Sick: Anne Brownsell, Wally Reynolds, Paul Garrett, Trish Hodson, George & Wyn Coughlin, Vanessa Hall, Che Burnley, Ann Sumner, Jonathan Crofts, Mrs Moore, Maria Carragher, Jack Kirby, May Ruxton, Blair Fowler, John White, Jo Burke, Ann Hughes, Charles Sankey, Joseph Greville, Maura Murphy, Brian Orford (Jnr), Gerard Tansey, Ian Buchanan, Mary Griffin, Margaret Reynolds, Helen Burgess, Veronica Duffy, Maureen Hall, Pam McHugh, K Nuss, Annette Hemming, Ken Hemming, Tommy Carter, Ben Hamill-Hope, Glen Sands, Joseph Forshaw, Sheila Cummins, Tommy O’Brien, Philip Goodwin, Maureen De Villier Briscoe, Don Albert, Tony Green, Reg Hooper, Joe Gradwell. Lately Dead: Joan Nolan, Paddy Hickey, Gerry Connolly, Joan Murphy, Stella Dilworth, Molly Finnigan, Edith Mitchell, Margorie Arnold, Jim Sheerin, Helen Downie, Alice Mulcahy, Geoff Walker, Monica Lynch, Annie Thompson, Frances Lyons, Ronald Place, Fr John Seddon. Anniversaries: Sr. Seraphina, Fr. John McCreanor, Desmond Rafferty, Reginald Peters, Tony Evans, John William Collins, Mary Jones, Fred Preston, Sadie Morley, David Jones, William Cropper. Baptisms - We welcome into the church: 28th February - Thomas James Francis 1st March - Michael Campbell Engaged Couples Course, Marriage Preparation: The next session is on Tuesday 3rd March at 7.30pm, in the Parish Hall. Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesday 6.45pm - 7.15pm & Saturday 10.30am - 11.00am Exposition & Morning Prayer Weekdays 8.30am - 9.10am (except Thurs & Sat) Benediction & Exposition Tuesday 6.30pm - 7.15pm 1st Sunday of the month 3.30pm Stations of the Cross Every Friday of Lent at 7.00pm Parish Priest: Mgr. John Furnival Liverpool Archdiocesan Trustees Inc. Registered Charity No. 232709 Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church Crosby 2nd Sunday of Lent Year B - 1st March 2015 Parish Priest: Rev. Mgr. John Furnival Asst Priest: Rev. Fr. Roy Cooper Deacons: Rev. Tony Johnson Rev. Terry Rimmer Rev. Ernest Diggory (retired) Address: 161 Liverpool Road Great Crosby Liverpool L23 5TE Tel: 0151 928 3456 Fax: 0151 949 1930 E-Mail: [email protected] Saturday 28 February 5.45 Mary & Bill Clayton & Patricia Tolan (Sp Int) Sunday 1 March 9.30 Joan Nolan, Paddy Hickey & James Manley 11.30 Sadie Morley, Doreen & Fred Preston Monday 2 March 9.10 Gerry Connolly, Yohann & Cynthia Rodriques (Sp Int) 11.00am Requiem Mass: Monica Lynch Tuesday 3 March 9.10 Eucharistic Service 7.30 David Jones, Keith Barrett & Desmond Rafferty Wednesday 4 March 9.10 Dec. Mem Callaghan Family & Jim Sheerin 11.00 am Requiem Mass: Frances Lyons Thursday 5 March 9.00 am Requiem Mass: Annie Thompson Friday 6 March 7.15 Joan Murphy, Tony Heslop & Stella Dilworth 9.10 Eucharistic Service Saturday 7 March 5.45 Nellie & William Cropper & Andrew Traynor Sunday 8 March 9.30 Stephen Murphy, Andrew Allen & Mrs Ward 11.30 Vincent Thirlwell, Margery Morley & Vera McAleer Lent 2015 Reflection & Discussion on Marriage & Family: Mondays 9th, 16th, 23rd March at 7.30pm in St Helen’s parish centre. Ecumenical discussions: Fridays in Lent - see poster for more information. Food for Thought: Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th March 2pm –4pm in St Helen’s parish centre. Three discussions in preparation for “Proclaim 15” Evangelisation programme. Please see details of more Lenten Reflection and discussion groups on the notice board in the porch. ————————————————————————————————————————— Accepting the Pope's invitation: A group met on Monday to begin the journey through Evangelii Gaudium. We share brief summary of our discussion, available at the back of church, for those who wish to think more of how we as individuals and as Church can be 'enthusiastic evangelisers'. A more detailed account is on the St. Helen's website. All welcome to join us on Monday 2nd March for the next chapter: moving out of our comfort zone to evangelise 'the world'. parish centre, 7:30 p.m Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr John Seddon, who passed away on Friday 27th February 2015. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace. Amen. Fr John’s Requiem Mass will take place in the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, with an evening Mass at 7.00 pm on Thursday 5th March, and a Requiem Mass at 11.00 am on Friday 6th March. A coach will be arranged on the Friday from the parish. Fr John will be buried in Ss Peter & Paul’s Parish Churchyard, following the Cathedral Mass. ————————————————————————————————————————— SPUC - next meeting will be Thursday 5th March in the parish centre after the 7pm Mass Pro-Life Prayers will be at SS Peter & Paul’s on Friday 6th March at 2.15pm ————————————————————————————————————————— EASTER CARDS TO THE HOLY LAND, 2015 Your Justice & Peace Group will shortly be inviting you to send a card (or maybe more than one) to a Christian parish in the Holy Land. You may well be aware of the growing pressure Christians in the area are under, and our support means a great deal to them; some parishes have displayed the cards in their churches. We are launching this a little earlier this year so that they should arrive in good time for Easter, but as usual we ask you to return them to church so that they can be sent to the Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem for redistribution. Please take a copy of the Arabic greeting to include in your envelope and include your contact details if you'd like to. There will be a box at the back of church for the cards. (if you want to leave a small contribution towards the postage, that would be welcome too.) Thank you. ————————————————————————————————————————— Cathedral Friends: lecture by Lord David Alton MP, “Paying the Price of Faith” Thursday 12th March in the Gibberd Room. Tickets cost £8, include wine and nibbles and are available from The Secretary of the Friends of the Cathedral, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L3 5TQ ————————————————————————————————————————— Events at St Joseph’s Prayer Centre, Freshfield: Day of Retreat - Monday 9th March (10am - 4pm) , Led by Bishop John Rawsthorne. Lenten Days of Renewal - Saturday 21st March (10am - 3pm) & Thursday 26th March (U.C.M.) All welcome. Contact: 01704 875850 ————————————————————————————————————————— Day of Reflection at Sandymount: Saturday 14th March, preparing for Easter - Fr Daniel O’Leary (Author & Spiritual Guide) £20 per day, simple lunch included. [email protected] ————————————————————————————————————————— Waterloo Partnership Charity Concert: An evening of Light Music with Amadeus: The Chamber Choir. Saturday 28th March at St Faith’s. Tickets cost £8, include wine & nibbles and are available from Pritchards bookshop and on 924 2813. All proceeds to support the many victims of Ebola in Waterloo, Sierra Leone. Events at Irenaeus,32 Great Georges Rd: Scripture mornings: Thursdays 5th, 12th March 10.30am - 12 noon Led by Fr Chris Thomas: “From death to life” - Reflections on Mark’s Gospel. Lenten Prayer & Reflection - Wednesdays 4th, 11th & 18th March 10.30am—12.00 noon For more information and booking contact Jenny on 949 1199 [email protected] ———————————–—————————————————————————– NOVENA OF GRACE In honour of Saint Francis Xavier DAILY MASS 12NOON (SUNDAY 10.15AM) Wednesday, 4th to Thursday, 12th March 2015 at SFX Church, Salisbury Street, For more details, please contact Debbie Reynolds on 0151 298 1911 or email [email protected] ————————————————————————————————————— NATIONAL WEEK OF PRAYER AND AWARENESS OF DEMENTIA Cardinal Heenan House, Up Holland. Thursday 12th March—a day of prayer and awareness of dementia. An opportunity to pray, to listen to peoples’ experiences and to chat together. As well as prayer, there should be moments for socialising, chatting with our staff and residents, sharing a cup of tea/coffee and some scones, tea cakes and biscuits. Sandwiches will be available for visitors during residents lunch time. We will arrange to have leaflets from Age UK and the Alzheimer Society. Prayer and Activities in Cardinal Heenan House 10.00 – 12.30, 2 – 4.30, Mass in Cardinal Heenan House Chapel with Bishop Vincent Malone at 6.00 p.m. This is an annual event supporting the efforts of the Pastoral Care Project in their promoting Prayer and Awareness of Dementia, and so there will be a collection on the day for this charity. For more information please see ————————————————————————————————————— Sunday Readings: 2nd Sunday of Lent: Genesis 22:1-2. 9-13. 15-18 Romans 8: 31-34 Mark 9: 2-10
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