2015 Year of the Poor - Mercy and Compassion March 1, 2015 2nd Sunday of Lent www.ssaparish.com Forbes Park, Makati Pope Francis’ Lenten Message 2015 Part 3 (Previously: And since we are united in God, we can do something for those who are far distant, those whom we could never reach on our own, because with them and for them, we ask God that all of us may be open to his plan of salvation.) 2. “Where is your brother?” (Gen 4:9) – Parishes and Communities All that we have been saying about the universal Church must now be applied to the life of our parishes and communities. Do these ecclesial structures enable us to experience being part of one body? A body which receives and shares what God wishes to give? A body which acknowledges and cares for its weakest, poorest and most insignificant members? Or do we take refuge in a universal love that would embrace the go out of itself and to be engaged in the life of the greater whole world, while failing to see the Lazarus sitting before our society of which it is a part, especially with the poor and those closed doors (Lk 16:19-31)? who are far away. The Church is missionary by her very nature; she is not self-enclosed but sent out to every nation In order to receive what God gives us and to make it bear and people. abundant fruit, we need to press beyond the boundaries of the visible Church in two ways. Her mission is to bear patient witness to the One who desires to draw all creation and every man and woman to the Father. In the first place, by uniting ourselves in prayer with the Church Her mission is to bring to all a love which cannot remain in heaven. The prayers of the Church on earth establish a silent. The Church follows Jesus Christ along the paths that communion of mutual service and goodness which reaches lead to every man and woman, to the very ends of the earth up into the sight of God. Together with the saints who have (cf. Acts 1:8). In each of our neighbours, then, we must see a found their fulfillment in God, we form part of that communion brother or sister for whom Christ died and rose again. What in which indifference is conquered by love. The Church in we ourselves have received, we have received for them as heaven is not triumphant because she has turned her back on well. Similarly, all that our brothers and sisters possess is a the sufferings of the world and rejoices in splendid isolation. gift for the Church and for all humanity. Rather, the saints already joyfully contemplate the fact that, through Jesus’ death and resurrection, they have triumphed Dear brothers and sisters, how greatly I desire that all those once and for all over indifference, hardness of heart and places where the Church is present, especially our parishes hatred. Until this victory of love penetrates the whole world, and our communities, may become islands of mercy in the the saints continue to accompany us on our pilgrim way. midst of the sea of indifference! Saint Therese of Lisieux, a Doctor of the Church, expressed her conviction that the joy in heaven for the victory of crucified love remains incomplete as long as there is still a single man or woman on earth who suffers and cries out in pain: “I trust fully that I shall not remain idle in heaven; my desire is to continue to work for the Church and for souls” (Letter 254, July 14, 1897). We share in the merits and joy of the saints, even as they share in our struggles and our longing for peace and reconciliation. Their joy in the victory of the Risen Christ gives us strength as we strive to overcome our indifference and hardness of heart. In the second place, every Christian community is called to Conclusion next week Parish Bulletin SUNDAY GOSPEL REFLECTION By Fr. Reu Jose C. Galoy the messages of providence. To listen to him, finally, in our brothers, especially in the little ones and the poor, for whom Jesus himself asked our concrete love. To listen to Christ and to obey his voice. This is the only way that leads to joy and love. (Vatican City, March 13, 2006 - Zenit) RANDOM THOUGHTS Voices from yesterday and today… By: Peachy Maramba ST. CHAD: Outstanding Bishop of early Medieval England 634 – 672 March 2 “We Need to Climb the Mountain, But We Cannot Stay There” TRANSFIGURATION: A MOMENT OF GRACE TO LISTEN, LEARN, LIVE LIKE JESUS “No One Lives ‘on Tabor’ While on Earth” Pope Emeritus Benedict the XVI said - When one has the grace to sense a strong experience of God, it is as though seeing something similar to what the disciples experienced during the Transfiguration: For a moment they experienced ahead of time something that will constitute the happiness of paradise. In general, it is brief experiences that God grants on occasions, especially in anticipation of harsh trials. However, no one lives “on Tabor” while on earth. Human existence is a journey of faith and, as such, goes forward more in darkness than in full light, with moments of obscurity and even profound darkness. While we are here, our relationship with God develops more with listening than with seeing; and even contemplation takes place, so to speak, with closed eyes, thanks to the interior light lit in us by the word of God. This is, therefore, the gift and commitment for each one of us in the Lenten season: To listen to Christ, like Mary. To listen to him in the word, preserved in sacred Scripture. To listen to him in the very events of our lives, trying to read in them 2 Pope Francis spoke on the importance of listening, of being attuned and attentive to the Word of God; and the movement of ascent and descent that characterizes the Gospel episode (Mt. 17:1-9), in which the Lord takes Peter, James and John to the top of Mt Tabor, reveals Himself in His glorified form, and returns down the mountain with them, with grave warnings to the disciples who accompanied Him not to speak of what they had seen. If you’re ever in Birmingham, England do pass by the cathedral which bears St. Chad’s name and look for his relics. This is because he did a lot to Christianize this part of early Medieval England. Chad (also known as Ceadda) came from a holy family which raised 3 other brothers all of whom were priests two of which became distinguished bishops. They were born in the Kingdom of Northumbria, England and were Angles by race. Chad’s elder brother Cedd and he were trained by famous St. Aidan at the great abbey of Lindisfarne. However when St. Aidan died Chad went to Ireland where he lived as a The Holy Father went on: “We monk spending time with St. Egbert. need to go to a place of retreat, turn to page 3 to climb the mountain and go to a Editorial Team & General Information Marilou Consing – Editor in Chief place of silence, to find ourselves Jeannie Bitanga – Assistant Editor/Website Administrator Jojo Avila Montenegro – Art & Design and better perceive the voice of Colorplus Production Group Corp. – Production the Lord.” We cannot stay there, Submit articles, pictures, announcements, notices to: [email protected] however. “The encounter with God Deadline for submission is every Tuesday of the week. The Parish Bulletin reserves the right to edit articles in prayer again pushes us to ‘come for clarity and space. down from the mountain’ and back Santuario de San Antonio Pastoral Team Fr. Reu Jose C. Galoy, OFM – Parish Priest down into the plain,” he said, “where Fr. Baltazar Obico, OFM – Guardian Fr. Efren Jimenez, OFM we meet many brothers and sisters Fr. Jesus Galindo, OFM – Makati Medical Center Chaplain Fr. Serge Santos, OFM. weighed down by fatigue, injustice, Santuario de San Antonio Parish Center Office and both material and spiritual Tel. nos. 8438830-31 Email: [email protected] poverty.” Website: www.ssaparish.com “The mountain is the site of the encounter intimate closeness with God - the place of prayer, in which to stand in the presence of the Lord,” said Pope Francis. “We, the disciples of Jesus, are called to be people who listen to His voice and take his words seriously.” He added, “To listen to Jesus, we must follow Him.” Pope Francis said that we are called to carry the fruits of the experience we have with God to our troubled brothers and sisters, sharing with them the treasures of grace received. (Vatican City, March 16, 2014 – VIS) Website email: [email protected] Foundation website: www.santuariodesanantonio.org Parish Pastoral Council Jayme Blanco – President Edmund Lim – Vice President Cristina Teehankee – Secretary To submit articles/pictures to the Parish Bulletin/Website Please submit photos with your articles, if at all possible. Submit them by email (not in paper form) with photos in .jpg format and a minimum photo file size of at least 80 KB (800 x 530 pixels). Articles submitted should be a minimum of 150 words and not more than 300 words. Email to: [email protected] March 1, 2015 Random Thoughts...from page 2 After some years there his brother Cedd who was made Bishop of London recalled him to take charge of the Abbey of Lindisfarne which St. Aidan had founded on a wild and solitary spot on the Yorkshire moors. So Chad returned back to England as Abbot of Lindisfarne Monastery. unworthy, under obedience.” Taken aback and deeply impressed by Chad’s holiness and humility the archbishop supplied whatever was lacking in his Episcopal consecration and retired him back to Lastingham. But as soon as there was an opening when Jaruman, the Bishop of Mercian died he asked King Oswy to let Chad However after only a year there have that see. Chad was summoned by King Oswy to become bishop of York as he found However because of his age the him to be “a holy man of modest Archbishop asked him to give up character, well versed in the Scriptures travelling on foot and go by horseback and practicing with diligence what he instead. To ensure his command the Archbishop himself with his own had learnt from them.” hands lifted Chad on a horse. Since there was no bishop nearby to consecrate him the King sent him The see of Mercia covered a huge to the archbishop of Canterbury to do area of the Midlands. Chad chose so. Unfortunately when he arrived Lichfield as the seat of his diocese. there he discovered the archbishop When King Wulfhere gave him land had just died. So he continued on the he built a monastery at ‘Ad Barwae’ in Kingdom of the West Saxons where the province of Lindsay and the abbey he was finally consecrated as bishop. of Bardney. But near the church in However the ceremony seemed Lichfield he built himself a house of retreat where he spent his last days somewhat dubious in form. and died there in 672. So Chad returned to Northumbria and energetically began to evangelize Though he only spent two and the region. To show humility he half years in Mercia he proved to be travelled on foot rather than by an outstanding bishop and through horseback preaching the gospel unremitting hard work and the everywhere instructing by acting by example of his virtue he made such a deep impression on his people that example. he is credited by the famous historian However another problem arose Bede with the Christianization of this about his consecration. When King ancient English kingdom of Mercia. Oswy had appointed him bishop of A truly remarkable monastic founder York, he did not know that his son at his death there were already 31 King Alefrid had already appointed St. churches dedicated in his honor. Wilfrid bishop of York and sent him Even several wells bear his name. to France to be consecrated by St. When plague stalked the land in Agilbert. 672, Chad already weakened by his It was when St. Theodore, the new strenuous work, fell victim to it. archbishop of Canterbury, arrived in England in 669 and visited for the first Bede tells us a delightful story time Northumbria that he discovered about his death. Several days before what had taken place. He upheld his death as he lay languishing in Wilfrid’s claim and gave him the see. his retreat house near the church in Lichfield his friend Owen who was When he met Chad he charged him staying with him heard heavenly music fill the bishop’s oratory for of being improperly ordained. about half an hour. Even peasants in Rather than becoming sulky and the field heard it and drew near it in protesting Chad humbly said, “If you wonder. After this the bishop bade all consider that I have not been properly the others to enter the oratory. consecrated, I willingly resign this charge of which I never thought After exhorting them to keep peace myself worthy. I undertook it, though among themselves and to practice The ABC’s of Catholic Doctrine by Lianne Tiu Would you feast or fast? Our natural response is that we would like to feast. We want to enjoy life and avoid any sufferings. Yet, Jesus tells us: “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him deny himself and take up his cross every day and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) We find it strange that God, who loves us so much, would want us to suffer by denying ourselves. God is not opposed to our happiness. When God created us, he had our good and our happiness in mind. But because of original sin, there exists in us the seeds of evil which prevent us from reaching true happiness. Self-denial (or mortification) is the means to fight and remove these seeds. The Church, our wise mother, encourages us to practice constant and generous mortification. We are asked to fight against our vices, sinful habits, and our self-centered tendencies. The real end of mortification is union with God. We struggle against our evil turn to page 4 fervently the rules and regulations, he announced that the day of his death was at hand for today the angels with their heavenly music were calling him home. Chad was so well loved that even on the very day he died moves were made to declare him a saint as several miracles took place at his graveside. SOURCES of REFERENCE: The Book of Saints – p. 63; Pocket Book of Saints – p. 115; Butler’s Saint for the Day – pp. 99 – 101; and others. 3 Parish Bulletin ABC’s...from page 3 inclinations in order to subject them to God’s will. We die to ourselves in order to live the life of Christ, the life of God. The Church has built into the liturgical year certain seasons, like Lent, obligatory days of fasting and abstinence. Very often, we are quick to complain and to find all kinds of excuses to be exempted from them. Yet how many of us undergo great sacrifices to remain fit or to look good? How many athletes make countless sacrifices to win a game? And we are quick to call these efforts good and worthwhile. To practice self-denial, we do not have to always make great sacrifices. We can make little conquests, such as getting up early, drinking one glass of wine instead of two, keeping our room in order, switching TV channels from indecent scenes, controlling our sarcastic comments on the maids, limiting our time on Facebook or computer games, controlling our roving eyes on scantily-dressed women, being punctual, smiling, listening to others,... Ordinary life offers us innumerable opportunities to offer sacrifices to God. Our little renunciations can be united to Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross: to make up for our sins and the sins of others. Our small mortifications can purify our souls and draw us closer to God. mind that time was it was a good way to widen my circle but that was just the tip of the iceberg. The entire 3-day activity brought so much more than that. I can proudly say I really have a faith family. Different people, different walks of life but one thing in common – the will to have a relationship with God and the Church through a community 29th SINGLE YOUNG that shares Catholic values. SYA to ADULTS (SYA) WEEKEND – me is more than a community, it’s “A Journey Through Christ” my second family. I found what I was looking for during my journey with By Koyen Cipriano When I entered SYA I was 32-years- SYA. It may sound like a cliché but it old and it was a time where I felt empty. was probably part of God’s plan, which I knew I had a relationship with God. I I truly believe in. just needed a little jolt. I was still going to Mass with my family and there were You get to meet people who days when I would go on my own on understand you because they also are a weekday, and just sit in a pew and facing similar situation that you are, stare at the altar not having words which brings a common experience to pray or say to HIM. I was going understanding. You help each other through a crossroad. I couldn’t pin through prayer and activities that point exactly what the problem was – I include our parish. It’s a community just felt lost and tired. Looking back, you simply have to experience for it could’ve been my career, it could’ve yourself. For those who are reading been that I probably was searching this, we hope to see you in the next for something, it could’ve been I was SYA weekend. For all you know, it’s searching for love, or it could’ve been your time as well. my family or it could’ve been all of that The 29th Single Young Adults Weekend will rolled into one. be from March 13-15, 2015 (Friday evening to When I joined batch 24 of SYA, I didn’t know what to think or expect. It has been a while since I had actually participated in a Church-based community. I guess, what I had in Sunday) at the 2nd floor of the Santuario de San Antonio Parish Center. Registration fee is P1,500. Informational brochures and sign-up sheets are available at the Parish Office. You may also contact Jonathan at 09178367374 or [email protected] or Helene at 09178038808 or [email protected] for more information. Let us not be afraid to choose the door of mortification instead of the door of comfort. The sacrifices that are asked of us are very little compared to the rewards that we will gain. With mortifications, we lose life but only to gain life Himself...God. (Reference: “What is Mortification Anyway?” by Father John Bartunek (Source: Catholic. net); “Why Mortification?” by Francisco Luna; “The Spiritual Life” by Adolphe Tanquerey) 4 “Buling Buling is something that our parish has been doing for a long time.” March 1, 2015 “Buling Buling means committing to the time it would take to prepare for presentations.” Fr. Reu and Edmund Lim “We learn more about ourselves during the Buling Buling process.” “That’s what Lent is about.” Reverend Mother Myrna Jurilla With Mike Limpe, Fr. Reu, Fr. Efren, Jayme Blanco and Edmund Lim 5 Parish Bulletin The Frozen young ladies Mia Borromeo, Randy Limjoco and Maricris Brias Cocoy Laurel LeCom Girls from Grease “The practice and sacrifice is the Lent, and Buling-Buling is our Easter.” 6 March 1, 2015 Rene and Fortune Ledesma Frozen SSAP and Ministry staff Grease Lightning by EMHC “Buling-Buling is that once a year event when we come together as a community on the eve of Lent.” 7 Parish Bulletin Catholic Women’s Club (CWC) Randy and Cecille Limjoco in Grease. CWL’s The Miguel V. Del Rosario, Mara Boquiren, Alexandra Li, Patricia N. Sumbingco, Helene Uy, Patricia Banaag and Jonathan Cruz JPIC “This was my first BulingBuling, and I don’t think it will be my last.” 8 See more Buling Buling 2015 picture March 1, 2015 “I should just have fun and enjoy myself on stage.” With Tara Singson, Arianna Norton, Radito Banzon, Roque Banzon and Carla Maria Gonzalez Sound of Music With Katrina Yupangco Pacheco, Gela Gamboa, Jonathan Cruz, Alexandra Li, John Hernandez and Mickey Blanco Movie Soundtracks Fely Dingle, OFS and dedicated church collector for 40 years es at our website www.ssaparish.com 9 Parish Bulletin With Carlo Aboboto, Chino Tanjangco Garcia and Iona Mapa With Alli Raval, Alla Raval, Patricia N. Sumbingco, John Hernandez and Brian Medina With Rocky Chan, Earl Sebastian, Jolly Gomez and Fr. Reu Galoy With Simone Jalbuena, Cy Billones, Catherine Ong, Andres Cojuangco, Bettina Benitez and Bianca Macasaet With Alvin Lacambacal, Patricia N. Sumbingco, Fer Sy and Eddie Santos With Roque Banzon, Marco Mallari, Aljohn Leonel Robles, Cy Billones, Chino Tanjangco Garcia and Carlo Aboboto 10 Doy and Jeannie Bitanga March 1, 2015 YSAndwich Booth “Next year will be even better.” With Charo Amio, Patricia Banaag, Hani Roa and Caron Santiago Macasaet With Zari Poe, Lia Lesaca, J’net Zulueta and Jehan Rodriguez With Audrey Jalbuena, Nico Nuyda, Lee Lacson Mary Ellen Chan & Crissy Castillo With Marc Manalastas and Michelle Sta CatalinaManalastas 11 Parish Bulletin With Marki Montinola, Daniel Gomez, Gb Panlilio, Bianca Macasaet and Bettina Lopez Benitez With Eric Tomacruz and Javi Tomacruz With Marvie Yulo and Tiago With JJ Yulo and son Tiago With Nico Nuyda, JJ Yulo, Audrey Jalbuena and Lee Lacson With Luigi and Ther Avanceña and their son Andres 12 March 1, 2015 Buling Buling 2015 Acknowledgements Thank you to the following: 1. Volkswagen BGC by Iconic Dealership Inc. www.volkswagen.com.ph 2. REMAX Philippines Real Estate Consultancy www.remax.ph 3. Melo’s Steak House Alabang 4. OFS Food Booth by Aling Nene Catering 5. YSAndwiches c/o JJ Yulo and SSAP-YSA 6. Antioch BBQ Food Booth 7. Ms. Cita Lesaca for the children’s food goodies If we omitted anyone, our apologies. And our grateful thanks! Thank you too to everyone who attended and participated. ‘til next year! Lenten Recollection Alert! We would like to invite anyone interested to a short Lenten Recollection this coming Saturday, March 7 from 10am to 12noon to be given by Fr. Robert Manansala OFM. Our goal for this brief talk is to take some time to reflect a little on the seeds that have been sown by Pope Francis. We’re soon approaching the two-month mark since Pope Francis’ historic visit to the Philippines. For most of us by now, the spiritual euphoria that everyone felt has subsided and we’ve gone back to our everyday routines. There is a danger then that we will start to treat the graces of this visit like lightning in a bottle - something that happened once and we cannot recapture ever again. Certainly this is not the goal of Pope Francis himself! It would be more fruitful to think of the graces we have received as seeds - planted deep down by Francis the laborer. Thus, these seeds need to be nurtured, cared for and allowed to grow and blossom. Thank you to our photographers Rocky Chan, Victor Roman and Crissy Castillo. Thank you, too, Crissy, for the use of your March 18, 2014 Parish Bulletin article “First-Time, BulingBuling and Lent.” CALENDAR OF MINISTRIES FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY - MARCH 1 *8:00AM - Thrift Shop *9:15AM - CCD Sunday Religion Class *4:00PM - CORO Practice MONDAY -MARCH 2 *8:00AM - Thrift Shop *1:30PM - OFS Formation TUESDAY - MARCH 3 *8:00AM - Thrift Shop *9:00AM - JPIC Hospital Ministry PGH Visitation *2:00PM - Health Care Ministry Dancersize “Open to All Parishioners” *4:00PM - Marian Cenacle Group Prayer Meeting FRIDAY - MARCH 6 *8:00AM - Thrift Shop *2:00PM - Health Care Ministry Dancersize “Open to All Parishioners” *3:00PM - Health Care Ministry Healing mass *5:15PM - Lenten Stations of the Cross *6:30PM - Men of the Sacred Heart Monthly Meeting *7:00PM - Household Help CharismaticPrayer Meeting *9:00PM - Tig-Awit Choir Practice WEDNESDAY - MARCH 4 *8:00AM - Thrift Shop *4:00PM - CCD Religion Class SATURDAY - MARCH 7 *7:30AM - JPIC Scholars Monthly Meeting *8:00AM - Thrift Shop *10:00AM - Lenten Recollection by Fr. Robert Manansala,OFM. *4:00PM - VOSA Choir Practice *4:00PM - LUKE 18 Prayer Meeting THURSDAY - MARCH 5 *8:00AM - Thrift Shop *9:00AM - Health Care Ministry Visitation at Rizal Medical Center, Pasig City *7:00PM - SYA Prayer Meeting NOTICE: WE NEED ANGELS! Boys and girls ages 6-12 years old are invited to join as Angels for the traditional Easter Salubong rites on Easter Sunday, April 5. Please register at the parish office. Our vinedresser will be Father Robert, and he will guide us in nurturing the seeds of Pope Francis’ visit. He will lead us in reflecting on the wisdom that Pope Francis gave us while he was here. Together, let us explore the words of Francis to use the language of the mind, the heart and of the hands in our Christian lives. “To think - To Feel - and to Do.” This is the wisdom that Pope Francis has given us. Let us reflect on these words together, and see how we can apply them to our lives during this season of Lent. Again, March 7 from 10am to 12nn at the Parish Center. We hope to see you there! Submitted by Javier Luis Gomez CALENDAR OF SAINTS FOR THE WEEK March 4 Casimir St. Casimir, son of the king of Poland, was born in 1458. He practiced the Christian virtues with special regard to chastity and kindness to the poor and was zealous of the faith, particularly in his devotion to the Holy Eucharist and the Virgin Mary. Casimir died of consumption in 1484. February 23 Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs Sts. Perpetua and Felicity suffered martyrdom in the persecution of Septimus Severus at Carthage in 203. A most accurate account of their death still exists, derived partly from their own testimonies and partly from a writer of the period. Reference: Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours. Published and distributed by Paulines Publishing House, Daughters of St. Paul, 2650 F.B. Harrison St., 1300 Pasay City, Phil. 13th printing 2010. ISBN 971-590-357-6. 13 Parish Bulletin WEDDING BANNS 01-Mar-15 John Paul Tupasi Ramos & Emily Christine Arbiol Dy 02-Mar-15 Leo Carlo Dela Vega Dilanco & Catherine Anne Capili Palma 04-Mar-15 Francis Niño Lim Gonzales & Ana Geneve Tiu Mataglas 05-Mar-15 Gennis Khan Bautista Ureta & Christia Mae M. Pangilinan 07-Mar-15 Erwin A. Esporlas & Maricris J. Bendado, Sto. Niño de Cebu Parish, Biñan, Laguna 07-Mar-15 David Benjamin Chan Sy & Maria Sabrina Raymundo Soriano 08-Mar-15 Benson Ryan C. Cruz & Faye Carlie M. Tuazon 12-Mar-15 John Edward Duarte & Jenny Fe Salvatus Sangco 18-Mar-15 Arvin William C. Alcasid &Princess A. Alcasid 19-Mar-15 Arthur James Pecson & Angela Isabel Gamboa 20-Mar-15 Artur Emile T. Dela Cerna & Karenina Lorena D. Cipriano 25-Mar-15 Jerico Rivera Bueno & Clarice Joie Espino Castillo Bueno 26-Mar-15 Robert Christian Flaviano Reyes & Maria Cielo Ruiz Dizon 27-Mar-15 Roberto Alfonso Del Rosario & Mallory Suzanne Caton 28-Mar-15 Isaiah Thomas Maceda Ortega & Korinne Mei Campos Lirio 28-Mar-15 Ritcher Stanley T. Chua & Jennelyn Charme M. Ang 08-Apr-15 Anthony Rouben D. Valenzuela & Mary Ann T. Melad 10-Apr-15 Chris Joseph Cui & Mary Ronette G. Ledesma 11-Apr-15 Eduardo Ramon R. Santos, Jr. & Maria Socorro L. Montealegre 11-Apr-15 Adrian Carlo Mipalar Medina & Mirvi Fernandez Co 18-Apr-15 Arniel Vincent Baco Ong & Nikki Peralta Fernandez 19-Apr-15 Bon Kimber Tee Syiaco & Kimberly Ann Lao Chupeco 24-Apr-15 Julius Cezar T. Lerit & Irene Marie P. Qua 24-Apr-15 Vince J. Utzurrum & Althea Buen Marie C. Labit 24-Apr-15 Floiland Kim A. Ramirez & Mary Ann Sabrina P. Montero 25-Apr-15 Juan Paolo Neri Yrastorza & Pierre Pauline Rivera Mirabueno, Nat’l Shrine of the Sacred Heart, San Antonio Village, Makati City 01-May-15 Andres Vicente L. Castillo III & Ma. Filomena Catherine Anne B. Alegre 04-May-15 Erwin Lyndon C. Castillo & Razzel Anne Q. Mercado 08-May-15 John Neil D. Canivel & Sherizza Ann D. Brondo 09-May-15 Eric Casilan Bonghanoy & Joanna Grace Pangilinan Manuel 12-May-15 Rodney Marc Ramos & Sarah Moral 27-May-15 Armando Antonio A. Racelis III & Czarina Paola L. Recto 28-May-15 Rolando Martin Del Rosario Abello & Maria Krishna Reyes Pabalan 31-May-15 Jacy Ryan Tan Chua & Vanessa Bianca Tan Ang 15-Jul-15 Richard Mejorada Sandoval, Jr. & Corinna Serrano Guerrero, St. John Bosco, Arnaiz Ave. cor Amorsolo, Makati City 18-Jul-15 Carlo Habana Coronel & Anabelle Nuada Cruz BIRTHDAYS 02-Mar-15 Cynthia Gomez Babylyn Tiangco GB Uy-Tioco Ricci Castañeda Meldy Cojuangco Connie Gomez Marilou Arteficio Ma. Pilar Oledan Iggy Clavecilla Cecille Reynoso Maxima ‘Amah’ Sy Aurora Gonzalez Tommy Dy Buncio Naning Bagabaldo Remedios Maceda Berris Cedric Castro Anselmo Trinidad Jr. 14 03-Mar-15 Lulu Castañeda Nena Jalandoni Erlinda Panlilio Gloria Javelosa Miguel Alfonso De Lange Zoe Policarpio Tina Alcuas 04-Mar-15 Alex Ledesma Nimfa De Jesus Coco Afable Mica Henson Please Pray for the Sick Pilar del Gallego Nena Jalandoni Victoriano Chung Erlinda MirandaOledan Zwei Lopez Gadi Shallouh Bancil Swinnerton Tony Boy Floirendo Jr. Francisco Tankiang Cynthia Arms Felicisimo Alcantara Rosario de Leon Tobias Gloria Syjuco Raffy Chan Edric Co Peter Soo Chito San Jose Ron Jacobs Nancy Imperial Johnny Lopez Lisa Alvendia Letty Ligon Norma J. Carlos Sony Lopez Gonzalez Shaina Budhrani Gia Gonzalez Daniel Lao Orlando Bernardo Rolando Sotaso Cecilio Hidalgo David Lu Agapito Leus Victoria Leus If you want a name added or deleted, contact Bernadette at the Parish office tel. nos. 8438830-32. 05-Mar-15 Rorie Buenaseda Ralph Sison Jojo Bautista Jose Marie Bautista Miguel Montelibano 07-Mar-15 Menchu Bautista Roby P. Martel Jam Mabanta Tomas Aranas Edric Jannsen Co Nigel Romano 08-Mar-15 Marco Chan Marietta Cuyegkeng Nena Elizalde For corrections and additions to this list, contact Susan at the parish office. March 1, 2015 LEASE / SALE FORBES • DASMA • URDA • SAN LO • BEL AIR • MAGA CONNIE PERIQUET GATMAITAN CYNTHIA GATMAITAN MENCHACA TELS.: 8130875 – 8672227 CELL (0917)8109379 3/F SEDCCO BLDG., RADA ST., LEGASPI VILL., MAKATI CITY Our Latest Chapel, Crematorium and Columbary in Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City 15 HEALTH CARE MINISTRY In lieu of the month of February’s first Friday healing mass, the Health Care Ministry sponsored the World Day of the Sick healing mass last February 11. It was also the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes. Right after the mass, the anointing of the sick was administered to those who queued up for it. Let us always approach our loving Mother, not just on her feast day, but at all times. Let us open our hearts with unbounded confidence to implore her maternal intercession for our infirmities, both corporal and spiritual. For She is the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners and Comforter of the Afflicted. FIRST FRIDAY HEALING MASS DATE: March 6, 2015 at 3 pm. WHERE: Ground floor, Parish Center
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