Volume 8 Issue 3 March 2015 We are a Christ-centered church committed to making disciples by witnessing God’s grace, mercy and love to all people. CONNECT, SERVE, GROW—FOLLOWING JESUS TOGETHER www.OtterbeinumcSpry.com E-Mail: [email protected] Traditional Worship 9:00 am Sunday School for All Ages 10:10 am Contemporary Worship 11:00 am Church Office: 717- 741-1429 Parsonage: 717- 741-0579 Otterbein UMC of Spry 50 School Street, York, PA 17402 Rev. Dr. Ken Loyer, Pastor / Rev. Dave McCullough, Associate Pastor WHAT NEWCOMERS EXPERIENCE meeting hall.” “Most everyone I noticed was Thirteen recent guests were polite, most smiled and some talked to asked to describe their first experience me. Many said ‘Welcome.’ It made me at Otterbein: feel welcome and comfortable.” “This church definitely made my “There were two or three men in daughter and I feel like part of the bright fluorescent vests directing traffic group. They offered snacks and rein the parking lot which made it easy to freshments, and when we took our know where to park as they have sevseats, no fewer than eight different peoeral parking areas. There was also a ple came up to talk to us and welcome very polite young teenage boy acting as us to the church.” a doorman and opening the door for “Everyone was happy and very arrivals.” peppy. I felt included and a part of the “This is something that I’ve group and liked the energy in there. It never seen at a church before, and made me expect the service would be therefore, very exceptional.” fun and lively.” “Upon entering, two greeters were very friendly and directed me to Andy Stanley observes that the where I could hang up my coat and ensermon begins when people turn off the ter the sanctuary.” street into the church parking lot. Eve“There was a greeter as soon as I walked in, ready with a warm hand- rything that happens to a guest prior to shake and smile. And then at the door the sermon prepares that person to either receive or reject the Good News of the main worship room, there was offered by Jesus. When church people another person who handed me the are inconsiderate of newcomers, it preservice bulletin. Two members of the congregation introduced themselves to disposes them to reject a message of love and hope. When church people go me before the service. The greetings out of their way to be considerate of were warm and friendly. I felt welguests, it is transformative for everyone. comed here.” “There was a woman who was It makes us more like Jesus, and helps walking into the building the same time the newcomer see first-hand the power of his teaching. as me who recognized me as a new person to their church, and she immediA big part of our reason to adopt the ately made me feel welcomed. She Matthew 28 model of the church is beintroduced me to many people who cause it reminds us that the church is were all very friendly, and they even not here just for us. It is not a religious offered snacks and refreshments.” social club for its members; but an “We were greeted by Pastor Ken and his family. We were handed a agent of love, hope, and peace for the whole community. To follow Jesus repamphlet and Pastor Ken explained quires an unselfish attitude that forces where the service would be held and (continued on page 10) invited me to some breakfast in the WEEKLY BIBLE STUDIES SUNDAY SCHOOL Every Sunday Morning at 10:10 The Monday Morning Bible Study meets in the Meeting Room at 9:45. We are back in the New Testament to study Matthew. Everyone is encouraged to join this wonderful group to study God’s word. Contact Joe Mowery, 7577068 or [email protected] for more information. The Bright Promise Class meets in the Meeting Room. Leaders: Virginia Houser, Scott and Doris Snyder. We are studying the book “Read the Bible for Life - Listen, Understand, Respond.” All are welcome. Come join us! The Ole Faithful Class meets in the library located behind the Sanctuary. Leaders (Alternate): The Wednesday Evening Bible Study meets at Joe Mowery and Nadine Goodwin. The class is 6:15 in Room 101. Join us February 25 to April 29 using ‘Christian Living in the Mature Years’ Bible for a study of Pastor Ken’s book, Holy Communion: study. Celebrating God with Us, led by Pastor Ken in conThe Seekers meet in the lower level in Room 100 junction with Wednesdays Together. Everyone is welcome, bring your Bible and join us! For more (the classroom right across from the church office). information, contact Nadine Goodwin 225-4820 or It is a Bible study based class. Bring your Bible, [email protected]. and come and grow in the faith with us! The Young Women's Group meets at the church every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7 pm in the Meeting Room. We are a group of women in our late twenties to early forties who meet to have fellowship, discuss life issues, and study the Bible. Many of us are moms but you don't have to be a mom to come! Come and be blessed! We would love to have you join us! Childcare is provided. The Practical Christianity Class meets in Room 101 and is led by a team of teachers who rotate. We study the Bible and issues related to faith and everyday life. For six weeks beginning Feb. 22 Pastor Ken will lead a study called “Maturing in Christ” about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Whether you are new to the faith or a lifelong Christian, there is plenty for us all to learn to help us grow closer to Jesus. All are welcome, especially if you don’t currently attend a Sunday School class. Join us! Our youth and children’s classes meet on the Upper Level. Children’s Department teachers: Bev Castriota, Jen Coppage, Eric and Terri Foust, Joel and DeAnna Hain, Missy Howard, and Molly Loyer. Junior and Senior High youth teacher: Rusty Coppage. The Men’s Group, Iron Men, meets on the first and third Monday of each month from 7 to 8:15 pm in the library. All men, regardless of age or stage in life, are invited to join us. Child care is provided. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”. (Proverbs 27:17) Nursery ages 0-2 yrs. Room 401 3 yrs. - kindergarten Room 403 1st - 3rd grade Room 404 4th - 6th grade Room 402 Youth ages 12 - 18 Room 406 Join us for learning, discussion, fun, and Bible teaching at 10:10 every Sunday! 2 Kids' Club All children kindergarten - 12 years old are welcome! Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 2 - 4 pm Games, Snacks, Crafts, Bible Lessons, Music & More! Free of charge Adult Supervision (We are a Safe Sanctuary Church) Kids’ Club 2015 Secret Agents in Action Growing in God We are blessed to offer Children's Worship during both the Traditional and Contemporary Services. To help grow the children's faith and foster family conversation, we are sending home weekly key Bible points the children learned, a Scripture reading for the family, and a few questions to discuss. Hopefully, this will help reinforce the teaching during that time as well as inform parents what the children learned. Additionally, we would like to challenge the children (and parents!) to learn one Bible verse or passage a month that we will work on during Children's Worship as well. March Lessons 1 - Jesus Teaches About Commitment 8 - Jesus Clears Merchants from the Temple 15 - Jesus Explains Why God Sent Him 22 - Jesus Notices a Widow’s Giving 29 - People Rejoice as Jesus Enters Jerusalem Calling all Secret Agents in kindergarten through age 12. Join us this year at Kids’ Club to learn how to live courageously as God’s disciples. Receive your own special agent passport to collect information, deMarch Bible verses code secret messages, and complete daily challenges. Games, crafts, and snacks are included in (Kids will be singing “His Great Love” based on this verse) each mission! “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” March 1- Agents in Action Mission 10 Romans 5.8 Younger kids version: March 15- Agents in Action Mission 11 “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” April 5 - No Kids’ Club ~ It is Not Too Early! Save the date for an “Icy” VBS Adventure April 19- Agents in Action Mission 12 2015… “EVEREST – Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty May 3- Agents in Action Mission 13 Power!” Kids… come meet at Base Camp and be part of a May 17- VBS Sneak Peak! climbing crew as we embark on an icy expedition where we overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power on Sunday, July 12th WEDNESDAY’S KIDS! All kids are welcome to th come with their families to Wednesday’s Together at through Thursday, July 16 at 6:15-8:30 pm. We will wrap up with a community carnival on Sunday, 5:30 pm for dinner followed by kid’s activities July 19th following worship. More details will follow, (parents have activities too!) Fun includes games, music, craft and a short Bible teaching moment. If but let’s start to get EXCITED and tell your FRIENDS!! All kids age 0 – 12 years old welcome! you can’t make it for dinner, come by 6:15 pm – Youth and adults…watch for more details how YOU 7:20 pm for the fun and hang out with Laurie and can get involved through volunteer opportunities! friends! 3 Current The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus This series retraces the life and ministry of Jesus. It will help us hear familiar stories with fresh ears by drawing upon insights Otterbein Spry Church Family, I am extremely exfrom history, archaeology, and the geography of the cited for my expanded role as Children’s Ministry Holy Land. We will learn about how Jesus was Director in addition to Director of Traditional Worbaptized in the Jordan River and was later tempted ship! Many of you are very familiar with me, but for in the wilderness. We’ll explore the accounts of those who may not know me, I thought I would take Jesus healing the sick, giving his most famous serthis opportunity to share a bit about myself. I have mon, calming the wind and the waves on the Sea of been a member of this church for 32 years. My Galilee, and offering an outcast a drink of living wahusband, Nelson, and I were married here and ter. And, we’ll recall the last week of Jesus’ life in have been blessed with a daughter, Brittany, now Jerusalem. If you’ve ever wanted to know more 26 years old living and working in NYC. Through about Jesus Christ, we invite you to join us as we involvement over the years in the many events, Bi- walk in the footsteps of Jesus. This journey will ble studies, and ministries of our church, my faith deepen your understanding of Jesus’ life, while at has grown deeply and my love for God and this the same time deepening your faith in him and your church as well. It didn’t take me long to find my love for him. niche by joining the choir, then becoming the accompanist, to fulltime organist, choir/handbell direc- Feb. 22 - Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus: tor and working with VBS, children’s choir and deBaptism and Temptation veloping the kids’ bell choir. It is so exciting to see the growth our church is experiencing and how the March 1 - Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus: children’s ministry is growing! We treasure each The Healing Ministry child and our desire is to create a fun, safe and nurturing environment where the children will want to March 8 - Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus: come and bring their friends. Through the support Proclaiming the Kingdom of the parents and the congregation as we continue March 15 - Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus: to Connect, Serve, and Grow by Following Jesus Together, we will continue to have a firm foundation Even the Storms Obey Him! and a hopeful future! I am very grateful for this opportunity to serve God and be part of our chilMarch 22 - Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus: dren’s future and build God’s kingdom with children Sinners, Outcasts, and the Poor and help them grow in their faith… as Jesus said “Let the little children come to me.” Praise! Laurie March 29 - Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus: Snyder The Final Week in Jerusalem The Ole’ Faithful Class will hold April 5 - Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus: their annual Holiday Party, Your Defining Story March 14, 4:00 PM in Fellowship Hall. All seniors are invited to join in fun, fellowship and good food. Cost is $12.00 per person and each person attending should bring a wrapped $5.00 gift. For reservations, please see Lucreta Clark or call her at 741-2621. 4 “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.” Psalm 33.3 Calling All Kids! Lord’s Lil’ Singers will be sharing a special song “His Great Love” (based on Growing in God - March’s Bible Verse Romans 5.8) on March 8th during the 9 am and 11 am worship services. All kids are welcome to sing, we practice during Sunday School and at Kids’ Club. Families who attend the 2nd service please drop off your child @ 9:45 am in the lobby, we will sing at the end of the 1st service. The 2nd service the children will sing at the beginning of the service at which time families that wish to leave can do so after they sing. For more information, please contact Laurie Snyder, 309-1678 or [email protected]. Kids’ Bell Choir, The Joyful Lil’ Ringers: “Hear Ye, Hear Ye” children 1st grade through 5th grade are invited to join our bell ringing group. No experience or music reading required. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings at 5:15 in the Children’s Music Room upstairs. We are working on a song to share this spring. SERVE THE CITY We as a church have signed up to assist Compassion York a local ministry by serving food to those in downtown York on Sunday, March 1, 2015 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. We are accepting donations of money, food and volunteers (see sign-up sheets on table in lobby). Volunteers are needed in the following ways: (1) to prepare food for main meal, (2) make and pack the lunches, (3) assemble the main meal bags, (4) to serve or drive (vans & trucks are needed) the main meal on-site and (5) to clean-up after the run. “If you or a class would like to take charge of any parts of this ministry please contact me”. We will be making the bag lunches and main meal bags during the Sunday school time downstairs. So any SS classes that wish to assist us may do so during this time. This is a great opportunity for us to do what Christ commands us-serve him by serving others. As our Lord says, “…for I was hungry, and you gave me food…” (Matthew 25:35). If interested, please contact Charlie Brown at [email protected] or 887-1063. Thank you! Special Holy Week Music: Sounds of Brass Donald Ryan and his trumpet ensemble, will join us for our Holy Week 9 am worship service on Palm Sunday, March 29th and our Easter Celebration, April 5th. The Glory Bells will play for our Palm Sunday and Easter Celebrations along with the choir. Holy Thursday Service, April 2nd 7:00 pm the choir will sing “The Upper Room” and special music by It’s that time of year...time to house clean! The MisKeith Grim will be provided for our Communion sions Committee is accepting donations for the Celebration on Easter at the 9 am service. Spring Yard Sale. Pack up those unwanted treasPalm Sunday Celebration All children ures and put them on the porch of the Lions’ building (the yellow building across from the Scout buildare invited to join in the Palm Sunday th ing). NO TELEVISIONS OR COMPUTERS Celebration, March 29 , at the beginning of both worship services by enter- PLEASE! Contact Virginia Houser, 741-3462 or Lois Roth, 741-2302 if you have furniture to donate or for ing with palm branches, waving and more information. All proceeds from our yard sale singing praises! support mission work locally, nationally and internationally. 5 April 24 & 25 Friday 8-6 Saturday 8-1 THE ALTAR CIRCLE TEAM (TAC TEAM) SUNDAY MORNING MINISTRY—March ~ 9 am Scripture Reader 1 - Dodie Stabley 8 - Dodie Stabley 15 - Joe Mowery 22 - Chris Kenna 29 Greeters 1 - Cathy and Elle Smith 8 - Lisa Miller, Doris Witta 15 -Tom and Denise Harlacker 22 - Dale and Sandy Stough 29 - Pam Brandt, Linda Noll Children’s Church 1 - Linda Noll, Scott Snyder 8 - Matt Ferree, Sam Howard 15 - Deb Keech, Sarah McQueen 22 - Erin Hammons, Doris Snyder 29 - Martha Brown, Dina Ferree Communion Servers 1 - Ed Anderson, Virginia Houser, Meg Mylet Nursery Helpers - Angela Smith, Sarah Weikert Ushers - Pam Brandt, Niki Ellis, Cathy and Ellee Smith If interested or for more information in volunteering for these ministries, please call the church office (741-1429). SUNDAY MORNING MINISTRY—March ~ 11 am Greeters 1 - Meg and Ethan Mylet 8 - Scott and Michelle Schreckengast 15 - Mitch and Clare Hescox 22 - Steve, Stephanie, Emily, and Erin Perago 29 - Children’s Sunday School Class Ushers - Warren Adams, Bob Becker During the month of January our Food Bank helped 109 families consisting of 192 adults, 159 children and 49 seniors. Thank you for all the food and monetary donations. If you are in need of assistance from the Food Bank, contact the church office, 741-1429 by Wednesday each week. Food pick up is Thursdays between 11 am and noon. A big thank you to Chesley Ellis for donating to our Food Bank. Chesley had the guests at her birthday party bring food items instead of birthday gifts for her. Chesley donated $80 in cash also. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness and generosity. The Seniors’ Group will now have their luncheon the fourth Wednesday of the month. The next luncheon will be 11:45 am, March 25 at Lion’s Pride Restaurant, 20 Dairyland Square, Red Lion. For more information contact Pat Shue, 7412203. 6 Children’s Church 1 - Lindsay Barshinger, Bernadine Suplee 8 - Michelle Schreckengast, Scott Snyder 15 - Clare Hescox, Doris Snyder 22 - Kim Becker, Meg Mylet 29 - Lindsay Barshinger, Pam Brandt Nursery Helpers - Angela Smith, Sarah Weikert Church Brunch Join us for a hot brunch and a time of fellowship Sunday, March 29 at 10:10. We will not have Sunday School that day. 2015 Ladies Tea Update Due to the upcoming elevator construction and some new opportunities for Otterbein, the Ladies Tea will not be held. A sincere thank you to all who have made the past teas so enjoyable and successful. Laurie Snyder and Nadine Goodwin Tea Coordinators The Upper Room for March and April and Devozine, the devotional magazine for and by teens, are available in the information rack in the Narthex. Our Daily Bread for March, April, and May can be found there also. With our firm foundation Thank you to the Boy Scouts for we have already started taking part in the 9 am Worship Serbuilding to a most hopeful vice February 8th and to the leaders future with our giving to and families for worshiping with us. date totaling $196,579 and We appreciated the donuts and the our commitments at Boy Scout display in the lobby. $400,867. This is an exciting start to what will be a Faith Beyond the Pews great ongoing campaign. Work Camp We are in the process of will be held the week of June 8 getting the necessary perCORNER - 12. There are many needy mits and finalizing the people here in York County. plans for our church elevator. We will proceed as Please consider volunteering quickly as possible, and we look forward to the to serve Christ by serving othcompletion of this project. Stay tuned for more upers. All skill levels, from professional to willing dates as we carry out the work funded by your genhelper, are needed. If God is calling you to serve erous support of our capital campaign. He will carry you on the journey. Would you prayerfully consider helping a neighbor in need! FBP will Baptism and Reception of New Members: If you be capping registrations at 100 volunteers. Please would like to make this your church home, it would get your applications in early to reserve your spot. be our pleasure to welcome you into our family! We Volunteer applications and information are available normally receive new members three or four times online at http://www.servants.org/#/home-helps or per year, and baptisms are usually conducted on by calling 717-378-0336. the same Sundays as these. The next date set for baptism and new member reception is March 22, Easter Egg Extravaganza 2015 (new member class on March 15 from 2 to 4 Join us Saturday, April 4th pm). Those wishing to join the church are to attend starting at 2 pm for our ana new member class on a Sunday afternoon prior to nual Easter Egg Extravatheir reception. Those who join the church will be ganza for children and their received as members in whatever service they norfamilies from our church mally attend, whether 9 am or 11 am worship. and community. We will Please call the church office if you are interested in begin with a short Easter Program in our Fellowship being part of a new member class or for baptism for Hall followed by an Egg Hunt. All children ages yourself or your child. birth to 12 are invited. Donations Needed: We will need donations of Church Camp plastic eggs and individually wrapped candy for the It’s not too soon to make your plans eggs as well as volunteers to help. Drop off donafor Church Camp. There are many tions of eggs and/or candy in the container in the camps to choose from such as Mu- lobby or in the church office by March 22nd. Please sic, Drama & Worship Arts Camp, contact Laurie Snyder if you can volunteer 309and Soccer Academy. Camps are 1678, [email protected]. available for children, youth and adults. Registration and all information needed for camp can be found at Daylight www.susumcamps.org. Brochures are available in Saving Time the lobby also. Otterbein will pay a portion of the Sunday, registration for children and youth. Early bird discount if you register by April 1. March 8 7 A Midweek Opportunity for Everyone February 25—April 29 5:30 p.m. • Dinner 6:15 – 7:20 p.m. • Classes/Activities 7:30 p.m. • Prayer Service “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42 Wednesdays Together is an opportunity for folks of all ages to gather for one evening a week of fun, fellowship, and growing in faith. We will share a meal together (one you won’t have to cook or clean up after!) and nourish our minds and souls through a variety of classes and activities. All kids are welcome to hang out with Laurie Snyder in the Kids’ Music Room 6:15 pm – 7:20 pm to learn about praising God through music…singing, learning about rhythm and playing instruments! Kids will also have a short Bible lesson, games and creative time! Bring your friends! Nursery care will be provided for those 2 years of age and younger. This spring, in addition to activities for children and youth as well as nursery coverage for our little ones, we will offer two classes for adults: The Crafters (crocheting and knitting group) led by Joan Holloway which will meet in Room 100, and a study of Pastor Ken’s book, Holy Communion: Celebrating God with Us (Abingdon Press, 2014), led by Pastor Ken. Stay for some or all! SHARE Good Food For a Good Price For a Good Deed SHARE is a program that empowers people to be self-sufficient and strengthens relationships and communities by encouraging volunteer service. Through SHARE, people can purchase food packages worth $35-$40 for $21 or less. SHARE offers a wide variety of meat packages, a veggie package, holiday packages, and during the summer and fall months, Farm Fresh Packages. Farm Fresh Packages offer fresh fruits and veggies from family farmers in Lancaster County. All this for only 2 hours of volunteer service such as church work, babysitting, calling a neighbor daily, picking up trash while on a walk, working at a food bank, library, school, etc. If you eat, you’re in! Everyone can participate in SHARE. Any questions call Virginia Houser, 741-3462 or Lois Roth, 741-2302. March Sign Up Date March 14 — 10 am - noon Food Distribution Day March 28 — 10 am - noon 8 3RD ANNUAL MEN’S RESURRECTION BREAKFAST A Time of Celebration and Commitment for Men Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday Services 9:00 am Traditional Worship 10:10 am Church Brunch 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Wednesday, April 1 - Wednesdays Together 5:30 pm Dinner 6:15 – 7:20 pm Classes/Activities 7:30 pm Prayer Service Thursday, April 2 - Maundy Thursday Service 7:00 pm—Holy Communion Service (Sanctuary) Friday, April 3 - 9 am to 7 pm Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary) Noon and 6 pm Prayer Service (Sanctuary) Saturday, April 4 - Easter Egg Extravaganza 2:00 pm Easter Program in Fellowship Hall, Egg Hunt to follow Sunday, April 5 - Easter Worship Celebrations 7:15 am Easter Sunrise Service 8:00 am Light Breakfast 9:00 am Traditional Worship 10:10 am Sunday School for All Ages 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Christian Men are Encouraged to Invite your Unsaved Family, Friends, and Business Associates to this Special Meeting where the Gospel will be Presented Saturday, March 14 9:00 a.m. Grace Baptist Church 3920 E. Prospect Rd., York Buffet Breakfast W. Wilson Lippy, Speaker Wilson Lippy is the founder and president of Christian Farmers Outreach, a Christian outreach for farmers and non-farmers. CFO is celebrating 25 years of ministry this year and is growing by leaps and bounds. CFO works around the world with more than 1200 individuals from 31 different countries with tracts in 14 different languages. CFO continually prays, seeks God’s direction and remains readily available for whatever He has for them to do. Many are being reached by CFO for Jesus every day. CFO’s mission is to build, maintain and strengthen faith in God through presenting The York Urban Alliance of United Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Jeremiah 33:3 is Methodist Churches will host the the organization’s theme verse: “Call on me and I Men’s Lenten Breakfasts on Satur- will answer thee and show thee great and mighty days during Lent. Each breakfast will begin at 7:30 things that thou knowest not.” am. A Lenten message will be delivered at each breakfast. All men of the community are invited to To register or for further information attend. A free will offering to defray expenses will Call 717-755-0091 be taken. If you have any questions, please call Or email [email protected] coordinator Barry Montag @ 717-792-1713. Please Register by March 8 Free will offering will be taken Feb. 21 - Messiah UM Church, 1300 N. Beaver St., York Feb. 28 - Aldersgate UM Church, 397 Tyler Run Rd., York March 7 - Fourth UM Church, 20 N. Lehman St., York March 14 - Zion UM Church, 1030 Carlisle Rd., York March 21 - Yorkshire UM Church, 125 Edgewood Rd., York March 28 - Bethany UM Church, 1401 Mt. Rose Ave., York April 4 - Asbury UM Church, 340 E. Market St., York 9 Change of Address ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE OF ELECTRONIC GIVING Ryan & Heather Beavers 225 Cherry Street York, PA 17402 Otterbein Spry wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual congregation members and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account. Phone Number Updates Chris Man, 717-542-7589 Nancy Metz, 717-818-5469 Scott Snyder, 717-501-1071 Doris Snyder, 717-501-1070 Credit and Debit Card Giving lets you make offerings automatically on a pre-determined schedule using a credit or debit card. Online Giving lets you go to www.OtterbeinUmcSpry.com at any time to set up an automatic donation plan, change your donation plan, make a one-time donation or view your online donation history. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Authorization forms and additional information are available from the church office or at the welcome center in the lobby. 11th Annual Reducing Cancer in our Community On March 14, 2015, the Penn State Cancer Institute, in partnership with the American Cancer Society, is holding an educational program for the general public on the latest information related to prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of common cancers. The program is free to participants. Enrollment is limited and preregistration is required. The brochure and an on-line registration form are posted on the website: www.pennstatehershey.org/ reducing cancer. Brochures are also available in the lobby. FOR SALE—Plastic stacking chairs, $2.00 each. Contact Virginia Houser, 741-3462 if interested or for more information. 10 Phil Bowman went to his eternal home with God Thursday, February 12. A Celebration of Life service was held in the sanctuary Tuesday, February 17. Pastor Ken and Rev. Richard Starr officiated. Phil was a member at Otterbein Spry for 20 years. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Phil’s family. Dear Crafters, Thank you! It was such a blessing for our residents to receive your lovely gifts! We are so lucky to have people like you to brighten our day! Laura Baker, Activity Director, The Haven at Springwood WHAT NEWCOMERS EXPERIENCE (continued from page 1) us to think of the needs of others as well as our own. This is the kind of church we have become and want to excel at. It is what Jesus intended for his church to be. I think he is proud of us and encourages us to keep improving. If you want to know how you can help, talk to me. Pastor Dave [email protected] 717-818-8831 Sunday Morning Schedule 9:00 am Traditional Worship 10:10 am Sunday School for all ages 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Sun 1 Kids’ Club 2 - 4 pm Food Run 4pm Mon 2015 Wed Tue 2Bible Study 9:45 AA - 6 pm Young Women’s Group, 7 pm Iron Men, 7 pm 3 Choirs Sunday 10:10 am Lord’s Lil’ Singers Tuesday 5:15 pm Joyful Lil’ Ringers Wed. 6:30 pm Contemporary Worship Team Thursday 6:30 pm Choir Thursday 7:30 pm Glory Bells 4 AA - 6 pm Wednesdays Together Thu 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Table Tennis Club 6 - 8 pm Special Olympics 6:30 8 Girl Scout Sunday Youth Group 6:30—8:30 15 Kids’ Club 2 - 4 pm New Member Class 2 pm Youth Group 6:30—8:30 22 Youth Group 6:30—8:30 9 Bible Study 9:45 am AA - 6 pm Special Olympics 6:30 10 11 Trustees, 7 pm AA - 6 pm Wednesdays Together 16 17 Bible Study 9:45 am AA - 6 pm Young Women’s Group, 7 pm Iron Men, 7 pm 23 Bible Study 9:45 am AA - 6 pm 18 AA - 6 pm Wednesdays Together 24 25 Seniors’ Group Luncheon - 11:45 am AA - 6 pm Wednesdays Together Private Party 1-5 pm 29 Palm Sunday 30 Church Brunch 10:10 Youth Group 6:30—8:30 MARCH BIRTHDAYS Harget 2 - Alison Gambrill 5 - Ryan Flynn Mary Ann Rittenhouse Glenn Taylor 6 - Carl Lauver Theresa Wise 7 - Todd Barshinger 9 - Mary Grim 9 - Nancy Sweitzer 11 - Missy Howard 1 - Susanne 31 Wednesdays Together 5:30 Dinner 6:15-7:20 Classes/Activities 7:30 Prayer Service 12 - Bobby Aller 15 - Luke Howard 17 - Sophia Bean Erin Hammons 18 - Elise Knowlden 19 -Sebrina Joynes 20 - Ed Anderson Addison Barshinger Roy Deardorff 24 - Greg Towson 25 - Lincoln Coppage 26 - Alexyus Slaughter 13 12 Newsletter Deadline 4 pm 19 Staff Meeting 2:30 pm 20 26 Staff Meeting 2:30 pm 27 Table Tennis Club 6 - 8 pm 21 Pinewood Derby 28 Table Tennis Club 6 - 8 pm Share Distribution 10 - Noon Scouts Boy Scout Troop 50, Mon. 7pm Senior Girl Scouts, Mon. 6:30 26 - William Gross 28 - Wilmer Barshinger Hailey Flynn Jackie Hench Diane Oberlander 29 - Dean Gise Rebecca Flynn 30 - Doris Witta 31 - David Hammons John Suggs 11 14 Share Sign Game Nite ~ Meal 6 Up 10 - Noon Games ~ 7 pm Ole’ Faithful Table Tennis Club Class Party 6 - 8 pm Cub Scout Pk. 50, Tues. 7 pm Cadette Girl Scouts, Wed. 6:30 pm MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 3 - Carl & Dale Schell 9 - Roger & Sue Starliper 16 -Richard & Brynn Kehler 19 - Melvin & Susan Kline 24 - John & Linda Noll 28 - William & Joyce Gross 30 - William & Becky Miller Otterbein United Methodist Church of Spry 50 School Street York, PA 17402 Visit us at: www.OtterbeinUmcSpry.com Phone: 717-741-1429 Parsonage: 717-741-0579 E-Mail: [email protected] Otterbein UMC of Spry March 2015 Sunday, April 5—Easter Worship Celebrations 7:15 am Easter Sunrise Service 8:00 am Light Breakfast 9:00 am Traditional Worship 10:10 am Sunday School for All Ages 11:00 am Contemporary Worship April 2015 Upcoming Events Apr. 4, Easter Program & Egg Hunt, 2 pm Apr. 5, Happy Easter! Apr. 10, Game Nite meal-6 pm, games-7 pm Apr. 14, Trustees, 7 pm Apr. 11, Share Sign Up, 10 am - noon If you no longer wish to receive these publications, please contact the church office at 717-741-1429 or via e-mail at [email protected] Would you like to receive The Otterbein Messenger by e-mail? Contact the church office. Apr. 19, Kids’ Club, 2-4 pm Apr. 21, Finance Committee, 7:30 pm Apr. 24, Missions Yard Sale, 8-6 pm Apr. 25, Missions Yard Sale, 8-1 pm Apr. 25, Share Distribution, 10 am - noon Apr. 28, Cemetery Committee, 7 pm
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