THE CLEMENTIAN SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT March 1, 2015 He was transfigured before them. (Mark 9:2) Have you ever wondered why Jesus was transfigured? He never announced it. His apostles never suspected it. The event was never repeated. So why did He do it? Let’s look at a bigger picture to try to get some answers. From the day He first called them, Jesus showed His disciples that He had come from God. He performed many miracles. He taught with authority. He revealed God’s mercy. Then when He asked them, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah” (Mark 8:29) This was a breakthrough moment. The disciples were beginning to believe in Jesus but their faith still needed to grow. They still didn’t understand what kind of Messiah Jesus was. They didn’t understand that He had to die—or that they had to take up the cross as well (Mark 8:31-35). So the Transfiguration proved that Jesus wasn’t just another prophet of God—He was God’s Son! It also showed that even though Jesus had to die, He would also rise to a glory beyond their imagining. God transfigured Jesus as a way of strengthening the disciples—and all of us as well. It was a moment of encouragement before they started their journey to Jerusalem, the place of the cross. But more than this, the Transfiguration gives us a glimpse of the glory that Jesus had before coming to earth, the same glory that He now enjoys as He sits on His heavenly throne. And even more than this, the Transfiguration is a promise for us. It reveals the glory that awaits each of us at the end of our lives—if we remain faithful to the Lord. We are all works in progress. We all have our flaws. But we are also being “transfigured” day after day. So accept Jesus’ invitation. Follow Him and you’ll be changed “from glory to glory” as your faith continues to grow (2 Corinthians 3:18). “Here I am, Lord, ready to do your will. Fill me with your grace.” Our readings for next weekend, March 7 & 8: Exodus 20:1-17; Corinthians 1:22-25; John 2:13-25 Worship Book #794 Worship Book #783 DAILY MASS READINGS Mon. 3/2 – Daniel 9:4b-10/Luke 6:36-38 Tues. 3/3 –Isaiah 1:10-20/Matthew 23:1-12 Wed. 3/4–Jeremiah 18:18-20/Matthew 20:17-28 Thurs. 3/5 – Jeremiah 17:5-10/Luke 16:19-31 Fri. 3/6– Genesis 37:3-18a/Matthew 21:33-46 Sat. 3/7 – Micah 7:14-20/Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 SUNDAY COLLECTION Stewardship Needed Feb. 22 $ 9,200 $ YTD $233,917 $217,088 Charities $ 87 6,784 Over/Under $2,416 $16,829 CALENDAR WINNERS Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 18 – Chris Gallo, #586 19 – Tom Polenik, #353 20 – Bob & Eileen Skelly, #092 21 – Karen & AJ Petrore, #335 22 – Kathleen McNulty-Saylor, #661 23 – Tom & Tammy Urban, #481 24 – Ken Mraz, #912 CATHEDRAL CATHOLIC ACADEMY NEWS Saint Clement Parish Family offers our sympathy to the family of Edith McClain, a parishioner whose funeral was celebrated last week. 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL The Annual Catholic Appeal has begun. Your gift supports more than 20 ministries that serve God’s people throughout our eight counties. Please review Bishop Mark’s invitation to participate when it arrives this week and place your Lenten gift in the offertory basket next weekend. All contributions received beyond our parish goal will be used to address the hedges in front of the Church. Thank you for supporting the Church! Holy Week March 29th – April 5th The single most important week in the history of the world. LENTEN GARDEN OF THOUGHT Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of you. We are looking forward to next week as we celebrate "Read Across America" Day/Week with Dr. Seuss and our magnificent teachers at our school. On Monday, we will dress as our favorite storybook character as we celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday. This week also lends itself to welcome "guest readers" to our classrooms. We'll culminate the week with a story-sharing "Buddy Day" during our last period on Friday. We won't let the winter doldrums get us down! We welcome our parish families to join us on a day trip to New York City on Saturday, April 18th. We will be taking a McIlwain coach to the Big Apple for a day of exploration and excitement. The bus leaves CCA at 2:00 AM in order to arrive in the City around 8 or 8:30 AM. The day may be spent as you wish (on your own) to see the sights, to shop, or to take in a show. You are welcome to check out for show times for tickets. The bus will drop us off in Times Square in the morning and pick us up at 8:00 PM sharp at the same location. The cost of each ticket is $70.00 and includes round trip travel and snacks for each passenger. Only 55 seats are available. All tickets must be paid in full by March 27th. Checks may be made payable to CCA. If interested, contact the school office at 255-1964 and/or send your payment to Cathedral Catholic Academy, 110 Lindberg Ave, Johnstown, PA 15905. Include your name, phone number, and number of seats needed. Thank you. We hope that you will enjoy spending the day with our school families. ~Mrs. Rose Batzel, Principal Marriage: “The image of God is the married couple: the man and the woman; not only the man, not only the woman, but both of them together. This is the image of God: love, God’s covenant with us is represented in that covenant between man and woman. And this is very beautiful!” (General Audience, April 2, 2014) ~Pope Francis Life Matters: By 10 weeks after fertilization/conception, the unborn baby’s nails and fingerprints begin to emerge in patterns that will uniquely identify the child throughout life. Joy of the Gospel: Evangelization with joy becomes beauty in the Liturgy, as part of our daily concern to spread goodness. The Church evangelizes and is herself evangelized through the beauty of the Liturgy, which is both a celebration of the task of evangelization and the source of her renewed self-giving. ~Pope Francis SECOND COLLECTION—MARCH 7-8 On Saturday, March 21st, St. Clement Parish & Choir will again sponsor Saturday’s Kitchen at the St. Vincent DePaul Food Kitchen. The second collection next weekend, March 7-8, will be used to cover the cost of the food for the lunch. Your generosity will be appreciated. SEEKING GOD TREE THE LIFT MINISTRY Thank you for your continued support of the Lift Ministry. The March birthdays are: March 2nd Agnes Vance The Villa, Room 103 429 Napoleon Place Johnstown, PA 15901 March 28th Elizabeth Fritz Presbyterian Home, Room 106 787 Goucher Street Johnstown, PA 15905 29th March Dolores Hartnett 716 Summit Avenue Johnstown, PA 15905 “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” Our Seeking God Tree is now on the altar as a symbol of our Lenten journey. You are invited to help “bring life” to our tree by writing your Lenten sacrifices and offerings on the paper leaves that are located at the Church entrances and hanging them on the tree. We look forward to our tree blossoming with your good works and sacrifices. Look for new coloring/activity sheets for children at the Church entrances each week during Lent. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations are offered every Friday at 7:00 PM throughout the Lenten season. Participating in the Stations is a way to acknowledge our own cross and is a reminder that Christ’s suffering offers hope in the midst of our daily struggles. Children’s Stations will be held every Thursday throughout Lent beginning at 1:30 PM. Servers for this Friday, March 6th: Morgan Casto, Ashley Gacka & David Gacka PRAYING THE STATIONS WITH MARY On Friday, March 13th at 7:00 PM, we will be praying a new version of the Stations of the Cross entitled Praying the Stations with Mary, the Mother of Jesus. This is a moving account of Jesus’ Passion as told through the eyes of his Mother, Mary. If any woman would like to participate by reading one of the meditations, please call the rectory or Nancy Stamplis at 288-3899 as soon as possible to let us know of your interest. Relay for Life 3rd Annual Basket Party THIS Sunday, March 1st Church of the Transfiguration, Conemaugh Doors Open: 1 PM; Drawing Begins: 2:30 PM Donation: $8/1st Ticket -$5/Additional Tickets DIVINE MERCY NOVENA The Divine Mercy Novena will be held at St. Clare of Assisi Church, Woodvale, March 2nd through March 10th. Reconciliation begins at 6:30 PM on weekdays with devotions and Mass following at 7:00 PM. Saturday devotions are at 3:50 PM and Sunday devotions are at 10:50 AM. TRIVIA NIGHT Mom’s House, Inc. of Johnstown invites you to Trivia Night on Wednesday, March 18th, at Visitation Church Cafeteria. Doors open @ 5:30 PM – First question is @ 6:30 PM. Admission includes food, drinks, dessert, and beer. Teams of up to 8 people - $20/person. Prizes for the top 3 teams! Call Rita Casker @ 535-4848 for more information. All proceeds benefit Mom’s House. ST JOSEPH TRIDUUM A Triduum in honor of St Joseph will be held March 17-19 at St John Gualbert Cathedral, 117 Clinton Street, Johnstown. Mass and devotions will be held at 7 PM each evening with confessions following Mass on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, everyone is invited following the final liturgy to the St. Joseph Table at the parish activity center. INDOOR YARD SALE West End Pickers/Trash to Treasures Indoor Yard Sale, sponsored by the West End Improvement Group will be held on Saturday, March 21st from 8 AM to 1 PM at the Lower Yoder Fire Department Social Hall, 515 Fairfield Ave. Get your Spring cleaning going and donate your items. Every little bit helps (would prefer no clothing, large appliances or large furniture). Call 535-2499 or 539-0181 for pick-up of your items or drop off on Friday, March 20th (evening). Proceeds from this sale go towards obtaining surveillance cameras in the West End. LUCKY LEPRECHAUN CASH BASH St. Andrew School will be hosting a Lucky Leprechaun Cash Bash on Saturday, March 28th, 6-10 PM. You must be 21 to attend. The $20 ticket includes delicious food and drinks and 17 chances to win a cash prize every 15 minutes beginning at 6 PM – a total of $3,400 will be chanced off. Winners need not be present to win. Doors will open at 5:00 PM. Please contact the school office (814-288-2811) for more information or to purchase tickets. LENTEN FISH FRY DINNERS Ss. Gregory & Barnabas Parish will hold a Lenten Fish Fry at the Bon Air location on Friday, March 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th from 3:306:30 PM and at the Daisytown location on the same dates (including Good Friday, April 3rd) from 4:00-7:00 PM. Menu includes Icelandic Haddock, Fried or Baked, and Shrimp. Take-outs are available by calling 539-6213. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Windber, will hold a Fish Fry every Friday during Lent (except Good Friday) from 11:00 AM until 6:30 PM. Menu includes Fried or Baked Fish, Shrimp, Pizza, Pagacz, Haluski and much more. A Gift Basket valued at $75 or more will be raffled off every week. St. Patrick Lenten Seafood buffet will be served Fridays during Lent including Good Friday, April 3rd. Dinners are served from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. Adults $11.25, Children (512) $6.00, Seniors (56 & over) $10.25; All Take-Outs $12.00. St. Benedict Parish, 2310 Bedford Street in the Geistown section of Johnstown, will hold Fish Fries throughout the season of Lent: March 6, 13, 20 and 27. Sit down dinners are served in the school hall from 3:00 – 7:00 PM. Take-out dinners are available for pick up during the same hours. Orders may be placed from 1:00 – 6:00 PM by calling 266-9718, Ext 206 or fax to 269-4220 until 4:00 PM. We have also added a new feature: online ordering for our friends with computer access. Log onto to place your order. We will have it ready when you arrive! LITURGICAL SCHEDULE AND APPOINTMENTS Schedule Monday Mar. 2 8:00 AM Mass Schedule Sam Carpenter Req. by M/M Edward Dallape Altar Servers Isabel Sadosky Eucharistic Ministers Lectors/Cantors Bernadette Ward Tuesday Mar. 3 8:00 AM 2nd Anniversary for William Pfeiffer, Req. by Wife, Virginia Isabel Sadosky Ann Quinn Wednesday Mar. 4 No Mass Thursday Mar. 5 8:00 AM Betty Brawley, Req. by Alice Sheridan Isabel Sadosky Andrea Riek 1:30 PM Stations of the Cross Friday Mar. 6 10:00 AM Sam Carpenter, Req. by Barry & Marsha Critchfield School Children 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross Saturday Mar. 7 4:00 PM Birthday Remembrance for Mary Yesh, Req. by Children Morgan Casto Ashley Gacka David Gacka Morgan Casto Jade Petrore Megan Rutledge Sunday Mar. 8 8:15 AM Nancy Urban, Req. by Husband, Bernard Maddison Brant Erin Carbaugh Noah Gresh Frank Honkus 10:30 AM Sam Eppolito, Req. by Carem Abood Anna Gagnon Abbie Pastorek Michael Turco Donna Skelly Mary Battaline Judy Thomas Connie Mercik-Choir Greeters Rose Batzel Deb Leventry School Children Virginia Pfeiffer Marsha Critchfield Alice Krivac Mary Casto William Moudy Sydney Petro Matthew Gaborek Jim Catanese Gene Kupchella Dave Pavlik Barb Penksa Connie Bonk Theresa Connor Evelyn Haggerty Mary McCall Cathy Butler Anthony Kush Nancy Kush Sally Nesmith Amy Brazill Lauren Presser Madeline Gyure Bryan Bazyk Annette Jones Ray Jones Doug Roberts Denise Roberts Saint Clement Liturgical Schedule 3/2/2015 - 3/31/2015 Monday, March 2, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Mrs. Isabel Sadosky Lector - Mrs. Bernadette Ward Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 8:00 AM Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Donna Skelly Front Host Greeter - Mrs. Annette Jones Greeter - Mr. Raymond Jones Greeter - Mr. Douglas Roberts Greeter - Mrs. Denise Roberts Altar Server - Mrs. Isabel Sadosky Lector - Mrs. Amy R Brazill First Reading Lector - Mrs. Anne Quinn Lector - Mrs. Lauren Presser Second Reading Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Mrs. Isabel Sadosky Lector - Mrs. Andrea Riek Friday, March 6, 2015 - 10:00 AM Eucharistic Minister - Rose Batzel Eucharistic Minister - Deb Leventry Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 4:00 PM Altar Server - Morgan Casto Crossbearer Organist - Mr. Bryan Bazyk Monday, March 9, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Mary Jo Swank Lector - Mrs. Isabel Sadosky Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Mary Jo Swank Lector - Mrs. Anne Quinn Thursday, March 12, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Jade Petrore Altar Server - Mary Jo Swank Altar Server - Megan Rutledge Lector - Mrs. Diane Riner Cantor - Sydney Petro Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Marsha C Critchfield Middle Host Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Alice Krivac Middle Host Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Virginia M. Pfeiffer Front Host Greeter - Mrs. Concetta Bonk Friday, March 13, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Mary Jo Swank Lector - Mrs. Judy Kelly Friday, March 13, 2015 - 10:00 AM Greeter - Mrs. Theresa Connor Eucharistic Minister - Ms. Mandy Vigna Greeter - Mrs. Evelyn A Haggerty Eucharistic Minister - Margaret Sindleri Greeter - Mrs. Mary E McCall Lector - Mrs. Mary M Casto First Reading Lector - Mr. William Moudy Second Reading Organist - Matthew Gaborek Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 8:15 AM Saturday, March 14, 2015 - 4:00 PM Altar Server - David Gacka Crossbearer Altar Server - Griffin Slagel Altar Server - Kayla Vizza Cantor - Sydney Petro Altar Server - Miss Maddison M. Brant Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Sharon Mock Front Host Altar Server - Erin Carbaugh Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Ruth Morello Middle Host Altar Server - Noah L Gresh Crossbearer Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Elizabeth Reitz Middle Host Cantor - Mr. David Pavlik Greeter - Mr. Philip Boltz Eucharistic Minister - Mr. Frank Honkus Greeter - Mrs. Patricia Horner Greeter - Mrs. Catherine Butler Greeter - Angelina M Petro Greeter - Mr. Anthony Kush Greeter - Mrs. Caroline Petro Greeter - Mrs. Nancy Kush Lector - Mrs. Stephanie M Bischof First Reading Greeter - Mrs. Sally Nesmith Lector - Mr. James J Haggerty Second Reading Lector - Mr. James A Catanese First Reading Organist - Rosalyn Marovich Lector - Dr. Eugene Kupchella Second Reading Organist - Ms. Barbara Penksa Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 10:30 AM Sunday, March 15, 2015 - 8:15 AM Altar Server - Noah P Mastovich Crossbearer Altar Server - Koby Glessner Altar Server - Anna Gagnon Altar Server - Kyle Glessner Altar Server - Abbie Pastorek Cantor - Mr. James Havas Altar Server - Michael J Turco Crossbearer Eucharistic Minister - Mr. Ralph Trofino Cantor - Mrs. Madeline Gyure Greeter - Mrs. Christina Bowser Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Mary Battaline Middle Host Greeter - Mrs. Catherine Butler Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Connie Mercik Choir Greeter - Mrs. Nanci Gaborek Eucharistic Minister - Dr. Judith E Thomas Middle Host Greeter - Mrs. Bernadette Ward Saint Clement Liturgical Schedule 3/2/2015 - 3/31/2015 Lector - Mrs. Cynthia Atterbury First Reading Lector - Mr. Samuel Morello Second Reading Lector - Mrs. Julie Wagner Second Reading Organist - Rosalyn Marovich Organist - Ms. Barbara Penksa Sunday, March 15, 2015 - 10:30 AM Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 8:15 AM Altar Server - Miss Maddison M. Brant Altar Server - Courtney M Boschele Crossbearer Altar Server - Erin Carbaugh Altar Server - Matthew C Boschele Altar Server - David Swank Crossbearer Altar Server - Christopher J Hasse Cantor - Mary Jo Swank Cantor - Rachel Turco Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Julie Wagner Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Sandra Nemeth Front Host Greeter - Mr. Anthony Kush Eucharistic Minister - Mr. John Pattison Choir Greeter - Mrs. Nancy Kush Eucharistic Minister - Mr. J. William Riner Middle Host Greeter - Mrs. Janet Yniguez Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Diane Riner Middle Host Greeter - Mr. Polo Yniguez Greeter - Mrs. Andrea Konicky Lector - Mr. Joseph Brett First Reading Greeter - Mr. Francis Skelly Lector - Mr. Bruce Grasser Second Reading Greeter - Mrs. Donna Skelly Organist - Ms. Barbara Penksa Greeter - Mrs. Rilla Wright Lector - Mrs. Linda L Fleming First Reading Lector - Mrs. Connie Mercik Second Reading Organist - Mr. Bryan Bazyk Monday, March 16, 2015 - 8:00 AM Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 10:30 AM Altar Server - Grace E. Brawley Altar Server - Anna R Brazill Crossbearer Altar Server - Julia Kleinmeyer Cantor - Mrs. Anke Turco Altar Server - Ashley R Gacka Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Suzanne Catanese Choir Lector - Mrs. Bernadette Ward Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Evelyn Park Front Host Tuesday, March 17, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Ashley R Gacka Lector - Mrs. Anne Quinn Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 8:00 AM Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Isabel Sadosky Middle Host Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Michele Varner Middle Host Greeter - Mrs. Helen B Hecker Greeter - Mrs. Carol Partsch Greeter - Lester Weinzierl Altar Server - Ashley R Gacka Greeter - Mrs. Eileen Weinzierl Lector - Mrs. Andrea Riek Lector - Mr. Dennis Brawley First Reading Friday, March 20, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Ashley R Gacka Lector - Mrs. Judy Kelly Friday, March 20, 2015 - 10:00 AM Eucharistic Minister - Rose Batzel Eucharistic Minister - Deb Leventry Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 4:00 PM Altar Server - Isabella Gaborek Altar Server - Hunter Gleason Crossbearer Lector - Mrs. Lauren Presser Second Reading Organist - Mr. Bryan Bazyk Monday, March 23, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Isabella Gaborek Lector - Mrs. Isabel Sadosky Tuesday, March 24, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Isabella Gaborek Lector - Mrs. Anne Quinn Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Angelina M Petro Altar Server - Isabella Gaborek Cantor - Bronwen Rievel Lector - Mrs. Diane Riner Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Mary M Casto Choir Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Ruth Riek Front Host Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Linda Rigo Middle Host Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Bernadette Ward Middle Host Greeter - Mrs. Heather Barnhart Friday, March 27, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Isabella Gaborek Lector - Mrs. Judy Kelly Friday, March 27, 2015 - 10:00 AM Greeter - Mr. Jeffrey Barnhart Eucharistic Minister - Rose Batzel Greeter - Mrs. Catherine Paone Eucharistic Minister - Margaret Sindleri Greeter - Mrs. Dorothy Sutton Lector - Mrs. Marsha C Critchfield First Reading Saint Clement Liturgical Schedule 3/2/2015 - 3/31/2015 Saturday, March 28, 2015 - 4:00 PM Altar Server - Madelyn R Bridges Organist - Mr. Bryan Bazyk Monday, March 30, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Olivia L Bridges Altar Server - Allie Gehlmann Altar Server - Tyler Flowers Crossbearer Lector - Mrs. Bernadette Ward Cantor - Mrs. Mary K Statler Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Mary Koval Middle Host Eucharistic Minister - Ms. Mary Lieb Middle Host Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Kathleen Williams Front Host Greeter - Mrs. Concetta Bonk Greeter - Mrs. Theresa Connor Greeter - Mrs. Evelyn A Haggerty Greeter - Mrs. Mary E McCall Lector - Mrs. Mary M Casto Second Reading Lector - Mr. Daniel Gehlmann Passion-Narrator Lector - Mrs. Pamela Gehlmann Passion-Voice Lector - Ms. Maureen McQuillan First Reading Organist - Ms. Francie Morello Sunday, March 29, 2015 - 8:15 AM Altar Server - Noah L Gresh Crossbearer Altar Server - Jillian L Kalinyak Altar Server - Alayna N Kalinyak Cantor - Mrs. Maureen Pavlik Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Anna Marie Brant Greeter - Mrs. Christina Bowser Greeter - Mrs. Catherine Butler Greeter - Mrs. Nanci Gaborek Greeter - Mrs. Sally Nesmith Lector - Mr. Timothy P Brant First Reading Lector - Mr. James A Catanese Passion-Narrator Lector - Mrs. Marie Kalinyak Second Reading Lector - Dr. Eugene Kupchella Passion-Voice Organist - Rosalyn Marovich Sunday, March 29, 2015 - 10:30 AM Altar Server - William Bulas Altar Server - Zachary Krieger Altar Server - Adam Mrozowski Crossbearer Cantor - Mrs. Madeline Gyure Eucharistic Minister - Mr. Jeffory Bunk Choir Eucharistic Minister - Miss Ruth Kucera Middle Host Eucharistic Minister - Mrs. Carol Partsch Middle Host Eucharistic Minister - Mr. Gary Weinzierl Front Host Greeter - Mrs. Annette Jones Greeter - Mr. Raymond Jones Greeter - Mr. Douglas Roberts Greeter - Mrs. Denise Roberts Lector - Mrs. Amy R Brazill Passion-Narrator Lector - Mrs. Linda L Fleming First Reading Lector - Mrs. Connie Mercik Second Reading Lector - Mr. John Pattison Passion-Voice Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 8:00 AM Altar Server - Allie Gehlmann Lector - Mrs. Anne Quinn
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