Third Sunday in Lent In the temple He found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. And making a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And He poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. John 2:14–15 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 1010 North Webster, Taylorville, IL, 62568-1277 (217) 824-8148 FAX: (217) 824-8149 E-mail:[email protected] (Announcements & Calendars can be found @ our Web Site: Pastor: Rev. Rodney Blomquist (217) 824-4705 Trinity Lutheran Preschool: 824-8148 Trinity Lutheran ChildCarePLUS: 287-2229 [email protected] Worship: Saturday: 6:15 p.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (Located in the Preschool Rooms) Sunday Morning Fellowship: 10:30 a.m. Adult Bible Class: 10:45 a.m. Office Hours: Monday: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (Lunch Hour 12:30-1:30 p.m.) Friday: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. “SHARING WITH OUR FAMILY IN CHRIST” March 7 & 8, 2015 1 +WORSHIP + ►ALTAR FLOWERS–Placed by Trinity Lutheran Church For Blessings Received. THE FLOWER CHART FOR 2015 has been posted and ready for you to pick your dates for Flowers On The Altar. Dates open March 22 & March 29. RITUAL OF FRIENDSHIP REGISTER: We thank you for the faithful use of the red booklet in the pews; please continue to record your name; attendance at communion and also pass the booklet to your neighbor; this can be done before the service begins, during the offering or at the end of the service. Our visitors are encouraged to sign the red booklet also; and if you would like us to make contact with you, please include your address and phone number. FOR OUR LITTLEST LAMBS: It is our joy as a congregation to have these little ones in our midst during worship; but it is hard for these precious souls to sit all the way through the service. The Preschool Room is available for them; the room is divided in two halves; the front half is for the Sunday School; and the back half by the windows is for your use during the services; speakers are on so that you, the parents, can still listen to the sermon; if you find the door locked or the speakers not working, contact one of the ushers. NEED LARGE PRINT OR UNFAMILIAR WITH OUR HYMNAL: Our ushers have worship folders available for your use; you may simply request a copy from them; HEARING ASSISTING RECEIVERS are available; just ask the ushers for one; MARCH 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS, ANNIVERSARIES AND BIRTHDAYS are available in the Narthex or just ask an usher for one as you enter the Sanctuary. ►THOSE RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED: Lois Cook @ Memorial Medical Center; THOSE RECOVERING AT HOME: Lillian Greene; Janice Fouts, Omar Masters; Frances Beck; Mary Ladage; Judy Rigdon; Larry Wheeler; Roberta Trelz; Carl Reed; THOSE WITH ONGOING HEALTH CONCERNS: Prayer request for a nephew of a church member; Lois Cook; Tricia Wells; Kim Tucker; Jan Fouts; Lisa Waller; Gary Sams; Hank Behrends; Debbie Prehn; NON-MEMBER CONCERNS: Marion Sparks for his brother, Tom Sparks, has stage 4 lung cancer; Dee Wozniak; Denise Corso’s sister, Brenda; Janice Kettelkamp. Frances Beck’s son-in-law’s sister; Delorus Shoup’s cousin; Judy Jacob’s grandson & granddaughter; Linda Hartig’s sister; Patti Esswein’s Daughter; Norvella Arkebauer’s Mother; Those suffering from natural and manmade disasters; Regina Wilderman; Carol Baumgartener’s husband, Dale; Lois Cook’s niece, Jackie; Chris Owens, a stroke. Lillian Reller’s nephew, Lonnie, his cancer is back; Kitty Chance’s friend Billie 2 Houghland, stage 3 lung cancer; Frances Beck’s son, Gary; Lillian & Lyle Reller’s son; Bill & Doris Schroyer; Shirley Sam’s niece-Angela Snow; Shirley Sam’s & Rose Blackburn’s friend, Randy Green. MILITARY MEMBERS: Marjorie Evans; Justin & Jared Misiorek; Andy Noblet; Andrew Wendling; Richie Holmes; Shawn Masters; Hayle Wendling; Brandon Mills; Pete Knope II. MILITARY PERSONNEL CONNECTED TO OUR WORSHIPING FAMILY: Nephews of Pastor & Tammy Blomquist; Lyle & Lillian Reller’s 3 grandsons: Kyle, Josh, and Jake; Johnnie Coons through the Inspirational Booklet Ministry; Patti Esswein’s sons, Gene & Billy Esswein; Ken & Dorothy Gatton’s grandson, Josh; Barb McMahon’s son, Peter Koepp; Emily Gurley’s husband, Justin; Joshua the husband of Annie Plant; Lyle & Lillian Reller’s grandsons – Drake and Blake; Zach, Cory, Eric & Talon Bonacorsi – grandsons of Ella & Gary Julius. CARDS AND NOTES FROM HOME NEEDED: Josh & Annie Plant, 1078 Highland Blvd., Cabot, AR 72023-6001; Sr A Brandon Mills, 386 EOG/EOSS, APO AE 09855; Justin & Emily Gurley. Peter Knope, 3206 Santiago Ave., Box 332A, Fort Wainwright, AK 99703-6201; JT & Marjorie Evans, 6232 Dancing Sky Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80911-8319. If your son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter is in the service and would like to hear from us, submit their addresses to the Church office. ►LENTEN SERVICES are Wednesday evenings @ 7:00 p.m. This year’s theme will be the Penitential Psalms. For those not able to drive at night, the Wednesday morning Bible Class will look at these Psalms that draw our attention to the grace and forgiveness God gives through Christ. We will also use parts of the evening service in our discussion and opening prayer. Lenten meals will be served on Wednesdays at 5-6:30 p.m.; the cost is a free will offering with proceeds to go to a cause of the host/hostess choice. ►On March 11 the Lenten Meal will consist of Pulled Pork Bar-B-Que Sandwiches, Potato Salad and Dessert, and is provided by Kandy & Kristine Andruch and they have made their charity the Day Care. THE LUTHERAN INDIAN MINISTRIES – 2015 Lenten Devotions is available on the table in the Narthex. + NURTURE & CARE + THY STRONG WORD - on your Lutheran Radio Station Worldwide KFUO Radio. This week we will finish up the Book of Matthew & begin the Book of Genesis. Monday, March 9 – Matthew 28 “The Resurrection”; Tuesday, March 10 – Ask The Pastor with Rev. John Lukomski; Wednesday March 11 – Live Lenten Service; Thursday, March 12 – Genesis 1 “The Beginning of Creation” and Friday, March 13 – Genesis 2 “The Seventh Day, God Rests”. Join host Rev. Will Weedon and explore God’s Word together, 11 a.m. –Noon CDT. Find us at and follow us at 3 ►NEW AT THE MAGAZINE RACK: Lutheran Bible Translators: The Messenger: Celebrating with All the Saints in Ghana + MERCY + ►CHARITY/MISSION OF THE MONTH FOR MARCH: TMA – Taylorville Ministerial Association Emergency Fund ►OFFERINGS: February 25, February 28 & March 1, 2015: $ 1,773.00 Weekly Budget needs: $ 3,605.80 January Income: $ 12,148.00 January Expense: $ 15,081.13 Year to date receipts thru January: $ 12,148.00 Year to date expenses thru January: $ $15,081.13 Difference between Yearly Income and Yearly Expense: (- $2,933.13) FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nancy Tullis was received into membership by affirmation of faith; Ed Janssen was appointed chairman of the Ad hoc committee to review the constitution; The replacement of the tiles in the south room ceiling has begun; The DayCare has begun to repaint their classrooms; April 18 DayCare will be holding a Bazaar; 15 have registered for next fall’s 3 & 4 year old preschool; Furnace repairs were made this past week. Thank you Yard Heating and Cooling. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH – is available and can be found in the magazine stand; on the table in the Narthex or on our website The April – June Portal of Prayers and the April – June Today’s Light are available on the table in the Narthex. LWML NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT – Our District President, Cheryl Long has just gotten word from the District Treasurer with the Mite Updates; Funded in January: Camp CILCA-$8,000 and Feed My Starving Children-$6,000; Funded in February: Beardstown Latino Ministry-Outreach Workers$10,000. This report shows what all of your pennies put together with all the other LWML ladies in our District can do to help others. Anyone can help in the congregation at any time by placing your pennies in our Large LWML Box in the Narthex. Thanks for what our congregation does in that effort. ► LIFE THOUGHTS IN THE CHURCH YEAR: The Third Sunday in LentGod did not send Moses into Egypt with the Ten Commandments and say, “Keep these and I will see what I can do about getting you out of here.” No, He got them out of there. He redeemed them from the “house of slavery” (Exodus 4 20:2). He tells them, “This is how redeemed people live.” Keeping the commandments and making good choices in our lives is not the way of salvation. It flows from salvation. Mid-Week Stewardship Thought Serving Others One of the real joys in life that God gives us is the opportunity to serve and help others. A “thank you” from those we help is nice but even more rewarding is the inner satisfaction which comes from doing something for someone else. Unfortunately, because of our human nature, we tend to focus on our own needs and desires rather than being sensitive to the needs of others. Our primary example of service is the life that Jesus lived while on earth. Jesus lived a perfect life of complete service to those He came to save, and His death and resurrection were His supreme acts of service. Jesus said that the most important commandment is ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ ” (Mark 12:3031). Our service is made possible through love. If love is not the motivating force behind the service, then our service is done for the wrong reasons. Prayer: Lord, I thank You that You did not come to be served but rather to serve. Help me, Lord, to be faithful in service to those in need and to see others as my brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen. Blessings on your journey as a steward! + LIFE TOGETHER + ►March 8– March 15, 2015 Sunday 9:15 Worship Service with Rev. Mark Miller 10:30 Sunday School 10:45 Adult Sunday School (Presentation By Rev. Mark Miller, President of the Central Illinois District) 2:30 Chapel Service @ Hickory Estates Monday-Friday: 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. TLC ChildCarePLUS Daycare Monday 8:45 4 yr. old Preschool 3:30 High School Bible Study Tuesday 8:45 3 yr. old Preschool 9:00 Pastor’s Conference 3:30 Jesus Company 5:30 ChildCare Plus Board of Education 6:00 Girl Scout Meeting 7:00 LifeLight (Genesis Part II Lesson 6) 7:00 Trustees Meeting Wednesday 8:45 4 yr. old Preschool 9:30 Chapel 5 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10:00 Adult Bible Study (Penitential Psalms) 12:00 Taylorville Ministerial Assn Meeting 1:30 Prison Ministry & Communion 3:30 7th&8th Grade Confirmation Class 5:00 Lenten Meal 6:00 Chime Practice 6:30 Voice Choir Practice 7:00 Lenten Service IV 8:45 3 yr. old Preschool 9:30 Chapel 1:00 Bible Study - TCC 3:30 6th Grade Confirmation Class 6:00 Loving Arms Fundraising Banquet @ TMH AUDITORIUM 8:45 4 yr. old Preschool 6:15 Worship Service 9:15 Worship Service 10:30 Sunday School 10:45 Adult Sunday School (Beginning a New Study: Jesus’ “I Am” Words) ►TAYLORVILLE FOOD PANTRY – has sent us a thank you for our recent gift to the Taylorville Emergency Food Pantry; they were able to make good use of our donation. REV. MARK MILLER, PRESIDENT OF THE CENTRAL ILLINOIS DISTRICT will be our guest preacher on March 8th. He will also make a presentation on the work of the district throughout central Illinois and the world. This presentation will be during the Sunday School hour beginning at 10:45 a.m. IT’S THAT TIME, when we start thinking spring, gardens and Easter. The time to order Easter Flowers for the Altar is fast approaching. We will be ordering from Kroger’s; the flowers will be in 6” pots with foil and sell for $8 each; flowers available – Easter lily, Daffodil, Hyacinth or Tulips. If paying by check, please make your check payable to Trinity Lutheran Church and designate for your flower purchase. Orders need to be in by Sunday, March 15th and payment is due with your order. Order forms are available on the lectern in the Narthex. REGISTRATON FOR THE 2015-2016 PRESCHOOL YEAR: Registration is continuing for enrollment for our Preschool for the 2015-2016 school year. Any child who will be 3 or 4 years of age on or before September 1st is eligible to register at this time. To register or for more information, please call the church office or Jessica Mills, Director at 824-8148 LENTEN DINNER CAN BE FUNDED, please see or call Lois Hesse at 820-6064. 6 SHADOW HOME has sent us a request for Clorox Wipes, Dawn Dish Soap, Fabric Softener and a new mop (no rag mops, please!); these items can be brought to the church and deposited in the plastic collection tub for Shadow Home. IN CASE OF WINTER WEATHER: In case of inclement weather, listen to WTIM 97.3 or any of the Miller Media Radio Stations for cancellations for the church and Preschool. If you have any questions, please call the church (824-8148). Child Care Plus closures and cancellations will be announced separately on the radio. If you have questions, please call the Day Care (287-2229). Thank You. MORE INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING EVENTS CAN BE SEEN ON OUR BULLETIN BOARD IN THE NARTHEX. LOVING ARMS CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER ANNUAL FUNDRAISING BANQUET –is Thursday, March 12, 2015, at Taylorville Memorial Hospital Auditorium. Seating begins at 6 p.m. The featured speaker is Abby Johnson, today Abby travels the globe, sharing her story and educating the public on pro-life issues. If anyone from our church is interested in attending, contact Stacey Wood, Administrative Assistant, at 824-7200 in order to make reservations. There is no cost to attend; however, an opportunity to make a financial gift will be extended. ►MARK YOUR CALENDAR – Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 204 N. Pine Street, Nokomis, IL – Sunday, March 15, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Spaghetti Dinner. Menu: spaghetti, salad, breadsticks, dessert and drink; free will offering, proceeds go to various charities and church projects. . ►Trinity Travel Agency brings you the deal of the year! All expense paid “trip” to the Holy Land! Saturday, March 21, 8:30-12 Sign up now for our package deal—Journey to the Cross—and all this is included: • Walk to Bible stations and meet witnesses to Jesus’ last days on earth! • Get a brand new Passport filled with stickers of places you visit! • Sample foods, experience cultural differences, see what Bible life was like! Get your Journey start time now while space is still available. Journey to the Cross a hands on Holy Week learning experience for all ages at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1201 W. Jackson, Auburn IL. To register for a tour time, contact Donna Moldenhauer at 438-3872 for more details. 7 Journey to the Cross! Come and experience Easter like never before! © 2009 Concordia Publishing House. Permission granted for purchaser to make copies for Journey to the Cross. ►TRINITY PEORIA CONCERT SERIES (SPRING 2015) The Story of Holy Week: An Easter Cantata for Handbells, Friday, March 27, 7 p.m., Peoria, IL; Handbell Workshop, Saturday, March 28 – 10-1 p.m., Kristine Stout, clinician LERT (Lutheran Emergency Response Training) Volunteer Training Events 8:00am-4:30pm Registration begins at 8:00 am Sessions begin at 8:30 am The registration fee is $35 which includes your disaster response training manual, LCMS volunteer vest, other helpful materials, and lunch. Plus, you will receive your certificate of participation and volunteer certification badge from LCMS Disaster Response and the Office of National Mission. Led by Randy Wolf, LCMS (CID) Disaster Response Coordinator and Stephen Born, LCMS (CID) Disaster Response Regional Coordinator. May 2, 2015 Trinity Lutheran Church, Taylorville > Registration Form can be found on the table in the narthex or at the CID website. Welcome to the Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) volunteer training program provided by the LCMS Office of National Mission. Together we will walk through a simple training program designed to help you serve as a trained Christian volunteer when a disaster strikes. This training is part of a Synod-wide disaster response program, facilitated by a network of District Disaster Response Coordinators and Teams, under the direction of LCMS Disaster Response. At the close of the program, you will receive a certificate of participation and a LERT volunteer credential issued by LCMS Disaster Response. This 6 hour training event will equip you to be an effective volunteer should a disaster strike your community. ►IN YOUR WORSHIP THIS MORNING, thank God for bringing into your life friends who need to know Him. Ask God to give you the courage and opportunities to tell them the Good News of Jesus Christ. (►) Indicates new announcements for this week. *If you would like to know about our ON-GOING MINISTRIES, ask the ushers for a copy of the Booklet that list all the opportunities to hear the Word of God, care for others and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. *ANNOUNCMENTS ONLINE: Would you like to receive the Weekly Announcements by e-mail? Just add your email address by your name in the red Registry of Friendship book when you sign your attendance at church on Saturday or Sunday or call the church office @217-824-8148. (If you decide to receive the Weekly Announcements by e-mail, please ask for a Worship Note pamphlet only when you enter the Sanctuary). 8
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