Prayers Ben Comins, Geoff Irwin, Doris Green, Dorothy Trowbridge, Maurice West, Ruth Andrews and Beryl Bratt Those who have died recently: Bob Woolley Year’s Mind Madge Lill Marion Jean Kay Alan Rand (2014) (2008) (1958) Ron Harrison Roy Owen John Spencer (2007) (2009) (2006) Notices for inclusion in Sunday’s Pew Sheet should be sent by 10.00am on the preceding Tuesday to Lynne Combes at [email protected] or dropped in at 69 Ridgeway Confident Discipleship ‘The Year of Discipleship’ Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 18 February. This five-session Diocesan Lent course is designed to get us all thinking and talking about what it means to be a ‘disciple’ of Jesus today. The five sessions, which will be held in house groups at various times of day, have the themes: Come Follow Learn Change Go Please sign up on the sheets provided in church if you would like to take part. Details of dates and venues will follow. WEST LINDSEY OPEN CHURCHES / OPEN GARDENS WEEKEND As you know on the 9 and 10 May 2015 our church is taking part in West Lindsey Open Churches Weekend at our Church, and we would very much like to make this the biggest and best fundraising weekend we have had. Could YOU help, would you like to run a stall, or perhaps you have an idea of your own, if so please contact Lynne Combes on 823867. TRAIDCRAFT ARE HERE TODAY. If anyone is interested in helping out please have a chat with one of us Sue & Jo PALM CROSSES Please bring any Palm Crosses, blessed last year and put up in your house, and place it in the basket at the back of the church by Tuesday evening so they can be burned for Ash Wednesday. Spreading the News Publicity in Advent had a very positive effect on Christmas church attendances. We plan to continue delivering information to the whole village about our worship and other activities and you are needed to help with this. Please sign the list in church if you are able to deliver leaflets in one or more of the village streets. It will take only 30 or 40 minutes and will give you fresh air and exercise! Pray for each house as you deliver to it and you will have done a good job. Thank you Church Women's Fellowship will meet in the Old School, small room, at 2.15 p.m. on Monday February 16th. Julia McNeill's talk will be ' Prayer, a pathway to inner peace.' lAll Saints Church - Coach Outings 2015 16 May – York 19 September - Stratford upon Avon Ken & Martin are arranging three coach outings during 2015. The first, to the Thursford Christmas Spectacular, has already been announced and will take place in November or December on a date dependent May to York and the third, to Stratford - upon - Avon is on Saturday 19th September. For the York and Stratford visits the coach would leave the village at 8.30am and leave the destination at 6.00pm, arriving back in Nettleham at about 6.30pm. PC Coaches will once again be providing the coaches and as usual the cost of the outing will be cheaper per person the more there are who travel. Approximate costs to each destination are: Thursford - Dependent upon the price of the tickets - to be announced later York: Stratford: 33 seater coach - £13 pp - 49 seater £9pp - 53 seater £8.50pp 33 seater coach - £14pp - 49 seater £9.60 - 53 seater - £9pp To these approximate prices we would need to share the cost of coach parking if a charge is made and we would like to add £1pp to the price of each ticket to go towards church funds. If you wish to go on any of these outings please add your name and telephone number as soon as possible to the list at the back of the church. As a matter of interest the RSC in Stratford are producing “Matilda - The Musical’ at 2.30pm on the day we will be going. If you wish to see that production you would miss the bus home – so please consider that if you wish to book. The box office number is 0844 800 1110 KenMar Travel Consultants Confident Discipleship ‘The Year of Discipleship’ Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 18 February. This five-session Diocesan Lent course is designed to get us all thinking and talking about what it means to be a ‘disciple’ of Jesus today. The five sessions, which will be held in house groups at various times of day, have the themes: Come Follow Learn Change Go Present a CONCERT Please sign up on the sheets provided in church if you would like to take part. Details of dates and venues will follow. of Light Classical Music in All Saints Church Nettleham at 7.30pm on Monday 23rd March 2015 Tickets : £5 Available from: Sally, Lynne, Jocelyne, Margaret, Julie, Bob 01522 – 754145; 823867; 750988; 822487; 821161; 754654 SERVICES AND OTHER EVENTS THIS WEEK February 16th 2015 Monday 8.30am 2.15pm Feria Said Eucharist Church Women’s Fellowship Prayer, a pathway to inner peace; Julia McNeill Tuesday Janani Luwum, archbishop & martyr, 1977 Wednesday 8.30am 2.30pm 7.30pm ASH WEDNESDAY Said Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes Service of the Word with Imposition of Ashes Sung Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes Thursday 9.30am 2.30 pm 7.30 pm Feria Said Eucharist followed by coffee Music and Meditation Choir Practice Friday Feria Saturday Feria Next Sunday 8.00am 9.30am 11.15 11.15am 2.30 pm The First Sunday of Lent Said Eucharist Parish Eucharist Holy Baptism Morning Prayer at St. Mary’s Riseholme Special Meeting of Parochial Church Council Morning Prayer Weekdays at 8.00am Evening Prayer Weekdays at 5.30pm Readings next Sunday Genesis 9:8-17, 1 Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:9-15 Rector: Father Richard Crossland 01522 754752 Parish Deacon: Revd Richard Thornton 01522 821161 Honorary Assistant Priest: Revd Julia Hart Licensed Reader: Jane Hanson Parish Administrator: Sandra Best 07546 559085
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