entry n u m b er (O FFICIAL USE O NLY) H OMEM ADE ICE CREAM COM P ETITION - OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Organization: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: __________________ Phone: ____________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Name of Recipe listed on your Recipe Registration ________________________________________ Entry fee for the Color Me Cool Homemade Ice Cream Competition is $25. Entrants are required to provide a 1/2 gallon for judging and 2 1/2 gallons for public tasting. If proper amounts are not presented, ice cream entry will be automatically disqualified from judging. Entrants will be given access to event grounds for set-up starting at 9:30am, and all participants must be present by 11:30am. Judging and public tasting begins at 2:00pm and will close at 5:30pm. Winners will be announced at 6:00pm. Contestants are responsible for tables, tents, chairs, coolers, and ice. Power will be provided by Color Me Cool personnel. Attached with this entry form are entry rules, recipe sheet, and judging criteria. Your signature on this registration form and submission of a recipe sheet signifies that you agree to abide by the rules set forth by the festival organizers. ________________________________________________________________________________ Printed NameDate _________________________________________________________________ Signature H OMEM ADE ICE CREAM COM P ETITION - RECIP E REG IS TRATIONNAME: ______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ CITY:_________________________________STATE: _________ ZIP CODE: ____________ TELEPHONE: _______________________ EMAIL: ________________________________ RECIPE TITLE: ________________________________________________________________ INGREDIENTS: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ H OMEM ADE ICE CREAM COM P ETITION - RUL ES /REGUL ATIONS 1. Completed entry forms are due back by Friday, July 25, 2014. A complete ice cream recipe MUST be included with entry form. Entries can be mailed to: Manna Café Ministries – Attn: Jaemi Serrano, 1319 E. Franklin St., Clarksville, TN 37040 2. Contestants are responsible for their own table, tent, chairs, coolers, ice, and decorations. CUPS AND SPOONS FOR TASTING WILL BE PROVIDED BY FESTIVAL ORGANIZERS. 3. Contestants must arrive at the festival site (635 Frosty Morn Dr., Clarksville, TN 37040) by 11:30am. 4. All recipes must contain dairy products. NO raw eggs are allowed in the final product. 5. If nut products of any kind are part of the recipe, please highlight that on your recipe sheet and our staff will place a note at your tent prior to the commencement of tasting. 6. ABSOLUTELY NO SAMPLES to be given out to the public until the tasting is opened to the public. 7. Entries will be judged on the flavor, presentation, color, aroma, and texture. 8. Judging will begin at 2:00pm. One winner will be chosen from the following categories: JUDGE’S CHOICE, PEOPLE’S CHOICE, & MOST UNIQUE FLAVOR. 9. Prizes will consist of the following: JUDGE’S CHOICE: Personalized trophy bowl with stand Color Me Cool T-shirt 2 tickets to Manna Café’s first annual Give Love Gala in February PEOPLE’S CHOICE: Personalized trophy bowl with stand Color Me Cool T-shirt Free booth entry for Manna Café’s Chili Cook Off in October MOST UNIQUE FLAVOR: Personalized trophy bowl with stand A one year Supply of Ice Cream from Purity* Color Me Cool T-shirt 10. All questions before the festival can be directed to [email protected] or 931-933-0970 (ask for Jaemi). There will be volunteers on hand to help with any questions or concerns the day of the festival. *Amount of ice cream for one year supply is based on the standards and regulations of Purity Dairies. H OMEM ADE ICE CREAM COM P ETITION - JUD G ING CRITERIA- 1. Flavor (worth 50 points) Ice cream should have a distinctive but delicate flavor that lets you experience the texture of the ice cream without masking the other quality indicators. 2. Presentation (worth 10 points) The ice cream should look freshly made. Icy crystals on the surface or around the edges of the tub indicate either that the ice cream has been melted and refrozen or that it’s old. 3. Color/Appearance (worth 20 points) Vanilla ice cream can range from pale buttery yellow to an ivory white, but the color should be uniform throughout. There may or may not be some vanilla bean flecks present. The color of the ice cream should ideally reflect the flavor of the ice cream. 4. Aroma (worth 10 points) As the ice cream melts on your tongue, there should be a pure taste and a slightly woody aroma. A “tinny” smell and taste is a sign of too much vanilla extract. 5. Texture (worth 10 points) You don’t want ice cream that is hard as ice, or completely fluffy. There should be some heft to your cup, and when you dig your spoon in, you should feel a little resistance.
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