TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK 621 Getzville Road • Buffalo, NY 14226 • (716) 838-3232 January 2015 Tevet ~ Shevat 5775 Rescheduled USY Fall Kallah a Smashing Success! The Buffalo Gilgool chapter of United Synagogue Youth recently planned and prepared to host the regional Fall Kallah, not once, but twice! The convention had originally been scheduled for the weekend prior to Thanksgiving, but was postponed and rescheduled at the last minute. The massive snowstorm that our area experienced closed the thruway for days, and prevented the attendees from being able to be safely transported to Buffalo. Fall Kallah took place instead from December 5-7 2014, at Temple Beth Tzedek, as well as at the JCC. Our shul hosted 59 high school students in grades 9-12, who traveled from Albany, Utica, Binghamton, Syracuse, and Rochester plus our own 15 Buffalo attendees. In addition, Sandra Goldmeer, USY regional director, and several staff members helped lead the weekend and chaperoned the event. USY’ers assisted with leading services on Friday evening and on Shabbat morning. They joined the congregation for the Kiddush/lunch, and everyone in attendance kvelled from watching them participate in leading a ruach session at the conclusion of the Kiddush. The energy and enthusiasm the teenagers exhibited was truly inspiring. The weekend for the USY’ers consisted of celebrating Shabbat together at our synagogue. They arrived on Friday afternoon and did not leave the building until after Shabbat on Saturday night. They ate, prayed, ate, participated in ice breaker activities, ate, engaged in study sessions, and ate again. After Shabbat had ended on Saturday night, participants were transported to their host homes to get settled, and then attended the Saturday night program, held for the first time at the JCC. Students participated in a gym and swim night, complete with a highly spirited and competitive dodge ball challenge, and a dance to conclude the evening. The JCC generously again hosted the convention on Sunday morning for the conclusion of the weekend to help accommodate for previously scheduled activities at TBT. We are extremely grateful to Rick Zakalik and to Julie Kingsley of the JCC for their amazing hospitality and collaboration on this convention. We faced numerous challenges due to the last-minute postponement of this huge event, and I cannot thank enough Lisa Wallenfels, Ellen Lippa, Lori Morrison, Joseph Enis, Kim Jones, and Rabbi Netter and Cantor Spindler for all of the crucial help and support they provided. We would also like to thank Jonathan Dandes and the Catering Committee, and Jason and his nephew Zack for everything that they did to help make sure that everyone was well fed, and fed, and fed again and again! The help and assistance provided by Pat and Jack was invaluable as well. They both commented that this group of teens was the most respectful, polite, and neat group that they have seen. This convention is a huge undertaking and without all of these incredible people, it would never have come together as successfully as it did. Thank you all for your tireless dedication and hard, hard work!! We had a large number of amazing volunteers as wellIna and Herb Scheer, Marcia and Len Saran, Steve and Erin Lippa, Linda and Larry Boxer, David Brownstein, Carol Davis, Fern and Steve Bernstein, Sue Wolfson, Rebecca Simons, and Harvey Sanders, Peter and Jessica Grubea, and Barb Chazan all helped to serve meals, drive, chaperone, and keep things running smoothly. Housing was crucial and was provided by the Blum, Lippa, Wallenfels Kramer, Enis, Rosen, Simons/Fogel, and Kostiner families, and Brittany Morrison, and Rob as well as Rabbi Netter. We cannot thank you all enough for your time and efforts on behalf of our USY’ers! I have to especially thank our four amazing and dedicated advisors: Ayelet Harel, Sarah Morrison, Brittany Morrison and Ilana Saffier! Even in the midst of their own finals, they all selflessly gave of their time, and energy, and they all took shifts to make sure we were able to properly staff the entire weekend. We all owe you a huge debt of gratitude and want you to know how much we appreciate everything that you did to ensure the success of the weekend. We are so lucky to have you all serving as role models for our kids! Sandra let us know that in the entire region, there is not another congregation or rabbi that is more supportive of their kids than we are. She said that she wishes that there were other rabbis that would follow the lead that Rabbi Netter has set to offer support of all kinds to their youth, and to make them the priority that we have. What a wonderful thing to hear! USY is open to any Jewish teenagers in grades 8-12, regardless of synagogue membership. Please contact us at [email protected] or follow us on Facebook to obtain further information on upcoming programs and events. We would love to welcome you to join us! Leah Blum Youth/Education Committee Co-Chair Welcome new members: Michael Halberstam and Kate Brown and their children, Anna and Max. From the . . . Cholent Israel sits at the intersection of three continents: Africa, Europe and Asia. The precipitous drop in elevation from the hills of Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth, is caused by what is known as the Syro-African rift. Two continents collide at this very point. The other day we got up early in the morning to go to Agam Baruch, a man-made lake by Kfar Baruch in the heart of the Jezreel Valley in the north of Israel to watch an ornithologist tag and measure and weigh a number of birds. Some of the birds began their journey in Europe; some in Asia; many in northern Russia. They were on their way south for the winter. Over 150 different species of birds pass through Israel each year as they traverse the planet. We counted over 65 flamingos wading in the shallow water of the lake. The mud at the bottom of the water is the perfect abode for small crabs, which provide a feast for the flamingos and the cranes and the other birds that eat shellfish. The birds are tagged, of course, so that ornithologists in the other parts of the world can catalogue and measure and weigh the same bird. The migration patterns of birds can be charted and behaviors can be anticipated. It is no wonder that much of human history unfolded in this land. It is not just birds who find this geological treasure attractive. It has had a magnetic pull on Canaanites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Muslims, Crusaders, Ottomans and European Colonialists. All the while, there has been a Jewish connection to this land that has stretched from the time of Abraham to the present day. And every year, 150 species of birds pass through on their way south in the winter, and pass through on their way north in the spring. The birds are a marvelous reminder that, as a wise man once quipped, the more things change, the more they stay the same. The government of Israel is in crisis, of sorts. Well, truth be told, it is a crisis in their own eyes. To most Israelis the behavior of the cabinet ministers is an embarrassment; it reminds them of children arguing on a playground. Many Israelis vow to sit this election out. Everyone agrees that Netanyahu is finished as Prime Minister, and most agree that there is no one to replace him. 2 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar POT Meanwhile, Hanukkah lights flicker in many windows; Roladin produces their signature sufganiyot including flavors such as Irish Coffee, Pistachio, Red Forest, White Chocolate and others; people go to work; take their children to the fabulous playgrounds provided by municipalities; the sun is shining, and the birds of Europe and Asia are passing through the country on their perpetual search for food. Life goes on, no matter which party wins. Ayn hadash tahat hashamash, there is nothing new under the sun, said Kohelet. Not surprisingly, neither the birds nor the citizenry are paying much attention to Israeli politics. It is a marvelous winter in Israel. Wish you were here. See you in shul. Perry Netter, Rabbi CHANGE IN SERVICE TIME Traditional Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv services on January 23 are at 7:30 pm instead of the normal 6:00 pm service time BOYZ’ IN THE HOOD (BROTHERHOOD) Every now and then, every organization needs to regroup and re-examine itself, its accomplishments and its progress, to make sure it’s meeting its goals and the needs of its constituents. For TBT Brotherhood, that time is now. Brotherhood has been a core part of Temple Beth Tzedek and its predecessor shuls for decades, but the role of Jewish men in society and shul has changed over time, and so have the interests of our members. Activities that we once engaged in with significant participation are no longer drawing attendance, especially among the younger population we want to draw. Men are busier than ever before. We are more involved with our families, and with our kids. We are engaged in other activities. And our roles at shul have changed, while our need for the synagogue as our social outlet has also diminished. So Brotherhood must reboot as well. Introducing the new and improved Brotherhood, with a reinvigorated focus simply on bringing Jewish men together as friends. We’re still part of Temple Beth Tzedek, and the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. But our membership will be open to all Jewish men in the area, regardless of synagogue affiliation. And we’ll develop a whole new menu of programming that fits the needs of today’s Jewish men – both younger and older, and everyone in between. We want to create a successful and active group of Jewish guys engaged in a variety of activities. It’s up to us to decide what we want to do, how we want to do it, and how often. Now I want to ask for your interest, your help and your participation in trying something new. A group of us already met, together with friends from Toronto and Rochester, to talk about new ideas, like bowling, games nights, a book club, shooting pool, watching a game at a bar, or similar kinds of things. Nothing too complicated, nothing too strenuous – just a way for us guys to get together socially, but also as Jews. We’ll start by meeting up next month at Amherst Pizza and Ale House, at 55 Crosspoint Parkway in Getzville, to watch the NFL divisional playoffs on Sunday, Jan. 11, at 4 p.m. More details to come. Let’s get a conversation going, and let’s make something happen. Above all, let’s have fun. Call or email me to be part of something new. Jonathan Epstein (716)430-5838 [email protected] MAZEL TOV! Marcia & Alan Goldstein on the birth of their granddaughter, Dana Ruth Schwartz Tina & David Ribakove on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Joshua Ribakove January 31 Hear the Shofar! The Shofar, Temple Beth Tzedek’s monthly newsletter, is our source for information about current issues, happenings and events in our active TBT community. We rely on it in order to be well informed and remain connected. In addition to the traditional paper and ink printed as well as the environmentally friendly on-line versions of our monthly newsletter, the Temple Beth Tzedek Inclusion Committee continues to make available audio-recordings of The Shofar, for any member upon request. For the month of November, Rachel Anderson, chair of the TBT Social Action Committee coordinated students of the 6th and 7th grades (Fern Bernstein’s classes) of The Gesher School recording and delivering The Shofar. Many thanks to all who participated—Todah Rabah! Please let us know if you too would like to participate in making audio-recordings of the TBT newsletter—it’s fun and no previous experience is required. New volunteers of all ages are always welcome and your participation would be appreciated. Also, we are in need of additional recording equipment and recording expertise. If you have the equipment or expertise to offer so that our recordings could be accomplished more efficiently and perhaps with a better sound quality, please let us know. You should contact the TBT office (716-838-3232) or Sharla Bleichfeld (716-688-5296) at your earliest convenience to volunteer to make recordings or to request a recording of the The Shofar for yourself or for someone that you feel would want one. That way, more people could Hear The Shofar…. Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 3 GESHER Shanah Tovah! Sisterhood is alive and well. Our rummage sale was so successful that we are still making sales! For many years we have partnered with City Mission and Cornerstone Manor. When our sale is finished, they come and remove all the remaining items and they are given (not sold) to needy people. This has been one of Sisterhood's tzedaka projects for many years. We co-sponsored, with Social Action, a December brunch meeting lead by Dr. Lisa Benson. It was very informative and well attended. On Sunday, January 25th at 10 AM, our own Judy Brownstein will present a program on famous Jews in the film industry. This program is sponsored by the Adult Education Committee. Judy's programs are always interesting, so mark your calendar for the event. On Saturday, February 21, Sisterhood will be conducting Shabbat services. Many of our ladies will be participating, and a special kiddush, sponsored by Sisterhood, will follow services. Our keynote speaker will be Michael Smith, Director of City Mission. On Tuesday evening March 24th, Edith Fine will present a book review on An Officer and a Spy. The evening will begin with a dinner at 6:30 PM following minyan. On April 26th & 27 (Sunday & Monday), International Northeast Region will hold a spring conference at Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas in DeWitt, New York. Information to follow. The famous Mother's & Others dinner and program is scheduled for Wednesday, May 6th, sponsored by the Past President's group. Everyone is welcome. Many thanks to our Torah Fund Committee for all their work. If you are not a benefactor, we encourage everyone to buy Torah Fund cards. All funds from the sale of cards goes to educate our rabbis and cantors. While Bobbie Vishner is recovering from surgery, please call me at 818- 8637 for cards. Please remember to patronize our wonderful Gift Shop. We always give private appointments whenever needed. See you in Shul! Carolyn Kershanbaum 4 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar I hope you all had a relaxing winter break. First, I want to express my gratitude to all involved in the planning and running of the Outstretched Arm Chanukah program. It seems to just get better each year!! Second, I want to share with you a good lesson that I learned at the program from a senior temple member who was volunteering to help. I was standing by the wall with the memorial lights when she approached me, pointed at the wall and said: these are my parents and, proceeded to kiss another plaque saying, and this is my husband. She then said that there is no room for her, and to lighten the moment I told her that she has to stay around forever. Personally, I have no family members’ names on this wall. I often thought of it as depressing, and even wondered about its necessity. That day, I learned a good lesson about looking at this wall from someone else’s perspective. And, it was not depressing! It was warm, loving and encouraging. Watching this lady touch her family members’ names, and in a way, being comforted that she one day will be next to them was a moment I will carry with me and a lesson I will not forget. And the lesson is that one should never assume, never cast judgment and always be open to those rare opportunities of inner growth. At Gesher School we welcome our new teacher, Maya Langberg for grade 5 as we wish much success to Alyssa Strang. Alyssa has joined us this year and enriched our students as she worked with Fern Bernstein. Please mark your calendar for our annual wine tasting Havdalah on January 24th. This year, the event will be a collaboration with Kadimah School and is open to the greater Buffalo Jewish community. As always, please continue to be such great supporters of your children and our young congregants as we continue on this journey of growth and learning. L’Shalom Einav Symons SOCIAL ACTION Social Action is committed to carrying out deeds of loving kindness and tikkun olam as we are taught in our Holy Scripture and in accordance with our Mission Statement On Sunday morning, December 7, Lisa Benson MD, presented “The Body Mind Connection” a fascinating talk exploring the Mind Body connection as it pertains to the experiences of pain, anxiety and activities of daily life through her knowledge of both Eastern and Western medical practice. Dr. Benson shared some breathing and relaxation exercises with the audience, and recommended several books on the subject. We had a very nice turnout for the program, dedicated to the memory of Dr. Linda Brodsky who did so much for equality for women in the field of medicine during her lifetime. A donation to her memorial fund will be made on behalf of each of our speakers in this series. A delicious brunch was prepared for us by Jason, our in-house catering staff. You could buy one and donate it to the Friends of the Night People. Then you’d be doing a double mitzvah. To date we have made and sold 30 hats. If you like what you have been reading from Social Action in the past several years, perhaps you would like to join us. We are a dynamic group of compassionate, innovative, caring individuals who make a difference in so many people’s lives. Everyone is welcome. Don’t be shy. We’d love for you to join us. No one is turned away. Our next meeting is Thursday, January 15th at 1:30 pm. Rachel Anderson Social Action Chair Please mark your calendars for Sunday, February 1st when Dr. Irwin Gelman, lead genetics researcher at Roswell Park will present a talk on “The Genetics of Breast Cancer.” This cutting edge area of medicine will no doubt be of interest to many, as few people have not been touched in some way by this devastating disease. Sunday, January 4th at 7 PM brings us the next Ezrat Nashim program. There will be a Torah study session on our matriarch, Rachel, presented by Grace Bluestein of Congregation Shir Shalom. Following this, we have invited Charles LeFevre, Director of Family Promise here in Buffalo. Mr. LeFevre has recently relocated to the Buffalo area to take up this prestigious position. Family Promise is a national nonprofit agency that caters to homeless families and provides assistance to keep the family units together. Many agencies are forced to separate family units -- keeping mothers and daughters in one area and fathers and sons in another, adding to the many inconveniencies and depravations that they are already enduring. Come and hear about the wonderful work that this organization does, and the many volunteer opportunities available. Social Action is continuing its project to benefit widows and orphans in Israel. We are crocheting winter and spring hats in the latest trendy fashion, “Slouchy Beanies.” You will be doing a mitzvah if you purchase or order one. Our hats are priced at just $15.00. Now isn’t that a great bargain? The breakdown of this is $5.00 for materials and $10.00 donation to the Chasdei Naomi Organization. Please check out their website at: http://www.chasdeinaomi.org to see the many wonderful services they provide for widows and orphans. To see the many styles take a look at our poster elaborating the different patterns and fill out an order form for as many as you would like. You will find the order form in the office. Don’t have anyone to give a hat to – David Burstein, O.D. • Comprehensive eye exams • Specially trained in treating eye disease • Contact lens specialist • Fashion eyewear QUALITY CARE AT A PERSONAL LEVEL Amherst 224 Plaza Drive Hopkins near Klein 668-8127 Kenmore 924 Kenmore Avenue 876-2020 Allentown Award Winning Artist David Manny Professional Graphic Design & Fine Art Commercial & Residential placement OVER 30 Years Experience By Appt: 716.471.1764 www.BUFFALOTREASURES.com Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 5 SIMCHA SHABBAT (A celebration each month of birthdays and anniversaries in our Temple Beth Tzedek family) We thank the following people for contributing to the Simcha Shabbat kiddush: ANNIVERSARIES Susan & Alan Forrest Donna & Fred Hirsh Marcy & Dan Lenard* Ina & Herb Scheer Marilyn & Irv Sultz Allan & Myra Werbow* BIRTHDAYS Helen Ablove Tova Ablove Helen Bergman* Evie Berman Sheila Bernstein Judith Epstein Stuart Fischman Janet Gunner Rick Jacobson Tillie Lazerson Dan Lenard Marcy Lenard* Harvey Lichtblau Shirley Magil Jerry Markzon Susan McLanahan* Daniel Pincus Rachel Pincus Elinda Reich Harvey Sanders* Special Simcha Lisa Benson & Lee Guterman Torah Mantle Dedication USY Kallah *indicates a milestone year For more information or to be a participant, please contact Linda Boxer (284-1534 or [email protected]) or Kim Jones in the Temple office (838-3232, ext. 100). 6 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar CONDOLENCES Edward Cohen Brother of Ellen Lettman Edith Froehlich Mother of Carol Froehlich Mother of William Froehlich Mother of John Froehlich Dvorah Joseph Wife of Donald Joseph Mother of David Joseph Mother of Judy D’Andrea Mother of Ruth Ma’ayan Sister of David Sperling Arthur Kinbar Father of Frances Olmsted Father of Marcia Goldstein Adele Kusselow Mother of Charles Kusselow Mother of Lynn Kriss Allen Lebowitz Father of Wendy Pressman Brother of Marcia Burstein Sylvia Rodman Mother of Mark Rodman Mother of Robert Rodman Rosella (Rose) Sabshin Sister of Sylvia Weiss Sister of Ann Fierstein Mother of Steven J. Sabshin Mother of Barbara Pawlik Ida Schaer Mother of Miriam Schaer Mother of Jonathan Schaer Mother of David Cohen Mother of Susan Cohen Sister of Cantor Gerald DeBruin Sister of Hyman DeBruin Barbara Strauss Mother of Larry Strauss Mother of Sandra Strauss Sister of Sheldon Rifkin Benny Wiseman Father of Steven Wiseman Father of Howard Wiseman Father of Ruth Spivack Brother of Fran Bogom Franklin Zeplowitz Husband of Piera Zeplowitz Father of David Zeplowitz Father of Lynn Zeplowitz Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 7 8 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS THE FOLLOWING TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTIONS Charles and Molly Amsterdam Memorial Fund In Honor of: Myra Horowitz' Speedy Recovery Glenn Pincus & Janet Gunner Irwin Davis Memorial Fund In Memory of: Mindy Gewurz Ludwig Lisa & George Wallenfels and Family Speedy Recovery of Arnold Markowitz Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Arthur Kinbar Lisa & George Wallenfels and Family Eric & Judy Davis David Burstein Robert and David Belinson Scholarship Fund In Memory of: Jackie (Kassirer) Kinsley Helen Belinson Building Fund In Memory of: Robert Case Aaron & Wendy Weisbrot Edith & Joel Cohen Memorial Fund In Memory of: Gloria Atlas Shirlee Gluckstein Dvorah Joseph Laurence & Linda Boxer Lisa & George Wallenfels and Family Allen Lebowitz Lisa & George Wallenfels and Family Benny Wiseman David Burstein Dvorah Joseph Len & Rita Weiss Irwin Davis Memorial Fund In Observance of the Yahrzeit of: Lillian Blaustein Neil Safeer Sylvia & Louis Cooper Fund In Honor of: Benny Wiseman Harold & Rose Gandel Education Fund In Honor of: Mel Brothman Being Named Chatan Torah Barbara & Irwin Ginsberg Irwin Davis Memorial Fund In Honor of: Lisa Davidson Becoming a Bat Mitzvah David Burstein Alan & Marcia Goldstein Lisa Davidson Becoming a Bat Mitzvah Armand & Lori Morrison Carol Davis Being Named Kallah B'reishit Laurence & Linda Boxer Barbara & Irwin Ginsberg Shirlee Gluckstein Good Recovery of Myra Horowitz Esther Trachtman Myra Horowitz' Speedy Recovery Alan & Marcia Goldstein Carol Davis Get Well for Don Joseph Laurence & Linda Boxer Chris Stromberg Becoming a Bat Mitzvah Alan & Marcia Goldstein David Burstein Full Recovery of Myra Werbow Esther Trachtman Carol Davis Dvorah Joseph Ed & Carin Case Marianne & Norman Goldstein Fern & Steve Bernstein Fran Kurtz Tinka, Jeffrey & Rachel Lendner Sandra & Bernie Weinstein Irving & Ruth Merlin Gertrude Weissman Andy & Pam Gewurz Frank Zeplowitz Irving & Ruth Merlin Floral Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Myra Werbow Gert Schwab Floral Fund In Memory of: Seymour Steinhart Linda & Joel Paull Millie Ziller Harvey & Nancy Schiller's 65th Anniversary Irving & Ruth Merlin Chris Stromberg Becoming a Bat Mitzvah Armand & Lori Morrison Speedy & Complete Recovery of Myra Werbow Elaine & Mel Brothman Education Fund In Memory of: Mindy Gewurz Ludwig Ed & Carin Case Aaron & Wendy Weisbrot Lilli Silbiger Brian Rothschild & Laurie Silbiger Arthur Kinbar Ed & Carin Case Armand & Lori Morrison Ed & Evelyn Drozen Lilli Silbiger Brian Rothschild & Laurie Silbiger Linda & Joel Paull Jerry Frank Memorial Garden Fund In Honor of: Get Well for Myra Werbow` Larry & Shirley Magil Jerry Frank Memorial Garden Fund In Memory of: Frank Zeplowitz Larry & Shirley Magil Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund In Honor of: In Appreciation of Pam Cohen Jan Presser and Doris & Irv Sellers Lisa Davidson Becoming a Bat Mitzvah Barbara & Michael Sitrin Tunis & Manny Families Leon & Cindy Komm Speedy Recovery of Don Joseph Ilene Levine Jan Presser Appreciation of Support & Consolation Meal from Kesher for Family of Dvorah Joseph Ruthie Joseph Ma'ayan In Appreciation of Outretched Arm Volunteers for Sukkot Bruce & Sharla Bleichfeld In Appreciation Sandy Perlmuter Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 9 WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS THE FOLLOWING TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTIONS Wishing Ilene Levine a Good Trip Michael & Selma Berger Speedy Recovery of David Mandel Eileen & Jerry Markzon Appreciation of the Lovely Kiddush in the Netter Sukkah Barbara & Michael Sitrin Doris Sellers' Complete & Speedy Recovery Phyllis Sigel Speedy Recovery of Harry Sperer Jan Presser Chris Stromberg Becoming a Bat Mitzvah Tunis & Manny Families Leon & Cindy Komm In Appreciation of Lisa Wallenfels Bruce & Sharla Bleichfeld Recovery of Myra Werbow Barbara & Michael Sitrin Jan Presser Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund In Memory of: Arthur Kinbar Ilene Levine Barbara & Michael Sitrin Jan Presser Lynne & Alan Birnholz Dvorah Joseph Bruce & Sharla Bleichfeld Marlene & Lawrence Joseph Jan Presser Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Murray Gunner Ruth, Judy, Andrea & David Joseph Dr. Norman & Mrs. Marcia Weiss Morton & Natalie Abramson Betty Bronstein Bruce & Sharla Bleichfeld Rabbi Netter for an Inspiring and Uplifting High Holiday Season Glenn Pincus & Janet Gunner Dr. Harry Sperer's 106th Birthday Marilyn Shuman Pulpit Fund In Memory of: Arthur Kinbar Gert Schwab Lisa Benson & Lee Guterman Dvorah Joseph Louis Levinsky Louise & Irving Mink Irving & Ruth Merlin Chana Hazet Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund In Honor of: Myra Horowitz' Speedy Recovery Herb & Ina Scheer Speedy Recovery of Jeremy Trumble Herb & Ina Scheer Elinda & Ed Reich Speedy Recovery of Myra Werbow Ed & Elinda Reich Herb & Ina Scheer Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund In Memory of: Dvorah Joseph Elinda & Ed Reich Phyllis Sigel Susan Block & Terri Goldberg Frank Zeplowitz Sheila Trossman Bruce S. Rein Memorial Fund In Memory of: Dvorah Joseph Edna Kielar Goldyne Mesch Barbara & Michael Sitrin In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Sidney Jacobs Lenore Rein Benny Wiseman Helen Ablove Synagogue Renovation Fund In Honor of: In Appreciation of Dave Essrow's Kindness Harold Ressel Kassirer Family Minyan Room Fund In Honor of: Lisa Davidson Becoming a Bat Mitzvah Shirlee Gluckstein 10 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Martin Sanders Memorial Fund In Honor of: Jordan Richheimer Becoming a Bar Mitzvah Ina Sanders Martin Sanders Memorial Fund In Memory of: Arthur Kinbar Ina Sanders Benny Wiseman Ina Sanders Marlene J. Simms Memorial Fund In Memory of: Dvorah Joseph Arlene & Bob Lubin Nathan and Dorothy Simon Israel Scholarship Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Keva Richman Warren Simon & Cydell Pechter Pearl and Nathan Sterman Memorial Fund In Honor of: Joe Sterman's Birthday James Sterman & Gina Rose Sterman Temple Fund In Honor of: Mel Brothman Being Named Chatan Torah Laurence & Linda Boxer Evelyn Cohen's 90th Birthday Beatrice Wohlfeld, Carin & Mark Wohlfeld, Heidi & Michael Wohlfeld Lisa Davidson Becoming a Bat Mitzvah Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus In Appreciation of the Religious Committee The Fogel Family In Appreciation of Spending Rosh Hashannah With Our Matriarch, Helen Bergman Arnold & Rand Bergman and Davra & Brad Posner In Appreciation Zalman & Lois Garten Bob Saffer's Special Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Sol Glina Synagogue Renovation Fund In Memory of: Benny Wiseman Cookie & Larry Levin Alex Shuman Becoming a Bar Mitzvah Bob & Bea Saffer WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS THE FOLLOWING TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTIONS Dvorah Joseph John & Sally Sherman In Observance of the Yahrzeits of Frank & Regina Markowitz Deborah & Scott Shiffner Cantor Edward Cohen Arthur & Susan Davis Edith Froehlich Tillie Lazerson Laurence & Linda Boxer Helen Ablove Lenore Marx Muriel Narotsky Norman Sidell Charlotte Mador Joshua Rudin Martin & Shelly Kerker Ben Wiseman The Bronsky & Rosenblatt Families Shirley & Cyrus Trossman Museum Fund In Observance of the Yahrzeit of: Rose Gabin Tinka Lendner Marty Trossman Tinka Lendner The Werbow Family Fund In Honor of: Edith Fine Retiring from Chevra Kodesha Alan & Charlotte Gendler Rummage Sale Workers Alan & Charlotte Gendler Grandchildren of Fred & Mona Lewis Alan & Charlotte Gendler Leonard & Marcia Saran's New Home Alan & Charlotte Gendler Refuach Sh'eimah of Myra Werbow Donald & Erma Bader Myra Werbow's Recovery Alan & Charlotte Gendler Ilene Scheib Cindy & Shelley Hirsch and Family Eileen & Arnold Markowitz Michael & Nancy Bloom Jeremy Werbow Becoming a Bar Mitzvah Eileen & Arnold Markowitz Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Ruth Norman Alan & Susan Forrest Myra & Allan Werbow's 50th Anniversary Ellen & Steve Lippa Rusty & Joe Zackheim I na & Herb Scheer TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK YAHRZEITS Contributions are gratefully acknowledged for the following: Louis Ablove Fannie Abramson Jay Murray Albert Charles Amsterdam Rae Ash Lena Bell Sevastyan Benekhis Hilda Bleichfeld Jennie Bookbinder Helen Boxer Jack Boxer Moshe Brothman Morris Brown Meyer Cantor Louis Chertoff William Chertoff Anne Cohen Hyman Cohen Faija Coller Aelreda Dashkoff Lillian Ditkoff Vladimir Dmitriev Dr. Louis Doren Ruth Dubin Shloma Dula Gail Eisen Vera Ellis Jerome Elman Feige Farkash Hyman Feiner Edward Fogan Jacob Freedman Simon Friedland Frank Gallin Harold Geller Frank Gellman Louis Gerst Eva Goldman Abraham Goldstein Leah Goldstein Meyer Gordon Minnie Goun Sam Goun Avi Sarah Greenberg Mildred Grelick Rose Gross Mowry Hacker Jack Platt Betty Hirschberg Benjamin Plotkin Jack Horowitz Morris Jacobson Busya Polak Dorothy Kaplan Mary Polakoff Mendel Kaplanski Minnie Polakoff Minnie Katz Edith Potosky Rose Klein Fannie Potosky Raquel Kubiak Leo Rabin Emily Kurland Dr. A. Harry Ravins Sol Laventhal Joseph Reingold Richard Lazerson Irene Ribakove Alexander Leavy Rae Robins Irwin Levine Lillian Robinson Kenneth Levine Lillian Mardell Rohlman Sidney Levine Albert Rose Estelle Levite Samuel Rosenthal Samuel Levite Bessie Scheer Nathan Levy Herman Schwab Rosalind Levy Leah Schwartz Gertrude Lewis Paul Schwartz Ellis Lichtblau Joan Seeman Alan Lieberman Walter Semerau Jack Lipman Rafaeli Shamai Anna Lippa Maxim Shtein Sylvia Lipsitz Sarah Singer Harriet MacDougall Rheda Sirkin Sheldon Macoff William Sisselman George Mann Isadore Sniderman Frank Markowitz Joseph Snitzer David Maslekoff Selma Speier Gertrude “Goldie” Meltzer Anna Steinberg Louis Mendelsohn Sara Thier Dora Miesik Gilda Tunis Max Mingal Wiliam Wallach Howard Mitofsky Herbert Wallen Johanna Moses Leon Wallens Ida Narotsky Rena Wallens Bernard Nemirov Esther Weinberg Harry Newmark Bella Williams Sam Nisberg Miriam Winter Isaac Mehana Sarah Wolffe Morton Mendelsohn Dr. Stanley Wohlfeld Shulum Miesik Abraham Wortman Henry Nemirov Benjamin Yost Max Newman Dr. Maurice Zackheim Helene Oshlag Marion Zamek Sophie Pitterman Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 11 TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK Non-Profit Org. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Buffalo, N. Y. Permit No. 2434 Amherst, New York TEMPLE OFFICE SCHOOL OFFICE Rabbi Cantor Cantor Emeritus Executive Director Executive Director Emeritus Education Director Chairman of the Board President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Treasurer Secretary 838-3232 836-2660 Perry Netter Mark Spindler Gerald DeBruin Joseph Enis Allan Werbow Einav Symons Janet Gunner Leon Komm Jonathan Dandes Lisa Davidson Judith Davis Lisa Wallenfels Edward Case Alan Goldstein Mailing Address 621 Getzville Road Buffalo, NY 14226 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED SERVICE SCHEDULE Sunday Shaharit Service 8:30 am Weekday Shaharit Service 7:30 am Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 6 pm Saturday Shabbat Service 9 am Daily Ma'ariv Sunday through Friday 6 pm Saturday Minha followed by S’eudah Shlisheet, Ma’ariv & Havdalah PUBLICATION NOTE: The Shofar is published monthly by Temple Beth Tzedek in Amherst, N.Y. All articles and other materials submitted to the Shofar are the property of the Shofar and the Shofar Editorial Board, which is responsible for and oversees the publication. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit all materials submitted for publication in the Shofar, in accordance with the highest standards of professional publishing and consistent with Temple Beth Tzedek’s Mission. All decisions about inclusion and layout of materials submitted for publication in the Shofar shall be made by the Editorial Board alone. The Shofar Editorial Board consists of: Lisa Davidson, Barbara Sitrin, Joe and Rusty Zackheim, and Joseph Enis. January 3 – 4:15 pm January 10 – 4:30 pm January 17 – 4:45 pm January 24 – 4:45 pm January 31 – 4:45 pm JANUARY 2015 TEVET - SHEVAT 5775 SUNDAY MONDAY DECEMBER 2014 M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY 2015 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S 4 13 Tevet 5 14 Tevet no Gesher Talmud Class 9:30 am Ezrat Nashim 7 pm 1120 Tevet Talmud Class 9:30 am Gesher in Session Scholarship Program 11 am Weinberg Mincha 3:30 pm 18 27 Tevet Confirmation trip to NY City no Gesher 25 5 Shevat TUESDAY 21 Tevet Investment Committee 7:30 pm 19 28 Tevet Confirmation trip to NY City 26 6 Shevat Gesher in session Jews and Jewish Themes in American Films program 10 am 12 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar THURSDAY 1 10 Tevet OFFICE CLOSED 6 15 Tevet Rabbi’s Class 10 am Gesher in session Ritual Committee 7:30 pm 12 WEDNESDAY 13 22 Tevet Rabbi’s Class 10 am Gesher in session Board of Trustees Meeting 7:30 pm 20 29 Tevet Rabbi’s Class 10 am Gesher in session 27 7 Shevat Rabbi’s Class 10 am Gesher in Session Officers meeting 7 pm 7 16 Tevet Talmud Class 1:30 pm 14 23 Tevet Weinberg Program 1:30 pm AIPAC event 7 pm 211 Shevat Noon Lunch & Learn Talmud Class 1:30 pm 28 8 Shevat Talmud Class 1:30 pm House Committee 7:30 pm 8 17 Tevet Refa’enu Service 7:30 pm Finance Committee 7:30 pm 15 24 Tevet Social Action Committee 1:30 pm Bar/Bat Mitzvah Parents meeting 7:30 pm 22 2 Shevat Youth Education Committee 7:30 pm 29 9 Shevat FRIDAY 2 11 Tevet Jr. Congregation 10:30 am Candle Lighting 4:34 pm 9 18 Tevet Young Jewish Professionals Dinner Candle Lighting 4:40 pm 16 25 Tevet Candle Lighting 4:49 pm 23 3 Shevat Young Families service 5:30 pm Congregational Dinner 6 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Candle Lighting 4:57 pm 30 10 Shevat Candle Lighting 5:06 pm SATURDAY 3 12 Tevet End of Shabbat 5:41 pm 10 19 Tevet Jr. Congregation 10:30 am End of Shabbat 5:47 pm 17 26 Tevet Jr. Congregation 10:30 am Tot Shabbat 10:45 End of Shabbat 5:55 pm 24 4 Shevat Simcha Shabbat Kiddush Jr. Congregation 10;30 am Gesher Havdalah Service & Wine Tasting 7 pm End of Shabbat 6:03 pm 31 11 Shevat Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Ribakove End of Shabbat 6:11 pm
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