We - Saint Francis of Assisi Parish

St. Francis of Assisi Parish
March 1, 2015 • Second Sunday of Lent
Lent – Through the Lens of Outreach
Adding vs. Subtracting
n the past year one of our Ministries of Outreach, Franciscan Pathways of Jus ce, has hosted a number of presenta ons with topics based on the Seven Themes of Catholic
Social Teaching. The most recent presenta on was “Lenten
Journey for Racial Jus ce.” For many of us, conversa ons
about race are not easy, calling for a great deal more in macy
and risk than we are accustomed to. Where can we begin?
Maybe it begins with a dialogue with ourselves when we ask,
Why am I uncomfortable with this?
It takes courage to navigate a topic so weighted with
painful history. Through knowing that we are held in Grace
by God and community, can we cast aside our fears? Understanding that we are each made in God’s image, can we
replace our fears with love? These are good ques ons to ask
ourselves in this Lenten season as we wait, reflect and listen
for God’s voice in our inner silence. This is a me when we
focus our hearts, minds and souls on the presence of Christ in
all of us.
Lent is an opportunity to reconcile our inward beliefs
with our outward prac ces.
A er healing a blind man, Jesus asks him, “Do you see
anything?” The blind man replies, “I see people looking like
trees and walking.” Are we, like the blind man, stumbling
forward and seeing people “looking like trees and walking” or,
in the shades of black, brown and white around us, do we see
the face of God?
We can move past our “blindness” by staying grounded
in our Chris an understanding that we are each made in
God’s image. We can remember that it is in covenant that
we live, covenant with God and with each other. During this
Lenten season, let us pray for the grace to care for each other
as whole persons, the courage to move beyond our comfort
zones, and the determina on to be more inten onal about
building rela onships across the color line. If we ask for this
grace, I believe it will be granted by Christ in the libera ng
and healing Spirit of God, the God of all people, of all colors,
who is love.
s we enter into Lent, I am always conflicted as to
how to feel. When I was young, the Lenten Season
presented itself as this dark, austere me of sacrifice and
repentance. I had visions of those in the early Church walking
around with no shoes, burlap bags for clothes and ashes all
over their faces. The subject of conversa on was, “What are
you giving up for Lent?” The thought of the 40 days of Lent
can’t help but bring back the Bible stories of Moses fas ng on
Mount Sinai for 40 days or Jesus going into the desert to pray
for 40 days. It was a me of seclusion and inward turning—a
period of reflec on, penance and fas ng.
Fas ng can be a good thing, specially for those who have
a few “Winter Pounds” to lose, like me. There is nothing wrong
with se ng aside a me of reflec on on our lives and taking
some inventory on how we are doing and repen ng for our
transgressions. But aren’t these things we should be doing
every day—nstead of only during the 40 some days of Lent?
That was something that always confused me. Instead of denial,
of giving something up for 40 days, why don’t we, instead,
commit to something posi ve for the rest of our lives?
I’m very certain that God is happy when we repent of sin.
He may even be pleased that we sacrifice something we enjoy
like chocolate, or wine, or watching TV. But I’d bet He would
be even more pleased if we added something to the rest of
our lives instead of subtrac ng something for a few days.
How about looking at each other with acceptance rather than
with judgment? Try to do a kindness for someone during
the day. Replace a nega ve thought about yourself with a
posi ve one. Replace a nega ve thought about someone else
with a posi ve one.
I’m sure we can all think of something posi ve we can
add to our lives for the rest of our lives.
Joe Prassa, Plant Manager
What keeps you from seeing the face of God in
all people?
Galen Unruh, Director of Outreach
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil 5:15 pm
Sunday 7:30 am, 9:30 am, Noon
Weekday Masses
(in St. Clare Chapel)
12:10 pm
Saturdays 4:00 - 5:00 pm
or by appointment
Church Hours
M-Th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Fri 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Opportunities and Information
Draw Closer to Me
Get your seat cleaned for Easter!
n the Liturgy Team’s discussion and
planning for Lent this year we talked
about all the thousands of decisions we
make every day, and how just by changing some of those decisions we can draw
closer to God during Lent—instead of
“adding” or “giving up” something else or
making a “New Year’s type resolu on.” We could just become
more aware of the thousands of decisions we make each
day—what me to get up? What to have for lunch? Where to
shop? Who to call on the phone? Who to spend me with?
And then, during Lent, change some or at least one of those
decisions… in order to draw closer to God. Ahh! That’s the
crux of Lent (no pun intended!): to draw closer to God and
grow in that rela onship.
Saturday, March 21
elipe Valverde needs 12 volunteers to help clean and repair
the chairs in Brunsman Hall and the
Church. Please help him get the job
done before Easter. Please call him
to let him know that you can help
(731-4949). Thanks!
Annual Catholic Appeal—It’s Not Too Late!
hank you to those who have already
contributed and/ or pledged to the
2015 Annual Catholic Appeal! The Annual
Catholic Appeal is our yearly tradi on that
connects us to thousands of people who
need our help every day. If you have not yet made a dona on,
Appeal envelopes are available in the pews, or contact the
parish office. Your gi truly makes a difference in the lives of
others. 25% comes back to our parish for our Assistance to
the Needy program.
The ques on for the Liturgy Team then became how
could we express this visually, in our church? We talked about
using shi ing colors, to reflect the transi ons and changes
we experience throughout Lent. The large banner that you
see hanging in the church is a result of that discussion. I
designed this Lenten banner by changing the pale e of colors
within a photo to the Lenten shades of violet and purple, and
then Photoshopping it into pixels so it looks like a mosaic—
thousands of li le one-inch fabric squares represen ng the
decisions we make every day—like the mosaic of our lives.
On Ash Wednesday we heard God say to us, “Return to
me with your whole heart!” Our God is longing for us, yearning for us, desiring us. What is keeping you from drawing closer
to Jesus? To God?
Our Parish
St. Francis Parish is a Catholic Chris an Community
building the reign of God in the spirit and path
of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi.
May the grace and peace of Christ be with you this Lent,
We value vibrant liturgy and personal prayer
as a way to worship God and celebrate life.
Deborah Jones, Director of Liturgy
Challenged by the Holy Spirit,
we reach beyond ourselves to care for our neighbors,
the poor, the marginalized,
and those alienated by our Catholic Church.
Little Black Books for Lent
Available at the Parish Center
e are once again offering the Little
Black Books as a prayer opportunity
for our Lenten journey! Copies of this very popular Lenten
guide will be available during the week at the Parish Center
until we run out. $1 donation.
We respond to the command of Jesus to love
by welcoming all, evangelizing,
suppor ng spiritual growth,
and being Eucharist to each other.
We aspire to be witnesses and prophets
advoca ng for jus ce in the world and in the Church.
Lenten Meditations
We are an inclusive community
respec ng the dignity of all persons
and suppor ng the journey of each person.
Saturday, March 7
7:30 pm
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
—St. Francis Parish Mission Statement
(1017 11th Street, Sacramento)
apella An qua, Ar sts-in-Residence at the Cathedral,
would like to invite St. Francis to our upcoming concert
of Lenten sacred music by Schütz, Lo , and Poulenc, and
ending with Lobet den Herrn, BWV 230 by J.S. Bach. Tickets at
h p://capella.brownpaper ckets.com/.
Opportunities and Information
Lenten Soup Suppers
Adult Faith Formation...
Sponsored by Our School
Try Something New for Lent: Living Simply
Wednesday, March 18
Topic: “Stations of the Cross and Resurrection”
5:30pm Dinner (please bring 1 can of soup per person)
6:00 - 7:00 pm Lenten Reflection and Activity
Jesus said to them: Be on your guard against all
kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the
abundance of possessions. – Luke 12:15
ent is a major event in our Chris an community, a me
when many want to “do something more” to cul vate
their spiritual life and make the world a be er place. A conscious de-clu ering of our lives can enable us to live more
simply and in right rela onship with God, crea on and our
en re human family.
oin our school families in Brunsman Hall for a simple
meal and an opportunity for prayer, reflec on, and prepara on for Easter. RSVP not required but greatly appreciated for
a general head count: Tami Gu errez ([email protected]).
Did you know?
If the Earth were divided equally among all of us, each
person would receive 4.5 acres. Everything you need to survive would have to come from these 4.5 acres. It takes 22.3
acres to maintain the average American lifestyle. Do we really
need all the stuff stored in our closets, cabinets and garages?
Stations of the Cross
Fridays in Lent
3:00pm and 6:00pm in the Church
e invite you to join our parish community in
praying the Sta ons of the Cross.
What Can You Do?
Commit to weekly spiritual prac ces of de-clu ering in
order to cul vate the goal of living simply. Each week the
bulle n will provide a prac cal ac on to guide you in various
areas of your life. These ac ons can lead you throughout
your Lenten journey to the grace of Easter which restores
peace and reconcilia on to the world and all its inhabitants.
Fasting and Abstinence
Abstinence from Meat: Observed on Ash
Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays
of Lent by all Catholics 14 years and older.
Fasting: Observed on Ash Wednesday and
Good Friday by all Catholics 18 to 59 years
old. The tradi onal norm for fas ng is to eat only one full
meal. Smaller meals throughout the day, if all added up,
should not be more than one full meal.
Spiritual Practices for the Journey
Week 1. Food
Go though your cabinets to find food that you have not
used and will probably not use. Check the expira on date and
donate those items that have not expired to a local food bank.
Journey Inward, Journey Outward
Week 2. Toys: Kids/Adults
ope Francis preached the following
on the 2nd Sunday of Lent a year ago:
Sort through your children’s toys and
donate outgrown items to charity. Look
through your own books, CDs movies,
unused spor ng equipment and donate.
“We need to go to a place of retreat,
to climb the mountain and go to a place of silence, to find ourselves and be er perceive the voice of the Lord. We cannot stay
there, however. The encounter with God in prayer again pushes
us to come down from the mountain and back down into the
plain, where we meet many brothers and sisters weighed down
by fa gue, injus ce, and both material and spiritual poverty.”
Week 3. Clothing
Go through your closets and eliminate
clothing you haven’t worn in a year and
donate to charity.
Week 4. Documents and Papers
Franciscan Richard Rohr writes:
Si though your files and eliminate paper clu er. Shred
unnecessary records at local office supply store.
“I believe that there are two necessary paths enabling
us to move toward wisdom: a radical journey inward and a
radical journey outward... Jesus came to teach us the way of
wisdom. He brought us a message that offers to liberate us
from both the lies of the world and the lies that are lodged
in ourselves.”
Week 5. E-waste
Donate your E-Waste to EWaste 4
Good, and support our school at the same
me: www.ewaste4good.com, or take your
E-Waste to the Sacramento Food Bank.
Then a cloud came, cas ng a shadow over them; from the
cloud came a voice, "This is my beloved Son. Listen to him."
FranciscansForJus ce.org • FACEBOOK: Franciscans for Jus ce
Your Financial Support
Mardi Gras Gala
Thank You, St. Francis!
(Includes direct deposit and online dona ons)
February 15
Year-to-date (7/1/2014-2/18/2015)
Last year
$ Change
% Change
Our Mardi Gras Gala was a wonderful
celebra on of community and, thanks
to your overflowing presence and
generosity, it was a huge success, with
a record-breaking a endance of 300!
All proceeds will help support our
parish ministries, especially our Step
Live Auction Item
Ministry, which provides shelter
Donor & Winner
each night of the week and a nutri ous
breakfast each morning to our homeless brothers and sisters.
(Includes direct deposit and online dona ons)
Building Fund (includes ONE Campaign 25% share)
Dona ons to date (7/1/2014-2/18/2015)
Last year
$ Change
% Change
There are many people to thank and to recognize for their
hard work and commitment: the Mardi Gras Commi ee, which
met monthly beginning in August 2014: Diana Bosley, Clayton
Whitehead, Phil Trimboli, Bob Reid, Fran Anderson, Jackie
Mikesell, Judy Guardalabene, Bernade e Claire, Rose Richards,
Janet Vi , Marguerite Oates, and Galen Unruh.
Step Ministry
Dona ons to date (7/1/2014-2/18/2015)
Last year
$ Change
% Change
Francis House (February 2015)
Volunteers who helped on the day of the event with
set up, gree ng, raffle cket sales, “spo ng” bidders at the
live auc on, clean up and...: Anny Beeson, Bob Mar nez, Kay
Skonieczny, Susan Greene, Steve and Cheryl Tholcke, Judy
Miranda, Pat and Vickie Cosen no, Paul Rieschick, Skip Bacon,
Dale Richards, Maureen Paley, Andy Molina, Jackie Mikesell,
and Adam Pacheco. A special thanks to 7th-grade students
from St. Francis Elementary for helping assemble table decora ons: Mariah Hudnut, Samantha Lingao, Chloe Splinter,
Alaine Blasé and Mira Saab—and to parishioner Mar n White
who was their guide.
ONE CAMPAIGN: January 2015 Update
Pledged & One-Time Gi s:
% of Goal:
# of gi s:
% par cipa on:
Most of all, a big thank-you to those who donated items
for the live and silent auc ons and raffle, to those who bid
on and purchased those items, and to all who joined us for
the evening. Your community spirit and generosity made the
Mardi Gras Gala a big success. Congratula ons, St. Francis!
Prayer Requests
For Those Who Are Ill or in Pain
Hyla Carney, Aaron Kelley, Larry Miranda
For Those Who Have Been Called to Eternal Life
Michael Greenberg, Richard Sanchez, Genevieve Lucchesi
Mass Intentions for this Week
Feb. 28 Sat.
Mar. 1 Sun.
Mar. 2 Mon. 12:15pm
Mar. 4 Wed. 12:15pm
Mar. 5 Thur. 12:15pm
Mar. 6 Fri.
Lawrence Weisser
Confrats (for the friars)
Pro Populo (for parishioners)
Irene Stone
Lawrence Weisser
David N. Lynch†
Donald J. Neal†
Roger K. Miller†
o request that your loved one be added to our bulle n
prayer request list, contact Galen Unruh (443-8084 x114
or GalenU@s rancisparish.com). To request a Mass Inten on,
contact SJeanay Willis Bolden, Parish Secretary (443-8084 or
SJeanayB@s rancisparish.com).
Dedication of Our New Altar
End of Year Statements
Your 2014 Donations to St. Francis
hank you to all who shared with St.
Francis from your financial resources
in 2014—no gi was too small, and every
gi ma ered, helping to build up our community and support our parish programs
2014 summary statements of dona ons have been
mailed out. If you did not receive a statement and would like
a copy, please contact Fran Anderson (frana@s rancisparish.
com or 443-8084 x102).
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
very week, someone leaves something
behind in the church—prescrip on
glasses, car keys, sweaters, rosaries.... These
items are taken to the Parish Center on Monday mornings.
“Found” items are kept for one month at the Parish Center.
Usable items are then donated to chari es; other items are
discarded—so call or stop by the Parish Center soon if you
have le something behind!
From Our School
7th Grade Makes a Difference—Thank You!
grade students have been suppor ng our Step
Ministry since the start of this school year. They began
by mee ng with Director of Outreach Galen Unruh and taking
a tour of the Parish Center Courtyard and guest area. Next,
they wrote le ers to Galen and Father Ken, with sugges ons for
ways the students might help to support our parish outreach
to our sisters and brothers who are homeless. Then, they
helped decorate for the Mardi Gras Gala, our parish fundraiser
that supports our Step Ministry.
Most recently, they made Valen ne cards with their
TK and Kindergarten “Li le Buddies” for our Step guests,
decorated a special Valen ne’s gi bag for each guest, and
they brought in fruit, juice, granola bars, and rain ponchos.
Photos courtesy of Bob Knapik and J.D. Warrick
Ongoing: All Are Welcome
Other Opportunities
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Your Input Invited for Synod on the Family
Sundays during the Liturgy of the Word at our 9:30 am
Mass, children K-4th grade are escorted from the church to
the Parish Center Chapel by an adult catechist for CLOW. No
registra on required. Parents may accompany their children.
To help set the agenda for the 2015 Synod of Bishops on
the family, the Va can has sent the world’s Catholic bishops’
conferences a list of ques ons on a range of topics, including
ma ers of marriage and sexuality that were discussed at last
October’s extraordinary Synod of Bishops on “The Pastoral
Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangeliza on.”
Bishop Soto invites commments from anyone in the Diocese
of Sacramento. All responses must be submiƩed by March 1.
To par cipate, go to www.diocese-sacramento.org.
Church Tours: 4th Sundays a er Noon Mass.
Communion Visitation
To request a visit for you or a loved one, please email:
SFCommunionVisita [email protected]. Please include your
phone number in your email. Or call Galen (443-8084 x114).
Contemplative Prayer
3rd Annual Holy Saturday Pilgrimage
Mondays 6:00 pm in the Parish Center Chapel.
Tuesdays a er 12:10 pm Mass in St. Clare Chapel.
The Diocese of Sacramento is organizing our third annual
pilgrimage to seven parishes within the City of Sacramento
on Holy Saturday, April 4, star ng at 7:00 am. We will start
at St. Elizabeth Church and con nue to the Cathedral of the
Blessed Sacrament, St. Francis, Sacred Heart, and Immaculate
Concep on. This year we will add a “new house” in the Food
Bank Center, and we will conclude at the Shrine of Our Lady
of Guadalupe. We will also briefly stop at the Capitol.
This beau ful Hispanic tradi on was adopted two years
ago during the observance of the Year of Faith. It offers the
faithful an opportunity to prepare their hearts for the Easter
Vigil and Easter Sunday. Over 500 people have par cipated
each year.
The pilgrimage is conducted bilingually, but primarily in
Spanish. We extend a special invita on especially to youth
and young adults.
Gospel Series
Sundays 11:00 -11:45 am in the Parish Center. Reflecon and medita on on the gospel. Sponsored by the Peace &
Jus ce Commi ee. More info: Mary Myrick (536-9753).
Healing Prayer
Healing Prayer ministers are available to pray for you or
your loved ones. Email your prayer pe ons to healingprayer@
s rancisparish.com, or call the parish office (443-8084).
High School Youth Ministry
1st and 3rd Thursdays from 6:00-8:00 pm in the Parish Center.
Light dinner provided. Bring a friend!
Sundays a er 9:30 am Mass. Join us for coffee and donuts
in Brunsman Hall.
2015 Days of Dialogue for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and
Transgendered People
Library Hours: Thursdays, Noon - 2:00 pm and
1st and 3rd Sundays, 8:30 - 11:30 am in the Parish Center
Nursery Program
April 19, August 23, November 8 San Damiano Retreat in
Danville. More info: www.sandamiano.org.
Sundays: Child care for children ages 1-3 during 9:30 am
Mass in the room opposite the cafeteria on the first floor of
our school. Registra on is on-site.
Weekly Readings
Prayer Service: Led by our school children Mondays at 8:10 am
in the church (when school is in session).
Taizé Prayer: Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 pm, in the church.
T’ai Chi Chih
Saturdays: 9:05 am in St. Clare Chapel or, weather permi ng,
in the park across from the church.
Wednesdays: 6:00 pm in the church (during Taizé Prayer).
Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10,
15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10
Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Lk 6:36-38
Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23;
Mt 23:1-12
Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28
Thomas Merton Circle: Meets bi-monthly. Refreshments
provided. More info: John (482-6976).
Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21;
Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12;
Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Ex 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]; Ps 19:8-11;
1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25
Alternate readings (Year A): Ex 17:3-7;
Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 5:1-2, 5-8;
Jn 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42]
Young Adults (20’s-30’s)
Come try out our young adults groups called Chris an
Life Communi es (CLC), where you will become part of a
young adult community (approximately 4 - 10 people). There
is no commitment—just a end once and go from there. Our
CLCs are based on Igna an as well as Franciscan spirituality
and are a place for growth, companionship, and transformaon. More info: Patrice at YoungAdults@s rancisparish.com.
Parish Information
St. Francis Parish Center Ofϐices: 1066 26th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.443.8084
Fax: 916.443.7356 • Website: www.stfrancisparish.com • Office Hours: MON-FRI, 9AM-5PM
St. Francis Elementary School: 2500 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.442.5494
Website: www.stfranciselem.org • Office Hours: MON–THUR, 8AM–4PM and FRI, 8AM-2PM (during the School Year)
Associate Pastor
Pastoral Associate
Director of Liturgy
Director of Faith Formation
Director of Outreach
Administrative Associate
Plant Manager
Office Assistant
Parish Secretary and Wedding Coordinator
Communion Visitation Ministry Coordinator
Infant Baptism Coordinator
Library Coordinator
Membership Coordinator
Parish Council Chair
Young Adults Ministry Coordinator
Youth Ministry Coordinator
In Residence at the Friary:
Ken Laverone OFM
Sebas an Sandoval, OFM
Kjlofm@s rancisparish.com
Sebas anS@s rancisparish.com
Ivan Hrga
Principal@s ranciselem.org
Peggy Chambers, OMC
PeggyC@s rancisparish.com
Deborah Jones
DeborahJ@s rancisparish.com
Skip Bacon
SkipB@s rancisparish.com
Galen Unruh
GalenU@s rancisparish.com
Fran Anderson
[email protected]
Joe Prassa
JoeP@s rancisparish.com
Pamela Caballero
PamelaC@s rancisparish.com
SJeanay Willis Bolden
SJeanayB@s rancisparish.com
Jacquie Embs
JEmbs@s rancisparish.com
Peggy Briggs
SFCommunionVisita [email protected]
Carol Spinella
InfantBap sm@s rancisparish.com
Pat Pavone
Library@s rancisparish.com
Christelle Cobian
Membership@s rancisparish.com
Michelle Hernandez-Flores
ParishCouncil@s rancisparish.com
Patrice Clemons
YoungAdults@s rancisparish.com
Traci Bean
[email protected]
Ray Bucher, OFM • Ken Laverone, OFM • Sebas an Sandoval, OFM
Mark Schroeder, OFM • John Summers, OFM
Register as a Member of Our Parish • Update Contact Information
Name 1:
Name 2:
(Last Name, First Name)
(Last Name, First Name)
(Street Address)
(City, State)
Home Phone: (
Work Phone: (
Cell Phone: (
Mass you attend:
[ ] 5:15
[ ] 7:30
Children’s Names
[ ] 9:30
[ ] Noon
PđĊĆĘĊ place this form in the collec on basket or
• Mail it: 1066 26th St., Sacramento CA 95816
• Fax it: 916-443-7356 or
• Register online: www.s rancisparish.com/membership.htm
(Zip Code)
Date of Birth
Income Tax: Personal, Business,
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