Divine Mercy Parish 312 Davis St., Scranton, PA 18505 / 570-344-1724 / www.divinemercyparish.us Worship Schedule Saturday……..4:00PM & 5:30PM Sunday………….8:00AM, 11:00AM & 5:00PM Monday - Friday…………..12:10PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 11:00AM - 11:45AM or anytime by appointment Eucharistic Holy Hour Wednesday 6:00PM Sunday Evening Prayer Sunday 6:00PM Office Hours 9:00AM - 5:00PM Monday - Friday Religious Education Office 5:00PM - 9:00PM Tuesday & Thursday 9:00AM - 11:00AM Sunday Fax Number: 570-344-1787 School Information All Saints Academy 570-343-8114 Holy Cross High School 570-346-7541 Head Groundskeeper Martin Montoro Sacristans William Castaldi, Anthony DelVecchio, Edward Fortuna, Shawn Soroka, Sal DeFrancesco, Daniel Burke, Michael Boyko Office Staff Rev. Francis L. Pauselli Pastor [email protected] William Drazdowski Director of Parish Operations [email protected] Brittain Banull Director of Religious Education [email protected] Nicholas Katchur Director of Music [email protected] Parish Council Michele Manzo Ann Marie Cawley Lois Fuller Mary Ellen McDonough Joseph Walsh Edward Fortuna The Second Sunday of Lent Weekend of February 28 & March 1, 2015 Margaret MacArt Cathleen Shields Kathryn Moceyunas Jamie Hayes Dominick Georgetti Page 2 THE WORD IS THE PRESENCE OF OUR LORD THROUGH SCRIPTURE, THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE CAN CONTINUE TO BUILD OUR FAITH. Religious Education / Life Long Faith Formation (Advent and Lent Bible Study) / Vacation Bible School / RCIA / Children’s Liturgy of the Word Religious Education News: From Brittain Banull DRE Youth Group Meeting Our High School Youth Group will meet on Sunday, March 1st, from 6:00PM to 8:00PM in the Parish Center. All high school students in private or public school are welcome to attend. Make-Up First Eucharist Meeting Attention Second Grade Parents! There will be a make-up First Eucharist meeting on Sunday, March 1st, after the 11:00AM Mass. You are required to attend this meeting. The First Eucharist meeting will outline how you can help prepare your child for the Sacrament of Eucharist and explain the schedule for the remainder of the year. The meeting will take place in the Parish Center. First Communion Retreat The First Communion Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 7th. It will begin at Noon in the Parish Center and end after the 4:00 PM Mass at Divine Mercy Parish. Thank you to the parents who have signed up to help lead and work at the retreat, if anyone else would like to help please, contact Brittain Banull at the Parish Office. Confirmation Service Opportunity The following events need volunteers. March 5, 2015 6:00 PM-8:00 PM Preparation for First Communion Retreat March 7, 2015 11:30 AM-4:00 PM First Communion Retreat Please contact Brittain Banull at the Parish Office if you would like to volunteer for this event. THE BIBLE, THE CATHOLIC FAITH and MORE: Discussion sessions are on the first and third Thursdays of the month in the Parish Center from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Facilitated by Mike Abdalla Living Stations Our parish will hold Living Stations of the Cross on Palm Sunday, March 29th, at 7:30PM. We are in need of volunteers to fill several roles and provide the narration. Anyone in the Confirmation class, Youth Group, and college students are invited to participate. This event will count for any needed service hours. The Living Stations will follow a reflective performance titled We Remember Calvary, with music provided by the Divine Mercy Parish Adult Choir. Practices will begin on Thursday, March 12th at 7:00PM. Please contact Brit or Nick at the Parish Office to sign up. Calendar Party The Women's Guild of Divine Mercy Parish will hold its annual Calendar Party on Sunday, March 22nd. This event will begin at 2:00PM and end at 4:00PM. Name Tags All Ushers, Sacristans, and Eucharistic Ministers are asked to stop in the sacristy before your scheduled Mass to pick up a new name tag. Gift Bearers If you would like to bring up the gifts at the weekend Masses, please inform the usher before Mass begins. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Wednesday from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in the church. Page 3 WORSHIP IS THE TANGIBLE EXPRESSION OF OUR LORD’S LOVE FOR US We Remember... AND OUR RESPONSE TO HIM IN A CONCRETE AND LOVING EXPRESSION OF FAITH. Monday—12:10PM 3/2/2015 Liturgy Committee / Art and Environment / Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration / Evening Prayer / Music Ministry / Eucharistic Ministers / Lectors / Altar Servers / Choirs / Cantors / Musicians / Ushers and Sacristans / Hospitality John ‘Jack’ Byrne Requested by Mr. & Mrs. Allen Tuesday—12:10PM 3/3/2015 Gerard Preston Requested by his daughter, Marge McAuley Wednesday—12:10PM 3/4/2015 James P. O’Hara Requested by his family Thursday—12:10PM 3/5/2015 Helen Hannon Requested by John and Cathy Pocius Friday—12:10PM 3/6/2015 Thomas P. Kearney Jr. Requested by the Kearney family Saturday—4:00PM 3/7/2015 Kimberly Banick Requested by her family Saturday—5:30PM Philomena Lutian Requested by the Kearney family Sunday—8:00AM 3/8/2015 Mary Hager Requested by her family Sunday—11:00AM Matthew Grendel Requested by his family Sunday—5:00PM Mass for the People From the Desk of Father Pauselli Congratulations to Thomas Francis Kelly Jr. who will be baptized this weekend at Divine Mercy. Thomas Francis is the son of Thomas and Kristen Keller Kelly. He was born on August 30th, 2014. May the Lord bless Thomas Francis and his family on this most special occasion! The 2015 Paschal Candle has arrived and will be blessed on Holy Saturday, April 4. If you would like to donate this Candle in memory of a loved one, contact Bill or me at the parish office and we will arrange to do that with you. This is a beautiful way to remember a loved one! If you have not yet made a financial gift to this year’s Diocesan Annual Appeal may I encourage you to do so. We have not reached our parish goal at Divine Mercy. I would like to tell you that the monies contributed help a great number of people throughout our Diocese. Contact the parish office or the Development Office for the Diocese to make a financial gift and to discover the good that will come from it. All of our gifts and abilities point back to the One who made us, and we are to use these gifts for the purpose of ongoing service in God’s kingdom. Don’t forget that the Light is ON for You each Monday during Lent in the Church between the hours of 5:30PM and 7:00PM to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Take advantage of this opportunity and experience the forgiveness of the Lord. Stations of the Cross are prayed after the 12:10PM Mass and at 5:30PM on Friday . We also gather for lunch after the Stations on Fridays during Lent. Have a great week! How to Become a Parish of Intentional Disciples with Katherine Coolidge of the Catherine of Siena Institute Saturday, March 21, 2015 8:30AM-4:30PM Diocesan Pastoral Center 330 Wyoming Ave., Scranton This workshop will explore: The changing face of the people we are called to accompany –You can’t assume the same things that have brought people back/into the Church will still work! The three concurrent journeys any Christian travels. The five thresholds of the spiritual journey. Evangelizing as an individual. Evangelizing as a parish. Be a part of this vibrant workshop … If you are concerned about someone you know who has left the Church. If you read Forming Intentional Disciples and were intrigued/excited. If you are part of a parish pastoral council or parish staff and have made evangelization part of your parish plan. If you are part of an evangelization team in a parish. If you are in any parish ministry and wonder how to reach more people. If you care about how to get young people interested in the Church. To register, please visit www.dioceseofscranton.org Page 4 Liturgical Assignments WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF GOD. WE STRIVE TO BE THE FACE OF GOD FOR OTHERS IN OUR PARISH AND THE PEOPLE WE MEET DAILY IN OUR COMMUNITY. for March 7 & 8, 2015 Saturday 4:00PM Cantor Megan Kolata Parish Breakfast / Craft Fair / Calendar Party / Parish Picnic / Movie Night / Doughnut Sunday / Lector Beth DeFrancesco First Friday and Lenten Friday Luncheons / Clothes Shed and Coat Drive / Easter Egg Hunt / Janice Patterson Breakfast with Santa / Concerts EM Judy Digwood Coordinating Team Members: Tom Cerep, Mary Theresa Montoro, Chris Musso, Marian Donelan Karen Grzyboski, Jen Roever, Bill Drazdowski, and Marge MacArt Lisa Minnichbach From the Desk of Bill Drazdowski: Gerald Phillips End of Year Statement requests: Servers Zachary Patterson It’s tax season again! If anyone would like to get an End of Year Statement of their donations to the Parish for 2014, please feel free to give me a call at the Parish office, or send me an Email. We do not mail out End of Year Statements without a request, so please feel free contact me. Lenten Lunches are back ! Once again we will hold Lenten Lunches every Friday during Lent following the 12:10 PM Mass and Stations of the Cross. This has become a great tradition for our Parish. We hope even more people can join us this year. The first of these lunches was held on February 20th. Saturday 5:30PM Cantor Michael Kavulich Lector Joseph Moceyunas Kathy Moceyunas EM Joseph Donovan Mark Evans Servers David Wilce Parish Breakfast Profit/Loss Report: Income: Ticket Sales: $ 2,288.00 Baskets Raffle: 398.00 Donation: 23.00 Total Income $ 2,709.00 Expenses: Maine Source: $ 249.48 Schiff’s 1,176.56 Rolls: 67.00 Advertising 66.00 Start up 100.00 Total Expenses $1,659.04 Net Profit: $1,049.96 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Divine Mercy Parish Council met on February 11. Topics of discussion were: Pastoral Plan goals, action steps and timelines for Word, Worship, Community and Service. Hospitality - name tags now being worn by our Ushers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Sacristans. Quarterly newsletter beginning in April. Community and Service Commissions. Website updates. By Laws. Succession plan and discernment process. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 11. Sunday 8:00AM Cantor Lori Singer Lector Roseann Tedesco Michael Tedesco EM Mari Walsh Rose M Kloss Servers Ryan Semyon Sunday 11:00AM Cantor Ned Abrahamsen Lector Laura Delayo Jeremy Liptai EM Ann M Charnogursky Marge MacArt Barbara Malinowski Chris Musso Servers Nicholas Terrery Sunday 5:00PM Cantor Lexi Manzo Lector Brian Price Zane Price EM Michael Abdalla Kathy Boyle Servers Matthew Yatzun Page 5 THROUGH SCRIPTURE WE KNOW GOD CALLS US TO SERVE OTHERS. WE ARE A PARISH COMMUNITY COMMITTED TO HELPING THOSE IN NEED. Eucharistic Outreach / Divine Mercy Table / Social Concerns Committee / Food Pantry Support / Blood Drive / Holiday Donations / Souper Bowl of Caring Coordinating Team Members: Mike Abdalla, Marguerite Coyle, Joanne Corbett, Cathy Genovese, Rose Marie Kloss, Sr. Janet Jeffers, Bill Drazdowski, and Michele Manzo HOSPITALITY MINISTRY Men and women who have available time in the morning are invited to participate in Serving Families and Friends who are grieving. Duties of the greeters are to offer a warm welcome to guests and provide the program which will help them take part in the Funeral Mass. Volunteers may stay for the Mass or leave after the family and friends have been seated. Members of the Hospitality Committee might be called to help once or twice a month. Please call Rose Marie Kloss at 570-562-0871 for more information. Communication Skills for Ministry Series One on One: March 7, 9AM-4PM Diocesan Pastoral Center, 330 Wyoming Ave, Scranton Listening Skills - Sr. Jane O’Donnell, RSM, Mercy Consultation Center, will teach practical skills for being fully present to those to whom we minister. Conflict Resolution & Mediation – Dr. John Lemoncelli, retired professor and counselor, will explore ways for pastoral ministers to assist families, parishioners and themselves in solving conflicts constructively In Front of a Group: April 25, 9AM-4PM Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Wilkes-Barre Public Speaking/Presentation Skills - Dr. Maria Poggi-Johnson, University of Scranton, Theology Department will introduce basic public speaking techniques and practice. Designing and Leading Prayer - Sr. Madonna Figuera, SSCM, Pastoral Associate, St. André Bessette Parish, Wilkes-Barre will provide guidelines for planning and leading community prayer experiences. (Each Workshop $30; Call 570-207-2213) Mentoring Opportunity Would you be interested in helping a woman transition into the community from the Lackawanna County Prison? EOTC is initiating a program, Women in Transition Together, which helps women make the adjustment from prison to society. When: Monday, March 2, from 5:30PM to 6:30PM Where: EOTC 431 North 7th Avenue, Scranton, PA Any questions? Contact Erica Hubert 570-558-7576 or Mickey McConnon 570-558-7572 Monday • March 2 Lenten Weekday Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday • March 3 Lenten Weekday Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday • March 4 Lenten Weekday Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 Thursday • March 5 Lenten Weekday Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31 Friday • March 6 Lenten Weekday Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Mt 21:3343, 45-46 Saturday • March 7 Lenten Weekday Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday • March 8 Third Sunday of Lent Ex 20:1-17/1 Cor 1:22-25/Jn 2:13-25 Mass Attendance Feb 21– Feb 22 Saturday 4:00PM 364 5:30PM 119 Sunday 8:00AM 11:00AM 108 245 5:00PM 167 Important March Dates March 5 Liturgy Committee Meeting - 7:00 PM March 11 Parish Pastoral Council Meeting - 7:00 PM March 18 Women’s Guild Meeting - 7:00 PM The Greatest Gift Do you have a family member or neighbor who cannot leave their home to attend Mass and receive the Blessed Sacrament? Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are here to serve your loved ones by bringing them the gift of Christ Himself, the greatest gift that can be given. If you know of someone we should be serving, please contact Vince Klingler at 570-205-5716 or [email protected] for arrangements. SUNDAY EVENING PRAYER EVERY SUNDAY AT 6:00PM Weekly Sacrificial Giving Weekend of 2-15-15: $13,012.75 Weekend of 2-22-15: $8,331.00 Thank you for your continued support and generosity!
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