Secretary, Building Reservations Manager, and Nursery Coordinator: Youth Ministries Director: Kathy Statler Pastor Cam Smith Office Phone Number: 717-597-7314 Office Phone Number: 717-597-5892 Home Phone Number: 717-643-1013 Home Phone Number: 717-447-7809 Cell Phone Number: 717-860-6442 Cell Phone Number: 717-884-1408 Growing, Caring, and Serving In the Name of Christ Monday—Friday 6:00 AM—12:00 Noon Leave a message after hours on the answering machine. You may call my cell phone number (for emergency purposes only.) Sometimes the hours need to change. Please call the church office to make sure someone is there especially if inclement weather. If it is calling for bad weather, the church office is closed. Office staff works from home. [email protected] Tuesday & Thursday 7:00 AM—3:30 PM [email protected] First United Methodist Church Pastor Stacy A. Crawford P O Box 303, 45 N. Washington St. Greencastle PA 17225 Parsonage Phone Number: 717-597-4216 Wednesday Nightlight 5:30—6:15 PM Light supper in the FLC. Parents must accompany children. 6:15—6:40 PM Worship in the sanctuary 6:45—8:00 PM Small groups meet according to their schedule 8:30 AM Traditional Worship service Bulletin Announcements 11:00 AM Praise and Worship service Due Monday morning by 8:00 AM Newsletter Articles 2nd & 4th weeks Due the 12th day of the month 10:00 AM 1st, 3rd & 5th weeks 5th Sunday of the month One combined church service Meets Sunday evenings 10:00 AM Classes for all ages Don’t you hate when people and things try to control you? Even in March there is bitter winds that conceal activities and keep you locked indoors when you’d like to be out and about. Unless of course you get the coverings that are sufficient to let you go out and enjoy the winter sunshine. It seems the trimmer and more moveable the material is, the more expensive it is. But it does allow you to “break out” and move. Sometimes a persons soul does some “wintering.” There are hurts and slights that bring a coldness between relationships and make us hide our true selves behind walls as we wait ‘til the weather gets better. And sometimes that is slow in coming. Sometimes the weather even gets inside a person like pneumonia. I’m talking about bitterness. In Hebrews 12 it says “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Then the Scripture goes on to warn about the repercussions of not making moral life choices and not having a good “heart-set” of godliness. You see if we keep the holiness of God in mind and how far He came to save us, it will be harder for us not to forgive others. If we realize it is Christ’s righteousness, not our own that we walk in, it is harder to hold onto a slight. We get bitter when we can’t forgive, when we get the sewage drain clogged with pride. It was the person who said “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” who went home justified, not the guy thanking God for how good he, himself was. We need to beware of bitterness. Is there anybody in your church fellowship you can’t stand or that you would not sit with at a church meal? Why not? What prayers need prayed? Jesus said, “the world will know we are His by how we love one another.” Love involves commitment, decision, sacrifice. I know it’s hard to forgive. But do it. Pray for a heart to do it. Pray for a heart to pray for a heart to do it. We all want good fruit. But if the tree has roots that have been poisoned by bitterness what’s the fruit going to taste like? Will it even be edible? Is your love, joy, peace, patience and all the rest infected by bitterness? Matthew 18 tell us how to deal with a brother who sins against you. You say, “But he doesn’t deserve forgiveness!” Well you don’t deserve freedom either, but Jesus wants to give that to you. They are not getting away with anything when you move them off your plate on to Jesus’. “But if I pray to forgive them won’t Jesus forgive them to?” Yes we must believe He can change their hearts to receive it. But why would you withhold that from them? Perhaps like the unmerciful servant, further on in that Matthew chapter, you have forgotten that all the abundance you have is a very expensive gift bought by a very awesome sacrifice. In the bitter cold of this world, the Christian can play because Jesus has given us his garments. Jesus’ Word in Isaiah 61:3 says He gives us “a garment of praise or instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.” Good roots equals splendor to display in the fruits. Put on His garment. I saw the soft, thin, bendable fabric of a coat to use in bitter cold that can keep you so comfy warm. But I could not afford it. When it comes to grace and forgiveness and a heart that is clean, nobody can afford it. But I still have that garment of praise. My Daddy bought it for me, by the blood of His son. If I remember that and I pray I do, how can I ever be bitter? Jesus bless you, Pastor Stacy HAPPY BIRTHDAY 10th—Bill & Ellen Needy 24th—Casey & Susan Campbell 28th—Dale & Carla Wright 30th—Jack & Peggy Hays 3rd—Terry Earley, Barb Flaherty, Shana Wolfe 4th—Kristi Florentine, Maci Statler 6th—Marsha Kelso 7th—Laura Lopez 13th—Reese Davis, Shawn Statler, Don Stoner 14th—Cherie Mitchell, Bonnie Wetzel 16th—Ethan Murr, Alyssa Rudy First Church would like to express our Sympathy to George & 17th—Ann Bowers Ruth Dopp on the passing of their daughter, Bonnie Poper. 18th—Lanny Carbaugh, Frank Mowen May God be with you during this difficult time. 22nd—Aaron Cordell 23rd—Ed Bass 24th—Ken Lopez We would like to thank the congregation for your cards and 25th—Tyler Appleby, Darl Bishop prayers during this difficult time in our lives on the passing 26th—Chelsea Bishop, Helen Shoemaker of our daughter. Thanks to Pastor Stacy for his visits. 29th—Marlee Richards, Richie Skiber ~ George and Ruth Dopp 30th—Larry Holbert, Dennis Slodysko 31st—Linda Harbaugh The Greencastle-Antrim Women’s Fellowship meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 24th at the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Memorial Fellowship Hall), 130 N. Washington St. from 9:30—11:00 AM. Topic: “A Mission of Travel.” Speaker: Dottie Martin. For more information, see the flyer on the bulletin board. Do not forget to Spring forward on Saturday evening, March 7th. The Volunteers Sunday school class will be doing the Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 29th during the Sunday school Palm Sunday March 21st (FLC) 7:00—10:00 AM Free will offering All-U-Can-Eat Missions Trip Fund Raiser They waved palm branches as He passed And hailed Him as their King; Yet, they knew not of the sorrow The coming week would bring. The glad acclaim would soon give way To jeers and mockery; In Pilate’s court He’d be condemned To a cross on Calvary. But Jesus knew He was the price In God’s redemptive plan, The Sacrificial Lamb come down To die for sins of man. A mother asked her little girl if she had been good at church that day. “Yes Mother,” she replied. “A man offered me a big plate of money and I said, ‘No thankyou.”’ The centuries have passed and still He seeks those lost in sin, Pleading with unyielding hearts To repent and follow Him. On this day we shout our praise, O, let us not delay; The palm-strewn path of long ago Still leads to Him today. ~Kay Hoffman Monthly Duties Acolytes 1—Olivia Crawford 8—Emily Campbell 15—Esdon Yeager 22—Kyle Hengst 29—Bryce Heinbaugh Alter Flowers Kendra Wasberg Alter Guild Amanda Heinbaugh Chair Setup/Take Down 1—Cory Heinbaugh 8—Dave Lutz 15—Jeff Wetzel 22—Mike Cooper 29—Unity Sunday Greeters Traditional 1—Bill & Mitsie Shatzer 8—Joan Bowman & Evelyn Thompson 15—Kendra Wasberg & Catherine Thomas 22—Ann Bowers & Dorothy Reed 29—Dave & Jen Swam Greeters Praise & Worship 1—Julie Rawlings 8—Gail Emery 15—Tom & Rita Bowman 22—Tammy Steier 29—Unity Sunday Hall Monitor Sunday School Hour 1—Craig Emery 8—Lisa Fetterhoff 15—Cory Heinbaugh 22—Coy Rohm 29—Unity Sunday Nursery Praise & Worship 1—Andrea Cordell & Gail Emery 8—Amanda Heinbaugh, Julie & Haley Rawlings 15—Karen Horchner & Tammy Steier 22—Kelly Cooper & Lisa Fetterhoff 29—See under Traditional Nursery Ushers 1—Paul Ridenour, Lon Barkdoll, Gary Mitchell, Ray Mowen & Bill Needy 8—Paul Ridenour, Lon Barkdoll, Gary Mitchell & Ray Mowen 15—Paul Ridenour, Lon Barkdoll, Gary Mitchell & Ray Mowen 22—Paul Ridenour, Lon Barkdoll, Ray Mowen & Bill Needy 29—Paul Ridenour, Lon Barkdoll, Gary Mitchell & Bill Needy Just to let you know I put four people back on the schedule. We were short Coffee Setup/1st Service Hall Roamer of ushers this year & still are but in Hall Monitor Praise & Worship Service talking with Pastor Stacy we thought it 1—Denise Gleichman would be okay to do just two ushers 8—Casey Campbell 1—Scott Yeager the second thru the fifth Sunday’s. I 15—Coy Rohm 8—Pastor Cam Smith have been told you do not like it this 22—Bill Hengst 15—Brian Cordell way so I am putting four people back 29—Cory Heinbaugh 22—Tim Fetterhoff on each week. You may be doing 29—Unity Sunday more ushering this way because the Coffee Take Down original schedule was worked around Lay Reader the other duties you hold. It is going 1—Doug Horchner to vary week to week. Once I get the 8—Blaine Beam 1—Maggie Rose Crawford updated schedule done I will send you 15—Joe Fitz 8—Eric Bowman your dates. 22—Dave Lutz 15—Julie Rohm 29—Brian Cordell 22—Susie Stevens Kathy Statler 29—Amanda Heinbaugh Food Pantry Raisins, Instant Pudding, Gelatin, Nursery Traditional Manwich & Laundry Detergent 1—Jodi Plum & Kendra Wasberg 8—Coy, Julie & Connor Rohm 15—Shana Wolfe, Monica & Caitlin Eshleman 22—Jen Swam & Catherine Thomas 29—Lucy Witmer, Gail Emery & Olivia Crawford March 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 2 8:00 AM Bulletin announcements due 3 6:30—7:35 PM Body & Soul 7:00—9:00 PM Chri-Fi Bk. Club (125) 4 5:30—8:00 PM Wed. Nightlight 6:30—8:00 PM N.T. Bible Study (126) 6:45—8:00 PM Band of Brothers (125) 6:45—8:00 PM True Women (114) 8:00 PM Praise Team practice 5 9:00 AM Craft/Tea group (Parsonage) 10:30 AM Prayers for the Church & Its Mission 6:30—7:35 PM Body & Soul (FLC) 6 7 9 8:00 AM Bulletin announcements due 10 6:30—7:35 PM Body & Soul 11 9:30 AM UMW (120) 5:30—8:00 PM Wed. Nightlight 6:30—8:00 PM N.T. Bible Study (126) 6:45—8:00 PM Band of Brothers (125) 7:00—8:00 PM Wed. Worship (sanctuary) 8:00 PM Praise Team practice 12 Newsletter articles due 9:00 AM Craft/Tea group (Parsonage) 10:30 AM Prayers for the Church & Its Mission 6:30—7:35 PM Body & Soul (FLC) 13 14 15 5:30—8:00 PM Human Trafficking Awareness Youth Rally (Central Presbyterian Church) 16 8:00 AM Bulletin announcements due 17 6:30—7:35 PM Body & Soul 18 5:30—8:00 PM Wed. Nightlight 6:30—8:00 PM N.T. Bible Study (126) 6:45—8:00 PM Band of Brothers (125) 6:45—8:00 PM True Women (114) 8:00 PM Praise Team practice 19 9:00 AM Craft/Tea group (Parsonage) 10:30 AM Prayers for the Church & Its Mission 6:30—7:35 PM Body & Soul (FLC) 20 First Day of Spring 21 7:00—10:00 AM Pancake Breakfast (FLC) 22 6:00 PM The Family Project (FLC) 23 8:00 AM Bulletin announcements due 24 6:30—7:35 PM Body & Soul 7:00 PM Ad Council (114) 25 11:30 AM Prime Timers 5:30—8:00 PM Wed. Nightlight 6:30—8:00 PM N.T. Bible Study (126) 6:45—8:00 PM Band of Brothers (125) 7:00—8:00 PM Wed. Worship (sanctuary) 8:00 PM Praise Team practice 26 9:00 AM Craft/Tea group (Parsonage) 10:30 AM Prayers for the Church & Its Mission 6:30—7:35 PM Body & Soul (FLC) 27 28 29 Palm Sunday 30 8:00 AM Bulletin announcements due 31 6:30—7:35 PM Body & Soul 1 6:00 PM The Family Project (FLC) 8 Daylight Saving Time Begins 6:00 PM The Family Project (FLC) 10:00—11:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt during Sunday School 6:00 PM The Family Project (FLC) Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday What’s Happening At Youth Group? We are working through a series called “WHO IS YAHWEH?” The series is based on the simple yet complex questions about God. We are discussing how God is Creator, He is personal, He is both transcendent and immanent, He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, and more! These are BIG concepts; but we tackle them in a way that makes sense for us in our little minds through the process of both large group and small group discussion. Come on out Sunday night’s 6-8pm! THE FAMILY PROJECT Even if you missed the beginning, come on out! Your family can learn to love and honor God more than ever before! For ages 15 and up. Sunday night’s 6-8pm! HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS YOUTH RALLY SUNDAY, MARCH 15 5:30-8PM Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. Victims of human trafficking include children involved in the sex trade, adults age 18 or over who are coerced or deceived into commercial sex acts, and anyone forced into different forms of "labor or services," such as domestic workers held in a home, or farm-workers forced to labor against their will. SIGN UP AT THE YOUTH BULLETIN BOARD. PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! APRIL 24-25 SPONSOR A PARTICIPATING STUDENT Make it your fight.
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