THE MESSENGER A Monthly Publication of St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church MARCH 2015 Prosforo Baking The children of our HOPE/JOY group gathered to make prosforo and learned what the different parts of the seal represent. INSIDE CLERGY REFLECTIONS MINISTRIES OF THE CHURCH MONTHLY CALENDAR PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES STEWARDSHIP NEWS UPCOMING EVENTS YOUTH NEWS ST. PAUL GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 4548 Wallings Road • North Royalton, Ohio 44133-3121 (440) 237-8998 · (440) 237-4386 fax E-mail address: [email protected] A Parish under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh PAGE 2 THE MESSENGER CLERGY Priest Rev. Fr. Costas P. Keares, Proistamenos The following ministries are the lifeblood of our parish and perform many activities to promote the growth of our church. Your participation in these organizations makes our community more spiritually complete. Philoptochos Coffee Socials Assistant Priest Rev. Fr. Michael A. Gavrilos Bruce W. Trakas Festival President Vice President Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Dr. Michael Saridakis John Trihas Kathy Nikolaou Dennis Diamond Christopher Cook Messenger Editor Welcome Committee Choir Director Cantor Organist Bookstore Michael Alex Anthone Colovas Alex Dadas Arthur S. Karas Michael Lignos Thalia Marakas Irene Pontikos Michael Pearl William Regan Bruce Trakas ECCLESIARCH PARISH COUNCIL OFFICE SECRETARY/BOOKKEEPER Elaine Nackowiz CUSTODIAN LEGAL ADVISOR Ken Boukis STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Bylaws Catering / Leasing Family Ministry Finance Home Human Resources Membership Public Relations Stewardship Ways & Means Real Estate Management SPECIAL COMMITTEE: Vision History Telephone: Fax: Catering: Website: Office E-Mail: Fr. Costas E-Mail: Fr. Costas Cell: Fr. Michael E-mail: Bruce Trakas / John Trihas John Trihas/Tom Fourmas T. Marakas/I. Pontikos John Trihas Michael Lignos Alex Dadas Thalia Marakas Father Costas Keares Dennis Diamond Irene Pontikos Arthur S Karas Stephanie Ocker Kim Kontos Pam Sitter John James Michael Lignos Elaine Nackowiz Helen Dadas Vaso Boukis Nicholas Bodle Nicholas Bodle Jim & Karen Sullivan ST. PAUL FAMILY MINISTRY COMMISSION HOPE / JOY GOYA Coordinator OCF Altar Boys Religious Education Bible Study Women’s Study Group VCS Greek School Greek Corner PTO Senior Fellowship Hellenic Dance Director Chairman Father Michael Gavrilos Father Michael Gavrilos Maribeth Lekas Father Michael Gavrilos Éva Karas Presv. Nicole Keares Frank Chirakos Father Costas Keares Elaine Poulos Amber Rahas Annoula Tsonton Kathy Glaros Maria Karlatiras Debbie Gemelas Maria Regan Eleni Johnson Deadline for all articles and Organization Minutes is the 1st of the month. Please keep this in mind! Items can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Dr. Michael Saridakis John Trihas Bruce Trakas (440) 237-8998 (440) 237-4386 (440) 582-1083 [email protected] [email protected] (440) 669-1316 [email protected] St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church ~ North Royalton OH PAGE Like our to keep up to date on the happenings of our parish. Even if you are not on Facebook, you can view our postings on the Home page of our website. MARCH 2015 Pastoral Reflections by Father Costas Beloved parishioners and friends, On Monday, February 23rd, we began the Holy Season of Great Lent. It is good to take time to pause and reflect as to how this period can really be of benefit to us. We need to look at Lent in a positive light and see it for what it is: a great opportunity to experience God’s presence in our life. This experience of tasting His grace in our life will surely motivate us to continue our search for Him. We will continue to do all we can in our power to hold on to His sweetness. This effort will encourage us to reevaluate and make a change in the areas of life that we know we have need to change. The church gives us many things to do that are aimed at helping us grow spiritually and to be properly prepared for the celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lent is a period of self-denial and self-examination. During these days we follow a discipline of fasting in order to strengthen our will. We say NO to certain foods; not that these foods in and of themselves are bad, but we do so in order to discipline our appetites; both physical and spiritual. Yes, we will hunger, yes all kinds of delicious images of what to eat may come to mind, but do we have the strength and stamina to say NO? If we follow this biblical practice of fasting, always accompanied by prayer, then we become even stronger, and more able to say NO to all other temptations that the Evil one will bring our way. “To take Lent seriously means then that we will consider it first of all on the deepest possible level - as a spiritual challenge which requires a response, a decision, a plan, a continuous effort.” Fr. A Schmemann; Great Lent. Besides self-denial, self-examination is even more important. The SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION is often called the “forgotten sacrament”. One could ask the question, is my participation in this sacrament optional? Yes and No. From an Orthodox perspective, YES, we have an option of how often we should participate in this sacrament. This of course is based on our individual needs; on our personal struggles as we try again and again to draw closer to God, to become holy and pure by grace, to imitate Him who is Holy by nature. On the other hand, NO, we do not have an option to totally stay away from this sacrament. In confession we come face to face with our own sins. In humility, we offer them to God, through the priest PAGE 3 of the church. We put all our past sins out of our life forever, and we begin fresh and new, having received God’s forgiveness. We receive strength to persist in living a life pleasing to God. And finally, we receive spiritual direction on how to live our life as Orthodox Christians. The sacrament of Confession, through the act of repentance, prepares the way, opens the door to paradise so that we can truly unite to God in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Take advantage of Great Lent. Fast, Pray, and come to church and make your Confession. Whether it’s for the first time in your life or the first time in many years, come and receive the gift of forgiveness the Lord avails to us through the priest. Remember we follow the disciplines of the church, and especially that of confession, not because we are a bad person, but because we want to become better, holy, Christ centered, just as Christ would have us be. Have a great journey through Lent. PAGE 4 THE MESSENGER Our Parish Her Life & People Baptism 25th January Landon James ~ son of Randy and Kristina Green Godmother ~ Alexis Tritsarolis Funeral May Their Memory Be Eternal Stewardship Many thanks to those who are using your stewardship envelopes each Sunday. Please note the special envelopes inserted for each month. Included in your March / April envelope set is: * Capital Improvement ~ applied to improving our facility * Palm Sunday * Holy Friday * Easter Have you submitted your 2015 Fairshare Estimate of Giving card? Are you in arrears with your 2014 pledge? Simply complete the form below or go to our website. January 21st Christ Bouzos January 24th Elli Alex New Arrivals December 21st Congratulations to Andrew and Lindy Prinios on welcoming their first child, Constantine Andrew, weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. and 21 inches long. January 25th Congratulations to Gus and Padmini Kriaris on welcoming their first child, Niam Samuel weighing 6 lbs. 8 oz. and 18.75” long. I / We commit $ to my/our 2015 pledge I / We submit $ pledge current to bring my / our 2014 Name Address Email Phone January 26th Congratulations to Michael and Connie Tartara on welcoming their son, Apollo, weighing 6 lbs. 12 oz., 19.75” long. He joins his big sisters Adrianna and Evangelia and brother, Gus. We would be happy to announce a special occasion in this column. All you need to do is notify the office at [email protected]. Christina Dines John and Deanna Wedow and family We invite you to join us for the coffee social which follows the Divine Liturgy every Sunday for fellowship. We look forward to meeting you! W e would like to take this opportunity to recognize ALL our advertisers who support the printing of our monthly publication, The Messenger. Please take a moment to see what our advertisers have to offer and patronize their businesses throughout the year. MARCH 2015 PAGE 5 Youth News HOPE / JOY / GOYA ~ ALL the youth groups of our parish ~ HOPE/JOY, GOYA, Sunday School, Greek School, and Hellenic Dancers will host the Lenten Dinner on March 13th. (see flyer on this page for more information…) ~ There is a Metropolis Western Regional JOY Retreat being held at St. Gregory Palamas on March 14th at 2:30 PM. RSVP to Fr. Michael if you will be attending. Cost is $5/child. We will meet at Bed Bath & Beyond in Strongsville at 1:15 PM to caravan to the monastery. See the flyer for more information... ~ GOYAns will gather in the Teen Room to watch the movie Blackfish on March 14th at 3:00 PM. There will be a discussion afterwards. Everyone is asked to bring a LENTEN (no meat) appetizer to share. RSVP to Fr. Michael by March 9th. ~ The next GOYA meeting will be held following Sunday School in the Teen room on March 15th. Egg Hunt Sunday, April 12th at 11:00 a.m. All children 10 years old and under are invited to participate in the Egg Hunt at 11:00 a.m.! Agape service follows at 11:30 a.m. St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church North Royalton OH Palm Sunday Plaki Luncheon Sponsored by St. Paul Parish Council April 5, 2015 Plaki Spaghetti Children 10 & under (spaghetti) $ 12 $ 8 $ 4 for ticket information, contact: Irene Pontikos at (440) 570-7000 or [email protected] the Church office at (440) 237.8998 or the Church website ADVANCE TICKET SALES ONLY! PAGE 6 THE MESSENGER Sunday School Directors Update We have so many things to look forward to in the coming weeks leading up to Pascha! Monday February 23 was the beginning of Great Lent and the cycle of services every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Make an effort to attend at least one of each, or one per week, as a family, to recognize this season as a special one. 28th, On Saturday, February the St. Demetrios Sunday School hosted a regional teachers seminar. Dr. Antone Vrame, director of the Department of Religious Education of our Archdiocese was the presenter. Sunday, March 1st, is Sunday of Orthodoxy, and we ask all children to bring an icon from home for the Procession of Icons. Following Holy Communion, we will line all the children up so we will be ready to process with the altar boys and clergy. We will then go downstairs for a shortened lesson. Friday, March 13th all of the Youth Ministries are sponsoring the Lenten Dinner before the Salutations service. We ask all families to bring a Lenten dish (no meat) or dessert to share. If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP on our Sign-up Genius link: http:// stpaul. This is a perfect opportunity to attend this beautiful service. Please make every effort to attend. March 15th is Youth Sunday. Our children will serve as greeters, maintain the candles, usher, and give the reflection. Dena Wilson is chairing this event. Please see her for any questions. Once again, we will offer a Good Friday retreat on April 10th for all children Kindergarten through 12th grade. Please make every effort to spend your day at church. Watch for more details in the coming weeks. Also on Good Friday, we encourage all girls ages preschool-6th grade to serve as Myrofores (myrrhbearers). We welcome all girls (preschool-6th grade) to participate in the 3 p.m. Apokathilosis service, and only girls 3rd-6th grade for the 7:00 p.m. Lamentations service. Please see registration form on page.9 We continue with our theme of the Seven Sacraments. This month, we will focus on CONFESSION. If your child would like to go to confession, please see Father Costas. Congratulations to the following students who have reached their achievement for the year: PRESCHOOL – Learning to make the sign of the cross: Maria Anagnostou Lena Mannarino Ellie Tartara Isabella Downing 5TH/6TH GRADE - Learning the Creed: Dylan Lovejoy Wishing you all blessed Lenten season, Presvytera Nicole and Éva Karas Women’s Study Group The group continues to meet on Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM with Elaine Poulos. Beginning on March 3rd, they will be reading The Forgotten Medicine, the Mystery of Repentance by Archimandrite Seraphim Aleksiev. The book will be available in our bookstore. Turn to page 15 of this issue for a review of the book. Adult Catechism Elaine Poulos will be holding Adult Catechism lessons following Holy Communion on March 1, 8, 15 and 22. The two main source books, which do not need to be purchased for the class, are “Journey to the Kingdom” by Father Vassilios Papavassiliou and “Let Us Attend” by Father Lawrence Farley. All are welcome to attend. HOLY FRIDAY LUMINARY BAGS Sponsored by St. Paul GOYA Please visit our table during the coffee social on Sunday March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, or April 5th or visit to donate a luminary in memory of your loved ones The cost is $5.00 per name MARCH 2015 St. Paul Hellenic Dancers Even though we are covered in snow and the warm temperatures seem like they will never get here, the dance instructors know that our busy season is quickly approaching and practices are going to start getting longer and more content will be added every time the groups meet. We have a lot of work ahead of us and not a lot of practice days so please mark your calendars with our upcoming practices and make every effort to be at as many upcoming practices as possible. Our next practices are: March 22 April 19 April 26 A complete list of practice days can be found on the church website under the dance tab. Although the dance instructors are not able to take a performing group to this year’s Greek Independence Day Parade downtown, we do encourage ALL of our dancers to walk in the parade representing St. Paul and the Hellenic Dance Group (it’s a perfect place to wear your St. Paul Hellenic Dancer/OPA shirt!!!) Friday March 13, at 5:00 p.m. at St. Paul is the Lenten Youth Dinner and Salutation to the Theotokos to follow. Every week during Lent a different ministry provides the food for the dinner. The 13th is the Youth Ministries night. Please consider joining us that evening and also signing up to bring a Lenten dish to share. Sign up Genius link can be found on the church website. Lastly I want to once again stress the importance of getting your registration paperwork submitted to your instructor or filled out on the church website. Although many of you have registered for the 2015 program there are still some dancers that have not done so. Instructors have up to date lists of who they still need payment and paper work from. Blessings as we anticipate the glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Eleni Johnson, Hellenic Dance Director PAGE 7 Greek School News Every year when we celebrate the 25th of March, we experience a miracle, the grandeur of which is part of our Greek life. The preservation of our national soul, the achievement of freedom are the vigilant guards of our Christian Faith. The celebration of Greek Independence Day draws inspiration from one of the holiest days of Greek Orthodox Christians, the Annunciation of the Theotokos. Our Greek School once again has some special events to look forward to. On March 21st, our students will participate in the annual Greek Independence Day Parade which will take place at the Annunciation Church in Cleveland, Ohio. On this day we parade in gratitude, pride and in remembrance of our forefathers who fought for many years against the powerful Ottoman Empire and whose heroism restored an Independent Greece. Our annual Greek Independence Day Program will be presented in church on March 22nd following the Divine Liturgy. On this day, our students will be reciting poems, prayers and singing songs to commemorate Greek Independence Day. With our educational programs, we occupy a place in the history as we keep alive our ethnic and religious heritage. Report cards go home on March 30th. Please review your child's progress and discuss any concerns you may have with his/her teacher. Parents, we encourage you to share with your children the value of learning a second language and be proud of their accomplishments. Thank you for your continuous support. Thank you for entrusting us with your children's Greek education. As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at (216) 524-1766. ~ Kathy Glaros, Greek School Principal PAGE 8 THE MESSENGER St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church North Royalton, Ohio St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church North Royalton, OH Join us for a Holy Friday Retreat April 10, 2015 “Holy Friday Retreat” Registration Form – Grades K through 12 for children Grades K though 12 Please return this form to the Church Office NO LATER THAN SATURDAY, April 4, 2015 (Lazarus Saturday) Friday, April 10, 2015 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM Children in grades K – 6 will rotate in groups throughout the day learning about Holy Friday and its significance in the Holy Orthodox Church. Children in grades 7 – 12 will be engaged in lessons and discussion about Holy Friday and its significance. Registration forms can also be submitted on our website at: [ ] Yes! My family plans to attend the Holy Friday Retreat. How many?______ Names of student (s) in family who will attend: A Lenten lunch will be provided at 1:00 pm. Father Costas will provide an excused absence letter for your child’s school if he/she is not on Easter break. 1. Please register through our website or by using the form on this page and returning the Church office. 2. Sunday School Grade ________ Age________ Sunday School Grade ________ Age________ 3. HOPE / JOY / GOYA Palm Folding Saturday, April 4, 2015 following Lazarus Saturday services 8:30 AM Orthros; 9:30 AM Liturgy Pancake Breakfast provided Sunday School Grade ________ Age________ 4. Sunday School Grade ________ Age________ Allergies we should be aware of Address: Phone: NOTE: ALL Sunday School students will line up in the Narthex following Holy Communion on Palm Sunday for the procession of palms. We are in need of Adult Volunteers: If you plan to attend and would like to help, please check below: [ ] Help with Registration in the morning [ ] Organize and/or help serve lunch [ ] Volunteers for the various areas [ ] General help with the children during the day MARCH 2015 PAGE 9 “Myrofores” Myrrh Bearers HOLY FRIDAY, April 10, 2015 We encourage all girls in preschool through 6th grade to participate as Myrofores on Good Friday. They represent the myrrh bearing women who anointed the body of Christ in the tomb. All girls preschool - 6th grade are welcome to participate in the 3:00 PM Apokathilosis, “Taking down from the Cross” service. Only girls in grades 3rd—6th grade are welcome to participate in the 7 p.m. Lamentations service. Myrofores are asked to dress in all white (dress/shoes/ stockings/socks/sweaters). Each girl will carry a white basket filled with red rose petals. They will be seated in reserved seats in front of the first pew on each side of the church. Parents are asked to sit behind them. In the afternoon "Taking down from the Cross" service, the Myrofores proceed with the altar boys as the priest carries the Epitaphion (cloth with embroidered image of Christ) around the church. They will then place their rose petals on the Epitaphion after the priest places it in the Kouvouklion (the tomb). In the evening service, the Myrofores come forth and place their rose petals on the Epitaphion during the Lamentation hymns. During the Procession, they will walk as a group near the front of the procession. An important rehearsal will take place on Lazarus Saturday, April 4th in church following Liturgy and after breakfast. All girls need to attend. We invite everyone to join in making the palms for Palm Sunday. Please fill out the form below to register your daughter. We need a solid count so we know how many baskets to prepare. Turn in your forms to the church office, or you can submit a form online at ************************************** Myrofores Registration Form Name: Grade: Please check participation: 3:00 pm “Taking down from the Cross” Service 7:00 pm “Lamentation” Service Rehearsal on Lazarus Saturday Two Beautiful Traditions As we begin the Lenten Journey together, we all have to look forward to the day where we celebrate the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have Two Beautiful Traditions that are celebrated during this time. The first of these traditions is something known as the “Holy Noise”, where children ring handheld bells during the Liturgy on Holy Saturday morning in anticipation of the Glorious News of the Resurrection. All Children are invited to bring a handheld bell which they will ring at the appropriate time. The second of these two traditions is the reading of the Gospel in many different languages during the Service of Agape Vespers which will be celebrated on Sunday, April 12th at 11:30 a.m. During this service, the Gospel is read in many different languages by the parishioners symbolizing that the Glorious Resurrection of Christ is proclaimed to all ends of the earth and to all nations!!! The following is a list of the languages that we currently have the Gospel texts for: Afrikaans Albanian Aleutian Arabic Armenian Bulgarian Carpatho-Russian Cebuno Cherokee Chinese Church Slavonic Coptic Creole Czech Danish Dutch * Estonian * Finnish * French * Georgian * Greek (modern) * Hebrew * Hungarian * Icelandic * Indonesian * Italian * Japanese * Korean * Latin * Latvian * Lithuanian * Nepali * Norwegian * Polish * Portuguese * Romanian * Russian * Serbian * Somali * Spanish * Swahili * Swedish * Tagalog * Thai * Turkish * Ukrainian * Vietnamese We encourage anyone who knows one of these languages to sign up to read the Gospel during this service. To do this, please e-mail Fr. Michael at [email protected], and indicate what language you will read. The languages will be on a first come, first serve basis. PAGE 10 THE MESSENGER ST. PAUL LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY On behalf of Philoptochos, we would like to thank the following ladies for baking Vasilopita: Peggy Asmis Sandy Asmis Packy Boukis Photia Boukis Athena Cotronakis Helen Dadas Theresa Dellaportas Eva Gigis Dea Karas Minnie Kargiotis Joanna Kritikos Tessie Lekas Sophia Loizos Sonia Page Mary Pagonakis Ellie Pantazoglou Helen Papanikolaou Sylvia Sfekas Conda Tetkowski Popi Zamakis The Vasilopitas were delicious, as always. Don’t miss our March 10th meeting with our own James Anastos. His topic will be “Love Thy Neighbor” Ministering to Prisoners in Northeast Ohio. See flyer for details Mark your calendar for the Lenten Retreat being held on March 28th at 9:30 a.m. with guest speaker Paul Finley, whose topic will be “Beholding the Face of God Through Philanthropy”. Registration is only $5.00. Additionally, we will be holding our Swing Into Spring Dinner/Dance fundraiser on Saturday, April 25th at 6:00 p.m. Featuring The Dan Zola Orchestra. Proceeds will benefit the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network and our Philoptochos chapter charities. Cost is $60/person and can be made during the coffee social, on our website or by contacting Evangeline Bozikis. Cost will increase to $65 for reservations made after April 5th and will close on April 20th. Be sure to make your reservations early as NO WALK-INS AT THE DOOR WILL BE ACCEPTED!!! We’re looking forward to wonderful evening filled with big band music, dancing, live auction and more! We invite you to our General Membership Meeting TUESDAY, March 10, 2015 6:30 PM St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church Teen Room Come join us for an evening with James Anastos Topic: “Love Thy Neighbor” Ministering to Prisoners in Northeast Ohio UPCOMING EVENTS: March 15th ~ Special basket to benefit Hellenic College/Holy Cross March 16th ~ Baking for Easter Bake Sale March 28th ~ 9:30 AM Lenten Retreat “Beholding the Face of God through PHILANTHROPHY” with Paul Finley MARCH 2015 PAGE 11 SUN 1 Sunday of Orthodoxy TUE MON WED THU FRI 2 3 4 5 6 7 5:30 PM Greek School 10:00 AM Women’s Study Group 5:00 PM Presanctified Liturgy 7:00 PM Bible Study 5:30 PM Senior Fellowship Lenten Dinner 10:00 AM Liturgy at St. Gregory Palamas Monastery 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sunday of Great Orthodoxy at Compline Holy Trinity Parma 7:00 PM Home Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Salutations GOYA Spring Retreat Fr. Costas attending Clergy Retreat 8 2 0 1 5 CHURCH SERVICES All Sundays 8:15 AM Orthros 9:30 AM Liturgy 9 Sunday of St. 5:30 PM Gregory Greek School Palamas 7:00 PM Great Compline 15 16 Sunday of the 5:30 PM Holy Cross Greek School Youth Sunday 7:00 PM GOYA mtg. Great Following Compline Sunday School 22 23 Sunday of St. 5:30 PM John Climacus Greek School Greek School 7:00 PM Program Great Dance Practice Compline ALL Levels 29 30 Sunday of St. 5:30 PM Mary of Egypt Greek School FREE will Sunday spaghetti School F o l l o w i n g luncheon Communion SAT 10 10:00 AM Women’s Study Group 6:30 PM Philoptochos General Mtg. 11 12 13 5:00 PM Presanctified Liturgy 7:00 PM Bible Study 5:30 PM 2:00 PM Youth Lenten JOY Retreat at Dinner St. Gregory Palamas 7:00 PM Salutations 3:00 PM GOYA Movie Night 7:00 PM Parish Council Meeting 17 18 19 20 10:00 AM Women’s Study Group 5:00 PM Presanctified Liturgy 10:00 AM Afghan Workshop 5:30 PM Daughters of Penelope Lenten Dinner 7:00 PM Bible Study 7:00 PM Salutations 24 10:00 AM Women’s Study Group 7:00 PM Great Vespers for Annunciation at Annunciation 31 25 Annunciation 9:00 AM Orthros 10:00 AM Liturgy at Annunciation Cleveland 14 21 12:00 PM Doxology 1:00 PM Greek Independence Day Parade at Annunciation Cleveland 26 27 28 7:00 PM Bible Study 5:30 PM 9:30 AM Parish Council Philoptochos Lenten Lenten Retreat Dinner District 7:00 PM Oratorical Akathist Festival at Sts. Hymn Constantine and Helen PAGE 12 THE MESSENGER SUN MON TUE WED 1 THU 2 FRI 3 4 Lazarus Saturday 9:30 AM Pilgrimage to St. Gregory Palamas Monastery for Presanctified Liturgy 5 Palm Sunday 9 7:00 PM Nymphios Service with Hymn of Kasiani 9:00 AM Presanctified Liturgy 9:00 AM Vesperal Liturgy 13 14 15 5:30 PM Greek School 6:00 PM Philoptochos Board mtg. 7:00 PM Nymphios Service 12 Pascha 11:00 AM Egg Hunt 11:30 AM Agape Service 19 Sunday of Thomas Dance Practice For ALL levels CHURCH SERVICES 12:00 PM Baptism 9:30 AM Liturgy followed by breakfast and Palm Folding Holy Wednesday Holy Monday Plaki lunch- 7:00 PM eon and Bake Nymphios Sale following Service Liturgy 2 0 1 5 8:30 AM Orthros 8 6 7 Holy Tuesday Holy Thursday 4:00 PM 7:00 PM Holy Unction Holy Passion Service 7:00 PM Nymphios w/ annointing 16 5:30 PM Greek School 21 10Holy Friday 11 9:00 AM Royal Hours 11:00 AM Retreat Sunday School Following Communion 9:00 AM Vesperal Liturgy 11:00 PM 3:00 PM Apokathilosis Resurrection Service 7:00 PM Lamentations 17Life Giving 18 8:30 AM Orthros 9:30 AM Liturgy 22 23 St. George 24 25 8:30 AM Orthros 6:00 PM Philoptochos Swing into Spring Fundraiser 9:30 AM Liturgy Father Costas leads pilgrimage to St. Anthony Monastery in Florence AZ All Sundays 26 27 28 29 30 8:15 AM Sunday of the Orthros 5:30 PM 2:00 PM Myrrh Bearers Greek School Senior 9:30 AM Dance Practice Fellowship Liturgy For ALL levels Holy Saturday Fountain 7:00 PM Parish Council Meeting 7:00 PM Philoptochos General mtg. 20 SAT Kafenio MARCH 2015 PAGE 13 Lenten Dinner and Salutations Service Every Friday during Lent, a Lenten dinner is sponsored by one of our parish organizations. The price of the dinner is a free will donation. Following the dinner, there is time for Holy Confession and a service to the Mother of God, known as the Salutations. “The Archangel was sent from Heaven to say {Hail} to the Theotokos. And with his Celestial Voice, envisioning You O Lord embodied, he was wonder-rapt and stood crying unto Her: Hail! To You through Whom Creation is re-made. Hail! To You through Whom the Creator is born a Babe.” 5:30—7:00 Lenten Dinner 6:00—7:00 Confession 7:00—8:00 Salutations Service LENTEN DINNER HOSTS March 6th March 13th Senior Fellowship Youth (HOPE/JOY/GOYA Sunday School, Greek School) March 20th Daughters of Penelope March 27th Parish Council Shop Amazon and Support National Philoptochos Social Services Addressing a Few Pastoral Issues ~ Father Costas It’s always a challenge to live our lives in accordance with the teachings of our Orthodox faith. I say it is a challenge because we live in a society that often contradicts what our Church has been teaching over the centuries. We are often asked, WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE “IN GOOD STANDING” WITH THE CHURCH? Here are a few general responses to this question as they are taught in our Church. We must be baptized and/or christmated into the Orthodox Church. Attend services regularly and be active in the sacra- mental life of the Church. We should be approaching the sacrament of Holy Confession regularly so that we are guided through the stages and challenges in our life’s journey. We should prepare and receive the sacrament of Holy Communion regularly. A civil ceremony, or one celebrated in another Christian church is not accepted by the Orthodox Church. Marriages should be blessed in our Church for the Orthodox member to maintain his/her membership in the church. For marriages to be blessed in the Church, one of the couple has to be Orthodox, and the other if they are not Orthodox, they should at least be a Christian baptized in the Holy Trinity. If you receive a civil divorce, you should also file for an ecclesiastical divorce. As a member of the Orthodox Church, you cannot Here’s how you can shop online AND contribute to Philoptochos Social Services at no additional cost to you: Access Amazon through You will be prompted to select a charitable organization to which AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of every purchase made. Select National Philoptochos (or tax ID 13-6147442) as the charity you wish to support. Specify exactly “National Philoptochos” in order to have a contribution sent to Philoptochos Social Services. Shop online in the same way you always have. This program is in effect every day in 2015! be a sponsor or receive Holy Communion in other Christian Churches, such as the Roman Catholic Church or any of the Protestant Churches. For any other specific questions, or to clarify anything stated above, please talk to Father Costas in private. PAGE 14 THE MESSENGER Great Lent / Easter Decorations for our Church We would like to take this opportunity to extend to you an invitation to share in making our Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha a most beautiful and fulfilling journey. Please consider making a donation in honor or in memory of a loved one. All donations will be acknowledged in the May issue of The Messenger. Below is a list of some of the items that are purchased with the donations we receive: Palms and plants Easter Lily plants Flowers for Veneration of the Cross Flowers for Salutation services Flowers for the Icon of the Nymphios Flowers for the Epitaphio Flowers for the altar Crucifixion wreath Eggs and ribbon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Name Donation $ In memory of ST. PAUL LADIES PHILOPTOCHOS Easter Bake Sale Sunday, April 5, 2015 ORDER FORM Item Price Qty. Sweet Bread $ 7.00 Baklava (8 pieces) $10.00 Total Koulourakia (doz.) $ 5.00 Paximadia (pkg.) $ 5.00 Finikia $ 5.00 Total Name Phone ( ) Email Address: Return order form with check payable to: St. Paul Philoptochos 4548 Wallings Road N. Royalton, OH 44133 OR Order online at: For more information or to order, contact: Tessie Lekas (216) 524-6523 Mary Pagonakis (440) 230-1927 Stephanie Ocker (216) 952-6505 ITEMS MAY BE PICKED UP BETWEEN 11:00 AM—1:00 PM APRIL 4TH 9:00 AM —1:00 PM APRIL 5TH AT THE ST. PAUL HELLENIC CENTER For the health of Summer 2015 Camp Programs Regular Registration will open on February 1, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. Each 20-day session is open to young people who have completed grades 8 through 12. • Session One: June 22 – July 11, 2015 • Session Two: July 19 – August 7, 2015 Spiritual Odyssey: #TakeMeBackToIV Spiritual Odyssey this year will take 40 young adults ages 19-24 on excursions, while being based on the historic Ionian Village campgrounds June 1 - June 11, 2015 MARCH 2015 PAGE 15 Lenten Resources Available in our Bookstore ORTHODOX LENT, HOLY WEEK AND EASTER: LITURGICAL TEXTS WITH COMMENTARY ~ by Hugh Wybrew A description of Lent, Holy Week and Easter in the Orthodox Christian tradition, presenting selected liturgical texts from the services of its most significant days. Translated into modern English, each day's material is accompanied by a brief theological and spiritual commentary. KEEPING THE LIGHT BURNING: MEDITATIONS FROM PASCHA TO PENTECOST ~ by Fr. Aristotle Damaskos This small gem contains a series of daily Epistle and Gospel readings, as well as meditations for the Eastern Orthodox faithful that keep the spiritual momentum achieved at Easter through the celebration of Pentecost. The Lord's flame continues after His resurrection. This book is an aid or tool to keep alive the same awe one experienced in the preparation for Easter. THE EASTER STORY ~ by Brian Wildsmith THE LENTEN SPRING ~ by Fr. Thomas Hopko The Church welcomes the Lenten spring with a spirit of exultation...with the enthusiasm of a child... The tone of the church services is one of brightness and light. Thus the author begins the first of forty meditation on Great Lent, casting out the gloom and darkness with which many Christians approach this holy season and revealing, in a simple, clear and beautiful manner, its true meaning. A JOURNEY THROUGH GREAT LENT ~ by Fr. Stephen Belonick A journey through Great Lent with Scripture and the Church Fathers. Includes a daily meditation on the scripture reading for the day, verses from the hymns of the day, inspiring excerpts from the Church Fathers and a brief biography of the saint for each day. DAILY LENTEN MEDICATIONS FOR ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS ~ by Presvytera Emily Harakas For each day of Lent this inspiring book has a hymn from the Triodion, a quotation from the Fathers, a prayer, Bible readings and a meditation. A beautiful way to keep Lent by meditating on the spiritual truths offered from the wealth of our tradition. An excellent tool for spiritual growth. Radiant watercolor illustrations enhanced with gold tones set the scene for this simple retelling of the Easter story as seen through the eyes of a little donkey who carried Jesus through the streets on Palm Sunday. The creative perspective will engage your children; and you’ll savor the artwork and reverent tone. JOURNEY THROUGH HOLY WEEK ~ by Department of Religious Education Follow Christ and the Church through each stage of Holy Week—from the Saturday of Lazarus to the Agape Vespers service— with this new full-color guide from the Department of Religious Education. In the zinestyle booklet, author Stephania Gianulis pinpoints the relevance and meanings of the services, hymns, and scripture readings. Special features on each page illuminate icons, traditions, and history. Suitable for ages 10 and up. THE FORGOTTEN MEDICINE, THE MYSTERY OF REPENTANCE ~ by Archimandrite Seraphim Aleksiev The renowned Bulgarian spiritual father Archimandrite Seraphim (†1993) details the reasons many give for not coming to Confession, and for each of these he clearly brings forth the truth of the matter. For those who feel awkward because of not knowing how to approach Confession, he explains in depth how to prepare beforehand and what to do afterwards. PAGE 16 AFGHAN PROJECTS FOR ALL AGES! Our Ladies Philoptochos presents every newborn in our community with a handmade afghan at their 40-Day Blessing. Each afghan donated has a tag that indicates that it was hand-made by Philoptochos and a card with the donor’s name as well as the beautiful book, “My Forty Day Blessing Book” enclosed as a memento of this special occasion. Soon, we will be including the children’s book “What Do You See at Liturgy” written by our very own Kristina Kallas-Tartara! Each baby afghan should be approximately 30 x 36 inches knitted or crocheted in washable yarn. In all, we have collected 116 baby afghans to date! In addition, we are creating afghans for our homebound parishioners. These lap afghans are given to our homebound parishioners who welcome a visit from our Philoptochos ladies. In total, we have collected 57 cozy afghans to date! If you know of anyone who would enjoy such a visit, please let us know. Each lap afghan should be approximately 40 x 48 inches knitted or crocheted in washable yarn. Many thanks to Joanna Kokkas and Lisa Gavrilos for their generous donations of yarn and Fr. Michael and Presbytera Maria for their donation of gift bags needed for our project! Workshops are held in the Teen Room where patterns and donated yarn are distributed. Our next workshop is Thursday, March 19th from 10:00—11:30 AM. Monetary donations are also accepted in lieu of hand-made afghans to offset the costs of this project. Please contact Maria Lovejoy 330.220.3213 or Maribeth Lekas 216.408.6070 if you are interested in attending future workshops. OCF—ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Our St. Paul Philoptochos reaches out to our college students by mailing them OCF Connect Kits. Connect Kits are mailed to our St. Paul college freshmen that include an Orthodox Study Bible, reading guides, prayer books, guides for finding a local OCF chapter, OCF travel mug filled with delicious homemade koulourakia, as well as other fun goodies for our college students. OCF is the National Campus Ministry Program for Orthodox college students. Greater Cleveland has 4 active OCF Chapters that include students from CWRU, JCU, CSU, BW and CCC. It’s not too late! Please forward email and college snail mail addresses for any St. Paul college Freshmen and/or to donate, please contact Maribeth Lekas @ 216.408.6070 or [email protected]. THE MESSENGER Be the Bee The Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries (Y2AM) began a weekly series of short, informative, entertaining, and spiritually beneficial videos. The series, “Be the Bee,” is named after a metaphor associated with Elder Paisios of Mount Athos (+1994), and explores ways that we can all focus on what is good and beautiful in our everyday lives. “Our Department has been very successful at connecting with people and sharing the Faith through a variety of social media, and we realized that there wasn’t much of an Orthodox presence on YouTube,” said Father Jason Roll, Director. “Our youth are already on YouTube, so why aren’t we? It’s a natural way to preach the Gospel and spread Christ’s unconditional love.” Viewers can access the channel by searching “Y2AM” on YouTube, or going to y2am. “Thank God, the response has been very positive so far,” said “Be the Bee” host and Youth Protection / Parish Ministries Coordinator, Steven Christforou. “Our first episode had over 600 views, and we hope that this series will be helpful to an ever wider audience.” New episodes are released every Thursday afternoon. CrossRoad is a ten-day academic summer institute that prepares high school juniors and seniors to make big life decisions and connect with the Orthodox Christian theological and spiritual tradition. Hosted on the scenic Hellenic College Holy Cross campus, overlooking the beautiful Boston skyline, participants experience daily worship, visit local parishes, tour Boston, and spend a day at the beach. June Session: June 20 – June 30 July Session: July 7 – July 17 Application Priority Deadline: March 2 For more information or to apply, visit http:// PAGE 18 THE MESSENGER Spring is right around the corner and it is time to start planning and preparing for our 2015 Grecian Festival. The dates for this year are July 16—19. Last year was the most successful festival we have ever had. We will need the same effort and dedication that we had last year so that we can duplicate or exceed last year’s results. Our preparation for the Festival will begin with the baking committee, which will start on Monday March 30th at 9:00 AM. We will be baking every Monday and Tuesday with the exception of Holy Week and the Monday following Easter (see the schedule on page 16 or check the calendar posted on the church website). We hope that more of you will come to help us so that we can complete our baking a couple of weeks before the Festival. The more people that come, the sooner we will finish. Thank you for your continued support! John James and Michael Lignos Festival Committee Co-Chairs Click on the button “Make a Secure Donation to Our Parish” on our Home page to make a donation to your prior or current year fairshare pledge. Donations can also be made to the benevolent fund or the capital improvement fund. You also have the ability to make your donation recurrent on a monthly basis. A PayPal account is NOT required to complete your transaction. MARCH 2015 PAGE 19 The Watchfulness of the Lord There is a story in the Gospels that tells of the time Jesus went to the Temple, sat down over by the collection boxes, and watched what people were giving (Mark 12:41-44). There were thirteen receptacles, or offering boxes, in the Temple at that time, where people contributed whatever they wished above and beyond the title (the 10% that all were to give). These extra gifts were given voluntarily to meet Temple expenses. The Gospel tells us, “He (Jesus) sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the multitude putting money I the treasury” (Mark 12:41). Jesus watched! He was interested in what people gave to God. He saw it then. He sees it today. He sees the rich cast in much out of their abundance (and—make no mistake—in today’s world we are the rich). He sees the poor widow put in her last two pennies out of her poverty. He is impressed not by how much is given, but by how much is given in proportion to what a person has. This is why, in the Gospel story, Jesus commended not the rich men but the poor widow who gave her last two pennies. There is a drama here if we care to see it. The people bringing their gifts to God, and God within the shadow keeping watch over His own—is own people and His own treasury. Sometimes we feel that we are simply giving to the church budget—not so! It is the Lord’s Church and the Lord’s budget. Everything in the Church belongs to Him. Everything in the Church is used to serve Him. He is the head of the Church and the head of the treasury. We are giving to God. He watches. He sees what we give because He cares about what we give...and what we give in proportion to what we have, is a barometer of our true devotion. Adopted from Where Moth and Rust Cannot Destroy by Father Anthony Conairis BAKING SCHEDULE Monday March 30th Tuesday March 31st ————— April 14th April 20th April 21st th April 27 April 28th Baking begins at 9:00 AM each day Open to EVERYONE who can assist! PAGE 20 ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΓΩΝΙΑ Αγαπητοί μου φίλοι καλό μήνα. Και εφέτος θα εορτάσουμε με υπερηφάνεια τα 194 χρόνια του αγώνα της 25ης Μαρτίου. Ευκαιρία να επισκευτούμε τα λιμέρια των Κολοκοτρωναίων...ΠελλοπόνησοςΤρίπολη- Άργος-Βυτίνα. Επίκαιρες ηρωικές μνήμες. Θα ανταμώσουμε το χωριό του Γέρου του Μοριά. Θα θαυμάσουμε το σπίτι του οπλαρχηγού του '21 και θα αφουγκραστούμε τους θρύλους της Εθνικής μας Παλογγενεσίας, περπατόντας μέσα σε μία θάλασσα από κωνοφόρα δένδρα, που το δροσερό τους οξυγόνο σ' αναζωογονεί και ο θαυμαστός βιότοπος είναι ένα πεδίο ζωής για τον άνθρωπο. Λίγα χιλιόμετρα μετά βλέπουμε την ιδιαίτερη πατρίδα των Κολοκοτρωναίων το Λαμποβίσι. Η χαρακτηριστική πηγή Αρκουδόρεμα σε υψόμετρο 1,120 μ. εντυπωσιάζει με τα σκίνα τα έλατα σε ποικιλία χρωμάτων και σε σχηματισμούς καθώς ξεπροβάλει και το μοναστήρι της Παναγίας Θεοτόκου του Αρκουδορέματος, χαρίζοντας στιγμές ηρεμίας και πίνοντας νερό από την κρυστάλλινη ολοκάθαρη πηγή. Εδώ, φίλοι μου βρίσκουμε το σπίτι των Κολοκοτρωναίων που ήταν κέντρο και ορμητήριο της ένδοξης γενιάς. Στον τόπο αυτόν έβαλαν την σφραγίδα τους οι θρύλοι της παλιγγενεσίας. Εδώ είναι τα λημέρια τους και τα καραούλια τους διατηρώντας απόλυτα την ιστορική τους ταυτότητα.Προχωρόντας μερικά χιλιόμετρα κατευθηνόμαστε γιατό Άργος. Γραφική, γοητευτική και όλο ζωντάνια πόλη. Προς χαρην της θεσης του το Άργος το κλίμα του είναι υγιεινό γιατί είναι ευήλιο. Ισως γι'αυτό στην αρχαιότητα λατρευοταν εδώ σαν θεότητα ο θέος Ήλιος. Στόν Αργολικό κάμπο θα βρούμε νόστιμες αγκινάρες που είναι το μόνο φυτό που δεν χρειάζεται κανονικό νερό, ποτίζεται με θαλάσσιο νερό. Το Άργος είναι κέντρο πολιτισμο με σπουδαία μνημία το θέατρο ο νάος του Λυκείου Απόλλωνος-οι ναοί του Δία της Αθηνάς της Ήρας κ.τ.λ. Το Άργος φίλοι μου απελευθερώθηκε στα τέλη Μαρτίου 1821 και γιά ένα σύντομο διάστημα έγινε η πρωτεύουσα της επαναστάσεως. Η πατροπαράδωτη ιστορία μας, είναι , η υπερηφάνεια του κάθε Έλληνα. Ζήτω η 25η Μαρτίου 1821.....!!! Αγατητοί μου αναγνώστες και του χρόνου, Μαρία Καρλατήρα (Μαράκι) THE MESSENGER Pilgrimage to St. Gregory Palamas Monastery in Haysville, OH Wednesday, April 1, 2015 9:30 AM We will have a parish pilgrimage to St. Gregory Palamas Monastery. We will have an opportunity to worship with the fathers the Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts, we will have a reflection from the Abbot and enjoy a meal together with the brotherhood. If you’re interested in joining Fr. Costas please call the office at 440.237.8998 to RSVP. We will meet at Best Buy in Strongsville, at 9:30 a.m. and we will return at approximately 3:30 p.m. Remember the Church in Your Will MAKING A DIFFERENCE! Throughout our life, from birth to death, the Church offers us grace and power by which to live. It inspires us, prays for us, heals us, and teaches us how to confess our sins and how to forgive each other. The Church baptizes those who wish to follow Christ. It blesses our marriages and sends us to our eternal home with prayers and blessings at our death. The Church is the only thing that accompanies us throughout our life and beyond. We support it in many ways and especially through our financial gifts. Do you want to make a difference in the lives of those who benefit from St. Paul Greek Orthodox Church? If so, you may wish to consider a charitable bequest. WHAT IS A BEQUEST? A charitable bequest is a method for parishioners and friends to perpetuate their interest and support for their Greek Orthodox Church. Your will can be drafted to leave either a specific gift or a percentage of your estate to the Church. A specific gift can be a dollar amount, a particular piece of real estate or personal property. A residuary gift is either a specific percentage of your estate or it can be the remainder of your estate after you have provided for your family, or other charitable interests which are important to you. For more information, contact the church office at 440237-8998 and leave a message and someone will be in contact with you. MARCH 2015 PAGE 21 Papandreas Orthodontics Now 2 locations! North Royalton & Brunswick Spectacular Smiles Superior Service ALEX FAMILY PROPERTIES 5295 STATE RD., PARMA I-480 STATE RD. EXIT 16 ✼✽✾✾✿❀❁❂❃❄❅❁❇❉❊❋❁●❊❍■✿❏❑❁▼❄▼■◆❊✿❍❖✿▼P◗❘❄❀❁❙❚❄✿❍❄❯❍❁ ✼❱❲❙❀❅❁❋❉✾✽❘❁▼❳❄▼❖❨ ❩❬❭❭ ❪❫❬❭❴ ❵❝ ❢❫❬❵❤ (216) 398-5900 Contact Pete Alex for leasing information 216-469-8957 [email protected] ⑩ ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❶ ❷ ❻ Special Prices to Parishioners ❥❦qq✇② ①③❦❦③④ ⑤③❦⑥ ⑦③⑧⑨⑩q ❴❵❜❜❝❢❣❥❦ ❧♠♥q❵r❥❦ s❵♠❵✉r❥✉① ③❝❢❢❵r❥❦ ④①✉❥❥ s❵⑤❢❝♥❢❥❦ ❧❵⑥❝❢✉r❥❦ ⑦ s❵⑧❝r❵⑥❵❢⑧ ⑨✉r⑧❝❵❥ Paul M. Dowd, OD, FAAO Emmanuel Zanoudakis, OD Paul S. Hornik, OD 7448 Ridge Rd, Parma ❶❷❷❸❹ ❺❷❻❼❽❺❺❺ ❾❿❿➀ ➁⑨q➂➃⑩➄➅❦❦q ➆➇➈ ➁⑨q➂➃⑩➄➅❦❦q Just south of Pleasant Valley Rd. • Professional Vision Care • Contact Lens Care • FREE Lasik Consultation • Over 1,000 Frames in Stock Most insurance plans accepted including Anthem, Medicare, & VSP NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 440-885-0822 ÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜ×ÝÝÞßàáÛâ Õð×åÙçñÛòÞóàáÛâ Õ÷×åÞß òäêêÝäæàáÛâ ãäåæ×ßåæçäæè ãäåæ×ßåæçäæè îæëØ×êäïÞìÚåæçäæè ÕáõëëØäøùÛ÷äúèàáÛâ ÕâéØÞÝÞêÚëÞìíÙäèàáÛâÛ Õâäô×æõØöÝõïäßàáÛâÛ ÕÖ×äÝÚÞäçõÝàáÛâÛ îæëØ×êäïÞìÚåæçäæè îæëØ×êäïÞìÚåæçäæè ãäåæ×ßåæçäæè ãäåæ×ßåæçäæè ➉➊➋➌ ➍➎➏➐➑➏➒ ➓ ➔➏→➣↔↕➑➙➛➋➜➓ ➝➑➎➏↔➜➎➏➐➑➏➒ ➓ ➍↕↔➏→➜ ➞➑➙➛➋➛➟➑ ➓➠↔→➊➡ ➢↔➛➟→ ➤➑↕➡➊➋➑➥➑➟→ û üýþÿ❖þ ❖þ✁ ✥ýü❆✁ ýþ❚ ➦➧➨➩➫➭➯➨➫➫➭➲ ➳➵➸➺➻➼➽➺➵➨➾➚➪➭➶➹➭➪➩➘➻➴➼ ➷➬➾➭➮➭➬➾➭➬➱➭➼✃➵➫➵➬➼➳➫➭➚➭➫➨➬➾➼❐➭➴➻➫➨❒➭➼❐➨➺➺➭➬➼✃➨➫➭❮ ❰❰ÏÐÑ❰ÒÐÓÏÔÔ ❈❧❡✈❡❧❛ ❞ ❛ ❞ ✥✉✁✁♦✉ ❞✐ ❣ ✂♦♠♠✉ ✐t✐❡✥ ✤✣✄☎✛✱ ✆✙✙✘☎✛✱ ✝✖✞✔✓☎✛ ✶✟✠ ✟✡✠ ☛✡ ☞♥✌ ✍✡ ✎☞r✌ r✏✑✑ ✏✒s ✕✗✚✜✢✦✧★✢✩✗✚ ✪✫❜✦✩✜✬ ✭✮✦❜✮✯✫✬ ✰★✦✮♣ ✲❆▲▲ ✳✴✵✷✸✸✹✷✺✺✵✻ WIANT JEWELERS DAVE & DIANE WIANT 3511 Center Rd • Brunswick 0-E-0-0 ✽☞✌✌ ✍✈❡✎② ✏❞✑ ✒ ✓✎♦❛❞✈✐❡✇ ✔t✕✑ ✹✹✖✗✘✙✚✗✹✣✚✚ ✦✦✦✧★✩✪✫✬✭✪✮✯★✰✲✫✳✴✵✧✶✳✷ ❈✸✺♣✻✼❤✼✾✿❀❁✼ ❂✼✾✼✻❃❄ ❈❃✻✼ St. Paul Greek Orthodox and Liturgical Publications Inc. invite you to become their partner in publishing this Newsletter. Your support will permit St. Paul Greek Orthodox to receive this service at no cost. For advertising information, call DELWYN HUDSON at LPi today. “Fine Jewelry” (330) 273-1338 ❉✤✂✄ ☎ ✆✢✤✜✢✤✢✱ ✝✛✞✜✂✞✂✱ ❙✜✟✠✠✢✂✱ ✡ ☛ ✆✢✤✜✢✤✢ ❅❇❊❋❇● ❍●■●❏❏❑❊ ▲❋❏●▼◆P❏◗ ❘❯❱❲ ❳❳❳❨▼❊●❩●◆❏P❬❑❏❨P❏❭❱❪❍❫ For Ad Information Call Liturgical Publications at 1-800-477-4574 1-800-477-4574 or 216-325-6825 ext. 6332 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc. 14-0902/b ST. PAUL GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 4548 Wallings Road North Royalton, OH 44133-3121 Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 2913 CLEVELAND, OHIO
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