My Resume

Em ai l: yasser.khan@li
W e b :
LinkedIn :ht t p s :/ /s g .l in ke din . com /in /y as ser k h an s g
Mobi le : +65 8406 860 8
A proven and enthusiastic social media consultant with extensive expertise in crafting successful
social campaigns and achieving quantifiable results. Strong knowledge in online marketing and social
media management with a keen eye for the latest social trends; with proven skills in project
development and leading collaborative projects.
With dedicated strengths in online marketing, content creating, social media planning and
strategizing; and practiced skills in problem solving, customer service and a strong attention to
• Excellent proficiency in English with strong writing abilities; proven strength in creating content and copywriting as well as representing the brand in a professional manner while acting as a moderator and responding to fans and followers comments and messages • Crafted and conducted multiple social media marketing campaigns singlehandedly; completed tasks that were usually carried out by more staff • Studied social media marketing and stay up to date on industry trends; key influences include American entrepreneurs and internet gurus including Mike Dillard, Katie Freiling, Frank Kern and Jonathan Budd • Performed content syndication, email marketing, SEO, PR, advertising, online research while developing and coordinating an overall social media strategy • Developed social media activations; successfully improving fan acquisition and increasing community engagement • Managed the brand presence across various social platforms and measured the impact of the social media programs; analysing, reviewing and reporting on the effectiveness while collaborating with the marketing team to project a consistent image SKILLS- SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING
Social Media Marketing Online Marketing Content Creation Copywriting Content curation Social Media Platforms Social Media Management •
Research Problem Solving Leadership Organization Creativity Technologically Savvy Social Strategizing
Met and exceeded target conversion rates of 5% for turning social media leads into customers Achieved 150% annual growth rate of fans and followers on all Facebook pages and twitter accounts Reduced overall marketing expenses by 40% by migrating from Google Adwords to Facebook ads Acted as point of contact to allow for faster resolution of customer complaints; thus reducing the escalation of customer concerns to management by 80% • Exceeded the target of 50% of all web traffic to the ecommerce site via the Facebook page EDUCATION
BSc in Business – University of London, SIM Univeristy – Singapore‐ 2014 GCE A Levels ‐ Tampines Junior College‐ Singapore ‐ 2004 RELEVANT CAREER HIGHLIGHTS
Carbon Copy Pro LLC, New York, NY, USA Social Media Marketing Consultant 2009 to 2011 Responsibilities • Performed social marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Social Blogs, YouTube , email campaigns and other social media platforms; utilizing tools such as TweetDeck, Google Alerts and Social Oomph • Developed social media activation to help improve fan acquisition and increase community engagements • Completed content syndications, email marketing, SEO, PR, advertising, online research while developing the overall social strategy for promoting online training products • Acted as the point of contact this allowed for a faster resolution of customer complaints and reduced the teh escalation of customer concerns to management by 80% • Planned and executed the company’s online marketing strategy to ensure alignment with the corporate strategy and that there was value creation for customers • Managed the brand presence across social networking sites; including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram and other relevant blogs, sites, e‐commerce and forums • Monitored social media platforms for conversations and trends related to the brand and provided feedback insights to management to align the overall business strategy and tools used for social media marketing • Measured the impact of social media programs; analysed, reviewed and reported on the effectiveness of the social media campaigns • Worked with the marketing team to standardize the communications of the brand to project consistency in image ADDITIONAL CAREER HISTORY
Sprint Cass (S) Pte. Ltd. Warehouse Administrative Executive 2014 to present Responsibilities • Receive goods at the warehouse; rigorously verifying prices, quantities, SKUs and barcodes before accepting into the system and warehouse and rejecting any goods that are not in accordance to the specifications and supervising storeman for correct receiving’s • Generate stock transfer notes to distribute the correct goods to the company’s 8 stores according to the buyers’ specified quantities • Run detailed searches in the product database to resolve complex issues in promotion mechanics, barcodes, quantities or models; also transferring fast selling stocks to stores • Follow up with suppliers for issuing invoices and credit notes to submit to the accounts department before month‐end closing • Create new product SKUs in the system and entering relevant details such as cost and price and linking to relevant suppliers and barcodes; and maintaining Excel records of all code creation, promotions, incentives and supplier directory, etc. • Generate weekly stock‐on‐hand and sell‐through reports for suppliers and email them for billing, rebates, tracking and replenishment; provide daily lists of new SKU and barcodes to system administrator for uploading • Create promotional campaigns from supplier requests and email compiled excel files; send promotional posters to shop floors for activations • Ensure 100% accuracy rates for all data, including SKU and prices, to minimise customer confusion or revenue loss Courts (S) Pte. Ltd, AIA (S) Pte. Ltd. Data Entry, Admin Responsibilities 2011 to 2013 •
Performed data entry; transferring data onto online forms, Excel or proprietary software and using RFID device to scan and input data Maintaining accurate records of activities and work completed and updating databases Identify and correct paperwork and electronic errors Communicate with customers and deal with inquiries Prepared Delivery Order in Court’s largest warehouse for local delivery to its 15+ stores nationwide Ensured that the delivery data is 100% accurate according to requirements; maintained efficiency by 80% in terms of meeting specifications Maintained zero error rates in product models, quantities, sizes, colours, etc. that were being shipped out; achieved a 90% consistency in error rate Received incoming stock and verified with the buyer for correct SKU numbers, brand, model and quantities Performed file and document archiving; as well as data inspection and reporting discrepancies to superiors Ensured the systematic maintenance of files and documents in accordance with warehouse policies for AIA’s Singapore clients in East and Central Areas •
British India Singapore Pte. Ltd. Sales Associate and Customer Service 2005 to 2008 Responsibilities • Conducted sales of apparel and furniture • Liaised with the warehouse to arrange for new stock, delivery of bulk‐purchase items to customers and coordinated the returns of excess or damaged stock • Performed inventory and the stock‐take of incoming items as well as the house keeping of the assigned department • Collected purchase orders; collated and filed the customer data bases • Set customer service appointment dates and performed follow ups with clients • Ensured product delivery, collected feedback, performed product tests and answered customer queries LANGUAGE SKILLS
Proficient in English, Malay and Arabic
“Mother Tongue Top Performer Award”; Bedok Town Secondary School for 4 consecutive years
“Colours Award” for Excellent Sportsmanship; Tampines Juior College
Won Softball School Championships 2004 Trophy; Tampines Junior College