- March 1, 2015
8:30 a.m. Sunday School –Classes for All Ages
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Children’s Church
4:00 p.m. Investment Clubs (Music Suite)
Scripture for the Day: Deuteronomy 16:9-19:21
MONDAY - March 2, 2015
4:30 p.m. Jubal Arts Center Classes (Mon – Thurs)
5:30 p.m. Angels in Motion/Ambassadors for Christ
Scripture for the Day: Deuteronomy 20:1-23:14
TUESDAY - March 3, 2015
10:00 a.m. Senior Adult Bible Study (Music Suite)
6:30 p.m. Trustee Meeting (Youth House)
Ushers Meeting (Sanctuary)
7:00 p.m. 100 Voice Men’s Conference Choir Rehearsal
Save the date:
Men's Conference 2015
Thursday, March 5th @ 7pm
Chili Cook off
Wednesday, March 4th
Conference Saturday, March 7th
Conference Sunday, March 8th
Conference registration is $10.00. A registration table will be in
the fellowship area before and after church. Ties are available,
for $8.00 see Darryll Lewis.
Scripture for the Day: Deuteronomy 23:15-27:10
WEDNESDAY – March 4, 2015
12:00 p.m. Lenten Service at Suffolk Christian Church
5:30 p.m.
Jesus' Friends & Vision Choir Rehearsal
Men’s Day Committee (Library)
7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Worship
7:30 p.m.
Bible Study & AWANA
Scripture for the Day: Deuteronomy 4:1-6:15
THURSDAY - March 5, 2015
8:30 a.m. Backpack Ministry
7:00 p.m. 100 Voice Men’s Conference Choir Rehearsal
Scripture for the Day: Deuteronomy 29:1-32:14
FRIDAY March 6, 2015
12:00 p.m.
Prayer Ministry
Scripture for the Day: Deut. 32:15-34:12; Joshua 1:1-9
SATURDAY - March 7, 2015
8:30 a.m.
Men’s Conference Session I
9:00 a.m.
JAC Sessions
Scripture for the Day: Joshua 1:10-4:24
Worship Leader: Rev. John Croston
Voices of Praise, Youth Ushers Trustee: Kenny Harrison
Deacon Ministry Team: Violene Sharpe & Tamara McBride
Health Ministry: Timothy Wright & Yvonne B. Green
Audio-Visual Ministry: Marvin Satchell/Paul Croston
Nursery: Gail Hinton-Copeland & Marshe' Dunaway
523 East Washington Street; Suffolk, Virginia 23434
Phone: 757-539-3324; FAX: 757-539-2640
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.eebconline.com
March 1, 2015
Dr. Wayne D. Faison, Senior Pastor
Watch us each Sunday at 9am on
Charter TV, Channel 191
Dr. Wayne D. Faison, Senior Pastor
Russell M. Andrews, MMEd, Minister of Music
*There is no better day than today to give your life to Jesus!
*All first time guests may receive a free CD of Pastor Faison
preaching from the AV Ministry in the rear of the Sanctuary.
*Class for New Members, Baptism candidates and others interested in
joining our Church will be held Saturday, March 23, 2015, at 10AM.
*See you at Sunday School. Classes for all ages begin at 8:30 AM,
changing the lives of all who attend.
*Remember our Sick and Shut-In members with your prayers, calls, cards
and visits.
2015 Theme: Path to Completion.....Year of the Harvest!
Shout for Joy to the Lord.....
*Season of Praise:
Every Praise
Fill This House
Worship the Lord With Gladness.....
Welcome of Guests
Faith Foundations
The Book of Deuteronomy in a Minute
Come Before Him With Joyful Songs.....
Choral Worship
Know that the Lord is God.....
More Than Enough
Pastoral Prayer
Deuteronomy 18:21-22
Choral Worship
For the Lord is Good…..
Morning Message
Dr. Wayne D. Faison
You Don’t Know?
Invitation to Accept Jesus Christ and Join the Church
10 AM Service Only *PLEASE STAND
Have you visited our website recently? www.eebconline.com
Expenditure Vouchers are due by Wednesday, March 11th!
Have a heart to give, but don’t carry cash? NO problem!
Scan the barcode and go directly to our E-Giving site!
The 2015 Sickle Cell Banquet will be held Saturday, March 7, 2015
at Tabernacle Christian Church. Tickets will be available in the
church office.
EEBC, Word-West-Pankey-Wyche and Renewal Scholarship
Applications are available and are due April 1, 2015. Don’t miss
the Deadline!!!
Its Chili Cook Off Time March 4th, 2015!! All men who
wish to participate please Sign-up by March 1, 2015 in
the Multipurpose Area on the East End Board!!!
The Recreation Ministry is taking registration for
COED softball. Games are on Friday evenings and
the season starts Friday April 10th. If interested, see
Darryll Lewis.
Please see the EEBC Bulletin Board for all Upcoming
Mission Opportunities!!!
February YOU Sunday School Lessons
Mar 1 The Impact of Influence Colossians 2:6-8, 20-23
Mar 8 Absolute Authority Job 38:4-7
Mar 15 At Home with God’s Authority Psalm 129:13-18, 23-24
Mar 22 A Church Under God’s Authority 1 Corinthians 3:4-11
Mar 29 When Authority Goes Wrong 1 Peter 2:13-21
There will be “A Conference for Caring Sisters,” sponsored
by, Sisters Who Care Virginia.
Conference will be held April 17-18, 2015 at
Marriott Courtyard Virginia Center, Glen
Allen, Virginia. Cost for conference is $99.00
per person, due to the church office no later
than March 17th, 2015.
Please make your Hotel
Arrangements no later than April 1, 2015 at the rate of
$112.17 per room (So grab a roommate and split the cost)!!
Make all Checks payable to: East End Baptist Church.
Attention Ministries: If you wish to use the van
for your activities, you must put a request in
2 weeks prior to the date of your event. For
more information see Violene Sharpe,
Director of Transportation.
Awana is a weekly Bible Club for children and youth
that incorporates fun games, Bible memory, and
devotional lessons from the Bible for ages 3 to 18
(12th grade) Wednesday 7-8:30 pm
Chili Cook-off!!!!Drop this form in the offering plate or call the
Church office by NOON Tuesday to place your order, if there
is no slip or you do not call you will not receive food. If you
sign up, you must pay. No Extras will be ordered and the
kitchen closes at 7:00!!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Wednesday Supper Sign-Up Form for March 4, 2015
Name(s): ___________________________________________________________
Amount: _____________________________________________________