MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL HOME OF THE OLD ABES 2225 Keith Street Eau Claire, WI 54701 General Number: (715) 852-6300 Attendance Office: (715) 852-6302 Partnership Coordinator: (715) 852-6307 Thursday, March 5, 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s a great day to be an Old Abe! d by the MHS Orches You are invited to a special ev ent occurring only once a year! Join the MHS Orchestra for their 17th Annual ITALIAN DINNER! Get your tickets now from an orchestra student. Buy now to be sure to get a Thanks to all who came out and supported U-Ghana Rock! This annual benefit concert at Memorial High School raises money for The Potters Village in Ghana. This year’s event was held last Friday night and what a night it was! Nine fabulous bands performed and $2073.76 was the total for the evening. Just a fantastic group of students in the U-Ghana Rock Club and advisor Matthew Mabis, MHS English teacher. The event was a huge success. Photos by students Nate Loiselle and Cody Bennett ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------Vision of the Eau Claire Area School District: “All children in the district are prepared for post-secondary success!” ------------------------------------------------- This Week’s Events To view the coming week’s athletic schedules, click here. Friday, March 6, 2015 ~U of M-Mankato rep in Student Services at 10:30 am Saturday, March 7, 2015 ~Show Choir competition at Totino Grace ~Set your clocks ahead an hour before going to bed Sunday, March 8, 2015 ~Daylight Savings Time Begins Monday, March 9, 2015 ~DECA State Conference in Lake Geneva (March 9-12) ~Army & Army Reserve reps in Student Services at 10:30 am ~Band Florida Trip Meeting, 7:00pm ~2015 Summer Dance Team tryouts Tuesday, March 10, 2015 ~DECA State Conference in Lake Geneva (March 9-12) ~National Guard rep in Student Services at 10:30 am ~McNally Smith College of Music-St. Paul rep in Student Services at 10:30 am ~2015 Summer Dance Team tryouts ~Forensic tournament at Memorial, 4:30 pm Wednesday, March 11, 2015 ~DECA State Conference in Lake Geneva (March 9-12) ~2015 Summer Dance Team tryouts Thursday, March 12, 2015 ~DECA State Conference in Lake Geneva (March 9-12) ~Luther College rep in Student Services at 9:30 am ~2015 Summer Dance Team tryouts Friday, March 13, 2015 ~MHS Special Angel’s Show, 9:30am ~2015 Summer Dance Team tryouts ~Choir Freshmen Trip to Orpheum (March 13-14) ~Thought for the Day~ “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt Saturday, March 14, 2015 ~Celebrate PI (3.1415) Day! 3.14.15 only happens once every 100 years! ~Once Upon a Prom event at Salon Professional Academy ~Choir Freshmen Trip to Orpheum (March 13-14) Sunday, March 15, 2015 ~Once Upon a Prom event at Salon Professional Academy Good News from Memorial The Chippewa Valley Nordic Ski Team saw great results at the Wisconsin State Championships Participants from Memorial and their overall finishes: Boys--Dan Delestry (senior) state champion in Freestyle and 2nd overall; Bjorn Lindstedt (senior) 51st; Chris Dominski (junior) 89th; Dan Dominski (freshman) 111th. The ECASD Boys High School Team finished 4th in the state. Dan Delestry was named to the Midwest team traveling to the Junior National Championships in Truckee, CA. Girls--Sophia Smith (sophomore) 23rd; Zoe Smith (sophomore) 24th; Kaija Hudacek (sophomore) 43rd; Leah Myhre (freshman) 66th; Noelle Urlaub (freshman) 73rd. The ECASD Girls High School Team finished 9th in the state. Congratulations to all MHS Show Choir participants! We have competed at Onalaska, Altoona, LaCrosse Logan, Monona Grove and will finish our competition season at Totino-Grace. Our Old Abe Show Choir has enjoyed successes including a Fourth Runner-up and two Third Runner-Up overall placements in addition to the Spirit Award at Altoona and Most Effective Choreography at Monona Grove. Congratulations and good luck at Totino-Grace! Congratulations to sophomore Paul DeLakis who became the state champion winning both the 200 IM and the 100 Breastroke! Paul DeLakis also set a new record in the 200 IM at State Champion setting a State and University Pool record of 1m 46.91s. Congratulations to the EC Memorial/North Swim and Dive team who finished 6th at the WIAA State meet. Read more by clicking here. Stong finish to a successful season! Way to go, MHS Art Students! 15th Annual Empty Bowl Event-Feed My People Food Bank will hold its 15th annual empty bowls benefit from 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. TODAY, Thursday, March 5 at the Florian Gardens (2340 Lorch Ave.) Tickets are $18 for a meal and a bowl, or $8 for the meal only. Memorial students will be donating about 36 bowl made by their own hands to the event that working to eliminate hunger. Check out this WEAU TV spot that showcases MHS students Matthew Morning and Zoey Heinz, along with teacher Matt Palm encouraging everyone to come to this worthy event. Bright Ideas Good information about Note Taking: Research has shown that our brains learn and remember new information best when we use color, symbols and diagrams, and connect it to familiar information that we already know. Your teen can use this knowledge to make notes that will help him/her better understand the information taught at school. News and Announcements To View the Bell Schedule, click here. School Breakfast and Lunch Menu, click here. District Calendar, click here. MHS Daily Announcements, click here Purple Wings, Student-News, click here Order your transcripts by clicking here. Questions? Contact the registrar at 715-852-6314 Making plans for next school year already? The 2015-16 School Year Calendar is now available. Click here. Safety is the prime concern Students need to leave MHS by 3:30 pm unless scheduled in after school activities. No exceptions! Please see an administrator with questions. Special Angels will present “Greatest Hits” March 13th Under the direction of music teacher, Linda Johnson, Special Angel students will present their show ‘Greatest Hits’ at Memorial High School. The show begins at 9:30 am, is free, and is open to the public but registration is requested. Please contact Linda Johnson asap at [email protected] with the reservation names of the people who are coming. Thank you! Like to tinker with words? Enter the Kristo Orthodontic sponsored, Scintilla Contest! Posters in the English wing. For help, grab a sample Scintilla outside room 1955! Deadline: March 20, 2015! $100 goes to the first place winner! Super way to help the Old Abe Booster Club and get a great meal! Buffalo Wild Wings is supporting all local high school booster clubs by donating back 10% of all sales made during the school year as long as this print out card or a picture of the card is shown at time of ordering or payment. (Click here for the card.) Anyone can show this – students, staff, parents, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Once Upon a Prom is cash free! It is March already and before you know it, Prom will be here. It is already time for the Once Upon a Prom event. This will take place on March 14 & 15 at The Salon Professional Academy (3408 Mall Drive,) but you must sign up at This is a service that allows students in need to receive a prom dress, shoes, purse and jewelry without any money! The cost is simply to give back to the community with six hours of community service. Have a prom dress you want to donate? Please drop off in the Memorial Attendance Office. Be part of the award winning Memorial Dance Team! Tryouts for the 2015 Summer Dance Team will be held March 9-13. Tryout packets are available in the athletic office. Chamber Accepting Applications for Youth Leadership Program Accepting applications from current sophomores for its Youth Leadership Eau Claire (YLEC) program. The YLEC program will include an overnight opening retreat July 30-31 in Trego, WI. Then, the class will meet one school day each month from September through May (except December) to discuss community issues, explore career opportunities and enhance their leadership skills. All program days are excused school absences. Tuition for the program is only $100 and Scholarships are available for students needing financial assistance. Candidates can download an application by clicking here or calling the Chamber at 715-834-1204. The deadline to submit an application is April 10. Public School Open Enrollment: February 2 – April 30, 2015. For information on Open Enrollment, click here. Eau Claire Area School District Summer Programs 2015 The deadline for all registrations is April 10, 2015. If you have any questions, please call the Summer Program office at 715-852-3114. Work-based learning opportunities, such as job shadows and mock interviews are available for all high school students, grades 9-12. Internship opportunities, such as Co-op and Youth Apprenticeship are available for juniors and seniors. The Eau Claire Area School District is excited to partner with the Eau Claire Area Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and other area school districts on a new, free, work-based learning website—Your Future Chippewa Valley! All students are highly encouraged to participate in at least one work-based learning opportunity during high school in order to explore a specific career cluster. More information about the ECASD work-based learning program can be found by clicking here. National Guard Lunch and Learn Staff Sergeant Tilseth, with the National Guard, will be bringing pizza and soda on Thursday, March 19 (during lunch hour) for any student that is a junior or senior and is interested in hearing about how the National Guard works or to ask any questions about benefits and/or pay. Please sign up in student services if you are interested in attending the National Guard Lunch & Learn (this will allow them to know how much food to order). Longfellow Alumni Ever wonder what's been going on in your old elementary school since you left? Former Longfellow students, here's your chance to find out! There's going to be an open house from 4:00-5:15 on Tuesday, March 10th where past Longfellow Elementary students can take a tour, enjoy some snacks and reconnect with childhood friends! All past Longfellow students who are in high school and adults of any age are welcome to attend. There will be tables set up with information on what the school has been up to and they want to hear from you. Current Longfellow students will be there to show alumni around the school. Any questions or concerns please email Holly Larson at [email protected] for more information. We hope to see you there! As parents, we all want our children to have a safe and memorable graduation and this parentsponsored activity is the answer. However, we can't do it without your help! ALL parents, no matter what grade your student(s) are in, are needed to help make this a successful and memorable party for our graduates. We will be looking for people to help set up and decorate before the party, people to work during the party and people to help put away the decorations when the party is over. Click here to see how you can volunteer. Everyone’s favorite American Library Association book awards are now out! Who doesn’t like those butterflies they get with the latest movie release because they’ve already read the book and can’t wait to see it in live action? Many popular movies come from award winning books, so check out these terrific reads! Michael J. Printz Award: Given to the best book written for teens. Nonfiction Award: The award for Excellence in Nonfiction for young adults. Best Fiction for Young Adults: The best fiction for reading ages 12 to 18. Many of the popular books to cycle through teen hands will show up here. Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers: Books that appeal to teens reluctant to read for various reasons. If your child/student has difficulty finding the motivation to read, this list may help them find the right book. Postsecondary Readiness Visit with college/armed forces representatives right here at MHS! -Tuesday, March 17: Army ROTC @ 9:30 am -Wednesday, March 18: St. Thomas @ 10:30 am -Thursday, March 19: National Guard Lunch & Learns during lunches AP (Advanced Placement) Test Form due with payment by March 18. Click here CVTC Open House: CVTC will be hosting a parent/student open house on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 from 4:00-7:00pm at the Business Education Center. Explore programs and discover how a degree from CVTC can lead you to a rewarding ca-reer. Registration is requested; walk-ins welcome. For more information click here. Questions? contact Chelsea at 715-831-7243 or [email protected]. CVTC Career Tours: Career tour is offered for students interested in hands-on, high paying careers. Program information and tours last from 9:15 am – 12:30 pm, Tuesday, April 14. Registration is required and space is limited so early registration is recommended. If you have questions about Career tour or would like to register contact Chelsea at 715-831-7243 or e-mail [email protected]. For information on Blugold Beginnings or After-School program, contact Shannon Waterhouse at [email protected] or 715-836-3456. Class of 2015 Graduation Countdown: 96 more days until graduation on June 9th Did you know that many scholarships go unused because no one applies for them? To view current available scholarships, click here. New ones are added all the time so check often! Mark Your Calendar for the Month Ahead March 18, AP Test Forms due March 20, Kristo Orthodontics sponsored Scintilla Contest entries due March 23-27, Spring Break-All Schools Closed March 21-26, Band Spring Break Florida Trip March 31, Parent/Teacher Conferences at MHS, 3:15-6:45pm April 1, NHS induction April 2, End of third quarter April 3, No School April 6, Parent/Teacher Conferences at MHS, 3:15-6:45pm April 10, deadline to submit Chamber Youth Leadership Program application April 10, deadline for Eau Claire Area School District Summer Programs 2015 registration April 11, Solo & Ensemble (District level) April 17-18, Eau Claire Jazz Fest at UWEC Words of the Week (W.O.W.) Brought to you by Annis Williams (Reading Specialist) [email protected] Root: loc, log – speech Eloquent [ˈel-ә-kwәnt] Adjective. 1) Fluent, forcible, elegant, or persuasive. 2) Expressing strong emotions in striking and appropriate language, thereby producing conviction or persuasion. Sentence – James was eloquent in explaining his reason for class absence, but his story was too fantastic to believe. Colloquial [kә-ˈlō-kwē-әl] Adjective. Characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing; informal. Sentence - Most of Professor Jones’ lectures were formal, but when she used colloquial speech she found that students paid more attention and were engaged in the discussion. ********************************************************************************** Common Errors: Heal/Heel Heal - verb – to become healthy, well. Heal is what you do when you get better. Heel -noun- the back of the human foot below the ankle and behind the arch, also the end of crusty bread. To remember the meaning of “heal,” note that it is the beginning of the word “health.” Achilles’ heel was the only place the great warrior could be wounded in such a way that the injury wouldn’t heal. This led to the origin of the term, “Achilles’ heel” meaning a weakness or vulnerability. Manz Craft Fair! The Manz Elementary Craft Fair is Saturday, March 14. Eau Claire Community Spotlight Teen Tech Series at the public library The first session will be Saturday, March 7 at 1:30 p.m. and will feature light painting with iPads. Registration required. Ages 10 and up can register by calling 715-839-5007 or emailing [email protected]. April 4 at 1:30 is Hour of Code; May 2 at 1:30 is MaKeyMaKey. From the Eau Claire City-County Health Department The top health priorities for Eau Claire County were recently identified through a series of community conversations. Please join us on March 18th, 6:30-8:30 p.m., RCU Corporate Center in downtown Eau Claire to hear about the top health priorities for Eau Claire County and additional local health data. We need you engaged in making a difference in our community. We will actively discuss working toward prevention of these critical health issues and identify resources surrounding the community’s priority concerns at this meeting. This event is free and open to the public. Please register at: A light meal and valuable prize drawings are included. For information on upcoming shows and auditions at ECCT and Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild, go to and Touched Twice Clinic on Saturday, April 18, from 9 am-2 pm, at Bethesda Lutheran Church 123 W. Hamilton Ave in Eau Claire. It is open to anyone with a need and all services are free. Doctor appointment, blood pressure check, cholesterol/glucose screening, dental service, vision screening/repurposed eyewear, chiropractic, haircuts, oil changes, or massage. Free clothing, a hot meal, community resources, resume’ building, financial counseling and “time to chat” counseling will also be available. Eau Claire Fastpitch League Registration/Clinic is Sunday, March 8th at the Eau Claire Sport Warehouse 14u & High School 11 am-12:30 pm; 8u 12:45-2 pm; 10u 2:15-3:30 pm; 12u 3:45-5 pm. Flyer and other information for both these events can be found at Please contact Kris Chapman (715-828-1409) with any questions. Eau Claire Fury Summer Tournament Team Registration/Try-outs are Sunday, March 15th at the Eau Claire Sport Warehouse 14u, 16u, 18u 11 am-12:30 pm; 10u 12:45-2 pm; 12u 2:15-3:30 pm. Flyer and other information for both these events can be found at Please contact Kris Chapman (715-828-1409) with any questions. Join Longfellow for the 9th Annual Jeanne Richie Memorial Puddle Jump, April 18, 2015! Longfellow’s Jeanne Richie Memorial Puddle Jump is a not-for-profit event. In 2014 it granted over $7000 to student scholarships for community programs and to Longfellow’s after-school 21st Century Community Learning Center! Click here to learn more and to register. (Team & Advanced Registration deadline is March 19th) All announcements and information gathered in the MHS Weekly News is originated by the teacher, coach, administrator, advisor, or individual in charge of the event/program/happening. Disclaimer of the Eau Claire Area School District. The Eau Claire Area School District from time to time permits the distribution of information about appropriate non-commercial activities sponsored by nonprofit organizations. The fact that this information is distributed through the Eau Claire School System does not mean or imply sponsorship of, or support of, the activity by the school system. Any problems related to the operation of the activity will be strictly between the participant and the sponsoring organization. Request for further information about the activity should be directed to the sponsoring organization.
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