WEEK OF FEBRUARY 23, 2015 HBC Alive WHAT’S INSIDE 2 Search Commi ee Update 3 A Message from Mark White 4 Ministry Connec ons 4 Holy Week Special Music 5 New Discipleship Class 5 Mid-Winter Social 6 Opera on Inasmuch 7 Mission Opportuni es 8 Mission Moments 9 March Calendar 10 March Birthdays 11 Youth News 12 Deacon of the Week If you would like … and currently don’t receive weekly announcements, the church newsletter and other important updates by email, please send your email address to Cindy Kite at [email protected] or list it on the Communication Card. A publication of Harrisonburg Baptist Church, Harrisonburg, VA The Season of Lent by Jimmy Via We are now over a week into the season of Lent. Lent is a season of prepara on as we look forward to Easter. It’s a season of repentance, prayer, service, and fas ng. Maybe with the excep on of fas ng, this season sounds a lot like the way we hope the rest of the year looks for us. One word to describe the difference of this season is focus. Everything in the Lenten season has a heightened focus. We focus on God’s word, His unwavering devo on to us, and on how helpless we are without His grace. We focus on becoming the person He wants us to be through His grace, and on devo ng our lives to Him. The trap for us at this me of year, as with any other me of the year, is our own assump ons. We all have a list of things we wish we could improve about ourselves in our quest to become be er Chris ans, and we’re all prone to focus on our faults and forget about God’s grace. As humans, we’re also prone to have our life trajectory planned out, some of us with more detailed steps than others, but all of us forge ng that God could have something different in mind. The way to avoid the trap of our own assump ons is to be in constant communica on with God. As we move through the Lenten season, let us slow down and focus on God. Let us dwell with Him in prayer and in His word. Let us ask for forgiveness and turn back to His ways. Let us not seek to check off our list of self-improvement goals, but let us rest in God’s love and grace and wait on His direc on. And when we receive that direc on, let us boldly follow it. On Palm Sunday, Mar. 29, David Downey will be presen ng the Passion story , as recorded by John, during the Sunday School hour. We will be holding a Maundy Thursday service this year on April 2 at 7 p.m. Communion will be served. www.hbcalive.org 1 HBC Alive Search Committee Update by Philecta Staton THANK YOU goes out to Kathryn, Caleb and Jason Landes, Phil Douglas and Frank Sprinkel for clearing all the snow away from the church this past Sunday morning. These folks were at HBC EARLY in the morning clearing snow from sidewalks and parking lots so that we could meet our new pastor and worship together Sunday a ernoon. Please take the me to thank them when you see them! We also want to thank the snow team of What a joy to see 181 people come out at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 22, for an hour’s Meet & Greet followed by a beau fully blended worship service. The highlight of every worship service should be that souls are renewed and drawn closer to the Lord. That blessing was certainly apparent on this unique occasion. Then, what an added blessing to find how deeply in one accord we were as this body of Christ unanimously confirmed the call of Dr. Mark Daniel White as the 23rd pastor of Harrisonburg Bap st Church. Mark will begin his new pastorate on March 23 which will make Palm Sunday his first Sunday with us. Currently he is teaching a Thursday course at Bap st Theological Seminary in Richmond. The Pastor Search Commi ee felt that his March arrival was important enough to concede our full support to his commitment to finish teaching the course through May 7. Please be in prayer for the family’s specific needs during the first few months that will be transi onal for them. Victoria, Ava and Owen will be with us on the weekends. During the week they will remain in Richmond while Ava finishes third grade. During these months they also will be selling their home in Richmond and looking to buy in Harrisonburg. Obviously, un l those details are finalized, they are seeking to figure out where Mark will stay during the week and where the family will stay over the weekends. As plans develop, we will be in touch with you. If you have ques ons or want to be of assistance in some special way, please contact me at 540-383-2041 or [email protected]. The next Wednesday Night Supper will be held on Wednesday, March 4 at 5:15 p.m. The menu will be pork loin roast, red potatoes with vegetables, fruit and dessert. The cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children with a max of $20 per family. Please sign up on the Communication Card for one-time or permanent reservations. John Holsten, Steve McNeal and Frank Sprinkel for cleaning the sidewalks and parking lot on the a ernoon of Tuesday, Feb. 17. What a blessing to be able to get in the church without having to walk through the snow. Daylight Saving Time Begins Sunday, March 8. Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour! It’s also a good time to check batteries in your smoke alarms! www.hbcalive.org 2 HBC Alive A Message from Dr. Mark White Dear HBC Family, Wow! What a beginning we had last weekend. It started with nearly a foot of snow on the ground. That’s a powerful force which o en brings life to a screeching halt. Schools, businesses, and churches typically shut down, and yet, I witnessed a greater power at work. The snow certainly complicated our plans but it could not keep the Spirit of God from bringing us together. However, I had my doubts at the me. As my family watched the snow fall from the warmth and comfort of our hotel room, I wondered whether the whole weekend would have to be rescheduled. In my experience as an eastern Virginian, people are hesitant to venture out into the snow. It’s risky. You might fall and hurt yourself, or you may wreck your car. So when Sunday, Feb. 22 finally arrived, I did not know what to expect. Almost every church in the Harrisonburg area had cancelled their services. I wondered what we would do, and then Philecta Staton sent me a text message asking about my availability for a combined worship service in the a ernoon. I responded, “We’re there!” together an array of people, and in our me together, I met long- me members and visitors and people who had been away for a while. A fes ve spirit was present. People were talking and laughing. Drinks and snacks were enjoyed. Children were playing with each other and running through the fellowship hall. And the applause at the end of the business mee ng confirmed this parade-like atmosphere. An even more significant parade is on the horizon. On Palm Sunday, we will remember and celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. This was the day when people of all walks of life shouted their hosannas and proclaimed, “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” My first Sunday as your pastor is Mar. 29 - Palm Sunday. I expect to see all of you in worship and involved in the life of the church. We have an amazing amount of energy and excitement right now. Let’s build on what God is doing among us. My family and I were overwhelmed by the par cipa on at both the “Meet and Greet” and the 4 p.m. Blended Worship Service. We were energized by mee ng so many of you. Your gracious spirit, friendly smiles, generous words of welcome, and the tremendous excitement you have about our future is simply amazing. Our future is very bright. HBC is bringing together people of all ages and from all walks of life. We have a talented and gi ed congrega on full of passion and drive, ready to embrace the opportuni es in our midst. And like the crowd that celebrated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, may we rejoice in what God is doing among us. But unlike that crowd who disappeared days later, let’s strengthen our bonds with each other and deepen our commitment to God by joining Jesus Christ in his mission of bringing the kingdom of God closer to our world. Our gathering even had a parade-like feel to it. Parades, of course, bring Grace & Peace Thank You I would like to extend a special thank you to Daphne Almarode for wri ng the wonderful “40 Day Prayer Journey” devo ons we have enjoyed this winter. Daphne put a tremendous amount of me, energy, spirit and heart into her work, and I know many, many people were blessed as a result. What a wonderful gi she gave to our congrega on as we prepared for the arrival of a new senior pastor. Thank You Daphne for your ministry to us all. -Stacy Nowell- www.hbcalive.org 3 HBC Alive Ministry Connections What is your talent? Where do you fit in? How can you be a part of a ministry at HBC that you have a heart for? Church Bulletin Bloopers … The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the church would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday morning. The senior choir invites any member of the congregation who enjoys sinning to join the choir. The Associate Minister unveiled the church’s new tithing slogan last Sunday … I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours! Jean will be leading a weightmanagement series Wednesday nights. She’s used the program herself and has been growing like crazy! Miss Charlene Mason sang “I Will Not Pass This Way Again” giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. All of us have been gi ed by God to make a difference in our communi es. How will you plug into the ministries of HBC to serve His people, His church, and the community around us? The Ministry Connec ons Team works to connect people’s gi s with exis ng needs so that we can all bless and serve one another and our community. Help them complete their work by responding with your talents/interests/willingness to serve on an HBC team or commi ee. Ministry Connec on Ques onnaires can be found at the Info Desk. Please prayerfully consider where you can serve at HBC. Our ministries and missions are only as good as our volunteers! The Adult Choir will be providing special music for Holy Week and all are welcome and encouraged to join the choir as we celebrate our Risen Savior. Choir practice for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Easter services will begin on Wednesday, Mar. 4 from 7:30 - 8:15 p.m. We would love to have you come sing with us! Questions? Contact Annette Sprinkel at [email protected]. www.hbcalive.org 4 HBC Alive The Parent Adventure Mid-Winter Social Join us for the Mid-Winter S o c i a l w h i c h h a s b ee n rescheduled for Saturday, Mar. 28. We will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of Steel Magnolias … the classic comedy/ drama celebrating the unfathomable bond shared by six women who possess a strength that beckons joy and laughter no matter what life throws at them. They can be as delicate as a magnolia blossom but as tough as steel. We will celebrate the special bond that we share as Christians and realize we too can handle what is thrown at us because we have the love of Christ with us. We will have a nursery provided for 1-5 year olds and an alternate movie for children 6 and up. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. with the movie following dinner. Please sign up on the Communication Card or contact the office if you are planning to join us so we can have an estimate on the amount of food we need. Please note: There will be alternative movies shown just in case you’re not a “Steel Magnolias” fan. It will be “Courageous” for adults … “Because of Winn-Dixie” for children 6 and up and “Veggie Tales” for the little ones! Take me out of your busy day-to-day schedule to join this 6-session video study with other parents … parents of small children, teenagers and college age children. The Parent Adventure: Preparing Your Kid for a Life with God helps you take advantage of pivotal moments in your child’s life to teach them how to succeed in life and rely on God for their needs. The study encourages parents to embrace their responsibility to teach spiritual truth to their children and offers biblical and prac cal principles for all stages of the parent adventure. This study will be led by Karen Folsom and begins Wednesday, Mar. 25. The cost of the member book is $10. Please sign up for the class by registering on the Communica on Card. Features: Suggests prac cal ways parents can build their children’s faith through the dayto-day stuff of life Gives parents confidence to see their job as an adventure Offers biblical and prac cal principles for all stages of the parent adventure Suggests weekly parent adventure plans for prac cing paren ng principles with children Provides personal learning ac vi es that allows you to interact with the content and make observa ons about what they discover in the process of their weekly parent adventures A Note from our Church Librarian A friendly reminder to please return any overdue HBC Church Library Book, as we have some feathered friends waiting in the wings for some of these titles. The books of special interest needing to be returned are “Press Here” and The Books of Elsewhere series. But, as numerous titles are outstanding in their check-out period, all overdue books need to be returned for other patrons to enjoy. Thanks so much for your kind attention and courtesy to this response. The HBC Library is open on Sunday mornings from 10 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Come one and all, and come often! Happy Reading, dear friends! -Terrie Childress Save the Date Vacation Bible School Week of June 22-26 www.hbcalive.org 5 HBC Alive Please consider the following opportunities to serve this year on Operation Inasmuch Baking for community service members Childcare for workers Food service team Light construction Painting Sewing dresses Sorting household goods and clothing Visitation Woman to Woman Yard clean-up Saturday, April 18 What you need to know about OIAM in a glance! Skill levels and interests are matched to projects in the community. If you like to paint, you’ll be working on a pain ng or staining project. If you are capable of using power tools, you’ll be working on a project that involves light construc on. Any skill level is helpful - so don’t feel like you can’t par cipate because you don’t know what to do with a tool bag. There’s an opportunity for everyone! Projects are chosen through various local agencies and project leaders plan with their team to complete the project that day. In some instances, a team will go back to the site to complete work not finished that day due to me limits or weather. We already have about 20 jobs lined up! A er breakfast is served at 6:45 a.m., we will assemble for a group picture, then disperse a er a short prayer of anoin ng and blessing over our teams and projects. For more informa on or if you would like to work on the planning team, please contact Cindy Parks at [email protected]. Visit our Facebook page at facebook.com/OIAMhbg or our website at www.oiamhbg.com. You can register on the website or paper registra on forms can be found at the Info Desk. Childcare will be provided for workers from 8 a.m. un l 1 p.m. And the King shall answer and say to them, “Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.” -Matthew 25:40 www.hbcalive.org 6 HBC Alive HBC Summer Mission Trip The Missions Committee is sponsoring a 2015 return trip to Owsley County, Kentucky! Our trip there in 2014 was very meaningful as we worked on the home of two brothers to improve their kitchen, bathroom, front porch and roof. We also provided educational supplies to the local elementary school. All our efforts were very much appreciated by the recipients. The 2015 trip will happen the week of June 28-July 3. There will be jobs for people of all skills levels … painting, ramp building and general construction. If you are interested in joining our group, please contact Frank Sprinkel at 540-908-6947 or [email protected]. The cost is $200 per person. If you can’t go but would like to help sponsor someone else, please mark your check or envelope “2015 Mission Trip.” You can register for the 5k/10K at www.onamissionrun.com. Paper registrations can be found at the Info Desk. Registration fees are $5 for Kids Race $25 for 5K $35 for 10K All those registering by May 1 will get a free t-shirt. All proceeds will go to our Pray.Dream.Act. mission partners:: Mercy House, Bridge of Hope and Spotswood Elem. Even though Dental Health month is celebrated in February, the Missions Committee is collecting toothpaste and toothbrushes for families living on Standing Rock Reservation on the border of North and South Dakota. We will be sewing washcloth kits to hold the toothpaste and toothbrushes until June 1, when they will travel with a team of missionaries from local Baptist churches. Donations can be brought to the missions table in the elevator foyer. www.hbcalive.org 7 HBC Alive Mission Moments by Cindy Parks Sometimes when I sit to write this column, the words have been brewing in my mind for days and they just flow onto the keyboard without hesitation. Today, I sit at my keyboard and what comes freely aren’t words, but a breath of gratitude. Gratitude for a church family who works together, stepping outside our comfort levels and abilities, dreaming big, and moving into unexpected places. This may be an odd analogy, but if you love chocolate, you’ll get it. When you let a piece of quality chocolate melt slowly in your mouth, there’s a different satisfaction than when you just inhale it. That slow melting is what I see in HBC. There are opportunities to bless that are the inhaling type, but for the most part we are melting into our neighborhoods. This is our third year for some pretty big mission initiatives … Dress A Girl, our third return to Owsley County, KY, a third dose of both spring and fall Operation Inasmuch, a third annual race to give much needed funds to our Pray.Dream.Act. Partners. And, most happily, that’s a small part of a very big HBC list! I look around our congregation and I see good works being completed. I see us being busy. I don’t see idle hands and lips. I see generosity and compassion. Love and determination to be present in our neighborhoods. If we see it in each other, you know God sees it. One of my favorite parts of OIAM after all the planning and organizing and publicizing is to stand with the microphone during our morning meeting and see all the faces gathered in this one spot, with no regard to age or gender or who is Baptist or Methodist or Mennonite. The excitement, joy and pride is hard for me to contain. My emotion is nothing in comparison to what my human mind imagines what God feels when He is in that room with us. I’m overwhelmed just writing about it. I can feel a Holy smile and hear heavenly cheering to keep going … Lowe’s has been a partner with OIAM and I think they have got something very, very right with their corporate tagline. Never Stop Improving. That’s us, Church, that’s us … we’re never gonna stop improving! On Friday, Feb. 13 Amie O’Dell, Debbie Douglas, Karen Folsom, Jane Messinger, T. W. Johnson and Frank Sprinkel cleaned up the stage in the Fellowship Hall. The stage had become a dumping ground for anything that didn’t have a regular home. Please take a moment to look how neat and organized the stage looks now! We ask you for your assistance to help keep it this way! We are so blessed at HBC to have so many folks share their love of the Lord by serving in so many ways. Dress A Girl Join us for our next sewing circle on Saturday, Feb. 28 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. The Missions Committee will be bringing writing paper to SS classes for those who want to participate in writing letters to go with our dresses this summer! Open Doors Van Drivers Needed Please consider giving the gift of a warm place to sleep this winter! We are in desperate need of male van drivers to transport our homeless friends from Otterbein United Methodist Church at 6 p.m. each evening to be dropped off at Cooks Creek Presbyterian. The return trip from Cooks Creek to Otterbein begins at 7 a.m. the next morning. If you are not an approved van driver, please see Cindy Kite in the church office with a copy of your driver’s license. Please contact Cindy Parks at [email protected] or sign up on the Communication Card for a time slot. Our next weeks of commitment are Mar. 16-23 and Mar. 23-30. www.hbcalive.org 8 HBC Alive March 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 3 4 Communion 12:15 pm Singles Group Luncheon 2-6 pm Kachin Church 7 pm Missions Meeting (Parlor) 7 pm Plenti-nine Book Study (Rm. B-4) 5:15 pm Family Night Supper 8 Daylight Saving 9 10 11 7 pm Leadership Time Begins! 6 pm Singles Group Team Meeting at Sprinkel’s (Room B-4) Newsletter Deadline Thursday Friday 5 6 12 13 Saturday 7 Stacy Nowell Minister on Call 2-6 pm Fellowship Hall Reserved Stacy Nowell Minister on Call 7 pm Plenti-nine Movie Night (Fellowship Hall) 14 High School Retreat to Eagle Eyrie 15 12:15 pm Singles Group Luncheon 2-6 pm Kachin Church 22 16 17 18 19 20 Jimmy Via 6:30 pm A-Team Support Group (Room B-4) Minister on Call 6-8 pm Dress A Girl Sewing Circle 23 24 25 26 27 6 pm Singles Group Dr. Mark White at Douglas’ begins as HBC’s Newsletter Senior Pastor! Deadline Parent Adventure Study Begins! Jimmy Via Minister on Call 21 28 6 p.m. Mid-Winter Social Youth Lock In 29 Palm Sunday 30 10:05 am David Downey Presentation 12:15 pm Singles Group Luncheon 7 pm Finance Meeting (Rm B-4) 31 Sundays 9 a.m.—Traditional Worship Service 10:05 a.m.—Sunday School for All Ages 11:10 a.m.—Contemporary Worship 6-8 p.m. Youth Supper & Frontline Mondays: 6:30 a.m.—Men’s Prayer Breakfast (Bob Evans) 1:30 p.m.—Staff Meeting (Parlor) 7 p.m.—Scouts Weekly Schedule Tuesdays: 6-7 p.m.—Bells Practice Thursdays: 7:30—9 p.m.—Praise Band Practice Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. - Beth Moore Bible Study 10 a.m.—Ladies Prayer Group (B-1) 6 p.m.—AWANA 6 p.m.—Youth Bible Study 6:30 p.m.—Adult Discipleship Classes 7:30 p.m.—Adult Choir Practice Saturdays: 11:00 a.m.—Community Bag Lunch Ministers Contact Info: Stacy Nowell (540-246-8645) Jimmy Via (540-449-2941) www.hbcalive.org 9 HBC Alive Did you know about these March Holidays? National Pig Day National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day 3rd I Want You to be Happy Day 4th Hug a GI Day 6th National Dentists Day 8th International (Working) Women’s Day 11th Johnny Appleseed Day 12th Girl Scouts Day Plant a Flower Day 13th Ear Muff Day National Save A Spider Day 15th Ides of March 20th Alien Abduction Day 21st National Down Syndrome Day World Poetry Day 22nd National Goof Off Day 23rd National Puppy Day 24th World Tuberculosis Day 29th National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day I Am In Control Day National Doctors Day Take a Walk in the Park Day 1st 3rd 1st 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 14th 15th Emma Ryman Jane Bowers Collin Gephart Charlotte Kibler Eric Millard Jake Petit Elise Ritchie Daphne Almarode Pattie Alvis Janet Smith Pam Hill Brenda Beierle Carl Crocker Dan Hylton Mary Beth Landes Dennis Simmons Fred Cooper Cathy Baugh Katie Mozingo Bill Dickerson 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 22nd 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Gary Lohr Tammy Armstrong Daniel Uribe Austin Harper Frank Sprinkel Zachary Worthington Jason Wright Lisa Carnago David Hayes Elisabeth Fly Jonathan Williams Nathan Parrish Cindy Skelley Leah Ryman Chris Belcher Kevin Petit Linwood Williams Jason Landes Angela Hayes Kimberly Bruce Fig Leaf Found A little boy opened the large old family Bible, and he looked with fascination at the ancient pages as he turned them one by one. He was still in Genesis when something fell out of the Bible. He picked it up and looked at it closely. It was a very large old tree leaf that had been pressed between the pages of the Bible long ago."Momma, look what I found!" the boy called out. "What do you have there?" his mother asked. With astonishment in his voice, the young boy answered, "I think it's Adam's underwear!" www.hbcalive.org 10 HBC Alive Youth Calendar March 7 10 a.m. - 12 noon We serve Bag Lunch! Please email Angela Hayes at [email protected] to sign up to provide an item. March 11 6-8 p.m. Clothes Closet (bring money for Starbucks) March 13-15 Journey: A Retreat for High School Students at Eagle Eyrie The YOUTH LOCK-IN has been rescheduled for March 27. The cost is $20 per person. Please meet in the youth room at 7:30 p.m. The night’s activities will include: going to Jump Trampoline Park in Charlottesville, pizza at midnight, and various games and activities, including working on a mission project. Friends are welcome! Prayer List Our Church Family: Sam Jones, Marian Steffey, Cecil Gilkerson and Anna Lee Fega Our Extended Church Family: Sabina Flourney, mother of Julie Ai ama; Chris ne Ai ama, daughter of Don & Julie Ai ama; Patrick & Susan Bailey, friends of Nancy & Ma Shomo Nursing Homes: Be y Acker at Bridgewater Nursing Home; Audrey Rose & Dutch Simmons at Sunnyside Re rement Community; Annie Eddins at Stuarts Dra Re rement Community, Martha Ludholtz at VMRC A on, Leary Baker and Ressie Bateman at VMRC Crestwood Assisted Living We extend Christian sympathy to Christine Harker upon the death of her father and also to Judy Harris upon the death of her sister. Congratulations to Brian & Amie O’Dell on the birth of their granddaughter, Abigail Elizabeth Scheidt, born Feb. 18. Year-End Giving Statements have been mailed. If you did not receive yours, please contact the office and we’ll make sure you receive a copy for tax purposes. Weekly sets of contribution envelopes have finally arrived! You can pick them up in the foyer this Sunday. If you did not order weekly or monthly sets of envelopes, but would like to have them, please contact Cindy Kite ([email protected]) in the office to receive a set. Weekly Attendance Worship Attendance Feb. 15 Feb. 22 9 a.m. Worship Service No Service 181 11:10 a.m. Worship Service No Service Sunday School No S.S. No S.S. www.hbcalive.org 11 Harrisonburg Bap st Church 501 South Main Street Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.hbcalive.org Holy Week See Details - Page 1 HBC Alive “HBC Alive” A Publication of Harrisonburg Baptist Church 501 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 (540) 433-2456 www.hbcalive.org Ken Kessler, Interim Pastor Stacy Nowell, Associate Pastor Jimmy Via, Minister of Worship & Media Annette Sprinkel, Choir Director Katelyn Belcher, Associate Youth Director Sam Jones, Senior Adult Chaplain Newsletter Deadline: Sunday, Mar. 8, 2015 Please submit articles to Cindy Kite at [email protected] or Amy Cyzick at [email protected] Our mission is to go and make passionately devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Deacon of the Week—Mar. 1 Jordan White is “Deacon of the Week” the week of Mar. 1. Jordan has been a member of HBC since 2010. Jordan and his wife Emily have been married for two years and have a golden retriever named Jaxon and a Min-Pin named Lily. He graduated from JMU and VCU and is currently the Skilled Nursing Administrator at The Colonnades. Jordan’s favorite part of being a member at HBC is the relationships he has built and the encouragement provided by others. He also serves on the Personnel Committee and the College Committee. His favorite place to vacation is the beach. Did you know that Jordan met his wife Emily here at HBC? Deacon of the Week—Mar. 8 Dan Hylton is “Deacon of the Week” the week of Mar. 8. Dan and his wife Katie have been members of HBC since 2006. They have two energetic little girls … Madelyn age 5 and Molly age 2 and have been married for nine years. They currently reside in Weyers Cave. Dan is a Senior Estimator for Nielsen Builders. He is the Vice Chair of the Leadership Team and also serves on the Premises Committee. He has been involved with the Mt. Crawford Ruritans for over eleven years! His favorite place to vacation is the mountains. Did you know that Dan is a triplet? www.hbcalive.org 12
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