MAR 22 - Saint Christopher Parish

St. Christopher Parish
March 22, 2015
St. Christopher Church
Fr. Richard Kelley, Pastor
Rev. Thien Nguyen,
Vietnamese Ministry
62 Manchester St.
Nashua, New Hampshire 03064
(603) 882-0632
(603)881-8728 fax
[email protected]
St. Christopher School
Mrs. Cindy Clarke, Principal
Grades PreK - 6
20 Cushing Ave.
Nashua, New Hampshire 03064
(603) 882-7442
(603)594-9253 fax
Worship Schedule
Morning Prayer
Daily Mass
Saturday Vigil
Sunday Mass
Vietnamese Mass
7:00 AM Weekdays
7:15 AM Weekdays
4:00 PM
8:00 & 10:00 AM
1:00 PM Sunday
3:00-3:30 PM Saturday
7:00 PM Tuesday
Eucharistic Adoration
1:00-4:00 PM
1st Friday of the Month
September - June
Fifth Sunday of Lent
The promise made by the LORD in the first reading is very bold. He says that
all people shall know him, without having to be taught by others. He doesn’t
restrict the promise to only the holiest people: He says that the way people will
know Him is through forgiveness of their sins. Remember, he is speaking to the
Israelites, who had so many laws and commandments, they needed scribes and
Pharisees to keep track of them. When they broke a commandment or law, they
were isolated from the community. So the promise that God would place his law
in their hearts meant they would be free to do God’s will because they want to,
not because they were feared punishment or rejection.
Jesus says something similar in today’s gospel. He tells the disciples that
his crucifixion would draw everyone to him. Now, Jesus’ death showed that he
took on the punishment for sins in place of us, who deserve it. In Luke’s gospel
he even prays for those who crucified him, asking God’s forgiveness. (Lk 23:34)
By dying on the cross, Jesus shows how much God loves us. By rising from the
dead, he shows that we can rise from sin to a new life of faith and love.
Getting back to the first reading, we experience that promise when we bring
our sins to God. When we forgive people who have hurt us, we also help them
to experience that love. After all, if I can forgive someone, surely God will forgive
them. We also help others to know God when we share or experience of being
forgiven. Still not sure if God has forgiven you? The sacrament of Reconciliation
gives us the assurance of God’s forgiveness, as well as the experience. Along
with the other sacraments, it helps us keep God’s love in our hearts.
Our Parish Prayer
Heavenly Father, we pray for all of the people and programs of St. Christopher Parish. Unite us as a
community of believers and grant us the wisdom, grace, and strength to do your will. We ask this
through Christ Our Lord. AMEN.
Our Mission
We are a Roman Catholic parish whose members live and proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
Welcome New Parishioners! If you
would like to register or you have
changed your address, please fill out
the form on page 5. Those moving
from the parish are also asked to
contact the rectory. Thank you!
St. Christopher Church serves as a spiritual home where all are welcome to share in its ongoing
commitment to providing opportunities for
• Worship
through the celebration of the Sacraments,
• Service through active and compassionate participation in the community,
• Education
in God’s Word and the Catholic faith, and
• Fellowship
through parish events that nurture and support family life.
March 22, 2015
Mass Intentions
Saturday, March 21
4:00 PM Claire Martin, Month’s Mind
by St. Christopher Parish
Sunday, March 22
8:00 AM Yolanda C. Santerre,
9th Anniversary
by Paul & Sophia Santerre
10:00 AM Maureen T. Ziniti,
10th Anniversary
by Her Children
(Gift Bearers)
1:00 PM Vietnamese Mass
Monday, March 23
7:15 AM Florence Vera Roscoe
The Koitzsch Family
Tuesday, March 24
7:15 AM For Parish Intentions
Wednesday, March 25
7:15 AM Valentino Oliver
by His Daughter
Thursday, March 26
7:15 AM For Parish Intentions
Friday, March 27
7:15 AM For Parish Intentions
Saturday, March 28
4:00 PM Francis St. Cyr
Sunday, March 29 -- Palm Sunday
8:00 AM Karen Perry
by Dan & Sue Tracy
10:00 AM For Parish Intentions
1:00 PM Vietnamese Mass
The Sanctuary Lamp Burns This Week:
For Parish Intentions
Altar Bread and Wine:
The Altar Bread and Wine, which
will become the Body and Blood of
Our Lord Jesus Christ at all Masses
celebrated during the month of
March 2015, is offered for Tom Tighe,
17th Anniversary, by his wife, Andrea.
Hello again....
During the past several days, it has been
quite busy here at the parish. A few of the
First of all, I again want to thank Fr. Richard
McAlear for the retreat which he gave to
the parish. He has been a friend of mine
for many years and I pray that the Lord
will continue to give him the health and
strength that he needs to continue to do His
I thank the Mystery Players who were
here on Friday evening, March 13th for their
live presentation of the Sorrowful Mysteries
of the Most Holy Rosary. They were not
only excellent, they were inspiring. It is
good to see decent young people who are
so committed to spreading the faith. God
Bless the Mystery Players!
On Saturday evening, I attended the
Irish Hooley which was for the benefit of
Saint Francis School in Litchfield. It was a
most enjoyable evening. It was also good to
be entertained by the Celtic Clerics who are
a few of the seminarians from Saint John’s
Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts.
PATRICK DAY PARADE - Many people have
called the Knights of Columbus the ‘right
arm’ of the church. I would agree! There
have been many situations when I have
needed something to be done and the first
thing I do is to contact the K of C. They have
never let me down.
The Knights of Columbus have always
been in the fore-front in promoting
vocations and defending the church
whenever it needs to be. done They have
always been ready to ‘take a stand’ on
various issues, even if it is the unpopular
thing to do.
Last week for the first time, the
Massachusetts Council of the Knights of
Columbus decided not to march in the
annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Boston.
They said and I quote:
“The narrow objectives of certain
special interests, because it has become
politicized and divisive and because of
the misrepresentation of our motive for
participating – we will not march in this
year’s parade”.
annual Saint Patrick Day Parade has always
been based on family values and it has been
in honor of a great saint of the church. We
simply don’t believe that life-styles which
are contrary to the teachings of the church
and the message of the Gospel should be
endorsed in a Saint Patrick Day Parade. It
is not prejudice nor is it about boycotting
groups of people. It is about endorsing
life-styles which we don’t believe are moral
based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and
the Church.
remember in your prayers, Sister Margaret
Griffin, a Sister of Charity, who died this past
week. She was a distant relative and a longtime friend of my family. Sister Margaret was
99 years of age and was a professed Sister
for 80 years. Most important, she did a great
deal of good during her long life here on
earth. May she rest in peace with the Lord!
Palm Sunday Coffee Hour
March 29, 2015
Please join us!
March 22, 2015
K of C Scholarship
The Knights of Columbus Council 11907 will
be offering a scholarship in honor of Rev.
Martin T. Kelly. This scholarship is open to
catholic students who will graduate this
year and are members of St. Patrick parish, St. Christopher Parish, or are the sons,
daughters, grandsons, granddaughters
(including step and foster) of current members of the Knights of Columbus Council
11907. Fr. Kelly was the pastor of St. Patrick
Parish from 1992 until he entered eternal
life in 2011. Prior to his ordination, he taught
Latin at Nashua High School. The members
of K of C Council 11907 find it fitting to offer
this scholarship to a graduating senior in
Fr. Kelly’s name. To obtain an application
please contact Deputy Grand Knight Rob
Everett at (603) 229-7319. Applications must
be received no later than April 24, 2015.
Creating For Our Community
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, April 21st,
at 12:30 PM in the Pennell Center. Hope to
see you there!
If you are interested in joining this
group -- we knit and crochet Prayer Shawls
for our parish community -- you are welcome to come to our gatherings. We usually
get together once a month, and do the
majority of our knitting and crocheting at
home. Please contact Andrea Richards at
[email protected] or 598-4295 for more
If you know of someone who could
benefit from the gift of a Prayer Shawl,
whether they are having difficult time, or
simply need the comfort of Prayer wrapped
around their shoulders, please contact the
Parish Volunteers Needed
We have two volunteer opportunities at
St. Chris Parish during Holy Week. On Holy
Thursday, April 2nd, during the 7:00 PM
Mass of the Lord’s Supper, we need 12
individuals to volunteer to have their feet
washed. We also need volunteers to hand
out brochures to everyone as they exit the
church at the end of the Easter Vigil (Saturday, April 4th) and at the end of Easter 8:00
AM and 10:00 AM Sunday Masses. If you
(and your family) would like to help out,
please call Linda at the Rectory 882-0632. We’re Here for YOU at
St. Christopher Parish!
Book Club to Meet
The St. Christopher Book Club will meet at
7:00 PM at the Panera Bread on Amherst St.
on Tuesday, March 31. This month we are
reading “Take This Cup (The Jerusalem
Chronicles)” by Thoene, Bodie and Brock. In
this historical fiction, Nehemiah, the child of
Jewish exiles, undertakes a perilous journey
that leads to Jerusalem, Joseph of Arimathea, and ultimately to Jesus of Nazareth.
Please join us to discuss this powerful and
timely selection.
Rectory Hours:
Monday - Friday
Rectory Phone:
[email protected]
Parish Life - Linda Sanborn
[email protected]
Religious Education - Alana Kocsis
[email protected]
Confirmation - Deacon Jim Daly
[email protected]
This Week’s Parish Activities
Bookkeeper - Jean Dickson
Saturday, March 21, 2015
[email protected]
Confessions @3:00pm
Vigil Mass @4:00pm
Music Director - Carol Ann Skabo
Sunday, March 22, 2015
[email protected]
Sunday Mass @8:00am
Parish Council - Elizabeth Cote
Re.Ed. Pre-K to 6 @8:30am
Sunday Mass and Youth Choir @10:00am
[email protected]
Youth Choir Rehearsal @11:10am
Bulletin - Marta Nissen
Rehearsal for the Living Last Supper [email protected]
Bulletin submissions are due one Confirmation Class @7:00pm
Monday, March 23, 2015
7:15 am Morning Mass
Rel. Ed. Grades 7 & 8 @6:30pm
RCIA Class is Canceled @7:00pm
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
7:15 am Morning Mass
Cub Scout Troop Pack 253 Meeting @6:40pm
Rosary @7:00pm
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
7:15 am Morning Mass
Senior Yoga @8:00am
Adult Choir Rehearsal @7:00pm
Thursday, March 26, 2015
7:15 am Morning Mass
Boy Scout #773 @7:00pm
Families of Nazareth Sharing @7:00pm
Friday, March 27, 2015
7:15 am Morning Mass
Fish Dinners hosted by the Knights of
Columbus @4:30pm
Stations of the Cross and Confessions @7:00pm
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Dress rehearsal for the Living Last Supper @1:00pm
Confessions @3:00pm
Vigil for Palm Sunday Mass @4:00pm
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday Mass @8:00am
Re.Ed. Pre-K to 6 @8:30am
Palm Sunday Mass @10:00am
Knights of Columbus Coffee Hour after the 10 am Mass @11:00am
Youth Choir Rehearsal @11:10am
Sacrament of Baptism @2:30pm
“Living Last Supper” , Musical Presentation @4:00pm
1st Communion Class @5:30pm
Confirmation Class @7:00pm
week before publication.
Visitation of the Sick
Please call the Rectory, 882-0632,
if a loved one is hospitalized, in
the care of a nursing facility, or
confined at home, and would like
to receive the Sacraments.
Senior Companions
Are you homebound? Would you
enjoy a visit? Your parish wants
to stay connected with you! If St.
Christopher is your spiritual home,
how about a visit from one of your
fellow parishioners? To arrange
a visit, please call the Rectory at
Overwhelmed by life, by care?
May we help with our prayer?
St. Christopher’s Prayer Line -24/7 from us to Heaven!
Call the Prayer Line
(Coordinator Maureen Brown)
Go online to
Send email to
[email protected]
March 22, 2015
Parish Nurse Notes
Living Last Supper
March 15, 2015 Offertory
Children’s Envelopes
Faith Direct
Under Budget
Catholic Relief Services
(total to date $615.00)
Easter Flowers
(total to date $130.00)
On March 29th, Palm Sunday, at 4:00 PM,
our Adult and Youth Choir will present The
Living Last Supper. Anthems sung by the
choirs are interspersed throughout the
program to underscore the monologues
and Biblical truths presented by the disciples. The disciples will be portrayed by our
own parishioners. The choirs and disciples
welcome you to come and pray with us
during this dramatic musical presentation of
the Lord’s Last Supper and may this presentation place you within the spirit of Holy
Eagle Scout Project Help Needed
k you
Than or t ing
f o r su t u al H o m
Diocesan Catholic Schools
St. Christopher School
Grades Pre-Kindergarten - 6
Infant Jesus School
Grades Pre-Kindergarten - 6
Nashua Catholic Regional
Junior High School
Grades 7 & 8
George Trabucchi, a Boy Scout from Troop
272 in Nashua, an active parishioner here at
St. Christopher’s Parish, and a graduate of
St. Christopher’s School, is currently working on his Eagle Scout project to benefit the
Beaver Brook Association in Hollis. He will
be leading fellow scouts from his troop to
replace and/or significantly repair three of
the trailhead kiosks at Beaver Brook.
A frequent visitor, hiker and camper at
Beaver Brook, George is replacing and
improving several trail kiosks to ensure they
are waterproof and covered, and will be
around for many years to come.
George is asking for parishioner support for this worthwhile and beneficial project. To donate, you can either see George
directly after mass OR visit his fundraising
website at:
ndums8. George thanks you for your support!
Corpus Christi Corner
It’s March! Let us hope warm and sunny
days are coming soon. During the month of
February, 191.7 pounds of food was donated
to the Pantry. Many thanks from our clients,
some of whom would have had to make
choices between heating and eating. Suggested donations for the month of March
are: tuna, pasta salad mix, muffin mix, and
canned ham. There are baskets located at
each of the church entrances.
Did you know that sleep is one of nature”s
greatest health resources? Often, this basic
health need is overlooked. SLEEP does matter. So many of us try to burn the candle
at both ends during the week and vow to
“catch up” on the weekend. THIS is NOT effective. A minimum of 7 hours with the optimum of 8 hours of sleep is necessary for the
body to function at its best. Short-changing
yourself of this “down time” can have negative effects on your body. This week, keep a
log of the number of hours of sleep YOU get
and if you are lacking, try to increase sleep
time a bit at a time and experience the positive results.
Parish Nurse is at the Pennell Center between 8:00 and 10:00 AM the first and third
Tuesday of the month to assist you with
health related issues.
Discerning a Vocation?
“He became the source of eternal salvation
for all who obey Him” The gift of a vocation
to the priesthood or consecrated life requires an obedient response through prayer
and action. Call Father Jason Jalbert (603)
663-0132, or write: [email protected].
Italian Dinner Is Back!
We are pleased to announce “The Italian
Dinner” will return April 11th, 5:00 PM,
in the parish hall! We have all missed
the delicious menu of meat sauce and
meatballs (from the old Italian recipe),
the minestrone soup, pasta, salad and
rolls, dessert and drink. The cost is same:
Adults $9, Seniors (65 and up) $7, children 4-12 $6, and Family $30. Tickets will
be sold after all Masses March 21, March
28 and Easter Sunday at 8:00 and 10:00
AM. All proceeds will go to the music
March 22, 2015
Faith Formation News
Classes for Faith Formation are in the final
few weeks. Registration for next fall begins
in April for all parish programs. Contact
Alana Kocsis for more information.
Sunday Morning classes meet in the
school. Parents and children are to gather in
the parish hall at 8:30 AM. March 22 – Regular Class
March 29 – Regular Class
Junior High meets on Monday evening for
Grades 7 and 8 at 6:30 PM in the church hall. March 23 – Regular Class
March 30 – NO CLASS
April 6 – LAST CLASS
First Communion Classes
Preparation class for First Communion meet
on Sunday, March 29, at 4:00 PM in the
Vacation Bible School News
Save the Date! This summer’s VBS week is
June 29 to July 3. It is open to children in
Pre-K and beyond.
Also, it is time to begin making plans for
the summer VBS. This program needs many
volunteers both on-site and behind the
scenes. Please think about joining in this
fun week for the children.
Our annual fund raiser, The VBS Raffle,
is Saturday, May 16 and Sunday, May 17. We
are looking for new or nearly new donated
items that can be used as raffle prizes. Perhaps as you’re doing your spring cleaning;
you may discover an item that can be used
in the raffle.
Donations can be dropped off at the
church office between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM
during the week.
Final K of C
Friday Fish Dinner of Lent
Knights of Columbus from Saint John
XXIII, St. John the Evangelist, St. Patrick
and St. Christopher Parishes will serve
the last Baked Fish Dinner of this Lent
on March 27. The dinners are served
from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM at St. Christopher’s Church Hall, 62 Manchester Street,
Yoga for Seniors
If you are interested in improving your overall health and becoming a little more active,
consider joining the St. Christopher Yoga for
Seniors class weekly on Wednesday mornings at 8:00 AM in the Church Hall. Yoga
for Seniors is a class that moves the whole
body through a series of seated and standing yoga poses to increase flexibility and
range of motion, improve balance and core
strength, and help promote stress reduction
and mental clarity. Classes are provided free
of charge to St. Christopher’s seniors. All are
welcome to stop by and give it a try.
March 25 -- Regular Class @8:00 AM
April 1 -- Regular Class @ 8:00 AM
April 8 -- Regular Class @ 8:00 AM
April 15 -- Regular Class @ 8:00 AM
April 22 - Regular Class @8:00 AM
April 29 -- No Class
Families of Nazareth
Dying to Ourselves
“If we resist dying to ourselves, then our lives will
remain fruitless. We will not take advantage of the
designs and hopes that God has with regard to
each one of us.” -- S.C. Biela, Open Wide the Door
to Christ, p. 168.
IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Open Wide the
Door of Your Heart to Christ … the FNM
“Conversion of the Heart” REFLECTION
SERIES concludes this Thursday, in the
church. Join in quiet adoration before
the tabernacle, as we pray the Sorrowful
Mysteries of the Rosary at 7 PM. A time
of reflection and optional sharing follows.
All are welcome -- you may pick up a
“Conversion of the Heart” booklet in the
front alcove of the church ahead of time,
if you wish to preview the content.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families,
For the selfless acts they perform,
For us in our time of need.
And give us peace.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our
Lord and Savior. Amen.
Please pray for the following service
people from our parish:
Children of William and Yvette
Maj. Joseph Berthelotte (Army);
Maj. Brian Berthelotte (Army);
Maj. Mark Berthelotte (Air Force);
Lt. Brad Berthelotte (Navy)
Son of John and Alana Kocsis:
Pfc. John Kocsis III, (Army)
Son of Joseph and Sue Strob:
Maj. Rob Strob
Husband/Father of Lynn, Thomas
and Jack:
Sgt. Francis Hyland (Army)
Grandson of Pat and Kaye
Eamonn Garber, Corporal (USMC)
Son of David and Patricia Taylor:
SFC James Taylor (Army)
To add names to our weekly military
prayer list, please call Linda at the
rectory at 882-0632.
St. Christopher Parish welcomes all visitors to our Spiritual Home! If you are interested in
joining the parish, please complete the form below and either drop it in the Offertory Basket or mail it to the Rectory. One of our Parish staff members will be in touch. Registration
forms are also available online at
Name ____________________________
Phone _________________
Address __________________________
Email __________________
March 22, 2015
Prayer to Saint Michael
With so many challenges
confronting us these days, we
need help and strength to meet
them head on. Please join us in
praying daily that through the
intercession of Saint Michael,
we will remain faithful and
strong in the Lord’s service and
in defending the Truth which
resides in the Church!
St. Michael the Archangel defend
us in battle; be our protection
against the wickedness and
snares of the devil. May God
rebuke him, we humbly pray; and
do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God,
thrust into hell, Satan and all the
evil spirits who prowl around the
world seeking the ruin of souls.
Corpus Christi
Adoration Chapel
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
12:00 —8:00 PM
43 Franklin Street
Nashua , NH
Volunteers are needed to commit to one hour of adoration
each week. Adoration provides
a wonderful time of grace-filled
peace in the presence of our
Lord. Please contact Sr. Elizabeth Castro, H.M.S.P. at 8820893 or 882-2262 to sign up. 6
Journey to the Foot of the Cross:
Bishop Ricken Offers 10 Things to Remember For Lent
Bishop David L. Ricken of Green Bay, Wisconsin, former chairman of the
Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis of the U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops (USCCB), offers “10 Things to Remember for Lent”: Remember the formula. The Church does a good job capturing certain truths with easy-to-remember lists and formulas: 10 Commandments, 7 sacraments,
3 persons in the Trinity. For Lent, the Church gives us almost a slogan—Prayer, Fasting
and Almsgiving—as the three things we need to work on during the season.
It’s a time of prayer. Lent is essentially an act of prayer spread out over 40 days. As
we pray, we go on a journey, one that hopefully brings us closer to Christ and leaves us
changed by the encounter with him.
It’s a time to fast. With the fasts of Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, meatless
Fridays, and our personal disciplines interspersed, Lent is the only time many Catholics
these days actually fast. And maybe that’s why it gets all the attention. “What are you giving up for Lent? Hotdogs? Beer? Jelly beans?” It’s almost a game for some of us, but fasting is actually a form of penance, which helps us turn away from sin and toward Christ.
It’s a time to work on discipline. The 40 days of Lent are also a good, set time to
work on personal discipline in general. Instead of giving something up, it can be doing
something positive. “I’m going to exercise more. I’m going to pray more. I’m going to be
nicer to my family, friends and coworkers.” It’s about dying to yourself. The more serious side of Lenten discipline is that it’s
about more than self-control – it’s about finding aspects of yourself that are less than
Christ-like and letting them die. The suffering and death of Christ are foremost on our
minds during Lent, and we join in these mysteries by suffering, dying with Christ and being resurrected in a purified form.
Don’t do too much. It’s tempting to make Lent some ambitious period of personal
reinvention, but it’s best to keep it simple and focused. There’s a reason the Church works
on these mysteries year after year. We spend our entire lives growing closer to God. Don’t
try to cram it all in one Lent. That’s a recipe for failure. Lent reminds us of our weakness. Of course, even when we set simple goals for
ourselves during Lent, we still have trouble keeping them. When we fast, we realize we’re
all just one meal away from hunger. In both cases, Lent shows us our weakness. This can
be painful, but recognizing how helpless we are makes us seek God’s help with renewed
urgency and sincerity.
Be patient with yourself. When we’re confronted with our own weakness during
Lent, the temptation is to get angry and frustrated. “What a bad person I am!” But that’s
the wrong lesson. God is calling us to be patient and to see ourselves as he does, with
unconditional love.
Reach out in charity. As we experience weakness and suffering during Lent, we
should be renewed in our compassion for those who are hungry, suffering or otherwise
in need. The third part of the Lenten formula is almsgiving. It’s about more than throwing
a few extra dollars in the collection plate; it’s about reaching out to others and helping
them without question as a way of sharing
the experience of God’s unconditional
Learn to love like Christ. Giving of
ourselves in the midst of our suffering and
self-denial brings us closer to loving like
Christ, who suffered and poured himself
“Let us allow God to fill our hearts with
out unconditionally on cross for all of us.
his goodness and mercy.”
Lent is a journey through the desert to the
foot of the cross on Good Friday, as we seek
Pope Francis I @ Pontifex
him out, ask his help, join in his suffering,
March 17, 2015
and learn to love like him.
March 22, 2015
Family Connection to this Week’s Gospel
Gospel Reading: John 12:20-23
Jesus teaches his disciples about the way in which he will be glorified by
God, and a voice from heaven is heard to affirm this teaching.
Family life is often a balancing act in which we prioritize and attend to a variety of competing needs. We learn the value of putting others’ needs ahead of our own. In family life we
also learn that when we make personal sacrifices to serve others, we gain so much more
than we may have lost.
As you gather as a family, talk about how important it is to your family life to gladly serve one another. Ask each person to
consider the last time that another family member asked for help. What was your response? Did you cheerfully try to honor the
request, or did you ask “Why me?” Read today’s Gospel, John 12:20-33. How do you think Jesus would want us to respond when
someone in our family asks for help? Invite each family member to make a commitment for the next week to try to respond
cheerfully to requests for help. Pray together, asking God’s help with this commitment. Pray the Prayer of Saint Ignatius of
Loyola.Reprinted from