ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Programs INFO: 1 2 3 Nature Love Natural Resources Topics geared to your students. Choose indoors or outdoors; your place or ours, any NRD area. Sponsored by the Papio NRD; a 6-county District which provides no-cost environmental education. Water Ed @ Chalco Hills Please Share with other Staff Classroom Grants Papio-Missouri River NRD 8901 S 154 Street Omaha, NE 68138 www.papionrd.org Free Trees & Seeds n Summer Camps rs 2015 Environmental Education News In-class Programs a d bor For Eastern Nebraska INSIDE: Free Trees & Seeds. Presentations. Grants for Schools, Scholarships and Classrooms. High School ENVIROTHON Competition. Nature Nights. Papio Missouri River Natural Resources District: 8901 S. 154 Street, 68138 at Chalco Hills Recreation Area www.papionrd.org 402.444.6222 Programming Contact: Christine Jacobsen 402.315.1713 [email protected] Trees & Seeds Austen Hill 402.315.1777 [email protected] FREE Trees & Seeds: Discover Nightime NATURE NO COST • The Metro Omaha Resources For Exploring Nature – M.O.R.E Nature – is looking for schools to host family nature nights. Set up a night at your site for students and families to come together and experience nature through activities by local experts. Contact Christine Jacobsen at the NRD, 402.315.1713. 2014/15 CALENDAR Dec. Project Wild, Project Wet & Project Learning Tree Educators Workshop. Dec. 2, 4, 9 @ Creighton U. $20. • Envirothon Registrations mailed to schools. Jan. Order your free trees and seeds with Austen @ [email protected]. Feb. Water Works Online Applications due for 5th Grade. • High School Envirothon Competition Feb. 24th; 10:30 AM or 4PM. • Time to register for NRD summer camps. Mar. Apr. May June July Call to set up Spring/Fall Education programs. Earth Day Omaha Celebration April 18 @ Elmwood Park. • Earth Day 4/22; Arbor Day 4/24 May 5: Nat’l Teacher Appreciation Day. • 5th Grade Water Works May 5&6. Summer Camps: Backyard Explorers, 6/1-5. Discovering Nature, 6/15-19. Summer Camps: Boys Challenge Camp, 7/13-15. Girls in the Wild, 7/29-31 Order in January seedlings and seed packets for your groups. HIGH SCHOOL COMPETITION 1 2 3 4 TR EE S A ND S EED S : NO CO S T • Every year the Papio-Missouri River NRD gives away thousands of trees and wildflower seed packets. The trees are small seedlings and the flowers are a wildflower mix. In late April, 2015, the trees and seeds will be distributed in time to celebrate Arbor Day and Earth Day festivities. ENVIROTHON: An environmental competition for teams of 5 students. Schools may have multiple teams. TESTS: Knowledge on aquatics, forestry, policy, range, soils, wildlife and current environmental issues. Tip: Set up a program with one of our NRD Educators to teach your students how to plant and care for their seedlings. $200 GRANT: Awarded to all teams who compete for use towards environmental projects. Or der in Januar y. Contac t A u sten ahill @ p apionr d . or g WHEN: February 24, 2015 at Chalco Hills Rec Area. Chose 10:30 AM or 4 PM. Winning team will proceed to state competition in May. Can you BEAT Omaha Concordia? (2014 Winners!) Water Works 25 YRS 5th GRD. Local Premier Field Trip MAY 5 & 6, 2015 Schramm Park Applications will be sent in early January, and due online mid Feb. Exclusively geared for 5th Grades. Classes are randomly picked to attend. More than 36,000 students have heard a water conservation message in the last 25 years. 5th GRADE Water Works Field Days focus is on water fun and conservation. APPLY online in FEBRUARY www. papionrd.org Programs Outdoor Topics SNAKES: touch them! Chose from these topics, or request your own. NO COST! TOPICS environmental Lizard Lowdown: Discover just what makes a lizard . . a lizard! With the help of some live critters, children will have a hands-on opportunity to learn all about these amazing reptiles. Animal Tracks/Pelts/Skulls: Explore the life history of various Nebraska mammals. Through the use of pelts, skulls, and tracks, kids will get a better understanding of how these animals live. Slithering Serpents: Did you know: before snakes were feared they were worshipped? Learn why they are nothing to be afraid of with the help of a few Nebraska snakes. Erosion, Surface Water and Groundwater: Hands-on models are used to help students better understand where our water comes from and focus on current water issues. Environmental History: Since the first people crossed into what is now Nebraska, humans have relied on our state’s natural resources to survive. Learn how various cultures shape their environment, and are shaped by it in a topic that complements Nebraska history. Bird Nests: Discover the diversity of bird nest designs as well as fun facts about the little feathered engineer who made them. Wetlands: Get down and dirty as you investigate a wetland up close. We use various equipment to teach about animals, soils, and plants in local wetlands. Incredible Insects: Insects are a mysterious and often misunderstood animal. With the aid of real insects, we will explore the wonderful world of six-legged critters. Animal Adaptations: Examine first-hand common wetland animals and the adaptations that make them at home in water. OWLS: Taloned Teachers: Red, an Eastern Screech Owl, and Luna, a Great Horned Owl, are excellent teachers on predator/ prey relationships, animal adaptations and owl pellets, providing students and teachers alike an upclose view of wildlife that many do not get a chance to see. Tree Planting: Discover what a tree needs to survive, as well as how trees help us survive. Get your own tree to take home and plant (April/May). Recycle Relay: Conservation, natural resources, and recycling are the topics-of-the-day! Learn what makes something a natural resource, decide what common household waste is recyclable, and end with a sustainable snack activity. Analyze Your River: Students will collect, sort, classify, identify, analyze, and evaluate a sample of ordinary materials representing aquatic macroinvertebrates right in the classroom. Expert Staff Geocaching: High-tech program combines electronics and the outdoors using GPS devices to find hidden treasures at a park (or at your school site.) Wetlands/Macro Invertebrates: Investigate a wetland up close. Learn about animals, soils, plants & larvae in wetlands. 3rd grade+ Nature Hikes: Take a guide-led nature trail hike through the woods and prairie grasses to learn about our Eastern Nebraska ecosystems. Nature Playground Have fun with free play in the sand piles, hollow logs and nature art. Play with nature, not just in it! NEXT STEPS 1 Choose your subject from the list, or ask for a specialized topic. Our staff are experts on current topics. 2 Choose Indoors or outdoors; your place or ours (Chalco Hills Recreation Area) 3 Call or Email your request; please give the NRD plenty of notice. Times are year round, but on a limited basis. OWLS: a kids favorite RESOURCES, SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS tailored for eastern Nebraska ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Water studies TOP things to know NRD Staff will work with you at Chalco Hills or any of the NRD Rec Areas for field trips, or staff can meet you at your school or location for presentations. CHALCO HILLS REC AREA is managed by the Papio Natural Resources District. It’s in Southwest Omaha and features Wehrspann Lake, trails, an arboretum and play spots. Youth need to be outdoors to truly experience and learn about nature. A love of nature promotes life-long environmental conservation. NRD Nature Camps are a perfect opportunity for youth to get outdoors in the summer. NO CO S T • P r og rams are f o r s t ude nt s , s c ou t s , club s , familie s and o t h e r int e re s t e d g r oup s in S ar p y , D oug las , Washing t on , Bur t , T hurs t on and Dak o ta C ountie s . NR D S t a f f can w o r k w i t h y ou a t y our plac e o r a t on e o f t h e NRD Re c A re as . A dvanc e N o tic e is o f c ours e re quire d . The NRD’s top focus is flood control in the metro area; so water and local water issues are always on our minds, as well as wildlife, forestry and conservation. Exploring Nature S chol ar s hip s : To appl y f o r a s ch olarship f o r clas s e s o r t rain ing , v isi t t h e NRD onlin e . T h e s e are awar de d t hr oug h ou t t h e y e ar . Mini - Gr ant s : A ppl y f o r a $ 5 0 g rant on lin e t o w o r k on s ome f un e nv ir onme ntal s cie nc e pr oj e ct s in y our clas s r o om . V is i t w w w . p apionr d . o r g and lo o k unde r t h e ou tdo o r clas s r o oms tab. The NRD has natural resources experts on staff. Headquartered in Sarpy County, the NRD works within 6 counties in eastern NE. Some of our most visible projects include flood control reservoirs such as the one at Chalco Hills, as well as Papio Creek flood control projects, levees and trails. $200 The NRD offers a Library of environmental materials for classroom checkout. $1,000 grants are available for outdoor classrooms for schools. $1,000 Scholarships of $200 are offered for teachers taking environmental classes or training. Minigrants of $50 are offered for small classroom environmental projects. $50 information for all can be found at www.papionrd.org The Papio-Missouri River NRD and USDA are equal opportunity employers. Ou t door Cl a s s r ooms : Grant s o f $ 1 , 0 0 0 are available f o r ou tdo o r clas s r o oms annuall y . T h e s e clas s r o oms can include bu t t e r f l y gar de ns , prair ie g ras s planting s , p onds , vege table gar de ns , ar b o re t um t rails and s o many o t h e r ide as . P r oj e ct s sp ons o re d b y t h e NRD can b e f ound t hr oug h ou t t h e Dis t r ict and are us e d t o t e ach ma t h , s cie nc e and lag uage ar t s c onc e pt s . P lanning p ac k e t s are available . L ibr ar y : T h e Papio NRD has made ma t e r ials available onlin e f o r ch e c k ou t . We have a w e al t h o f b o o k s and v ide o s on na t ural re s our c e t opic s including s tar ting ou tdo o r clas s r o oms . A ll i t ems are available f o r fre e . WWW. p apionr d . or g ; k ids acti v i tie s tab . Papio Natural Resources District 2014/15
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