Curriculum Vitae - Department of Economics

Jeffrey Penney
Dunning Hall 333
Department of Economics
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada, K7L 3N6
February 2015
Phone: (613) 533-6000 # 75482
Fax: (613) 533-6668
Email: [email protected]
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Ph.D. in Economics (ongoing, expected June 2015)
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
M.A. in Economics
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Bachelor of Commerce
Primary fields: Applied Microeconomics, Economics of Education
Secondary fields: Applied Econometrics, Health Economics
“Hypothesis Testing for Arbitrary Bounds,” Economics Letters, vol. 121 (3): p. 492Publications 494 (December 2013).
“Test Score Measurement, Demographic Gaps, and Value-Added Models,”
November 2014 (job market paper).
“Racial Interaction Effects and Student Achievement,” February 2015, submitted.
“Income Disparity and Married Men's Infidelity,” April 2014, in progress.
“With a Little Help from my Friends: Teacher's Aides and Student Achievement,” in
“How do Same Race Teachers Increase Student Achievement? An Investigation,” in
“Evaluating Subjective Probabilities,” in progress.
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Teaching Fellow
Graduate courses:
Graduate Methods Review for MAs (S2012, S2013, S2014)
Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Sessional Lecturer
Undergraduate courses:
ECE 103 online – Introduction to Microeconomics (F2013)
ECE 104 online – Introduction to Macroeconomics (W2014)
ECE 312 – History of Economic Thought (F2011, F2012, W2015)
ECE 342 – Introduction to Econometrics (F2013, F2014)
ECF 342 – Introduction à l'économétrie (F2013, F2014)
ECE 444 – Environmental Economics (W2013)
Professional Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Development Program for University Teaching and Learning
in Teaching
Certificate 1: Foundations, March 2011
Certificate 2: Practical Experience, March 2011
Certificate 3: Scholarship, April 2011
Certificate 4: Leadership, June 2012
and Other
Consultant for Defence Research and Development Canada, in progress.
Consultant for Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
• Christopher Ferrall, Natalia Mishagina, and Jeffrey Penney on behalf of the
John Deutsch Institute. (2014): “Labour market outcomes and determinants
of success for the intergration of internationally-educated immigrants in the
Canadian labour market: A quantitative study,” (14-HRD-QUE-3869).
Consultant for Defence Research and Development Canada, Centre for Operational
Research and Analysis
• Ugurhan Berkok, Steve Kivinen, and Jeffrey Penney. (2013): “Substitution
between Labour and Capital: Application to the Royal Canadian Navy,”
(DRDC PA12022).
John Deutsch Institute Doctoral Stipend
Professional Referee: Canadian Public Policy, Defence and Peace Economics
Conference presentations:
• Society of Labor Economists Twentieth Annual Meetings, June 2015
• Society of Labor Economists Nineteenth Annual Meetings, May 2014
• 2nd Annual Doctoral Workshop in Applied Econometrics, University of Toronto,
April 2014
• “War and Famine, Peace and Light? The Economic Dynamics of Conflict in
Somalia 1993-2009,” Katerina Christopoulou, Charalampos Makatsoris, and
Anja Shortland; 7th Defence and Security Economics Workshop, 2012.
English (native), French (advanced)
GAUSS, Matlab, Minitab, Ox, Stata, TSP
Professor Steven Lehrer
Robert Sutherland Hall 334
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada, K7L 3N6
(613) 533-6692
[email protected]
Professor James MacKinnon
Dunning Hall 236
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada, K7L 3N6
(613) 533-2293
[email protected]
Professor Christopher Ferrall
MacKintosh-Corry Hall A519
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada, K7L 3N9
(613) 533-6658
[email protected]
Professor Ugurhan Berkok
Dunning Hall 349
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada, K7L 3N6
(613) 533-2291
[email protected]