wiley Early Accompanist Donna Oberlin Nursery Attendant Sarah Redman Custodian Brendan Redman Worship Times/Office Hours Worship Times at 8:30 and 10:45am Children’s Worship 9:30am 8 From the opening worship on Saturday night to the climax on Wednesday night, thousands of Disciples will gather to worship our God and be challenged to fulfill our call to go from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth in mission. Speakers with new concepts. Learning tracks will give us wings & worship will set our sights above. Early Registration Discount end April 1 Preview book available in the office. Look for much more information in the next newsletter.
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