Making Disciples through Prayer, Faith Formation and Service St. Margaret of Scotland Preschool OPEN HOUSE REGISTRATION Friday, March 6th ~ 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM ~ Rectory Bring your child, come visit our classrooms & meet our teachers. Pastoral Staff Pastor - Rev. James Wood Pastoral Vicar - Rev. Paul Butler Deacons: Ed Hayes, Retired: William Kogler Biagio Muratore, Phil Paolicelli Faith Formation Office: 2½ to 3½Year olds PREPARE FOR FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN 3½ to 4½ Year olds Classes: Wednesday & Friday 9:00 to 11:30 A.M. or 12:15 to 2:45 P.M. ASK ABOUT OUR 2 YEAR OLD PROGRAM! Director of Religious Education Jennifer Menneci x131 Holy Angels Regional School, Patchogue Principal - Michael Connell 631-475-0422 St. Margaret’s Preschool Jenny Tranfaglia, Coordinator x124 Business Manager Any questions call Jenny Tranfaglia, Coordinator, 732-3131 x124. Lisa Boyd x113 Facilities Manager Michael Lorio x115 Music Ministry Dr. Daniel Crews, Dir. x117 Parish Outreach Jackie Mirenda x119 March 1, 2015 Phone: (631) 732-3131 RCIA ~ Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Rectory Office Hours Dan & Joanne Williams Administrative Assistant Julie Burtoff x133 Celebration of the Eucharist Saturday: 5:00 P.M. Sunday: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. & 12:00 N Weekdays: 8:00 A.M. on Tues., Thurs., Sat. 9:00 A.M. on Mon., Wed., Fri. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm or by appointment Open for Walk-In Business Mon thru Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday Morning am pm 9 -1 9 am - 1 pm 9 am - 12 pm Closed Afternoon pm 2-4 Evening 7 - 8pm Fax (631) 732 - 8827 81 COLLEGE ROAD SELDEN NY 11784-2813 Time, Talent & Treasure Stewardship Thought for the Week We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who, through fasting, become more conscious of their faith and its interaction in daily life! Sacrificial Giving Thank you to all who so generously give to the support of our parish. You are returning to God what God has so generously given to you. Last week’s Sunday offering Number of Envelopes Used Envelope $ % of collection Mass Attendance Last Week Yrly Average pm 5 277 331 am 8 132 232 Readings for Next Sunday 2015 Icy Snow $ 11,693 330 13,723 444 88.1% 88.4% 10 249 375 2014 12 350 347 Total 1008 1288 For the week of Mar. 1st Third Sunday of Lent Altar Bread & Wine First Reading ........... Gn 22: 1-2,9a, 15-18 Second Reading ............... Rom 8: 31b-34 Gospel ................................... Mk 9: 2-10 in Memory of Michael Reynolds MARRIAGES: Couples should make arrangements in person at least one year in advance for required interview. At least one of the parties must live within the parish boundaries, or be a registered member of the parish. Please call the Rectory for an appointment. No dates will be set over the telephone. BAPTISMS: Prospective parents should telephone the rectory about three months before the expected birth to discuss the arrangements for your child’s baptism and enroll you in the required baptismal class. Baptism classes are held monthly on the 1st or 2nd Sunday of the month. The baptism date will be set at the time of the class. The child’s birth certificate as well as the godparent’s “sponsor certificate” (godparents must be practicing Catholics) must be presented before a date is finalized. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We welcome all new parishioners! We ask them to register at the rectory and encourage the use of weekly envelopes. If you are moving, please notify the rectory. Women’s Group: - The newly formed Women of Faith Ministry invites all women of the parish to join us at our upcoming gatherings. Watch the bulletin for further details. Women’s Bible Sharing: The women of the parish gather for Bible sharing on Monday mornings, 9:30 through 11:30 in the rectory. FAITH FORMATION OFFICE: Monday through Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.; 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.; Closed on Fridays. PARISH OUTREACH MINISTRY: Monday 10am -1 pm. and 2 - 4 pm.; Wednesday 3-5 p.m. Call for appointment. Masses for the Week Family members and/or those who requested the Mass are always welcome to present the gifts of bread & wine at the offertory procession. On weekends, please introduce yourselves to our ushers or call the office during the previous week. Monday - March 2nd 9:00 A.M. Steven & Frank Cercone Tuesday - March 3rd 8:00 A.M. Douglas M. Williams Wednesday - -March 4th 9:00 A.M Trofimena Dumarey Thursday - March 5th 8:00 A.M. Katie Figliuolo Friday - March 6th 9:00 A.M Frank Aliperti Saturday - March 7th 8:00 A.M. John Vidal 5:00 P.M. For All Parishioners Sunday –March 8th 8:00 A.M. Mary Mc Sherry Harry Aretakis 10:00 A.M. Gwen Salimando Luigi Cinicola 12:00 P.M. Paul Gilvary Emanuel J. & Joseph Marano For all our parishioners suffering from chronic illness, as well as Dcn. Phil Paolicelli, Alyssa Baisch, Cara-Lynn De Molfetto, Frank Fasano, William Cummings, Jimmie D’Angelo, Robert Mahon, Dorothy Oakley, Norma Frasca, Maryann Portesy Sr., Thomas Jankay, Marilyn & Steven Vacchio, Artie Riley, Wendiann Alfieri, Nicholas Alfieri, Ann Miceli, Christopher McGuinness, Sarah Behie, Andrew Rosa, Bob Carlsen, Carmella & Carmine Guadagni, Patricia Herman, Michael C. Liotta, Sharon Klyn, Anne Logan, Robert Rankin, Nicole Marano, Fran Colon, Terry Roucoulet, Steve Margrane, Melanie Seibel, Anthony Alessi, Suzanne Peterson, Maureen Cardone, Steve Timlin, Intentions of Theresa Mc Guire . Family members, please resubmit names for those who are ill. We will list them for 3 weeks, and then remove them unless told otherwise. Please note-due to privacy issues, we can include names given by the individual or a health care proxy only. Thank you. Dear Parishioners and Guests, To go from the desert in last week’s Gospel to the top of a mountain in this week’s reading is a dramatic change. Mountains have always fascinated us humans because of their grandeur, their challenge or their protection. But, this contrast between desert and mountain teaches us a more important point that just admiring a mountain. It reminds us that God can use many different experiences to help us grow closer to him. In fact, many important moments in the Bible took place on mountains. Here is a list of some of the more important ones. What happened on each of them? [Answers below] 1) Mount Ararat 2) Mount Moriah 3) Mount Sinai 4) Mount Horeb 5) Mount Zion 6) Mount Carmel 7) Mount of the Beatitudes 8) Mount Tabor 9) Mount of Olives ~ Fr. Jim Answers: 1) Noah’s Ark landed here 2) Offering of Isaac (first reading); later where the Jewish Temple was and the Dome of the Rock is in Jerusalem 3) Moses received the 10 Commandments 4) Another name for Sinai (trick question) 5) David’s City at Jerusalem 6) Prophet Elijah defeated the pagan priests; later the Carmelite order was begun there 7) Jesus taught the Beatitudes 8) place of the Transfiguration (today’s Gospel) 9) site of the Agony in the Garden Bishop Perez Due to inclement weather in January, Bishop Nelson Perez, the Diocesan Eastern Vicar, was unable to make his planned pastoral visit to St. Margaret. His visit is rescheduled for March 14 & 15. More information will be in next week’s bulletin. UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS Monday March 2 9:30 am Women’s Bible Sharing / Rectory 4:30-8:15 Religious Education Classes Tuesday March 3 4:30-8:15 Religious Education Classes 7 pm Level 7 Reflections / Aud 7 pm K of C / Rec Rm153 Wednesday March 4 4:30-8:15 pm Religious Education Classes Thursday March 5 4:30-8:15 Religious Education Classes 7 pm Raffle Meeting / Rm 207 7 pm 12 Step Bible Study / Rm 153 Friday March 6 7 pm Peanut Butter Jelly Ministry / Aud Saturday March 7 8:45 am Lenten Retreat / Rec Rm 207 9 am-4 pm CGS Lvl I & II Training / Rec 9:30 am Children’s Choir / Rec 10 am-3:30 pm Level 8 Retreat / Aud & Church Sunday March 8 10 am Mass - Children’s Liturgy of the Word 11 am Spec Sacraments Sunday March 8th Set your clocks! Hospitality Sunday March 15th ~ after 10am Mass ~ Auditorium Bishop Murphy Asks for Your Prayers Commending to you, O Lord, the 21 Coptic Christian Martyrs of Libya, we pray for an end to the hostilities & the violence against innocent people & religious & ethnic minorities in the Middle East & North Africa, beseeching your gift of peace for all who are suffering, & a swift restoration of justice, harmony & freedom for all who have been the victims of fanatical violence. Protect them & all their families whose homes have been destroyed & lives placed in peril. Church Building News… 1) Center Front Pews. As I wrote in last bulletin, the narrow space between the step of the sanctuary and the front kneelers has been a problem for funerals, people going to and returning from the Communion Cups, and special liturgies. This week, the front pews will be removed and picked up for use in Holy Redeemer Church in Freeport. 2) North Door Steps. Time (almost 50 years) and severe weather have teamed up to cause an immediate problem. The concrete of one step has been seriously compromised and cannot be walked on. Therefore, until it can be repaired, those steps and that door cannot be used for entrance or exit. People parking on the side will need to use the front door. I am sorry for the inconvenience. ~ Fr. Jim Guidelines for Fasting & Abstinence In keeping with the spirit of penance, Catholics are asked to observe the following practices: Good Friday is a day of fast* and abstinence**. All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence**. *Fasting: All between the ages of 18 ~ 59 may eat only one full meal & two small meals on these days (no snacks). **Abstinence: All from the age of seven onwards abstain from meat on these days. Illness always exempts people from these requirements. Lent is Here: THIS WEEK 1) On Line Retreat 2) Drop in on the Gospel SEE DETAILS IN THE BULLETIN. Applebee's We want to thank the businesses who donated Door Prizes: Benkerts Bakery Best Market BJ’s All Food and Beverages courtesy of Boccone Boston Market Giove Funeral Home Buttercup's Dairy Store Caffe Amici Carvel Cella Bagels Cheesecake Factory Chili's Chili's Loading the Drum. ALL 500 CM Performing Arts Center Coram Country Lanes Coram Glass Corner Heros Crazy Crepe Cupcake Girlz Edible Arrangements Fairway Market Friendly's Good Steer Hallmark Hampton Inn Home Depot IHOP Johnny's Burgers Kerri's Kandies Inc La Capannina Movieland Cinemas Nick & Gina's Pizzeria Nishiki Hibachi/Sushi Panera Bread Papa Francesco's Papa John's Petco PJ Cinema Popei's Ramada Plaza Residence Inn/Marriot Sal Anthony's Pizzeria Starbucks Sweet Dream Confections Target Theatre Three Tropical Smoothie Whole Foods Plentiful Food. Thank You Giove Funeral Home! T The Captain Winners: Peggy Gade Ethel Naso $ 10,000.00 1,000.00 Michael Grant Funeral 750.00 Mary Carey 500.00 Mr. & Mrs. Lyons 250.00 Midnight Cruise Raffle Over 100 parishioners braved the snow February 14th for a fun filled cruise. Tickets SOLD OUT! We thank ALL who supported or worked on this important annual fund raiser. Jr. Crew Limbo !! LENTEN / EASTER ON LINE RETREAT Last week the desert; this week Transfiguration. Important moments in Jesus’ life. Our choices in Lent can make this time important too. One way is an internet resource: An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. A link for that site is on our parish website ( It is in the middle column: a series that can help us to grow spiritually this Lent and Easter. There are two parts available.: 1) Personal Time. The site has set this up. In the middle column, you see various links, starting with “Before You Begin” and continuing for 8 weeks. YOU choose the number of days, the amount of time and the place you will use. YOU review the parts of the offerings each week and decide what you can commit yourself to. This is not a course where you have to get all the work done, and each person can approach it in his/her own way. What is important is choosing what you will do and staying with that routine during the full time as best as possible. This is something that anyone can do alone. 2) Group Time. In addition there is an opportunity not on the site. Anyone using this experience is invited to come together to talk about our prayer times. Again, this is not “classwork” or “reports,” but a chance to encourage one another and hear the variety of the Lord’s work in our lives. You do not have to commit to every week. Come when you are able. The time is on Saturday mornings. Fr. Jim will host the meetings in the Rectory at 9:00AM. (Coffee/tea will be available from 8:45AM.) Please remember that you can benefit from using this retreat (the “Personal Time”) on your own. There is no requirement to come to the “Group Time.” This is something I added & I am excited about it. So GO to our website; CLICK on the link; REVIEW what is there; DECIDE what you can do; BEGIN. And, in addition, I look forward to being with you on the Saturday part of this Prayer Adventure! Creative Ministries Presents The Journey, Cross & Crucifixion A live dramatic presentation of the Stations of The Cross. Join us as we experience the trial of Jesus, His journey through the streets of Jerusalem, & His final moments on the cross. Thursday, March 12th 7:30 PM ~ CHURCH A freewill offering will be taken. LITURGICAL MINISTRY TRAINING Fifty years ago, the Bishops at the Vatican Council called for more active participation on the part of the congregation at Mass. This was accomplished primarily by having the Mass celebrated in the local language of the people. But in addition, various ministries were created to allow men and women to use their gifts to strengthen the parish. Many people over the years responded to the invitation. Once again, an invitation is being offered. This April, training sessions for two important ministries are being offered: Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion (to serve at Masses and to serve the homebound/in hospitals). If you are interested, please write a letter to Fr. Jim before March 29th (Palm Sunday), explaining why you want to share in either or both of these ministries. Emails to [email protected] are welcome, too. If you would like more information, please call Fr. Jim (732-3131 x111) or email to the address above. Practical Information: ~Training for both ministries: Saturday 9am – 1pm [April 18 in Uniondale OR April 25 in Riverhead] Wednesday 7pm – 10pm [May 6 in Melville] Additional training only for Ministers of Communion interested in serving hospital or the homebound: Saturday 9am – 1pm [May 9 in Riverhead OR May 16 in Riverhead] Wednesday 7pm – 10pm [May 20 in Melville] Faith Formation Children’s Liturgy of the Word Dismissal for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word for Lent will be held on March 8 & 22 ~ 10 AM Mass. Family Mass will be on March 15th Jesus gave us plenty to talk about so let’s talk! join us for a short series of gospel reflections March 3rd or March 5th 7-8pm March 17th or March 19th 7-8pm March 24th or March 26th 7-8pm Jesus the True Vine Jesus the True Vine – part 2 The Found Sheep & The Found Coin Each week we will focus on a different Scripture Passage Feel free to drop in once or once each week Peek through the glass doors of the church You’ll see us huddled together Talking, praying and waiting for you! ‘just drop in on the Gospel’ In today’s Gospel we hear the amazing story of the Transfiguration or ‘changing’ of Jesus. How astonishing for Peter, James and John to see Jesus in this new way! While they had walked up the mountain together, things were normal: they joked, they complained about the heat. But now! What was happening? His clothes glowed “dazzlingly white.” Light seemed to come from him. And there he was, talking calmly with two great men from long ago: Moses the lawgiver and Elijah the greatest of the prophets. Then, most amazing of all — a voice came from a suddenly appearing cloud saying, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.” The three friends were terrified! They were especially confused when Jesus told them not to tell anyone what they saw until the ‘Son of Man had risen from the dead’. What did that mean they wondered? Questions – Jesus’s friends saw him in a different way. Have I ever seen someone (a parent, brother or sister, friend) in a different way? What happened? Lent is about changing, too. What things am I doing differently since Ash Wednesday? What could I be doing differently? Congratulations Honor Roll Students LEVEL 7 REFLECTIONS TUESDAY, MARCH 3RD~ 7 PM AUDITORIUM LEVEL 8 RETREAT SATURDAY, MARCH 7TH 10 AM - 3:30 PM AUDITORIUM & CHURCH St. Margaret’s Parish family would like to congratulate the Honor Roll for 2013/14 for students from St. Anthony’s High School in Huntington. Harrison Boyd, Jonathan Cruz, Daniel Hargaden, Madeline Mirenda, Scott Boyd Jr., Adrian Naaktgeboren & Ryan Westerhaus We commend their efforts to excel! Parish Social Ministry Canned Fruit Soup & Crackers Peanut Butter & Jelly Canned vegetables Canned Tuna & Chicken Pasta & Sauce Instant Potatoes Mac & cheese Cereal—hot and cold Store gift cards March 14/15 before all the Masses HELP US KEEP OUR NEIGHBORS HEATHY BY SUPPORTING OUR HEALTHY SHELVES. LOW SALT & SUGAR PRODUCTS, WHOLE GRAINS & GLUTEN FREE!
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