TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK 621 Getzville Road • Buffalo, NY 14226 • (716) 838-3232 March 2015 Congregation Surprises Rabbi Netter for Milestone Birthday! On the morning of Sunday, February 8, Rabbi Netter and the students of his Sunday morning Talmud class were greeted by a sign on the door to the Minyan Café notifying attendees that the room was closed due to a problem with the heating. The class was being moved to the Lippa Family auditorium. In actuality, the sign was not notice of another facility issue plaguing our aging building, but rather part of the elaborate ruse concocted by Temple staff and lay leaders to pull off a large-scale surprise party for our spiritual leader on the occasion of his 60th birthday! For the previous week planning had been in the works for a congregation-wide celebration of the rabbi’s milestone birthday, to take place in the Lippa Family Auditorium right after Sunday morning minyan (when Talmud class would normally meet). And, despite the difficulty in keeping secret a 500-plus person conspiracy – attempts were made to invite all members and friends of the synagogue by email or phone – the plan worked to perfection and Temple Beth Tzedek was host to one of the most memorable and haimishe events within its walls in recent times. As Rabbi Netter was nonchalantly escorted to his relocated “classroom” by past president and Talmud-class regular Janet Gunner, well over a hundred celebrants waited silently inside the auditorium. When Rabbi Netter opened the doors, we all shouted “Surprise!” in unison as Safi, the rabbi’s wife, snapped photos. You can see Rabbi Netter’s initial reaction above… Yes, it was a complete surprise! After Rabbi Netter took a few minutes to absorb the scene, as groups of congregants and friends mobbed him to extend birthday greetings, TBT President Leon Komm delivered some heartfelt wishes on behalf of the congregation. Leon announced that the synagogue had collected enough money from sponsors to treat Rabbi Netter and Safi to an overnight stay in Toronto and still contribute over $1500 to the Pulpit Fund – which Rabbi Netter immediately indicated would be used to support summer scholarships for our youth, one of his most cherished causes. The students of Gesher School then serenaded Rabbi Netter with rousing renditions of “Happy Birthday” in both English and Hebrew. Festivities continued with a scrumptious brunch open to everyone, and celebrants stayed and schmoozed for over an hour and a half. Executing the surprise brunch party was a team effort requiring the work of TBT staff and many volunteers, too numerous to list here. Special thanks, however, are due to Leon Komm, who co-chaired the event, threw his full support behind it, and arrived early with his wife, Cindy, to help set up the auditorium; Janet Gunner, the other co-chair, who organized the volunteer effort to set up the auditorium so beautifully and made phone calls to invite those Adar - Nisan 5775 members not on our email list; Einav Symons, who arranged for Gesher students to paint the large congratulatory posters that adorned the auditorium walls and to sing to Rabbi Netter; Jason Chudzinski and Zach Shaffer, who catered such a wonderful birthday brunch; and Pat Farrell, who came in extra early to assist with facility set-up and to provide whatever custodial support was necessary to make the event the success that it was. Please see p. 5 for a listing of all the sponsors whose financial support made this tremendous birthday surprise possible, and p. 6 for some more great photos from the event. May we go from strength to strength! From the . . . Cholent There are many births recorded in the Torah, but not once are we given the date of birth. We read about the births of Cain and Abel, of Ishmael and Isaac, of Jacob and Esau, of each of the twelve sons of Jacob. Not once are we given the date of birth. The first birthday celebration recorded in the Torah is found in Genesis 40:20. Perhaps not surprisingly, it is the birthday celebration of the pharaoh of Egypt. We know the ages of the Patriarchs at the time of their deaths, but not their birthdates. And the narrative of the most important birth in the Torah – the birth of Moshe Rabbenu – neglects to tell us the date of his birth. It is not until the rabbis tell the story that we learn that Moshe was born and died on the same date, the 7th of Adar. It is not until the modern period in Jewish history that the day of one’s birth became significant. Traditionally, the Jewish attitude to birth has been defined by the following discussion in the midrash Kohelet Rabbah 7:4: The day of a man’s death is greater than the day of his birth. Why? Because on the day of his birth a man does not know what awaits him in his life, but on the day of his death his deeds are made known to everybody. Rabbi Levi said: a parable. It is like two ships sailing the great sea. One was leaving port, the other was entering the port. All those aboard the ship that was about to depart were rejoicing; those aboard the ship that was entering the port were not rejoicing. A wise man was there, and he said: ‘I see here reversed things. Those aboard the ship that is about to depart should not be rejoining, for they don’t know what fate awaits her, what seas she will encounter, and what winds she will meet; those aboard the ship that is entering the port should rejoice, since they know that she entered the sea in peace and came out in peace.’ Thus a man, when he is born, his days are counted until he dies, and when he dies, he is heading for eternal life. It is of him that Solomon said: A good name is better than precious oil, and the day of death than the day of one’s birth (Kohelet 7:1). When a child is born, that child enters a world of great potential and hope. No one knows what lies in store for that child; what technologies will be developed within that child’s lifespan? What barriers will be eliminated in space and time? What unique berakhah is that child bringing into the world? No one knows; we can only hope. We have specific rituals that tradition developed over the centuries to mark the yahrzeits of our loved ones: lighting a yahrzeit candle, saying kaddish three times on the day of the yahrzeit, giving tzedakah in their memory as an elevation of their souls. But we have developed no rituals for birthdays. In Pirke Avot we are taught that each decade of life brings its own developmental characteristics. At the age of 60 one attains ziknah, which literally means “old age.” It is true that at the age of 60 the body is beginning to slow, it is more difficult to toss around a football, it is more difficult to remember things, it is more difficult to blow out candles. But ziknah also means “wisdom.” Presumably by the age of 60 one has accumulated enough life experience to know the difference between the trivial and the important things. Presumably one has learned that loving relationships are more lasting and more fulfilling than personal achievements. Making a living is not as important as making a life. 2 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar POT I can now attest that we should have rituals for birthdays. Now I see the significance of birthdays. You have all taught me that. On the day of my 60th birthday I was completely surprised when I walked into the Lippa Auditorium to find a few hundred of my closest friends who had arranged a marvelous celebration of my birth. The sight of so many people was emotionally overwhelming. It was all I could do not to cry. The beautiful brunch, the cake with the candles, the messages from our Gesher students, the signs and cards, the donations – I cannot adequately thank all of the people, far too many to name, for what it took to pull this party off. There are not enough words in the English language that can be combined to fully express my gratitude. So allow me to just stumble through this, and please know all the feelings I am trying to express when I say thank you, thank you, thank you. May we be blessed to share many more simhas together. See you in shul. Perry Netter, rabbi PLEASE CONSIDER SERVING ON OUR TBT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Each year our membership elects trustees to fill openings on our thirty-member board during our annual congregational meeting. Our board nominating committee will be meeting in March to nominate a slate of candidates for board approval in April and then congregational approval in May. We are seeking synagogue members to serve on our board who are passionate about furthering our extraordinary synagogue mission and helping to ensure Temple Beth Tzedek flourishes and endures beautifully. We have key decisions before us impacting our present and future. If you would like to be considered for the important work of our kehilla through service on our board please contact TBT board chairperson Janet Gunner at (716) 536-0454 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Thank you! BOYZ’ IN THE HOOD (BROTHERHOOD) MAZEL TOV! Karen & Alan Wexler TBT’s Brotherhood is getting back in the swing of things, with a new group of energized members and an enthusiastic start to the calendar year. And we want YOU to join us. More than 20 men gathered for great refreshments and good company to watch an NFL divisional playoff game in January at the Amherst Pizza and Ale House in Getzville. (P.S., this was BEFORE Deflate-gate!) We shared laughs, caught up with each other, filled up, and enjoyed a good game. And we made new friends with guys who have not been Brotherhood members before, some of whom are not even members of TBT! Yasher Koach to Dr. Gil Wolfe on coordinating this event. Then, in early February, TBT Brotherhood joined with TBT’s Gesher School, Congregation Shir Shalom’s school and The Men’s Group at CSS for the annual World Wide Wrap, an international program sponsored and promoted by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. TBT and its predecessors have participated in this Conservative Movement program for years as FJMC members, but this was the first time for CSS, and what a wonderful collaboration between not only the two synagogues but also the two men’s clubs. We’re already talking about other opportunities for teaming up and supporting each other, so stay tuned. Congrats to Einav Symons and Hope Bongiorno, the respective school principals, for coordinating. And on Feb. 22, we hosted a TBT-catered bagel brunch in the Lippa Family Auditorium, with special guest speaker David Schiller discussing the two sides of Israel’s economy, in a discussion titled “The Start-Up Nation… And Those Left Behind.” The success of Israel’s technology-oriented business community is well-known – many of its publicly traded companies are on Nasdaq – but David’s presentation showed even more about how the economy works for some, but not for others. Well done, David! on the engagement of their daughter, Dara Wexler to Doug Dubow 2015/5775 Passover Schedule Thursday, April 2 Search for Leaven (Bedikah Hametz) Friday, April 3 Fast of the Firstborn 7:00 a.m. Shaharit (morning service), Siyum, and Breakfast 6:00 p.m. Minha Ma’ariv (evening service) First Seder in Homes Saturday, April 4 9:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. First Day Pesach Shaharit (morning service) Minha Ma’ariv (evening service) Second Seder in Homes Sunday, April 5 9:00 a.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:45 p.m. Second Day Pesach Shaharit (morning service) Minha Ma’ariv (evening service) End of Yom Tov This month, on March 8, Daniel Kotzin will host the first meeting of our new book club, featuring a discussion of Amos Oz’s book, A Tale of Love and Darkness. Please RSVP to Daniel at 688-3584 if you plan to attend. Thank you, Daniel! Monday through Thursday, April 6 through 9 7:15 a.m. Shaharit (morning service) 6:00 p.m. Minha Ma’ariv (evening service) Coming up, keep an eye out for possible poker or game nights, a visit to a pool hall, a scotch and steak night, our endof-the-year BBQ with Gesher School, and the annual Bisons game and BBQ with Membership Committee, tentatively slated for August. Friday, April 10 9:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Seventh Day Pesach Shaharit (morning service) Minha Ma’ariv (evening service) Saturday, April 11 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:52 p.m. Eighth (last) Day Pesach Shaharit Yizkor (approximate time) Minha Ma’ariv (evening service) End of Yom Tov Let’s keep the conversation going, and make something happen. Above all, let’s have fun. Call or email me to be part of something new. Jonathan Epstein (716)430-5838 [email protected] Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 3 GESHER What a wonderful February we had, with a winetasting Havdalah and a great Tu B’Shevat seder and Tefillin workshop with our friends at Congregation Shir Shalom. Despite our weather, Sisterhood is alive and well. On February 21, Sisterhood led the Shabbat service and sponsored the Kiddush afterward. Many thanks to Jane Leve, Ilene Scheib, Rachel Anderson, Janice Gelfand, Michelle Davis, Julie Van Vliet, Rachel Sokoloff, Linda Steinhorn, Judith Bronstein, Helen Ablove, Elaine Baren, Rusty Zackheim, June Feurstein, Helen Bergman, Judith Epstein, Lisa Wallenfels, Carol Davis, Linda Boxer, Esther Trachtman, Myra Werbow, Ruth Norman, Janet Gunner, Sharon Kostiner, Lynn Birnholz, Evy Berman, Elaine Brothman, and Jeannette Levin. A special thank you to Rabbi Netter and Cantor Spindler for their cooperation and input. Michael Smith, the Associate Director of City Mission, our guest speaker, was very informative. Our partnership with City Mission and Cornerstone Manor and the Rummage Sale is a wonderful tzdekah project for Sisterhood and the community. March brings with it the joys of the month of Adar as we get ready for the community Purim carnival on March 8. Students will be dismissed after our program with Outstretched Arm on Sunday morning so that they can join the fun at Shir Shalom. Reminder: If you have not yet ordered your hamantashen , please do so as soon as possible. Wishing our students, their families and the congregation a happy Purim ! Einav Symons CELEBRATE PURIM PLEASE JOIN US TO HOST OUR ANNUAL TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK KESHER OUTSTRETCHED ARM Sisterhood is again having it's Passover Flower Sale. Gloria Fenston is our Chairlady. Bouquets are $18 and she is more than happy to take orders. She can be reached at 8866839.Thank you, Gloria for your continued success in this fundraiser! PURIM CELEBRATION FOR JEWS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Dates to remember: March 24, our book review by Edith Fine. The book is entitled,"An Officer and a Spy". April 26 & 27- Women's League is holding a spring conference at Congregation Beth Sholom in Dewitt, New York. We encourage everyone to attend. Please contact the conference chair, Ilene Sheib at 875-3499. June 11, the past Presidents are planning a "Sophisticated Ladies Night Out". More information to follow..... COME IN COSTUME! MAKE SOME NOISE! HAVE FUN! Linda Steinhorn, our scholarship chair, will be gathering her committee soon to evaluate applications . Applications will be available in the office. More info next month. Please patronize our Judaic shop. We have lovely gift ideas and a variety of religious items. Linda Linsky, Bobbie Vishner, and myself are available for private appointments. See you in Shul! Carolyn Kershanbaum 4 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar SUNDAY MORNING, March 8, 2015 10:15 ~ NOON TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK Be a part of something special and beautiful. Join the Temple Beth Tzedek community hosting a celebration of Purim under the leadership of Rabbi Perry Netter. Hear the Megillah read by Cantor Mark Spindler. Enjoy delightful Purim music with Ruthie Merlin at the piano. Experience the best of Klezmer music by the band West of Odessa—musicians Roberta Levin and Alan Sisselman—guaranteed to touch your soul. Listen to a Purim presentation lovingly prepared by our Gesher School students. Stay for lunch—our Purim Seudah, so you can visit with friends and nosh some delicious hamentashen. Volunteers are needed! Please meet at the synagogue Sunday morning at 9:15 to help with the set up. Bring boxes of pasta to shake as noisemakers during the Megillah reading to blot out the name of Haman, then contribute them to the food barrel to blot out hunger in WNY. Contact Lynne Birnholz ~ 689-6837 or Sharla Bleichfeld ~ 688-5296 for more information. SIMCHA SHABBAT (A celebration each month of birthdays and anniversaries in our Temple Beth Tzedek family) Thank you to the following for contributing to the January 24th Simcha Shabbat kiddish celebrating January & February events ANNIVERSARIES Carin & Ed Case Sarah & Ted Chertoff* Ursula & Gerhard Falk* Shirley & Larry Magil Rebecca & Jeff Oshlag Elinda & Ed Reich* Marcia & Leonard Saran (December) BIRTHDAYS Anna Ablove Judy Baron Sarah Bernstein Linda Boxer Matthew Boxer (by Linda & Larry Boxer) Ed Case* Judy Davis Ayelet Forrest Liat Forrest Raymond Greene Marty Kerker* Lance Mark* Jeff Oshlag Rena Rose Stephen Stern Linda Steinhorn Ella Waldman (by Linda & Larry Boxer) Gabriel Waldman * (by Linda & Larry Boxer) Hannah Wallenfels Lisa Wallenfels* Bea Wohlfeld* SPECIAL SIMCHA Birth of great-grandson, Parker Ian Levin, by Frank and Jeanette Levin Next Simcha Shabbat is April 18, 2015 celebrating March and April events *indicates a milestone year For more information or to be a participant, please contact Linda Boxer (284-1534 or [email protected]) or Kim Jones in the Temple office (838-3232, ext. 100). We are grateful to the following sponsors whose generous contributions made Rabbi Netter’s 60th Birthday brunch celebration, birthday gift, and donation to the Pulpit Fund possible: Helen Ablove Jim & Leslie Kramer Kevin & Risé Kulick Mort & Natalie Abramson Dana Kurtzman Bob & Judy Alessi Dan & Sheree Lamendola Rachel Anderson Roberta Landberg Anonymous Jane Leve Barry & Judy Baron Larry & Cookie Levin Helen Bergman Harold & Arlyne Levy Steve & Fern Bernstein Shai & Michal Lewis Bruce & Sharla Bleichfeld Marian & Steve Lustig Eva Blum Jerry & Eileen Markzon Jeff & Leah Blum Irv & Ruth Merlin Larry & Linda Boxer Jay & Rebecca Mesnekoff Mel & Elaine Brothman Armand & Lori Morrison Joel & Judy Brownstein Ruth Norman Ed & Carin Case Glenn Pincus & Janet Gunner Allan & Karen Cooper Iris Danziger & Kirsten Moysich Harvey & Roz Podolsky David & Lisa DavidsonCarol Davis Sylvia Polakov Lance & Michele Pozarny Eric & Judy Davis Jan Presser Cantor Emeritus Ed & Elinda Reich Gerald & Belle DeBruin David & Tina Ribakove Ed & Evelyn Drozen Jonathan & Amy Rosen Joseph & Nancy Enis Ina Sanders Jonathan & Judy Epstein Harvey & Helaine Sanders Stuart & Jane Fischman Herb & Ina Scheer Leonard & Cheryl Franco David & Beverly Schiller Harold & Janice Gelfand Harvey & Nancy Schiller Alan & Charlotte Gendler Irv & Doris Sellers Sam & Dorothy Golden Michael & Sharon Serota Alan & Marcia Goldstein Alan Sisselman & Roberta Levine Murray Gunner Barbara & Michael Sitrin Lee Guterman & Lisa Benson Howard & Helene Smallen Fredric & Donna Hirsh Cantor Mark & Leona Spindler Harvey & Myra Horowitz Jim & Linda Steinhorn Rick Jacobson & Sheri Poole Avi & Viola Sterman Renee Joffe Steve & Debbie Stern Lawrence & Marlene Joseph Andy & Einav Symons Beatrice Kaiser George & Lisa Wallenfels Jean Kaiser Bernie & Helen Weinstein Beth Kassirer Aaron & Wendy Weisbrot John & Renee Kennelly Allan & Myra Werbow Marty & Shelly Kerker Joel & Elinor Weiss Gerry & Carolyn Kershanbaum Alice Weit Leon & Cindy Komm David & Christine Wolf Harriet Konovitz Joe & Rusty Zackheim Ariel & Sharon Kostiner Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 5 Celebrating Rabbi Netter’s 60th Birthday ~ February 8, 2015 Hamantashen Baking 6 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar SISTERHOOD PESACH FLOWER SALE PLEASE JOIN THE TBT SISTERHOOD ONCE AGAIN AS WE WELCOME SPRING. JUST AS THE ISRAELITES WERE FREED FROM BONDAGE IN EGYPT, HOPEFULLY, OUR FLOWER SALE WILL FIND US FREE FROM SNOW-BONDAGE IN WNY. OUR FLOWER SALE FOR PICK UP IS FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015 FROM 9-4 @ TBT. ORDER DEADLINE: 3/27/15 OUR FLOWER BOUQUETS ARE $18.00 THIS YEAR. WE SAY "CHAI" TO YOU AND "HI" IN PERSON ON APRIL 3RD! Please send your check for payment made out to TBT Sisterhood to: Gloria Fenston 508 Richmond Avenue Buffalo, NY 14222. Any questions, please email bfenston@netzero or telephone: 886-6839. David Burstein, O.D. • Comprehensive eye exams • Specially trained in treating eye disease • Contact lens specialist • Fashion eyewear QUALITY CARE AT A PERSONAL LEVEL Amherst 224 Plaza Drive Hopkins near Klein 668-8127 Kenmore 924 Kenmore Avenue 876-2020 Allentown Award Winning Artist David Manny Professional Graphic Design & Fine Art Commercial & Residential placement OVER 30 Years Experience By Appt: 716.471.1764 www.BUFFALOTREASURES.com Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 7 UNITED SYNAGOGUE YOUTH 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION On December 21, 2014 seven teenagers from Temple Beth Tzedek traveled to Atlanta, Georgia for five days of fun, food, friends, religious, social action and social programming with their peers from around the county at the USY International Convention. Over 750 high school students attended this event, and all had an amazing experience. Students participated in large group and small group sessions, saw a concert, listened to keynote speaker Jessica Abo, learned about the civil rights movement in the place where it all began, and experienced the sights of Atlanta. Some of our participants also had the chance to reunite with the groups of kids that they had traveled with this past summer on their Ramah Seminar and USY Pilgrimage trips to Israel. Below are their impressions of their experiences in Atlanta. ROBYN LIPPA Once a year, USY gathers for its International Convention (IC). It is five days of learning, friends, and fun. Over 700 USYers from all across North America come together. This year’s convention was in Atlanta, Georgia (#ICATL). There I reunited with my friends from past ICs and Ramah programs, including my trip to Israel, and made many new friends. In Atlanta, we celebrated Hanukkah, did community service projects, and visited Ebenezer Baptist Church and the Martin Luther King Jr. National Park site, and explored the Civil Rights Museum. Our community service project was cleaning up Freedom Park. We even visited Coca Cola World and had the chance to try all 32 flavors of Coke! Overall it was a fantastic trip! JOEY KRAMER This past winter break I was lucky enough to attend the International USY convention in Atlanta Georgia. This was my second conference as I attended the one last year in New Orleans. IC is more than just a convention. I was only there for five days, but it seems like I was there for an eternity. The people that I met, the community service that we completed, and the everlasting friendships that I made have changed my life forever. People always ask me why I waste my winter break learning about Judaism. I always have the same response: because I love USY. What IC is describes perfectly why I love USY so much. Every single Jewish teen there is going through the same hardships and bumps in life that I am. Whether it’s school, friends, or identifying with your religion everyone is going through it. That’s what makes IC so amazing. I am able to connect with everyone there so easily, and can talk to them and be open with them as if I have known them my whole life. JARED WALLENFELS This year International Convention was hosted in Atlanta, Georgia. Over 750 Jewish teens gathered there from all over the country. International Convention is an experience that every USYer should experience. It is a great time to meet new people while getting involved in Jewish things. During IC, we did community service by picking up trash across a park. Also every day there is a chance to participate in different kinds of services such as Davening in the Dark and Yoga. Some other great things at IC were the dance in the Coca-Cola factory and listening to speakers such as Reverend Williams and Jessica Abo. I also love seeing friends I have made at previous conventions. I am lucky to have been able to attend two International Conventions so far, and I can't wait to go again next year. LEAH KRAMER I recently attended the International Convention for my Jewish youth group, United Synagogue Youth, this past winter break. It was my second time attending the IC and it was incredible, just like the first one. I was able to reconnect with old friends, make new friends, make new memories, learn about my Judaism, learn about civil rights in the place where it all started (Atlanta, GA), do community service and more. The International Convention for USY not only was a fun experience but an amazing learning experience as well. I am so thankful I am able to be apart of such an incredible organization. ERIN LIPPA This year I went to International Convention in Atlanta with USY. I got to reconnect with some of my friends and learn about the city's history and how Jewish leaders were involved in the Civil Rights Movement. One of the places we got to visit was the Coca-Cola factory and I tried most of the flavors. My favorite flavor was root beer. We also went to the Ebenezer Baptist Church where we heard a friend of Martin Luther King Jr. speak to us about his experiences with the Civil Rights Movement. During this experience I met new people, made new friends and learned about the history of Atlanta. I can't wait to go to International Convention next year in Baltimore! 8 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar LAUREN WALLENFELS I had so much fun at IC Atlanta this year. It was great to be able to reunite with all of my friends from USY on Wheels from the summer of 2013 and all my friends from USY Poland/Israel Pilgrimage this past summer. We had an amazing community day where we helped clean up a park and learned all about the civil rights movements from events that happened in Atlanta in the past. Hearing Jessica Abo speak for the second year in a row was definitely a highlight. I am so thankful to have been able to go for four consecutive years and I am sad that this was my last year, but I am glad that it was so much fun and so memorable. L to R: Joey Kramer, Leah Kramer, Jared Wallenfels, Robyn Lippa, Erin Lippa, Mason Botwin, Lauren Wallenfels. WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS THE FOLLOWING TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTIONS Charles and Molly Amsterdam Memorial Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Muriel Narotsky Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Joshua Ribakove Becoming a Bar Mitzvah Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Charles and Molly Amsterdam Memorial Fund In Memory of: Nelson Himmelfarb Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Jack Friedes Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Joseph Bengart Library Endowment Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Arthur Bengart Steven Bengart Anne Bernstein Memorial Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Sheila Goldberg Herschel & Mimi Balsom Anne Bernstein Memorial Fund In Memory of: Phyllis Barish Herschel & Mimi Balsom Adrian Weissfeld Herschel & Mimi Balsom Building Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Dr. Howard Yalowich Rachel Yalowch Edith & Joel Cohen Memorial Fund In Memory of: In Loving Observance of the Yahrzeit of Aunt Louise Coploff Rita & Lenny Weiss Sylvia & Louis Cooper Fund In Honor of: Josh Fried becoming a Bar Mitzvah Helen Ablove Sylvia & Louis Cooper Fund In Memory of: Edgar May Rose & Harold Gandel Sigmund Carsell Harold & Rose Gandel Sanford Cohen Harold & Rose Gandel Rueben Kaiser Harold & Rose Gandel Irwin Davis Memorial Fund In Memory of: Jack Friedes Carol Davis Buddy Miller Ilene Scheib Cantor Gerald DeBruin Music Shelf In Memory of: Ida Schaer Harold & Arlyne Levy Education Fund In Honor of: Birth of Dana Ruth Schwartz Armand & Lori Morrison In Appreciation Colin & Alyssa Strang Josh Ribakove Becoming a Bar Mitzvah Janice & Harold Gelfand Education Fund In Memory of: Miriam Paine Aaron & Wendy Weisbrot Jennifer Werbow Armand & Lori Morrison Anne Lippa Elaine & Mel Brothman Floral Fund In Honor of: Bea Wohlfeld's Special Birthday Gert Schwab Floral Fund In Memory of: Anne Lippa Linda & Joel Paull Jerry Frank Memorial Garden Fund In Honor of: Birth of Mia Blake, Great-Granddaughter of Mary Harari Ida & Daniel Serure Birth of Mia Blake, Granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harari Ida & Daniel Serure Jerry Frank Memorial Garden Fund In Memory of: Jennifer Werbow Shirley & Larry Magil Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund In Honor of: Thank you to everyone for kind wishes, donations & prayers Myra Horowitz Birth of Parker Ian Levin Ruth & Howard Schwartz Ethan Milich Induction Into Sweet Home High School Honor Society Bruce & Sharla Bleichfeld Jan Presser Josh Ribakove Becoming a Bar Mitzvah Bruce & Sharla Bleichfeld Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund In Memory of: Jack Friedes Sondra & Marshall Lipman In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Esther Merrick Joe & Rena Merrick In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Dorothy Strauss Jan Presser In Observance of the Yahrzeits of Jay & Rebecca Rudberg Bruce & Sharla Bleichfeld Johnnie Williams Jerry & Eileen Markzon Mark L. Josephson Torah Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Leigh Brownstein Esther Brownstein Kassirer Family Minyan Room Fund In Honor of: Ben Hirsh's 98th Birthday Judy & Barry Baron Kassirer Family Minyan Room Fund In Memory of: Sherwin "Bud" Miller Judy & Bob Alessi Dvorah Joseph Michele & Lance Pozarny Kiddush Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Chaim Grossberg Sidney Grossberg Buddy Miller Janice & Harold Gelfand Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 9 WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS THE FOLLOWING TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTIONS Richard S. Kulick Memorial Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Tillie Kulick Peggy & Deborah Kulick and Jennifer Rosenbaum Pulpit Fund In Memory of: Jack Friedes Loretta & Norbert Schecter Lenore Marx Jennifer Werbow Mendy & Edith Fine Klein - Amdur Library Fund In Memory of: Jack Friedes Jane & Stu Fischman Peter & Yanina Sermyazkho Tamara Castro Martin Sanders Memorial Fund In Memory of: Nelson Himmelfarb Ina Sanders In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Irene Hirschfeld Lillian Hirschfeld In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Thelma Magidson Lillian Hirschfeld Lippa Family Auditorium Maintenance Fund In Memory of: Reuben Kaiser Anne & Warren Lippa Barbara & Jack Yellen Anne Lippa Ina & Herb Scheer Alan & Karen Wexler Bea & Bob Saffer Mark & Leona Spindler Marlene & Lawrence Joseph Gerry & Joanne Nover Myra & Allan Werbow Annette & Sanford Rosenberg Cookie Weil Sally and William Malkinson Scholarship Fund In Honor of: Anna Post Receiving Kadimah Honor Barbara & Irwin Ginsberg Henrietta Steinberg Music Fund In Memory of: Ida Schaer Elaine & Mel Brothman Pulpit Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Janice Gelfand Jane Leve In Appreciation of Honor Carol Davis Ethan Milich Induction Into Sweet Home High School Honor Society Cantor & Mrs. Mark Spindler In Appreciation Debbie Stern Rabbi Netter's 60th Birthday Esther Trachtman 10 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Buddy Miller Helen Ablove Jim Resig, Sr. Mark & Leona Spindler Miriam Paine Mark & Barbara Rodman Johnnie Williams Mark & Leona Spindler Anne Lippa Loretta & Norbert Schecter Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Murray Gunner Elinda & Ed Reich Birth of Parker Ian Levin Lee Lippa In Appreciation of Ellen Lippa Joe Zackheim Speedy Recovery of Muriel Narotsky Elinda & Ed Reich Speedy Recovery of Jim Steinhorn Phyllis Sigel Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund In Memory of: Jack Friedes Ina & Herb Scheer Bruce S. Rein Memorial Fund In Memory of: Paul Jacobson Henry Peita Herman S. Rekoon Scholarship Fund In Honor of: Rabbi Netter's Kindness Joe Buch Synagogue Renovation Fund In Memory of: Nelson Himmelfarb Joe Sterman & Sylvia Weiss Jack Friedes Edith & Mendy Fine Anne Lippa Joe Sterman & Sylvia Weiss James P. Resig, Sr. Ina Sanders Jennifer Werbow Ina Sanders Johnnie Williams Ina Sanders Marlene J. Simms Memorial Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeits of Annette J. Simms and Leonard J. Simms Joyce Greenberg Temple Fund In Honor of: Joshua Fried Becoming a Bar Mitzvah Joan & Sam Weissman In Appreciation Ronnie Moore Appreciation of Aliyah Alvin Kaplan Birth of Parker Ian Levin Elaine & Jerry Schweitzer Freda Brummer Gary & Joyce Gafter Bert & Sonya Breitbart Margie & Seymour Suchman Speedy Recovery of Eric Speier Hanna Fink Ruth Norman, Barb, John & Family Speedy Recovery of Jim Steinhorn Jane Leve Temple Fund In Memory of: Jack Friedes Ilene Scheib Debra Chernoff & Larry Rubin Sonia Buchwald Margaret Kane Sherwin "Buddy" Miller Marilyn & Irving Sultz Vivian & Lisa Lazerson WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS THE FOLLOWING TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTIONS Temple Fund In Memory of Barbara Strauss Iris W. Rivo & David Buch Louis Wolffe Joan & Sam Weissman Shirley & Cyrus Trossman Museum Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Martin Trossman Sheila Trossman The Werbow Family Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Myra Werbow Mendy & Edith Fine The Werbow Family Fund In Memory of: Jack Friedes Myra & Allan Werbow Jennifer Werbow Donald & Erma Bader Elaine & Mel Brothman Laurence & Linda Boxer Rachel Pincus Ina & Herb Scheer Sue Forrest Helen Ablove Sandy Perlmuter Jonathan & Judith Gendler Epstein Roberta & Marshall Freedman Pam Buyer Sylvia Polakov Michele & Lance Pozarny Tinka Lendner Ruth Norman Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Rusty & Joe Zackheim Ina & Herb Scheer Larry & Cookie Levin Fern & Steve Bernstein Judy & Bob Alessi Beth Kassirer Janice & Harold Gelfand Steven Sanders & Family 6th & 7th Grade Gesher Class Jerry & Eileen Markzon Barbara & Jay Rosenbum Judy & Bob Alessi John Williams, Sr. Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus CONDOLENCES Sherwin “Buddy” Miller father of Steven Miller father of Amy O'Donnell father of Judy Healy father of Marge Quartley brother of Tillie Lazerson former husband of June Feuerstein John N. Williams, Sr. father of David Williams father of Demory Williams father of Sylvia Smith father of Pamela Carter father of Zemria Davis father of Stephanie Williams father of Thomas Williams Sr. father of Vinson Williams Anne Lippa mother of Barbara Yellen mother of Warren Lippa sister of Louis Lazar Jacob Friedes husband of Cynthia Friedes father of Francine Blattner father of David Friedes brother of Ruth Schensul brother of Albert Friedes Nelson Himmelfarb husband of Dolores (Laurie) Himmelfarb father of Naomi Cohan father of Holly O'Brien Maurice Cole father of Shelley Fitt father of Ellen Koudounas brother of Syndney Cole brother of Irving Cole brother of David Cole Esther Robbins mother of Lynda Horn-Rosenblat Lilli Silbiger mother of Laurie Rothschild brother of Alfred Haber TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK YAHRZEITS Contributions are gratefully acknowledged for the following: Mildred Abramowitz Philip Albert Boruch Aliots Chayim Aliots Gussie Aliots Meir Aliots Yidel Aliots Yitzchak Aliots Herman Alt Robert L. Altman Dr. Marvin Amdur Zecharia Ben-Josef Lottie Benjamin George Benson Seymour Bergman Stephen Berman Anna Brooks Lily Cantor Ralph Carrel Theresa Nusbaum Civin Hannah Cohen Jerry Cohen Rose Cohen Jacob Cooper Fay Danker Solomon Danker Ralph Davis Irving Dickson Lou Dozoretz Sarah Drach Ruth Dubbs Lucy Dumanis Zinoviy Dvinov Rose Ehrlich Gillian Epstein Samuel Fenston Irving Fineberg Leonard Finkelstein Jacob Forman Rita Freedman Sam Freedman Nathan Gandel Bracha Gavrilovich Shachna Gavrilovich Theresa Gellman Samuel Gilbert Harold Glickstein David Gorsky Sharon Shoom Greenbaum Anne Goldenberg Leah Gottlieb Nathan Goun Lillian Greenberg Jacob Grichener Tamara Grichener Abraham Gunner David Jainchill Boris Joffe Benjamin Kaiser Ralph Kanel Louis Katz Max Katz David Katzenelson Louis Kleiman Haskel Klurfeld Milton Konovitz Henry Kornmehl Tillie Kulick Bernard Kushner Charles Landberg Sylvia Lane William Lazar Anne Lazerson Richard Lazerson Samuel Levin Aaron Lichtman Fannie Lichtman Frieda Lieberman Harry Lipman Esther Lubofsky Mamie Magil Dora Mankoff Nathan Mankoff Stuart Mann Bertha Marcus Ralph Marcus Kurt Marx Mathilda Marx Clara Mednick Fannie Mednick Paula Messinger Jeanette Meyers Ala Mingal Ivan Netter Nate Norman Samuel Ostrow Dora Persky Solomon Persky Esther Popkin Harry Presant Tessie Presant Leah Recoon Jennie Rekoon Morris Resman Benjamin Rosenberg Mildred Rubin Rose Sacks Samuel Sacks Doris Sanders Morris Schnittman Abe Schrutt Esther Schrutt Leonore Schultz Russell Seidner Stanley Seligman Rebecca Semerau Esther Sens Abraham Serure Walter Serure Lillian Shoom Avrum Shuman Ida Shuman Irving Shuman Philip Shuman Margaret Siegel Julian Silbiger Maurice Slesnick Shirley Soronson Sylvia Sorotsky Frieda Speier Isidor Speier Ida Stein Pearl Sterman Joseph Sternshein Abram Stiller Dr. Aloys Stiller Gerald Stiller Tamie Stiller Pearl Stone Alan Strauss Bertha Sunshine Miriam Tenzer Hinda Tosk Eva Trachtman Jacob Trachtman Ilona Wallenfels Shirley Waxman Morris J. Willer Anna Wortman Harry Zisselman Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 11 TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK Non-Profit Org. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Buffalo, N. Y. Permit No. 2434 Amherst, New York TEMPLE OFFICE SCHOOL OFFICE 838-3232 836-2660 Perry Netter Mark Spindler Gerald DeBruin Joseph Enis Allan Werbow Einav Symons Janet Gunner Leon Komm Jonathan Dandes Lisa Davidson Judith Davis Lisa Wallenfels Edward Case Alan Goldstein Rabbi Cantor Cantor Emeritus Executive Director Executive Director Emeritus Education Director Chairman of the Board President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Mailing Address 621 Getzville Road Buffalo, NY 14226 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED SERVICE SCHEDULE Sunday Shaharit Service 8:30 am Weekday Shaharit Service 7:30 am Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 6 pm Saturday Shabbat Service 9 am Daily Ma'ariv Sunday through Friday 6 pm Saturday Minha followed by S’eudah Shlisheet, Ma’ariv & Havdalah PUBLICATION NOTE: The Shofar is published monthly by Temple Beth Tzedek in Amherst, N.Y. All articles and other materials submitted to the Shofar are the property of the Shofar and the Shofar Editorial Board, which is responsible for and oversees the publication. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit all materials submitted for publication in the Shofar, in accordance with the highest standards of professional publishing and consistent with Temple Beth Tzedek’s Mission. All decisions about inclusion and layout of materials submitted for publication in the Shofar shall be made by the Editorial Board alone. The Shofar Editorial Board consists of: Lisa Davidson, Barbara Sitrin, Joe and Rusty Zackheim, and Joseph Enis. March 7 - 5:30 pm March 14 - 6:45 pm March 21 - 7:00 pm March 28 - 7:00 pm MARCH 2015 SUNDAY 1 10 Adar ADAR - NISAN 5775 MONDAY 2 11 Adar 17 Adar Gesher in Session Talmud Class 9:30 am Outstretched Arm Purim Program 10:30 am Purim Carnival at Shir Shalom 15 24 Adar 9 18 Adar 16 25 Adar 9 Nisan 10 19 Adar 17 26 Adar Sisterhood Board 10 am Gesher in Session 23 3 Nisan 24 4 Nisan Rabbi’s Class 10 am Gesher in Session Sisterhood Book Review 7 pm Gesher in Session Talmud Class 9:30 am Women’s Health Symposium 10:30 am 29 12 Adar Rabbi’s Class 10 am Bloodmobile 3 – 7 pm Board Meeting 7:30 pm Gesher in Session Ezrat Nashim 10:30 am Adult Education Movie & Dinner 4:30 pm 22 2 Nisan 3 Gesher in Session Gesher in Session Mishpacha 10:30 am 8 TUESDAY 30 10 Nisan Gesher in Session Outstretched Arm Model Seder 10:30 am 12 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar 31 11 Nisan Gesher in Session Pre USY Chocolate Seder 6:15 pm Officers meeting 7 pm WEDNESDAY 4 13 Adar Talmud Class 1:30 pm Macaroni & Megillah 5:30 pm 1120 Adar Weinberg Session 1:30 pm House Committee 7:30 pm 18 27 Adar Lunch & Learn Noon Talmud Class 1:30 pm 25 5 Nisan Talmud Class 1:30 pm House Committee 7:30 pm THURSDAY 5 14 Adar Megillah Reading at Weinberg 2 pm Finance Committee 7 pm 12 21 Adar Refa’enu Service 7:30 pm 19 28 Adar Adult Education Committee 7:30 pm 26 6 Nisan Youth Education Committee 7:30 pm FRIDAY 6 15 Adar SATURDAY 7 16 Adar Candle Lighting 5:52 pm Jr. Congregation 10:30 am Tot Shabbat 10:45 am End of Shabbat 6:54 pm 13 14 22 Adar 23 Adar Candle Lighting 7:00 pm Jr. Congregation 10:30 am End of Shabbat 8:03 pm 20 211 Nisan 29 Adar Candle Lighting 7:09 pm Youth Shabbat Jr. Congregation 10:30 am End of Shabbat 8:11 pm 27 28 7 Nisan Candle Lighting 7:17 pm FEBRUARY 2015 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 8 Nisan Jr. Congregation 10:30 am End of Shabbat 8:20 pm APRIL 2015 M T W T F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 S S 4 11 18 25
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