The Shepherd’s Voice Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 2211 Inverness Drive Lawrence, KS 66047 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church When God Leads You to It, God Will Lead You Through It Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. …8 By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was to go. Quite a few years ago now, God called me to a place unknown. Unlike the way Abraham is at least portrayed, I wasn’t quite so ready and eager to follow God’s direction. I was more like Jonah, wanting to turn and run the other way, or at least keep my feet firmly planted where they were. Many of you know my story and my reaction to Ted’s telling me that he felt he was being called to a life of ordained ministry. Serving the congregation of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, ELCA 2211 Inverness Drive Lawrence, KS 66047-1962 785-843-3014 [email protected] Ted Mosher, Pastor [email protected] Lara West, Music Director Miranda Huff Preschool Director Deborah Lundmark Administrative Assistant Congregational Council: Sue Kristiansen, President David Rasmussen, Vice President Scott McCullough, Treasurer; John Childers, Secretary Joanne Hickey, Brian Judy, Barbara Schaible, Kelley Witmer Prayer Chain: [email protected] For updates and scheduling changes, see the GSLC Calendar at Newsletter submissions due April 15 for the May/June 2015 issue. Weekly Bulletin Announcements are due Wednesdays, 10 am. I was angry and confused and was absolutely certain that God couldn’t possibly want to ruin our happy family by leading us away from our home and church family that we loved and the financial security that we had established. After an ocean of tears, I told God that if that was REALLY what God wanted, for Ted to follow this path and for me to support him, then God was going to have to do something really big to convince me. Through a series of events, mostly just small whispers, (which is another story) I did end up with a sense that God really was calling Ted to follow this path to move from our home and begin our seminary life. I had come to believe, even though I didn’t understand it, that God actually was leading Ted toward a life of ministry. Through the four years of seminary, I kept a piece of paper in view next to my computer where I worked from home that gave me great comfort, strength and confidence that we weren’t just doing something crazy brought on by a mid-life crisis, and that we would be okay. I had written on this scrap of paper something I had heard on the radio, “When God leads you to it, God will lead you through it.” As I serve on the Worship 2.0 implementation team, these words again give me comfort, strength and confidence. I do believe that God has led Good Shepherd to where we are today in our plans for a new and different type of second worship service. Regarding how we are to know what God’s plans are, it’s been said that: The Holy Spirit directs and guides. The word of God confirms. Your faith moves you in the direction God wants you to go. In the first months of our being at Good Shepherd, the Holy Spirit began stirring the first thoughts and dreams of a worship like Worship 2.0. Conversations with members hoping for a worship like this led to more discussions, and more dreaming, which led to the Learning Team’s study and recommendations, discussions at cottage meetings and then the congregation’s vote of support. Looking to God’s word to confirm what the Holy Spirit has stirred in us, we find: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16 I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth. Isaiah 49:6b Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. 1 Peter 4:10 Now it is our faith that must move us in the direction God wants us to go. The great thing is, God doesn’t just tell us what direction to go or just hand us a March/April 2015 map. God guides us on the way by going with us. On our recent trip to Israel, our last day in Jerusalem was a free day on our own before heading to the airport that evening for the return home. It was a Sunday and we decided with our friends and others from our tour to attend the ELCA Lutheran church in Old City Jerusalem. We knew approximately where the church was because it was right next to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher that we had visited the day before, and we had our maps. We set out from our hotel for the 15-minute walk to the Old City. We thought we knew where the Jaffa gate was to enter, but somehow became confused. As the 10 of us, probably obviously tourists, were looking at our maps and looking up and down the street, a young lady approached us and asked in American English if she could help us. When we told her we were trying to get to The Church of the Redeemer, she said, “Oh, that’s where I’m heading for worship, let me show you the way.” Talk about perfect timing! We were able to relax and enjoy the sights on the way, knowing that we were being led by someone who had been there before and knew the way. As we plan and prepare for Worship 2.0, God goes with us, leading the way, shining a light in the darkness to reveal the steps ahead of us. And again, God’s word gives us confidence that when God leads us to it, God will get us through it. And I will lead the blind in a way that they know not, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I will do, and I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42: 16 Kim Mosher Worship 2.0 Implementation Team member Pastor’s Page Christian Education Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! As you know, we are now well into the season of Lent. This newsletter will cover the culmination of Lent, Holy Week, Easter Sunday, and find us fully embedded in the season of Easter. This is quite a journey that we will travel together as a faith community over the next couple of months. First, let me provide a few brief updates to a couple of ministry areas here at Good Shepherd. Following that, I will offer a couple of notes regarding the months ahead. Justice Matters – Hopefully, everyone is aware of the fact that Good Shepherd is one of 21 Lawrence communities of faith that are participating together in Justice Matters. Currently, Justice Matters is researching and defining issues, and will be moving to identify real solutions in 3 key areas; 1) Affordable Housing/Homelessness, 2) Children’s Issues, and 3) Mental Health. FLOCK Youth Voice In January, four youth from the FLOCK Youth Group and two youth leaders attended the Youth Encounter at the Topeka Quake Zone, popularly known as ‘YouthQuake.’ Here is what some of them had to say: Braxton McCullough: Hi, my name is Braxton and I liked the music. AGAPE was really cool. I thought the praying at the end was really cool. I thought it was cool that you could invite any of the speakers to lunch. The program was really organized. Members of the individual steering committees and research groups have been quite busy in this research and defining problem stage. As a member of the Mental Health steering committee, I can provide additional detail as to the various steps taken to date in this area. Just one part of this issue that we are focusing on has to do with the fact that many individuals suffering from primarily a mental health crisis or issue are currently being housed in the Douglas County Jail, not because that is the proper or best place for them to receive care, but rather, due to lack of available alternative resources and/or facilities. This is just one facet of issues within the mental health focus area. We are still in the stage of exploring and researching the problem, and shortly, each of the 3 areas will move to the defining of potential solutions phase of our work. Aimee Neilsen: Throughout the weekend at YouthQuake we all had a merry time. The music during worship was entertaining. The artist sang Gospel rap. The workshops were very useful and I learned many things about myself and God. The speaker was wonderful. I enjoyed listening to all the stories he had to tell. I had a great time at YouthQuake and I definitely would go again. What does this mean for us here at Good Shepherd? In addition to the current GSLC members who are involved in the various steering committees and research teams and those of you serving as Justice Matters team members here at Good Shepherd, GSLC members will receive an invitation to the Justice Matters Nehemiah Action Assembly on May 7 th at the Lied Center. At that event, proposals from each of these 3 areas will be presented that will seek to move the city of Lawrence to become a more just city. Worship 2.0—The Implementation Team for our additional and new worship service continues the work of preparing for a September 2015 launch of Worship 2.0. Much of the work to date has been doing the necessary and expected groundwork and laying the firm foundation needed for this new service. This includes the preliminary work of identifying and developing specific worship components to be included as well as work on the job description for a Worship (music) Leader for this new service. As with many building projects, much of the preliminary work doesn’t produce visible results as these follow the foundational efforts that are put in place. What both of these ministry areas have in common is that in order for them to be successful and reach their potential, they will require all of us to be involved in one way or another. There will be increasing opportunities for this in the months ahead. Your prayers are needed. Your heart for God’s mission is needed. And your willingness to take part in a variety of ways will be needed, as well, as we go forward. Thank you in advance for the various ways you will support these new and exciting ministries. Isaac Bailey: I found this event very enjoyable and had a great time. The speaker was very exciting and enjoyable to listen to. AGAPE was also amazing. I learned a lot about myself and my relationship with God. I found the staff amazing and friendly. YouthQuake is something I would do for many years and love it each time. But I encourage each of you to participate in Holy Week this year. Embrace Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and the worship services that will take place. Don’t skip from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday trying to avoid the betrayal of Maundy Thursday and the death of Good Friday. The dark of night that surrounds these services only serves to make the light of Christ shine that much brighter on Easter morning. All in all, it was a successful event. The youth are now looking ahead to the BBQ fundraiser and dessert auction on March 7th. Proceeds from the dinner will benefit youth activities including this summer’s high school mission trip. Last summer was a mystery mission trip, but this year the destination has been announced as FLORIDA and four days will be spent doing mission work in the Brevard County area. One service project will be working with Walk on Water Ministries, a horse ranch that rescues mistreated horses and uses them to provide a place for people of all ages and backgrounds, for Veterans, Special Needs, and At Risk individuals to encourage and improve self- esteem through horseback riding, therapy riding and respite support. Stay tuned for more details about the trip and ways you can support our youth who will be going. I also want to say Thank You for being a travel companion as we make this Lenten journey once again, as together we walk the way of the cross and follow Jesus. The youth have had a great start to 2015, and we look forward to more games, group, and Gospel as the year presses on! Finally, a quick note about the next couple of months. In addition to Justice Matters and Worship 2.0 and the increasing opportunities that will arise for our growing faith life together, let me encourage you to embrace Holy Week this year. As you know, Lent is a time of reflection and preparation. Personally, I love the time of Lent and the intentional reflective focus on Jesus and the meaningful walk to the cross. And clearly, Easter Sunday and the Easter season is a joyful time and a high point of our church year. It is fun and festive. May His light shine brightly in each of our lives! Grace and peace, Pastor Ted 2 7 Christian Education Youth Event Planned Plan to come to the Youth BBQ Pork Dinner to help raise funds for the Youth's Mission trip this summer and other Youth Activities. The BBQ will be on Saturday, March 7th at 6:00pm. Tickets may be purchased at the event; $10 for adults, $5 for children 10 and under. The menu for the evening will be Pulled BBQ Pork, Scalloped Potatoes, and additional sides. THEN after dinner, there will be a Dessert Auction featuring sweet desserts provided by our Youth and their families! A great evening of fun and fellowship with good food and sweet treats! Hope you can join us in showing our support for the Youth of our congregation! Annual Easter Egg Hunt All children through 5th grade will be eggcited to join in the fun on Easter morning for the Easter Egg Hunt to be held during the Easter brunch (beginning at 9:45). Donations of wrapped candy are appreciated and will be collected in a basket in the narthex during Lent. VBS News Good Shepherd will be teaming with Immanuel Lutheran for VBS this summer at Immanuel. Dates have not been set yet, but will most likely be in July. Watch for more details Dates to Remember: 3/15/15 & 3/22/15 – No Sunday School (Spring Break) 4/05/15 – No Sunday School (Easter) 5/17/15 – Last day of Sunday School 6 Brothers and Sisters in Christ I am an official Lutherterian in your midst. Raised in the ELCA, ordained PCUSA, I am now serving back in the ELCA of NW. I have about a dozen high school students who have asked to be connected with other Lutheran youth and having been looking for opportunities to have that happen. I was excited about the planned Lutheran youth event for the area and was disappointed to learn it was then cancelled. That is why I hope you have looked at and considered the invitation from the Presbyterians in your area for the ELCA youth of Northern Kansas to join them for an event coming up on March 7-8. Rather than "areas", the PCUSA Mid-America Synod (almost identical in area to the Central States Synod) is broken down into Presbyteries. The Presbytery of Northern Kansas has a tradition of hosting excellent youth events twice a year for those in Jr. High or Middle School through High School. These events are planned by and led by a youth who have worked with adults as a part of a Northern Kansas Youth Council. Their event has an excellent combination of large group, small group, worship, activities and recreation all built around a theological theme for the weekend. They want more participants. We have youth with no current regional Lutheran youth opportunities, so why not combine the two? As a person with a foot in both denominations, I can only say we have a lot to offer each other through interdenominational work. I am currently on the Presbytery's Youth Council and am personally inviting your church youth to join the Presbyterian youth in your area for a time of Christian connectedness with each other and other member's of the Body of Christ. It is my hope that this will lead our churches to look for other opportunities to consider partnerships in our areas. Once we find each other, we can do exciting ministry together so that at least some of us are not so alone in our own corners of the Kingdom. Please contact me if you have any questions. You might also consider speaking to someone from the PCUSA church in your own community, if there is one. Carpooling might be in order! This invitation was sent out last week through the Bishop's office, and the early registration deadline is today. Registrations are still welcome after today, but the later the registration, the less likely it will be that participants will have a T-shirt available from the rally. The experience, however, will be priceless! God's work. Our hands. Pastor Shelly Holle Faith Lutheran Church 404 N. York Ave. Oberlin, KS 67749 (785) 475-2053 Pastor's Email: [email protected] Church's Email: [email protected] Ministries Bread for the World Offering of Letters Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation's decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. We can end hunger in our time. Everyone, including our government, must do their part. With the stroke of a pen, policies are made that redirect millions of dollars and affect millions of lives. By making our voices heard in Congress, we make our nation's laws more fair and compassionate to people in need. Bread for the World supporters write personal letters and emails and meet with our members of Congress. Working through our churches, campuses, and other organizations, we engage more people in advocacy. Each year, Bread for the World invites churches across the country to take up a nationwide Offering of Letters to Congress on an issue that is crucially important to hungry and poor people. Together, we build the political commitment needed to overcome hunger and poverty. God's grace in Jesus Christ moves us to help our neighbors, whether they live in the next house, the next state, or the next continent. Confronting the problem of hunger can seem overwhelming. What can one person do? Plenty-and Bread for the World can help. During Lent this year at our Wednesday evening meals, we will have the opportunity to participate in the 2015 Offering of Letters. The focus of this year's effort is child nutrition programs right here in our own country. Every five years, Congress is asked to renew the funding for the programs that support school meals, summer feeding programs, and the WIC nutrition program for pregnant and new mothers, along with their small children. Paper, envelopes, stamps, addresses, and a sample letter will be available for everyone, so please take a moment during these fellowship times to advocate for our hungry children by writing a letter to your member of Congress or our Senators. 4th Friday Fellowship The following events are planned in the coming months: March 27—Basketball Watch Party! The NCAA tournament will be in its second weekend, and we will meet in someone's home to watch the action on television. Please bring your favorite game day snacks to share! Details (location, start time, etc.) will be announced later. Contact Susie Brooks at [email protected] if you would like to host this event. April 22—We plan to attend the matinee performance of "Forever Plaid" at the New Theatre Restaurant in Overland Park. Lunch begins at 11:50, and show time is 1:00. Tickets are $33 per person and include the meal. We have a reservation for 16, so contact Susie soon if you plan to go! The tickets must be paid in full for our group no later than March 23. May 22—Cookout at the Brooks farm; plan to bring a side dish or dessert to share. The iris should be in full bloom, so come on out around 6:00 (we will likely eat about 7:00), and let's kick off the summer together! All adult members, visitors, and friends are invited to join us. For more information, contact Susie at [email protected]. Breakfast for Ballard As a congregation, we have faithfully supported the Ballard Center. During the season of Lent, we would like to collect non-perishable food items, especially breakfast foods, for this local food pantry. Please bring your items anytime through Palm Sunday, and leave them in the front of the sanctuary near the organ. These gifts will help us to be aware of the Lenten theme of "Hunger" and encourage our thoughtful prayers. We are getting excited about spring here at Green Pastures Preschool. We are hoping warm weather is right around the corner. We had a fantastic time at the Pancake Feed. The kids really enjoyed catching the pancakes! We are planning a field trip on March 5th to Great Harvest Bread in downtown Lawrence. We will get to see how the bread is made and maybe make some of our own. We will have a little time off from school in the middle of March for spring break. Our St. Jude trike-a-thon is scheduled for April 1st this year. The students will try and raise money for St. Jude a couple of weeks before our trike-a-thon. They will also learn bike and helmet safety. We will spend the morning of April 1st riding our bikes in the parking lot. We are also planning a trip to the Topeka Zoo at the end of April. It will be our last field trip of the year. We are excited about next year and are starting to make plans for welcoming new students at our school. If you have any neighbors, friends or family who have preschool aged students please pass along information about our school. We are scheduling tours so families can see our school and meet our staff. They can call 312-7611 to schedule a time to tour. Miranda Huff [email protected]. Relay for Life of KU The men of Beta Sigma Psi Lutheran fraternity recently formed a team for Relay for Life of KU, an allnight walkathon that raises money for the American Cancer Society. On April 10th, they will spend 12 hours walking around a track to raise awareness for cancer research. All of the teams for this event raise money to be used for cancer research and services for patients. To raise money for this event, Beta Sigma Psi will be hosting a pie social at Good Shepherd following the 10:30 worship service on Sunday, March 29th. Pie will be available by-the-slice in the Fellowship Hall, and whole pies will also be sold in the narthex to take home. Please stop by3 and support Beta Sigma Psi's efforts to stop cancer in its tracks! Music & Worship Music & Worship Lent 2015—Hunger The Lenten season began on Ash Wednesday (February 18 this year) and lasts for 40 days (not counting Sundays). These days recall the 40-day fast of Jesus in the wilderness after his baptism (Matthew 4:2, Luke 4:1-2) and Moses’ 40-day fast on Mount Sinai (Exodus 34:28). Our theme for Lent this year, reflected in our Sunday worship, will be “Hunger.” Please join us as we explore different types of hungers (for food, for God, for acceptance, etc.) and as we address the problem of hunger in various ways through this season. The 40 Day Hunger Calendar—Living Simply with God Devotional materials are available in the library beginning on Sunday, February 8. The 40 Day Hunger Calendar: Living Simply with God, includes readings, reflection questions and suggested activities. Because of the way this calendar is structured, those wishing to use it daily should begin on February 15 to use throughout the Lenten season. Devotional materials are also available for children. Midweek Meals and Worship During Lent We will gather together each Wednesday at 6 pm for a simple meal followed by worship at 7 pm, beginning on February 25 and continuing each Wednesday through March 25. On March 11 we will eat a "food stamp" meal, featuring foods that can be prepared on a food stamp budget. On these Wednesdays, rather than going upstairs for worship as we have in the past, we will remain in Fellowship Hall for an intergenerational study and discussion (led by Pastor Ted), followed by an activity relating to our discussion. During the meal itself, there will be an opportunity to participate in the 2015 Bread for the World Offering of Letters. The focus of this year's Offering of Letters will be child nutrition programs here in the United States. Our Wednesday free will offering this year will be designated for Bread for the World. (Visit for more information.) Announcements in Lent During the season of Lent, February 18—April 4, we will be giving up verbal announcements. This will help us to focus on listening to God’s Word. In order to share important information with our community, be sure to turn your announcements in written form to the office for the bulletin or Baa the Way, deadlines each week is Wednesday, 10am. Holy Week & Easter Schedule Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunrise Service, at Pioneer Cemetery Easter Sunday Worship at GSLC Easter Sunday Breakfast A new volunteer schedule for April through July will be issued in mid-March. If you would like to be added to or removed from the volunteer list for a specific duty, please let the office know so corrections can be made. Please note— we will no longer be mailing the schedules, but will be sending schedules via email. The schedules will continue to be included in newsletters and weekly schedules will be included in Sunday bulletins and our weekly email newsletter, Baa the Way. The full schedule will always be posted on the bulletin board in the church narthex. If you have a conflict on an assigned date, please trade dates with another volunteer and let the office know of the change(s). Lutheran Campus Ministry Sunday at Good Shepherd Lutheran Campus Ministry students will be joining us April 12 and assisting in worship. Our congregation helps support this special local ministry. Please plan to be with us and learn about how campus ministry is important for everyone. Community Taizé Service at Good Shepherd On Friday, March 6, at 6 pm, Good Shepherd will host a community Taizé service for Lent. GSLC folks are needed as readers, musicians, and worshippers for this service. All are welcome to this hour of simple song, prayer, reflective readings, meditation, and candlelight. To volunteer to be a musician for the service at Good Shepherd, contact Lara West, 913-367-6486 or [email protected]. Other Lawrence Community Taizé Services Friday, 13 March, 6 pm Peace Mennonite, 615 Lincoln Friday, 20 March, 6 pm Plymouth Congregational, 925 Vermont St. Friday, 27 March, 6 pm St. John the Evangelist, 1234 Kentucky St. (Taizé Stations of the Cross) Friday, 24 April, 6 pm Central United Methodist, 1501 Massachusetts St. Taizé is an ecumenical movement to promote peace in the world. These services are co-hosted by seven Lawrence churches. This group regularly holds Taizé services at 6 pm on the 4 th Friday (or Sunday) of the month, and they hold weekly services during Advent and Lent. A bookmark with all the dates and locations is available on the information table in the church narthex. If you would like more information or would like to be notified by email about upcoming services, please contact the Taizé coordinator at [email protected]. GSLC Choir 10:30 am, March 29 7:00 pm, April 2 7:00 pm, April 3 6:30 am, April 5 8:00 am and 10:30 am, April 5 9:00 am, April 5 Easter Sunrise Service We hope you can join us for the Easter sunrise service at Pioneer Cemetery, on the University of Kansas West Campus. We will gather at 6:30 AM, and the service will be over by 7:15 AM. If you wish to sit, please bring your own chair or stool. Dress for the weather! In the case of bad weather, the service will be at the church; call the church after 6 AM that morning for a message regarding the service location. Can you help? We need some volunteers to bring supplies to and from Pioneer Cemetery for the Sunrise service and to provide and/or set up coffee and snacks after the service (back at Good Shepherd). If you can help, please contact Becky Foerschler, 842-0904; [email protected] Soups Needed for Midweek Lenten Meals Please consider signing up in the narthex to bring a soup for one of our midweek Lenten meals. On March 11th, instead of soup, we will have a Food Stamp Meal. Recipes are provided for specific dishes to bring on the sign-up poster. Help is also needed for set-up and cleanup. 4 Worship Volunteers Rehearsals are on Thursdays, 7:00-8:15 pm (except April 2, Maundy Thursday). New members are always welcome! Contact Lara West for more information or to be added to the email list. Instrumentalists/Vocalists/Cantors Solos and ensembles are welcome to provide prelude or offering music, and accompany anthems, hymns or liturgy. Contact Lara West to volunteer. Lara West’s Organ Recital—Date & Directions All are invited to an organ recital by Lara West on Sunday, March 22, at 3 pm, in the main chapel at Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison, KS. The recital, which will last about 1 hour, will include music by Bach, Böhm, Franck, and Distler. Mount St. Scholastica is officially located at 801 South 8 th Street, but 8th Street doesn’t really exist at their location. To get there from US Hwy 59 from Lawrence, turn right (south) on 10 th Street/US Hwy 73, left immediately after the Dairy Queen onto Spring Street, then right into the parking lot for the Atchison Heritage Conference Center/Mount St. Scholastica. Turn left at the end of the main parking lot to enter the campus of Mount St. Scholastica. Drive past the Sophia Center and along the road through campus. St. Cecilia’s will be the next building on your right, before the large chapel. Park at St. Cecilia’s and enter through the nearest door. (If you’d like an extra dose of the Atchison music scene, plan to stay for the Atchison Jazz Express concert at 5 pm in the Atchison Middle School auditorium. Eric West plays bass in this group.) Lara West, Music Director [email protected], 913-367-6486 Becky Foerschler, Worship Committee Chair [email protected], 785-842-0904 5
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