WN Feb-Mar 2015 - Windlesham School

Windlesham School
Feb/Mar 2015
Issue 151
Dear Parents and Carers,
The Spring term has continued to be very busy for the children. We have been pleased to see so
many of you attending out parent teacher meetings. Our Year 6 pupils are in the process of
receiving final feedback from their secondary school choices and once their news has been
finalised, we shall look forward to reporting this in our next Newsletter. Year 6 are certainly ready
for some special time away as they prepare for their residential activity trip to the Isle of Wight.
They must all be congratulated on their fantastic achievements.
Staff News:
We have welcomed back Mrs Conley to the
SENCO department following
her operation.
Mrs Freeman is teaching Year 3 as she
covers Miss Thomas who is now on her
maternity leave.
I would also like to inform you that
Mrs Baxter, Mrs Conley, Mr Hamm and
Mrs Burr will be retiring from teaching after
many years of service.
Mrs Baxter first joined Windlesham in April
1991 and we are extremely grateful to her
for her role in developing sport at
Windlesham along with her valuable work
as our Upper School Co-ordinator and
Class Tutor.
Mrs Conley started the Learning Support
department when she joined in April 1997.
Her role as SENCO has been extremely
important to all the children who have
worked closely with her.
Mr Hamm started working with his first class
at Windlesham in September 2000. His role
as class teacher along with developing
swimming and chess has been
greatly appreciated.
Mrs Burr joined us in January 2008 to teach
one of our Year 1 classes. After 7 years of
working with this year group, along with
being a former Lower School Co-ordinator,
she is now preparing to move out of the area to be nearer to her family.
We thank all of these staff for their hard work
and support to the children over the years.
I am sure you would like to join me in
wishing them every happiness with their
future plans.
Important Dates for Spring Term 2015
Saturday, 7th March
FOW Easter Egg Hunt
11.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. (School)
Tuesday, 10th March
Year 6 depart for Little Canada School Trip
9.30 a.m.
Friday, 13th March
Year 6 return from Little Canada School Trip
4.00 p.m.
Friday, 13th March
FOW Nearly New Uniform Sale
Tuesday, 17th March
Year 1 Trip to Plumpton (During School Day)
Wednesday,18th March
Year 2 Musical Assembly to Parents
(9.15 a.m. School Gym)
Parking: Please continue to help
park responsibly along Dyke Road,
Port Hall Road and our surrounding
areas when you pick-up and drop-off children. This is much appreciated by the
School and neighbouring areas too. We ask
that parents respect the safety of children
and do not park on double yellow lines, at
bus stops or on pavements as this poses a
serious hazard to pedestrians. Please read
our ‘Park and Stride’ letter which mentions
short-stay parking in Port Hall Road.
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Windlesham School News
Note about
Please remember we
are a nutfree school
when preparing
It is important to
check labels
as many
may contain
a trace of
nuts. Thank
you for your
help in this
Please do
not include
any sweets
in your
lunchbox. A
lunchbox is
really important.
The Prefects for this part
of the term are:
Tiergan Kensett
Nathanael Andrawos
Ra Healy
Elizabeth RimmerLeeming
Rosa Flack
Danielle Chalmers
Tilly Catchpole
Tia Lazanakis
Ned Skipper
Isabel Newman
Khian Samandi
Scarlett O’Callaghan
Saving Vouchers and
Household items. Please
support these worthwhile
causes: Sainsbury Active
Kids, Silver foil for Guide
Dogs, Used Postage stamps
for Martlets Hospice, Red,
Green & Blue milk bottle
tops for Chestnut Tree
Children’s Hospice, Printer
cartridges and old mobile
phones for Great Ormond
Street Hospital.
SERVICE: Please note that
this year the Easter Service
will be held at St Luke’s on
Thursday, 19th March 2015
at 1.30 p.m. It will last
approximately one hour.
Chess Tournament 2015: Each year, during the
Spring term, the Chess Tournament is
run for anyone in Years 2-6 who wishes
to take part. 75 children have signed
up and will be playing 7 games within
two groups as follows: Years 2 & 3 and Years 4,5 & 6.
The players will gain points as they play and earn
different prizes as they achieve a progressive target
of points. Watch out for results at the end of the
term. Mr Hamm
RWI Development Day
The Lower School recently
welcomed Colleen Somich, an
associate from the Read Write Inc
company, for a day long visit to
the school. She was
able to observe the
children and staff
in action during
their Read Write Inc
sessions. Ms Somich
was impressed with
the standard of
reading and the
excellent progress
the children have made using this
phonics programme. As part of
the visit, together with staff, she
has identified areas for further
development which will ensure
the children continue to achieve
high standards in reading and
writing. Well done to the children
and to all the reading teachers
for their hard work. Also, of course, thank you to parents for your ongoing valuable support.
Mrs Older, Read Write Inc Co-ordinator.
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Windlesham School News
On Friday, 23rd January, as part of our Roman learning journey, Year 2 were visited
by the Roman Goddess Minerva. To start
the day we
about the
Gods and
Goddesses. We
were then
Boudicca and some of us
got to dress up as her. There
was a competition to see
who could yell the loudest!
Coppleus was then dressed
up as a Roman soldier. Minerva explained why they
wore each part of the outfit
and how it helped keep
them safe in battle. In the
morning, we designed and
created our own mosaic tile.
We used tiles, grout and our
magic spreading finger! We
learnt that Romans used to
create a mistake in their
design on purpose.
After lunch we were trained to fight as gladiators!
We learnt what the audience would chant at the end of the fight to decide the outcome. Then we
each got the chance to battle!
At the end of the day we all got to witness a gladiator fight as Minerva and Coppleus fought
each other!
Mr Copple
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Windlesham School News
On Tuesday, 3rd February the Year 6 Librarians had the opportunity of visiting
Waterstones in Brighton. Upon arrival, the girls were kindly received by Frie, who led
them on a tour across the shop. She started in the storage room and discussed what
happened to books that were not achieving many sales. She then proceeded to take
the girls round different sections of books and discussed how they were organised.
This was helpful for the girls, as it made them reflect upon the organisation of our
own school library.
Later on in the visit, the girls were able to write a book review of their favourite book,
whilst drinking a hot chocolate! It was wonderful to see the reviews go on display.
The girls then had the opportunity to choose their own books to take home. Overall, it
was a fantastic day and a wonderful experience.
Miss Baig and Miss Thompsett
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Windlesham School News
Years 4, 5, 6 were given the opportunity to watch one of
Shakespeare’s special plays just before half-term. They all
seemed to enjoy it as outlined by Lukas Nerurkar in 6B below:
Young Shakespeare Company performed the
comedy ‘ A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. They asked
volunteers to act as well as performing themselves.
It was really funny
and well acted. To
make it easier to
understand, they
used modern
language. Overall
it was very good.’
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Windlesham School News
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed performing the musical ‘The Emerald Forest’. The children, in the guise
of monkeys, toucans, bats and jaguars, rallied to fight off the greedy tree loggers and save the
Amazon rainforest. The children sang beautifully and were so convincing in their pleas that the
loggers and businessmen were persuaded to join forces with them and not destroy the forest. In
celebration, the parents were treated to the ‘Jungle disco’, showing off their best John Travolta
moves! All the children performed amazingly and enjoyed the appreciation of the audience.
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Windlesham School News
As this School Newsletter goes to print, Windlesham School is enjoying an amazing World Book Day. The children and staff arrived this morning in the most wonderful book character costumes. We have enjoyed story telling sessions, a visit
from local author Jo Simmonds, story telling, illustrating comic strips and much,
much more! More details in our next Newsletter but in the meantime, check out
the School website for some photographs of the day.
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Windlesham School News
So many smiling faces and many characters too
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Windlesham School News
Mrs Baxter, Miss Baig and Mrs Moss in great form
Mr Copple and Mrs Ball in character
Mrs Slater hairy costume
Magical teaching with Mr Crellin...
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Windlesham School News
Mr Clifford reading to the children
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Windlesham School News
The school swimming team had an excellent victory at Brighton College
beating our rivals 49-29. Windlesham won 9 of the 12 individual races
and all the medley and freestyle relays. It was an incredible result
against a very strong swimming team. Well done to the Windlesham’s
Swimmers who were: Georgia Hewitt, Téa Hennin, Elliott Abbott, Lukas
Jackson Cowland, Fleur Connolly, Toyo Oloko, Mia Lawden, Hannah Lind, Rosa
Flack, Caitlin Cheal and Sasha Hewitt.
Reminder: Brighton and Hove Schools Swimming Gala is being held on Wednesday,
24th March 2015 (in the School Easter Holidays). More information to
The Windlesham team won Roedean's U11 Cross Country event on
Wednesday, 4th March. 7 girls represented the School : Téa Hennin, Scarlett
O'Callaghan, Kaia Dacre-Blackburn, Georgia Hewitt, Mia Lawton, Blythe King
& Matilda McEwen. The girls ran over an 1.8 km course around Roedean's grounds. Well
The U11 Netball Team played against Brighton College and
Windlesham House on Wednesday, 14th January 2015. Despite it
being very windy and cold the girls played well winning 7 – 0
against Brighton College with Georgia Hewitt chosen as player of
the match. Windlesham also won against Windlesham House 10 –
1 with Téa Hennin chosen as player of the match.
Mrs Baxter
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Windlesham School News
The FOW film club nights were a great success with copious amounts of popcorn
being consumed while the Lower School enjoyed The Croods and the Upper
School watched Sharkboy and Lavagirl. FOW are now busy preparing for the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, 7th March from 11.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. Volunteers
are as ever in high demand so please do let us know if you are able to help on the
day. We would also love donations of cakes and baked goodies ...please bring
these in either on Friday or the day of the Easter Egg Hunt. Don't forget to decorate your Easter Bonnets for the competition held during the Easter Egg Hunt and
please bring in your chocolates for the tombola on non-uniform day on Friday, 6th
March. Dates for your diary:Friday, 13th March :- Nearly New Uniform sale 2:30-3:45 p.m.
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Windlesham School News
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Windlesham School News
Pupil Achievements
Year 2 Stars: Year 2 pupils are awarded stars rather than house points. Congratulations to the following children who were awarded the most stars in Year 2 this month: Beau Aloof, Hermione Chappell,
Daisy Boyle, Sophie Vera, Ted Wiskar, Mia Hobbs and Astrid Berman.
Merit Badges: The following children are to be congratulated for tremendous effort or positive attitude
this month (as at 6th March 2015): Upper School: Truly Wellock, Molly Christie-Miller, Mia Harrison, Tilly
Catchpole, Rebecca Zhao, Toyo Oloko, Max Lind, Evie Hawkes, Daniel Abadi, Tom Brooks, Isabelle
Handley, Thomas Bowcock, Harry Tidey, Jai Sahi, Amy Hepburne Scott, Oberon Clark, Phoebe Knight,
Téa Hennin, Evie Flack, Jamie Peasgood, Isabelle Handley, Lily Gifford, Madeline Pickering, Kitty Hudson Harry James, Matthew Cox, Lukas Nerurkar and Hugo Varvaridze-Cain Lower School: Charlie
Littlefield, Mia Lawrence, Buckley Phillips, Billy Williams, Akim Ntwari, Harry Underwood, James Twibill,
Bobby Murphy, Ivan Pineda Vera, Maria Coego, Betty Lamb, and James Usherwood.
Owls Awards: The following children have been congratulated for good work this month (as at 6th
March 2015): Sasha Cameron, Theo Elyas, Diego Gonzalez Garcia , Rhodes Hamilton, Lola Sahi, Todd
Walker, Jasmine Demetriou, Hugo Chappell, Rhea Ayling, Seb Nicholson, Buckley Phillips, Faris
Dawwas, Isaac Grace, Beau Aloof, Astrid Berman, Mia Hobbs, Sophie Vera, Katie Connolly, Alabama
Cowland, Saskia Gualtieri Kros , Michael Munday, Tilly Outhwaite, Kit Aloof, Scarlett Ince, Christian
O’Callaghan, Truly Wellock, Tom Brooks, Molly Christie-Miller, Oliver Jackson, George Lazanakis, Max
Slater, Nathanael Andrawos, Sonny Hudson, Lily Gifford, Rocco Loudoun, Kitty Hudson, Hannah Lind,
Caitlin Cheal, Jayden Hobbs, Mia Lawden, Bilal Manzoor, Fleur Connolly, Joe Thomasson,
Mia Barrow, Ellie Double, Jamie Evans, Max Lind, Lukas Nerurkar, Elliott Abbott, Finn Hjelmgaard, Phoebe Knight and Daniel Schavemaker.
Best Wishes
Aoife Bennett-Odlum
Newsletter Editor: Mrs T Pedro
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