First Presbyterian Church PRESBYGRAM Volume 53, Issue 5 March 4, 2015 Holy Week and Easter Special Services of Worship Palm Sunday, March 29 9:00 – Worship 11:00 – Worship Maundy Thursday, April 2 7:00 p.m. – Remembrance of Last Supper and Service of Tenebrae Easter Sunday, April 5 8:30 a.m. – Celebration of the Resurrection 11:00 a.m. – Celebration of the Resurrection 12:00 noon – Children’s Easter Egg Hunt join us in worship during this holiest of weeks Music Music in Worship for March 9 a.m. Early Service Music March 8 Men’s Quartet March 15 Larry Porter, piano March 22 Youth Ensemble 11 a.m. Worship Serice March 15 Memorial Handbells March 22 Youth Choir and Youth Handbells – YOUTH SUNDAY 9:45 rehearsal 9:00 rehearsal HOLY WEEK Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday 11:00 a.m. CHAPEL CHOIR AND CHERUB CHOIRS, FPC BRASS ENSEMBLE PALM SUNDAY PROCESSIONAL & ANTHEMS Maundy Thursday and Tenebrae Service, April 2, 7:00 p.m. MUSIC FOR TENEBRAE BY COVENANT CHOIR AND SOLOISTS Sunday, April 5 Easter 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. IDENTICAL SERVICES WITH GUEST TRUMPET PLAYERS ACCOMPANYING THE COVENANT CHOIR Sunday March 22, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. Mr. Jason McKinney, Bass-Baritone Mr. Christopher A. Galey, Pianist Present a recital “Moments with Paul Robeson” Host Partner: First Presbyterian Church Mr. Jason McKinney, bass-baritone and Mr. Christopher A. Bagley, pianist present a recital titled “Moments with Paul Robeson,” a musical presentation inspired by the great singer and humanitarian Paul Robeson. Mr. McKinney and Mr. Bagley bring to the concert stage the tribulations and triumphs throughout the life of the famous AfricanAmerican Paul Robeson (1898-1976). As an athlete, scholar, actor, lawyer, and advocate for the equal rights of people around the world, Paul Robeson is perhaps most remembered for his rich bass voice. Mr. McKinney brings equal richness to Robeson’s signature songs. Mr. McKinney and Mr. Bagley regularly perform the play “Paul Robeson” by Phillip Hayes Dean, and this recital throughout the United States and receive high acclaims. GLORY TO GOD The Presbyterian Hymnal The Newly-published hymnal from the PC(USA) The Worship Committee has set June 30th as the goal to raise all funds for purchasing the new hymnal! We hope to place our order and receive our new hymnals to use on Celebration Sunday in August of this year. We have received donations for the purchase of 200 hymnals. Thank you to those of you who got us off to a magnificent beginning! We have orders for enough large-print hymnals (large print editions have hymn texts only, no music) and need approximately 300 more pew edition hymnals to complete our order. Anyone interested in purchasing a hymnal in memory or in honor of someone simply needs to fill out and return the form at the bottom of the page and appropriate funds to the church. The Session stipulated that all funds be raised before we place the order, so the earlier we collect our funds the sooner we get our hymnals. If you are have questions about making a donation or about the hymnal itself, please contact Sally Tarolli [email protected] or Elizabeth Gulley [email protected]. Or to learn more about the hymnal go to and click on the Presbyterian Hymnal link. Glory To God Hymnal Order Form Please complete and return to the church office. ______ 9780664503130 Pew edition $20.00 In Honor of ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ In Memory of____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Given by____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Easter Lilies If you wish to donate Easter lilies to be placed in the sanctuary, please fill in the information below and turn it in to the church office by Sunday, March 29th. Cost of the lilies is $16.00 each. Please attach payment to order form. Checks should be made out to First Presbyterian Church and marked "lilies". The lilies will be delivered to our shut-ins by our Ushers following our Easter services. Please print your information below. Number of lilies ______ Given by _________________________________________ In honor of ___________________________________________________________ In memory of __________________________________________________________ Mission Main Street Coalition ~ Fill the Bus The “Fill the Bus Campaign” is an ongoing food collection project focused on providing canned goods and other non-perishables to local food banks. In March and April we are collecting apple sauce, canned fruit, and canned vegetables. Collection baskets are in the pantry (the former choir robe room). Career Connection meets each Monday morning from 8:30-10:00 in the Session Room of the Church. A workbook that covers fundamental job-search strategy is provided each participant. Trained facilitators lead the discussions along with having at least one guest speaker each month. This mission was started about four years ago. Many have attended and many have found employment. ACTS Ministry The unsheltered homeless in High Point are in need of tents, sleeping bags, small portion food, water, and paper products for their nourishment needs. Members with items to donate can call Dick Becker at 869-3145 so he can pick it up or drop them off in the gathering area. Mobile Meals Needs Your Help Are you between jobs? Newly retired? A young mother who can spare an hour or two? Mobile Meals needs volunteers on Tuesday mornings! If you can possibly spare an hour and a half each Tuesday or one time per month, please consider helping with this local mission. The rewards are immeasurable. Please call Pat Hudspeth at 6870923 or the church office at 884-2248 if you are interested in volunteering. Upcoming Events Bettye White Women’s Retreat Mark your calendars! The Bettye White Women’s Retreat will be March 21st from 8:45 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at River Landing. Do your New Year’s Resolutions include growing closer to Christ, strengthening your inner self, or enriching your friendships? If so, you need to join us “down by the river!” We have a vibrant speaker in Dr. Sandi Gravett as well as many activities to help us celebrate the joy of life in happiness, laughter and God’s gifts. We ask that everyone attending brings a photo of something that brings you joy to share with the group. Please plan to join us. Call the church office to make your reservations. First Presbyterian Golf Tournament The High School Youth invite you to join them at River Landing on March 21st from 2:00-5:00 p.m. to support their Summer mission trip to the Dominican Republic. There are 48 spaces available and the entry fee is $50/person – sign up individually or as a four person team. We'd love to have men, women, and youth come and play golf and join us for a fun day! Hole sponsorships are also available for $75 – the name of your company or message will be printed on a sign at your choice of holes on the River Landing course. Please sign up by calling the church office. Questions? Contact co-leaders Brian Cheek at 471-4292 or Kevin Bridge at 848-0578. Flower Calendar Dates The following dates are available on our church flower calendar: March 8, May 31, June 7, 14, and July 12, 19, and 26. If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary on one of these dates, please contact Lynne Ledford at 803-2186. Discover FPC If you are interested in learning more about the various opportunities for growth, worship, and serving, join us for our next Discover FPC class. Discover FPC is a gathering hosted by the staff of First Presbyterian Church on a quarterly basis. It is held on Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the session room, in the adult classroom suite below the sanctuary. Here at FPC, we want you to have the opportunity to discover the various ways you might engage your life of faith here. This class will give you the chance to get to know us and learn more about our church. Discover FPC will be held April 19, 26, and May 3, 2015; and July 19, 26, and August 2, 2015.Please register for this 3-week series of “Discover FPC” by contacting Erin Bowers at 8842248 or [email protected]. Deriter Club This month we will be attending the 31st Annual Bach's Lunch series featuring a concert at 12:15 p.m. and lunch at 12:45 p.m. We will leave the church at 11:30 on Tuesday, March 17. This is a different week than our normal Deriters schedule. Space is limited, please make your reservations by calling the church office at 884-2248. Reading Group meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the church library. Anyone is welcome to join the discussion of any of the following selections: March 11 – Jesus, My Father, The Cia, and Me by Ian Morgan Cron April 8 – Open Secrets by Richard Lischer May 13 – Just As I Am by Billy Graham Weekday Kindergarten Do you have a child who is preschool age? Are you looking for a great Preschool Program? The Weekday Kindergarten at our church is just what you are looking for. We are registering for the 2015—2016 school year. For more information please call Katy Bobb at the church (884-2248) or at home (454-6231). Nurture Children’s Ministries News Safe Church Workshop for all Adults who work with Children or Youth: Sunday, March 15, 1:30-3:00 p.m., or Wednesday, March 18, 6:00-7:30 p.m. If you currently work with children or youth in the church, or if you think you might want to serve in one of the many ministries with children or youth in the future, this workshop is filled with essential tools to keep our church a safe place. Choose one workshop. Two are being offered to accommodate schedules. Contact Jeanette Quick Sandlin or Kristina Gilbert for more information – [email protected]; [email protected] Ministry Opportunities – If you enjoy children and would like to help in any of the following: Sunday School classes (9:40 a.m.) Wee Kirk/Junior Kirk (during 11:00 a.m. worship service) Sunday afternoon Godly Play (4:15 p.m.) Seasonal activities – Lent/Advent Vacation Bible School “There are no volunteers in the church – only servant priests fulfilling their ministries.” – Rev. Dr. Ken Broman-Fulks Sunday School - for all ages is from 9:40 – 10:40 a.m. every Sunday – Children are to be taken to and picked up from the following classrooms: Ages 2-3 – Preschool room 103 Ages 4, 5, K – Preschool room 102 Grades 1-3 – Upstairs room 203 Grades 4-5 – Upstairs room 205 Sunday Afternoons - for Children K-5th Grade – Children in this age group have an opportunity every Sunday afternoon to participate in a world renowned Montessori based program called Godly Play where children can explore their faith through story, wonder and play. Parents are always welcome to stay and be a helper. Come and see – we have lots of room for more children! 4:15 p.m. – Godly Play (K-5th grade) 5:15 p.m. – Cherub Choir (K-1st grade) 5:15 p.m. – Chapel Chimes (3rd-5th grade) Kids of the Covenant - for 4th and 5th Graders – We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays upstairs in the Youth Room where we have access to the foosball, ping pong and pool tables. Activities are usually service projects or games, and always FUN. Parents, mark your calendars for the second and fourth Sundays through April. In May we will meet on May 3rd for a service project and we’ve reserved the bus May 17th for the end of the year party! There’s definitely room for more participants, and friends are welcome, too! Save the dates: May 17th – 12:00-2:00 p.m. – Kids of the Covenant bus trip to celebrate soon-to-be sixth graders! July 19-22 – 5:30-8:00 p.m. – VBS evening program for all ages – Aslan is on they Move! For more information or to help, contact Kristina Gilbert, Director of Children’s Ministries at: [email protected] or 884-2248, ext. 22. Aslan was any more than you do; but the moment VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL ~ MOVES TO EVENINGS THIS YEAR! the Beaver had spoken these words everyone felt quite different. Perhaps it has sometimes happened to you in a dream that someone says something which you don’t understand but in the dream it feels as if it had some enormous meaning—either a terrifying one which turns the whole dream into a nightmare or else a lovely meaning too lovely to put into words, which makes the dream so beautiful that you remember it all your life and are always wishing you could get into that dream again. It was like that now. At the name of Aslan each one of the children felt SAVE THE DATES & TIMES FOR: something jump in his inside. Edmund felt a ASLAN IS ON THE MOVE! sensation of mysterious horror. Peter felt suddenly Sun., July 19 – Wed., July 22 5:30-8:00 p.m. (includes dinner) NEW! VBS for all ages so moms and dads and other “grown-ups” can experience the Chronicles of Narnia story together with children and youth! brave and adventurous. Susan felt as if some delicious smell or some delightful strain of music had just floated by her. And Lucy got the feeling you have when you wake up in the morning and realize that it is the beginning of the holidays or Note: The Nurture committee had lots of discussion on changing from a daytime VBS for children to an evening intergenerational program. Marketplace is no longer being written after six years, and the time seemed right to think outside the box! the beginning of summer. In Lewis’s tale, Aslan is “They say Aslan is on the move.” With these Lucy stumble. Narnia is at first dominated by the whispered words, the seventh chapter of the White Witch, who makes it always winter in Narnia, Christian allegorical novel by C. S. Lewis, The Lion, but never Christmas. Yet Aslan is more than a lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, introduces the for he is also a symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ. character of Aslan. “Aslan is on the move.” Those When the four children first hear his name, they of you who have read the book perhaps feel a bit have no idea who he is, but they know that he is of the excitement of those words: “Aslan is on the coming, and with him, comes the springtime… move.” But for those who haven’t, here is the next Would you like to help? Have questions? Contact thing that Lewis writes: And now a very curious Kristina Gilbert at: [email protected] thing happened. None of the children knew who a great lion. He is not only a talking lion, but happens also to be the rightful king of Narnia, the fictional land into which Peter, Susan, Edmund and Presbyterian Women Monday, April 13th, 6:00 p.m. NOTE: This is an evening meeting Program Speaker: Estie Bennington, Author of Insanity on the Road to Glory and Former Guilford County Clerk of Court This Memoir will grab you from the start. Estie tells her story through the eyes of a little girl gradually learning that her life is controlled by a madman -- her schizophrenic father. He was a street preacher and selfproclaimed evangelist. They lived mostly on the road, sleeping in woods, in big rigs, on kudzu-covered banks beside railroad tracks, and more unlikely shelters. There were occasional kindnesses -- a concerned teacher, a sympathetic minister's wife, and long distance truck drivers. Most of all, a loving grandmother, also named Estie. Her home became the children's refuge, a place of sanity. Set in the 1950s, it describes such obvious signs of abuse that wouldn't go unnoticed today -- or would they? Estie reminds us that families -- hers headed by a self-styled man of God -- can hide depravity in plain sight. Doug Clark, News & Record Make or cancel reservations by calling the church office 884-2248 or emailing Ashley at [email protected] Are you working or have other commitments? Come and leave as your schedule allows. Dinner – Baked Chicken, Green Beans, Rice Pilaf, Fruit Salad, Whole Wheat Rolls, Cake Upcoming Events 2015 Dates April 13 *6:00 p.m. Program Speaker and/or Topic Estie Culler Bennington, author of Insanity on the Road to Glory Former Clerk of Superior Court in Guilford County *Note: This is an evening meeting May 4 11:45 a.m. Annual Meeting including Honorary Life Membership and Installation of Officers Nominations for PW Honorary Life Membership An Honorary Life Membership (HLM) in Presbyterian Women is conferred upon a woman or man in recognition of faithful service in some area of the church’s work. Moderators, teachers, leaders, officers, pastors and missionaries have been among the recipient of this honor. You should note past recipients of this award so as not to nominate one already honored. Then prayerfully consider nominating someone with the qualities indicated in the description above. Write the name of the individual in the blank provided below and return this form by March 8, 2015. You can mail nominations to First Presbyterian Church, 918 North Main Street, High Point, NC 27262, Attn: Deborah Lucas, Spiritual Enrichment Moderator; or you may leave it in the church secretary’s office. All names will be considered by the Life Membership Committee who will make the final choice. The following persons are former recipients: Mrs. Roy Watts, Mrs. James Hogg, Mrs. Felix Miller, Sr., Mrs. John Womack, Sr., Mrs. John W. Herndon, Mrs. MacLean B. Leath, Mrs. Robert G. Culp, Jr., Mrs. A.B. Croom, Mrs. George E. White, Mrs. Ralph J. Cox, Mrs. Winfred Douglas, Mrs. Carl Bailey, Mrs. Tom McNeill, Mrs. Ed Post, Mrs. Curtis Glenn, Dr. & Mrs. Kirk Allen, Jr., Mrs. Eloise Taylor, Mrs. J. Edward Pleasants, Mrs. George A. Cooke, Mrs. B. Guy Shivers, Mrs. Richard D. Meisky, Mrs. Marie N. Sloop, Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. Frances Fraser, Mrs. Ralph Brimley, Mrs. Murray White, Jr., Mrs. Richard Bosch, Mrs. Dan Mellinger, Mrs. Laura Boyles, Mrs. Sara Ledford, Mrs. Frances Hollahan, Mrs. Joann Jones, Mrs. Maxine Miller, Mrs. Phyllis Robbins, Mrs. Margaret Peake, Mrs. Carolyn Morgan, Mrs. Lyl Clinard, Mrs. Paula Hunt, Mrs. Sally Tarolli, Mrs. Betty Recoulley, Mrs. Willa Grey Connor, Mrs. Dorris Koontz, Mrs. Sarah Glover, Mrs. Katy Bobb, Mrs. Sara Kelly. """""""" PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN, please exercise this privilege and responsibility. We have so many in our congregation who have given of themselves to our church and its work who deserve this honor. Please place the name of ________________________________ in nomination for the highest honor given by the Presbyterian Women – an Honorary Life Membership. Submitted by ____________________________ Offices held or services rendered: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Welcome New Member! WELCOME NANCY REESER!!! Nancy joined our church on February 22nd. Nancy lives at: 1575 John Knox Dr. #G410 Colfax, NC 27235 Phone: 763-7732 Email: [email protected] The Workingest Church March 2015 Please make note of the date you are scheduled to serve in your area of ministry Acolytes March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Ushers March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Christopher McMinn and Khloe Roberson Anna Wetherington and Meredith Harron Beck Dallas and Trip Murray Delaney Hanf and Logan Hanf Palm Sunday Lyvonne Ruth, Drew Sessoms, Joan Walker, and Gary Walker Chris King, Bonnie White, Mimi Williams, and Kay Willis Jo Earl, Ralph Cox, Peter Murray, and Lisa Murray Youth Sunday Tom Foster, Earl Haskins, Susie Hayes, and Ed Henriques Infant Nursery Schedule March 1 Jeanne Lassiter March 8 Casey Lowe March 15 Meagan Lewis / Jen Tuft March 22 Alison Grein March 29 Casey Lowe Wee Kirk March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Marianne King Kelly Wesney Hollis Bethune Daphne Roberson Beth Caress/Kristina Gilbert Live Forward, Give Forward Have you included the church in your Will? Q: What is the number one reason people have not included the church in their Will? A: They have not been asked to do so. Q: What is the biggest concern of people when asked to include the church in their Will? A: “Will I have enough left to live on?” Solution: leave the church a percentage of your residual estate after payment of all your expenses – 5%, 10%, or more. People are also concerned with the expense, but if you include the First Presbyterian Endowment in your will, it will not cost you anything. Contact the church at 884-2248 for more information. -Endowment Committee Congregational Care Congratulations to John and Ambershay Cooper in the February 24th birth of their daughter, Ryleigh Faith Cooper. Grandparents are Richard and Lisa Cooper. Hospitalized: Wayne Veach, Wesley Long; Bill Mast, Baptist; Don Hunt, HP #754; Carol Merritt, Duke. Recovering at Home: Carl Adams, 3518 Langdale Drive, High Point, NC 27265; Evelyn Thompson, 1575 John Knox Dr #P001, Colfax, NC 27235; Wayne Veach, 8505 Mahala Dr., High Point, NC 27265; Bill Leist, 1575 John Knox Dr Apt A205, Colfax, NC 27235. Continuing Prayer: Nelle Bailey, 1575 John Knox Dr. PB215, Colfax, 27235; Ryland Redpath, 910 Northshore Ct., High Point, 27265; Hazel Long, 1575 John Knox Dr. Apt. C204, Colfax, 27235; Lois Blue, McEwen House, 1315 Greensboro Rd., Room 8012, High Point, NC 27260; Nelda Hylton, 1575 John Knox Dr., Apt. 136 Muirfield, Colfax, NC, 27235; Jan Cheek; Loretta Hoppe, 3808 Blairwood St., High Point, NC 27265; JD McGuinn, 220 Westdale Dr., High Point, NC 27265; Sadie Martin, 1575 John Knox Dr. Muirfield 230, Colfax, NC 27235; Skip Queen, 1206 Devlin Ct, High Point, NC 27262; Dorris Koontz, 1575 John Knox Drive, Apt D205, Colfax, 27235; Etta Walser, Westchester Manor, 1765 Westchester Drive, Room 413, High Point, NC 27262; Marc Mann; Ann Levina, 619 W Lexington Ave., High Point, NC 27262; John McGinty, 1575 John Knox Dr PB125, Colfax, 27235; Priscilla Davis, 1765 Westchester Drive, Apt 320, High Point, NC 27262; Judy Haworth, 1575 John Knox Drive, PB118, Colfax, NC 27235; Kay Hodge, 2680 N. Forrest Rd. Apt 240, Getzville, NY 14068; Mike Postler; Hunter Davis, 301 Pineridge Dr., High Point, NC 27262; Ken Barber, 5305 Calvin Ct, Colfax, NC 27235. Military: Seth Hall, 91-1139 Kamoaha Loop #3-G, Kapolei HI 96707; Mitchell Kiser; John Cooper, Lcpl Cooper, John D., 129 Acorn Way, Richlands, NC 28574; Lance Corporal Charles D. Peksa, 300 Village Drive, Apt. L7, Jacksonville, NC 28546; and Colonel Scott W. Kelly, 135 Gorgas Rd., Wahiawa, HI 96786; Gary Burnett. Raven Ash, Afternoon Office Assistant, Ext. 33 [email protected] Honey Humphrey, Morning Office Assistant, Ext. 33 [email protected] Sheila Beane, Office Manager, Ext. 32 [email protected] Ashley Beason, Church Secretary, Ext. 21 [email protected] Kristina Gilbert, Director of Children’s Ministries, Ext. 22 [email protected] Judith Millar, Organist, Ext. 28 [email protected] Elizabeth Gulley, Director Of Music, Ext. 29 [email protected] Jeanette Quick Sandlin, Director of Christian Ed., Ext. 24 [email protected] Ken Meeks, Parish Associate [email protected] Erin Kesterson Bowers, Associate Minister, Ext. 25 [email protected] Ken Broman-Fulks, Senior Minister, Ext. 30 [email protected] Staff PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT HIGH POINT, NC USPS (020246) pub. Monthly by First Presbyterian Church, 918 N. Main St., High Point, NC 27262-3989. Postmaster please send address changes to: Presbygram 918 N. Main St., High Point NC 27262-3989. First Presbyterian Church 918 North Main Street High Point, NC 27262 Phone 336-884-2248 Fax 336-884-0953
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